Polyarthritis: Symptoms and Treatment


  • 1Symptoms and Treatment of Polyarthritis
    • 1.1Kinds
    • 1.2Main manifestations
    • 1.3Symptoms of rheumatoid polyarthritis
    • 1.4Symptoms of infectious specific polyarthritis
    • 1.5Symptoms of exchangeable polyarthritis
    • 1.6Symptoms of post-traumatic polyarthritis
    • 1.7Symptoms of psoriatic polyarthritis
    • 1.8Symptoms of reactive polyarthritis
    • 1.9Choosing a method of treatment
    • 1.10Medication
    • 1.11Physiotherapeutic treatment
    • 1.12Surgery
    • 1.13Diet
  • 2Treatment of joint polyarthritis and symptoms by type of disease
    • 2.1Characteristics of the disease
    • 2.2How does the pathology manifest itself?
    • 2.3Symptoms of other types of polyarthritis
    • 2.4What is the risk of polyarthritis?
    • 2.5Diagnostic measures
    • 2.6How to deal with polyarthritis?
    • 2.7Medication Therapy
    • 2.8Physiotherapy techniques
    • 2.9Dietotherapy for polyarthritis
    • 2.10Surgery
  • 3Polyarthritis: symptoms and treatment, complications of polyarthritis of the hands
    • 3.1Polyarthritis - what is it?
    • 3.2Signs and forms of polyarthritis
    • 3.3Treatment of polyarthritis, drugs
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4Complications of polyarthritis
    • 3.5Prevention of polyarthritis
  • 4Polyarthritis
    • 4.1Rheumatoid polyarthritis
    • 4.2Reactive polyarthritis
    • 4.3Exchange (crystalline) polyarthritis
    • 4.4Psoriatic polyarthritis
    • 4.5Infectious specific polyarthritis

Symptoms and Treatment of Polyarthritis

The disease affects the synovial membrane of the joint. Damage to the joints can occur consecutively or simultaneously. Rapid proliferation of small vessels, the formation of granulation tissue and the gradual destruction of cartilage lead to a violation of their function.

The causes of polyarthritis are quite diverse and depend on the primary disease, which can be difficult to identify.


In most cases, polyarthritis is a secondary disease, therefore its classification is based on depending on the path of penetration of pathogenic factors and the form of primary disease, which became the cause of deformation joints.

The main groups of the disease:

  • Infectious - inflammatory forms with the presence of an infectious agent, are characterized by a relatively favorable course (rheumatoid, specific, nonspecific, infectious-allergic).
  • Non-infectious - dystrophic forms that develop as a result of joint damage by physical, mechanical or other factors that are not associated with infection (psoriatic, allergic, metabolic, posttraumatic).
  • Undifferentiated.

The symptoms of polyarthritis and the methods of its treatment directly depend on its etiology.

Main manifestations

Common clinical features:

  1. soreness of the joints;
  2. limited mobility;
  3. edema of the affected area;
  4. increase in skin temperature on the surface of the joint;
  5. change in the shape of the joint and the violation of its functions.

All these symptoms can be observed in isolation or simultaneously.

Signs of polyarthritis depending on the form of the disease:

  • Acute is accompanied by persistent severe pain, limited mobility of the joints and flushing of the skin.
  • Subacute is characterized by moderate inflammation, swelling and stiffness in the joints.
  • The chronic form develops asymptomatically for many years and manifests in adulthood. It leads to disability due to severe deformity of the joints. The patient feels pain in any movement.

Symptoms of rheumatoid polyarthritis

The main symptom of polyarthritis of rheumatoid type is symmetrical lesion of small joints on the left and right side. First of all, damage is fixed on the hands and on the feet.

Here there is a soreness, which is amplified at night, whereas in the daytime it may be absent. In the morning, joint stiffness is felt, which occurs during activity.

Dependence between physical exertion, lifting of weights and pain is not observed.

The appearance of rheumatoid nodules is a characteristic sign of the disease. They are seals located under the skin near the affected area, especially often they can be found near the elbow joints.

This form of the disease refers to one of the most severe varieties of arthritis. In untimely treatment, the disease leads to disability. In addition, there is a risk of serious complications associated with the defeat of internal organs, skin and eyes.

Symptoms of infectious specific polyarthritis

The first signs of polyarthritis of this type can arise after the transferred infectious disease or develop in its acute period.

Main features:

  1. limitation of mobility;
  2. arthralgia in the joints;
  3. edema;
  4. a sharp increase in body temperature to 40 ° C;
  5. progressive muscular atrophy.

Depending on the main diagnosis, the symptoms of polyarthritis may be supplemented by other symptoms.

Additional symptoms:

  • With brucellosis polyarthritis, the body temperature rises wave-like, the liver, lymph nodes and spleen are enlarged, neuritis and neuralgia are noted.
  • Gonorrhea is accompanied by a decrease in body weight and complete immobilization of affected joints when pus appears in them.
  • Syphilitic is characterized by soreness of the joints at night and the formation of gum in them, followed by deformation. Nevertheless, the functionality of the articulations is not broken.

