Sore knees after running: what to do if symptoms appear?


  • 1Why knees hurt after running? What to do if there is pain when running - some effective tips
    • 1.1Causes of knee pain after running loads
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Treatment
    • 1.4Physical exercises for strengthening the knees
  • 2Why knees hurt after running
    • 2.1The causes of pain in the knee joints
    • 2.2How to behave correctly for chronic and acute pain
    • 2.3Prevention of pain
  • 3What should I do if my knees hurt after a trauma?
    • 3.1Treatment of knees
    • 3.2Causes of pain in the knee after running
    • 3.3The best sports clinics and doctors!
    • 3.41. Clinic for manual therapy of Dr. Cecil
    • 3.5clinics
    • 3.62. Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Sports Medicine
    • 3.73. Family Clinic
    • 3.8P.S. HD
    • 3.9P.S.S.
  • 4Pain in the knee after running: causes, prevention
    • 4.1Briefly about the anatomy of the knee joint
    • 4.2Causes of pain after exercise
    • 4.3Sharp start
    • 4.4Wrong run
    • 4.5The right place and shoes
    • 4.6Injuries
    • 4.7Sprains and tears
    • 4.8Damage to the meniscus
    • 4.9Dislocation of the patella
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.10Teenage years
    • 4.11Diseases of the knee joint
    • 4.12First aid for pain in the knee
    • 4.13Prevention
    • 4.14We advise you to read:
  • 5Why does the knee hurt after running? Why, after the run, legs hurt below the knees:
    • 5.1Pain in the knee
    • 5.2After running, the knees ache. What to do? What are the reasons?
    • 5.3Poorly selected terrain
    • 5.4Wrong technique
    • 5.5Flat-footedness
    • 5.6Damaged meniscus
    • 5.7Inflammatory processes
    • 5.8Vascular disorders
    • 5.9Measures to eliminate pain

Why knees hurt after running? What to do if there is pain when running - some effective tips

Running is one of the most common forms of physical activity.

Running is useful not only to maintain the form, but also for the cardiovascular system, the so-called cardio-loading.

Butwhat to do if after a run you feel not relaxing, pleasant fatigue, and discomfort in your knees?Is it worth worrying about this problem?

Causes of knee pain after running loads

The intensity, nature and time of the onset of pain is important in determining the causes of the problem.Pain may occur during training, immediately after running, or after a few hours.

In the article, we will try to answer the questions: why do the knees ache after the treadmill or running in the stadium? What if the joint is badly affected? Than to begin to treat and in what cases it is impossible to smear a joint with warming ointments?

All causes of pain in the knee can be divided into several groups.

The first include local damage:

  • Meniscus- Rounded cartilage, connected with other cartilage ligaments. When these ligaments are damaged or cut off, acute pain in the knee can occur. With this damage, pain occurs even at the slightest load. The diagnosis is established due to an X-ray.
  • Diseases associated with impairmentblood supplyin the region of the knee. Pain is characterized by a temporary appearance with an uncertain location.
  • Stretchingligaments. Pain may occur after excessive work or injury. Characterized by acute course, swelling and immobilization of the joint.
  • Injurypatella. Pain is the result of repeated trauma, or sprain. Injury of the patella can lead to a serious disease - chondromalacia. It leads to the fact that the patella is destroyed, but characterized by constant pain and decreased motor activity.

The second group includes pathologies associated with common diseases:

  • Arthrosis is a disease in which cartilage tissues are damaged.
  • Arthritis is a disease characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Meniscopathy is a disease in which there is a disruption of the integrity of the meniscus.
  • Bursitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous bag located in the joint.
  • Chondromatosis is a pathology in which the synovial membrane degenerates into a cartilaginous tissue.
  • Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon of the knee joint.
  • Dysplasia is a violation of the growth and development of cartilage with its gradual wear.
  • Intraarticular bodies - the appearance of a free body that moves freely in the joint.

The simplest reason, which causes pain in the knee after running, but which does not require serious treatment, and you can continue to run, not afraid to get sick, and not thinking about what to do next with the joints - wrong technique running.

Justin the third group can be identified signs of improper running:

High loads that do not correspond to the physical condition of the trainee: too intense running provokes serious pressure on the knee joint. Negative on it can affect the excess weight, so the load should be chosen the best for its weight category.

