Qigong: exercise


  • 1Gymnastics Taiji-qigong for health and longevity
    • 1.1Wellness gymnastics taiji-qigong. Basic principles
    • 1.2Breath of Qigong
    • 1.3Morning Qigong gymnastics for beginners. Exercises
    • 1.4Exercise 1. Stabilization of breathing
    • 1.5Exercise 2. Chest expansion
    • 1.6Exercise 3. Rocking the Rainbow
    • 1.7Exercise 4. The spreading of clouds
    • 1.8Exercise 5. Leaving shoulder back
    • 1.9Exercise 6. Boating
    • 1.10Exercise 7. Ball game
    • 1.11Exercise 8. Loving the moon
    • 1.12Gymnastics Qigong.
  • 2Qigong exercises - lessons of Chinese gymnastics for beginners, video
    • 2.1What is Qigong Exercise
    • 2.2Qigong for weight loss
    • 2.3Basic principles of Qigong
    • 2.4Breath of Qigong
    • 2.5Qigong exercise
    • 2.68 exercises Qigong for every day
    • 2.7Qigong "Games of 5 Beasts"
    • 2.815-minute complex for weight loss Qigong
    • 2.9Qigong for the spine
    • 2.10Exercise Qigong for Beginners
    • 2.11Contraindications to Qigong
  • 3Principles of morning Qigong gymnastics: effective exercises, how to properly do them
    • 3.1The most simple exercises of morning exercises Qigong
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2The benefits of the described complexes exercise
    • 3.3The most effective exercises of Qigong gymnastics
    • 3.4Contraindications for practicing chi kung gymnastics
    • 3.5How to do morning chi kung exercises
  • 4Qigong for beginners. Theoretical introduction
    • 4.1In brief about the history of qigong and its position in the modern world
    • 4.2Examples of some exercises
    • 4.3Purposes and Purpose of Qigong
    • 4.4Can I practice qigong on my own?

Gymnastics Taiji-qigong for health and longevity

The Taiji-qigong complex is very good for beginners, for those with physical training that leaves much to be desired.

This complex, despite its apparent lightness, is aimed at improving the performance of all muscle groups and internal organs.

Exercises improve the condition of all tissues of the body, stimulate blood flow and positively affect the functioning of all human organs.

In addition, an important point is that the complex affects the psychological mood of a person.

The complex is performed at a slow pace, breathing is coordinated with movements, and if performed regularly and correctly, it will necessarily have a positive impact on the physical and mental health. Even for those who have never done physical exercises, you can recommend this complex.

Wellness gymnastics taiji-qigong. Basic principles

The complex consists of 18 exercises, which smoothly pass one to another and after studying they take only 15 minutes. The basic principles are as simple as the exercises themselves:

  • Complex is performed in the morning after getting up from bed and after a little warm-up;
  • after exercise, food should not be taken within 30 minutes;
  • movements should be smooth, synchronous with breathing;
  • the tongue during the exercises slightly touches the upper sky;
  • eyes half closed;
  • clothes should be free and comfortable;
  • the room should be ventilated, well, if there is an opportunity to practice outdoors;
  • attention should be concentrated on the exercise;
  • During training, there should not be sweating, only mild sweat, but if you still sweat, change clothes to prevent hypothermia, and reduce the pace of the exercises;
  • after class, do not take a cold shower;
  • Perform exercises need daily.

Breath of Qigong

Chinese breathing exercises came to modern masters from ancient times and modern Chinese specialists pay great attention to breathing, since breathing has an effect on the cerebral cortex, leading to equanimity and rest. Breathing in the Qigong system is a whole science where various kinds of breathing are practiced when performing various qigong exercises. In the proposed set of exercises, breathing also plays an important role.

Here, the so-called reverse breath is suggested, when the stomach is drawn in during inhalation, the diaphragm rises, and when exhaled, the stomach protrudes, the diaphragm descends. Breathing is done through the nose, exhaling through the slightly open lips.

To get used to such breathing during classes should be gradual, eventually it will turn out by itself.

Breathing will depend on the speed of the exercises, try to do them slowly, smoothly, so that in no case there is difficulty in breathing.

Morning Qigong gymnastics for beginners. Exercises

After the warm-up, start the class immediately. It is better to learn 2 to 3 exercises a day, so it's easier to remember the movements. After a week - two you will fully master the whole complex and will perform it with ease and pleasure.

The author of the complex recommends each exercise to be done 6 times, each subsequent exercise is, as it were, a continuation of the previous one.

At first, I advise you to limit yourself to two or three approaches to each movement, otherwise a non-trained person will certainly feel pain in the muscles.