Most infectious polyarthritis affects large joints symmetrically, which is accompanied by muscle atrophy and loss of sensitivity. Sometimes on a surface of a skin it is possible to find out motionless dense knots.

Both symptoms and treatment of infectious polyarthritis are within the competence of infectious disease and rheumatologists, since the therapy in this case is directed, first of all, to combating the primary disease.

Symptoms of exchangeable polyarthritis

When the metabolism is disturbed, salt crystals gradually accumulate in the joints of the patient, so this condition is also called crystalline polyarthritis.

For example, gout refers to the deposition of uric acid crystals.

Their microscopic acute angles have a traumatic effect on the joint structure and cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms of crystalline polyarthritis:

  1. primary signs appear on the big toe, then spread to other joints;
  2. affects no more than 2-3 joints;
  3. sudden pain for several days, which passes by itself;
  4. In the region of affected joints there is hyperemia and swelling of the tissues;
  5. recurrent course with a regularity of 1 to 3 times a month.

Symptoms of post-traumatic polyarthritis

For the beginning of the pathological process, heavy injuries of joints are not necessary, the disease can occur even with prolonged and monotonous load on a certain group of muscles.

Common features:

  • chronic course;
  • Muscular and joint pain sensations of a dull character;
  • feeling of stiffness;
  • increased pain during exercise;
  • crunching in the affected joint during movement.

Incorrect treatment of polyarthritis with such symptoms or lack of it can cause complications such as ankylosis, inflammation of the synovial bag, tendovaginitis and erysipelas.

Symptoms of psoriatic polyarthritis

This pathology can develop in people who suffer from psoriasis. The joints of the feet are most often affected. First, there are changes in the synovial membrane, then the surrounding tissues are involved in the pathological process.

There are several varieties of psoriatic polyarthritis.

Symptoms of different types:

  1. Asymmetric is a common form of the disease, in which no more than five articulations are affected. The most frequent changes are from the knee, hip and joints of the feet.
  2. Symmetrical similarity with asymmetric shape. The difference is that symmetrical joints are affected. Simultaneously with the joints of the hands and feet, the wrists are damaged.
  3. Spondylitis occurs in 20% of patients with psoriasis. Inflammation develops in the spine and is manifested by pain in the back.
  4. Polyarthritis of interphalangeal joints is a rare form of damage to the small joints of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities.
  5. Mutilating - deformation of the fingers on the limbs, occurs in very rare cases.

Distinctive features:

  • inflammation of ligaments and tendons;
  • exfoliation of the nails;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • anemia;
  • conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of reactive polyarthritis

Reactive polyarthritis is most often diagnosed in young men.

Inflammation in the joint tissue develops immediately after a bacterial, viral or fungal infection of the respiratory, cardiovascular or digestive systems.

The condition for the onset of the disease is the effect of hypothermia, the presence of chronic foci of infection, the fact of increased physical exertion on the upper limbs, or injury.

Main features:

  1. the onset of the disease 2-3 weeks after the infection;
  2. fever;
  3. chills;
  4. malaise;
  5. damage to the mucous membranes (urethritis, conjunctivitis, erosion and ulcers);
  6. possible defeat of the heart;
  7. changes in the growth of nail plates.

Choosing a method of treatment

The severity of symptoms in the treatment of polyarthritis is crucial in the design of the therapy regimen. Methods of treatment depend on the duration of the disease and the patient's condition.

Thus, for patients with neglected cases, which are accompanied by immobilization and severe pain, surgical intervention is most often indicated.

Contraindication to surgery may be unsatisfactory general condition of the patient, as well as cardiac and respiratory failure.

If the pathology is detected at an early stage, then the treatment is conducted under the guidance of a therapist, rheumatologist and physiotherapist.

Folk remedies can not be used as the main method of therapy, their use is possible only after consultation with the doctor.


The main goal of drug treatment is to stop the inflammatory reaction, remove the pain syndrome and reduce the severity of swelling, chills and burning.

Treatment of polyarthritis requires a strictly individual approach to the patient, since the disease is multifactorial, and in each specific case the therapy scheme is significantly different.


  • Corticosteroids - an anti-inflammatory effect occurs by suppressing the immune response. These drugs show high efficacy and are often prescribed among the first to treat polyarthritis.
  • Bisphosphonates are used to prevent osteoporosis induced by the use of steroid drugs.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the severity of inflammation and block pain by suppressing prostaglandins, which play a leading role in the inflammatory response.
  • Basic antirheumatic drugs are used for a long time in complex therapy simultaneously with non-steroidal and corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Their action is to suppress immunity factors.
  • Anti-TNF - drugs containing substances that block tumor necrosis factor, which can cause many forms of joint damage.
  • Antibiotics are used in the treatment of infectious polyarthritis as a means of suppressing the development of the pathogen.

