Sinecode from dry cough

Sinecode for cough: form of release and instructions for use

  • Application
  • Analogues

Sinekod - an anti-inflammatory drug from dry cough, containing butamir, which in turn reduces the excitability of the cough center.

Judging by sociological surveys, Sinecode from cough is considered a very effective drug, which accelerates the course of treatment of patients.

Often, a dry cough is very difficult to prevent, for similar cases previously affected some brain centers to stop the receipt of a signal about the reduction of bronchi with the help of various narcotic drugs, but now the twenty-first century and mankind made a big step in treatment of cough.

The medicine does not fight a cold, but is only intended to eliminate the symptoms of cough, and for greater effect it is recommended to use it together with vitamin complexes. Remember, do not self-medicate, it can lead to negative consequences, so before using, consult with your doctor.


Sinecode does not contain narcotic substances, thus it is considered safer.

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Strictly observe the dose, as an overdose can lead to dizziness, increased blood pressure, vomiting, general malaise, nausea. In case of such consequences it is necessary to cancel the taking of tablets and start using activated charcoal. Sinekod - a preparation against cough that acts directly, blocking the focus of cough, while not touching the respiratory center.

It acts as a relaxing musculature of the bronchi and improves the patency of the respiratory tract.It is worth noting that the drug works and as anti-inflammatory, improving the performance of external respiration functions, and is also an expectorant. After ingestion, the medicine is immediately absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

The substance in the composition has a great connection with the plasma protein, so reaching the highest concentration of the drug in the blood comes after one and a half (,) hours.

A sinecode from a cough is metabolized in the body, it forms pharmacologically active metabolites, and the repeated use of Sinecode does not change the pharmacokinetics.Practically complete elimination of the drug occurs in six hours and is excreted mostly by the kidneys.

Indication for use is cough, and almost any origin. The medicine can be used in the postoperative period, after or before bronchoscopy, and before surgery it is recommended to take inside in the amount of twenty milligrams. The drug is available in the form of tablets, covered with a dense shell (20 milligrams) of syrup and drops for children 5 milligrams / milliliter.

A sinecode from a cough does not have pretty bright contraindications, so it can be eaten even by children.However, the drug should not be used in case of intolerance to any substances that make up its composition. Particular attention should be paid to people suffering from allergic reactions, since the drug can cause itching, redness of skin areas, rash and other side effects.

In order to find out if you are allergic, just hold a small easy test: apply a few drops on the a small patch of skin and observe the reaction if there are no prerequisites for redness or rash - the drug can be used inside.


Do not use for children up to two months (drops), up to three years (syrup), during pregnancy and lactation.

The prices for the medicine are quite budgetary, the cost for syrup ranges from one hundred and fifty (150) to three hundred (300) rubles. Acquire the drug in drops perhaps for one hundred and fifty (150) - two hundred (200) rubles, and you can buy in tablets for two hundred (200) rubles.

Sinecode cough syrup and ways of using it

Coughing in children is much more difficult to treat than for adults, it is for this purpose that a special syrup for Cynecoda cough is developed, which can be given to nursing infants. He is often advised by leading pediatricians, since he is one of the effective drugs.

It, as well as dragees, acts directly, acting on the cough center, has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes swelling of the mucous membrane. The positive thing is that the syrup can be taken along with other medicines.

The syrup from the cough sinekod is given to children from the age of three, for babies there are specially drops, in which a sweetening agent is added. The bottle has a dispenser, which makes it easier for parents to give the baby a medicine in the right proportions.

Cough preparation Sinecond in the form of a syrup is released in a darkened glass bottle of 100 and 200 milliliters, has a measuring cap and is protected from unwanted opening by children with a special system.


Drops are produced in a darkened glass bottle of 20 milliliters, equipped with a drip dispenser.

Drops for oral administration are prescribed for children from 2 months to a year, 10 drops 4 times a day, from a year up to 3 years for 15 drops 4 times a day, older children should take 25 drops 4 times a day.

Syrup is prescribed for children 3-6 years for 5 ml 3 times a day, children 6-12 years for 10 ml 3 times a day, the elder recommended to take 15 ml 3 times a day. Also, the syrup is prescribed to adults 15 ml 4 times a day. In the form of pills for children 6-12 years old, 1 dragee is prescribed 2 times a day, the older children are prescribed 1 dragee 3 times a day. Adults take 2 pills 2-3 times a day.

