Mgr of the hip joint: what shows?


  • 1Hip joint, MRI: testimony that shows where to draw
    • 1.1Causes of pain in the hip joint
    • 1.2Advantages of MRI
    • 1.3Indications for the procedure
    • 1.4Contraindications
    • 1.5Preparation for MRI
    • 1.6Contrast substance
    • 1.7What does an MRI show?
    • 1.8How is the MRI procedure performed?
    • 1.9Where to make an MRI?
    • 1.10Cost
  • 2Mgr of the hip joint: what shows how to do, preparation for the study
    • 2.1What will the MRI of the hip joint show?
    • 2.2Advantages of MRI
    • 2.3Indications
    • 2.4Contraindications
    • 2.5How to properly prepare for the procedure
    • 2.6How the procedure is performed
    • 2.7Why is MRI performed with contrast
    • 2.8Is the MRI procedure safe?
    • 2.9To which doctor to apply
    • 2.10Check out the popular articles
  • 3How do MRI of the hip joints, what does and how much does the tomography cost?
    • 3.1Indications and contraindications to MRI of the hip joints
    • 3.2What does the femoris tomography show?
    • 3.3How do MRI of the hip joints?
    • 3.4Features of MRI in pregnancy
    • 3.5How much does research cost?
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Mgr of the hip joint
    • 4.1Hip Joint
    • 4.2Diseases of the hip joint
    • 4.3Inflammatory processes
    • 4.4Dystrophic diseases
    • 4.5Injuries
    • 4.6Pain syndrome
    • 4.7Pathology of the hip joint in childhood and adolescence
    • 4.8Irradiating joint pain
    • 4.9Infectious diseases
    • 4.10Tumors
    • 4.11When sent to the Mt of the hip joint
    • 4.12Advantages of MRI
    • 4.13Preparation for the survey
    • 4.14Contraindications
    • 4.15How do Mgr of the hip joint
    • 4.16How MRI is done with contrasting
    • 4.17What is shown by Mgr of the hip joint

Hip joint, MRI: testimony that shows where to draw

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most high-frequency methods for diagnosing pathological changes in the hip joint.

Due to the high information content of the images and availability, qualified doctors often recommend the passage of tomography in order to make an accurate diagnosis, as well as evaluate the course of physiological processes, the structure and structure of organs, bones and soft tissues. In the process of studying the hip joint, several thin sections of a single three-dimensional image are produced. Immediately after the procedure, doctors study the pictures and give the results with a transcript to the patient. After the examination of the hip joints (MRI), the pictures should be shown to the attending physician, who gave the direction for diagnosis.

Causes of pain in the hip joint

The hip joint is considered to be the largest in the human body. It provides free movement of the legs in all planes.

Various kinds of injuries and bruises, diseases and pathological changes can immediately cause severe pain.

According to medical statistics, the hip joint occupies a leading place among the common pathologies of the joint apparatus. The most common causes that cause severe pain in the hip joint:

  • infectious diseases;
  • bruises and other mechanical injuries (dislocations and fractures);
  • aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • inflammatory reactions in autoimmune diseases of connective tissue.

Advantages of MRI

What is the MRI of the hip joint? Thanks to the diagnosis, it is possible to obtain images of virtually all body tissues, since it is possible to adjust the duration of the radio wave flow.

This type of tomography allows you to identify various types of tumors, diseases and pathological changes of the musculoskeletal system and even violations of the central nervous system.

As a result of MRI, you can get a full and three-dimensional image of the area that you need to explore.

Quite often, doctors prescribe this type of diagnosis without the introduction of a contrast agent, which also allows you to see organs and soft tissues in detail.

The advantages of MRI over traditional methods of research:

  • the patient is not exposed to ionizing radiation;
  • non-invasiveness of the method;
  • high informativeness when receiving results of joint research;
  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • in MRI, unsafe X-rays are replaced by radio waves, which does not harm human health;
  • it is possible to investigate an area that is less than 1 cm in size;
  • MRI is a fairly sensitive procedure, which improves the accuracy of the study;
  • it is possible to study not only transverse, but also longitudinal sections;
  • MRI can be performed even for children and in some cases for pregnant women.