The treatment regimen for polyarthritis involves the use of drugs in various forms of release. Medicines can be used topically on the skin, administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

The listed preparations possess a lot of side effects, therefore they are used only according to the doctor's prescription.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

At the moment, completely cure polyarthritis is impossible. Therapy is reduced to the use of supporting methods and treatment, reducing the severity of symptoms.

Suspend the pathological process and improve the mobility of affected joints will help physiotherapy techniques that are used during remission or when the patient's condition is stabilized.

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Methods of physiotherapy:

  1. massage;
  2. phonophoresis;
  3. ultrasound;
  4. iontophoresis;
  5. cryotherapy;
  6. ozokerite applications;
  7. paraffin treatment;
  8. magnetotherapy;
  9. barotherapy;
  10. physiotherapy.

Sanatorium treatment provides for periodic visits to sanatoriums and health resorts for the reception of mineral waters, therapeutic mud and procedures in order to prevent relapses.


Operative intervention is the last-resort method for the treatment of severe-flow polyarthritis. It is resorted to in the case when the medicamental methods have not shown effectiveness, or they knowingly will be meaningless.

The surgeon when planning an operation takes into account the symptoms and treatment of polyarthritis in the past, as well as its complications. With significant destruction of the joints, surgical intervention is the only effective method of treatment.

Objectives of surgical intervention:

  • eliminate pain;
  • restore the functioning of the joint;
  • resume the patient's activity.

Types of surgical intervention:

  1. prosthetics, or replacement of a broken joint with a prosthesis;
  2. removal of the synovial membrane of the joint to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process to the bone tissue;
  3. immobilization of the articulation to accelerate the adhesion of bone tissue.


Rational nutrition is the key to the health of the body as a whole and joints in particular. Compliance with diet plays an important role in the treatment of polyarthritis.

The patient's diet should contain all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals to maintain normal metabolic processes in the tissues.

It is recommended to use products that promote acidity. It is especially important to observe a diet for gout.

Recommended diet:

  • dairy products;
  • products containing gelatin (cold and brawn);
  • low-fat varieties of meat and fish (twice a week);
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • sorrel;
  • asparagus;
  • Rowan;
  • blueberry;
  • rice;
  • berry fruit drinks.

It is necessary to exclude or limit:

  1. flour;
  2. sweets;
  3. salt;
  4. sharp spices;
  5. tomatoes;
  6. eggplant;
  7. potatoes;
  8. strong tea and coffee;
  9. beans;
  10. meat broths;
  11. any products containing purines;
  12. alcohol.

The menu should be balanced in terms of calories. Excess body weight is a factor that negatively affects the joints.

A source: http://pillsman.org/22400-poliartrit.html

Treatment of joint polyarthritis and symptoms by type of disease

In the case of polyarthritis, the symptoms and treatment of this joint disease largely depend on the factors that provoked its development. What are the varieties of polyarthritis, what clinical manifestations do they have and what methods of control are used?

A photo. Polyarthritis of joints

Characteristics of the disease

If there is a polyarthritis, what is it, every patient should know. This pathology is one of the varieties of arthrosis.

Only in this case the ailment affects 2 or more joints of the patient.

The illness is inflammatory and in the absence of proper treatment can lead to serious limitations of joint mobility and even disability of the patient.

Depending on the provoking factors, the course of the pathological process and its clinical signs may differ substantially. Accordingly, the patients will need different therapy. According to the international classification, two varieties of polyarthritis are distinguished by the form of the flow:

  1. Acute polyarthritis - begins, as a rule, unexpectedly and is accompanied by a pronounced symptomatology, characteristic for this disease.
  2. Chronic polyarthritis - characterized by a gradual and slow course. For some time, the ailment can proceed in a latent, latent form. Remissions are replaced by periodic exacerbations, during which the patients show painful symptoms, characteristic of acute form.

Polyarthritis of the joints, depending on the causes of the onset, has a different symptomatology, which must be read in more detail in order to understand how to deal with this pathology.

Causes of polyarthritis can vary. The following factors can cause this joint pathology:

  • rubella;
  • diseases of a viral origin;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • infectious processes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • traumatic joint damage;
  • disorders of metabolic processes;
  • decreased immunity.

How does the pathology manifest itself?

Symptoms of polyarthritis depend on the form of the course of the pathological process, a variety of the disease. For this joint disease is characterized by the following clinical signs:

  • joint pain;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • deformation of affected joints;
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • limitation of joint mobility and activity.

In addition, there are specific signs of polyarthritis, which are inherent in certain varieties of this articular pathology and are caused by factors that provoked development pathological process.

Exchange polyarthritis occurs against the background of violations of the metabolic processes. This form of pathological process is manifested by pronounced inflammatory signs localized in the region of affected joint structures.

For exchange polyarthritis is characterized by an acute pain syndrome, which lasts for several days, swelling and hyperemia.

