Features of barley treatment on the eye in a child
Barley on the eye is a common problem among children of childhood. It can be determined by such symptoms as pain, burning, discomfort. All this does not allow the child to fully engage in their own affairs. The task of the parents and the doctor is to stop this unpleasant phenomenon. But since severe symptoms begin only a few days after infection, the treatment should have an instant effect to prevent the development of complications.
1Definition of disease
2Types and Classifications
5Possible complications
6.1Drug method
6.2Surgical method
6.3Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Barley is an acute purulent inflammation that flows in the hair follicle of the eyelashes and the adjacent glands.Affect the development of the disease can staphylococcus aureus.
Types and Classifications
Foci of infection can be multiple and single.Most often, the abscess affects one eye in children. But if the inflammatory process spreads to several hair follicles, it will lead to the formation of numerous abscesses on two eyes. Such an ailment can occur in people with weak immunity.
Outdoor.This is the most frequent type of abscess. In its development, inflammation affects the malleus or zeysovye glands. Their function in the secretion work, which will protect the cornea of the organ of vision. The glands are concentrated at the roots of the eyelashes. Fat secret, produced by the gland, clogs the ducts. From here the eyelids become inflamed, there is an edema and an abscess.
Internal. He is rarely diagnosed. It arises from the obstruction of internal meibomian glands, which are concentrated in the depth of the century. Inflammatory process can affect the cartilaginous plate of the eyelid.
If there are frequent relapses, this indicates the transition of the infectious process to the chronic stage.
Influences on the development of barley in children can be such reasons:
Long stay in the cold.When supercooled, the body's immunity decreases, resulting in favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
Decreased immunity.The protective forces of the child's organism do not allow penetration of pathogenic bacteria. With reduced immunity, bacteria from the skin can penetrate deeper layers and lead to the development of the disease.
Internal diseases.Often barley is diagnosed in children with diabetes. This is due to the fact that the structure of the vessel walls is disrupted, the blood supply to the internal organs is reduced and microangiopathy is developing (what is retinal angiopathy, read here). If there are stomach diseases, they lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the body, as the amount of vitamins decreases.
Hormonal disbalance.Often, barley develops in adolescents, as there is a restructuring of the endocrine system. This is fraught with a violation of secretion of sebaceous glands, it acquires a more viscous consistency and clogs the gland ducts.
Circulation of pathogenic microorganisms in the family.It often happens that one family member is constantly experiencing problems due to the presence of barley. It does not need to be infected. The fact is that the strain of Staphylococcus aureus is common on the skin of family members. He is resistant to the action of antibiotics, so treatment for such people is difficult.
Hereditary factor.In the human body there is an HLA-system. These are areas of DNA in which a predisposition to various diseases is laid.
Wearing contact lenses.The fact is that the use of contact lenses increases the chance of developing barley. And this is due to the fact that when removing or stapling the lenses there is a contact of the hands with the eye.
Barley on the eye of a child can manifest itself with the following symptoms:
swelling of the eyelid, swelling and difficulty in opening the eye;
temperature rise;
The presence of a yellow tubercle, which at any time can break;
pain, redness and lacrimation;
enlargement of lymph nodes.
Possible complications
Barley itself is safe, but if you try to squeeze it out yourself, it can cause such complications:
Blepharitis- Inflammation of the eye mucosa;
Abscess- inflammation, affecting the mucous duct of the sebaceous glands and the surrounding tissue;
Meningitis- Inflammation of the brain and surrounding shells.
Compared to adults, in children, fiber, which lays the eyelid from the inside, has a loose consistency and is practically incapable of distinguishing the process of inflammation. So in children, in the absence of proper therapy, the infection can affect adjacent tissues, resulting in the formation of abscess and phlegmon of the century.If there is a protracted process, then the focus of inflammation occurs.It is covered with a capsule, and pus from it is not able to fully enter. This disease was called haljazion.
Drug method
The treatment of barley in children can occur in a conservative way. To treat the abscess can use such tools:
tincture of calendula,
alcohol solution of zelenka or iodine.
Before processing, it is necessary that the child closes his eyes, otherwise there is a risk of penetration of the solution into the organ of vision.
Even for the treatment of barley, effective ointments can be used. Most often, doctors appoint:
Tetracycline ointment,
The left-handed,
Hydrocortisone.Tetracycline is used in the treatment of barley
They need to be laid under the eyelid.If Tetracycline Ointment is chosen, then it should be applied overnight. As soon as it melts and spreads out through the eyelid, the visual acuity will be broken. Still it is possible to get antibacterial gels, for example, Blefarogel.
To speed up the healing process, it is worthwhile to lubricate the affected area of the eyelids with drops of antibacterial effect at night. The most effective are:
Sulfacyl-sodium.Sofradex is used in the treatment of barley
Surgical method
If conservative treatment does not give the desired results, then the doctor performs the operation. Do all the manipulation, he will only after he introduces the patient a local anesthesia. Then he uses a scalpel to dissect the abscess and remove all the contents from there. After the operation, the wound is treated with an antiseptic.
Folk remedies
Barley is a fairly common disease in children, so that there are already many effective recipes of folk medicine.
For maximum results, use them better in combination with medications
You can use the following recipes:
Plantain. Take 60 g of raw material, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cure for 3 hours, filter, dabble cotton pads and apply to the eyes for 30 minutes.
Calendula. Take 20 g of raw material, pour a glass of boiling water. Use the decoction for the lotions, moistening the cotton pads and attach to the eyelids for 25 minutes.
Boiled potatoes. With it, you can make a compress. It is necessary to boil the peeled root vegetable, crush it to a mushy consistency. Lay it in matter, and then on the affected area. Keep until the potatoes cool down.
Aloe. Take a fresh leaf of aloe, carefully wash and squeeze out the juice. Connect it with water in the proportion: 0. You can use as drops on 1-2 drops in the eye. And the broth is excellent for lotions and washing.
You can use plantain not only to get infusion. Take a clean sheet, warm a little and put it on the child's eyes.
To reduce the risk of developing barley in a child, the following recommendations should be observed:
If the barley occurs in the baby often, thenyou need to take a blood test and check it for diabetes.
Strengthen immunity. This includes walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, saturation of the body with vitamins.
Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
When wearing contact lenses, you need to monitor the rules for their use.
Barley in a child is a common problem that can affect at any age. There are many reasons for the development of pathology, so that the success of treatment depends on how well the underlying factor is determined. In the process of therapy, it is important not only to stop symptoms, but also the cause.