What inhalations do with dry cough

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Tip 1: Than breathing through a nebulizer with a dry cough?

Dry cough is characterized by the absence of excreted sputum, which makes it very unproductive and debilitating, as the fluid from the lungs does not expectorate. This kind of cough is accompanied by pain and a sore throat, while it does not help to clear the airways, therefore, it must be disposed of as quickly as possible.

One of the most effective ways to treat dry cough is inhalation. This method is called "first aid" for the body, since it helps very quickly and has a minimum of contraindications. Inhalation is best done with a special inhaler or nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device for inhalation, specially spraying a drug solution in finely divided particles.

Under the action of such a device, the atomized particles fall directly onto the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, instantly penetrating into the deep layers of the nasopharynx, which provides rapid relief of the condition patient.

The nebulizer is the only device that can be used to treat a person with a high fever, as well as small children from birth. It does not contribute to an additional increase in body temperature and limits the area of ​​spraying only to the upper respiratory tract, which makes it safe even for toddlers.

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Causes of dry cough may include diseases such as tracheitis, which inflames the pulmonary department trachea, laryngitis, affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and many others.

Depending on the cause of the dry cough, various solutions can be used to relieve the patient's condition.

Special medicinal solutions

At the pharmacy you can find a large number of various medicinal solutions from dry cough. The most effective of them are bronchodilators, such as salgim, berotek, berodual, or mucolytics, for example, lazolvanum, ambrohexal, flumucil. However, these drugs can only be used after consultation with the attending physician, without self-medication and not guided by the advice of friends. Before using the drug solution, be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the indicated dosage exactly.

Folk methods of treatment of dry cough

It is very effective with a dry cough to breathe through the nebulizer with simple mineral water. It allows the phlegm to become more fluid, which facilitates the onset of expectoration and the removal of the resulting mucus from the bronchi and lungs.

In addition, in the treatment of dry cough helps the use of decoction of plantain, St. John's wort, lime-colored, chamomile or sage. To prepare a decoction of herbs, it is enough to pour dry herbs with boiling water, leave to stand for several minutes and carefully strain.


Inhalation with dry cough nebulizer. Preparations for inhalations with nebulizer

Before you do inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer, you should definitely visit the therapist. After all, if you have serious diseases of the lungs or bronchi, then they need to be treated with radical methods, rather than with ordinary steam procedures.

general information

Before you tell us how to do inhalations with a nebulizer, you should tell what the disease is all about.

Coughing - this reflex response of the human body to the presence of foreign objects, sputum or mucus in the respiratory tract. This deviation is usually divided into the following types:

  • dry cough;
  • wet.

The first option is the greatest danger for a person. After all, it is characterized by the absence of sputum. In this regard, the predecessor of dry cough very often acts a severe perspiration in the throat, which brings the patient tremendous discomfort. To get rid of such ailment follows with the help of medical devices.

Which treatment is better?

Inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer are very popular among patients. After all, using this device, a person can quickly get rid of an unpleasant sensation in the throat and cause separation of sputum.

However, it should be noted that there are a great many ways to combat dry cough. Someone prefers to use natural remedies such as "Mukaltin" tablets or breast herbal collection, someone quieter to use radical antibiotics, and someone and does trust only the people's recipes.

But despite all the existing methods of treatment, adherents of all these methods certainly will not deny that inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer also have a positive effect.

Features and types of devices

To understand how to do inhalations through a nebulizer, you should find out about its features and existing types.

The nebulizer is a modern device for carrying out inhalation procedures. Using it to treat the airways, a person can easily transform any drug solution into tiny particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs. Due to such properties, the nebulizer allows you to cure a dry cough much faster than other medications taken orally.

At present, compression and ultrasonic types of devices are on sale. The last device is quiet in operation and small in size. Thanks to this fact, it can be easily applied for the treatment of young children.

The only weighty drawback of such a nibularez is that it can not cure a dry cough with the help of antibiotics and hormones. This is due to the fact that ultrasound simply destroys them.

As for compression nebulizers, they create quite a lot of noise. However, such a device is able to produce very small particles and allow the use of almost all medical products.

Preparations for inhalations with nebulizer

In view of the effectiveness of treatment with this device, pharmaceutical companies are producing more and more appropriate drugs. They can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

So what medications are needed to make inhalations with a dry cough nebulizer? With this disease, doctors usually prescribe drugs that can soften the sore throat, reduce the viscosity of mucus, and also withdraw it from the lungs or bronchi. As a rule, the following means are used for this purpose:

  • Medication "Berodual." Usually, such a drug is prescribed for inhalation by a nebulizer to children. In this case, 1 procedure should be used, ml (up to 6 years) or 2 ml means (from 12 years). By the way, this medication should be previously diluted with 3 ml of saline.
  • The drug "Berotek". For the 1st inhalation you will need, ml (for a child over 12 years old). In advanced cases, you can use 1 ml.
  • Means of "Salgim". For one procedure it is necessary to apply, ml. It is recommended to administer the treatment up to 4 times a day at intervals of 6 hours, without the use of saline.
  • Medication "Atrovent". To administer inhalation with this drug is recommended for children over 12 years in the amount, ml, from 6 to 12 5 ml, and up to 6 ml. Preliminary means should be diluted with saline solution.