Indications for the procedure

Like the rest of the study methods, the MRI of the hip joint testimony has the following:

  • arthrosis and arthritic diseases;
  • unreasonable pain in the thigh;
  • hemorrhage to the joint;
  • mechanical damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons (ruptures and strains);
  • trauma of the hip (dislocation);
  • postoperative control;
  • observation in the process of drug treatment;
  • preparation for surgical intervention;
  • tumor, swelling of the tissues and stiffness in the movements of the hip joint;
  • nerve damage;
  • abnormal joint structure;
  • various kinds of infectious diseases.


The hip joint, whose MRI is contraindicated to pregnant and lactating women, is investigated in these cases by more gentle methods.

The procedure should not be done for those who have metal elements on the body, such as pacemakers, insulin pumps, pacemakers, etc.

Before MRT, the patient should remove from himself metal jewelry, removable dentures, things with clasps, piercings, etc.

The procedure is also contraindicated for those:

  • who suffers from claustrophobia (in this case, the patient is administered to sleep for some time with the help of medication);
  • who have diseases in which a person can not stay in one position for a long time;
  • who suffers from epilepsy, has convulsive seizures, and also often falls into a faint condition;
  • who have chronic renal insufficiency.

In addition, it is not recommended to do MR diagnostics to those who have colored tattoos made with dyes containing metal compounds.

In general, it is contraindicated to find any metal products in the tomograph, because they can be attracted by the strongest magnetic field of the device during the research.

Preparation for MRI

Before the examination on the tomograph, the hip joint, the MRI of which is planned to be done, is inspected by the doctor, and after that the date and time of the procedure are appointed.

Usually, when preparing for MR diagnosis of the hip joint, you do not need to give up food or stick to a diet.


The patient should be dressed in loose clothing that does not have metal parts. Before the procedure, the doctor gives a brief briefing and examines the outpatient card.


It is recommended that you come to the medical center 30-40 minutes before the beginning of the MRI, as additional time is needed to introduce contrast.

Contrast substance

This drug is injected into the body or into the cavity in the body, less often into the bloodstream in order to improve the visualization of the internal relief. The contrast is injected intravenously with a volume of 5-20 ml into the hip joint, the MRI of which is planned to be performed.

The substance is excreted from the body within 24 hours. The composition of the contrast is gadolinium, which, in comparison with iodine-containing substances, is much less likely to cause allergic reactions.

The procedure for the administration of contrast medium is painless and does not involve unpleasant sensations or side reactions.

What does an MRI show?

Today, MRI is considered to be one of the most effective methods for diagnosing a variety of diseases, and is also an excellent option for a refining study. What is the MRI of the hip joint? Thanks to the procedure it is possible to see:

  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • pinching of tendons;
  • condition and structure of soft and bony tissues;
  • various types of arthritis and arthrosis;
  • infectious lesions;
  • pathological changes due to surgery or other causes;
  • metastases in the joint region.

How is the MRI procedure performed?

The hip joint is diagnosed, the MRI of which is performed due to precise and modern equipped with a magnetic resonance tomograph, for 30 minutes, and with the introduction of a contrast medium - about 1 hour.

The patient is fixed on the table in a supine position, after which the table rides into the round part of the tomograph. During the diagnosis, the rounded part rotates around the area to be examined.

The guarantee of obtaining accurate and really high-quality images is the motionless position of the body throughout the entire tomography. If necessary, close to the patient may be his close and native people.

In the process of conducting the MR diagnostics, the specialists observe the patient and the tomograph using a video camera. With MRI, the patient can hear a rhythmic loud sound of different tones and levels from the operation of the MR scanner.

Where to make an MRI?

Where is the MRI of the hip? Of course, you need to go through the research in a specialized medical center that has a working modern technology.

The place of MRI in Moscow is recommended to discuss with the attending physician in advance, who will be able to write a direction for diagnosis to the right specialist.


If you suddenly began to worry about pain in the hip and pelvic bones, you can choose a clinic and a doctor yourself and go through the examination without an appointment.


It is not recommended to decrypt the pictures independently and even more so to make a diagnosis. After an MRI (in Moscow or another city - it does not matter) it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist.