No warm-up before jogging. Cold muscles and ligaments are subject to intense stress and may be damaged. Pain can occur not only in the knee, but also in the calf muscles.

Attention:The lack of warm-up before running is one of the common causes of injuries of the knee joint!

  • Incorrect position of the foot, which also happens with flat feet or inverted position of the feet.
  • Incorrect setting of the legs, in which the joints can not absorb shock.
  • Inconvenient or inappropriate shoes: small or large size, too thin or stiff outsole. Pain may occur after a run, after a few minutes or hours, it disappears completely.
  • Crossed terrain: a diverse soil structure contributes to an uneven load on the legs. Pain occurs below the knee.

Attention:It is impossible to smear the injured knee with warming ointments, especially if there is swelling. The warming ointment will only aggravate the situation, causing even more puffiness, as a result of which it will have to repeatedly pump the liquid out of the knee


  • Inflammatory processes: edema of the knee, fever, acute pain. The diagnosis is confirmed by a blood test.
  • Dystrophic processes: chronic diseases characterized by a slow flow with clearly defined periods of exacerbation and remission. Require constant monitoring by a doctor and appropriate treatment.
  • Traumatic processes: pronounced with repeated damage to the joints. Symptoms are combined, characteristic for both inflammatory and dystrophic processes.


First aid at the time of sudden pain:

  1. Fix the joint in a static position
  2. The leg is placed above the body level
  3. Cold compress for 15 minutes every half hour
  4. Take an analgesic or anti-inflammatory drug, or a combination of the type
  5. Seek medical advice.

Prevention is the best treatment, andEarly diagnosis allows you to avoid serious problems in timewith joints.

Diseases of the joints - one of the most common diseases, they significantly complicate the life of a person, depriving him of movement.

Therefore, it is so important to get treatment by a competent doctor on time.

For today, there are several ways of treatment:

  • Therapeutic:
  • treatment of joints without surgery.The doctor first of all tries to remove the pain syndromeand eliminate the cause of the pain. In his arsenal:

    • painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills;
    • ointments and gels;
    • injections;
    • exercise therapy and massage.
  • Surgical:
  • It is used if the therapeutic treatment does not bring a sustainable and lasting effect, or in the event that,when the patient later turned to the doctorand therapy is not rational. The operation also involves replacing the joint with an artificial joint.

  • Ethnoscience:
  • is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Practice is the use of various herbal dues, rubbing, compresses, decoctions to relieve pain and relieve swelling.

    Physical exercises for strengthening the knees

    Squats.You need to start with a half-squat, with a small load on your knees. The number of semi-squats should be determined based on the physical condition of the person. Gradually, the depth can be increased.

    Attention:It must be remembered that deep squatting is a huge burden on the knee joint. Some may have a sudden appearance of pain or even a crunch. With these symptoms, it is strictly forbidden to do such squats

    Swaying.Sit on a chair or sofa so that your feet do not reach the floor. Perform swinging movements from side to side with each foot in turn.

    Exercise bike.You can use a simulator, or perform simulating movements in a sitting or lying position.

    Correct running- pledge of healthy knees

    So why are knees ached while running during training or after jogging, what to do to avoid getting a more serious illness? How to run properly so that the knee does not hurt and swollen, how to avoid injury and not whine over trifles?

    The correct run consists of several components:

    1. Loads should increase graduallybased on the physical condition of the runner. You should not run ten kilometers from the first day, it will not lead you into shape, but rather will do more harm. Start with a light load, pre-warming the muscles, assess your condition after running.
    2. Correct setting of feet when running, in which the joints will absorb shock when posing on the heels. The foot should touch the ground, flat on its surface, and the legs should be slightly bent at the knees.
    3. Choose comfortable shoes: preferably with a high crest, a springy heel and a soft toe.
    4. Terrain: smooth or soft ground very favorably affects the load. The knee joint is easier to absorb shock when running.

    Many people are interested in the question,Whether it is possible to run, if there was a pain in a knee at running, and will the knee joint continue to ache after stopping the workout? The answer lies in the reasons for this pain, if the pain is of a short duration and stops with the end of the race, then the reason may be too much work. It's worth to finish the race, and continue the session with an easy warm-up.