The disease is characterized by a chronic course, with temporary exacerbations from 1 to 3 times during the month.

Deforming polyarthritis develops on the background of weakening of the patient's immune system, in disorders of autoimmune processes. This disease is characterized by chronic course. In the period of exacerbation, the patients exhibit such clinical signs:

  1. Muscular atrophy.
  2. Articular pain.
  3. Violation of joint mobility (especially brightly manifested in the morning hours).
  4. General weakness, increased fatigue.
  5. Increased body temperature.
  6. Articular pain.
  7. Puffiness.
  8. Redness of the skin in the area of ​​affected joints.
  9. Joint deformity.
  10. Increased affected joint.

The reactive polyarthritis develops after the transferred diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature.

Initial clinical signs do not differ in specificity: general malaise, fatigue, lymph nodes, slight increase in body temperature.

As the pathological process develops, the following symptoms begin to appear in patients:

  1. Joint and muscle pain.
  2. Lesions of the skin.
  3. Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Lesions of the mucous membranes of the visual apparatus, the oral cavity, etc.
  5. Feverish syndrome.

Symptoms of other types of polyarthritis

Infectious-allergic polyarthritis affects not the joints themselves, but adjacent synovial membranes and develops as protective reactions of the organism to acute infectious processes. This type of pathology is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome.
  2. Swelling of affected joints.
  3. Itching and redness of the skin in the lesion.

As a rule, the manifestations of infectious-allergic polyarthritis are less pronounced than in other forms of this joint disease.

Infectious reactive polyarthritis develops against the background of infectious diseases, toxic lesions, etc. For this type of polyarthritis are characterized by such clinical manifestations:

  • swelling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • joint deformities;
  • pain syndrome;
  • violations and limitations of joint mobility;
  • pronounced inflammatory manifestations;
  • articular arthralgia;
  • muscular atrophy.

Nonspecific polyarthritis is rare, severely affecting the joints. The disease proceeds according to the type of rheumatoid-deforming arthritis and manifests itself with the following alarming symptoms:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. fever;
  3. signs of general intoxication of the body;
  4. nausea;
  5. fits of vomiting;
  6. weakness;
  7. increased fatigue;
  8. attacks of dizziness.

Chlamydial polyarthritis is an autoimmune articular lesion that develops when the causative pathogens - chlamydia - enter the body. This pathology is referred to as Reuter's disease and manifests itself as the following symptomatology:

  • swelling and swelling of the joints;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • chills;
  • feverish condition;
  • lack of appetite;
  • general malaise and weakness.

What is the risk of polyarthritis?

Polyarthritis in neglected form without proper treatment not only deforms the joints, disrupting the patient's motor activity, but also affects the whole body. According to specialists in the medical field, this pathology can provoke the development of the following complications:

  1. vasculitis;
  2. heart defects;
  3. conjunctivitis;
  4. pericarditis;
  5. impaired visual function;
  6. neuritis;
  7. anemia;
  8. violation of blood clotting processes;
  9. glomerulonephritis;
  10. processes of a fibrous nature localized in the lungs.

Treatment of joint polyarthritis should begin at the earliest stages of the pathological process. In this case, subject to adequate therapy, strict adherence to medical recommendations, one can achieve a stable remission and avoid the development of the extremely undesirable complications listed above.

Diagnostic measures

In the case of polyarthritis, diagnosis is carried out by studying the clinical picture and symptoms of the disease, and analyzing complaints from the patient. In addition, the following types of studies are recommended for the establishment of an accurate diagnosis and definition of a disease variety:

  • Laboratory examination of urine and blood.
  • Carrying out a rheumatoid test.
  • Radiographic study.
  • CT scan.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Arthrography.
  • Histological examination.

Based on the results of complex diagnostics, the specialist appoints the most effective and appropriate therapeutic course for the patient.

How to deal with polyarthritis?

Than to treat a polyarthritis? The answer to this question depends on the type and form of the course of the pathological process. Therapy should aim to achieve the following results:

  1. Elimination of inflammatory processes.
  2. Prevention of further joint deformity.
  3. Kupirovanie processes of destruction of articular and cartilaginous tissues.
  4. Elimination of painful symptoms.
  5. Normalization of circulatory processes in the affected articular cartilaginous structures.
  6. Activation of regenerative and regenerative processes.

To achieve these goals, modern specialists apply such techniques as drug therapy, physiotherapy, diet therapy. In some of the most severe and neglected cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Medication Therapy

Drug therapy is the main method of combating polyarthritis. As a rule, patients are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, whose action is aimed at arresting the pain syndrome and eliminating the manifestations of inflammatory character.

Treatment of infectious polyarthritis involves the use of antibiotic drugs aimed at suppressing pathogens.

Infectious-allergic polyarthritis most often requires the appointment of antihistamines, eliminating allergic manifestations.

In some situations, patients are prescribed a course of hormone therapy.

