Herbion syrup of the primrose from which cough

Herbion Syrup from a wet cough: instructions for effective use

Many diseases, especially diseases of the respiratory system, are accompanied by a cough that brings a lot of inconvenience. Everyone faced such a problem, so it is clear that in the search for an effective remedy, any person rushes to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

On the universality of a drug can not be said,because all treatment will depend on the initially provoked disease, as well as on the form of a cough that can be dry or wet.The first variant involves the selection of a medicament that reduces and softens the irritation of the mucosa. And if it comes to a damp cough, then the situation is different - you need a drug that facilitates liquefaction and the fastest withdrawal of phlegm.

Pershit in the throat and cough, what to do and how to deal with it, you can find out by reading this article.

With the goal of getting rid of a damp cough, most people prefer the means, which are basically a plant composition.One of the leading places in the fight against damp cough is occupied by "Herbion produced by the recognized company KRKA.

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Along with its great efficiency, it carries with it minor side effects. Also applicable to people of any age category, because much better than synthetic drugs are tolerated by the body.

Properties of the preparation

All properties of the drug are determined by the plant components available in Gerbion:

  1. Menthol.It gives the drug antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  2. Thyme extract.Expectorant and bronchodilator properties are provided due to the thymol in the thyme extract, also thyme itself is diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic;
  3. Primrose extract.The activity of the extract of the primrose is aimed at creating conditions for the release of sputum accumulated in the bronchi by means of its rapid dilution.

What to do when the pershit in the throat and dry cough, you can find out by reading this article.

The activity of the extract of the primrose is directed at creating conditions for the release of sputum accumulated in the bronchi by means of its rapid liquefaction

The agent "Gerbion" is endowed with the following properties:

  • expectorant;
  • bronchodilator;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetizing;
  • antiseptic.

What can be the reasons for a prolonged dry cough in an adult, you can learn from this article.

Indications for use

The drug on the basis of primrose is recommended:
  • as expectorants for respiratory diseases;
  • with bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • when coughing due to irritation of the mucous by various substances (for example, smoke from cigarettes);
  • with senile coughing.

Important: "Herbion" helps to increase the body's resistance and protect the epithelium of the respiratory tract from various injuries.

From the article you can find out which drug should be taken with a dry cough.

How to effectively apply?

This herbal remedy can be used as a medicine only if you have a wet cough, accompanied by an accumulation of a huge mass of poorly expectorating, or absolutely not expectorant phlegm.The syrup activates the output of sputum, which will leave unpleasant symptoms and an annoying wet cough.

The active components of the extract of the primrose increase the bronchial secretion, by means of which there is an increase in sputum and its dilution. Thyme extract has an expanding effect and increases the mobility of the cilia of the epithelium, which can effectively remove all accumulated sputum in the bronchi. The action of thyme increases menthol, which gives the drug antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions, as well as an anesthetic effect.

What signs of an allergic cough in a child can be and how to deal with it, is indicated in the article.

The result of the activity of the components of the drug are clean bronchi, without inflammation, and, as a consequence, getting rid of a wet cough.

Means for coughing is calculated on a three-time reception for a day. "Herbion" should be drunk, adhering to such rules:

  • From 2 to 7 years - half teaspoon (ml);
  • From 7 to 14 - on a teaspoonful (5 ml);
  • Children after 14 and adults - one or two teaspoons (5-10 ml).

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It is preferable to drink syrup with a large amount of liquid (preferably water).

Up to 2 years of age, the contra-indication is contraindicated.

The average duration of such treatment is two weeks, all recommendations for the duration of the reception is fully capable of giving only a doctor.

Side effects and contraindications.

Contraindications for taking the drug is:
  1. the age range is less than 2 years, and up to a year even a reduced dosage is contraindicated;
  2. poor assimilation of fructose;
  3. presence of diabetes mellitus;
  4. susceptibility to components;
  5. the transferred groats;
  6. diseases associated with the organs responsible for digestion (ulcer or inflammation);
  7. the first three months of pregnancy.

