Mukosat: instructions for use


  • 1Mukosat
    • 1.1Composition
    • 1.2Form of issue
    • 1.3pharmachologic effect
    • 1.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 1.5Indications for use of Mucosate
    • 1.6Contraindications
    • 1.7Side effects
    • 1.8Instructions for Mukosat (Method and Dosage)
    • 1.9Overdose
    • 1.10Interaction
    • 1.11Terms of sale
    • 1.12Storage conditions
    • 1.13Shelf life
    • 1.14special instructions
    • 1.15Synonyms
    • 1.16Analogues of Mukosata
    • 1.17Children
    • 1.18With alcohol
    • 1.19In pregnancy
    • 1.20Reviews about Mukosate
    • 1.21Price Mukosata, where to buy
    • 1.22WER.RU
    • 1.23ZdravZona
    • 1.24IFK Pharmacy
    • 1.25PaniApoteka
  • 2Mukosat: instructions for use, contraindications
    • 2.1Description of the drug mucosate
    • 2.2Indications for use of the drug
    • 2.3Contraindications to the use of the drug
    • 2.4Mukosat - instruction on the use of medicinal forms
    • 2.5Special instructions for use
    • 2.6Side effects and drug overdose
    • 2.7Storage conditions
    • 2.8Shelf life
  • 3What helps Mukosat. Instructions for use, price, reviews (injections and pills)
    • 3.1Form of issue and composition
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2Pharmacological properties
    • 3.3Injections, tablets "Mukosat what helps the medicine
    • 3.4Instructions for use
    • 3.5Side effects
    • 3.6Contraindications
    • 3.7What are the analogues of Mukosat?
    • 3.8Price and conditions of holiday
    • 3.9Reviews
  • 4Mukosat nyxes: instructions for use
    • 4.1Form of issue
    • 4.2Composition
    • 4.3pharmachologic effect
    • 4.4Pharmacodynamics
    • 4.5Pharmacokinetics
    • 4.6Indications for use
    • 4.7Contraindications
    • 4.8Dosing and Administration
    • 4.9Drug Interactions
    • 4.10Side effects
    • 4.11Overdose
    • 4.12special instructions
    • 4.13Leave conditions
    • 4.14Storage conditions
    • 4.15Pricks Mukosat price
    • 4.16Analogues
  • 5Mukosat
    • 5.1Mucosate tablets
    • 5.2Mucosate injections
  • 6Drug Mukosat-Belmed: injections, instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues
    • 6.1Form of issue and description
    • 6.2Structure of the medicine
    • 6.3pharmachologic effect
    • 6.4Indications for use
    • 6.5Contraindications and side effects
    • 6.6Mukosat: instructions for use
    • 6.7Interaction
    • 6.8Compatibility with alcohol
    • 6.9Which is better: Mukosat, Alflutop or Chondrolon
    • 6.10Prices for ampoules and tablets
    • 6.11Analog preparations
    • 6.12Reviews of patients and doctors



The composition of the drug Mukosat ischondroitin(in the form of sulphate), as well as additional substances -benzyl alcohol, water for injections. One capsule or tablet of the drug contains 250 mgchondroitin sulfate.

Form of issue

It is available in the form of tablets, capsules and a solution for intramuscular administration. The solution is contained in glass ampoules of 1 or 2 ml. Five cells are placed in the outline cell pack.

The carton contains one or two packages of ampoules. A solution is a colorless, clear liquid that has the smell of benzyl alcohol. Can have a slightly yellowish tinge.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has anti-inflammatory, chondroprotective effect.

Chondroitin sodium sulfate(active substance) is a high molecular weightpolysaccharide, slowing the resorption of bone tissue and reducing the loss of calcium ions.

Thanks to the effect of chondroitin, the process of restoring the cartilaginous tissue is activated. Improved metabolic processes of phosphorus and calcium in the cartilaginous tissue, the degenerative processes of the cartilaginous and connective tissue are suspended.

Chondroitineffectively suppresses the activity of enzymes that promote cartilage damage, and promotes synthesisglycosaminoglycans. As a result, the regeneration of the bag of the joint and the cartilage surface is activated and the production of the intra-articular fluid improves.

Chondroprotector Mukosat increases the mobility of joints, reduces pain, relieves inflammation. Chondroitin also prevents the appearance offibrin clots.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Already after two or three weeks, the drug has a positive effect on the patient's condition. The effect, which produce injections of Mucosate, persists for 3-6 months after completion of treatment.

After intramuscular injection, chondroitin is absorbed very quickly, reaching a high concentration in the blood in half an hour. The maximum concentration of the drug is noted one hour after its administration. It gradually decreases over the course of two days.