Other means for treating dry cough

Inhalation nebulizer, reviews of which are only positive, you can do not only through the above drugs. In fact, along with bronchodilators, coughing up dry cough is quite feasible with the help of immunomodulators (for example, the drug "Interferon"), anti-inflammatory phytopreparations (for example, Rotokan), as well as antibiotic agents (eg, Dioxydin, Furacilin, "Fluimucil"), and so on.

Among other things, dry cough can often be cured with hormones. If you need to cause a rapid dilution of sputum, we recommend using such mucolytics as "Pulmozyme" or "Lazolvan". They are inexpensive and are sold in all pharmacies.

One can not help saying that many experts recommend that patients receive dry cough therapy using ordinary and mineral water or saline solution.


How and how much to do inhalation nebulizer? These questions arise in almost all people who first encountered such a procedure. That is why in this section of the article we decided to tell you about what rules must be observed to independently conduct inhalation measures.

The basic rules of nebulizer treatment

So, for the treatment of dry cough nebulizer, you must follow the rules described below:

  • Inhalation nebulizer should be performed only in the sitting position.
  • During the procedure, you can not talk.
  • For inhalation, only fresh preparation should be used.
  • Prepare a solution for inhalation measures or open the ampoule with a drug preferably immediately before the procedure.
  • The maximum shelf life of the drug for inhalations in the cold store is 14 days.
  • As a solvent for the nebulizer, only sterile saline or distilled liquid should be used. It is strictly forbidden to use tap water, even if it has been boiled several times or passed through various filters.

How to exercise?

For the proper conduct of inhalation procedures, you should know:

  • To fill a nebulizer with an inhalation solution, you should use only sterile needles or syringes.
  • In the treatment of cough, which was caused by abnormalities in the work of the upper respiratory tract (for example, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.), it is recommended to breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth cavity.
  • In the treatment of cough, which was caused by the pathology of the lower respiratory tract (for example, with bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia), you should breathe in deeply with your mouth, then hold the air in your chest for 2 seconds and exhale it evenly through the nose.
  • In diseases of the nasopharynx and nasal sinuses, one should superficially and calmly inhale the pairs with the nose.

How much to spend and what to do after?

Typically, inhalation nebulizer spend about 6-12 minutes. Moreover, these procedures are recommended not earlier than, in an hour after a meal or intensive physical exertion.

So what to do after the treatment activities are completed?

  • After inhalation, the patient should thoroughly rinse the oral cavity and nose with a nebulizer, and wash the face with clean water.
  • After the treatment, it is strictly forbidden to rinse the mouth and nose with antiseptic solutions.
  • After inhalation, the nebulizer is not allowed to smoke for 1 hour.

Among other things, after taking these measures for the treatment of dry cough, you can not eat for 30 minutes. By the way, if for the treatment of respiratory diseases you use several different drugs, then they should be applied strictly in a certain sequence. So, at first it is recommended to inhale pairs of bronchodilators (bronchodilators), and in ¼ hours - expectorant or mucolytic medicines.

If these procedures have contributed to the sputum, the nebulizer should be filled with antiseptics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Alternative devices

It is not a secret to anyone that a nebulizer is a rather expensive device. In this regard, not everyone is able to buy it for the treatment of dry cough. In this case, experts recommend regular steam inhalations, using a kettle or a pot of boiled water. Of course, such treatment is less effective, but with the right selection of funds (herbal fees), the patient can still get rid of a sore throat or severe nasal congestion.


Types of inhalations for cough and the peculiarities of their conduct

The occurrence of respiratory diseases occurs very often, both in children and adults. As an effective method of controlling the disease at the initial stage of its course, various inhalations are used for coughing.

Medical practice shows that with the help of inhalations the body recovers faster, and complications in the form of a prolonged cough are very unlikely. In order for the procedures to bring real benefits, you need to know how to implement them correctly.

Benefits of breathing steam when coughing

When inhaled warmed and humidified air occurs warming and moistening the walls of the bronchi

With inhalation, the bronchi are heated by inhalation of vapors. Inhalations are an excellent cough remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia. The main advantage of this procedure is that when using medicines, they do not enter the blood, but only affect the person's airways.