The reception of "Herbion" in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy can take place only after consulting a specialist who assesses its benefits and harm in relation to the mother and child. If the reception is for the lactation period, then breastfeeding temporarily will have to stop.

As a child to stop a night cough, helps to understand the information from this article.

The syrup can provoke the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions (pruritus, urticaria);
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea in case of excess of the prescribed dosage.

Also, to avoid side effects, you must observe the storage rules: do not take it at the expiration date and store it at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. After the vial is opened, the medicine is suitable for use for a month.

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The average cost of the drug ranges from 200 to 250 rubles

To purchase the drug "Herbion" in Russia there is no need for a prescription, but for the treatment of this drug, consultation is necessary, because each case can be individual. With more caution to take it is necessary to take it when it comes to children. Ask the expert, maybe the doctor will advise the analogues of the drug. The price of this herbal preparation from wet cough may vary depending on the pharmacy in the area of ​​200-250 rudders.

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Reviews about the drug

Svetlana, 26 years old, Moscow:My baby is 6 years old, he had a long time (about a month) wet cough after bronchitis, and no remedy helped us. But the familiar nurse advised "Herbion I am very grateful to her,at last the sputum began to recede, and the child began to sleep normally at night.After 8 days we got rid of a cough.

Alexander, 35 years old, Krasnodar: Going home, I fell under the rain and that's how the result of a cold, and even cough connected. I bought the Herbion syrup, hoping that he would help me cope with the damp cough that tormented me for three weeks. I started applying it strictly according to the instructions and after a couple of days I felt better, and two weeks later I forgot about my cold.A very good product, I was pleased with the natural composition and minimal side effects.

The child barking cough without temperature, what to do with it and what first steps to take will help to understand the content of the article.

The drug "Herbion" from a moist cough basically has plant components, which causes great confidence in people. And this is not in vain, because all its components are very effective and thus side effects are minimized. Syrup combines a whole range of positive properties:

  • it is an excellent expectorant and bronchodilator;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are combined with an analgesic effect;
  • has antispasmodic properties.

Along with all the positive effects, do not forget about contraindications and side effects, which can be strongly pronounced, especially with an overdose.Strictly follow the doctor's instructions and instructions.


Herbion syrup for cough

In the treatment of cough apply a variety of drugs, available in the form of tablets, pastilles, potions and syrups. Very often therapists and pediatricians appoint Herbion from dry cough to their patients.

Composition and properties of the preparation

Herbion Syrup from cough is an enveloping, antibacterial and immunostimulating agent that allows to remove inflammation in the respiratory tract.Due to the rich composition and complex effects on the body, this drug is indicated for use in wet and dry cough.

Syrup of plantain

Herb of cough is made on water extract of plantain, this substance has a mucous enveloping action, creating on it a thin protective layer, as a result of which there is no irritation of the throat. Due to this softening effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, the reviews of Herbion from dry cough are predominantly positive, the drug has helped many adults and children recover.

When the plantain extract gets into the body, the amount of sputum increases and its viscosity decreases, thanks to which, after applying Gerbion syrup from a dry cough, speeds up the excretion of sputum to the surface of the respiratory ways. Adults on the basis of plantain can be prescribed in the presence of this symptom, the cause of which became such factors:

  • respiratory tract infections;
  • colds;
  • the appearance of a symptom caused by the use of nicotine.

Syrup of primrose

There is another kind of antitussive, it is not based on plantain extract, but when using a plant such as primrose. It is prescribed by specialists for respiratory disease in the case when the patient has poor separation of sputum. Taking this antitussive medicine, the expectoration process is accelerated. This kind of syrup includes such components:
  • root extract of the primrose;
  • herb of thyme;
  • herb of menthol.

Herbion from moist cough based on the primrose is indicated for use not only for colds, but It is also quite effective in other pathological processes accompanied by a damp cough.

The therapeutic effect of the use of syrup is achieved due to the content of saponins in it - substances that help dilute thick viscous mucus, which causes relief of the patient's condition. The thyme extract contains thymol, which in turn exerts an expanding effect on the bronchi.The antibacterial effect of Herbion is due to the presence in it of an extract of menthol, which also has an anti-inflammatory property. If you read reviews about Herbion from a damp cough, you can conclude that this is one of the most effective antitussive drugs.