The price of the procedure primarily depends on the regional location of the medical center, as well as on the time of the diagnosis. In many clinics patients have the opportunity to purchase a CD, on which the result will be recorded and the procedure of the examination itself.

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MRI of the hip joint, the price of which depends also on the volume of the study, should be performed only by a qualified worker with the skills of working with a magnetic resonance tomograph. On average, the MRI of the hip joint costs from 3 thousand.

rubles and up to 10-12 thousand. rubles.

In medical practice, X-rays, MRI of the hip joint are often used by orthopedic trauma doctors to establish a clear diagnosis and to monitor treatment.

It is worth noting that MRI is still considered a more modern, safe and informative diagnostic method.

For today, diagnostics with the help of a magnetic resonance tomograph has come to the forefront among the technologies of research of hip joint diseases.

A source: http://.ru/article/278922/tazobedrennyiy-sustav-mrt-pokazaniya-chto-pokazyivaet-gde-sdelat

Mgr of the hip joint: what shows how to do, preparation for the study

Sometimes for the diagnosis of pathologies of the hip joint, it is not enough to conduct a radiography or ultrasound.

In such cases, the patient may be prescribed a procedure such as an MRI.

Unlike other methods of diagnosis, this study can identify the slightest damage to the joint, clarify the state of the cartilaginous structures and tendon-ligament apparatus.

MRI of the hip joint makes it possible to obtain layered images of all structures of this part of the musculoskeletal system: its bones, cartilage, soft tissues, vessels, tendons and ligaments. This method is highly informative, safe, absolutely painless and non-invasive.

This article will acquaint you with the possibilities, benefits, indications and contraindications, methods of preparation and conduct of MRI of the hip joint. The information obtained will be useful to you, and you can ask all your questions to your doctor in charge.

What will the MRI of the hip joint show?

MRI allows you to obtain high-quality images of the area under investigation, on the basis of which in 95% of cases it is possible to expose the correct diagnosis.

The principle of such a survey is based on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality and accurate three-dimensional images of the investigated part of the body.

Thanks to such characteristics of the obtained images, this kind of diagnosis of the hip joint is one of the most promising and highly informative.

Photographs of the MRI of the hip joint allow specialists to study the following parameters:

  • the state of the cartilaginous tissue and ligamentous apparatus;
  • any structural violations;
  • condition of soft tissues;
  • Physicochemical processes occurring in these or those structures of the joint.

According to statistics, the reliability of the results of MRI of the hip joint is more than 95%.

This procedure allows in some cases to refuse from carrying out some invasive studies (for example, arthroscopy), and the indices of its reliability exceed the effectiveness of ultrasound and radiography in many times.

Advantages of MRI

Magnetoresonance tomography has several advantages over other kinds of hardware diagnostics:

  1. The possibility of detecting even minimal violations in the joint, which are not diagnosed when performing alternative examinations.
  2. The chance to abandon such invasive studies as arthroscopy, computer or X-ray angiography.
  3. Absence of radiation load and the possibility of repeated research.
  4. The ability to create a three-dimensional image of all joint structures in any plane. If necessary, the visualization can be increased to any degree.
  5. Getting the most clear pictures that increase the accuracy of diagnosis. If necessary, detailed studies of the required joint site (eg, blood vessel or nerve trunk) can be performed during the procedure.
  6. The possibility of detecting tumors or their metastases at the earliest stages, when X-rays and ultrasound are not able to visualize the cancer process.
  7. Carrying out the research before the surgical intervention gives the surgeon the opportunity to compile a detailed plan for the future operation.
  8. The possibility of diagnosing children who, if necessary, can already remain immobile, and pregnant women, starting from the second trimester.


MRI of the hip joint can be prescribed for the diagnosis of patients with such diseases:


Some types of endoprostheses are an absolute contraindication to MRI, while others are permitted. It all depends on the material from which the endoprosthesis is made.

Contraindications to the performance of MRI of the hip joint can be absolute and relative.

