Pneumonia without cough

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing

Can there be pneumonia without a cough?

Many are wondering if there can be pneumonia without a cough and often doctors give an affirmative answer to this question. All known symptoms are described in terms of a certain number of patients, but there are exceptions to the general rules. Every organism has its own reaction to this or that disease, that's why they take different forms in everyone. It often happens that even X-ray studies are not able to detect lung inflammation, which occurs with the complete absence of cough. In a special group of risk of asymptomatic inflammation of the lungs are children. Very often parental vigilance is blunted in the absence of pronounced symptoms of the disease and the doctor does not go on time. The bad thing is that in this way there is a serious threat to the health of the child.

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs without a cough is an increased temperature, indicating the presence of infection in the body. The main difficulty in this situation is the impossibility of determining the presence of inflammation in the lungs. In this case, the diagnosis should be carried out in a differentiated way, provided that the relationship with other morbid conditions is excluded. When diagnosing pneumonia, attention should be paid to signs of a non-specific nature, which include:

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  • pallor of the skin;
  • unhealthy blush;
  • low susceptibility of physical activity;
  • appeared shortness of breath;
  • pains in the chest accompanying each movement.

Defining a hidden inflammation of the lungs, it is most difficult to examine a small child. His state, he can not really describe, when trying to do this is often confused. In this case, the consultation of a qualified doctor will help laboratory diagnosis in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever with a cough

Pneumonia without fever with a cough is a very dangerous disease, which can result in the death of the patient. The danger lies in the absence of symptoms, which allows you to put the correct diagnosis on time and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Cough in this case plays an insidious role, being a symptom of diseases of a different kind and thereby causing the possibility of setting the wrong diagnosis. Ill person can not guess about the nature of his condition, taking measures to alleviate it, while he will be treated completely from another disease. Thus, his condition will be aggravated more and more. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination in time in order to identify the true cause of what is happening.

Inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs may be absent due to the localization of the disease in a certain segment or part of the lung tissue. In this case, the patient does not suffer from pain in the lungs, and he does not have a cough. Body temperature also remains within normal limits. This becomes possible with a weakened immunity of the patient or can occur against the background of an uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. Also, the cause of inflammation of the lungs, which occurs in the absence of cough, can be the use of drugs, whose action is aimed at eliminating cough. This pathology is extremely dangerous in pediatric practice, because the child can not properly describe his feelings. Statistical calculations point to the fact that inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature in most cases results in the death of the patient. This fact explains the need for clear ideas about the nature of the disease, the forms of its course and methods of dealing with it.

Pneumonia: symptoms without fever. Symptoms of Hidden Pneumonia

High temperature is a classic sign of the inflammatory process in the lungs. It signals a serious illness such as pneumonia. Symptoms without fever are rarely taken for its manifestation. It's a pity. After all, they indicate the latent course of the disease.

Main reasons

Symptoms of latent pneumonia are intense sweating and weakness. Even in the case of minimal loads. What do these signs mean? They signal a weakened immunity. After all, the body does not give a normal response to the inflammatory process. That is why, even in the case of severe lung damage, the body temperature rises slightly, and sometimes remains at a normal level.

At the same time, high sweating and weakness speak of the strongest poisoning. Malicious bacteria are not restrained by immune cells and spread a lot of toxic substances. The excretory system simply does not have time to get rid of them. As a result, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. And this leads to an even greater oppression of immunity. In the end, the body completely ceases to resist infection.

Remember, pneumonia without temperature is a sign of impaired immunity. Such a patient needs prompt medical assistance. Because without it, the patient can die.

Symptoms of pneumonia with a cough

The situation is typical for a patient who has had a long cold. The patient's condition improved significantly. The doctor does not observe wheezing in the lungs. There was only a small cough. For example, after a strong bronchitis such a residual phenomenon is considered the norm. However, only if it lasts no more than 2 weeks.

When is there reason to suspect that pneumonia develops in the body? Symptoms without fever, but with the presence of a cough should be alarmed in the following cases:

  • the presence of general weakness;
  • duration of cough more than 2 weeks;
  • decreased appetite;
  • expectoration of a large amount of sputum or, on the contrary, minimal;
  • shortness of breath, chest at this time asymmetrically expanding;
  • painful discomfort in the lower ribs;
  • strong heat and profuse sweating at any load.

These are the most common signs. These are very serious, characterizing such a disease as pneumonia, symptoms. Temperature of 37 C, and sometimes normal, in combination with the above signs may indicate a latent form of pulmonary tuberculosis.

That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Hidden pneumonia without coughing

Unfortunately, such a disease is characterized by different forms of manifestation. Is there pneumonia without fever and cough? Symptoms (signs of a hidden ailment) indicate a complete inactivity of the body before an insidious disease.

The following persons are subject to this form of manifestation of the disease:

  • patients with alcoholism;
  • persons who do not have a permanent place of residence;
  • HIV-infected;
  • aged people;
  • weakened children;
  • patients who have a different form of depression of the immune system.

