Acute arthritis: treatment


  • 1Acute arthritis: causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment strategies
    • 1.1Symptoms
    • 1.2Diagnostic Methods
    • 1.3Features of treatment of the disease
  • 2What is acute arthritis? Its symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Symptoms of acute arthritis
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Treatment
    • 2.5Medication
    • 2.6Diet
    • 2.7Surgical intervention
    • 2.8Treatment with traditional medicine
  • 3Varieties and signs of acute arthritis: treatment features
    • 3.1Multiple lesions of joints
    • 3.2Lesion of one joint
    • 3.3Diagnosis of the disease
    • 3.4Treatment of pathology
  • 4Acute arthritis of the joints: symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1Symptoms of acute arthritis
    • 4.2Causes of acute arthritis
    • 4.3Methods of diagnosing a disease
  • 5What is acute arthritis and how to treat it
    • 5.1Manifestations of the disease
    • 5.2Factors of occurrence
    • 5.3Diagnostics
    • 5.4Methods of treating the disease

Acute arthritis: causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment strategies

The acute form of arthritis differs from chronic arthritis in that the symptoms are more pronounced, accompanied by a high rate of destructive arthritis on the joints.

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And this form of the disease can have localization in any area - the ankle, elbow, shoulder, knee and other joints. There are cases in medical practice, when an attack of arthritis passes independently.

However, in most situations, urgent and systemic treatment should begin.


Symptoms occur dramatically and remain strong throughout the course of the illness. Among the characteristic symptoms of acute arthritis are the following:

  1. There is a strong, sharp joint pain that is not attached to the time of the day and lasts constantly. Acute monoarthritis is accompanied by sharp pain of one joint: humerus, ankle, knee, elbow. With a fit of polyarthritis, multiple pain attacks occur in several joints.
  2. In the area of ​​inflammation, skin temperature rises. Possible specific eruptions, cyanotic or bard spots.
  3. A little above the affected shoulder, ankle, knee or elbow joints a swelling is formed. During acute polyarthritis, the hands and feet are completely swollen.
  4. The general condition of the patient worsens due to indirect symptoms: headache, fever, nervousness, body aches, insomnia. Often patients do not pay attention to such signs, referring them to the causes of infectious disease.
  5. The most obvious symptom is a violation of the full functioning of the sick zones. Due to the pain associated with the destruction of connective tissue, a person is deprived of the opportunity to use the injured limbs as a standard. Inflammation of the ankle, knee, hip joint interferes with walking freely. Disease of the hands, shoulder, elbow joint limits mobility of the hand.

The manifestation of primary arthritis in acute form can provoke the following circumstances +

  • Failures in metabolism. When the process of excretion from the body of the products of the decomposition of urinary salts, such substances gradually accumulate in the joints. This complicates blood circulation and nutrition of the organs, resulting in inflammation.
  • Genetic predisposition. Particular attention must be paid to a person who has people with some kind of arthritis in his family. The risk of acute arthritis is significantly increased.
  • Excess body weight. Because of the heavy load on the joints, the risk of acute arthritis is increased many times. This especially applies to the foot, ankle, knee, hip joints, since the maximum load falls on the legs.
  • Available diseases. There are a number of diseases that provoke the disease with an acute form of arthritis. Among the group of such diseases are autoimmune and infectious.
  • Unfavorable working conditions. Multiple supercooling, high humidity, disproportionate physical loads are the consequence of acute joint disease, which are most affected by such factors.
  • Irrational nutrition. Excessive eating of foods with a high content of salt crystals, settling in the joint area, invariably leads to their inflammation.
  • Stress. Constant stay in stressful situations is the catalyst for the manifestation of acute arthritis. Usually under the influence of stress, the hand is affected.
  • Power sports. Systematic excessive physical activity slowly but surely leads to deformation and destruction of connective tissues in the joints. Subsequently, an acute inflammatory process begins in the affected joints. The greatest risk of the disease in the foot, hands, ankle, knee, shoulder and elbow joints.

Diagnostic Methods

Significant data for the diagnosis of the disease include the location of the inflammation, the number and prevalence of patients joints, sex and age of the patient, available concomitant diseases, indirect symptoms taken by the patient medication treatment.

