Cardio workout for burning fat at home, exercises, video lessons

Any cardio training is a group of physical exercises aimed at burning fat deposits in the body, increasing stamina, training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

This type of physical activity is an indispensable element of any fitness program. For its implementation, it is not necessary to attend a sports hall or a treadmill at the stadium. All that is needed for effective cardio at home is the desire to acquire a slim figure, play sports, a bit of free space and personal time.


Cardio training: use and contraindications


Why do we need cardio training? First of all, to develop stamina and lose extra pounds. But on this benefit from the exercises does not end.

  1. Strengthening of ventilation: improvement of saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  2. Training of the cardiovascular system: prevention of atherosclerosis and severe CVD, increased myocardial contractility;
  3. Acceleration of metabolism: normalization of metabolism, prevention of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, etc.;
  4. Neurohumoral regulation: acceleration of the formation of glucocorticoids: anti-stress, anti-inflammatory effects;
  5. Splitting of fat deposits, which begins during training and continues after it: correction of the figure without loss of muscle mass;
  6. Positive effect on bone: strengthening bone tissue and preventing osteoporosis;
  7. Formation of reflex interaction between the brain and organ systems: harmonization of the central nervous system and increased resistance to stress;
  8. Training of the body as a whole: increase of endurance, tone, working capacity.


When it is impossible to carry out a cardio load? In the presence of the following conditions and diseases:

  1. ARVI;
  2. Furunculosis;
  3. Angina;
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  5. Ulcers of the duodenum and stomach;
  6. Thrombophlebitis;
  7. Acute allergic processes;
  8. Acute pain;
  9. Hypertension;
  10. Menstruation( the first days);
  11. Uterine bleeding;
  12. Pregnancy;
  13. Severe somatic pathologies;
  14. With severe fatigue, after stress.

Before, during and after classes you need to monitor your condition. Unfortunately, in the process of cardio training, hidden health problems may appear, so if you feel worse, stop the session and consult a doctor.

Cardio workouts at home for fat burning

Cardio workouts are among the most effective and quickest ways to combat excess kilograms. A balanced program allows you to get closer to the desired forms and create a beautiful body.

This type of training includes various health-improving techniques, the purpose of which is not only weight loss, but also the development of endurance, gaining strength and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Cardio workouts can be done at home or at the gym. They are ideal for beginners.

What is cardiovascular workout

Cardio exercises aimed at weight loss, includes a set of intense movements, which by increasing the aerobic load on the muscles, allow you to reduce body fat and give the figure a slender and smart.

Fitness centers for weight reduction offer their clients a variety of different programs: step aerobics, dance aerobics, treadmills, training on simulators. For those who do not have time to visit special sports centers, it is possible to choose a set of exercises that can be successfully performed at home.

The most effective form of aerobic exercise is running and cycling. It is not necessary for this to purchase special simulators. A jogging can be made in the park, enjoying the fresh air and pleasant atmosphere. You can rent a bike. To date, this is a very common service. A bike trip can also be combined with a city tour. A pleasant and useful pastime will help bring the figure closer to the ideal.

Cardio-therapy has several advantages:

  1. Quickly burn fat deposits;
  2. Strengthen the heart;
  3. Fight cellulite;
  4. Normalizes breathing;
  5. Strengthen all the muscles of the body;
  6. Normalize the psychological state;
  7. Increase lung volume;
  8. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases;
  9. Reduce pressure;
  10. Suitable for everyone( except for some types of exercise, contraindicated for people with cardiovascular problems).

Exercises for home cardio use without simulators

Having a good simulator in the house is a real luxury for many people. However, this does not mean that the lack of such a device for classes will not allow you to get close to the ideal forms and conduct effective training at home.

The first rule of the is that effective training is best conducted in the open air. This suggests that you should open the window in the house wider, and breathe in a fresh air with a full chest.

The second rule is a mandatory warm-up. It can include such exercises as steps in place, step with lifting free, torso turns, attacks in different directions, etc. On the warm-up, as a rule, it will take about 5-8 minutes.

The exercise program can include:

  1. Jumps in different directions;
  2. Impacts with a blow forward;
  3. Bouncing;
  4. Twisting;
  5. Push-ups;
  6. Exercises with equipment such as skipping rope, hoop and more.

Before you start training, it is worth studying the technique of each exercise. The correct effect depends on the effect. Help in this can be a teaching video or an experienced friend who attended classes at fitness centers.

