Bandage for pregnant women: which is better to choose, for how long to wear?


  • 1Bandage for pregnant women: for how long to wear, rules and recommendations
    • 1.1Do you need a bandage?
    • 1.2Kinds of bandages
    • 1.3If necessary
    • 1.4Are there any contraindications?
    • 1.5We put it right, so as not to harm the baby
    • 1.6We keep the time frame
    • 1.7Correctly choose the size
    • 1.8Recommendations of doctors
    • 1.9Draw conclusions
  • 2What band for pregnant women is better to choose?
    • 2.1What bandage for pregnant women is better to choose, and what is it for?
    • 2.2When you can already wear a bandage
    • 2.3What types of bandages are there?
    • 2.4How to choose the right bandage
    • 2.5How to wear a bandage correctly
    • 2.6Contraindications to wearing a bandage
  • 3From what date and how to wear a bandage for pregnant women
    • 3.1On what term of pregnancy to wear a bandage and how to do it correctly
    • 3.2What you should know about choosing a band
    • 3.3Kinds of bandages
  • 4In what cases is the bandage necessary during pregnancy? rules for choosing and wearing a bandage during pregnancy: what and why?
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1What is a bandage during pregnancy?
    • 4.2Who should wear a corset during pregnancy?
    • 4.3How to choose a bandage during pregnancy?
    • 4.4How correctly to wear a bandage during pregnancy?
  • 5Bandage during pregnancy
    • 5.1Kinds of bandages
    • 5.2Who needs a band and when?
    • 5.3Arguments for the bandage
    • 5.4Arguments against"
    • 5.5Decisive factor
    • 5.6Rules of wearing a bandage

Bandage for pregnant women: for how long to wear, rules and recommendations

Pregnancy for a woman is the best time in her life. But not always everything goes smoothly: toxicosis, swelling, problems with the spine. All this can cause a lot of inconvenience. To remove some unpleasant symptoms, experts offer a bandage for pregnant women.

From what date to wear this thing, the gynecologist should determine. Of course, she will not relieve morning sickness, but it will help with back pain, legs, lower back.

Are there any contraindications? How to choose the right model? What to look for when buying? We'll try to find answers to these questions in the article.

Do you need a bandage?

Many experts argue, whether it is necessary to get a bandage for pregnant women? Leading gynecologists say that it is necessary. The issue is especially acute for women who lead an active lifestyle, work and play sports.

Many future mothers are worried about the question: "How long to wear a bandage for pregnant women so as not to harm the baby?" You should be interested in this from a doctor who is watching you.

As a rule, support for the muscles of the abdominal cavity is needed after the stomach begins to actively grow. Each woman has this process individually.

Many are advised to wear a bandage after the fourth month of pregnancy. It is at this time that the pelvic bones begin to disperse, which gives the unpleasant sensations to the woman.

The bandage can prevent stretch marks, which may not pass even after childbirth. In addition, the load on the legs, the spine in general, decreases.

Kinds of bandages

On the question of how long a pregnant woman should wear a bandage, the doctor must answer.

Only he can determine and advise the size and model of this product. In pharmacies, you can find many options.

Many women are guided by the appearance and make a huge mistake. There are several types of bandages:

  1. In the form of panties. In the upper part of the built-in special elastic insert, which supports the growing abdomen well. The plus is the appearance of the product. It is worn like a normal underwear.

    This is the main disadvantage. Panties need to be washed daily. If you buy a bandage of inappropriate quality, the upper elastic part can stretch out and stop supporting the stomach.

  2. Belt. He puts on underwear, under the belly. Fastened with special Velcro, they can be adjusted depending on the period of pregnancy. Buying a similar product, it is necessary to make a fitting. Choose a belt model with a wide back, in other cases it will slip.

  3. Gynecologists advise paying attention to the universal bandage. It is suitable for socks during pregnancy and after childbirth.

    Its essence lies in a special belt, which consists of 2 parts. During pregnancy, the hard part is worn on the back, and after delivery is transferred to the abdomen.

    Thus, by buying a similar thing once, you will save money.

Many women use a bandage for pregnant women. From what date to wear this or that model, only an obstetrician-gynecologist can determine. Without his advice to buy such products is not recommended.