Syrup of the primrose helps to get rid of coughing attacks with respiratory diseases, which are characterized by difficulty in moving away or forming sputum. It is also effective in bronchitis and tracheitis.

How to treat?

Before using the medication it is important to read in detail the instructions of the syrup from Herbion cough. Using a plantain-based remedy, the drug should be taken this way: adults 10 ml, children 2-7 years - 5 ml. The drug is taken 3 times a day, adults with severe coughing attacks the amount of syrup intake can be increased up to 5 times a day. In Herbion's instructions for dry cough, it is indicated that the drug should be administered regardless of the meal.

When treating the disease, a drug based on an aqueous extract of the primrose is taken antitussive drug 3 times after eating. Adults are prescribed 15 ml, children from 14 years - 10 ml, 5-14 years - 5 ml, 2 - 5 years - 2, 5 ml at a time. Adults and patients aged 14 years, as prescribed by the doctor, the amount of medication can be increased up to 4 times a day. On average, therapy lasts 7 days.

Possible side effects

Like other drugs, Herbion has its own contraindications, which it is important to know before starting treatment. Despite even strict adherence to the dosage indicated in Herbion's instructions from a wet cough or dry, patients may notice the appearance of allergic reactions. Most often they appear in the form of rashes and irritations on the skin, after which it is necessary to pick up another antitussive syrup.

In the event of an overdose, the patient may experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

It is strictly forbidden to conduct treatment for diabetes mellitus, hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug, inflammatory diseases of the stomach mucosa.

Proceeding from possible side effects, in order to prevent dangerous consequences, Gerbion can only be used for the doctor's prescription.


Features of Herbion application from dry cough: instruction

Herbion - a drug that has antibacterial and immunomodulating action. The drug is most often prescribed to children for the treatment of dry cough. Here you can read the causes of perspiration in the throat and dry cough. For sale, Gerbion in a pharmacy of two types, taking into account the presence of an active ingredient - plantain and primrose. Each of them has its positive effect, therefore, it should be prescribed by a doctor.

Since Herbionum is produced in two forms, the composition and pharmacological action of each type of product has its own.

Based on plantain

This syrup in its composition has two active substances - plantain extract and mallow. They contain vegetable mucus, due to which the syrup spreads evenly throughout the inner surface of the throat, enveloping it and protecting it from stimuli provoking a cough. In addition, the medicine has an antibacterial effect.

Based on the primrose

The composition of this preparation contains an aqueous extract of the root of the primrose. It exerts an expectorant effect, dilutes thick sputum and stimulates expectoration. Even in the composition there is an extract of thyme. Its elements exert an expectorant and bronchodilator effect. Incoming menthol is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory component. The vegetable origin of the medicine makes it possible to have a soft effect on the body and is easily tolerated by both children and adults.


To begin with, consider the Gerbion based on plantain. It includes the following substances:

  • liquid component on the basis of plantain leaves 5 g;
  • liquid component based on the inflorescence of mallow 5 g;
  • ascorbic acid - 65 mg;
  • additional elements.

Syrup based on the primrose has the following composition:

  • liquid extract of the roots of spring primrose 3 g;
  • liquid extract of thyme herb 6;
  • levomenthol 2 mg;
  • additional elements.
Learn how the treatment of obstructive bronchitis at home.

Here are described the symptoms and treatment of acute pharyngitis.

Signs of sinusitis in adults: http://prolor.ru/n/bolezni-n/gajmorit/gajmorit-osobennosti-simptomy-metody-lecheniya.html.

How to use

The dosage of the medicine can be different. Here it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient and the type of syrup used.

For adults

How to treat dry cough in adults? If it is necessary to eliminate dry cough in adults, then Herbion with plantain extract will come to the rescue. Take it should be 10 ml 3 times a day.