Accumulation of chondroitin is noted mainly in the cartilaginous tissue, it easily prinikaet through the synovial membrane.

After 15 minutes after administration, the active substance enters the synovial fluid, and from there it enters the articular cartilage.

The greatest content in the articular cartilage of the substance is noted for two days.

Indications for use of Mucosate

Indications for the use of the drug are as follows: the drug is prescribed in the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints.

In particular, it is used in the treatment of primaryarthrosis, osteoarthritis, affecting large joints,intervertebral osteoarthritis.

Also, injections and tablets are prescribed forparodontopathies, fractures. It has a positive effect in the postoperative period for those who have undergone joint operations.

The drug is sometimes used in the treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums.


Do not take this medication if the following diseases or conditions are observed:

  • individual intolerance or high sensitivity to drugs;
  • increased tendency to bleeding andthrombophlebitis;
  • pregnancy and feeding.

Side effects

During treatment, Mucosate and Mucosate Neo can developallergic reactions. At the site where the injection was performed,hemorrhage. If side effects occur, you do not need to cancel the medication.

Instructions for Mukosat (Method and Dosage)

The drug is taken intramuscularly and orally. Inside the first three weeks of treatment, the drug is prescribed twice a day in a dosage of, 5 g. Further the drug is taken on, g per day.

Instructions for use Mucosate Belmed orally for children is as follows. Tablets or capsules for children up to one year are prescribed in a dose of 5 grams, children 1-5 years of age, g, children of five years are prescribed by, 5 g. The medicine in the capsules should be washed down with plenty of water.

The injections of Mucosate are performed intramuscularly, are administered every other day, in After the fourth injection, the dose increases to, g. In total, the course of treatment with the drug in ampoules includes 25-35 injections. If there is such a need, a second course of therapy is conducted six months later.


There is no evidence of an overdose of the drug. If the maximum dose of the drug per day is exceeded, the patient may develop more pronounced side effects.


If the patient undergoes treatment with Mucosate, he should be very cautious about concurrent administrationanticoagulantsdirect action.

In addition, while taking the drug increases the effectantiplatelet agents, indirectanticoagulants, fibrinolytic agents.

Terms of sale

In pharmacies, the remedy is sold by prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dark place, the optimum temperature of its storage - from 0 to +20 ° С. It should be protected from access by children.

Shelf life

The remedy can last 3 years.

special instructions

It should be noted that the treatment of Mukosata, the appearance of a clinical effect is not observed immediately, but it persists for several months. If there are significant side effects, in particular,hemorrhages, allergic reactions, treatment should not be continued.

It is undesirable to allow the product to enter open wounds and mucous membranes.


Chondroxide, Chondroitin, Chondrollar, Structum, Chondrolon, Arthrin.

Analogues of Mukosata

There are preparations with a similar active substance (chondroitin sulfate), which can be appointed as an alternative to Mukosatu.

To date, analogues in Ukraine are preparationsStructum, Chondrolon, Chondroxide, Chondroitin-Akosand etc.

In most cases, these drugs are available in the form of gels, topical creams, and also in the form of tablets.

Alflutop or Mukosat - which is better?


A drugAlflutop, like Mukosat, belongs to the groupchondroprotectors.


Its use allows improving metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue, which leads to effective tissue repair and slowing down cartilage destruction.

It is also made of natural raw materials. However, the cost of Aflutop is higher - an average of 1500-1700 rubles.


The drug is used to treat children only after the appointment of a doctor and determine the optimal dosage and duration of therapy by a specialist.

With alcohol

There is no information about the incompatibility of Mukosata with alcohol.

In pregnancy

During pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, the drug is not used, since to date, there is no data on the use of the drug during this period.

Reviews about Mukosate

Reviews for the drug Mukosat Belmed are mostly positive, since the drug has been used for treatment for many years, and its effectiveness is tested by experience. The patients' testimonies indicate that injections and capsules can reduce the severity of exacerbation of diseases, resume normal functions of the joints.

Patients who write their impressions on the forum, note that the side effects of the drug, as a rule, does not provoke.

But the most pronounced effect is noted if the treatment is carried out strictly according to the scheme determined by the doctor, and its duration corresponds to the recommendations of the specialist.

Patients also note as a positive the acceptable cost of the drug and the opportunity to purchase it on a free sale or to order in Belarus.

Price Mukosata, where to buy

The price of injections of Mukosata in Moscow averages from 250 to 600 rubles per package, depending on the place of sale and dosage of the drug. In Ukraine, the cost of Mukosata Belmed varies depending on the region.

For example, you can buy Mukosat in Kiev at the price of 90-110 UAH. For packing (10 ampoules per 1ml). The price of packaging the drug (10 ampoules of 2 ml) in Kharkov, in Odessa is an average of 140 to 170 UAH.


