Effective methods of treatment of glaucoma without surgery
Glaucoma is a pathological process in which optic neuropathy of a progressive type is observed. And glaucoma is not one disease, but a group of diseases. To date, about 60 of its species are known. Treatment is reduced to preventing damage to the optic nerve. And for this it is necessary to reduce the intraocular pressure as soon as possible. How to treat glaucoma eyes and what drugs should be used read on.
3Possible complications
4.2Surgical method
4.3Folk remedies
4.3.4Infusion of aloe
4.3.6Golden mustache
4.3.8Aloe and honey
There is glaucoma as a result of impaired circulation of the eye fluid, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure.
But to the reasons that cause this process, it is worth attributing:
neoplasms that prevent the normal movement of the eye fluid;
surgery or eye trauma;
diseases of the endocrine, vascular and nervous systems.
This disease is characterized by a gradual and inconspicuous development. And it can affect all people, regardless of age and gender.
Sometimes the palpable symptomatology starts to disturb the person already when the lost sight can not be restored.
The main symptoms of glaucoma are:
The loss of peripheral vision, when certain fragments begin to drop out of the general picture.
Poor adaptation in the dark.
Can not focus on a subject located at close range.
The presence of color circles near the light source, the presence of a veil before your eyes.
Need for frequent changing of glasses.
Feeling of heaviness, discomfort, tension, stinging and a feeling of moisturizing in the eyes.
Possible complications
There are complications most often after surgery. In 10-25% of cases, scar tissue proliferation and blockage of fluid outflow occurs. Even with repeated operations, these problems can not be solved.Due to the overgrown filtration cushion, noticeable cosmetic defects and unpleasant symptoms in the eye can occur.All this only exceeds the risk of inflammation.
As a result of surgical intervention, channels of fluid outflow are created, whose work is less effective than in natural ones. After a while, fluid stagnation and increased intraocular pressure will occur again. Another complication is hyper-effect. This is when the outflow of liquid is several times greater than its production. Intraocular pressure decreases, which leads to the development of adverse effects.
You can treat glaucoma in several ways. If the disease is at an early stage of development, then it can be eliminated with the help of medicines and traditional medicine. In advanced cases, you can not do without an operation.
For the treatment of glaucoma apply anti-glaucoma drops in the eye. All of them differ in the mechanism of hypotensive effect on:
drugs that reduce the production of intraocular fluid - Timolol, Betoptik, Trusopt;
drugs that reduce the improvement of movement of the aqueous humor - Pilocarpine, Travatan;
combined means.
Antiglaucoma eye drops are prescription drugs, so they are prescribed only by an ophthalmologist under the condition of constant IOP control. Self-use is prohibited.
This drug is one of the most popular and effective.Refers to the drugs of the first choice. With its use, it is possible to reduce the intraocular pressure by 20-25%.And this is due to a reduced production of intraocular fluid. The drug does not affect the size of the pupil and accommodation. You can see the effect of drops in 20 minutes, and the effect is saved for a day.
This drug in the treatment of glaucoma can reduce intraocular pressure due to the fact that reduces the production of intraocular fluid. This is the drug of the second choice. When it is used, the intraocular pressure is reduced by 20%. The positive effect is achieved in 20 minutes, and lasts for 12 hours. It rarely causes dry eyes and watery eyes.
The use of Betoptics is preferable for the reason that, in comparison with other antiglaucoma drugs, it rarely leads to the development of side effects.
Has a similar effect with the above drugs.Refers to the drugs of the second choice. Allows to lower the intraocular pressure by 20%.Can not be used for chronic renal failure, pregnant, breast-feeding, and patients under 18 years of age.
Refers to the drugs of the second choice. Allows rapid reduction of intraocular pressure by 17-20%. Used for an acute attack of glaucoma. It rarely leads to the development of headache, lacrimation and nausea. The eye can not be used for pathologies, for which the narrowing of the pupil remains undesirable.
The drug of the first choice.When it is used, intraocular pressure decreases by 31%. Replace the positive effect will be possible after 2 hours after use.Apply only once a day. It rarely leads to reddening of the conjunctiva, reduced visual acuity, pain and itching. Can not be used by children under 18 years of age.
When using antiglaucomatic drops the patient should visit the doctor regularly for 2-3 weeks.