In my opinion, it's better to do everything gradually, personally, I thus approached the development of the complex, so that the load increased gradually, and the exercises did not bring pain and discomfort.

Exercise 1. Stabilization of breathing

Stand upright, feet shoulder width or slightly wider, arms lowered, body relaxed. Focus on the hands.

On inhalation slowly raise your arms just above shoulder level, palms facing down and relaxed.

As soon as the arms reach the level of the shoulders, on the exhale, bend your knees so that your knees are at the level of the big toes. This situation is called in gymnastics qigong "quarter squat."

At the same time, the body remains in a forward position, the head does not bend, the thorax does not move.

Simultaneously with the bending of the knees, the relaxed arms smoothly fall down and touch the knees, after which the legs are straightened.

During the exercise, make sure that the back is always straight, the inspiration has to move up, and the exhalation - to move down.

Benefit: exercise has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, eliminates blood stagnation and promotes the correct distribution of energy. It is especially useful for people suffering from hypertension, heart and liver diseases.

Exercise 2. Chest expansion

On inspiration from the quarter squat position, straighten your knees, at the same time raise your hands forward to the level of your shoulders and turn them palms to each other and spread them out with your hands palm up. Attention is focused on the chest.

On exhalation, bring your hands in front of you with your hands to each other, smoothly lower your arms, while turning your hands down, turning into a quarter squat. Brushes smoothly touch the knees, legs straighten.

Benefits: the exercise is useful for heart, lung, dyspnea, heart palpitations, with neuroses.

Exercise 3. Rocking the Rainbow

On inhaling, after completing the previous exercise, slowly raise your arms straight up with your hands to each other.

On exhalation, transfer the center of gravity to the slightly bent right leg, while the foot does not come off the floor, the left leg is straightened and touches the floor with only a toe. Simultaneously tilt the body to the left, the left hand pointing horizontally to the left. The right hand passes over the head with the palm down.

Repeat the movement in the opposite direction. During the exercise, imagine a colorful rainbow hovering over you. Watch your breath: your hands up - inhale, hands to the sides - exhale.

Benefits: the exercise is useful for diseases of the thoracic and lumbar spine, reduces fat deposits in the lumbar region.

Exercise 4. The spreading of clouds

After completing the swing, we lower the arms, crossing them at the level of the lower part of the trunk, simultaneously turning into a quarter squat.

On the inhalation we straighten our knees, and raise our arms with crossed arms and turn them up above our heads.

Then straighten your hands with your hands to the sides and on exhalation we lower down through the sides, returning to the quarter squat, again crossing them in front of you.

Focus on the chest.

Benefits: The exercise strengthens the muscles of the waist and hips, it is useful for diseases of the shoulder joints and heart.

Exercise 5. Leaving shoulder back

This exercise was the hardest for me, I could not figure out for a long time whether I was doing it correctly, but over time it came about. Therefore, I will try to describe it as clearly as possible.

Staying in a quarter squat, pull out your straightened left hand in front of you with your palm up.

Simultaneously with this movement, bend at the elbow and turn the palm up your right arm and take it to the thigh.

As soon as the right hand is at the level of the hip, begin to turn the body to the right, and raise your hand smoothly with a wide movement to the level of the ear. Eyes follow the right palm.

Then the right arm is bent at the elbow and push out with a force palm forward somewhere in the ear. At the same time, the left arm bends at the elbow, describes the palm of the arm and descends to the level of the thigh.

Then the exercise is repeated symmetrically in the opposite direction, while it is necessary to follow the breath: pulling the arm - inhaling, pushing - exhaling. Attention is focused on the arms and shoulders.

Benefits: Exercise very well affects the hands, shoulder and elbow joints, also recommended for upper respiratory tract disease, helps with asthma.

Exercise 6. Boating

After completing the previous exercise, bend your knees, but slightly more than in the previous exercises, lean slightly forward and lower your arms freely. From this position, we remove the direct hands back, turn our palms up, then raise our hands as much as possible, straightening the knees at the same time.

Hands describe a circular motion and fall down, legs at the same time bend at the knees. Focus on the hands and back. On the inhalation - lifting hands, on exhalation - lowering down.

Benefit: Exercise has a positive effect on the nervous system, the heart and digestive organs.

Exercise 7. Ball game

The Chinese call this exercise a ball game, but in fact it is more like a balloon game, since the movements should be smooth and easy.

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I remind you that every subsequent exercise goes into the next. From the previous position, straighten slowly, the body - to the left.