If necessary

There are situations when you can not do without a bandage. Among them:

  1. Active lifestyle of a woman.

  2. Problems with the back. Presence of such diseases as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, neuritis.

  3. Phlebeurysm.

  4. Multiple pregnancy.

  5. Weak abdominal muscles.

  6. High water.

  7. Previously conducted cavitary operations.

  8. The threat of premature birth.

  9. A large fruit.

In all these cases, the doctor appoints a bandage for pregnant women. From what date to wear, it is possible to define or determine after internal consultation, measurements of a basin and specification of position of a fruit.

Are there any contraindications?

As for contraindications, they are also available. Bandage can not be worn by women whose fetuses are not in the head presentation. In these cases, the belt can prevent the baby from turning over.

In order to not make ultrasound at every doctor's appointment, it is necessary to select an experienced gynecologist who could determine the position of the fetus with the help of a special listening tube.

We put it right, so as not to harm the baby

On reception at the doctor it is often possible to hear a question about a bandage for pregnant women: from what term and how to carry? To do this, you need to consult a gynecologist and carefully study the instructions for this or that model.

Bandage in the form of panties must be worn only lying, so as not to harm the baby. Watch for the position of the thighs. They should be slightly elevated. If it's hard to do it yourself, you can put a pillow under your back or a rolled towel.

It is better to wear a bandage for underwear, so as not to engage in daily washing. Do this only in the cool season, so as not to overheat the stomach. The elastic insert should extend to the navel, not higher, otherwise the excessive pressure on the fetus is likely.

Bandage-belt is more convenient for wearing. Wear it in different positions: standing and lying.


Before acquiring such a model, it is desirable that the doctor explain the rules for using the product.


It is important that the belt pass under the stomach and at the same time maintain the pubic bone, but not squeeze it. And from behind he leaned against his hips.

Carefully fix the bandage. For this, there are special fasteners. Choose the position that is comfortable and convenient for you. If the belt dangles, there will be no sense from it.

When to start wearing a bandage for pregnant women, the doctor determines. In the event that you do not experience problems with your back, swelling, you feel fine, you will not need it at all.

We keep the time frame

To relieve the strain from the spine, doctors recommend a bandage for pregnant women. Terms of wearing are determined individually. In any case, the process can not last more than 4 hours.

At the end of the time, you need to make a half-hour break. The main rule - the bandage should not crush. If you do not feel it, it means that it is worn correctly, the size is correctly chosen.

At the first signs of discomfort it must be removed, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences.

When buying a bandage, carefully read the instructions, it will be better if the doctor demonstrates how to properly fix it.

Not all gynecologists share positive opinions about this product, there have been cases when, after wearing the belt or panties incorrectly, the fetus had to be rescued, and the mother should be kept in the hospital.

Correctly choose the size

If the doctor has already answered the question of when to wear a bandage to pregnant women and you are ready to purchase, the following nuances should be considered:

  1. It is better to choose a model in advance.

  2. Buy the product preferably in the pharmacy.

  3. To make a purchase through an online store is risky, you can often find low-quality products and mismatch of the dimensional grid.

  4. If possible, the bandage is better to try on, to understand if it suits you or not.

  5. Do not be intimidated by labeling the dimensions. All products are marked with numbers 60, 65, 70 and onwards. This by European standards means real dimensions: 38, 40, 42.

  6. Remember, the product must be made of natural fabrics, so that the skin can breathe. Do not have the presence of metal parts, corset spokes and other rigid elements.

When choosing a bandage, it is advisable to get the recommendations of a doctor and an experienced consultant of this product.

Recommendations of doctors

For many women, the acute question is: "From what period can you wear a bandage to pregnant women?" For each case, it will be considered individually. As a rule, gynecologists recommend buying and using a bandage starting from the 4th month of pregnancy. Here are some of their tips:

  1. Buy the product only in specialized stores or pharmacies, where you can try on the chosen model.

  2. Carefully study the material from which the band is made.

  3. It is better to choose a domestic manufacturer. Let models not so diverse in terms of design, but use natural fabrics, and the price of them is acceptable.

  4. If you buy a bandage panties, their size should be several times greater than the underwear that you wear. Consider this when buying.