If, during a primary examination, the doctor determines the symptoms of acute inflammation, a number of refining studies must be passed to confirm the diagnosis. Among them:

  1. General and peripheral blood analysis.With inflammation in the blood there is an increased level of leukocytes. At the same time, accurate indications of the analysis characterize the degree of inflammation in the tissues.
  2. X-ray. Using an X-ray, the stage of deformation of the legs (foot, ankle, knee, hip joints) and hands (brushes, elbow and shoulder joints), determine the presence of synovial fluid, or pus.
  3. Puncture. It is taken from the source of the disease to determine the form of the course of arthritis.
  4. Rheumatoid test.It allows to reveal the dystrophy of the cartilaginous tissue and confirm a sharp exacerbation.

Features of treatment of the disease

The key factor in determining the tactics of treatment is the etiology of the disease - serous or purulent.

When treating the serous form of acute arthritis, it is necessary to ensure the rest of the affected area in order to prevent the appearance of contractures and pathological dislocations.

In the case of a disease, for example, an ankle, traction using weights is used to reduce the intensity of the sharp pain.

This manipulation will eliminate pain and prevent the development of pathological subluxation.

If there is no technical opportunity to draw limbs, resort to the use of tires and fixation bandages.

Thus, the reflex tension in the muscles will be removed and sharp pain removed.

But treatment by fixing the joint is permissible only for a short time, so that it does not lead to ankylosis.

If the patient has a purulent form, in addition to the actions described above, it is necessary to achieve elimination of purulent inflammation.

For this, puncture and aspiration of the disease focus is used.


After the aspiration procedure, medications (antibiotics and concomitant solutions) are injected into the joint.


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What is acute arthritis? Its symptoms and treatment

Acute arthritis is one of the forms of the course of arthritis (inflammatory joint disease). It occurs absolutely for all types of the disease.

Regardless of the localization (ankle, knee, elbow, hip, shoulder joint, hand or foot), is characterized by persistent severe pain in the affected joints.

Can be serous, serous - fibrous, purulent. Although there are cases when an attack of acute arthritis passes independently. The vast majority of exacerbations should be diagnosed in a timely manner and fully treated.

The disease has characteristic severe symptoms and will not go unnoticed even at an early stage, when the treatment will bring the greatest benefit.

When hypothermia arthritis may occur


The emergence of primary acute arthritis can be provoked by several factors:

  1. Heredity. If close relatives suffer from any of the types of arthritis, the opportunity to acquire its acute form is significantly increased since problems with joints have already been laid on the genetic level.
  2. Imbalance of metabolism. The complete elimination of the substances of the disintegration of urinary salts ceases, they begin to be heavily deposited in joints, causing interruptions in nutrition and blood supply and provoking inflammation.
  3. Accompanying illnesses. A sufficiently large number of infectious and autoimmune diseases can give rise to the onset of the disease.
  4. Bad habits. Smoking and the abuse of alcohol products are the surest way to get an acute inflammation of the joints.
  5. Excess weight. Excess body weight negatively affects all joints, but most of all the legs suffer. The threat to the hip, knee, ankle and foot is repeatedly increased.
  6. Incorrect food. Overeating and predominance in the menu of foods rich in substances, contributing to subsidence in the tissues of joints of salt deposits (purines), is one of the most common catalysts for acute arthritis.
  7. Professional activity. If the work involves regular exposure in an unfavorable environment (high humidity, hypothermia) or excessive physical activity, then in the risk zone are almost all joints, and especially in the shoulder, elbow, brushes hands.
  8. Employment of power sports. Permanent overload on the hands and feet can cause gradual deformation and destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints followed by a sharp inflammatory process.
  9. A stressful situation or a strong nervous strain also enters into the causes capable of causing an attack of acute arthritis. Most often, acute arthritis begins.

Joint pain is the first sign of arthritis

Symptoms of acute arthritis

The reason for the visit to the clinic should be the following symptoms of this disease:

  1. A sharp, constant, pain in the joint does not change with the time of the day. In the acute form of monoarthritis, pain sensations are observed in the zone of one joint: the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle. If the disease has the form of acute polyarthritis, the pain touches the hands and joints of the foot.
  2. Formation of a slight swelling above the sore spot. In acute polyarthritis, the legs and hands may swell completely.
  3. The skin over the aching joint becomes hot to the touch. Sometimes, redness is possible.
  4. Impossibility of normal functioning. When the shoulder joint is injured, the arm stops rising; elbow - to bend; hands - maximum all the movements of the fingers are hampered; hip, knee, ankle, foot - any movement causes severe pain. Virtually lost the ability to move around.
  5. Deterioration of the general condition of the body: fever, bones, headaches, nervousness, insomnia. These are indirect symptoms that are easily confused with an infectious disease.
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Diagnosis of arthritis of joints


If there are symptoms that indicate the occurrence of acute arthritis, you must immediately go to see a specialist, since.

treatment in the initial stage is much more effective than treatment of a neglected disease, when irreversible damage to the joint has already occurred.