    If the pain is sharp, intense and does not pass without auxiliary means, then problems with the knee can be much more serious. Before continuing training, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Also do not forget about the basic rules when running.

    So, the knee joint suffers when walking and running, since the knee has the main load for any movement.

    When walking or running, when the leg is repelled from the ground, a kind of impulse comes to the knee, which it should level, and only the healthy joint contributes to it.

    In this way,maintaining physical health, using basic preventive measures, you can enjoy running without fear for the possible occurrence of serious diseases.

    And if there are problems with the joint, you should not brush it off, but it's better to ask your doctor for help as soon as possible.

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    A source:

    Why knees hurt after running

    Painful sensations in the knees after running classes - a phenomenon not uncommon. Most often, unpleasant feelings appear in runners, who began to actively engage in sports recently.

    The causes of pain in the knee joints

    The fact is that the knee joint has a very complex structure. Constant movements create a solid load, which increases significantly when you run.

    And the pain can appear not only because the joint has some kind of congenital or acquired pathology, but also because of the trauma of the ligament apparatus. The motor load can provoke inflammations, which until now remained even unnoticed.

    Therefore, pain, even if it is insignificant, should become a serious warning of a possible health threat.


    It is noticed that the knees always begin to ache after the run. There are the following reasons for this phenomenon:

    1. Dislocation of patella (patella). Among the runners, this frequency trauma takes the lead. And although it does not carry any dangerous consequences, it can lead to further stretching of the ligaments. This leads to frequent dislocations. Painful sensations will become the norm, the joint will lose its former mobility, the patella tissues will gradually deteriorate. This phenomenon has the name "knee runner".
    2. Injury of rounded cartilage in the knee joint (meniscus), which is attached to adjacent cartilages. An unsuccessful squatting or a sharp turn of the foot can lead to the rupture of some of the ligament fibers. As a result, soreness appears, and after a while and swelling. To rely on a damaged limb is very painful.
    3. Rupture or sprain of the articular ligaments. Such injuries most often occur with increasing loads or negligence during running. The region of the knee swells, mobility is lost, the pain is acute.
    4. Pathological conditions manifested after excessive loads. These include arthrosis, arthritis, periarthritis, rheumatism, synovitis, bursitis and gendynitis.
    5. Violations that are related to the circulatory system. In connection with the deterioration of nutrition in the knee area, the pain is not permanently localized and lasts for a short time. Unpleasant sensations pass independently or are stopped by anaesthetising preparations. Most often, they are characteristic of adolescents during the period of active growth and growth of the body. Vascular pain can also appear in those who have an excess of the norm of cholesterol, which can form plaques that impede full blood supply.

    Incorrect joint work can lead not only to the development of pain, but also to inflammations and sprains of the ligaments, chronic trauma to the meniscus.

    Illiterate traffic during running is not always associated with congenital anomalies. They can be caused by training on an uneven surface.

    As a result, the load on the legs is distributed unevenly, frequent micro-trauma occurs.

    Beginners do not immediately move competently. Incorrect body position, running with effort to the heel area can cause pain after running. At the same time, there is no sufficient depreciation in the knee joint, articular tissues are squeezed, the vertical load increases.

    Incorrect position of feet with flat feet can cause pain. After all, a flat arch prevents springing during running, greatly increasing the load on your knees.

    Do not ignore the warm-up before classes. It will prepare the muscles for the load, make the movement of the joints natural and comfortable.

    Too loose or tight sports shoes that do not fix the leg well, can cause the joints to work incorrectly and increase the likelihood of injury.

    How to behave correctly for chronic and acute pain

    It is clear that chronic pain is associated with congenital or acquired states of the body, and running in this case will be only a consequence. However, listening to the following recommendations, you can make the training pleasant and comfortable:

    • When there are constant pain after a run, you need a specialist consultation that will help determine their cause and give recommendations for correcting the training or probability of their training. continuation. In the presence of the disease, which is known, visits to the doctor must be of a regular nature.
    • A good result is the wearing of an elastic bandage or bandage. And the use of warming ointments or medical compresses will accelerate the metabolic processes in the problem area.
    • Exacerbation of pain should be a signal to stop training. However, the stop should not be sharp. First you need to go to the step, and only then stop completely.