In Simferopol, in Donetsk, the means can be bought on average for 150-180 UAH. (10 ampoules of 2 ml.). The cost of packing Mukosata in capsules (20 capsules in 250 mg) in Kherson, in Lugansk is from 60 to 80 UAH.


Approximately the same rates for this drug are relevant in the cities of Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog.

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The price in Belarus for Mukosat in capsules averages 2, 00 - 3, 00 rubles. The injections in Belarus can be bought for 60000 - 78600 rub. (10 ampoules of 2 ml.).

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Mucosate solution 100 mg / ml 1 ml 5 pcs. Synthesis OJSC
  • Mucosate solution 100 mg / ml 2 ml 10 pcs. Belmed drugs
  • Mukosat injection 10% 2 ml 5 pcs. Synthesis OJSC
  • Mucosate solution 100 mg / ml 1 ml 10 pcs. Synthesis OJSC


  • Mukosat 100mg / ml solution for injections 2ml №5 ampoulesSynthesis OJSC
  • Mukosat 100mg / ml solution for injection 1ml No.10 ampoules Synthet OJSC
  • Mukosat 100mg / ml solution for injections 1ml №5 ampoulesSynthesis OJSC

IFK Pharmacy

  • MukosatSintez AKO OJSC (Moscow) Kurgan), Russia
  • MukosatSintez AKO OJSC (Moscow) Kurgan), Russia


  • Mukosat Neo rn d / in. 200mg amp 2ml # 10

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Mukosat necessarily consult with your doctor.

A source:

Mukosat: instructions for use, contraindications

For normal activity and mobility of articular surfaces in the body there is cartilaginous tissue. Normally, the joint cavity produces a synovial fluid, which includes chondroitin and glucosamine.

These substances are inherently polysaccharides and are synthesized by cartilaginous cells. Possessing mucous properties, chondroitin and glucosamine ensure easy sliding of articular surfaces during movement.

Over the years, the amount of chondroitin produced in the body decreases, and a need arises to deliver this necessary and useful polysaccharide from the outside. One of the drugs, which includes chondroitin, is a drug mukosat.

Description of the drug mucosate

Mucosate is available in a variety of dosage forms.

One of them - in the form of intramuscular injections for parenteral administration, which is a colorless liquid with a slight smell of benzyl alcohol.

In addition to liquid, mucosate is also available in the form of tablets and capsules. The raw material for obtaining the drug is the cartilaginous tissue of cattle.

In different countries the drug is produced under synonyms - chondroitin, Structum, chondroxide, chondrolar, chondrolon, arthrin.

  • Solution for injection of mucosate - 100 mg of chondroitin sulfate in 1 ampoule.
  • Mucosate capsules - 250 mg of chondroitin sulfate in 1 capsule.
  • Mucosate tablets - 250 mg of chondroitin sulfate, coated.

Before application of the mucosate preparation, the instructions for use should be carefully studied. Mucosate has a wide range of effects and participates in the following processes:

  • Reduces the inflammation process in the cartilaginous tissue of the articular surfaces.
  • Has chondroprotective effect (stimulates the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue).
  • Improves the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the cartilage.
  • Takes part in the inhibition of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue.
  • Suspends degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous interlayers of the joints.
  • Participates in the construction of bone and cartilaginous tissues.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of enzymes that contribute to the construction of a cartilaginous layer.
  • Warns and stops the compression of connective tissue.
  • Increases the amount of synovial fluid in the periarticular bag.
  • Increases the mobility and smooth sliding of the joints.
  • Relieves pain when walking and at rest.
  • Reduces the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The dynamics of joint diseases is improving already in 2-3 weeks after the application of mucosate. For the mucosate preparation, the application should be no less than -2 months.

With such a long-term use, metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue are restored, and after the drug has been withdrawn, the effect persists for a long period of time (3-6 months).

In the case of using the drug, mucosate tablets are easily absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, appearing in the bloodstream within 30 minutes after ingestion. The maximum concentration of mucosate is found in the blood one hour after application.

The synovial membrane of the cartilage does not constitute a mechanical obstruction to the penetration of the drug inside. 15 minutes after the application of the drug, mucosate injections enter the inside of the joint bag and accumulate there, and the maximum amount is found in the bag after 48 hours.

Indications for use of the drug

Typically, for the mucosate preparation, the instructions for use described in the insert may contain indications for use in the form of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joints and spine. In addition, the mucosate drug is used in the following cases:

  • Intervertebral osteoarthritis.
  • Primary arthrosis of joints.
  • Fractures of the joints.
  • Occurrence of periodontitis.
  • Osteoporosis of bones and spine.
  • Reduction of pain in the joints (as an additional therapy).
  • Prevention of fractures of bones with high physical exertion.
  • Operative interventions on the joints (application in the postoperative period).