The doctor will conduct a primary examination and a survey to find out how the symptoms correspond to the acute form of arthritis. When confirming suspicions, a set of additional studies is assigned:

  1. Radiograph. The pictures allow you to see the changes and deformations of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle, arms or foot.
  2. Blood test. The inflammatory process in the joints causes leukocytosis, which is easily detected in the study.
  3. Rheumatoid test. Confirms the dystrophy of the joint tissues and the presence of acute inflammation.
  4. Puncture. A common diagnostic method, when symptoms indicate acute inflammation of the shoulder, knee, elbow, ankle joint. In acute polyarthritis with lesions of hands or feet, such a test is usually not prescribed.

Treatment of shock-wave therapy


Treatment of acute arthritis is somewhat different than treatment of this disease in a chronic stage or remission.

This is due to acute inflammation, which makes some methods, included in the complex treatment of arthritis of any etiology, ineffective and contraindicated. The prohibited methods include:

  1. Massage. In acute form, the tactile effect on the affected area is contraindicated.
  2. Physiotherapy. The main criterion for rapid overcoming of the acute phase is complete rest and absence of any physical load on the diseased joints.
  3. Physiotherapy. At the heart of almost all procedures is a heating effect on the affected area, which will only worsen and complicate the course of the disease in acute inflammation.

The main factor affecting the treatment is the form of acute arthritis: serous, serous - fibrous, purulent. Also important is the affected area: the ankle, knee, elbow joint, arms and foot.

Complex treatment, appointed individually, includes several variants of influence with the purpose of removal of an inflammation, decrease or elimination of pain, preventing the transformation of the disease into a more serious stage, accompanied by severe deformation joints:

  1. Drug treatment.
  2. Diet.
  3. Surgical intervention.
  4. Treatment with traditional medicine.

The use of antibiotics for arthritis


Treatment of acute arthritis with medicines has several directions:

  1. Suppression of the inflammatory process. Antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in tablet form or in the form of injections. In severe cases, when there are symptoms of a purulent form of acute arthritis (most often ankle, knee, shoulder and elbow joint), intraarticular injections of powerful anti-inflammatory preparations. This kind of disease is not typical for the hands and feet, except when the legs are affected by thrombophlebitis.
  2. Strong pain removal. Anesthetics are prescribed.
  3. The appointment of hondoprotectors capable of slowing down the deformation due to the restoration of normal nutrition of the tissues of the knee, elbow joint, arms and other joints.
  4. External means. Treatment with medical ointments, creams and gels that have a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, increases the chances of rapid relief of exacerbation. The use of warming agents in the area of ​​inflammation of the ankle, knee, elbow joint, hands and feet during an attack of acute arthritis is excluded.

Special diet accompanies recovery from arthritis


No drug treatment of acute arthritis will not have an effect, if you do not adhere to a strict diet during this period.

It contributes to the increased excretion of harmful compounds from the body and a decrease in the level of purines, which helps to extinguish acute inflammation in the joints and restore the balance of metabolism.

Improper eating with the use of a large amount of meat, preservatives, fats and strong drinks is one of the main causes of an attack of acute arthritis.


As soon as the first symptoms of arthritis of the elbow joint and other joints appear, it is necessary to make up your diet strictly in accordance with the recommendations of doctors:

  1. Full ban on alcohol, carbonated drinks, strong coffee, cocoa.
  2. Exclusion of fried foods, meat, fish, broths.
  3. The exclusion of canned food, semi-finished products, by-products, smoked products, sausages.
  4. Refusal of cheeses, fatty dairy products, animal fats.
  5. The exclusion of all beans.
  6. Exclusion of sorrel, cabbage, celery, rhubarb, mushrooms.
  7. Exclusion of grapes and raspberries.
  8. Entering in the menu of fresh fruits and vegetables in large quantities.
  9. Preparation of the first dishes only on water and vegetables.
  10. Use only vegetable oils: sunflower, linseed, sesame.
  11. The use of fruit and vegetable juices, rose hips, herbal and deciduous infusions with bringing the total amount of liquid to 2 liters per day.