Since in most cases, polyarthritis develops against the background of a weakened immune system, obligatory order to the patient vitamin and mineral complexes and preparations immunomodulating actions. When treating with corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, patients additionally prescribed antirheumatic drugs that contribute to the suppression of factors immune system.

Often, patients are prescribed so-called anti-TNF drugs, whose action is aimed at suppressing necrotic factors of tumor neoplasm, capable of provoking various forms of articular defeats.

Physiotherapy techniques

Methods of physiotherapy help to curtail the further development of the pathological process, increase the indices of joint mobility and improve the overall condition of the patient suffering from polyarthritis. The following methods are used for these purposes:

  • massages;
  • cryotherapy;
  • exercise therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • phonophoresis;
  • barotherapy;
  • ozocerite applications.
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In addition, very good results are provided by sanatorium-resort treatment and visits to dispensaries.

Dietotherapy for polyarthritis

Compliance with the right diet is very important for effective control of polyarthritis.

It is important that, along with food, the patient receive all the necessary microelements and vitamins, in order to maintain the normal course of the exchange processes.

It is recommended to eat it in small fractions and in small portions, in order to avoid obesity, which has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the joint tissues. The daily diet of a patient suffering from polyarthritis must include the following products:

  1. fruit;
  2. fresh vegetables;
  3. dairy products;
  4. meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  5. jelly;
  6. jelly;
  7. rice;
  8. sorrel;
  9. blueberry;
  10. fruit berries.

And some of the menu, on the contrary, will have to be deleted. In particular, patients with polyarthritis should refrain from eating the following dishes:

  • sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • salty foods;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • tea;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • spicy, spicy food;
  • beverages containing caffeine;
  • beans;
  • meat broth.


To surgical interventions in polyarthritis are resorted only in especially severe cases, in the late stages of the pathological process, in the absence of the effectiveness of methods of conservative therapy. If the joints are already severely damaged, the operation is the only way to normalize the patient's condition.

Surgical treatment for polyarthritis is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome and normalizing the functioning of the affected joints.

Depending on individual indications and features of the pathological process, the following types of surgical interventions can be used to combat polyarthritis:

  1. Artificial immobilization of the joint articulation, aimed at activating the processes of splicing of bone tissue structures.
  2. Prosthesis of a joint that has been destroyed by the disease.
  3. Surgical removal of affected joint synovial membranes, aimed at preventing the spread of inflammatory processes to the area of ​​bone tissue structures.

A photo. Surgical treatment for polyarthritis

The optimal type of surgery is selected by the surgeon individually, depending on the exact diagnosis, severity of the pathological process, the presence or absence of concomitant complications, the age category and the overall health of a particular patient.

The disease of polyarthritis is a severe articular pathology of an inflammatory nature, affecting at once several joints.

The causes of this illness, as well as its clinical manifestations, are numerous and quite diverse.

Since polyarthritis is fraught with the development of a number of complications and can lead to disability of the patient, it is recommended to start the fight against the disease at the earliest stages of the pathological process.

Therapy for polyarthritis includes such areas as medical treatment, physiotherapy procedures, adherence to the principles of diet therapy.

Only such an integrated approach will help to achieve lasting positive results.

Polyarthritis in advanced form requires surgical intervention!

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/artrit/poliartrit-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

Polyarthritis: symptoms and treatment, complications of polyarthritis of the hands

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Explanation of analyzes

In the inflammatory process in the joint, doctors talk about the development of arthritis, but if the pathological process is detected simultaneously in several joints, then it is a matter of polyarthritis.

Polyarthritis - what is it?

Polyarthritis is a disease characterized by the development of the inflammatory process simultaneously in several (most often symmetrical) joints. The disease progresses rapidly, it breaks the normal way of life of a person and can lead to disability.

The inflammatory process in joints can develop for numerous reasons, the most frequent of which are:

  1. Postponed infectious diseases (eg, angina), as a result of which an infectious agent with a blood stream enters the joint and provokes the development of a pathological process in it;
  2. Obtained serious injuries to the joints;
  3. Subcooling;
  4. Autoimmune diseases;
  5. Genetic predisposition;
  6. The presence of foci of chronic infection in the body;
  7. Allergic diseases;
  8. Disturbance of blood supply in the joints.

To find out the cause and form of the disease is important for determining the effective tactics of treating polyarthritis, the symptoms serve as an important diagnostic criterion.

Signs and forms of polyarthritis

Clinically, polyarthritis, regardless of the cause of the onset, is almost the same, however, in Depending on the factors that affect the development of the inflammatory process in the joints, the following forms diseases:

  • Rheumatoid polyarthritis - develops as a result of transferred infectious diseases, unsuccessful vaccination, on the background of which the thymus gland begins to produce antibodies that destroy their own cells, in particular tissues the joint;
  • Psoriatic polyarthritis - the disease develops against a background of prolonged course and progression of psoriasis;
  • Infectious polyarthritis - occurs against the background of infectious and inflammatory diseases, as a complication;
  • Crystalline polyarthritis (nodular) - develops as a result of disturbances in metabolic processes in the body, characterized by the deposition and accumulation of crystals of mineral salts in the tissues of the joint;
  • Bechterew's disease - this type of polyarthritis affects mainly the joints of the spinal column, as a result of which the patient's complete disability gradually develops;
  • Reactive polyarthritis - occurs against the background of the course of chlamydia as a complication of infection.

