Folk methods of getting rid of parasites in the body

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For a long time worms were considered a disease of dirty hands. But this is not entirely true. Absolutely any person can infect parasites. According to recent data, helminthiasis occurs in almost all people. Folk remedies for parasites help solve the problem quickly and safely.

  • Tansy
  • Infusion
  • Seeds
  • Enemas
  • Sagebrush
  • Broth
  • Tincture
  • Butter
  • The medicine from Vanga
  • Healing Plants
  • Aspen bark
  • Black walnut
  • What products are expelled from parasites
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chanterelles
  • Ginger
  • Bow
  • Garlic
  • Tar birch
  • Complex purification from parasites
Related articles:
  • We treat worms quickly at home
  • Tablets from ascarids for adults and children
  • How to quickly get rid of a pinworm
  • Tablets from pinworms for adults and children
  • Lamblias - what it is, what parasites look like

Especially natural remedies are relevant for children and pregnant women - many drugs are prohibited for these categories due to their high toxicity. Among natural preparations there are very famous - wormwood, pumpkin seeds. But there are not so well-known, but no less effective medicinal drugs.

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Preparations based on tansy paralyzes parasites, they lose their vitality, are removed from the calves.

Infusion of tansy flowers is a wonderful anthelmintic. To prepare the medicine is not suitable for over-dried raw materials, browned inflorescence.


The medicine is effective for fighting ascarids and pinworms. Pour a liter of boiling water 25 g inflorescences of tansy. Insist 50 minutes. Eat before eating.

The adult dose is 120 ml three times throughout the day. Children enough to give 15 ml of medication.


Powder of tansy seeds is more effective than water infusions. For children, the dose is 2 g, for adults - 5 g.

The powder can be drunk or diluted in water. But experienced herbalists advise to use the medicine on the bread crumb. From the pulp and the required dose of medicine roll the ball, swallow without chewing.

The duration of therapy is a month. Take the tansy powder should be on an empty stomach 2 times a day.

Gennady Malakhov notes that the water broth does not reach the intestine - the habitat of most parasites. The powder accumulates in the intestine - parasites are deprived of the ability to attach to the walls of the organ.


The method helps fight with pinworms - it is they that damage the lower intestine, cause itching in the anus.

  1. Mow 8 g of tansy.
  2. Peel and chop 1 clove of garlic.
  3. Heat 270 ml of milk, pour all the ingredients.
  4. Put the container on the fire, allow to boil, protrude on low heat under the lid for 10 minutes.

The filtered broth should be injected into the rectum, trying to hold the liquid inside as long as possible. The procedure should be done for 21 days.

Important!Tansy is a poisonous plant. This should always be remembered, using this plant for treatment


The most famous plant is from parasites. The popular name of wormwood is bitter - wormwood. Helps to get rid not only of various worms, but representatives of the coccal flora - staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci.

Has a strong, specific flavor that can not be confused with anything. For a long time Slavs used wormwood to get rid of many diseases, and to cleanse the home of negative energy.


Steep boiling water (300 ml), pour 10 g of dry wormwood. Capacity wrap, leave for 20 minutes. Half an hour before meals, you should drink 70 ml of wormwood medicine.


Grass (75 g), fill in a container of dark glass, pour alcohol (375 ml). Carefully close, put in a dark room for 30 days.

Before use twice pass through gauze. The daily intake consists of three doses of 40 drops each.


To prepare, you need 530 grams of fresh, young leaves of wormwood and 1 liter of any vegetable oil.

Stirring ingredients, send for a month in the fridge, mix daily.

The filtered product should be taken 10 ml 4 times throughout the day. To swallow at once it is not necessary - slowly to dissolve, while oil does not become on a consistence to remind water, to spit out.

The medicine from Vanga

  1. Mix dry leaves of wormwood and crushed pumpkin seeds.
  2. Pour 100 g of a mixture of 300 ml of alcohol.
  3. For a week put a container of medicine in heat or in direct sunlight.