Surgical intervention

Acute arthritis in a purulent form (regardless of the cause of occurrence) is required to be treated only with the application of primarily surgical intervention.

This is especially true when the knee, ankle, elbow joint is affected. Significantly less often, this technique is used in the treatment of the hands.

To prevent the destruction of the shells of the joint tissues, as well as to avoid possible damage to the whole organism, pumping out the purulent deposits accumulated in the joint cavity with the help of a local surgical operation. After removal of the purulent substance, injections of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the joint.

Surgical intervention for arthritis

Due to the fact that such an operation in the area of ​​the elbow, knee joint, (very rarely hands) and other joints is a serious procedure, it is performed only with inpatient treatment.

With acute arthritis of the lower extremities (hip, knee, ankle), placement in a hospital is the best option for carrying out therapeutic measures.

Disease of the upper divisions (shoulder, elbow joint and arms) usually does not require such measures and is limited to outpatient treatment with rest.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Many diseases can be treated with the use of folk remedies in addition to traditional medicamental treatment. Acute arthritis responds well to such therapy.

The main condition - do not use with an attack of acute arthritis warming up: ointments, compresses, hot baths. During this period, all efforts are directed to reducing severe inflammation in the joints and reducing the pain component.

You can use some recipes that can help in the treatment of acute arthritis:

  1. Decoction of cowberry leaves. Approximately 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry leaves pour a glass (200 ml.) of boiling water and boil, after boiling, over low heat for 15 minutes. Allow to cool at room temperature, drain. Drink within an hour. Regular use of this decoction helps reduce inflammation and remove excess uric acid salts from the body.
  2. Broth of corn stigmas. Approximately 2 hours. Spoons of the dry crushed extract are poured with a glass (200 ml.) of boiling water, brought to a boil over low heat, boiled for 5 minutes. Cool the decoction. Take a tablespoon for 20 - 30 minutes before eating at least three times. Promotes the excretion of urate, reducing the inflammatory process.
  3. Spirituous tincture on the roots of burdock. Freshly dyed roots are washed, dried, crushed to centimetric pieces. Raw fill the glass container (jar), pour vodka (the liquid level should be 3 cm. cover the root layer). Insist in a dark cool place for 3 weeks, periodically shaking to uniformly infuse the contents. Take a teaspoon for half an hour before eating. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The minimum doses of administration will not have a negative effect associated with the presence of an alcohol-containing base in the formulation.

Observance of all recommendations and performance of the individual complex treatment appointed by the physician, together with a healthy lifestyle, will help to overcome even such a serious disease as acute arthritis.

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Varieties and signs of acute arthritis: treatment features

Acute arthritis is the first symptom of an impetuous systemic process, the treatment of which depends on the nature of the inflammation. It is necessary to determine how many joints are affected, what are the changes of the synovial fluid.

Increased temperature, redness, family history of diseases, chronic infections are taken into account when diagnosing.

Often, taking anti-inflammatory drugs without visiting a specialist leads to masking of symptoms and untimely treatment.

Multiple lesions of joints

Acute polyarthritis brings considerable diagnostic difficulties. It is necessary to distinguish between oligoarthritis and monoarthritis, not to miss septic arthritis due to gonococcal infection. The autoantibody assay helps to identify the rheumatoid process.

The disease does not make itself felt for a long time, develops at a certain age (juvenile) or is associated with a family history (seronegative arthropathy or osteoarthritis).

The nature of the complaints indicates a diagnosis - for example, a painful pain syndrome develops with gout. Inflammatory pains intensify on awakening, and in the daytime it becomes easier.

The process is migratory, suggesting gonococcal, sarcoidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

When asymmetric joints are affected, it is necessary to suspect the reactive process, gout and exacerbation of psoriatic arthritis.

Rheumatism is indicated by lesions of other tissues, and systemic pathologies are accompanied by fever and weight loss.

Common varieties of polyarthritis:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic process that affects all parts of the body. Its sign is nodular rashes on the skin.
  2. Osteoarthritis concerns the knees and hip joints that withstand the body burden, as well as the phalanges of the fingers, neck and lower back.
  3. Systemic lupus erythematosus is a long-term disease of small structures with a recognizable rash on the cheekbones in the form of a butterfly, ulcers in the mouth, pleurisy and pericarditis.
  4. Psoriatic arthritis affects all types of joints and tendons, changes the shape of the nails.
  5. Ankylosing spondylitis is associated with the sacroiliac joint, subsidence of the spine.