There are different ways of carrying out the procedure - from the simplest ones using a teapot and ordinary water, to complex, requiring the presence of a specialist and the availability of special instruments. But, more interesting are the methods of inhalation with cough, which can be done at home. In addition, this treatment has the following advantages:

  • the opportunity to conduct therapeutic therapy with the first symptoms of coughing, not allowing him to penetrate a more complex form;
  • the opportunity to provide the patient with warmth and sleep right after the procedure, after all, after visiting the clinic, this becomes impossible;
  • home environment favorably affects the child, so most often he will calmly treat the procedure.

Inhalation during coughing at home can take place both in an old and tested way, and with the help of special modern devices - inhalers.

Using the first method, the vapor is inhaled over the container, or through a paper tube that is worn on the kettle.

Inhalations help to cough through these actions:

  1. Steam allows drugs to penetrate deeply into the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, removing the inflammatory process.
  2. Steam significantly enhances the effect of drugs, so that immediately after the procedure, the spasms are removed from the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. Also, the correct implementation of the treatment procedure helps to dilute and separate sputum.
  3. No drug can penetrate so deeply, reaching as much into the lower parts of the lungs, as with the formation of steam.

Which drug to choose?

Depending on the type of cough and the severity of its course, various medicines, herbs, aroma oils and other medicinal substances may be added to water or saline solution. When treating a cough by affecting the respiratory tract of steam, both traditional and traditional medicine can be used.


The choice of a medicinal preparation in the treatment of cough should be carried out depending on its kind. So, with a dry cough it is useful to use salbutamol, berodual, berotek and atroven. Their effect on the respiratory tract allows you to moisturize the irritated dry throat, relieve inflammation from it, and also helps to separate sputum.

With a wet cough, when the main purpose of inhalation is separation and excretion of sputum, it is advisable to use solutions such as lazolvanum, pulmozim, flumimil. Cough that occurs on the background of the course of bacterial bronchitis, should be treated with inhalations using flumutil, dioxidin, furatsilina, gentamicin.

To eliminate the cough, it is necessary to follow this sequence in carrying out inhalations:

  • to carry out the procedure with the use of bronchodilators;
  • After 20 minutes you can breathe a couple of drugs that dilute sputum;
  • After half an hour, an inhalation with an antiseptic medicine should be performed;
  • immediately after septic tanks, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is allowed.

Traditional medicine for inhalation

With a dry cough, when the patient can not clear his throat, inhalation is recommended based on non-carbonated mineral water. Sea water also benefits, facilitating the formation and separation of phlegm. It is also useful to add baking soda or grape juice to hot water.

You can cook a decoction of oak leaves, eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula, sage or mint. Inhalation on the basis of these herbs helps with a strong cough. The standard proportion is a tablespoon of dried herbs for 250 ml of water. You can also do inhalations based on essential oils: citrus, fir, juniper, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, mint and other types. Antibacterial effects are provided by inhalation with the addition of fresh garlic juice or onions. In addition, such popular cough suppressants used for inhalation are considered effective:
  1. In warm water, dissolve the natural honey in the ratio pour into the inhaler and breathe first with the mouth, and then with the nose.It is very important to use warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 38 degrees, because the useful properties of this product are lost due to high temperatures.
  2. You can breathe over steamed potatoes, which is useful only with a dry cough. You need to cook unpeeled potatoes, since it is in this form that it has medicinal properties.After the inhalation from the used potatoes, you can make cakes and put on the chest, so you can speed up the recovery process.
  3. With a wet cough, it is useful to breathe a couple of brine with the addition of fir or eucalyptus oil.
  4. Spruces spruce and pine buds have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are applied in the form of a decoction.

With a tendency to allergic reactions it is advisable not to experiment with the use of herbal decoctions, since such treatment can only complicate the inflammatory process in the airways.

Inhalation with cough is a powerful tool in the fight against respiratory diseases, however, only with a proper procedure.


How correctly to do alkaline inhalation with a dry cough?

Sufficiently effective in some cases may be alkaline inhalation with a dry cough, which help alleviate the condition. In addition, doctors recommend the use in parallel of various kinds of mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Very often, all sorts of colds are accompanied by a dry cough that irritates the lungs and bronchi and adversely affects the general condition.

Alkaline inhalation is one of the most accessible and very effective ways of treating with a dry cough. The duration of this procedure is only a few minutes a day.

Conduction of inhalations with prolonged dry cough

With a very strong dry and barking cough, a wide variety of inhalations can be carried out, in particular such as:

  • steam;
  • oil;
  • alkaline;
  • with a nebulizer.