What is better Sinecode or Stoptussin, as well as other analogues of the drug

Virtually all drugs have analogs. The closest analogue of the Sinecode is Stoppussin, which is considered to be an excellent cough suppressant, so it's better Sinecode or Stoptussin?

Stopoutsin, like Sinecodus, copes well with children's cough, but it's worth remembering that it is possible to give the Sinecode to babies from two months old, and Stoptussin to children who already have a year.


These two medicines are safe and almost no different, but Stopoutsin is cheaper and costs about 85-220 rubles.

There are other analogues of the drug. A good analogue of Sinekod is Broncholitin syrup, it can be given to children from the age of three. The composition of this product includes basil oil, glacine alkaloid and ephedrine. He coughs, but do not recommend using the drug yourself.By the speed of action is considered one of the best, the main thing to observe the dosage, since Broncholitin is toxic. The price of the medicine varies from 80 to 110 rubles.

Libexin - is a bronchodilator, slightly reduces the activity of the center of respiration. For children it is specially issued in the form of a syrup, it is applied from two years. There are contraindications: cystitis, pathology, pregnancy, ulcers and others. The price is about 350 rubles.

Erespal - is considered the most effective, has anti-inflammatory properties, cleanses the bronchi and eliminates any cough. It can be prescribed for coughing, expressed by allergy, bronchitis, laryngitis and so on. Price: up to 450 rubles.


The drug has a huge number of contraindications, in addition, it causes side effects. With the greatest caution should be taken people suffering from spasms of bronchi, as this can be very dangerous.

Ascoril - the composition of the drug includes three active ingredients: bromhexine, salbutamol, guaifenesin. The components have expectorant and bronchodilator properties, it is recommended to take with the cough and acute chronic ailments of the respiratory system. The cost of the medicine depends on the dosage and form of release, and the price ranges from 150 to 610 rubles. Russian and, perhaps, the cheapest analogue is the syrup "Licorice root".

The natural remedy for cough that passed the test of time, but it refers to ineffective drugs, so the drug is recommended to be taken together with other medicines. It is positive that the licorice root has a low toxicity. The price is from 17 to 35 rubles. Remember, always consult a doctor before use! Health to you and your loved ones.


Sinecode for coughing

Exhausting, dry cough is very difficult to stop. To do this, you need to use drugs that affect certain centers of the brain in order to stop receiving the signal about the reduction of bronchi. Earlier, opiates were used for this purpose, but now there is no need to use narcotic drugs - Sinecode helps cough quickly, effectively and safely.

At what cough it is possible to accept Sinecod?

This question is put in a separate topic, not without reason. The fact is that with a wet cough Synecode is not used. There are several explanations:

  1. Dry cough is caused by inflammation of the bronchi, bacteria do not accumulate, sputum is not formed. You can use the product with complete safety.
  2. Sinecode with a wet cough stops spitting, bacteria begin to multiply faster, mucus accumulates in the bronchi, spreads to the lungs and the patient develops serious complications.
  3. If you are not sure of which cough Synecode will help, and from which - no, it is better to consult a doctor. Regardless of what type of cough you drink Sinecode, the effectiveness of the drug is not affected - it will stop both dry and wet cough. The effect of the drug is systemic, it depresses the cough reflex at the level of the signals of the nervous system. But with sputum cessation coughing will bring more problems than good.

Features of the cough medicine Sinekod

After all of the above, it becomes obvious that the drug can be used in situations where the infection process is absent and sputum is not excreted. These include a certain stage of such diseases:

  • smoker's catarrh;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • the initial stage of the common cold;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis without bacterial complications;
  • viral diseases of the respiratory system, not accompanied by sputum.

Also Sinekod is widely used in the field of preparation for surgical manipulations on respiratory organs and various physiotherapeutic procedures.

The main active substance, butamir, is perceived by the human body favorably and completely excreted by the kidneys. In the blood and internal organs, neither butamate itself nor its metabolites accumulate. The therapeutic effect comes in, hours after taking the remedy.