Lesion of one joint

One painful joint requires a thorough and rapid assessment, since septic arthritis can cause severe damage. The speed of the onset of symptoms is always taken into account. The presence of fever, chills confirm infection.

The state of the eyes is checked. Their inflammation can indicate a rheumatic nature, and the system process - enteritis, sex infections, headaches, rashes. Significance has injuries to the affected area.

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Over time, the affected knee can affect the function of the hip joint.

Increasing pain gradually involves inflammation, sepsis. When relapses, it is worth suspecting gout. If there is eye irritation, diarrhea and rashes, the cause may be vasculitis.


A rash on the tibia is characteristic of sarcoidosis, scaly skin for psoriatic arthropathy. Gonococcal arthritis should be assumed in young people who have sexually transmitted diseases and migratory pain.


Recent angina indicates a rheumatic fever. Acute pain during movement is mechanical.

Diagnosis of the disease

Acute arthritis develops against a background of various diseases:

  1. Septic arthropathy of bacterial nature (streptococcus, staphylococcus), viral infection (parotitis, parvovirus, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis, enterovirus), fungus, mycobacteria, Lyme disease, brucellosis and leptospirosis.
  2. Crystal arthropathy is the result of gout and congestion of uric acid, pseudogout (excess calcium pyrophosphate).
  3. Bony and cartilaginous diseases cause acute arthritis as a result of avascular necrosis, trauma of ligaments, arthrosis, osteomyelitis, and tumors.
  4. Inflammatory arthritis can be rheumatoid, juvenile, vasculitis caused by inflammation of the intestine, and psoriasis.
  5. Systemic diseases such as sarcoidosis, rheumatism, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, amyloid arthropathy are manifested by pain in the joints.
  6. Injuries or intra-articular bleeding are observed in fractures, effusions, hemarthrosis.

The diagnosis is always determined by the method of elimination, and in the first place, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. You need to treat not the joint, but the cause of the inflammation.

The temperature, pulse and blood pressure are measured. The eyes are examined for signs of redness, the color and shape of the nail plates, the skin on the rash. The joint is directly examined for deformities, puffiness, erythema, condition of muscles and articular bags.

When probing, you must pay attention to the thickening, the accumulation of fluid.

Active and passive movements are assessed, whether they are accompanied by pain or crepitus. Examination of other joints, for example, hip with a complaint to the knee and vice versa.

Laboratory-instrumental diagnostics of acute arthritis includes several procedures:

  1. Investigation of synovial fluid, the release of aerobic and anaerobic cultures that led to infection. By the number of leukocytes, the severity of the process is revealed. Differential diagnostics of gonococcal and non-gonococcal arthritis is carried out. The presence of crystals does not preclude infection. The final diagnosis is established after the results of planting the flora.
  2. General blood test, determination of the level of C-reactive protein, antibodies to viruses. Concentration of uric acid does not always indicate gout.
  3. X-rays confirm injuries and fractures. However, after 10-14 days, untreated bacterial infection leads to narrowing of the joint gap against the background of cartilage destruction, erosion and subchondral osteomyelitis. Gas in the joints is detected when infected with E. coli and anaerobes.
  4. MRI or ultrasound determines the location of the pleurisy or abscess location, which requires a puncture for diagnosis or treatment. Detects signs of early osteomyelitis.

Treatment of pathology

Elimination of the cause of inflammation is the basis of therapy, which should be comprehensive. Medical aid has several directions:

  1. Drugs suppress inflammation. Antibiotics destroy bacterial infection, antimycotic - fungal. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve pain, swelling, restore trophic tissue. In the purulent process, injections are performed to the joint, and most often the medication is required in the knee, shoulder, elbow.
  2. Painkillers suppress the production of enzymes COX2, which are responsible for pain reactions. Nimesulide and Ibuprofen are among the most popular drugs.
  3. Chondroprotectors are designed to reduce inflammation and slow the degeneration of cartilage.
  4. Hormonal agents are used for autoimmune arthritis and for the purpose of removing severe inflammatory reactions. With rapid progression of the rheumatoid process, cytostatics are prescribed.
  5. External treatment consists of applying, ointments, gels and creams that reduce pain and swelling. Diclofenac removes inflammation, Indomethacin restores trophic and blood circulation in tissues, Heparin eliminates edema and bruises. Do not use with acute arthritis, warming ointments and compresses, paraffin, mustard and other similar traditional medicine.