The left hand remains in the same position, and point the right hand to the left, palm up.

When the right hand is at the level of the left shoulder, make it move as if you are throwing a balloon. In this case, move the center of gravity to the left leg.

Lower your right hand and repeat the movement to the other side. When performing, keep an eye on the imaginary ball, focus on the hands. Try to make the movement you enjoy, were slow and smooth. On the inspiration, the arms move upward, on the exhale - down.

Benefit: exercise has a toning effect on the entire body.

Exercise 8. Loving the moon

In the quarter-sitting position, lower your arms along the body, while inhaling, turn the body as much as possible to the left, while straightening your knees and lifting your left hand with your palm up. The right arm is bent at the elbow at the chest level. Turn your head to the left and look at your left arm. On exhalation, lower your arms and return to the starting position

Repeat the movement to the right, while keeping the arms, chest and head moving synchronously, and maximizing the body. We do everything slowly and smoothly, we do not tear off the heels from the floor, we concentrate our attention on our hands.

Benefits: Motions stimulate the work of the kidneys and spleen, relieve muscle tension and reduce fat deposits in the waist.

Gymnastics Qigong.

I suggest watching a video in which the Chinese master shows the Taiji-Qigong complex, so it will be easier for you to understand and master it.

Dear readers, for today, I think, enough for the development of these eight exercises, you will take two to three weeks. And in the future I will show you the remaining ten exercises. If not everything will turn out, do not worry, with regular training everything will turn out to be necessary!

A source: http://irinazaytseva.ru/gimnastika-tajczi-cigun-dlya-zdorovya-i-dolgoletiya.html

Qigong exercises - lessons of Chinese gymnastics for beginners, video

Chinese gymnastics with centuries-old traditions has a worldwide recognition. Exercises Qigong with stiff smooth movements with regular exercises benefit the physical body, improving the body.

At the same time, they are spiritual practices that help a person to expand consciousness.

For whom the Qigong technique is intended, how to lose weight with the help of exercises, how to start classes and how not to hurt yourself - information about everything can be found in this review.

What is Qigong Exercise

In oriental medicine, the Chinese health-improving exercise system has been practiced for hundreds of years.

Simplicity and accessibility, by which it differs, make it possible to practice at any age.

Exercises Qigong is a system with its own philosophy, which includes gymnastics and breathing techniques. It is believed that the air is the energy of Qi. Charging Qigong with exercise:

  • helps her to breathe;
  • with conscious control, distribute energy within the body;
  • send to sites with problems;
  • to harmonize energy in them;
  • eliminate diseases;
  • improve condition.

Using exercises, using controlled muscle relaxation and mental effort, it is possible to regulate energy flows that go through the body.

This contributes to the activation of all the processes of the body, starting with the cellular level, metabolism is accelerated, immunity is strengthened.

Improving health occurs when there is a harmonious movement of energy through:

  1. blood vessels;
  2. nerves;
  3. energy channels.

Proper exercise can greatly affect the work of the entire body. Daily practice Qigong under the supervision of an experienced master helps to improve health, develop the ability to manage energy. The following benefits are noted:

  • the correct posture is formed;
  • improves the mobility of the joints;
  • there is no negative effect on the heart, blood vessels;
  • regulated breathing;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • pains are relieved;
  • slags are discharged;
  • the weight decreases.

The benefits of Qigong for the body in its overall recovery. Thanks to the practice of doing the exercises, a healing effect takes place:

  1. slags are discharged;
  2. the pressure is normalized;
  3. quiet emotions appear;
  4. the dream is restored;
  5. exhaustion occurs;
  6. Depression disappears;
  7. the menstrual cycle is adjusted;
  8. fears stop;
  9. anxiety decreases;
  10. self-control improves;
  11. symptoms of menopause are eliminated.

Those who wish to slow down aging, prevent skin withering, and keep joint mobility will help Chigun charge. Regular classes, simple exercises will prevent the disease, stop the formation of wrinkles, preserve the clarity of the mind. Benefits of qigong for older women:

  • relieves the condition after menopause;
  • improves heart function;
  • maintains the tone of the body;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • improves concentration of attention;
  • normalizes the coordination of movements;
  • forms an optimistic lifestyle.

Qigong for weight loss

Why, after making a choice of practice of practicing Qigong, in a short period of time you can weigh within the norm for your age? Daily exercises even for beginners can give amazing results. There are several practices for weight loss, their effect is determined by such factors:

  1. decreased appetite;
  2. eliminates stress, causing overeating;
  3. there is a massage of the internal organs.