Interval cardio

Interval cardio is a kind of anaerobic load, which has significant differences from the standard workout. First of all, they are associated with the alternation of rates and the level of stress on a person. This kind of cardio should be chosen by those who aspire not only to lose excess weight, but also not to lose muscle mass. Together with this, the heart volume increases. Interval training has a number of advantages:

  1. Weight is burned much faster due to the intensity of training;
  2. Already in a few weeks the body's resistance against accumulation of excess fat increases many times;
  3. Improves insulin sensitivity;
  4. Increased endurance of the body;
  5. Allows you to build up a mass.

Interval cardio can be directed to a specific muscle group, while circular training is suitable for those who want to pump all muscles in one approach.

Alternating with power loads

The greatest effect in the fight against excess weight can be achieved if the complex approach to solving this problem. So, it is noted that the maximal benefit will be the alternations of the cardio load with power exercises. Strength exercises burn fat after training, while cardio - during.

This means that the body's pressure on fat cells doubles, together with this a beautiful relief body is formed. Add here is the proper nutrition healthy sleep and the rejection of bad habits - and very soon your figure will become as close to the ideal.

How often it is necessary to do cardio for burning fat

The number of trainings per week depends only on personal desire. However, for those who want to lose weight and improve their health, it is worth remembering that in a week there should be at least three cardio workouts.

For those who have already achieved the desired shape, the form needs to be maintained. It is possible for three to four classes a week for 20 minutes. Anyone who has just started on the road to fighting excess weight can give effective cardio exercises every 30-45 minutes each day.

What is after the workout for weight loss

Nutrition after exercise is a controversial topic. Many mistakenly believe that you can not eat right after classes. On the contrary, for the first time for 20 minutes the food that enters the body will be directed at restoring the energy expended. It is necessary to choose the right composition of the diet.

It is best to eat carbohydrate food in liquid form. This includes a glass of grape or cranberry juice. You will also need protein food. Preferably in the form of a powder. In the first two hours after exercise, do not eat chocolate and coffee.

Video lessons: Cardio exercises at home:

These videos will show you how to effectively and easily lose weight at home. To do this, much is not needed. Motivation, patience, rug and rope.

Simple and effective exercises are useful for the abdomen, back, hips and legs. Regular trainings in the company of these beautiful girls-trainers will make your forms beautiful.

Intensive cardio strength training Tabata for home: burning fat in 8 minutes

Video channel "Hardfoxez Online".


  1. This workout can be done anywhere that we prove in the cool weather in the country with friends.
  2. Do not forget to warm up for 3-5 minutes( run at an average pace on the spot or jump rope).
  3. If you have contraindications to sports, or injuries - be careful, maybe you should not do this complex, or do it not in full force.

Intensive interval cardio

Video channel "I'm losing weight with Ekaterina Kononova" presents interval intensive cardio training.

Intensive, interval cardio is when running, jumping, squats, push-ups and any other high intensity exercises alternate with a short rest. This training allows you to burn a bunch of calories and promotes active weight loss.

How to burn 500 calories: cardio at home

Video channel "Workout - Be in shape!"

The rope is an excellent cardio simulator that you can do at home, both on the street and in the hall. For 30 minutes of classes an average of 450-500 kcal is spent. Not a bad result, is it? We offer 6 exercises with a rope that will not exactly give you bored.


  1. Be sure to perform warm-up and a hitch.
  2. Exercises are contraindicated in diseases of the knees.
  3. Exercise after 1-1,5 hours after eating.

Be in shape!

Cardioversion for burning fat without jumping and running

Video channel "I'm losing weight with Ekaterina Kononova".Intensive cardio without running and jumping. If you are dreaming to lose weight, but do not intend to exhaust yourself with jumps or other sharp movements and at the same time are sure that it is almost impossible to achieve the maximum effect without cardio loading, this is the training for you.

Comments and Comments

Irina : "I really love to study at home. I was convinced that cardio is the most optimal option for self-study. Exercise helps to lose weight, lifts the mood. My favorite exercise is running in the open air. When the training process is combined with listening to your favorite music, I always return home in a fine mood. "

Alexandra : "And I can not study at home. All the time, something distracts, does not allow to concentrate on exercises. Therefore, 2 times a week I visit the gym. Step aerobics helps keep yourself in shape. "

Natalia : "I really like the skipping rope, so I really love it. Do exercise regularly at home. I like the effect of it. Earlier, I was engaged in half an hour daily and dropped 12 kilograms for 5 months. Now I'm doing 15 minutes a day to keep fit. Of course, I adhere to the right diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.


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  2. http: // kardiotrenirovki-v-domashnix-usloviyax-dlya-szhiganiya-zhira-poxudeniya-protivopokazaniya /