Sinecode is available on sale in the form of syrup, drops and drops. Depending on the form of release, the concentration of active substances differs - the syrup is used for therapy children over the age of 3, dragees are used to treat adults, and drops - pregnant women and children from 2 months. The use of the drug during the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. Also, complications can occur in allergic people, especially those sensitive to lactose. It is included in the number of additional components of the medicine. Diabetics use syrup, drops and pills can be without risk to health - despite the vanilla flavor and pleasant taste, there is no sugar in Sinekode, as a sweetener used sodium saccharin. Due to the presence of minor amounts of ethanol, the drug is administered with caution to persons with alcohol and drug dependence, as well as hypersensitivity to this component.

In case of an overdose, side effects

have signs of toxic poisoning:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stool disorder;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rashes;
  • drowsiness.

It is recommended to do a gastric lavage and take activated charcoal, or another absorbent preparation. If these measures are taken in a timely manner, the patient's condition will be normalized fairly quickly. Otherwise, seek medical advice from a doctor.

Treatment of cough with Sinekod

Sinekod anti-tussive medicine of new generation has anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for infectious diseases of the bronchi. Judging by the reviews and the results of the studies that were conducted on the drug, it is possible with certainty approve - is an effective and effective cough suppressant, which can accelerate the course of recovery patients. The high level of customer confidence in syrup is due to the fact that Sinekod has an affordable price and is one of the best medications.

Sinecod. Healing properties

The syrup contains active ingredient butamate. It blocking the cough center, stops the attack of a strong cough. When operating, does not depress the respiratory system. Broncholytic effects are achieved by localizing the spasm in the bronchi and increasing their lumen with a further withdrawal of sputum from the respiratory tract.

Appointed drug for the treatment of dry (unproductive) cough. If a patient has a moist cough, Sinekod syrup is prescribed as a sedative before going to bed. Sinekod is 95% interacting with proteins and due to this the soothing effect for coughing attacks lasts a long time.

The accumulating effect does not create, is excreted from the body 6 hours after ingestion. The course of treatment is, weeks, daily dose is about 15 ml.

When appointed Sinecod

Since the drug has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects of respiratory organs, it is prescribed:

  • With debilitating unproductive cough.
  • Acute and prolonged bronchitis.
  • With prolonged coughing in the smoker.
  • During the examination of the bronchopulmonary system or surgical interventions for the localization of the cough reflex.

How is Sinecode used?

Doses of drug use are prescribed by the attending physician. Take Sinecod Syrup is recommended on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. If a drip form of the drug is used, then the required dose is diluted in 50 ml of boiled water, this amount of liquid will be quite enough.

Important! Categorically, it is not permitted to take any expectorant medications at the same time as Sinekod. This can provoke stagnation of mucus, the formation of bronchospasm or infection of the respiratory tract.

Forms of leave

To the pharmacy counters comes in the form:

  • Pill of cough. The use of medicines for children under 12 years of age is prohibited. You need to drink the medicine without chewing, on an empty stomach. It is prescribed for severe cough syndrome. The dose for an adult is 2-3 pills a day.
  • Syrup from the cough. In appearance, it is a cloudy and thick substance with a vanilla flavor. Each vial is supplied with a measuring container. It is forbidden to use to children under 3 years and people with obvious intolerance to the components of the drug. For all other patients, the daily dose is no more than 15 ml per day before meals.
  • Sinecode drops from cough. It can be used for children from 2 months old. The drug is colorless, transparent, odorless. Produced in 20 ml vials. To use orally on an empty stomach.
  • Dough cough drops. They have a biconvex form of orange color. Produced on a blister plate of 10 pills on each. It is prescribed by a doctor for acute forms of bronchopulmonary disease. It is forbidden to take pills for babies up to 6 years. Older children are prescribed 1 tablet twice a day. Adult dose can be increased 2 times.
  • Injection. Produced in glass ampoules. The package can be 5 or 10 pieces. Assign with a strong and painful cough syndrome. Most often used in surgery to relieve spasm in the bronchi during the operation. It is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or through a dropper.

Many attending physicians note that this drug is by far one of the most effective and effective in treating the bronchopulmonary system for both adults and children. Thanks to Sinekod: recovery comes much faster, the cough reflex is localized almost instantaneously, sputum is improving.