Surgical method
In the treatment of advanced glaucoma, an operation is prescribed. It is performed using local anesthesia, an operating microscope and special microinstruments.
Surgery is performed urgently, when an acute attack of pathology can not be stopped.But the planned operation is appointed, when conservative methods of therapy did not give a positive result.
If you refuse to carry out an operation, then it is fraught with a complete loss of vision.
Indications for the operation are:
high intraocular pressure, which does not decrease even after the treatment;
a decrease in the field of vision;
negative dynamics in the disease process.
Perform surgical intervention can be using a classical technique or using a laser.The purpose of such treatment is to restore the outflow pathways of the intraocular fluid or to create new ones.
The operation is considered successful if the intraocular pressure could be normalized after the intervention during the year. There are cases when patients need to conduct repeated operations. But they can be carried out only after 3-4 years.
Folk remedies
Folk medicine includes a large number of recipes that can remove unpleasant symptoms and accelerate the process of recovery.
Use only one folk remedies in the treatment of glaucoma is unacceptable, since they act as an auxiliary medicine. They can be used only after permission of the doctor.
It is necessary to take 100 g nettle and 5 g inflorescence of the lily of the valley.Put everything in a saucepan, pour 200 g of water. Infuse for 9 hours, and then place ½ teaspoon of soda.The resulting gruel is used for compresses. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Carry out medical treatment 2 times a day.
Every day we need to take pollen in the amount of 10 g. The duration of the treatment course will be 1 month. Repeat it in six months.
You need to take 200 g of berries, add 500 ml of vodka.Infuse 7 days, and then take 3-5 drops, pre-dissolve in 20 g of water. Drink to drink 2 times a day.The duration of therapy will be a month.
Carry out the treatment with the use of rose hips in autumn and spring. It is during this period there are sharp attacks of glaucoma.
Infusion of aloe
Take a leaf of the plant, finely chop it, add 200 ml of water to it. Leave for 3 hours, filter and wash the eyes with the infusion. Carry out medical treatments 2-3 times a day.
The daily dosage will be, g. It is washed down with beet juice 30 minutes before the meal.The total duration of therapy is 10 days, after a break for 5 days. Total treatment includes 4-5 courses.
Heterochromia and coloboma - what is it and is it possible to cure these diseases.
Drops for eyes Phloxal are described here.
Drops for eyes from conjunctivitis for children http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/konyunktivit/glaznye-kapli-ot-konyunktivita-s-antibiotikom-preimushhestva-raznovidnosti.html
Golden mustache
It is necessary to take a leaf 20 cm long, chop it, add 1 liter of boiling water.Infuse the day, and consume 20 ml 4 times a day. Total treatment lasts 3 weeks, then 30 days rest and repeat again.
Another golden mustache can be used as drops. You need to take 2 drops of fresh juice and drip into each eye daily. Total treatment lasts 10 days, then 3 weeks of rest and again.
It is necessary to use it in the liver form.The daily rate will be 1 g bulb anzura. You can drink the product with fruit juice or milk.
Aloe and honey
It is necessary to take 5 g of honey and aloe juice, add to them 20 ml of water.Use the mixture as a drop. To drip on one drop in each eye once a day.You need to apply the drug until there is an improvement.
Seeds of dill are great for use with glaucoma. It is necessary to prepare a small bag - 5x5 cm. Place in it 20 grams of dill seeds, tie up and dip into boiling water. Boil, remove and allow to cool. When the pouch becomes warm, then attach it to the eyes. Hold for 20 minutes. Such activities take place every evening until there is an improvement.
The basis of prevention is timely diagnosis. Diagnostic data will prevent the subsequent development of the pathological process and avoid complete blindness.
Treatment of demodectic eyelids
Levomecitin: instructions for the use of eye drops are described here.
What to do if a hemorrhage in the eye http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/krasnye-pyatna-pod-glazami/kakovy-osnovnye-prichiny-krovoizliyaniya-v-glazu.html
Glaucoma is a dangerous disease, which is important in time to diagnose and treat. Otherwise, a person can forever remain blind. Treatment should be an integrated approach, since it is important not only to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also to eliminate the cause of the problem.
Glaucoma and cataract: how these diseases are interrelated.