Take before dinner and dinner for 25 ml of tincture for three weeks.

Important!Specialists in psychosomatics argue that the accumulation of negative emotions leads to intense multiplication of parasites in the body and the development of cancer.

Healing Plants

Aspen bark

The drug has low toxicity, it can be used in complex therapy for children older than 4 years. The use of the drug does not cause allergy, getting rid of parasites occurs gently.

To make the tincture, 30 grams of bark should be poured into 300 ml of alcohol. Put the container in a dark room for 14 days, a day later tincture well shaken.

Ready to drink 3-4 times a day for 15 ml, previously diluted with an equal amount of water. The duration of the therapeutic course is 3 weeks.


  1. Pour 55 grams of raw material with 1.6 liters of water.
  2. Allow the mixture to boil, boil on low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Capacity to wrap, insist 3 hours.

Take the medicine should be on an empty stomach up to 5 times throughout the day. At a time, you need to take 2 sips.

Black walnut

For treatment, alcoholic tincture from young dried leaves is prepared. It is necessary to fill 100 raw materials with 950 ml of vodka. For maturation, the container should be removed to a dark room for 28 days.

Reception scheme:

  1. The first day - 1 drop of diluted in 120 ml of water, drink in the morning before breakfast.
  2. Day 2 - 2 drops of medicine for the same amount of water. So take up to 5 days.
  3. Day 6 - 5 ml of tincture stir in 50 ml of water.

The medicine should be drunk slowly, in small sips. If the weight is from 70 to 90 kg, the amount of tincture should be increased to 12 ml. For more obese people, 15 ml of medication is needed.

Important!Help get rid of worms carrot fresh. It should be eaten in the morning for 120 ml.

What products are expelled from parasites

Many antiparasitic products can easily be found in every kitchen or in the nearest supermarket.

Pumpkin seeds

An ideal tool for getting rid of parasites of children of expectant mothers. Seeds can be eaten raw, dried, they can be fried or dried in the oven.

Seeds and castor oil

Therapeutic course is designed for 3 days.

In a day, you need to eat 4 servings of 25 grams of unrefined shredded seeds. After an hour after a portion of seeds, drink 5 ml of castor oil.

Sunflower seeds and honey

For children under 5, the dose is 50 grams of seeds. Older children can be given 150 grams of seeds. The adult portion should be increased 2 times.

  1. Seeds together with the peel to grind, dilute with water to the consistency of sour cream, add 15 ml of honey.
  2. Take the medicine before breakfast, thoroughly chew. After 3 hours you need to drink a laxative.


Chanterelles destroy absolutely all kinds of parasites and their eggs. Curative properties are raw and dried mushrooms.

Of chanterelles, a medicinal tincture is prepared.

  1. Powder 10 dried mushrooms.
  2. Pour 150 ml of alcohol.
  3. Infuse for 10 days, shaking daily.
  4. Do not filter.

Take the drug before you go to sleep 10 ml together with the sediment. Treatment continues for 60 days.

If alcohol is contraindicated, you can prepare an infusion of 5 g of mushroom powder and 230 ml of water. Wait an hour, drink along with the sediment before going to bed. To get rid of worms, it takes 20 days.


Ginger tea - a storehouse of useful substances, the drink eliminates many ailments. Helps to get rid of helminthic invasion.

Pour boiling water (240 ml) 5 grams of ground ginger, leave for 10 minutes. To taste, you can add a lemon slice, 5 ml of honey, mint, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom.


This vegetable is not very fond of worms. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to prepare the gruel from one medium bulb, pour 260 ml of warm water.

The medicine should be infused for 10 hours, it should be filtered, divided into 4 portions. Drink one dose every day.


This vegetable is an excellent means for expelling parasites. Using garlic regularly you can reliably protect yourself from worms.

Depending on the type of parasite, garlic can be used in various ways.


Help get rid of the filaria.

