Eyes fester and water in adults: possible diseases

When the eyes fester and water, you can suspect the presence of an infectious pathology in the body. In most cases, exudation arises from the presence of an inflammatory process or the entry into the conjunctival sac of an infection that is rapidly developing.

In this article, we will tell you about the possible causes of pus and lacrimation, as well as how to prevent the occurrence of this problem.


  • 1Definition of a symptom
  • 2Causes
  • 3Possible diseases
  • 4Diagnostic Methods
  • 5Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Definition of a symptom

Normally, the mucous membrane of the eyes produces a mucous membrane that performs a protective function.The composition of mucus is mucin, which is the secret of the cells of the mucous membrane, and the fat secret of the meibomian glands.If in the morning in the eyes after a dream there is white slime, then do not be afraid, because such a process is natural.

Eyes begin to fester and water for various infections.Isolations in this case are observed much more, while they acquire a yellowish tinge.

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Abundant secretions glue together eyelids, especially it is noticeable in the mornings after awakening.

In addition to festering and lacrimation, there may be a foreign body sensation in the eyes, itching. All this may indicate serious problems.

When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to establish the cause of their occurrence as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Most often these symptoms appear with conjunctivitis. This disease can be allergic, viral or bacterial.

Purulent discharge is characteristic for bacterial conjunctivitis.In other situations, the disease can be accompanied by severe burning, which causes the eyes to itch and infection.It must be remembered that any form of conjunctivitis can pass into a bacterial one.

If the eyes just started to fester and water, then you can take the following measures: first you need to remove pus from the conjunctival sac. To do this, you need a weak solution of furacilin or manganese.It is recommended to wash eyes with a pear with a soft tip.

You can also try folk remedies. For example, warm compresses on the eyes can help eliminate itching and discomfort, and also remove pus. Usually compresses are made from herbal medicines. Very well removes the symptoms of inflammation chamomile broth.

With sticky discharge before applying the compress, you need to moisten a clean cloth in warm water and put it on your eyelids to soften the mucus and remove all the crusts from the eyes.


The causes of lacrimation from the eyes and the occurrence of purulent discharge include:

  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis.Its pathogens are staphylococci and streptococci, less often E. coli. Most often bacterial conjunctivitis occurs in autumn and winter. First, the disease affects one eye, but then quickly passes to the mucous membrane of the second eye. Allocations in the first day have a mucous nature, and then become purulent. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be easily cured, but with untimely treatment it can go on into a chronic form.
  2. Chronic nonspecific conjunctivitis.It occurs when the eyes are irritated with dust or chemicals that damage the mucous membrane. Because of this, a conditionally pathogenic microflora is activated, which is constantly present on the surface of the eye. Provoke this disease can beriberi, malnutrition, iron deficiency anemia and so on.
  3. Diphtheria conjunctivitis.This is a very dangerous disease, as corneal ulceration occurs, which leads to loss of vision, and even to blindness.
  4. Acute epidemic conjunctivitis.The disease is accompanied by edema of the conjunctiva, as a result of which the eye gap becomes very narrow. In the morning, eyelashes stick together because of a profuse secret, the eyes fester and blush.
  5. Gonorrheal conjunctivitis.It occurs when gonococci come from the genital organs to the mucous membrane of the eye. This disease is more common in newborn infants who become infected during labor. In adults, the introduction of bacteria is possible if there is a violation of hygiene procedures.
  6. Trachoma. The disease is caused by chlamydia, it usually spreads to both eyes. The flow is protracted, the cornea is gradually involved in the process, a pannus is formed. At the final stage of the disease there is deformation of the eyelids and scarring of the conjunctiva - an irreversible process leading to blindness.
  7. ENT diseases (angina, pharyngitis and so on).Bacterial infection spreads through internal pathways into the eye, bacterial conjunctivitis occurs.
  8. Previous ophthalmic surgery and infection in the wound.

Possible diseases

In adults, eyelid puffiness, accompanied by lacrimation, may indicate a number of diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis.It can be bacterial, viral or allergic. Allocations from the eyes are abundant.
  • Eye herpes, fungal keratitis.
  • Corneal ulcer.It causes an abundant secretion of pus from the eyes. An ulcer is the result of a trauma to the eye and can lead to complete blindness.
  • Dacryocystitis.Inflammation of the lacrimal sac is accompanied by swelling and redness of the inner corner of the eye. At pressing there are plentiful yellow allocation.
  • Blepharitis. This inflammatory disease of the eyelids causes damage to the hair follicles of the eyelashes, because of which the work of meibomian glands is disrupted. There is swelling and itching of the eyelids, the eyes fester usually in the mornings. The discharge is foamy and has a yellow-green color.
  • Barley or haljazion.With these diseases, there is a swelling of the eyelids, they turn red.
  • Dry eye syndrome.There are abundant mucopurulent discharge, eyes turn red, a burning sensation, a feeling of a foreign body, vision becomes vague.

Diagnostic Methods

Diagnosis includes clinical methods of examining the patient. The eyeball and eyelids are examined.

After the diagnosis, treatment should be followed immediately, otherwise the disease can go to a chronic form, and the vision can greatly deteriorate, resulting in a full blindness.

If you see a doctor on time, then the improvement will come in five to seven days.

With the allocation of pus usually prescribed antibiotics of topical action (eye drops).They act quite gently and efficiently. Treatment lasts a week, after which the antibiotic is replaced by a weaker drug.

If the cause of the disease is an allergy, getting into the eye of a foreign body or dirt, then it is necessary to rinse well eyes, remove a foreign object, eliminate the pathogen, and then do the lotion to quickly remove inflammation.


Prevention of ocular and lacrimation includes several simple recommendations. If you follow them, you can avoid the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms, which can be herald of serious illness.

  • Try not to touch the eyes with dirty hands to avoid getting and spreading the infection.
  • Wash your hands as often as possible with soap or disinfect them with special tools.
  • Use only your towel to wipe your face.
  • Only sleep on your own pillow.
  • If the purulence has arisen because of the use of contact lenses, then refuse to wear them (at least for a while) and consult a doctor.
  • Do not wear someone else's glasses.
  • For infectious diseases of the eyes, do not use cosmetics (mascara, eyeliner, etc.).

Hydrocortisone ointment for eyes

Eye redness: causes and treatment are described in this article.

Cataract treatment with drops of Bestoxol http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/glaznye-kapli-bestoksol-kak-i-v-kakix-sluchayax-primenyat.html




The appearance of purulent discharge and abundant lacrimation from the eyes causes a lot of trouble. In addition, these symptoms may indicate the development of dangerous inflammatory diseases, which can lead to complete loss of vision.

In order to accurately establish the cause and eliminate these unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will conduct diagnostics, determine the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Remember that self-medication is unacceptable, because you can only aggravate the situation.

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