    Acute pain syndrome can have a one-time nature. But this condition requires immediate intervention. It is necessary to remember:

    1. In order to release the joint from the load, it must be carefully fixed. This can be done with an elastic bandage or bandage. Do not squeeze the joint too hard to not break the bloodstream.
    2. The leg should be placed above the body level. It is best to lie down, giving the body a comfortable position.
    3. Cold compress will reduce pain. The ice pack must be wrapped in tissue to prevent frostbite. The procedure is repeated 4 times with an interval of one hour. The compress lasts no more than 15 minutes.
    4. In the absence of contraindications and allergies, you can take an anesthetic drug from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Even if the uncomfortable symptoms weaken, it is best after some time to seek advice from your doctor.

    Prevention of pain

    Of course, trouble comes suddenly. However, the appearance of pain can be prevented by following the following recommendations:

    • For running it is necessary to choose only equal ground coverings or sports paths.
    • It is necessary to work out the correct technique of movement, in which the foot is placed only straight, then smoothly rolling from the heel to the toe.
    • Shoes should be selected strictly on foot, have a hard back and flexible nose. Lacing should not be tight. You can not save on shoes. Sneakers should be designed just for running.
    • Loads during training should increase gradually. Ignoring this requirement will lead to excessive joint strain and muscle overstrain.
    • Take care of the warm-up is very serious.

    Observance of all the recommendations and attentive attitude to your health will make life bright, healthy and full.

    A source:

    What should I do if my knees hurt after a trauma?

    For constant or recurrent pain in the knees, many athletes complain.

    Especially often this problem is faced by runners.

    Proceeding from the fact that the knee joint is the largest and functionally complex in the body, besides every day is exposed to huge loadings, the nature of occurrence of pains in it can be different, and the reasons of development of various diseases - a bunch of.

    Treatment of knees

    The issue of knee treatment should be dealt with seriously, in a timely manner, with experienced specialists. Otherwise, after a short-term relief, the pain may return, especially if the person continues to play sports.

    Doctors advise running after the treatment of the knee for a while to limit, to reduce the load and allow the joints to fully recover.

    Violation of this recommendation leads to the fact that after the treatment procedures athletes (before young and inexperienced) come to the doctor and complain that they have a knee pain while running, and the treatment is not helped.

    Specialists of the company "Sport-TEK which for many years has been helping young athletes cope with various injuries, argue: pain in the knee after running will not return if the treatment was prescribed and conducted by experienced sports doctors. Only they will be able to pinpoint the cause of pain in the knee joint after running and provide optimal treatment and recovery.

    Causes of pain in the knee after running

    If at rest the knee does not bother, but when running there are painful sensations, it can be caused by the following reasons:

    • 1) Injury to the meniscus. This rounded cartilage is a very important element of the knee joint and is attached to other cartilages with the help of ligaments. It is these ligaments that can break off with an awkward turn of the entire leg and / or knee joint. There is a sharp pain, and the knee begins to swell quickly. In this case it is important to understand: if the knees ache, run should be discarded and treated as quickly and efficiently as possible.
    • 2) Dislocation of the kneecap. This injury often occurs in athletes involved in running. Often, it does not cause complications, but it should be remembered that with frequent similar injuries, ligaments gradually stretch, the knee joint loses stability, and the dislocation of the kneecap becomes permanent problem.
    • 3) Tension of ligaments in the joint. When the body of an athlete for a long time under severe stress, ligaments in the knee joint begin to stretch. The pain with such a trauma is sharp enough, almost immediately there is swelling of the knee joint. In this case, if the knees hurt after running, how to heal, and how long rehabilitation will take, the attending physician decides after performing the diagnostic procedures. At the same therapeutic measures should be as effective as possible, since this trauma significantly limits knee mobility.

    What to do if the runner's leg hurts, and how to treat it, are questions that should be asked to the doctor immediately after getting injured in order to avoid the development of complications.

    First of all, you need to relieve the knee from a great physical load, fixing the joint with an elastic bandage.