The benefits of Qigong for weight loss and in the activation of metabolic processes. Besides:

  • enrichment of blood with oxygen;
  • diseases that provoke excess weight are cured;
  • burning of fat begins;
  • blood circulation increases;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • decreases the craving for unhealthy food;
  • eliminated signs of cellulite;
  • the figure is drawn;
  • self-confidence returns;
  • increases vitality.

Basic principles of Qigong

To have the maximum effect from conducting Qigong classes, you need to perform them daily. It is very important to pay attention to the main postulates of practice. Their observance will help to achieve serious results. Basic principles of Qigong:

  • when performing exercises, have a state of serenity and rest;
  • all the movements to execute smoothly, fluidly, relaxed;
  • breathe deeply, slowly, calmly;
  • observe the correct position of the body;
  • adhere to the consistency and duration of exercise.

To be able to perform healing practices by force even for beginners, if one adheres to certain postulates:

  1. engage after awakening;
  2. conduct a warm-up;
  3. ventilate the room;
  4. wear loose, breathing clothing;
  5. tongue all the time touch the palate;
  6. eyes half-cover;
  7. focus on exercise;
  8. after the performance of the complex is not supercooled;
  9. do not take a cold shower.

Breath of Qigong

The main aspect of the Qigong method is the exercise of proper breathing. Depends on him physiological changes, the state of consciousness, the circulation of energy. The breathing of Qigong can be carried out in several ways:

  • Thoracic. The abdomen remains motionless, air enters the thorax, widening its upper part.
  • Average. Ribs are spread out, the diaphragm rises. The middle part of the chest cavity increases.
  • Diaphragmatic. With an inhalation, the stomach is inflated, lowering the diaphragm. With a sigh, it pulls up, shoulders, chest are motionless.
  • Complete, uniting all the previous ones.

Qigong exercise

Respiratory gymnastics Qigong combines the art of body ownership and energy management. There is a huge number of practices that solve diverse tasks. You can pick up Qigong exercise:

  1. basic - for general recovery;
  2. with the purpose of losing weight;
  3. for beginners;
  4. helping to normalize the pressure;
  5. improving the work of all organs;
  6. prolonging youth;
  7. increasing the flexibility of the joints, spine.

8 exercises Qigong for every day

Performing an uncomplicated complex in the morning you can restore strength, improve the body. To be in harmony will help 8 exercises Qigong for every day.

They are executed smoothly 10 times. The starting position (PI) is straight back, legs shoulder-width apart, and the arms hang about the hip.

Sequence of execution:

  • Stabilization of breathing. When you inhale, raise your shoulders, hands, and, in exhalation, make a half-sailed, lowering them down.
  • The heavenly circle is big. Breathe - hands to lift forward, then up, exhale - to lower through the sides, describing the circle.

Continuation of the complex of 8 exercises:

  1. A bear twisting a trunk. Hands bend in the elbows, placing them in front of the chest, clenching the fists. Carry out turns: to the right - to inhale, left - to exhale.
  2. The heavenly circle is small. Hands at the waist, perform a rotation of the pelvis in one direction, repeat in another.
  3. Conduction of Qi through internal organs. With bent knees perform quick breaths, exhale belly.

Next, perform the following exercises from the complex:

  • Phoenix spreads its wings. Hands with clasped hands. Breathe - half-sided, hands in hand, with the exhalation of the legs straightened.
  • The archer releases an arrow. Feet together, hands with folded palms in front of the chest. Inhalation - rise on your toes, with hands tightly stretch up. Exhalation is an IP.
  • Bamboo is swaying with the wind. IP, as in the previous assignment. Breathe - raise your hands, hold your breath, perform inclines to the sides. The output is IP.

Qigong "Games of 5 Beasts"

At the heart of this Chinese complex of gymnastics is the imitation of plastic animals. When performing Qigong "Games of 5 Beasts" each exercise has its own sequence of movements and the effect of holding:

  1. Bear. Increases the flexibility of the joints, improves digestion, activates the work of the stomach, spleen.
  2. Tiger. Promotes increased physical strength.
  3. A monkey. Increases dexterity, relaxes ligaments, muscles, improves blood circulation.
  4. Crane. Normalizes the work of the heart, facilitates breathing.
  5. Deer. Stretches, relaxes ligaments, muscles.

15-minute complex for weight loss Qigong

Chinese breathing exercises have several methods of weight loss. One of them takes a quarter of an hour. The important thing is to do the exercises relaxed, smoothly, 5 times. 15-minute complex for weight loss Qigong:

  • Breathe in with your nose, inflating your stomach, exhaling with your mouth, pulling your stomach to your back;
  • Keep your arms bent at the shoulder level. On inhalation - dissolve them, trying to close the scapula, expand the chest. On exhalation to round the back, to get the chin with the chin.