  5. Keep track of the fetus during the bandage. If the child begins to act, immediately remove it. You can put it on again an hour later, not earlier.

  6. Carefully study the instruction, the products must be washed, choosing the right temperature regime, so as not to disrupt the properties of the fabric.

  7. Do not wear a bandage while you sleep.

More detailed advice and recommendations can be given by an obstetrician-gynecologist who observes pregnancy.

Draw conclusions

Speaking about bandages for pregnant women, you need to remember the main thing:

  • Correctly determine the size and model.
  • Wear only after consulting a doctor.
  • Do not wear a bandage if the child is in the pelvic or transverse presentation.
  • Acquire goods made only from natural fabrics.
  • Do not wear a bandage for more than 3-4 hours.
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Many doctors recommend a bandage for pregnant women. When and how to wear this product, the gynecologist determines individually for each woman.

The main rule is to make it comfortable and comfortable. He should not squeeze his stomach and press on his back.

If during pregnancy you do not have pain in the spine, the bandage may not be needed.

A source: http://.ru/article/244392/bandaj-dlya-beremennyih-s-kakogo-sroka-nosit-pravila-i-rekomendatsii

What band for pregnant women is better to choose?

Hello, dear future moms. Today I will tell you about what bandage for pregnant women is better to choose. Also you will learn about the types of bandages, indications and contraindications to their use. Enjoy reading.

Every pregnant woman faces some unpleasant sensations. In later terms, it becomes difficult for her to walk because of her large tummy, there are pains in her back, posture worsens, stretch marks appear. To all these "problems" do not spoil the life of a woman, and a bandage was invented.

What bandage for pregnant women is better to choose, and what is it for?

I will say at once that there are some contraindications in which such products can not be worn. I'll talk about them at the end of the article. Therefore, the doctor must decide on the need for this adaptation. Here is a list of reasons, in the presence of which the bandage is simply necessary for future mothers:

  • When the pregnant woman is active;
  • There is a possibility of premature delivery;
  • A woman has a repeat pregnancy;
  • If prior to pregnancy a band surgery was transferred;
  • When the previous delivery was by caesarean section;
  • There are some obstetric pathologies;
  • There is a risk of developing varicose veins;
  • With pain in the back and lumbar region;
  • When pregnancy is on maintenance because of low placentation;
  • With stretch marks and a weak skin tonus.

The main purpose of the presented product is the maintenance of the uterus and abdomen of a pregnant woman. This device also ensures the correct location in the uterine cavity of the fetus and prevents its lowering prematurely.

With the bandage, the expectant mother will feel comfortable: the back will be completely unloaded, there will be no fatigue, it will be convenient to walk.

I want to say that some doctors do not recommend wearing some models, referring to the fact that this prevents the normal development of the fetus. In this case, the woman must weigh all the pros and cons and decide for herself whether she needs a special device.

When you can already wear a bandage

Only a doctor can tell exactly from what period it is better to wear a bandage. As a rule, starting from the 20th week. From this period the baby begins to actively grow in the tummy of the mother, as a result of which the load on the spine and internal organs increases.

At some at 20 weeks, the stomach is still small enough, so you can start wearing it a little later. And as soon as the stomach becomes bigger, stretch marks can appear on the skin. Therefore, some are advised to wear such a device right up to the very birth.

What types of bandages are there?

To make it easier for you to choose, I will now talk in more detail about the types of bandages. They are prenatal, postpartum and combined (universal).

The most popular and positive reviews arebandages-panties, with a sewn waist elastic band. They are well stretched as the tummy grows, so it is perfectly supported. Such products are also different:

  • with a wide or narrow elastic band (the wider, the better);
  • with an inflated front for covering the tummy in the last months of pregnancy;
  • winter variants, in which the femoral part is elongated, so that heat is kept better in severe frosts;
  • seamless options for unobtrusiveness under clothing.

In order to make it easier to go to the toilet, such panties are often equipped with "lower" clasps.

Of the minuses, you can note frequent changes of such linen and the need for manual washing to avoid stretching.

Some ladies prefer to wear such models on top of ordinary panties, which helps to avoid rapid contamination.

Belt bandageis the second most popular. It is an elastic band with Velcro fasteners on the side or under the belly. Such a product is easily adjusted to your volume, so you can control the degree of compression of the body.