Treatment with a syrup with primrose extract should be 3-4 times throughout the day, and the permitted dose is 10 ml. Therapeutic course lasts 10-20 days. Here you will find a list of drugs for dry cough for adults.

For young patients

How to get rid of a dry cough in a child? Medicinal syrup, where the main substance is plantain or primrose, is taken as follows:

  1. Patients 2-7 years in the amount of 5 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Children 7-14 years, 5-10 ml 3 times a day.

Treatment with syrup is carried out after eating, the required amount is taken inside and washed down with water. The duration of therapy is 10-20 days.

For pregnant

Take medicine is allowed to eliminate dry cough and at the time of pregnancy. But before using it is necessary to get permission from a doctor. To use a syrup on the basis of plantain in the amount of 2 spoons 5 times throughout the day. If the reception is conducted using Herbiona based on the primrose, then take 2 spoons 4 times throughout the day. After all, drink with water.

On the photo - herbion from dry cough instructions for use:


The cost of the drug is determined by taking into account its constituent components.

Name of the medicine price, rub.
Herbion Escolus Gel


Herbion with plantain in the form of syrup 221
Herbion with primrose in the form of syrup 223
Gerbion based on ginseng 350 mg n30 caps. 243

Herbion Ginseng caps.


Here you can find instructions for the use of Herbion from a damp cough.


If for some reason you can not accept or buy Gerbion, then you need to familiarize yourself with the preparations that are similar in effect and composition.

  • Mukaltin. This medicine is used to treat respiratory and lung diseases. Doctors prescribe for pneumonia, bronchitis. Promote a rapid spitting of the sputum due to its expectorant effect.
  • Bronchipret. The presented preparation allows to eliminate all manifestations of the respiratory tract disease. After a full course of therapy, you can forget about the cough and the unpleasant sensations caused by it.
  • Syrup Kusa. This medicine doctors appoint for symptomatic treatment of patients who have a place of cough of different origin. Viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and asthma are also included here.A syrup may be prescribed as an adjunctive therapy to people who have been diagnosed with rhinitis, pharyngitis. Also, the drug is allowed to eliminate cough in people caused by constant smoking.
  • Wix Active.The drug is used in the treatment of pathology of the respiratory system. Also, Wix Active is recommended for the use of viscous, hard-to-separate sputum mucus-purulent in nature. Based on this, it can be concluded that the medicine effectively copes with the symptoms of the following ailments:
    • bronchitis of acute and chronic form;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • blockage of the bronchi with a stopper of viscous mucus.

    Another medicine may be prescribed for the therapy of paracetamol overdose.
  • Bronhosan. This syrup is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are characterized by an unproductive cough or cough with a difficult spitting of phlegm. It is allowed to treat adults and small patients. Bronchosan has a positive effect on respiratory diseases, occurring in a chronic or acute form. The efficacy of the drug is proven in the complex therapy of pneumonia.
  • Tos-May. The drug is actively used to treat people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the lower and upper paths. During therapy, it is possible to eliminate dry irritating cough. Another Tos-Mai is used before diagnosis, for example, before bronchoscopy.
  • Pectoral. The medicine is in demand when treating diseases of infectious and inflammatory origin. In the course of treatment, it is possible to overcome cough and to remove hard-to-recover phlegm.
  • Altemix Broncho. Healing syrup is taken with a dry cough for the caked expectoration and softening of the irritating effect of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. The medicine is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system, taking place in acute or chronic form, and accompanied by a cough with a difficult exit of phlegm.
  • Bronchoton. The drug is actively involved in the complex treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough. Effectively eliminates cough and promotes rapid sputum discharge.
  • Muccoplant. Syrup is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system, taking place in acute and chronic form. These include:
    • bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • lung diseases associated with professional activities.