The procedure is absolutely contraindicated in the following cases:

  • presence of ferromagnetic metal structures in the body: pacemakers, insulin pumps, some types of vascular clips, vascular stents, apparatus or devices for fixing bones, some types of endoprostheses, implanted nerve stimulators, electronic implants in the middle ear, fragments or bullets;
  • tattoos on the body, made with paints containing metals;
  • implanted heart valve;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

The presence of titanium prostheses, modern dentures, veneers and braces is not a contraindication to MRI, since such materials are not ferromagnetic alloys.

MRI with the introduction of a contrast drug is contraindicated in such conditions:

Relative contraindications to the procedure are the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • mental disorders;
  • claustrophobia;
  • the presence of an artificial (mechanical) heart valve;
  • extremely serious condition of the patient.

Conducting MRI of the hip joint with relative contraindications is permissible only when absolutely necessary or in the presence of life-threatening circumstances.

How to properly prepare for the procedure

The procedure for MRI of the hip joint does not require special training - you do not need to refuse to take medication or eat food. To perform such a diagnostic procedure, it is sufficient to observe a number of simple rules:

  1. Put on a day of research spacious and comfortable clothes without metal components. One can use disposable clothing, which the patient will be offered in the diagnostic center.
  2. Take off all metal objects (jewelry, piercing, watches, hairpins, hairpins, etc.) and leave in the bag electronic devices (phone, magnetic bank cards, hearing aid and etc.).
  3. Be sure to warn the doctor about a possible pregnancy or other contraindications.
  4. Take the results of previous studies with you (if an MRI was already performed).
  5. If the procedure is performed with contrast, then a sample should be conducted for the absence of an allergic reaction to the drug used.

Special instructions:

  1. Patients suffering from claustrophobia, it is recommended to conduct research on open-type devices.
  2. If the procedure is performed by a small child who is not yet able to control his immobility, then sedation is carried out. Such medication is carried out by an anesthesiologist.
  3. Sedation can also be recommended for those patients who can not remain stationary for a long time. This condition can be caused by severe pain, a syndrome of involuntary movements or mental disorders.
  4. With kidney disease and performing MRI with contrast, a preliminary urine test may be necessary.

How the procedure is performed

If necessary, before the scan, the patient is given a contrast drug. MRI is performed in a specially equipped office.

  1. The doctor meets the patient and leads him to the device. She puts it on a comfortable table, talks about the features of the procedure, fastens it with special straps and transports the patient to the magnet hole of the MRI unit.
  2. During the scan, the patient can hear sounds of varying intensity. If the study is performed on a high-field tomograph, the patient is asked to wear special headphones to level out the noise.
  3. Throughout the scan, the patient should not move and be in a relaxed state. Usually the survey takes about 20 minutes.
  4. During the scan, the patient can talk to the doctor, and the installation operator can monitor it.
  5. If during the procedure the examinee experiences some unpleasant sensations, he can use a special alarm button.

After the scan is completed on the MRI, the patient can go home (the results are can receive by e-mail) or wait for the conclusion of the doctor's conclusion of radiation diagnosis and pictures. Follow any restrictions after the procedure is not required.

Pictures can be taken on film or on an electronic carrier immediately after scanning, and drawing up of the conclusion can take about 30 minutes (sometimes, in difficult cases, several hours).

Why is MRI performed with contrast

In some clinical cases, the introduction of a contrast agent is recommended to obtain more informative results of the MRI of the hip joint. This procedure allows you to better visualize the following pathological processes: neoplasms, abscesses, vascular malformations, etc.

Contrast preparation for MRI scanning is administered intravenously. Its active ingredient is gadolinium metal. As part of the drug, it is combined with other chemicals and is practically safe for the human body.

In most cases, the contrast medium is well tolerated by patients. Side effects from its administration are extremely rare and are mild (minor headache, redness at the injection site, etc.). Allergic reactions to contrast are rare.

Is the MRI procedure safe?

When magnetic resonance scanning does not use ionizing radiation, used in radiography or radiotherapy. Magnetic fields affecting the patient's body do not cause painful or unpleasant sensations and do not damage tissues and organs in any way.

However, due to the youth of this diagnostic method and the small database on the effect of strong magnetic fields on the body, WHO places a number of restrictions on the use of MRI. Absolutely safe and permissible is considered to be the action of the magnetic field before, T.