Contraindications to the use of the drug

In some cases it is undesirable to take the drug, especially if there are concomitant diseases, which include:

  • The presence of thrombophlebitis of deep and superficial veins.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • Increased individual sensitivity to the drug.

In the case of the patient using drugs that dissolve thrombi, as well as with the use of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants should be treated under the constant control of coagulation rates blood.

Also, it is not recommended to take mucosate during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. If you still need to take mucosate according to the indications, then at the time of taking the drug should stop breastfeeding.

Mukosat - instruction on the use of medicinal forms

One dose of mucosate in the form of injections contains 100 mg of active ingredient - chondroitin sodium sulfate. Mukosat injections are done every other day through 1 ampoule, for 3 days.

Then the amount of the drug is doubled (to 200 mg) and continues to be done every other day. In total, the course of treatment consists of 25-35 injections every other day.

If necessary, a similar course of treatment is repeated after 6 months.

Mucosate capsules whether the tablets are taken according to the scheme - 3 capsules 2 times a day, with a small amount of liquid. This scheme should be taken within 3 weeks.

Then the dose of the drug is reduced to 2 capsules 2 times a day, also for 2-3 weeks. Thus, the course of treatment is not less than, -2 months.

With the diagnosis of periodontal disease treatment according to the scheme should be at least 6 months.

Children aged 5 years take mucosate in capsules or tablets at 500-750 mg per day. Children aged 1-5 years take the drug strictly according to the doctor's prescription and in case of acute necessity, the dose is not more than 500 mg per day. Children under the age of 1 year - 250 mg per day.

Special instructions for use

There are no special instructions for use, but it is necessary to know that the long-term effect after application of the drug can be only after a prolonged use of the drug. To prevent exacerbations, the drug should be taken at least 2 times a year.

Side effects and drug overdose

When applied, no side effects were noted, except for hypersensitivity to the drug, which may be individual.

Also, cases of drug overdose, as well as side effects during the administration of large doses of mucosate are not described.

In case of any allergic reactions (on the skin), stop taking the drug.

Storage conditions

The drug mucosate should be stored in a place inaccessible to children in a dark place, at temperatures from 0 to 20 degrees.

Shelf life

The release preparation usually has a shelf life of at least 3 years. At the end of the expiration date, use of the drug is not recommended.

Attention! This instruction on the use of the mucosate preparation is presented for informational purposes only, and before It is necessary to consult with a specialist and read the instructions carefully from the manufacturer.

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What helps Mukosat. Instructions for use, price, reviews (injections and pills)

A drug that improves the structure of cartilaginous tissue and has an anti-inflammatory effect is Mukosat. Instructions for use suggest using injections and taking pills to accelerate the recovery of cartilaginous tissue.

Form of issue and composition

"Mukosat" is available in the form of tablets, capsules and a solution for intramuscular injection. The solution is contained in glass ampoules of 1 or 2 ml. Five cells are placed in the outline cell pack.

The composition of the drug includes chondroitin (in the form of sulfate), as well as additional substances - benzyl alcohol, water for injection. One capsule or tablet of the drug contains 250 mg of chondroitin sulfate.

Pharmacological properties

"Mukosat the instruction for use gives such information, - a drug that regulates the metabolism in the cartilaginous tissue. The drug has chondroprotektornym, stimulating the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, anti-inflammatory effect.

Participates in the construction of the main substance of cartilage and bone tissue, improves phosphoric-calcium metabolism in the cartilaginous tissue, inhibits enzymes that disrupt the structure and function of articular cartilage, inhibits the processes of degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue. Stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans, normalizes the metabolism of hyaline cartilage, promotes the regeneration of cartilaginous surfaces and the articular bag.

Prevents compression of connective tissue, increases the production of synovial fluid and mobility affected joints, reduces concomitant inflammation, soreness, reduces the need for NSAIDs. With degenerative changes, cartilage tissue is a means of substitution therapy.

The positive effect is observed already in 2 - 3 weeks after the beginning of the drug administration. The therapeutic effect persists for a long time (from 3 to 6 months) after the end of the course of treatment.

Injections, tablets "Mukosat what helps the medicine

The drug is indicated for the treatment of the dystrophic and degenerative conditions of the joints and spine, which often develop with osteoarthritis intervertebral and with lesion of large joints, with primary arthrosis.

Effective use of "Mukosata" to accelerate the healing of joints in fractures, for the treatment of parodopathies, osteoporosis, for pain relief in joints (additional therapy), for the prevention and treatment of joint damage after excessive physical loads. Good reviews of the medication prescribed for patients who underwent joint surgeries.