The wide part of it supports the back well, and the narrow part - the stomach. Moreover, such models have a reasonable price, available to everyone. Of the minuses - it is inconvenient to wear, as doing this is recommended only lying down, and not everyone is comfortable.

Combined (universal) productIs a belt band of orthopedic construction. The back part of it is much wider. Bones are sewn into it, and there is a rigid lining, so that the spine will always be supported.

The front part supports the tummy. After the birth of a baby, this product is put on the opposite side and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. But does he really help clean the stomach and stretch marks? Read about this a separate article.

How to choose the right bandage

The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size. As a rule, it is necessary to add one more to your size before pregnancy.

However, some manufacturers have different standards and you will have to measure the girth of the hips under your stomach to find out the exact size of the product you need.

As a rule, a detailed table is available on the package.

If you bought a bandage and after a few days notice that it rubs, it means that the size is picked up incorrectly. It is better to refuse such a product, since in the bandage you should be comfortable.


Do not take it to grow. A bandage is a design thought out to trifles, in which certain parameters are provided, changing to your tummy. Take exactly your size. If, in the future, he rubs or is small, then you should buy another model of the right size.


Some are interested, but is it possible to sit in a bandage? The correct bandage does not crash anywhere while sitting.

Therefore, it is better to check this factor immediately when buying. If the expectant mother very quickly gaining weight, it is better to buy a bandage tape.

Panties will not work for her, as they will rub with time.

For ladies with a big tummy, it's better to choose models with a front buckle that you can put on standing, not lying down.

How to wear a bandage correctly

The main thing is comfortable sensations of the future mummy. If the model is matched with the mind, then you should not interfere, rub, squeeze.

On each package there is a photo with instructions, which shows how to properly dress the device.

You can contact your doctor who will tell you about the rules for using it.

Do not wear the product for more than 3-4 hours. We need to take a break of forty minutes to let the body relax. If you wear it without taking it off, it can lead to trouble for you and the baby.

Contraindications to wearing a bandage

Doctors do not recommend wearing such a device in the following cases:

  • When the child has a pelvic presentation;
  • In the presence of diseases of the digestive tract;
  • There are characteristic consequences after caesarean section;
  • With allergy to synthetics;
  • There are violations in the functioning of the kidneys.

In any case, even if you do not have any of the above contraindications, you should first to consult with his gynecologist about the possibility of wearing a bandage and only then proceed to choice and purchase. With such a product, you can forget about the unpleasant sensations during pregnancy and keep your health and beauty of the skin.

Also I advise you to watch the video "Bandage for pregnant women: how to wear, which one to choose?

I hope the article was useful to you. Share it with your friends in social networks, and also subscribe to blog updates. I'll be glad to see you among our subscribers. Good luck and easy birth!

Inessa Zhebryakova

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From what date and how to wear a bandage for pregnant women

It's no secret that during pregnancy the bandage acts as a kind of protection for both the future mother and her future child. With the help of a bandage, it becomes possible to reduce the level of stress on the female body and ensure the correct position of the fetus in the uterus.

Not all pregnant women resort to using a bandage for one reason or another.

As such, there are no contraindications for its use, and this indicates that, in addition to benefits, the future mother and her child will not get any harm. It is necessary to resort to its use for women who:

  • During the whole day are in motion, prefer active rest (the need for bandage increases when a woman stays in traffic from three hours a day).
  • Have problems with weakened muscles of the pelvic floor or anterior abdominal wall.
  • They have complaints about back pain, because the growing abdomen gives a strong load to the unprepared spine.
  • Skin, which is prone to the formation of stretch marks. In view of the fact that the quality band is made of elastic fabric, it provides the necessary support of the abdomen and thereby prevents skin damage, which, strictly speaking, is stretch marks.
  • Have become pregnant repeatedly. In this case, the need for a bandage is actual due to the greater stretching of the abdominal wall than at the first pregnancy.
  • Fruit a few fruits.
  • Faced a disappointing medical testimony. For example, in most cases, if there is a threat of premature birth of a baby or excessive enlargement of the uterus in size, the bandage is one of the main ways to maintain and facilitate pregnancy.