  1. It is necessary to grind a large head of garlic, wrap it in a bandage and place in a dry brewer. Everything must be done very quickly. As fitoncides quickly evaporate.
  2. Lightly tighten the nostrils, deeply inhale the garlic spirit. Count to 4, exhale.
  3. The duration of the first inhalation is 2 minutes. Gradually, the time can be increased to 15 minutes.

At least three procedures must be done daily. For each inhalation, you need to take a new head of garlic.

Horseradish and garlic against lamblia


  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • crushed horseradish root - 55 g;
  • garlic clove - 70 g.

Stirring ingredients, remove the container in a dark room. After maturation, filter. Therapy consists of two-week courses. Every day you need to take 45 ml of tincture in 3 divided doses.

Milk with garlic

Of these components, a solution for the enema is prepared. The product is safe, suitable for children and expectant mothers at any time of pregnancy.

  1. Prepare the gruel from one medium garlic head.
  2. Pour hot home-made milk (230 ml).
  3. Replace the vessel with the medicine and leave it for 50 minutes.
  4. Filter, use for microblogging.

Children under one year - 25 ml. Preschool children - 35 ml. Teenagers - 50 ml. Adults - 125 ml.

Water tincture

The remedy is effective against many varieties of parasites.

  1. Prepare the gruel from the middle head of garlic. Pour 245 ml of water, leave overnight. Drink the medicine in the morning without getting out of bed.
  2. This solution can be impregnated with cotton turuns, used as candles. The drug is effective even for infants.

Important!The key to rapid and effective disposal of parasites is the use of clean water during treatment in large quantities.

Tar birch

A safe product based on birch bark.

The product can be mixed with milk or honey. 5 ml of the product requires 1 drop of tar. You can drip on the crumb of rye bread, which should immediately eat.

After 4 days, the dosage can be increased to two drops. The maximum dose is 10 drops. Treatment continues until all symptoms of helminthic invasion are completely eliminated.

Birch water

Infection with worms is often manifested by various skin diseases. For the treatment of affected areas and this tool is intended.

  1. Mix 4 liters of pure water with 500 ml of birch tar.
  2. Stir, remove for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.
  3. The film that appears on the surface is removed. Pour the medicine into another container.

You can take this composition and inside, no more than 200 ml per day.

Complex purification from parasites

Using several herbs at the same time allows you to completely cleanse the body of parasites. The antiparasitic triad was invented by a doctor from America, Hilda Clark. She used for the preparation of medicines shell walnuts, wormwood and clove inflorescence.

Doctor of Medicine Valery Ivanchenko adapted the recipe for Russian latitudes. As a result, the Russian triad was obtained - a cure for parasites based on inflorescences of tansy, wormwood and carnations.

It is necessary to mix the following vegetable powders:

  • from dry inflorescences of tansy - 600 g;
  • from the seeds of wormwood - 150 g;
  • from the flowers of a carnation - 300 g.

Single dose - a teaspoon with a small top (1.75 g).

Important!All components enhance excretion during menstruation. Therefore, do not start treatment immediately before critical days.

How to use:

  1. On the first day the medicine should be taken 1 time in the morning 30 minutes before meals.
  2. The next day, you should drink one dose in the morning, the second - before dinner.
  3. From the third day and the whole of the next week, take the dose before each meal three times during the day.

In a week the body will be completely cleared of parasites. For prevention once a week, you need to drink 3 doses of medication per day.

There is also a less aggressive recipe for the Russian troika. It is necessary to mix cumin powder, calendula and calyx inflorescence in the ratio 1: 2: 1.

  1. Single dose - 4 g of medicine. Accept according to a similar scheme.
  2. The duration of therapy is 14 days. Then you can proceed to the prevention.

To avoid helminthic invasion, it is necessary to do preventive cleaning of the body once a year with the help of any folk remedy. It is important not only to wash your hands thoroughly, especially after working in the ground, but also to handle all food products correctly. Without exception, all vegetables and fruits should be boiled. Meat and fish without proper heat treatment are the right way to get infected with worms.