In addition, symptoms of latent pneumonia without a cough can be observed in people who have a busy schedule. Such people, most of whom are office employees, spend a working day in a room depleted of oxygen. In this case, they are often delayed after a day's work. They do not pay attention to malaises of moderate and mild severity. Thus, most of the infections are carried on the legs.

Against the background of the weakening of immunity they develop pneumonia. Symptoms without fever and cough greatly complicate the possibility of correct diagnosis of the disease. But the whole danger lies in the fact that a good standard of living and nutrition gives the body the power to suppress the pathogen independently. At the same time, the connective tissue forms on the site of the former inflammation. As a result, the lungs lose their ability to gas exchange. The patient develops a respiratory failure.

Pneumonia in children

Breasts and newborns are most susceptible to the latent course of pneumonia. This is due to low respiratory activity in the absence of physical exertion. In children, stagnation of fluid in the pleural cavity is observed. In this regard, hard breathing is accepted as the norm of physiology. Meanwhile, pneumonia develops without temperature in children.

Symptoms of childhood pneumonia are of this nature:

  • the duration of sleep increases;
  • the regime of wakefulness and rest;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • there is a flabbiness of the skin;
  • there are causeless vagaries;
  • there is a violation of breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • nasolabial triangle turns pale and acquires a bluish tinge.

Undress the baby and carefully look at the chest during breathing. Hidden pneumonia is indicated by uneven movement in this area. One side may lag far behind the other when inhaled.

Possible reasons

Physicians identify several factors that can provoke pneumonia.

Inflammation of the lungs without temperature, causes:

  • Weakened immunity, which does not repel the ailment.
  • Complications after a viral infection.
  • Adapting the body to an antibiotic or antibacterial drug of a certain action.
  • Intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma).

Correctly diagnose the ailment is capable only of the doctor. After listening to the lungs of a small patient, he can suspect a serious illness. Finally, to make sure of the diagnosis, X-rays can be used. In addition, the baby will be assigned a blood test. This study will determine the causative agent of the disease.

Caution - pneumonia!

In the case of the above described symptoms, the only true solution will be a referral to the therapist. It is recommended to reduce psychological and physical stress. If you suspect pneumonia, symptoms (without temperature) fully indicate it, do not yourself do the following things yourself.

  1. Take medication. Some bacterial infections react to drugs by abrupt reproduction and growth.
  2. Warm the chest. Gorchichniki, banks will only contribute to the spread of infection.
  3. Take antitussive drugs. Blocking the reflex, drugs lead to stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  4. To visit baths, saunas. A high temperature will trigger the spread of infection in the lower ways.
  5. To use antipyretic, anesthetizing medicines. Such drugs negatively affect the immune system.

Home methods

After you discuss with your doctor the symptoms of pneumonia without fever, folk remedies are allowed to be connected as additional fighting measures. Initially, it must be said that no home methods can not defeat this disease on their own.

It is recommended (only after discussion with the doctor) to introduce into the diet: garlic, onion, propolis, honey, elderberry, raspberry, hips. Of course, provided there is no allergy to these products.

Adult patients should stop smoking. The diet should be enriched with carbohydrates, proteins. It is advisable to eat foods containing a large number of vitamins A, B, C.

The patient should drink plenty of clean water. The room should be constantly well ventilated. It is useful to use an air humidifier.


Never ignore the signals that your body gives you. In fact even about the latent form of a pneumonia he necessarily signals the strongest weakness and the raised sweating. Remember, inflammation of the lungs without temperature is the situation in which an attentive attitude towards health (one's own or loved ones) can save a life.

Symptoms and Treatment of Hidden Pneumonia

Hidden pneumonia, the symptoms of which are poorly expressed - a disease that manifests itself not only in adults but also in children. When a person gets sick with something, and his body starts to fight the virus, at that time he experiences unpleasant sensations - fever, cough, shortness of breath, weakness.

All of the above symptoms occur with pneumonia and may be harbingers of trouble. But there are cases when the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and a person can reveal it already at the late stages of development. One of these serious diseases is latent pneumonia.

Etiology of the disease

This type of pneumonia can be called quiet or hidden, since it is asymptomatic and can be a real threat to humans.Such a disease is dangerous because the person does not suspect about his illness and therefore does not conduct any treatment.

But it is more dangerous for newborn children who can not tell about changes in their state of health. And even when the child has a fever, the parents begin to think that he has a simple SARS.

This disease develops in people with low immunity or those who spend a long time in a depressed state, but this is only about adults. It can arise due to some chronic diseases or medication.

There are known cases when people were infected with pneumonia after taking pills for cough. After all, these drugs can turn off the cough reflex, and therefore a person can not defend himself against such a serious disease and does not perform an important function of his body.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are absent, any malaise and abnormalities on the part of the body can be evaluated as the development of another disease. But all the same, he has common characteristics:

  • whistling with inhalation or exhalation;
  • pale face covers;
  • tachycardia;
  • blush in the form of a stain;
  • decreased ability to work and fatigue;
  • Shortness of breath when doing simple exercises.
But it described the symptoms for an adult. Such a disease can develop in a child. Symptoms can be considered the following features:
  • loss of appetite;
  • restless sleep;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • decrease in activity.