Next, proceed to the following exercises:

  1. Hands palms down to the sides, fingers spread out. Inhale - tilt the head to the left shoulder, back, forward. Exhalation is the starting position. Repeat on the right side.
  2. Raise your hands in front of you palms up. Make light strokes against each other with brushes.
  3. Bend your arms like a ball in them. Close eyes. Try to feel between the palms of energy. Slowly reduce, raise hands.
  4. Send this energy through the body. On the inhalation, arms smoothly lift upwards through the sides, when exhaled, to lower in front of the face.

Qigong for the spine

To improve the main body of movement, which can withstand enormous loads, one should pay attention.

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It will take several minutes every day to make this skeleton support work without problems.

To increase flexibility, eliminate pain, Qigong is used for the spine. The execution will require the initial position:

  • legs along the border of the shoulders;
  • knees are half-bent;
  • the body is straight;
  • The arms and chin are lowered;
  • The vertex is stretched upward.

As part of the complex, there are four exercises that should be performed slowly, relaxedly, smoothly. The names of each reflect the essence of the ongoing process.

Begins the practice of Qigong with a cleansing breath. You need to breathe in with your nose, inflating your stomach, exhaling with your mouth, pulling your stomach to your back.

Practice for the spine includes exercises:

  1. "The neck of the crane
  2. "Tortoise's neck
  3. "The dragon drives the clouds."

Exercise Qigong for Beginners

Wellness complexes differ in complexity of execution. You can improve your skills all your life, debuting with light exercises.

Chinese gymnastics Qigong for beginners helps to understand the principles of their implementation, master the technique. Gradual complication and unhurried mastery of energy keeps the body healthy and flexible.

Each exercise Qigong for beginners to perform 10 times.

Available set of exercises for beginners:

  • legs wider than shoulders, rolled from toe to toe;
  • execute rolls to the right and to the left.
  • repeat in a circle in both directions;
  • Shallowly sit down and straighten the knees;
  • in a semicircle, perform semicircles in each direction;
  • legs together, hands are folded behind the head, doing a pelvis rotation;
  • to reduce the shoulders in front, to raise upwards, to take them back.

Contraindications to Qigong

In order to avoid problems when doing the exercises, you need to consider - the practice of Qigong is not suitable for everyone. Masters are categorically not allowed to deal with people who have:

  1. chronic diseases of internal organs;
  2. mental disorders;
  3. pathology of the heart;
  4. spinal injury;
  5. craniocerebral trauma;
  6. blood diseases;
  7. infections of the musculoskeletal system;
  8. malignant neoplasms;
  9. neuroinfection.

With caution, you need to practice the Qigong practice in women during menstruation, some exercises have limitations. In agreement with the master, it is possible to do exercises pregnant and having eye diseases. There are temporary contraindications to Qigong:

  • taking medicines in large quantities;
  • postoperative period;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • overheat;
  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • supercooling;
  • heat;
  • heavy physical overload;
  • full stomach;
  • professional sports loads.

A source: http://sovets.net/11390-uprazhneniya-cigun.html

Principles of morning Qigong gymnastics: effective exercises, how to properly do them

Gymnastics Qigong is one of the oldest spiritual and physical esoteric practices. This appearance of this kind of healing gymnastics is due to China. This practice is based on the idea of ​​the existence of a certain energy of Qi.

According to the beliefs of Chinese "adepts qigong, it is energy that is distributed everywhere.

This mystical substance reaches a particularly high concentration in the human body, and it is the described gymnastics that allows you to correctly direct energy. The balance of Qi is the foundation of health and longevity.

Not everyone fancies the mystical interpretations of ordinary physical exercises. However, in any case, Qigong gymnastics has proved effective in improving health. What kind of exercises should I do?

The most simple exercises of morning exercises Qigong

These exercises are great for beginners. It is recommended to perform the complex immediately after awakening in order to stabilize the energy centers.

Complex of Qigong # 1

1) Take up the vertical position. Stand up smoothly, relax muscles. Legs set at shoulder level, can be a little wider. Inhale.

As the lungs fill with air, slowly raise both hands until the limbs reach the level of the shoulders. Now you need to exhale. Keep your hands in the same position.

Slowly and smoothly bend your knees and sit down slightly. While the lungs are not empty - hold the position, then return to the starting position.

2) The exercise is performed identically. The main difference - on the exhalation of the hand should be lowered to the knees.