Instructions for use

"Mukosat" is taken intramuscularly and orally. Inside the first three weeks of treatment, the drug is prescribed twice a day in a dosage of, 5 g. Further the drug is taken on, g per day.

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How to prescribe "Mukosat Belmed" orally for children? Tablets or capsules for children up to one year are prescribed in a dose of 5 grams, children 1-5 years of age, g, children of five years are prescribed by, 5 g. The medicine in the capsules should be washed down with plenty of water.

The injections are administered intramuscularly, are given every other day, in After the fourth injection, the dose increases to, g. In total, the course of treatment with the drug in ampoules includes 25-35 injections. If there is such a need, a second course of therapy is conducted six months later.

Side effects

The use of the drug "Mukosat" according to the instructions can provoke reactions of an allergic nature.

Hemorrhages may occur at the site of the injection. If side effects occur, you should cancel the medicine.

When the recommended dose is exceeded, the likelihood of side effects increases significantly.


Mukosat is not recommended for bleeding, predisposition to thrombophlebitis, and also for hypersensitivity to its active ingredient, chondroitin. All forms of drugs are undesirable to use in pregnancy and lactation, and injections are prohibited from prescribing to children.

Medication is able to enhance the effects of certain drugs, in particular:

  • fibrinolytics;
  • antiaggregants;
  • indirect anticoagulants.

In the event that this combination treatment is still extremely necessary for the patient, it is important to constantly monitor the clotting parameters of his blood.

What are the analogues of Mukosat?

Complete analogs for the active element:

  1. Kartilag Vitrum.
  2. Chondroxide.
  3. Honsurid.
  4. Chondroitin sulfate.
  5. Sodium chondroitin sulfate.
  6. Chondrolon.
  7. Structrum.
  8. Chondroitin.
  9. Artra Chondroitin.
  10. Arthrin.
  11. Hondrogaard.
  12. Artradol.

"Alflutop" or "Mukosat" - what is better?

The drug "Alflutop like "Mukosat belongs to the group of chondroprotectors.

Its use allows improving metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue, which leads to effective tissue repair and slowing down cartilage destruction.

It is also made of natural raw materials. However, the price of Aflutop is higher.

Price and conditions of holiday

In pharmacies, the medicine is sold on prescription. The average price of Mukosat in pharmacies (Moscow) is 390 rubles for 5 ampoules. In Minsk, the cost of the drug "MukosatBelmed" is - 17 bel. rubles. The price in Kiev is 500 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - 2690 tenge.


Patients say that injections and capsules of "Mukosat Belmed" can reduce the severity of exacerbation of diseases, resume normal functions of the joints.

Side effects of the drug, as a rule, does not provoke. Patients also note as a positive the acceptable cost of the drug and the opportunity to purchase it on a free sale or to order in Minsk.

A source:

Mukosat nyxes: instructions for use

Pricks Mukosat - a tool that regulates metabolism in cartilaginous tissue.

Form of issue

Solution for intramuscular injection, transparent, or slightly yellowish, with a characteristic smell of benzyl alcohol, glass ampoules, cell contour wrapping, cardboard pack


Active ingredient:

Chondroitin sodium sulfate, 100 mg


Benzyl alcohol, water for injection

pharmachologic effect

The regulator of a metabolism in a cartilaginous tissue


The active ingredient of the drug, chondroitin sodium sulfate, is a sulfonated glucosaminoglycan obtained from cartilaginous tracheal tissue of bovine animals. This component is a stimulator of repair of connective tissue (including cartilaginous).

Injection drug Mukosat has pronounced chondroprotective properties, as well as anti-inflammatory and regenerative action.

Its active component participates in the construction of chondromucodine (the main intercellular substance of the cartilaginous tissue), inhibits the action of enzymes that break the structure and function of cartilage, stimulates bone-calcium metabolism, inhibits degenerative processes.

At the same time, the drug has a stimulating effect on the production of proteoglycans, thereby normalizing the metabolism of articular cartilage.

Under the influence of drugs prevents the development of compression of connective tissue, increases the production of synovial fluid, improves mobility in affected joints, and also reduces soreness and inflammation, and with them - and the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs preparations.


With the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilaginous tissue, Mukosat is used as a means of substitution therapy.


After 2-3 weeks from the onset of injection drug use, the first positive effect is observed. The effect of the drug persists for a long time (for 3-6 months) after the end of treatment.


After intramuscular injection, chondroitin sulfate is rapidly absorbed, and after 30 minutes it is found in the blood in high concentrations. An hour later the concentration of the drug in the plasma reaches peak values, and then, within 48 hours, gradually decreases.