    The runner's knee can be treated immediately after the injury, but only after the cause of its occurrence has been established and the exact diagnosis confirmed by the diagnostic examination.

    If the pain after the injury is very strong, a cold compress should be applied to the knee.

    Anesthetic pain can also be used to eliminate pain. It is recommended to conveniently place the injured leg above the body to normalize blood circulation in it.

    In any case, even if all the above procedures have helped to get rid of the pain, you need to seek the advice of a specialist.

    The best sports clinics and doctors!

    1. Clinic for manual therapy of Dr. Cecil

    Chechil Sergey Vyacheslavovich- Chief physician of the clinic. The main direction is the musculoskeletal system.

    He has 24 years of medical experience: the management of the medical service of the nuclear submarine, the management of the special training unit of the military sanatorium Paratunka in Kamchatka.

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    Kovtun Yuri Vadimovich- A neurologist, a manual therapist, an expert in the selection and installation of orthopedic individual insoles. Certified specialist in kinetotyping.


    Clinic site -

    2. Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Sports Medicine

    Musicians Mikhail Konstantinovich- Traumatologist-orthopedist traumatology department.

    Clinic site -

    3. Family Clinic

    Davis Andrey Evgenievich- Traumatologist-orthopedist. Doctor of the highest category.

    Site of the clinic -

    P.S. HD



    A source:

    Pain in the knee after running: causes, prevention

    In modern society, people are increasingly inclined to lead a healthy lifestyle, try to eat quality products, a lot of vegetables and fruits, use environmentally friendly products, as well as many are engaged in some kind of sport. The simplest, not requiring a certain time, place and special handy tools is running, so it is so popular among those who want to lose weight, pull themselves together, just feel OK. But in practice, everything is not so simple: the consequence of a wrong approach to this activity can be various unpleasant outcomes, including pain in the knee.

    Soreness in the knee joint can be caused by both trauma, and systemic or other diseases. This pathology depends on what part of the knee joint is damaged, so first we need to consider how it is arranged.

    Briefly about the anatomy of the knee joint

    The knee often suffers not just because it is the largest, strong joint of the human body, it has a heavy load even when standing, let alone walking and, especially, run.

    The knee joint consists of three bones: the femoral, tibial and patella. They are surrounded by ligaments, muscles.

    The space between the working surfaces of bones contains unique cartilaginous pads - menisci performing a cushioning function.

    The cavity of the joint is called a capsule and is filled with synovial fluid.

    When practicing jogging, any component of the joint can be damaged: muscles, ligaments, meniscuses, even bones.

    It is also possible to experience pain in the knee after running a race because of other diseases that make themselves felt after a load.

    Pain is acute and chronic, temporary and permanent - it all depends on what causes this pathology.

    Causes of pain after exercise

    Sharp start

    People who are just starting to run may experience knee pain for the simple reason: poor body preparation and a sharp start to running activity.

    Everyone from the school knows: before running it is necessary to do a warm-up, warm up the muscles, and only then go to more serious exercises, since without this, such consequences as stretching of muscles and ligaments, as well as ruptures ligaments.

    Another cause of pain can be a large load after a long break: unused organism so reacts to lactic acid, which is released in load time, the term "krepature" is more popular, such pain does not appear immediately, but after some time after exercising, approximately through how much hours. If the pain comes at once and the sensations are not aching, but burning, the problem is more serious.

    Wrong run

    Running is also necessary correctly, and those who do not follow such rules are prone to feel pain in the knee because of this.

    Running is not just a very fast step, during this sport, the correct setting of the foot is very important, namely the roll with heels on the toe, lightness, correct and synchronized movements of the hands and breathing - inhaling with the nose, exhaling with the mouth and in time with the work feet.

    Failure to comply with any point will lead to either seriousness during the run or to various injuries. And the knee joint, taking a heavy load, very often suffers.

    The right place and shoes

    The road for running is often chosen asphalt, which is a mistake. It will be better for the feet if they come into contact with a softer coating, such as a dirt road.

    With shoes, things are the same: cumbersome sneakers with a thick sole will be a burden to the feet, but too soft and light can give the feeling that a man runs almost without shoes, and this is not very comfortable, so you need to take "gold middle ".