On what term of pregnancy to wear a bandage and how to do it correctly

At the first pregnancy, the question arises with what term to wear a bandage for pregnant women.

In order to extract the maximum benefit from using a bandage, it is necessary to know when it is best to start wearing it and, most importantly, how to do it correctly.

How to wear a bandage for pregnant women? Before the appearance of the abdomen during pregnancy, the use of a bandage is meaningless, because there is nothing to record, by and large.


The optimal time when it is worth resorting to it is the fourth month of pregnancy, after all at this time the fetus begins to actively develop, grow, and the belly of the future mother.


When wearing a bandage, a woman should not feel uncomfortable, because this is an indication that he was not dressed properly.

It is recommended to wear the bandage for the first time, lying on your back and adhere to the recommendations indicated in the instructions.

If you doubt the correctness of its use and thus want to be safe, then visit your gynecologist who will demonstrate how to do it right.

Do not forget about the time that is acceptable when wearing a bandage, because many women overdo it and spend days in it, or even a day.

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The time considered optimal for the continuous use of a bandage for pregnant women is no more than three hours, after which the woman's body should rest for at least half an hour.

What you should know about choosing a band

Today the choice of bandages for pregnant women is huge and in this set of models it's hard not to get confused. But there are three main types, in which you can learn the pros and cons of various models.

Kinds of bandages

Bandage pantiesIs a very convenient invention that facilitates pregnancy.

On a kind these are ordinary panties with a high fit, in front having an insert with an elastic and stretching fabric that does not fetter movements and supports the abdomen. Such a bandage, in fact, is very convenient, because it is almost not felt.

But, in addition to convenience, he has one significant minus.

Since this underwear, it becomes necessary to wash it frequently, and this, in turn, provokes the emergence of yet another problem - the need for at least two copies of such bandages. In order for the bandage to provide the proper level of support for the abdomen, you should put it on your back.

Bandage corset. Despite the fact that this is an obsolete appearance, it still has the right to exist.

I would like to note that this is the most inconvenient type of abdominal support, because a dense, non-stretchable fabric is used to make the corset. The kind of bandage practically does not differ from the usual corset.

Its shortcomings are presented by inconveniences when wearing, poor support of the abdomen and a feeling of stiffness for a reason not stretching the tissue.

Bandage Belt- this is, perhaps, the most convenient, practical and modern type of abdominal support during pregnancy.

The convenience of such a belt is that due to Velcro, which can be from one to three, it becomes possible to independently adjust its size as the abdomen grows.

The main advantages of the belt is a good level of support of the abdomen, convenience in use, because the bandage can be worn both in a lying and standing condition.

For the entire pregnancy period, it is enough to have one such bandage, as it can be worn on underwear, which will significantly increase the service life.


The bandage for pregnant women should be properly selected, otherwise it is not worth the wait.


Turning to a specialized store or pharmacy, a woman can use the services consultant who will choose the necessary size, or even better, will try on several options bandages.

Of the belts you can choose one that, in the opinion of a woman, is the most convenient and practical.

As a rule, the size of the bandage corresponds to the size of the clothes that the woman wore shortly before pregnancy, but this rule applies only to bandages in the form of belts. If the choice of the pregnant woman has stopped on a bandage-panties, then it is recommended to take a model for a size larger than usual.

Do not buy products such as bandages for pregnant women, in dubious places, because the quality and safety of the product during pregnancy is above all.

A source:

In what cases is the bandage necessary during pregnancy? rules for choosing and wearing a bandage during pregnancy: what and why?

A growing abdomen during pregnancy causes the eyes of those around and the pride of the future mummy.

However, an increase in the size of the stomach causes not only positive emotions, but also negative feelings that affect the woman's health.

In this case, various bandages come to the rescue.

The use of a bandage during pregnancy has the most conflicting reviews of women and the radically different opinions of physicians.

Frightening myths alarm pregnant women and cause fear of using a bandage during pregnancy.

But there are situations when a woman needs a supporting element.

And the right choice and compliance with the recommendations for wearing a bandage during pregnancy facilitate the condition and rule out possible consequences.

What is a bandage during pregnancy?

The bandage is a specific supporting element. The bandage refers to orthopedic adaptations. Allows to support a growing abdomen during pregnancy, without affecting the fetus, promotes the correct location of the baby in the stomach.