All of them belong to the category of general, therefore it is difficult to detect pneumonia at the initial stage. That's why doctors recommend that in any disease they seek help, maybe something more serious is hidden under them. Determine the presence of infection can only be through diagnosis.

When the doctor will examine the patient, he will be able to hear strange sounds in the lung area. If you listen, you can hear whistles and wheezing. Be sure to pass a blood test, which will confirm the diagnosis and fears of the doctor.

How to treat diseases

Pneumonia hidden is a serious disease, despite the fact that it manifests itself almost without symptoms. But if some of them are similar to pneumonia, then you need to contact the doctor, so that he has established the correct diagnosis and picked up the correct treatment. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

If the doctor has confirmed the diagnosis, then it is necessary, first of all, to identify the causative agent of the disease. The most common pathogens are of two types:

  • allergy;
  • bacteria.

If the disease has occurred against the background of the use of some drugs, then they must stop taking or replace with other medications. And if such drugs caused such a serious illness, then they should never be taken again, as the disease can recur.

How to treat latent pneumonia depends on its variety and flow process. Treatment is selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Why pneumonia can develop asymptomatically

That there was no latent pneumonia, it is necessary to take care of prophylaxis. It should be noted that this prevention is not difficult to implement. To do this, you need to understand, because of what the disease can develop, and how to prevent it. The most common causes of the disease include:

  • addiction to the drug;
  • independent treatment of diseases;
  • violation of the process of sputum discharge;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • decreased body protection.
Do not constantly take antibiotics, since they do not act on the virus, thereby, deepening the immune system and the human body. In addition, these drugs can develop people's addiction. And these people can develop acute respiratory viral infections into pneumonia, which manifests itself asymptomatically.

You need to constantly monitor your health and pay attention to treatment. Even simple caries can develop into cancer or other complex diagnoses. All medications that you are treated with must be prescribed by a doctor, only a specialist can correctly establish a diagnosis and choose a treatment. It is necessary to do a fluorography, and it is recommended to conduct this examination at least once a month.

How can pneumonia manifest without a cough?

To identify pneumonia in a person who does not cough, it is sometimes enough to look at his appearance. A person who suffers from pneumonia has pale skin and a blush on his cheeks that looks like spots. Signs of the development of pneumonia include the following:

  • frequent pulse;
  • inability to take a deep breath;
  • painful sensations when turning the torso;
  • difficulty breathing while walking;
  • frequent thirst;
  • heart palpitations with minor loads;
  • when breathing in and out, only one half of the chest moves;
  • sweating.

But these symptoms can not be confirmed by a diagnosis, it can be justified after examining the surface of the lungs.

How to identify the disease in a child

As the statistics show, about one and a half thousand children die each year because of latent pneumonia, and the attitude of doctors and parents is to blame. After all, until the diagnosis is confirmed, the children attend pre-school and school facilities and are subjected to stress, which is undesirable in such a disease.

Symptoms of infantile latent pneumonia:

  • drowsiness;
  • capriciousness;
  • pain in different parts of the body;
  • sweating.

If your child has such symptoms, then you need to donate blood and go to the doctor. First of all, you need to contact a pediatrician, and if necessary he will refer you to a narrow specialist and for an additional examination. If there is no strength to go to the doctor yourself and the symptoms suddenly appear, you need to call the doctor at home.

With the symptoms described above, it is not recommended to do the following things:

  • warm up the body, especially the thorax;
  • perform heavy physical exertion;
  • self-healing;
  • take antibiotics;
  • take antipyretics;
  • to drink expectorants and antitussives;
  • do ordinary things.

At the first suspicions on a pneumonia, even if there are no signs, it is necessary to hand over analyzes, and to spend inspection.

To make a diagnosis, you need to pass the following tests: sputum analysis, UAC, lung volume and lung X-ray examination from different sides.

You should also visit the phthisiatrician. This symptom should be treated with care, as the development of the disease can lead to sudden death. It is worthwhile to understand for myself that the disease itself will not pass, it needs to be treated.

Does pneumonia happen without coughing and fever? only one weakness?



Pneumonia is always accompanied by fever. Usually not high in the 37 area, but you can not undo it, it's the most important sign of pneumonia, anyway, when I was sick and lay with pneumonia in the hospital in all patients was just like that, cough, even a little, but also had all. So it's not a fact that you have pneumonia.


Pneumonia without coughing does not happen!


at first it can be


it happens. antibiotics usually treat pneumonia, but for a start it would be nice to take a picture to make sure that this is really pneumonia

Lily -

And you yourself have diagnosed yourself? Pneumonia without temperature and coughing does not happen. This is an inflammation of the lungs, and inflammation is accompanied by high fever. In case of pneumonia, the cough is tearing. Treatment is long

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