    The right place and shoes are extremely important for maintaining the health of the knee


    The easiest way to earn a bruised knee, manifested by pain, impaired mobility, hemarthrosis, and such a trauma does not require specific treatment.

    Sprains and tears

    In the formation of the knee joint, there are 5 ligaments: 2 lateral, anterior and posterior cruciate and a patellar patellar ligament.

    With sudden movements during running or an increased load on the joint, these ligaments are stretched (they can break) or even break completely, which leads to the appearance of the following symptoms:

    • painful sensations that begin abruptly;
    • edema in the knee and possible bruising (may occur later);
    • difficulty in joint movements, stiffness;
    • a possible symptom - a click, sometimes a crunch when moving, accompanied by pain.

    Symptoms depend on the degree of damage to the ligaments. At the first degree they are not expressed severely, while several fibers are torn, but the ligaments do not lose complete integrity and after a couple of weeks the trauma disappears.

    The second degree is characterized by large tears and more pronounced symptoms.

    At the third degree, one or more ligaments are ruptured completely, they can come off at the place of attachment to the bone, while the blood vessels, nerves, the cavity of the knee joint are filled with blood, the conductivity of the lower legs is violated.

    Damage to the meniscus

    As mentioned earlier, menisci are cartilaginous structures located between the bones of the knee joint for depreciation. In each knee there are two, outer and inner. They are crescent shaped.

    With sudden movements, whether running or sharp squatting, they can be injured, and the inner meniscus, and more rarely the outer one, suffer more often. The rupture of both cartilage is extremely rare.

    Meniscal damage is one of the most common injuries of the knee.

    As with injuries of ligaments, menisci can partially tear, tear or break away from the ligaments that attach to the joint.

    Sometimes they can just be excessively mobile.

    With such pathologies, the detached particle moves from its normal position, thereby hampering the movement of the knee and thereby causing pain.

    Dislocation of the patella

    The patella, or patella, is attached to the joint by means of ligaments.

    With a sharp turn of the foot during the run, the patella can shift, causing severe pain, inability to move in the knee. There may be a hemarthrosis.

    This dislocation can sometimes be corrected by yourself, but it is highly undesirable, as self-medication may be followed by rather unpleasant complications.

    With the dislocation of the patella, the ligaments that fix it can stretch and tear, which leads to a "habitual dislocation". This disease is often found among athletes and is called the "knee runner." Frequent dislocation of the patella provokes constant pain in the knee.

    Teenage years

    During pubertal development, when the body is actively growing, often blood vessels do not keep up with the bones, which leads to blood circulation disorders, including the knee. As a result, a teenager feels pain after running, but this pathology does not require specialized treatment, since it passes with age itself.

    Diseases of the knee joint

    Pain in the knee can also be a consequence of various nontraumatic illnesses.

    1. Arthritis is an inflammatory knee disease, it can be caused by trauma or as a manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, tuberculosis of bones, gout.
    2. Arthrosis of the knee, or gonarthrosis - a pathology of cartilage tissue of the knee joint, which leads to deformation of the bone surface. This disease is mainly treated surgically.
    3. Bursitis is an inflammatory process of the joint bag.
    4. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve can also manifest as pain in the deer due to the running load.

    First aid for pain in the knee

    To eliminate pain, the following measures should be taken:

    • Apply cold to the knee joint;
    • to reduce edema, the leg should be kept in a position higher than the heart;
    • you can take painkillers anti-inflammatory drugs.

    All these actions will only temporarily relieve the symptoms, for subsequent treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor, since many of the reasons for this pain require specific treatment.

    When ligaments are torn, an operation is required to restore their integrity.

    The minor injuries of the meniscus are treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, with heavy degrees also an operation is performed - arthroscopy, at this time, at least traumatic operative intervention on joints, is carried out with the help of an arthroscope - a tool with a camera, is inserted into the knee cavity through small notches.

    Systemic diseases such as tuberculosis, gout require medical treatment and topical application of anti-inflammatory ointments.

    Severe lesions of the knee, such as gonarthrosis, require the replacement of the joint to an artificial joint, which is performed with the help of surgery.


    To prevent knee pains after a running load, it is important first of all to go to the choice of shoes, place, warm-up and running technique, because even without any diseases, with the wrong approach, you can easily get.