Depending on the nature of the inflammatory process, antihistamines, anti-gout, or detoxification drugs are prescribed. = Re_Z1zxH0VU

Simultaneously with taking medication, you need to establish a diet that will remove from the body toxic products of the life of bacteria, purines. This will help reduce inflammation, restore metabolic processes.

Alcohol, soda, coffee, fried food, broths, canned food, smoked products, semi-finished products, hard cheeses and cheese masses, beans, sorrel and mushrooms, grapes are completely excluded.

These products contain substances that increase the level of inflammation and disrupt metabolism in the joints.

When a purulent process, it is necessary to conduct aspiration, treat the cavity with antiseptics and antibiotics to exclude the involvement of the joint tissues. In-patient treatment is performed.

Physiotherapy procedures complement medical treatment. Used electrophoresis with novocaine or hydrocortisone against pain and inflammation.

UV irradiation is used in rheumatoid arthritis with exudative process. In the subacute stage, magnetotherapy and light therapy are attached.

Conducting radon and iodide-bromine baths is indicated in patients with gouty arthritis.

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Acute arthritis of the joints: symptoms and treatment

Arthritis is a disease in which inflammation develops in the joints.

A patient with such a diagnosis suffers from pain, often arising even at rest, during a night's sleep.

Acute arthritis is considered to be a disease of elderly people over the age of 40. But today children suffer from arthritis.

The disease can develop very quickly - in this case the patient consults the doctor right away to get treatment and get rid of the pain. But in most cases it has a chronic character and a long development with periodic exacerbations.

Symptoms of arthritis:

  • Febrile state;
  • The increase in temperature, both locally, on the sites of the affected joints, and general;
  • Severe pain in the joints;
  • Edema of the limbs.

Symptoms of chronic arthritis are often blurred, sometimes the disease for several years does not make itself felt. The pain occurs only at high physical exertion or after the hypothermia of the joint.

If acute arthritis develops, then all the symptoms are expressed very clearly. The destruction of the articular tissues proceeds much faster - the patient can literally lose mobility of the arm or leg in a few months.

Most often, acute arthritis affects the elbow, shoulder or knee joints.

Symptoms of acute arthritis

If, for chronic arthritis, the patient can for a long time not suspect that joints develop an inflammatory process that destroys them, then it is impossible to skip the onset of the acute form of the disease. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  1. Severe pain. Pain syndrome can occur suddenly, including in the middle of the night. And can be present constantly. In acute monoarthritis, only one joint hurts, with acute polyarthritis of suffering, several joints are delivered at once.
  2. On skin integuments in the place where inflammation is localized, reddish or cyanotic spots appear, the inflamed joint is always hot to the touch. Sometimes there are rashes.
  3. If there is monoarthritis, a painful swelling or swelling appears on the affected joint. In the case of polyarthritis, the hands and feet may be swollen, sometimes separately or all together.
  4. General deterioration of the patient. Such symptoms are related to extra-articular symptoms. A person experiences severe headaches, aches in the whole body, weakness, suffers from sleep disturbances, often irritated without cause. At the initial stage of acute arthritis, most patients and do not suspect that the problem is in the joints, and write off the malaise for the flu, sore throat or fatigue.

With the development of the disease and the spread of the inflammatory process, the main symptoms of the disease appear: stiffness and restriction of joint mobility.

Functionality is reduced for two reasons: the patient himself is afraid of moving the limb, as this causes severe pain, and changes in the structure of the joints significantly limit its mobility.

When the ulnar or shoulder joints are affected, the patient gradually loses efficiency. And with inflammation of the knee joint, the patient can not move independently, he needs a support, a cane or crutches.

Causes of acute arthritis

There are people who are at risk from birth - those whose close relatives have been ill or have a similar disease.

An impetus to the development of acute arthrosis can be even minor injuries or a cold.