Accumulation of the drug mainly occurs in the cartilaginous tissue. In this case the synovial membrane does not interfere with its penetration into the joint cavity.

In the synovial fluid, chondroitin sulfate is detected 15 minutes after the injection, and reaches a maximum concentration after 48 hours.

Indications for use

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Osteoarthritis of large joints;
  • Degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the vertebrae;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Parodontopathy;
  • Pathological fractures of bones;
  • Postoperative period after surgical correction of joints.


  • Hypersensitivity, individual intolerance of the components of the drug;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Propensity to bleeding;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Childhood.
  • Hemorrhages at the site of injection;
  • Skin allergic reactions.

Dosing and Administration

Mucosate is intended for intramuscular administration. The drug is recommended to be administered every other day, 1 ml each.

With good drug tolerance, starting with the fourth injection, the dose is increased to 2 ml. The duration of the course of treatment is 25-30 injections.

If necessary, after six months, the injection therapy is repeated.

Drug Interactions

The drug is able to enhance the effect of direct and indirect anticoagulants, fibrinolytic and antiplatelet agents.

Side effects

In this situation, the drug should be canceled.


Data on the overdose of Mucosate are not known.

special instructions

With the use of the drug, the clinical effect occurs slowly enough, but after the treatment it remains for a long time.

Mukosat does not adversely affect the ability to drive vehicles or perform work that requires increased concentration

Leave conditions

The drug is released on prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 0-20 ° C. Shelf life of the drug is 3 years. At the end of this period, the use of the medicinal product is prohibited.

Pricks Mukosat price

The average cost of injections of Mukosat in pharmacies in Moscow is:

  • solution for intramuscular injection 100 mg / ml 1ml (5 ampoules) - 330-400 rub
  • solution for intramuscular injection 100mg / ml 2ml (5 ampoules) - 630-700 rub


  • Chondroitin-Ferein (injection solution);
  • Chondroguard (injection solution).

A source:


Drug Mukosat refers to chondroprotective drugs, which contain the active substance chondroitin sulfate, which contributes to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue.

Chondroprotective drugs have their own classification according to their composition, Mucosate belongs to the first group - these are medicines based on chondroitin sulfuric acid.

The active component of the preparation is an acidic mucopolysaccharide, which is taken from the cartilaginous tissue of cattle.

The drug Mukosat has an anti-inflammatory effect, it has a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes of the cartilaginous tissue, inhibits its process degeneration, increases the mobility of the affected joint, increases the production of synovial fluid, promotes recovery articular bag. Mucosate is prescribed for the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine. The course of treatment with this drug has a long-term nature and the period of its application lasts several months. Mucosate has various dosage forms: injection, tablets. Chondroprotectors can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription, but I want to note that this group of drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician, and in no case by the patient's own decision.

Mucosate tablets

One of the medicinal forms of the chondroprotective drug Mukosat are tablets that are taken orally (by mouth).

Adults are usually prescribed the drug in the following dosage: 750 mg twice a day for three weeks, then switch to a dosage of 500 mg twice a day.

The dosage of the drug for children depends on their age, about: - children under 1 year of age are prescribed 250 mg; - children from 1-5 years are prescribed 500 mg each; - children from 5 years of age are appointed from 500 to 750 mg.

Oral administration suggests that the tablets should be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Mucosate injections

In addition to oral administration, Mucosate can be administered parenterally in the form of intramuscular injections.

In this injection, Mukosata is administered at a dosage of 100 mg every other day, after the fourth injection, the patient is increased to a dosage of 200 mg.

Usually, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment of 25-35 injections, after the course of treatment is terminated, the repeated treatment can be performed no earlier than 6 months later.


The use of Mucosate in some cases may cause the development of undesirable side reactions in allergic manifestations, also the injection can lead to the development of hemorrhages in place introduction.


Content of the site: Dmitry N.




A drug, regulating metabolism in cartilaginous tissue.

Chondroitin sodium sulfate is an acidic mucopolysaccharide from cartilaginous tracheal tissue of bovine animals with an average molecular weight of 1, 00 Daltons (11 kilodaltons), a repair stimulant for the connective (in

cartilage) tissue. The drug has chondroprotektornym, stimulating the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, anti-inflammatory effect.

Participates in the construction of the main substance of cartilage and bone tissue, improves phosphoric-calcium metabolism in the cartilaginous tissue, inhibits enzymes that disrupt the structure and function of articular cartilage, inhibits the processes of degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue.

Stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans,normalizes the metabolism of the hyaline cartilage, promotes the regeneration of the cartilaginous surfaces and the joint bag.