Bandage- an indispensable assistant to the future mother.

If the product is selected correctly, the supporting element:

• significantly reduces fatigue;

• removes heaviness in the legs;

Prevents the occurrence of pain in the abdomen;

• facilitates the movement of women;

• removes the load from the spine.

There are several types of bandages that differ in their type and purpose.

1. Prenatal bandage- an indispensable device, greatly facilitating the state of the future mother.


2. Postpartum Bandageallows you to significantly reduce the recovery period. By pulling the abdominal wall, the bandage improves muscle tone, affects the skin of the abdomen, normalizes intra-abdominal pressure.


3. Universal bandageis used by women, both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Special product cut allows you to apply it at different times.

During pregnancy, to support the back, such a bandage is worn, placing its wide part on the back.

After childbirth, the bandage changes its location and is worn by the wide part on the abdominal area to pull the abdomen.

Universal bandage is used in pregnancy and after childbirth

There are also specific postoperative bandages, which are recommended for women after Caesarean section.

The antenatal modern bandages have a rather attractive appearance, they are made of safe hypoallergenic materials, pass air well, are comfortable to wear. With proper application, the future mother does not feel the presence of an orthopedic device on herself.

Bandages for pregnant women are issued as:

1. Panties that have an elastic insert to support the abdomen.

2. Belt, which is made as an elastic band with side flaps, adjusts the tightness of the fitting.

3. Corsets with lacing, which are now considered a relic of the past and are rare.

It is worth considering that the corset for pregnant women refers to the elements of underwear. Therefore, it requires competent care and regular washing.

Who should wear a corset during pregnancy?

The need to wear a corset occurs with a significantly enlarged abdomen. Basically this process falls on the fourth month. However, the change in the size of the abdomen in each woman is very individual. Therefore, you need to consider your own feelings and well-being.

Even being fully confident in the need for bandage, do not rely on your own intuition. The bandage is a medical orthopedic device.

And only the doctor can make a decision about the advisability of its application.

Because there are contraindications that categorically do not allow the wearing of a bandage during pregnancy.


Not every pregnant doctor will recommend wearing a bandage. If the muscles are well developed, and after prolonged exertion in the form of being on legs, walking, physical exertion does not cause unpleasant sensations in the back, stomach, wearing a bandage just does not have meaning.


But women who have a pelvic or transverse presentation of the child, wearing a bandage is simply contraindicated. The supporting device will not allow the baby to turn around in the abdomen and take the correct position.

Therefore, for pregnant women after 24 weeks, if the fruit is not located head down, wearing a bandage is strictly prohibited.

In the case when the fruit turned over and took the correct position, the use of the bandage will allow it to be fixed in this position and prevent unwanted self-activity.

Situations when a bandage during pregnancy is simply necessary, a lot.

The bandage will help improve the condition:

• when there is a threat of abortion at a later date;

• if a woman has to lead a rather active lifestyle and is on her feet for a long time;

• with osteochondrosis pain;

• with any pathology of the spine;

• if a woman's pelvic floor and abdomen muscles are too weak;

• with varicose pathologies;

• when there is excessive heaviness in the legs;

• with pathologies of the cervix and polyhydramnios;

• after surgical interventions on the peritoneum;

• when the fruit is too low;

• with multiple pregnancies;

• if the fruit is very large.

It should be borne in mind that nature has all the possibilities to bear fruit without using additional support devices.

Without extreme necessity, it is not advisable to resort to such a method.

The abdominal muscles are able to cope with the stresses independently, and constant support deprives them of their physiological abilities, which leads to excessive weakening.

Myths that the bandage prevents the appearance of stretch marks is refuted by doctors.The process of formation of striae is associated not only with the tension of the skin, but more with hormonal changes.

The decision to use the bandage will have to be taken by the pregnant woman yourself, but the recommendations of the gynecologist should be heeded.

How to choose a bandage during pregnancy?

When choosing a bandage, consider that this is a personal intimate garment. Therefore, in this situation, it is not necessary to resort to the help of friends and acquaintances offering to use the thing that has become unnecessary to them.

To buy a bandage it is necessary only in specialized shops, drugstores or in the department of gynecology. The device must meet the requirements of medical safety.