In addition, the acute type of arthritis can develop under the influence of such factors:

  1. Metabolic disorders in the body. For example, if there is a failure in protein metabolism, there is a buildup of uric acid. Uric acid crystallizes, crystals are formed, which are deposited in the joint tissues, injure them and destroy them. Because of circulatory disorders, the articular tissues receive insufficient nutrition and also begin to deteriorate. All this leads to the development of acute arthritis.
  2. Obesity. If a person has extra pounds, the pressure on the joints increases, they have to withstand heavy loads, which leads to premature deterioration of cartilage and articular tissues. In this case, arthritis affects large joints, taking on most of the load - the hip or knee.
  3. Autoimmune diseases, in which failure occurs in the work of the immune system and the body begins to destroy articular tissues, perceived their cells as foreign.
  4. Some infectious diseases - for example, lupus erythematosus.
  5. Incorrect food. The love for spicy, salty and fatty foods leads to the deposition of urates in stavs and the development of arthritis.
  6. Stress. Constant nerve congestion is often the main cause of the development of polyarthritis of the hands.
  7. Work in poor conditions. Constant hypothermia, the performance of monotonous movements with loads on the same joints provoke the development of arthritis.
  8. Professional sports. Those people who train hard and overload their joints, even at a young age, breaks and sprains of ligaments, which leads to an inflammatory process in the tissues of the joint. Cartilages also wear out faster, deform and break down bones.
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Sometimes arthritis can develop as a consequence of other joint diseases or surgical intervention, in which an infection was injected into the joint.

Methods of diagnosing a disease

In modern medicine, a variety of methods are used to accurately diagnose arthritis, its shape and stage. The main activities that are assigned to everyone before starting treatment:

  • Clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • Blood test for rheumatoid factor;
  • Radiography;
  • Puncture from the articular cavity, for example, puncture of the knee joint.

Sometimes additional tests and examinations are required to choose the optimal treatment. Then the doctor evaluates the symptoms and results, collects anamnesis and determines the treatment.

First of all, you need to save the patient from pain, and then remove the inflammation. To restore the function of the joint, various physiotherapy procedures are performed using warming and anti-inflammatory ointments. Additionally, chondroprotectors are prescribed.

Chondroprotectors do not work immediately, the course of treatment lasts from several months, but they help to restore the destroyed cartilage.

In the infectious nature of the disease, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are used, in other cases the inflammation is removed by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the pain is very severe, then the drugs can be administered intra-articularly.


The drug Colchicine is very popular for the treatment of arthritis. He quickly eliminates pain and at the same time stops the inflammatory process. In the complex, analgesics, NSAIDs, ointments and external action gels, chondroprotectors and physiotherapy help to quickly relieve the exacerbation of arthritis.


In case of serous acute arthritis, the diseased limb should be in a state of complete rest for the duration of treatment. It is important not to allow dislocations and contractures during this period, for this, when the joints of the legs are affected, stretching is often used. This method can simultaneously reduce the pain a little.

If stretching is impossible for any reason, the limb is immobilized with a tire or bandage. But such adaptations can not be long worn, otherwise ankylosis can occur and atrophy of muscle tissue begins.

In case of acute purulent arthritis, purulent contents from the joint cavity must be evacuated before treatment begins. This is done using a puncture.

The joint is pre-anesthetized, after removal of pus, the joint cavity is washed with an antiseptic. Further treatment is carried out according to the above program.

Treatment with warming ointments, massages, dry heat can be carried out only after the exacerbation has passed.

In acute arthritis, these drugs and procedures are categorically contraindicated, since they can intensify the inflammatory process and accelerate the progression of the disease, as can be seen from the video in this article.

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What is acute arthritis and how to treat it

Acute arthritis is an inflammation of a destructive effect with the lesion of one or more joints.

The disease itself exhibits symptoms such as persistent pain in the joint, a change in its shape, redness of the skin, an unnatural crunch is possible under load.

In most cases, acute arthritis requires immediate treatment, the earlier to proceed, the better the result.

Manifestations of the disease

Symptoms are pronounced throughout the illness, appear abruptly. The following signs should serve as a cause for concern:

  1. The incessant pain of an acute nature in the region of one joint, in this case one can speak of a monoarthritis, or in the area of ​​the hands and joints of the feet - this is how polyarthritis manifests itself.
  2. In a sore spot, there is swelling, in the case of polyarthritis, complete swelling of the hands and feet is possible.
  3. In the field of pain, the skin becomes unnaturally hot, perhaps its redness.
  4. The functioning is disturbed. If the shoulder joint is affected, then this hand can stop rising, if elbow, then bend. The same fate awaits fingers when the hands are bruised. If the disease affects the hip, ankle, knee joints, then a person may lose the ability to move normally.
  5. Deterioration of general health - the appearance of headaches and aches, irritability, insomnia, fever.