    You can not begin running training at once for long distances and for a long time - you need to start small, gradually increasing the load. When running, breathing in through the nose, exhale through the mouth, breathing should be rhythmic.

    In the running process, only the legs and hands should participate, the trunk should not move. The first to touch the ground is the heel, smoothly pumping over the toe.


    In addition, if you start running, then you need to deal with it constantly, 2-3 times a week, single jogging once a month will do more harm than good.


    In addition, if you start a knee disease, for example, gonarthrosis, this can lead to surgery for replacing the joint with an artificial one, but put it only for 10 years, then it will have to be over and over again change.

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    A source:

    Why does the knee hurt after running? Why, after the run, legs hurt below the knees:

    Without any doubt, the practice of jogging in the morning (or even in the evenings) is an exercise useful both for the physiological and psychological components of a person.

    The person who makes periodic runs feels himself toned, constantly cheerful, fresh and full of creative ideas in his work. This is why many successful people try to devote as much time as possible to this occupation.

    Many factors are necessary for a successful running process. This is also a long time after eating (that's why everyone tries to run in the morning on an empty stomach), and comfortable sportswear, and a favorable route.

    But how unpleasant, when this event breaks down because of pain in the knee. What to do if after a run the knee hurts? What is the reason for such painful sensations? Possible reasons for this are discussed below.

    Pain in the knee

    If after a run the knee hurts, then know: the reason may be the wrong distribution of the load. The occurrence of pain in the knees - this is a phenomenon that does not surprise the athlete with experience.

    Most of the loads when going in for sports go to the feet. This is especially true of running. After all, with every new kilometer the load only increases.


    But what can I say, even if everyday movements can cause serious strain.


    It is worth remembering that the knee is the most complicated system of the joint. That is why it is unequivocal to say right away why the knee hurts after running, it is impossible. It can be both a developing pathology, and the presence of various diseases that you previously did not even know about.

    If an athlete has a knee pain after running, then this is a reason to think seriously. This especially applies to beginners.

    If after the first (second or third) jog you feel a aching, pulling or even cutting pain, then it is necessary to stop immediately training and go to the clinic, as it is very difficult to determine the cause (if you do not have medical education).

    After running, the knees ache. What to do? What are the reasons?

    As already mentioned, there can be a great many reasons. From a trauma received in childhood, about which you have long forgotten, but began to suddenly develop, before the development of a new joint disease.

    Also, it is not excluded that a wrong trip to the run or an unacceptable site chosen for him. Consider the main reasons that lead to the fact that after the run the knees hurt.

    What to do in this case, we'll look at a little later.

    Poorly selected terrain

    If you have chosen as a site for your training irregularities, elevations, etc.

    , then do not be surprised and do not ask yourself why the knees hurt after running, because after a few minutes you may begin to develop unpleasant sensations in the region of the knees.

    Gradually, these feelings grow into real pain. There is really nothing to be surprised about in this case.

    After bumpy surfaces provoke the formation of microtraumas in the knee joints due to the uneven distribution of the load of your body on the feet. This is the first answer to the question of why after the race it hurts below the knee.

    To avoid this, you must choose an even surface for your runs. Thus, you minimize the possibility of pain. An important factor is the factor in which shoes you make training.

    There is no need for excessive compression of the foot, and at the same time one should not allow too much space in the shoes. It should tightly tighten the leg, but do not squeeze it. Otherwise, the joints get an extra load, which is fraught with the development of leg diseases.

    Ideal equipment for the lower extremities are sneakers. Someone chooses and sneakers, but this type of footwear has a thin sole, which makes the feet feet vulnerable in case there are glasses, nails and other sharp rubbish on the ground (or asphalt).

    Do not also be like pictures on the Internet, which depict brutal bearded runners in heavy boots. It's just advertising and nothing more.

    Wrong technique

    It is important to remember that any sporting activities start with an easy warm-up.

    Thus, you warm up your limbs, which prepares them for future loads.

    Therefore, the reason that your legs hurt after running below the knee may be simply the absence of warm-up exercises in your training program.

    In addition, during the race you need to keep your body properly. It must correctly distribute the load. Only in this case you do not have to wonder why after the race it hurts under the knee.