Bandages offered in wide sale or in online stores can be made of low-quality materials and do not correspond to elasticity and cover medical standards.


In addition, bandages belong to personal hygiene items and can not be exchanged. And, having acquired a substandard or inappropriate product, there will not be an opportunity to exchange it.


When choosing a bandage you need to rely on your own feelings. Therefore, we will have to resort to fitting. It is desirable to try out several types and stay at the most comfortable.

Remember that the bandage will have to be used for a long time. In an ideal adaptation, a woman should not feel his presence. Consider when choosing the size of the bandage, that the belly will still increase. Therefore, elastic products with volume regulation should be preferred.

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Not the last place is the material from which the band is made. The ideal option is cotton. But cotton products are not elastic.

Therefore, manufacturers add cotton fibers or viscose to artificial fibers in the form of polyamide, microfiber, polyester, lycra.

Such high-tech materials are safe for the future mummy, and due to their unique properties the product becomes durable, elastic, suitable for frequent washing.

If in the composition of the bandage material there is a continuous synthetics, the skin will lose the possibility of free breathing, sweets, diaper rash and allergic rashes will begin to appear.

How correctly to wear a bandage during pregnancy?

First of all, you need to learn how to properly wear a bandage during pregnancy. The attached instruction describes this process in detail.

If there were any difficulties and could not figure out how to use the supporting device yourself, you can contact the gynecologist.

The doctor will explain in detail about the rules of wearing and teach how to safely apply a bandage.

To properly wear a bandage, follow these recommendations:


1. Prilyagte on a comfortable flat surface, placing a small pillow under the buttocks.


2. Lie for a while, so that the muscles relax, the child takes a comfortable position. This will relax the bladder and escape the feeling of heaviness.

3. Gently put on the bandage, tightly fixing it on the body. Do not allow excessive pressure - it will hurt the baby. But the weak fastening of the bandage will not give the expected effect.

If the bandage is worn correctly, the woman does not feel any discomfort, regardless of the position in which she is.

When wearing a bandage, observe a number of rules:

1. Wear a supporting element no longer than three hours. Then you need to take a break for half an hour.

2. Take off the bandage at night and during daytime rest.

3. If the baby behaves in the abdomen is too restless, the bandage should be removed. To reapply use no earlier than half an hour.

Do not ignore the rules for grooming, which consist in regular washing at a certain temperature.

If you decide to use a bandage during pregnancy, and the doctor does not have prohibitory arguments, do not listen to negative reviews.

This unique device is not able to harm neither the future mummy nor the baby, but will help get rid of many negative symptoms present during pregnancy.

A source:

Bandage during pregnancy

Wearing a bandage during pregnancy can greatly help not only a woman, but her baby. However, among doctors there is no unity in the question of whether to resort to his help.

To make a decision, you need to listen to different points of view. And if you still want to wear a bandage, then you will immediately have many questions: what they are, how to dress them, why they are needed, and others. Let's try to understand.

Kinds of bandages

Bandages are classified as underwear, which, depending on the purpose, is worn during pregnancy or after childbirth, that is, they distinguish between antenatal and postnatal bandages. There are also universal models that are suitable for wearing in both periods.

In addition, the bandage can be of various shapes:

  • Bandage panties with an elastic supporting insert in front of the abdomen: worn like panties, but it is inconvenient that daily wearing is impossible or difficult, since every day such a bandage is needed wash.
  • Bandage-belt is worn on underwear. It looks like an elastic band that supports the stomach and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Very convenient to use, special valves on the sides allow you to adjust the size and tightness of the fitting.
  • Bandage corset is considered a relic of the past - very impractical.
  • The combined bandage is used both before and after childbirth. It is also made in the form of a belt - from a rubberized fabric that stretches. This bandage is fastened with Velcro: during pregnancy, the wide part strengthens the back, and the narrow supports the stomach. After birth, the belt is fastened on the contrary - a narrow part back, and wide at this time tightens the stomach.

Who needs a band and when?

As soon as the tummy begins to grow intensively - it's time to think about wearing a bandage. Usually this happens from the fourth month - at the 20-24th week. But in some cases wearing a bandage is advisable a little earlier or vice versa - later.