Drops, syrup Sinekod - instructions for use

A brief instruction on the use of Sinecode in droplets and syrup, it is used:

  • With a strong dry cough of any etiology
  • With pertussis
  • Before bronchoscopy and other surgical interventions
  • To suppress cough before and after operations

The main active ingredient of the Sinekod preparation is Butamirate, which has an antitussive effect of central action. Has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilating properties, has a direct effect on cough center, improves blood oxygenation and spirometry, decreasing the resistance of respiratory ways. It is not an alkaloid of opium, neither pharmacologically nor chemically.

Main advantages
  • Allowed for use in infants (from 2 months), in the elderly
  • A very effective remedy, cough suppression occurs quickly
  • A safe drug
  • Normalizes respiratory function without depressing the respiratory center
  • There are no narcotic substances in the composition
  • Has no effect on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Can be used for prolonged therapy

It is important that Sinecode for children can be applied from an early age in drops from 2 months, in syrup from 3 years, the intake is taken before meals 4 r / day.

Sinekod - drops and syrup - the official instruction for use

Product Name: Sinekod
Drug formulation: drops and syrup for oral administration
Dosage: drops of 20 ml, syrup 100 and 200 ml.
International Non-patented Name: Butamirate
Group: Means for the treatment of respiratory diseases, for the elimination of symptoms of cough and colds
Farmgroup: Antitussives
Price: Sinekod drops - on average in pharmacies 320-350 rub., Syrup 100 ml. - 200 rubles, 200 ml. - 330 rubles.
Sinecode analogs: Omnitus (tablets, syrup)

  • Sinekod syrup, the instructions for use indicate that it is a clear, colorless liquid with a vanilla scent.
    1 ml. syrup contains 1.5 mg of butamirate citrate
    Excipients: sodium hydroxide, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol solution 70%, benzoic acid, glycerol, vanillin, ethanol 96%, water.
  • Sinecode drops, the instructions for use indicate that it is a clear, yellowish tinge fluid for oral administration.
    1 ml. drops contains 5 mg. butamyrate citrate
    Excipients: benzoic acid, sorbitol solution 70%, glycerol, vanillin, sodium saccharinate, ethanol 96%, water, sodium hydroxide.

Pharmacological properties

Sinekod is an effective antitussive drug, affecting the cough center, does not belong to the alkaloids opium, facilitates breathing, has bronchodilator effect, improves blood oxygenation and indices spirometry. When administered, butamirate is absorbed completely and quickly. The maximum concentration after taking 150 mg of the drug is achieved in plasma on average after an hour and a half and is, μg / ml. In the blood, the hydrolysis of butamirate begins initially to diethylaminoethoxy ethanol and 2-phenylbutyric acid, which have antitussive activity. These metabolites almost as much as 95% bind to plasma proteins, this explains the long half-life of plasma, which is 6 hours. Excretion of metabolites occurs mainly with urine.


Suppression of cough in whooping cough, treatment of dry cough of various origin, symptomatic suppression of coughing before bronchoscopy, before and after surgical interventions.

  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • For drops - the period of the newborn (up to 2 months)
  • For syrup - for children under 3 years
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
Action category on the fetus

Since pregnant women had no controlled clinical trials, the use of Sinecode in the first trimester of pregnancy contraindicated, in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, its use is possible given the potential risk to the fetus and the benefits to the mother. There is also no data on the isolation of butamirate with breast milk, therefore it is not recommended to administer Sinecoda during lactation. In studies conducted on animals, no adverse effects on the fetus were found.

Method of application and dosing

Both syrup and Sinecoda drops should be taken before meals. Before using drops for children under 2 years old, consult a doctor. The measuring cap, which is attached to the syrup should be used when determining the dose of the drug, it must be washed and dried after each application. Keeping the cough for over a week, requires a doctor's advice. The table shows the dosage of droplets and Sinecoda syrup for children, depending on the age and for adult patients.