Inhalation with a strong dry barking cough is a very good method of treatment. Delivering a certain substance directly to the upper respiratory tract, such procedures significantly accelerate the onset of the desired therapeutic effect. In addition, they cause the phlegm to pass away, soften the much inflamed reddened throat, and also get rid of a strong dry paroxysmal barking cough.

The main advantage of the procedure is its beneficial effect on the entire respiratory system without any significant additional burden exerted on the body. Before the procedure, you must first determine the main cause of the appearance of cough and choose the most suitable in each case, the drug. Before using certain drugs, it is worth consulting with the doctor, because self-medication can significantly harm the body. It is important to take into account the doctor's recommendations, because dry cough negatively affects the nerve endings of the larynx and can provoke the appearance of bronchial asthma.

In addition, as a result of dry cough, heart failure may occur, which will lead to very serious negative consequences.

When it is necessary to conduct alkaline medical inhalations

Alkaline inhalations help quickly and effectively get rid of a protracted dry barking cough. Similar procedures should be used for acute and some chronic diseases of the larynx, lungs and bronchi, in particular such as laryngitis, bronchitis, certain types of pneumonia and tonsillitis.

Very often inhalations are used to treat occupational diseases of the upper respiratory tract, to eliminate the ailments of the middle ear and nasal sinuses.

Alkaline inhalation helps with a strong cough, which can occur against the background of the development of pneumonia or strong bronchitis. They are also used as a certain tool aimed at preventing colds and eliminating complications.

However, before applying such cough treatment, it is necessary to consult with the doctor about the safety and appropriateness of using this method of treatment.

Contraindications to carrying out alkaline inhalations

Alkaline inhalations must always be prescribed by a doctor and carried out strictly under his supervision. In particular, this applies to young children, because an incorrect procedure can only aggravate the situation and lead to negative consequences.

In addition, there are some contraindications to carrying out alkaline inhalations, in particular such as:

  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • development in the body of a strong inflammatory process;
  • presence of nasal bleeding;
  • increased blood pressure or the presence of heart and vascular disease;
  • tuberculosis.

Inhalation of a special nebulizer should be done with extreme caution, because exactly in this way medicinal substances affect almost the entire body. Before conducting such procedures, it is worth consulting with a doctor who will appoint the most appropriate and safe means.

Features of carrying out alkaline steam inhalations

With a dry cough very often all kinds of inhalations are carried out. Alkaline solutions are particularly helpful. To enhance the effect, procedures are often carried out with the help of a nebulizer, which implies Use of a special device that sprays medicinal substances with a jet of air or ultrasound.

With nebulizer it is very convenient to carry out inhalations, especially to small children, if frequent procedures are necessary. Inhalations by a nebulizer should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription and preferably under his observation, because in each case, the drug substance is individually selected and its dosage.

For the treatment of dry cough with inhalations with nebulizer, bronchodilators are used together with saline solution. In the most severe and neglected cases, hormonal therapy can additionally be used, as well as antibiotics, which can also be taken in the form of inhalations.

To dilute sputum and its effective and rapid elimination from the body, inhalations are often used based mucolytics, and to moisturize and soften the throat and bronchi in the nebulizer, add soda or a mineral water.

Alkaline preparations can be well combined with different kinds of oil mixtures, which gives a much more stable effect from the treatment of colds.

Alkaline inhalations have been used for a long time already for the treatment of dry cough, because they are one of the simplest and at the same time the most accessible medical techniques. Such inhalations help to effectively combat acute and various chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Such procedures greatly facilitate the general condition of patients and contribute to the rapid dissolution of sputum, which is contained in the bronchi, thereby helping to bring it out much faster.

To conduct alkaline inhalation, you can use the most common baking soda. You need to take one teaspoon of soda for half a liter of hot water. In addition, for the inhalation it is possible to use heated mineral water.

The hot solution for the qualitative conducting of steam inhalation must be poured into the teapot and inhale the steam coming from his nose through the mouth and exhale through the nose. The exhalations and exhalations must necessarily be calm, slow and measured. The duration of such a procedure is only a few minutes a day. Several daily procedures can be performed.

Alkaline inhalations can be performed with a nebulizer using the exact same solution. The use of a special device greatly facilitates the conduct of inhalations and speeds up the treatment process.

It is very effective to use oily-alkaline inhalations, which help to create a certain protective film on mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and they are used mainly in inflammatory catarrhal diseases and in quality prevention. For greater efficiency, you can first carry out alkaline inhalation, followed by an oil inhalation.

For carrying out oil inhalation, various essential oils are mainly used, and it is carried out with the help of special inhalers into which oil solutions are poured. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. A day requires no more than one such procedure.


With prolonged debilitating cough, you can use salt-alkaline inhalation, which means the use of a large sea salt. To prepare a similar product, you need to dissolve in a hot water one spoon of sea salt and baking soda.


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