In both exercises, the back should be even and relaxed.

3) Stand up straight. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. Accept position on the bent knees. Inhale. As soon as the inspiration is done, they spread their arms, spreading them to the sides, as if they want to embrace someone.

The breath should be as deep as possible. Now you need to exhale. As you exhale, your hands close and touch each other's palms. It is extremely important that breathing does not get off. Exercise is slow and thoughtful.

Focus on the chest.

4) Take an identical position on the half-bent knees. Hands slowly raise over your head and close in the lock.

Carefully dilute the upper limbs to the side. To make pendulum movements left-right, imitating a tree swaying in the wind.

The center of gravity must constantly shift from the right foot to the left leg.

5) Stand on your knees bent at the knees. Cross both arms in the suprapubic region. Inhale. After it is necessary to sharply straighten legs, rise in full growth and lift the crossed arms above the head as high as possible.

6) Slightly sit down on the bent knees. Straighten one of the arms in front of you. The palm should look up. Now you need to freeze in this position. After that, twisting movements of the body to the right and left occur. Change your hand and repeat the same exercise.

7) Adopt an identical posture. Torso relax, hands hang and leave in this position.

On inhalation, the upper extremities should be wound up behind your back and touch each other with your palms.

Then sharply return your hands to their original position and bend them in the elbows. Thus, the hands make an arcuate movement.

8) Stand on straight legs. Hands freely hang along the trunk. Put your hands on your knees. One hand on the inspiration should be straight in front of you. Then repeat the same with the other hand. It is necessary to make movements continuously, one after another.

9) Bend the knees slightly. Get up straight and relax. On account of "one" (on inhalation) turn the torso to the right.

At this time, the knees should be fully straightened, the right arm lifted over the head, the left arm bent at the elbow, reaching the level of the chest. Turn the head to the right.

Now the same thing needs to be done in the other direction, changing hands.

The correct position of the legs during the performance of morning exercises of qigong is presented in the photo

Qigong complex №2

1) Stand up straight. Move smoothly with your hands. The palms should be facing back, the movement is scooping. Now turn the forearms along the axis, so that the inner side of the palm looks forward. Lower both hands, taking the starting position. Exercise 18 times.

2) Take the right position on the half-bent knees. Raise both hands to the chest level. The palms look at each other. Then you need to imagine that you have an invisible ball in your hand. With characteristic movements, throw and roll the ball from hand to hand. It is carried out for 3 minutes.

3) The third exercise should be performed on slightly bent knees. Then you need to imagine that you are holding a large ball. In this position, raise your hands to the level of your chest.

The essence of the exercise is a considerable static load, which, paradoxically, helps to relax. The duration of the assignment is 10-15 minutes. Time should be increased gradually.

It is important that all parts of the body are in a state of relaxation.

The benefits of the described complexes exercise

The described complexes of morning gymnastics Qigong contribute to solving several problems at once.

• Helps normalize blood circulation in the upper and lower extremities. Stagnation of blood leads to the development of diseases.

• Strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

• Help to develop the stretch.

• Beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

• Promotes general rejuvenation of the body.

Gymnastic exercises presented in complexes № 1 and № 2, are shown to beginners. Do it in the morning, preferably before noon. So the effect will be maximum.

The most effective exercises of Qigong gymnastics

The exercises described are recommended for people who know the basics of qigong. They require more physical development and can be difficult for beginners. However, if you wish, you can still perform them.

Complex of gymnastics №1

1) Get up straight. Knees to bend half, legs to place at a distance slightly wider than shoulders. Now it is necessary to bend your arms in the elbows and place so that the fingers of one hand look at the fingers of the other hand.

Shoulders are omitted and form a single line. In this position, you must hold for 15 minutes. At first it is extremely difficult, but after a little practice, you can achieve a significant result.

Exercise helps to strengthen skeletal muscles.

2) Stand in an identical pose. Now the hands on the inhalation should be diluted in the shoulders, as if preparing for embraces. On exhalation, hands are returned to their original posture. Perform the exercise for 6 minutes. Movements must be continuous and at the same time smooth.

3) Stand up. The legs are bent at the knees, hands clenching and bending at the elbows, as if to prevent the flow of blood after an intravenous injection.

The upper limbs are immovable. Under the account of "one" take a deep breath, while simultaneously unbending his legs and straightening up to full height.

On account of the "two" exhale and return to the starting position.

4) Do the same exercise, keep your hands on your knees.

5) Stand on slightly bent legs. Hands raise above your head. Now you need to make a sharp cotton movement, lightly striking the palms of your stomach. If you believe the instructions, this exercise has a good effect on energy centers.