  • Svetlana, 34 years old:"My child is 5 years old, at first he had usual cold symptoms, so I did not really wrap myself up. After it began to press an unbearable dry cough, and especially in the mornings. I went to the hospital, the doctor advised us on Herbion based on plantain. We take 4 times a day. The child liked it very much, so there was no problem with the reception. The treatment lasted 2 weeks, after which my baby began to feel much better, the cough disappeared. "
  • Christina, 24 years old:"Somewhere 2 years ago I had bronchitis. Dry cough just tortured me. The doctor prescribed effective therapy, which included Gerbion on the basis of primroses. After 3 weeks I managed to overcome my illness. Presented medicine is very effective, because cough began to appear less and less often and then with phlegm. "
  • Tatiana, 28 years old:"My daughter fell ill with bronchitis. Watching her cough was just unbearable. This dry cough just strangled her. I have long known about the positive properties of syrup Herbion, so I consulted with a doctor. He allowed to take it throughout the day 3 times. After 4 days, sputum began to recede, and my daughter felt relieved. The course of treatment took 15 days, after which there was no trace of the disease. "

Herbion is a very effective remedy for coughing. Use it as an additional therapy. In the course of treatment, it is possible to soften the mucous membrane, to eliminate the cough and to withdraw phlegm. If you are looking for what else you can heal a dry cough of the child, then read about inhalations.


Herbion for children

If you ask ten young mothers to name the most frequent childhood illness, four of them will call a dysbacteriosis or intestinal colic. The remaining six will call a cough. Both will be right, because these problems most often "spoil the life" of babies and their parents. In this article we will talk about the cough and the ways of its treatment. More precisely, consider one of the most popular (largely due to its effectiveness) cough drugs - herbion. We will talk about how to take the herbion, what kinds of varieties of this remedy exist, whether the herbion can be used for children under one year, etc.

Types of herbion, their composition and action

Herbion syrup for children is available in two variations: to facilitate dry cough and to improve expectoration (that is, from a wet cough).

1.Syrup from dry cough herbionis a syrup extract of plantain and mallow flowers with the addition of vitamin C. These components provide anti-inflammatory and mucolytic action of the agent - sputum is liquefied, and, due to stimulation cilia of ciliated epithelium, is excreted faster, and vitamin C increases the body's defenses and helps to recover more quickly after disease. Cough with the use of this drug is amplified - it should not bother the parents, because stimulation of a cough - one way to increase mucus clearance, prevent sputum stagnation in the lungs and reduce reproduction infection. Parents of children suffering from diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders should take into account that the preparation contains sucrose (8 g per 10 ml of syrup).

The dosage of the drug varies depending on the age of the patient:

  • 2-7 years - 5ml three times a day;
  • 7-14 years - 5-10ml three times a day;
  • over 14 years - 10ml three times a day (sometimes it is possible to increase the number of receptions up to 5 times a day).

The average course of treatment is 10-20 days.

Herbion with psyllium has such contraindications:

  • intolerance to fructose;
  • allergy to the components of the agent;
  • age to 2 years.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible, but a sufficient number of clinical studies studying the effect of the drug on the baby's body have not been performed.

Pay attention that alone (without medical appointment) to combine herbion with other antitussives can not (especially with drugs that block cough).

In rare cases, when the herbion is taken, allergy may manifest (itching, rashes, swelling), as well as nausea and rtovy. In such cases, the drug should be discontinued and immediately notified to the treating doctor.

2. Herbion from wet coughis also a plant-based preparation. The main active ingredients of the remedy are extracts of the roots of spring primrose and herbs of thyme, as well as levomenthol. The product has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, promotes liquefaction and excretion of mucus from the lungs.

Herbion syrup primrose is prescribed in such cases:

  • complex antitussive therapy (as an expectorant drug);
  • ARI, accompanied by a dry cough.

Children under two years of age or after the transferred croup (obstructive laryngitis) drug is not prescribed.

Depending on the age of the patient, the dosage of the drug varies from, ml (for children 2-5 years), to 5 ml and 10-15 ml (patients aged 5-14 and over 14 years respectively). Duration of admission is 15-20 days. After taking the drug, drink plenty of clean, warm water.

In case of reactions of intolerance (pruritus, rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), the drug should be stopped immediately and informed of it by the treating doctor.

Despite the fact that herbion syrups are herbal remedies, their independent use and application without medical supervision is highly undesirable. Before use, consult with a specialist.


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