Symptoms of polyarthritis, photos

Signs of the inflammatory process in the joints with any form of the disease are almost identical clinical symptoms of polyarthritis:

  1. Pain in the joints, which increases with loads, movement;
  2. Swelling and redness of the skin over the inflamed and affected joint;
  3. Local hyperthermia, sometimes elevated body temperature to subfebrile indicators;
  4. Stiffness of movements, which is most pronounced after a sleep in the morning - is due to the accumulation over the night in the cavity of the affected joint pathological fluid that limits the full motion;
  5. Chilliness of limbs, numbness;
  6. Gradual deformity of the extremities (with polyarthritis of the fingers and polyarthritis of the legs)

In crystalline polyarthritis, as a result of the accumulation and deposition of mineral salts of movement, the limbs of the patient become sharply limited, under the skin are clearly visible seals in the form of nodules, why this form is also called a nodule polyarthritis.

To diagnose for an experienced specialist is not particularly difficult - to determine the form of the disease will help to anamnesis of the patient's life, characteristic signs and symptoms of polyarthritis and detailed examination including in itself:

  • Revmoprobes;
  • Blood tests - general and biochemistry;
  • X-ray examination.

Treatment of polyarthritis, drugs

For each form of joint polyarthritis treatment can be different depending on the symptoms:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - quickly remove puffiness of the skin over the affected joint, reduce pain, normalize temperature, increase the amplitude of movements;
  2. Glucocorticosteroids - are prescribed for severe disease, sometimes in the form of injections directly into the cavity of the inflamed joint. Preparations of this group quickly remove inflammation, pain, swelling, normalize the motor ability of the joint;
  3. Immunomodulators - increase immunity and stimulate tissue regeneration processes;
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures outside the period of exacerbation - can significantly improve the quality of life of the patient, increase the mobility of affected joints.

When treating crystalline polyarthritis, the patient is prescribed additional drugs that normalize metabolic processes in the body, as well as therapeutic nutrition.

Diet is to limit the consumption of baking, chocolate, spices, spicy foods, fatty meat, subproducts, coffee, alcohol. In the diet should include more fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits, fish, sour-milk products.

How to treat polyarthritis can effectively be explained only by a specialist, after comprehensive diagnosis, determining the causes and form of the disease. Remember that no folk methods will relieve you of the problem, but will only lead to the progression of pathology and the development of complications.

Complications of polyarthritis

Most complications develop with rheumatoid form of polyarthritis and are caused by the involvement of the muscles attached to the affected joints in the pathological process.

As a result of the spread of pathology to the fibers of the muscle tissue, the functioning and nearby internal organs, resulting in the following complications in the patient polyarthritis:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - inflammation of the heart membranes, violation of blood supply to the heart muscle and ischemia;
  • Atrophy of muscles, decreased mobility and self-service capabilities;
  • Loss of appetite and discomfort in the work of the digestive tract, against which the patient loses weight and weakens;
  • Deformity of limbs;
  • Loss of sensitivity at the fingertips, tingling sensation, numbness;
  • Minor hemorrhages under the skin;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Violation of metabolic processes, osteoporosis, propensity to fractures.

Prevention of polyarthritis

Since many factors can cause the development of polyarthritis, for the prevention the patient should try not to allow their influence on the joints. organism, namely:

  1. A balanced and balanced diet;
  2. To lead an active and mobile way of life;
  3. Timely treat infectious diseases, do not allow their transition into a chronic form;
  4. Avoid injury and joint damage;
  5. Do not supercool the body;
  6. Do not subject the joints to excessive stress.

Persons with hereditary predisposition to the development of polyarthritis should, after 45 years, on a regular basis, for prevention, to see a doctor and take blood tests.

A source: http://medknsltant.com/poliartrit-simptomy-lechenie/


Polyarthritis is the sequential or simultaneous inflammation of several joints. It can be an independent disease or develop due to other diseases, injuries, immune disorders and metabolic disorders.

Is manifested by pain, impaired function, edema of joints, local hyperemia and hyperthermia. Pain syndrome, as a rule, is wavy, pain intensifies in the night and morning hours.

The phenomena of acute polyarthritis are completely reversible; with chronic polyarthritis in the joints, irreversible pathological changes develop.

Violation of function can be caused by both pain and changes in tissues. With mild forms of the disease, the ability to work persists, while in severe cases it is limited or lost.