6) Accept the identical position. Then put your hands apart. First right, and then with your left hand slap on the belly, into the solar plexus area.

These exercises help to tone muscles, strengthen the cardiovascular system and promote normal digestion.

Qigong gymnastics complex №2

1) The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, arms hang freely along the trunk. Upper extremities bend sharply and place in the thoracic region. This movement is carried out on inspiration. On exhalation the limbs return to their original position.

Exercise is good for the kidneys.

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2) To make the same movement, and after him identical, only hands to put on the stomach. At the end, outstretched hands are bred to the sides.

3) Take a firm posture on the half-bent legs. Now, on account of "one" sharply straighten your hands and raise your hands, as if you want to stop the invisible barrier. The movement should be sharp, with the tension of the muscles of the hands. So the effect will be maximum.

4) Accept an identical posture. In each hand, take a ball or a ball. On account of "once" the right hand rises above the head, the other hand descends. Change your hand and repeat the same. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the spine and ligaments of the hands.

5) Perform an exercise similar to task # 3. The difference is that this time the hands are sharply divorced to the right and left. It is important to move as fast and decisively as possible to keep your arms taut.

6) Get up on all fours and take a pose, as if you are going to push yourself. On inhalation maximally straighten your back. Stretch for all. On exhalation return to the original position. Exercise effectively heals the spine.

7) Take a firm stand. Hands make a pushing motion. Repeat 12 times.

These two complexes are sufficient for improving the body and maintaining it in tone.

An effective complex is also presented in the video of morning Qigong gymnastics:

Contraindications for practicing chi kung gymnastics

Despite the efficiency and comparative simplicity, not all fit qigong.What are the contraindications:

• Presence of psychiatric disorders in the anamnesis.

• Mental disorders of a borderline nature (neurosis).

• Defects and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

• Hematological pathologies.

• Joint deformities in arthritis and arthrosis.

• Recently suffered injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Persons who have at least one contra-indication from the presented, to engage in qigong is strictly prohibited.

How to do morning chi kung exercises

• Start the day with exercise. This is axiomatic.

• It is important to practice every day. Regularity is the key to efficiency.

• It is recommended that you take a warm shower after class. Cold water is contraindicated.

• After classes, do not eat for half an hour.

• Do not be too zealous. The main criterion for improper execution of complexes is sweat "hail". This should not be. Qigong is not a force exercise.

• It is recommended that you close your eyes halfway while doing the exercises.

• It is best to practice in the open air. If there is no such possibility - the room should be well ventilated.

• Each exercise is performed 10-15 times with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions.

Observing the recommendations, a person will be able to maintain health and youth for a very long time.

A source: http://zhenskoe-mnenie.ru/themes/health/utrenniaia-gimnastika-tsigun-dlia-tela-i-dushi-printsipy-utrennei-gimnastiki-tsigun-effektivnye-uprazhneniia-kak-pravilno-ikh-delat/

Qigong for beginners. Theoretical introduction

The term "Qigong" or "Qi Gong" in literal translation means "work with the energy of Qi" - an ancient complex of breathing exercises from China, which has a history of several millennia.

Gymnastics is designed and used with positive results for the prevention or treatment of many diseases.

It includes exercises on flexibility, strength and endurance, contains elements of yoga, but at the head of all lie certain rules of breathing during classes.

In brief about the history of qigong and its position in the modern world

Few surviving testimonies, which are about 5000 years old, indicate that Qigong was originally a purely mystical practice of the Taoist alchemists.

With the help of special breathing techniques, practitioners entered a trance state in which communication with higher powers became possible.

They could provide answers to unsolvable questions.

Later, with the advent of Buddhism in China during the reign of the Liang dynasty in 502-557, to the river. X, to practice added meditation. So, in a state of concentration and detachment from everything external, it became easier to enter into a trance. Then meditation became an obligatory component of qigong practice.

Even later, when Buddhism finally and firmly established in the country, Qigong practice was transformed even more: it was joined by exercises from yoga.

Yoga is a section of ayurveda, and ayurveda, in turn, is the teaching of Buddhism about the health and happiness of man, based on the theory of the harmony of the soul and body.

According to Ayurveda, the soul (the subtle body) and the physical body are interconnected, depend on each other so long as they coexist and do not separate; There can not be a healthy body when the spirit is sick, and vice versa.

Thus, physical exercises were added to the practice of qigong and physical exercises firmly established, the mystical principles eventually lost their primacy, and then were eliminated altogether.