Prevents compression of connective tissue, increases the production of synovial fluid and mobility affected joints, reduces concomitant inflammation, soreness, reduces the need for NSAIDs.

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With degenerative changes, cartilage tissue is a means of substitution therapy.

A positive effect is observed after 2-3 weeks after the start of the drug administration. The therapeutic effect persists for a long time (3-6 months) after the end of the course of treatment.

PharmacokineticsChondroitin sodium sulfate is readily absorbed after a / m administration. After 30 minutes it is found in blood in significant concentrations.

Cmax is achieved after 1 hour, then its content gradually decreases within 2 days. Chondroitin sodium sulfate accumulates mainly in cartilaginous tissue.


The synovial membrane is not an obstacle to its penetration into the joint cavity.


15 minutes after IM injection chondroitin sodium sulfate is found in the synovial fluid, then it enters the articular cartilage, where its content reaches a maximum after 48 hours.

Indications for

- in the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints (with primary arthrosis, osteoarthrosis with lesion of large joints, intervertebral osteoarthrosis); - with fractures, osteoporosis, parodontopathies;

- in the postoperative period of patients who underwent operations on joints.

Mode of application:

Mukosat takeinwardsandinjected intramuscularly. At oral intake: adults take twice a day for, 5 g for the first three weeks, then twice a day in, g.

Mukosat in tablets or capsules, children from 5 years old should take on, 5 g, at the age of 1-5 years - by, g, patients up to a year - to, 5 g. Mucosate capsules should be washed down with water.

Mucosate is administered intramuscularly every other day, r (,); starting with 4 injections, the dose is increased to, g. The duration of therapy is 25-35 injections.

If necessary, you can repeat the course of therapy in six months.

Side effects:

Possibleallergic reactions and hemorrhages at the injection site. In these cases, the drug is canceled.


- thrombophlebitis - tendency to bleeding - hypersensitivity to the drug - pregnancy and lactation.

A drugnot assigned to children(injection forms of the drug).

Interaction with other medicines


Caution should be givenMukosat simultaneously with anticoagulants of direct action. Probably as strengthening of action of indirect anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and fibrinolytics.


Currently, there are no data on the use of Mucosate during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).


Data on the overdose of Mucosate is not available.
It is assumed that if the maximum daily dosage is exceeded, an increase in the severity of side effects is possible.

Form of issue:

Mucosate solution for intramuscular injectiontransparent, colorless or slightly yellowish tinge, with the smell of benzyl alcohol - in ampoules of 1 ml or 2 ml - 5 or 10 pcs.
Mukosatcapsules, 5 g.
Mukosatpills, 5 g. Mucosate tablets, coated, 5 g.

Mukosatlyophilizate for preparation of r-ra for w / mintroduction.

Storage conditions:

The drug should be stored out of reach of children, protected from light, at temperatures from 0 ° to 20 ° C.
Shelf life- 3 years.


1 ml of solution for the / m introduction contains:
-active substance: chondroitin sodium sulfate - 100 mg;
-Excipients: benzyl alcohol - 9 mg, water d / and - up to 1 ml.

A source:

Drug Mukosat-Belmed: injections, instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues

Chondroprotectors are a vast group of drugs designed to alleviate the condition of people with osteochondrosis and other joint diseases. In contrast to analgesics, they directly affect the cause of the disease - the destruction of cartilage tissue.

One of the representatives of the group is the Belarusian drug Mukosat, about which features further.

Form of issue and description

Form of issue Manufacturer
Ampules 100 mg / ml 1 ml 5 or 10 pcs. Institute of Blood Substitutes and Medications, Russian Federation
Ampoules 100 mg / ml 2 ml 5 pcs. Institute of Blood Substitutes and Medications, Russian Federation
Ampules 100 mg / ml 1 ml 5 or 10 pcs. Synthesis of JSC, RF
Ampoules 100 mg / ml 2 ml 5 pcs. Synthesis of JSC, RF
Ampules 100 mg / ml 1 ml 5 or 10 pcs. RUE "Belmedpreparaty Belarus
Ampules 100 mg / ml 2 ml 5 or 10 pcs. RUE "Belmedpreparaty Belarus
Capsules 250 mg 20 pcs. RUE "Belmedpreparaty Belarus
Capsules 250 mg 30 pcs. RUE "Belmedpreparaty Belarus

Mucosate solution is oily, colorless or has a yellowish hue, transparent, has a slight smell of benzyl alcohol.

It is packaged in ampoules of transparent glass, which are placed in cardboard boxes.

The photo shows the types of Mucosat-Belmed in the form of solution for injections and capsules

Capsules Mukosat white, composed of two halves, have the shape of a cylinder with rounded ends. Inside the capsule is a white or yellowish active substance in the form of a powder.