    Also important is the work of the feet. There is no need to turn them around and load their sides. Especially it is impossible to do weight accent on a heel or one only fingers. All this leads to a violation, which subsequently develops before a real trauma.

    If you start to feel pain in your legs, then it's time to reconsider the technique of your run. Probably, it is not necessary to say that running is contraindicated for people suffering from flat feet.

    Smooth surface of the foot does not allow performing the springy functions of the foot, which also leads to severe pain and trauma.


    By the way, about flatfoot. Unfortunately, many believe that this ailment has its origin from the very childhood, and in his adult life he will get the minimum chances. This is far from the case. Flat feet are developed at any age. And the later, the less chance of a full recovery.

    A beginner (or even a professional) athlete may not even guess about the presence of this disease. However, with each new run it develops more and more.

    And it is not necessary that it is earned by running. Far from it. You can get it in the ordinary times, just putting on uncomfortable shoes.

    Either start the process of its development, not curing the old trauma.


    Running with flatfoot is extremely harmful, therefore, having this affliction, it is better to choose another sport. Flat-footed treatment is extremely difficult.


    For this, you will have to attend various exercises with special gymnastics, perform exercises at home and combine all this with wearing orthopedic insoles.

    You should not even start jogging if you have a suspicion of flat feet.

    Damaged meniscus

    The meniscus itself is a cartilage located inside the patella. It binds to the joint with the help of special connective tissues.

    One unexpected sudden movement is enough to cut them off, thereby damaging the meniscus. Since the beginning of such a trauma there are severe pains.

    The next day the limb swells, presenting serious difficulties for movement.

    In case of a damaged meniscus, you should immediately contact your doctor.

    To prevent such trauma, it is necessary to be in constant harmony with your body, controlling every movement.

    In no case should you avoid running in areas that are fraught with traumatic situations. For example, tuberculate surfaces.

    Inflammatory processes

    Pain in the knee can also occur due to inflammatory processes. For their appearance, there are all conditions - permanent microtrauma during running, for example.

    To bright examples of such processes, arthritis can be attributed.

    It occurs on the basis of incorrect technique of running and represents acute inflammatory processes in the knee joint, forcing an unfortunate athlete to go to the doctor with a question about why after the run his legs hurt knees.

    At the beginning of its development, arthritis is expressed by minor pains, accompanied by constant numbness of the limb. Subsequently, arthritis takes a more serious form.


    Also from diseases of this category should be identified and rheumatism, which is also capable of causing aching pain in the knee joint.


    The most ruthless ailment of the knee joint is arthrosis. It passes almost asymptomatically.

    Only occasionally do you feel unpleasant sensations in your knees during a run. But then an arthrosis pours out in serious damage of a joint in view of the burst ligaments.

    This can lead to an entire deformation of the knee joint.

    Vascular disorders

    This type of violation is typical of teenagers. The body is formed, therefore, this also applies to the lower limbs. In view of the fact that bones develop and grow faster than blood vessels, various changes in their structure occur.

    Sometimes small vessels may burst. Such feelings can be temporary and do not have a permanent place. The pain can be cutting. Then everything goes by itself.

    However, there is a possibility of overgrowth and into serious inflammatory processes.

    Typically, such violations are caused by an incorrect load on the feet when running on an uneven surface. In addition, the vessels can break and if the feet are in the wrong position or with additional loads due to tight shoes.

    Measures to eliminate pain

    After you feel pain in the knee joint, you should immediately finish your workout. Then you need to urgently go to the doctor.

    Before this, it will be a good idea to muffle the pain by winding a knee cap with an elastic bandage. Also it does not hurt to put ice on a sore spot.

    Helps and correctly selected position of the limb - it should be in comfort, raised slightly above the body.

    If all of the above measures did not bring the desired result, then take an anesthetic. Only one should choose a drug from non-steroid drug groups.

    Even if the symptoms are gone and the knee no longer hurts, you still need to see a doctor in the clinic, since this can happen again.

    The earlier you start treatment, the more likely that you will soon return to your track.

    Do I need to say that if the knees begin to ache after running, do you need to go to the doctor instead of trying to self-medicate?

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