This is especially true for women, leading an active lifestyle and staying for several hours on foot.

The bandage will help you reduce the pain caused by fetal pressure on the coccyx and pelvic bones, and also relieve the strain from the spine.


If your abdominal muscles are weakened - you can not do without a bandage. He will support the child, performing the functions of strong abdominal muscles.


Attenuation of the abdominal cavity occurs more often with repeated or multiple pregnancies.

In addition, the bandage is necessary at the appearance of stretch marks or predisposition to this.

Also, wearing a bandage is indicated for osteochondrosis, varicose veins, some types of obstetric pathologies and the threat of premature birth.

Arguments for the bandage

  • Significantly facilitates bearing, especially multiple pregnancies.
  • Helps avoid fatigue and pain in the legs.
  • Relieves pain in back and waist.
  • Reduces the burden on the spine and pelvic organs.
  • Can prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Prevents the premature omission of the fetus (which should normally occur on the 38th week of pregnancy).
  • Reduces risks when threat of miscarriages.
  • Maintains the abdomen while loosening the abdominal muscles.
  • Helps the child in utero to take the right position.
  • Modern technologies have made it possible to create special breathable materials, so the bandage will not be hot even in the summer.
  • Very convenient and easy to use (each model is accompanied by a detailed instruction with a description).
  • Unseen under the clothes.

Arguments against"

Some doctors are sure: wearing a bandage helps the abdominal muscles become lazy and harder to recover after giving birth. Therefore, you can wear a bandage only on strict indications:

  • back pain;
  • threat of abortion;
  • underdevelopment of the cervix;
  • low fetal position with weak abdominal muscles;
  • a scar on the uterus (after a previous cesarean or other gynecological operation);
  • surgery on the abdominal cavity for a year and a half before pregnancy;
  • Neurological pain caused by pinching of the nerve in the lumbar spine;
  • multiple pregnancy.

If you do not have any of the indications, you can not wear a bandage.

After all, everything is thought out by nature, and a woman can easily endure such a burden (a growing fetus) without additional help - the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are able to cope with this independently. In addition, women often buy synthetic bandages that can cause allergic skin reactions.

Doctors also argue that the appearance of stretch marks is caused by hormonal changes and loss of skin elasticity. And the bandage can not help it, some believe.

But more and more gynecologists recommend their careers wearing a bandage due to very many of its benefits. True, while it is necessary to comply with the mode of wearing it, about which a little lower, and always always consult your doctor.

Nevertheless, in some cases, the bandage is completely contraindicated. This applies more to the last trimester of pregnancy, when a child suddenly turns over and occupies an incorrect position, for example, sits on the ass.

The bandage will be a serious obstacle for turning over again as it should before giving birth.

But in the case when the baby's location again becomes normal, the bandage on the contrary will keep the child in this state, not giving the opportunity for undesirable "self-activity". Therefore, it will be necessary to wear it.

Decisive factor

You can make a decision to wear a bandage only you, but it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. The decisive factor in making a decision (if there are no obvious contraindications) can be your sensations.

Buy the bandage in a pharmacy, a specialized store or directly in a women's consultation. Choose for yourself several types of bandages and try them on.

If you have the patience - you can try everything. Let the consultant help you in this, choosing the right size and showing how to properly put this or that model.


Your choice should be stopped on the version in which you are most comfortable. You should not feel any squeezing or any other discomfort. If in any of the proposed bandages you are uncomfortable - you should not buy any at all.

Rules of wearing a bandage

  1. You can not wear a bandage continuously, especially sleeping in it. It is recommended to do a 30-40-minute break after every 3 hours of wearing.
  2. However, if the bandage is prescribed for you by serious indications and it just suits you perfectly (you feel noticeable relief and comfort), then you do not need to take breaks.
  3. The bandage should not squeeze the abdominal cavity - only to support the stomach.
  4. Any woman should not experience any uncomfortable sensations (regardless of the position or body taken) - only relief.
  5. It is advisable to wear a bandage until the very end of pregnancy. But you should be guided by your feelings and testimonies.

If the doctor does not prohibit, and you decide to wear a bandage - do not worry. When properly put on, worn and used, it poses absolutely no danger to either you or the baby.

Especially for - Elena Kichak

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