Currently qigong is one of the four pillars of Chinese medicine along with acupuncture, massage and phytotherapy.

The overwhelming majority of the provisions are scientifically substantiated by both Chinese scientists and foreign scientists, so they are trustworthy.

Today qigong is not only a complex of breathing exercises combined with physical exercises, but also a whole art, a whole philosophy. Among other things, in China Qigong is part of some combat techniques and is their integral part.

Examples of some exercises

  1. "Pendulum". Standing, heels together, feet are separated from each other by 90 degrees. Lean slightly forward, lower and relax your hands. Within 5 minutes, perform waist movements from side to side in a semicircle with a maximum amplitude. Movements resemble a pendulum. Exercise is useful for back pain and stimulates the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
  2. "Atlant". Put your hands down, lift your forearms at a 90-degree angle, turn your palms to each other and touch your fingers, not intertwining them. Without separating your fingers, raise your hands up as high as possible, turning your palms upward, towards the sky. Do not lift the feet from the floor. Remain in this position for 3 minutes, visualizing the movement of energy from feet to heaven. Then separate the fingers and sharply "drop" hands along the trunk. Exercise is done 5 times in the morning. Charges with energy for the whole day and is especially recommended for people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Promotes longevity. Has a legendary history of origin and is part of the exercise complex of modern Tibetan monks.

  3. "Moon". Another legendary exercise. Qigong Guru claims a surprising rejuvenating effect due to its systematic implementation:
    Stand up straight, relax as much as possible. Slowly lean forward and lower your arms. Your legs and arms should be straight. Feel how energy rises through your body from waist to back. Then start slowly lifting your hands up. The breathing is deep, unhurried. Lifting both hands over your head, fold your fingers in such a way as if you picked up the moon.

    Hands stretch as high as possible: the moon is high. "Catching the moon make her turn with the whole body first clockwise, and then against.

    Let the moon hang in the sky further, lower your arms along the trunk, exhale deeply, representing a turbulent flow of negative energy leaving your body through exhalation. It takes 5-6 repetitions.

  4. "Boat". Exercise for people with sedentary work and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Powerful prevention of osteochondrosis, localized anywhere in the spine. Lie down on the floor face down, stretch your arms forward, and legs back as much as possible. Imagine ropes that lift the ends of the arms and legs up, head back, the back of the head tends to the spine, but without tension. Now your body has taken the form of a boat. Slowly swing on your stomach back and forth, representing energy rolls from hand to foot. The exercise is performed only once, but for as long as possible.

Purposes and Purpose of Qigong

The main purpose of qigong is to maintain the correct circulation of qi energy in the physical body, which in turn ensures the health of the subtle body (soul). And the health of the soul means cheerfulness, goodwill, the presence of goals in life, optimism, peace and quiet.

The modern rhythm of existence, detachment from nature are unrealistic, require tremendous overloads from the human body as a result of which the flow of qi is disrupted.

This disorder has consequences for the body and soul effects in the form of the following diseases and conditions of the psyche:

  • depression and chronic fatigue;
  • asthenia;
  • stressful conditions;
  • hypodynamia in tandem with stress weaken the will and body;
  • atony (weakening of activity) of internal organs;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system and spine disease;
  • disorders of the endocrine system and metabolism, in particular obesity, overweight;
  • early aging of the body, the appearance of early wrinkles;
  • addiction (alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction).

Mechanism of beneficial impact of Qigong practices in combating these problems, as well as for preventive purposes, for the extension youth, for longevity lies in the fact that the energy of qi is directed to the natural, natural channel of energy channels organism. With the passage of time, the symptoms of diseases are leveled or disappear completely, the body becomes elastic, the skin acquires healthy shades, the person visually significantly younger.

Can I practice qigong on my own?

For beginners an unequivocal answer: NO !!!

Without a teacher at first, it is impossible to understand the principles and correctly perform the exercises.

A wrong implementation of them will not be of use, will not lead to the goals for which it is all started.

It is not understandable, but it is noticed: gymnastics brings more rapid and thorough results if it is engaged in groups, and not alone.

Qigong exercises are based on the following whales:

  1. breath;
  2. posture;
  3. motion;
  4. relaxation;
  5. concentration.

Depending on the purpose, certain combinations of these components are used, which only the master can know and can teach.

And exercises of higher order, whose impact on the body is colossal, require the use of this whole complex. It's difficult.

This requires preparation, knowledge and, of course, wise guru mentoring.

A source: http://WomanInstinct.ru/zdorovie/9243-tsigun-dlya-nachinayushhih-teoreticheskoe-vvedenie.html