Structure of the medicine

In 1 ml of Mucosate solution contains:

  • chondroitin sulfate (extract from the trachea of ​​calves and cows) - 100 mg;
  • Benzyl alcohol as a preservative - 9 mg;
  • sterile water up to 1 ml.

Each capsule of Mucosate contains chondroitin sulfate 250 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Chondroitin is the main substance of the intercellular matrix of cartilaginous tissue and is responsible for its elastic-elastic properties.

Its large molecules create special cavities, which are capable of holding a large number of H2O molecules inside.

Decrease in chondroitin synthesis by cells of cartilaginous tissue leads to its dehydration and deterioration of depreciation properties.

Chondroitin sulfate is a salt of sulfuric acid, therefore Mukosat supplies to the joints not only structural components, but also sulfur atoms.


The latter stimulate the synthesis of the intercellular matrix of cartilage and promote the deposition of Ca2 + ions in bone tissue.


Thus, Mucosate is able to stop the process of osteoporosis.

Indications for use

Mucosate is used to treat the following conditions:

Contraindications and side effects

Use of Mucosate is prohibited when:

  • excessive sensitivity to its components;
  • disorders of blood clotting;
  • during pregnancy, lactation and in childhood (relates to the injection form of the drug).

Among the side effects of Mucosate, allergic reactions (rash, itching, edema) and hematomas at the injection site are possible. The use of capsules occasionally leads to nausea and vomiting, stooling, flatulence and pain in the abdomen.

Mukosat: instructions for use

A solution of Mucosate is injected into the muscles of the anterior-lateral surface of the thigh or into the buttock. Injections are performed 1 time / day every other day, 25-30 are required for treatment.

A single dose of chondroitin sulfate is 100 mg (1 ml preparation), with good tolerability it can be increased to 200 mg (2 ml), but not earlier than after 4 injections.

Mucosate capsules are taken orally, with a small amount of water. Absorption is not dependent on food intake.Dosage for adults is as follows:

  • 1500 mg / day in two divided doses: 3 capsules in the morning and evening;
  • after 3 weeks of treatment, reduce the dose to 1000 mg / day: 2 capsules twice a day.


The active substance Mukosata - chondroitin sulfate - is similar in structure to heparin, which is an indirect anticoagulant.

In this regard, it enhances the effect of drugs that reduce blood coagulability and better abandon their joint use.

If you need Mukosata, you should monitor the coagulogram parameters.

Compatibility with alcohol

There is no clinically significant interaction of Mucosate with ethanol.

Which is better: Mukosat, Alflutop or Chondrolon

All three drugs belong to the group of chondroprotectors, that is, they protect the cartilage tissue from damage.

Alflutop was developed and implemented over 30 years ago and belongs to the first generation of such means.

It is made from the tissues of small fishes, in connection with which it contains trace elements and proteins of their connective tissue.

The effectiveness of Alflutope is proved by the long practice of its use and clinical trials. However, the disadvantages of the drug include its high cost and the frequent occurrence of allergic reactions.

Chondrolon and Mucosate are preparations of the second generation of chondroprotectors, which contain only chondroitin sulfate, obtained from cattle tissues.

They differ substantially in price: the cost of one package of Chondrolon is about , 00 rubles, compared to 700 rubles for Mukosat.


There is no evidence of a significant difference in the effectiveness of drugs obtained in practice.


The decision on the use of this or that drug is made by each person, based on the recommendations of the attending physician and their own tolerability.

Prices for ampoules and tablets

Form of issue / Price Moscow Regions of Russia Belarus
Capsules 20 pcs. 650 rub 500 rub 3, 00 bel rubles
Solution for injections (ampoules 1 ml №10) 700 rub 650 rub 30-35 000 bel rubles

The table shows the average cost of Mukosata in pharmacies in Moscow and Russian regions, as well as in Belarus.

Analog preparations

Chondroitin sulfate is part of the following drugs:

  • Arthron chondrex;
  • Structum;
  • Chondroitin sodium sulfate;
  • Chondroitin-Phytopharm;
  • Chondroxide.

Reviews of patients and doctors

Reviews about Mukosate in the form of injections are mostly positive and neutral, since the drug rarely causes side effects or intolerance.

Many patients notice an improvement in the condition during the first two weeks of treatment:pains in joints decrease, their mobility increases.

In some reviews, there was a significant positive dynamics in the treatment of intervertebral hernias: their reverse development takes place according to MRI data.

Negative reviews are associated with the appearance of painful seals and hematomas at the site of injections. The drug has an oily structure and in some cases is poorly absorbed.

Mucosate in the form of capsules is rarely used in Russia, so there is practically no feedback on its use.

A source:

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