Glaucoma is a dangerous eye disease caused by a chronic outflow of intraocular fluid.This leads to attacks of increased intraocular pressure. Feeling of "heaviness" and pain in the eyes, redness and a feeling of dryness, a weak pain in the eyeballs - these are all symptoms of a glaucoma attack. The pupils acquire a characteristic greenish hue. This causes the name of the disease, because "glaucoma" in translation from Greek means "green water". What is this disease and whether it is possible to cure glaucoma will be discussed further.
1Definition of disease
2Types and Classifications
5Possible complications
7.2Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Glaucoma is a chronic disease caused by increased intraocular pressure in most cases.Also observed with glaucoma is low and normal pressure.It manifests itself in the form of acute attacks, which with the development of the disease become more frequent
. Normally, the eye fluid fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye. This creates a natural intraocular pressure. It provides important physiological functions for maintaining the tone and elasticity of the shell of the eyeball.
It is the fluid circulating inside the eye that creates a natural intraocular pressure.
Intraocular fluid contains such useful substances:
Ascorbic acid(vitamin C);
FThe fluid inside the eye provides oxygen and nutrients.At the same time, it removes lactic acid and carbon dioxide from the eye. It is excreted through a special area of the anterior chamber of the eye, which is called the helmet duct. After that, the intraocular fluid re-enters the vascular system of the eyes. Pathological changes in the helmet channel lead to a violation of the outflow of the intraocular fluid.
Most often, primary glaucoma occurs because of age-related changes in the vessels and tissues of the eyes.
In this case, intraocular pressure rises periodically, causing the development of acute attacks.Glaucoma can develop at almost any age. But most often it occurs in the elderly after 60 years. It can cause severe trophic disorders, and in the future lead to irreparable blindness.
Types and Classifications
There are 2 main types of glaucoma:
Closed-angle glaucoma is rare.In most cases, it occurs in people after the age of 40 with farsightedness. Disturbance of outflow of intraocular fluid can be caused by any causes that cause pupillary dilatation. A feature of this type is a sharp increase in intraocular pressure. There is a hardening of the eyeballs and a strong blurring of the eyesight. At the same time, there is a headache, pain in the eyeballs, nausea and vomiting.
Often the open-angle form of glaucoma occurs.It occurs if the iridescent-corneal angle remains open. This leads to a gradual accumulation of intraocular fluid. Over time, both eyes are affected, which provokes a persistent violation of the visual field.
In some cases, specific forms of the disease occur:
Congenital glaucoma;
Caused by pathologies of the structure of the eye.
By the time of development of glaucoma can be:
The effectiveness of vision recovery depends on how far the pathological processes have gone.
The reasons for the development of glaucoma are not fully understood. Most often, it is a combination of negative factors. The individual structure of the eye, hereditary problems, pathologies of the cardiovascular system is important. This provokes the development of primary glaucoma. Secondary glaucoma develops under the influence of such factors as hereditary myopia, diabetes mellitus, cervical osteochondrosis and other pathologies. To the development of open-angle glaucoma result:
Genetic factors;
Elderly age;
Arterial hypotension(low pressure);
Closed-angle glaucoma most often occurs under the influence of such factors:
Features of the anatomical structure of the eye;
Age-related changes in the visual system(presbyopia, angiopathy);
Functional causes leading to the closure of the anterior chamber of the eye.
An acute attack of glaucoma can be provoked by such causes:
Long stay in the dark;
Constant dilatation of the pupil with medication;
Severe nerve strain;
A large amount of drunk water or other liquid;
Long stay in a position with a slanted head.
The combination of these factors can lead to an aggravation of the disease, which can "subside".
An acute attack of glaucoma can be recognized by such signs:
Pain in eyeballs of different intensity;
Nausea, vomiting;
Narrowed field of view;
The feeling of "re" and "heaviness" in the eyes;
Redness of the eyes;
The appearance of "rainbow circles" in front of the eyes in bright light;
Deterioration of vision in the dark;
Sensation of dry eyes.
If the bright illumination periodically causes "rainbow circles" in combination with a headache, it is important to seek medical advice.
During an attack of glaucoma, painful sensations can "give" to the region of the chest and abdomen.
Possible complications
Rapidly developing glaucoma without urgently begun treatment leads to such complications as:
Irreversible blindness;
Atrophy of the optic nerve;
Complete destruction of retinal cells.
With glaucoma there is a constant increase in intraocular pressure.
Complex diagnosis of any form of glaucoma includes:
Measurement of intraocular pressure;
Study of the intraocular bottom with a slit lamp;
Gonioscopy(study of the angle of view).Measurement of intraocular pressure
An ultrasound examination of the eyes is also necessary.
At the first symptoms of glaucoma, you need to turn to the oculist as early as possible and undergo a comprehensive ophthalmological examination.
Timely treatment started helps significantly slow the progression of the disease.It is aimed at a constant reduction of pressure inside the eyes. Often glaucoma develops simultaneously with cataracts, especially if the disease manifests itself against the background of age-related changes. In this case, complex therapy is prescribed, aimed at treating both diseases.
Correctly selected treatment allows not only to reduce the number of seizures, but also significantly slow the progression of the disease.
The correct way of life of a person with glaucoma is important.It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician and exclude the factors that provoke the development of the attack.First of all, these are serious physical as well as emotional loads.
The main method of treating glaucoma is the appointment of special drops that reduce intraocular pressure.Also, drugs stopping the atrophy of the optic nerve are prescribed. Complex medicamentous treatment includes such groups of drugs:
Selective sympathomimetics;
ANDinhibitors of carbonic anhydrase;
Cholinergic drugs.Proxodolol effectively reduces intraocular pressure in glaucoma
Combination drugs for the treatment of glaucoma are often used.It is important to remember that each drug has its own side effects. The sick person should be ready to continue the course of treatment, despite the unpleasant sensations.
Kosopt drops are used to treat glaucoma
Surgical treatment is only used when conservative therapy is ineffective.
Folk remedies
Along with medicamental treatment, folk methods of treatment can sometimes be used. This may be herbal preparations, which may include:
Leaves of nettle;
Seeds of anise;
Grass grass;
Dog-rose fruit;
Grass horsetail.
Prepared herbal mixture to fall asleep in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. It is best to do this at night, in the morning the infusion will be ready. Strain, drink in small sips throughout the day.
Treatment with folk remedies can only be used simultaneously with the main treatment. Glaucoma can not be cured only by domestic means. Before using such drugs, you should always consult your doctor.
In severe cases, surgical treatment or laser correction will be necessary. For this, the following operational methods are used:
Canaloplasty(non-penetrating method of surgical intervention);
Trabeculectomy(the classical method of surgery used in the surgical treatment of glaucoma).
Laser iridectomy is also effective. In the postoperative period, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.
If the family already has cases of glaucoma, the best prevention will be a healthy lifestyle. If glaucoma already exists, it is recommended that you follow these rules:
Refusal from bad habits, primarily alcohol and smoking;
Limitation of physical as well as emotional loads;
Read and watch TV is only in good lighting;
When reading or working at a computer, it is advisable to take breaks every 10 to 15 minutes;
The use of liquid does not limit, but it is undesirable to simultaneously drink more than 1 cup at a time.
It is necessary to avoid wearing tight collars, as well as ties. This worsens blood circulation in the head area.
Glaucoma is a pathological increase in intraocular pressure.Without timely treatment, glaucoma results in such severe consequences as atrophy of the optic nerve. Moreover, the term "glaucoma" can hide up to 60 different diseases.Glaucoma can occur by itself or become a consequence of other chronic diseases.