Age of child or adult Syrup Drops
from 2 months to 1 year 10 drops 4 r / day
1-3 years 15 drops 4 r / day
3-6 years old 5 ml. 1 teaspoonful. spoon 3p / day 25 drops 4 r / day
6-12 years old 10 ml. 2 teas. spoon 3p / day
from 12 years and adults 15 ml. 3 teas. spoon 3p / day
Side effect

Sinecode very rarely causes the following side effects:

  • From the digestive tract - diarrhea, nausea
  • From the side of the central nervous system - drowsiness, dizziness
  • Allergic reactions
  • From the skin - exanthema

Vomiting, drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, lowering of blood pressure, dizziness. There is no specific antidote. Treatment for overdose - the reception of activated carbon, gastric lavage, symptomatic therapy, aimed at maintaining and preserving the vital functions of the body.

special instructions

Since butamir suppresses cough, it is impossible to take expectorants simultaneously, it can lead to the accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract, cause bronchospasm or infection of respiratory ways.

Patients with diabetes can use Sinecod, because as sweeteners it contains saccharin and sorbitol. Care must be taken when working with machinery and driving controls, as the drug causes drowsiness.

Interaction with other medicinal products: Not described.
Shelf life and storage conditions: Shelf life 5 years. The sinecode must be stored at a temperature of less than 30 ° C, out of the reach of children.
Manufacturer: Name - Novartis Consumer Helles SA, Switzerland, address: Re de Letraz PO Box 269.

If you used Sinecode children or adults, feedback about the drug may be of interest to our readers, it can be left in the comments.

Sinekod - analogues

Sinecod refers to antitussive drugs of central action, but does not belong to the group of narcotic drugs, as most of the remedies with a similar effect. Analogues of Sinecode first of all should be sought among the drugs of the same class.

How to replace Sinecode with a dry cough?

An important aspect is the scope of the drug - from what you can replace Sinekod, you should choose antitussive drugs aimed at fighting precisely with a dry cough. This phenomenon occurs in the initial stages of the common cold, with allergic and inflammatory processes in the bronchi that are not accompanied by a bacterial infection. According to the active substance, butramate, there are several analogues of the Sinekod medicines, which completely coincide with it in the field of application and action:

  • Omnitus;
  • Kodelak Neo;
  • Butamyrate;
  • Panathus Forte.

Most of these drugs are released in the form of dragees, tablets, syrups and drops - depending on the concentration of the active substance and age categories of patients. Contraindications they have little, mostly it is an individual sensitivity to butamirate, lactose and ethylene. Side effects are manifested by nausea and diarrhea. In rare cases, skin rashes and drowsiness may occur.

A group of antitussive drugs of central action that block the brain regions responsible for the cough reflex include non-narcotic medications with another composition:

  • Broncholitin;
  • Glaucine;
  • Zedex;
  • Mukodex;
  • Robotussin;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Tusidil;
  • Tusuprex.

They are close to Sinekodu and are applied approximately on the same scheme - 3 times a day after meals. Dosage is selected individually.

Of drugs that affect the opiate receptors of the brain, blocking cough, such means are still actively used:

  • Kodelak;
  • Codeine;
  • Neo-coding;
  • Terpinkod;
  • Estozin;
  • Ethylmorphine.

Their main disadvantage is rapid addiction and severe drowsiness as a side effect. Due to the fact that the effect on the receptors has no selectivity, depression of the respiratory function may develop. These and other features of the use of drugs of this type significantly narrow the scope of application.

It is necessary to think carefully about the consequences, before replacing Sinecod with one of these drugs.

As a possible alternative, you can also consider drugs that are not central, but peripheral. They act directly on the respiratory system, relaxing the smooth muscles and lifting the spasm. The nerve endings of the brain are not involved at all. Here is a list of the most popular medicines of this group:

  • Prenoxdiazine;
  • Benzopyridine;
  • Bithiodine;
  • Ledvropropizin.

Of folk remedies, flowers and lily blossoms, as well as licorice in all species, have a similar effect.

Medicines for productive cough

If you start spitting, use Sinecode should be stopped immediately, it will avoid complications. How can I replace a medicine in this case? Analogues of Sinekod drops, which are used to facilitate the withdrawal of sputum and clear bronchi, this

all known mucolytics to us:
  • liquorice root;
  • althea root;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • oregano and herbs.

If you prefer pharmacological agents, pay attention to Ambrobene and Lazolvan. Advantages of these drugs do not need excessive advertising - gently affecting the smooth muscles of the bronchi, they provoke the departure of phlegm. The composition of mucus under the action of the drug also changes, it becomes less viscous. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect make recovery quick and easy.

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