The polyethiologic nature of polyarthritis determines the importance of accurate clinical diagnosis and selection of adequate treatment methods, taking into account the cause, form and variant of the disease course.

Depending on the cause of the development of polyarthritis, this pathology can be treated by traumatologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists, therapists, infectious disease specialists, venereologists and other physicians.

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Rheumatoid polyarthritis

Rheumatoid polyarthritis is an independent disease, accompanied by a systemic lesion of connective tissue. Significantly reduces the quality of life, in 70% of cases becomes the cause of early disability.

Women suffer about three times more than men, the average age of patients is 30-35 years.

The disease has an autoimmune character, that is, it arises from a kind of "malfunction" in which the immune system begins to attack the cells of its own body. The causes of the development of rheumatoid polyarthritis are not fully understood.

Predisposing factors include: hereditary predisposition, some infections, hypothermia, stress, intoxication and hyperinsurance.

There are several forms of rheumatoid polyarthritis. The classical form progresses slowly enough, accompanied by a mirror lesion of large and small joints.

With mono- and oligoarthritis, one or more joints are affected; suffer more often knee joints. With Felti syndrome, inflammation of the joints is combined with an increase in the spleen.

With pseudo-septic form, severe fever, chills, heavy sweats and vasculitis are observed; symptoms from the joints are weak or absent. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by an early onset (in adolescence).

In the joint-visceral form, joint damage is combined with severe pathological changes in the internal organs: the heart, kidneys, lungs, as well as the nervous system and blood vessels.

The leading clinical symptoms of rheumatoid polyarthritis are pain and joint deformities. Most often the small joints of the hand and fingers are affected. In most cases there is symmetry (mirroring) of the lesion.

The disease begins gradually, in the early stages, patients feel only a mild or insignificant morning stiffness.

In the future, wave-like pains in the joints (arthralgia), numbness, muscle atrophy, sweating, increase in body temperature, cooling and burning in the area of ​​hands and feet, as well as changing the shape and size joints.

Along with the joints, pathological changes occur in other organs, primarily in the lungs, kidneys and heart.

In 50% of patients cardiovascular system disorders (pericarditis, vasculitis, atherosclerosis) are detected, in some patients heart defects are formed. Possible focal nephritis, with severe progressive course of polyarthritis develops amyloidosis.

On the part of the respiratory system, pleurisy and lesions of the interstitial tissue can be observed. The defeat of the nervous system can manifest itself in the form of cervical myelitis, multiple mononeuritis, sensory-motor neuropathy and compression neuropathy.

A number of patients have a pathology of the eyes: peripheral ulcer keratopathy, scleritis, episcleritis and dry keratoconjunctivitis.

Reactive polyarthritis

Reactive polyarthritis develops after bacterial, viral, fungal and chlamydial infections.

Inflammation in the joints can occur after infectious lesions of the intestine (salmonellosis, shigellosis and yersiniosis), urinary infections (urethritis, cystitis, endometritis, prostatitis), respiratory tract infections and ENT organs (pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis). Young men are more often ill. Predisposing factors are chronic foci of infection, increased stress, hypothermia and trauma to the limbs.

Symptoms of reactive polyarthritis appear several weeks after the onset of the infectious disease. The onset is acute, accompanied by general malaise, chills and fever. Inflammation often occurs in the joints of the lower extremities.

Possible simultaneous damage to the mucous membranes, which manifests itself in the form of urethritis, conjunctivitis and aphthous stomatitis. In some cases, myocarditis develops. Symptoms persist from a week to 2-3 months. Changing to a chronic form is possible.

Exchange (crystalline) polyarthritis

It develops during metabolic diseases, accompanied by the deposition of salts in the joints. So, with gout due to a violation of uric acid metabolism, it accumulates in organs and tissues.

In joints, uric acid crystals are deposited in the form of needle formations, which irritate tissues and cause inflammation.

Gouty polyarthritis is characterized by a recurrent course with alternating exacerbations and remissions. Due to repeated inflammatory processes, deformation of the joints occurs with time.

Some patients during the life suffer only one gouty attack, in such cases deformation is usually absent.

An attack of gouty polyarthritis is characterized by an acute sudden onset with a pronounced pain syndrome.

Usually suffer metatarsophalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, elbow, ankle or knee joints. The pain is accompanied by swelling, local hyperemia and hyperthermia.

The attack lasts 3-4 days, then the symptoms of polyarthritis completely disappear. In the case of an unfavorable course over time, the seizures become longer, and the intervals between them are shorter.

In the field of joints and auricles, tofu - whitish nodules are formed, filled with crystals of uric acid in the form of a gruel mass.

Psoriatic polyarthritis

It is revealed in 5-7% of patients suffering from psoriasis. As a rule, skin changes appear before joint pain, however, in 15% of cases, polyarthritis first arises, and only then skin damage is attached.

The exact cause of joint damage in psoriasis is unknown, but it is believed that stressors and transferred infectious diseases can be provoking factors.