More on acute arthritis in the video:

Factors of occurrence

The causes of the origin of primary acute arthritis can be both hereditary and acquired. The appearance of this disease can be influenced by the following factors:

  1. Heredity: patients with relatives who have been diagnosed with any form of arthritis are at risk.
  2. Metabolic disorders, namely, inadequate removal from the body of elements formed as a result of the breakdown of urine salts.
  3. Concomitant diseases, such as infectious, autoimmune, can provoke and give impetus to the appearance of acute arthritis.
  4. Bad habits can also serve as an impetus to the onset of the disease.
  5. Excess weight leads to an additional burden on the joints, in most cases on the hip, knee, ankle, which is already a threat.
  6. Malnutrition, which causes not only an increase in body weight, but also the deposition of salts (purines) in the joints.
  7. Specific activities, excessive physical activity associated with working conditions, stay in an unfavorable environment, for example, constant hypothermia.
  8. Passion for sports associated with power loads, which put pressure on the hands and feet. Over the years, such loads can cause deformation of the joints, as well as destruction of the cartilaginous tissue.
  9. Nervous disorders, stress can cause outbreaks of acute arthritis of the hands.


When symptoms appear that indicate the presence of acute arthritis, you should consult a doctor to determine the extent of the disease and therapies.

To delay with a visit to a specialist should not, because timely treatment will help to avoid damage to the joint of an irreversible nature.

If, after carrying out all necessary examinations and interviews, a specialist will identify a sharp form of arthritis in the patient, he will prescribe additional studies:

Roentgen of the knee joint

  1. Blood test. If the body is in an inflammatory process, then the level of leukocytes will be increased.
  2. X-ray.

    With its help you can find out the degree of deformation of the joints of the hands and feet, as well as the presence of pus or synovial fluid in the lesion.

  3. Puncture. It is necessary to establish the stage of the course of arthritis, which is taken from the source of the disease.
  4. Rheumatoid test. Helps to detect the dystrophy of the cartilaginous tissue and make sure there is a sharp exacerbation.

Methods of treating the disease

For the treatment of acute arthritis, some methods that are used in chronic form or at the stage of remission are contraindicated, such as massage, physiotherapy and physiotherapy.

Choosing a method of treatment of a specific form of acute arthritis, it is required to identify the etiology of the disease: serous, serous-fibrous or purulent.

Treatment of serous form is to ensure complete rest at the site of injury, so you can warn the patient of pathological dislocations. If the patient has a purulent form, it is extremely important to remove purulent inflammation, and then begin the subsequent treatment procedures.

Treatment of any form of acute arthritis consists in the removal of the inflammatory process, in the reduction of pain sensations and prevention of transformation of the disease into a more severe phase, accompanied by deformation joints. It is possible to single out the main methods of treating the disease:

  • medicamentous;
  • correct diet;
  • surgical intervention;
  • application of traditional medicine.

Drug treatment is the use of medications to relieve the inflammatory process in the affected joint: antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To suppress pain, the doctor can prescribe pain medication.

To slow the deformation of the joint, specialists use chondroprotectors, thanks to which the natural nutrition of tissues is restored.

It would be superfluous to use external agents such as ointments, gels and creams, they possess both anti-inflammatory, and analgesic actions at the local level, increase the chance of a speedy cessation exacerbation.

More about knee joint treatment in video:


During the treatment of acute arthritis, it is important to follow a strict diet that will promote the removal of harmful elements and reduce the level of purines, and this will favorably affect the restoration of the balance of exchange substances.


Using large quantities of meat, carbonated drinks, preservatives, fats, alcohol, you can provoke the appearance of acute arthritis.

Therefore, it is important, when the first signs of the disease appear, to exclude from the diet products that are not allowed to be consumed by specialists.

To prevent damage to the body, as well as the collapse of the tissues of the joints, it is necessary to pump out purulent deposits from the joint cavity by surgical operation at the local level. After this, a course of injections in the form of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs is needed in the area of ​​the affected joint.

Recommendations for nutrition in arthritis in video:

Along with traditional treatment, it is possible to use traditional medicine. The main thing is to remember that in the period of exacerbation it is impossible to use warming ointments, gels, lotions and other characteristic procedures.

Fulfillment of all appointments and recommendations of experts of an individual character, along with a correct way of life, will help to cope with such a serious ailment.

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