Distinctive features of this form of polyarthritis are asymmetry of the lesion, swelling and tenderness of the joints, purple-cyanotic shade of the skin over the inflamed joints, pain in the heels and frequent simultaneous inflammation of several joints on one finger ("finger in the form sausages ").

The course of chronic recurrent. In some cases, the damage to the skin and joints is combined with pathological changes in the myocardium, eyes and urinary tract.

There are several main forms of psoriatic polyarthritis: polyarthritis of interphalangeal joints, sacroiliitis and spondylitis, symmetric polyarthritis, oligoarticular asymmetric polyarthritis (affects less than 5 joints, usually one large and a few small ones) and mutating (disfiguring) polyarthritis, accompanied by pronounced deformations.

Infectious specific polyarthritis

It is found in specific infections: syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, dysentery and brucellosis. Usually, inflammation in the joints occurs "at the peak" of the underlying disease.

Several joints (oligoarthritis) are involved in the process, multiple lesions are uncharacteristic. Symptoms of syphilitic polyarthritis appear in the tertiary period of syphilis.

Large joints are affected: ankle, elbow, knee, shoulder. Start acute or subacute, there are pains that increase at night.

The general condition is satisfactory, palpation is painless, with gummies the deformity of the joint is quickly formed.

Gonorrheal polyarthritis usually develops within a month after infection. Characterized by a sudden onset with fever and severe pain.

More often affected are large joints, with purulent flow may develop ankylosis. Symptoms of dysenteric polyarthritis, as a rule, appear in the phase of recovery.

Characteristic is the lesion of one or more joints, accompanied by pain and an increase in temperature. The course is benign.

Brucellosis polyarthritis usually proceeds chronically, manifested by pain, swelling and restriction of mobility of large joints. It is accompanied by a wave-like fever, enlarged lymph nodes and hepatosplenomegaly.

The tactics of treatment depend on the cause of the development of the disease, so during the diagnosis the doctor pays special attention to the collection of anamnesis, complaints and features of the clinical picture of the disease.

So, the gradual onset and symmetrical lesion of small joints should cause suspicion of rheumatoid polyarthritis, the presence of psoriasis - psoriatic polyarthritis, etc.

This takes into account the possibility of combining several diseases or atypical flow of polyarthritis (for example, the defeat of several large joints in the rheumatoid form of the disease).

Diagnosis is clarified on the basis of radiography, joint ultrasound, scintigraphy, MRI, CT, synovial fluid, biochemical blood test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate test, determination of creatinine level, determination of AST level, urine analysis and rheumatoid test factor. It should be taken into account that the negative test result for rheumatoid factor (RF) is not a reason for excluding rheumatoid because in 30% of patients with this disease RF is not defined (in such cases they speak of seronegative rheumatoid polyarthritis).

In the presence of indications, patients are referred for additional studies of internal organs: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, ECG, etc. To exclude crystalline polyarthritis, a synovial joint biopsy is performed.

If you suspect a specific polyarthritis (syphilitic, gonorrheal, tuberculosis, dysentery), you are advised by the appropriate specialists: venereologist, phthisiatrician and infectious diseases specialist, as well as carry out special tests, including PCR, Wasserman reaction, microprecraction of precipitation, bacterioscopy, immunoenzymatic test analysis, etc.

Treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis is complex, aimed at fighting pain syndrome, restoring joint function and slowing the progression of the disease. To reduce inflammation and pain, NSAIDs are prescribed.

If there is an infection, antibacterial agents are used. Apply plasmapheresis. In severe cases corticosteroids are injected into the cavity of inflamed joints.

If the above methods of treatment are ineffective, basic drugs are used.

With rheumatoid polyarthritis, osteoporosis often develops, so patients with a prophylactic goal are prescribed a special diet with a high calcium content, as well as vitamin D and calcium preparations.

To preserve the function of the joints, massage, exercise therapy and physical therapy are used: phonophoresis, electrophoresis and dimexid applications.

With severe deformities and inefficiency of conservative therapy, surgical interventions are performed.

In the treatment of reactive polyarthritis, symptomatic agents are used to help eliminate pain syndrome and reduce inflammation.

Therapy of metabolic and infectious polyarthritis involves mandatory treatment of the underlying disease in combination with the taking of symptomatic drugs.

Apply NSAIDs, analgesics and corticosteroids, if necessary, prescribe antihistamines, antibiotics and immunosuppressants.

Of great importance in the therapy of polyarthritis of various etiologies are physioprocedures that help reduce pain, swelling and inflammation in the joints.

They use massage, phonophoresis, ultrasound, UHF, ozocerite, paraffin, magnetotherapy and barotherapy. Patients are referred to the exercise room.

Treatment of chronic polyarthritis is carried out by courses, usually in spring and autumn - during seasonal exacerbations. In the absence of contraindications, prescribe sanatorium treatment.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/rheumatology/polyarthritis