MRI of the hip is a highly informative, non-invasive, painless and safe diagnostic a procedure that allows you to detect even the smallest pathological changes in this part of the locomotor system apparatus. When performing the examination, the patient must observe a number of simple rules that ensure greater accuracy of the study.

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To which doctor to apply

An orthopedist, traumatologist or oncologist can prescribe a MRI of the hip joint. Indications for this procedure can be a variety of pathologies of this joint: arthritis, trauma, chronic pain, metastases, primary bone tumors, etc.

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MRI-diagnosis of joints. Health Online

Lecture dots. Karpenko A. TO. on the topic "The role of MRI in the pathology of the hip joint

Lecture: "The role of MRI in the pathology of the hip joint - what a radiologist should know"

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How do MRI of the hip joints, what does and how much does the tomography cost?

MR-tomography is considered an accurate and informative diagnostic method. It provides an opportunity to obtain complete and reliable information about the organ under investigation, its bone and soft tissues, and cartilage.

In many cases, with dysfunction or hip joint damage, doctors offer just an MRI.

What can the snapshot show, what are the testimonies and preparations? The answers to these questions will be given by this article.

Indications and contraindications to MRI of the hip joints

The hip joint is one of the largest joints in the human body. Its diagnosis using a tomograph can be assigned in the following cases:

  1. Persistent pain, not subject to therapeutic treatment;
  2. presence of dysplasia;
  3. to identify the causes of neoplasm formation;
  4. with injuries, dislocation, violation or complete absence of mobility;
  5. arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, abscess, necrosis, and polio symptoms;
  6. suspicion of accumulation of blood in the joint;
  7. with infringement of nerves and tendons;
  8. for the detection of metastases;
  9. as an additional examination, if the X-ray did not help to identify the pathology.

MRI of the hip joint may be administered periodically to monitor the operation of the prosthesis. Also, verification may be required to monitor progress in the treatment of various diseases.

For diagnosis there are only two absolute contraindications:

  • presence of foreign bodies from magnetized metals (piercing, clips on vessels, prostheses, spokes, etc.);
  • Implanted high-precision instruments (pacemaker, insulin pump, etc.).

The list of relative prohibitions includes:

  • overweight (different types of apparatus allow examination of people weighing up to 150-200 kg);
  • the possibility of an epileptic fit, involuntary trembling of parts of the body;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • age of child under 7 years;
  • fear of enclosed space.

For these patients, another type of diagnosis is prescribed, or MRI is performed without contrast.

What does the femoris tomography show?

Magnetic tomography does not have the radial load exerted on a person with x-rays, due to which the procedure can be repeated many times. The creation by the MRI device of accurate images in different planes allows to make examination not only of bones, but also of soft tissues of the thigh.

The femoral joint of a man is unique: only in his structure is there a blood vessel. It is surrounded by soft tissues (ligaments and tendons), which due to injury can be damaged. The examination helps to identify all the changes and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Pictures obtained during diagnosis will show:

  • underdevelopment of some structures (dysplasia);
  • Calve-Perthes disease;
  • inflammation of the bag of the joint, tendons, the presence of an abscess, osteomyelitis;
  • avascular osteonecrosis, manifested by the death of the femoral head due to a failure in the supply of blood;
  • benign and oncological joints and soft tissues;
  • hip joint damage (cracks and closed / open fractures, hidden blood clots, ligament ruptures);
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes;
  • infringement of nerves and places of a clamping of vessels.

How do MRI of the hip joints?

To perform MRI of soft tissues of the hip and bone structures, no special preparation is required.

On the day of the procedure, a person is available in the usual mode, taking medication. Exception - examination using contrast medium.

To avoid feeling nauseous, you should stop eating 8 hours before the diagnosis.


Contrast in the examination of the thigh is rarely introduced. It may be required to detect small tumors in the bones or to define clear boundaries between healthy and affected tissue. "Dye" is injected into the vein before the diagnosis.


The procedure should take:

  • direction from the attending physician;
  • prepared extract from an outpatient card;
  • images from previous surveys (if any);
  • other certificates, documents that relate to the disease.

Before lying on the table of the device (the diagnosis is carried out in a horizontal position), the patient takes off all the objects and jewelry with metal inclusions. The couch rides into the ring of the unit, so that the area of ​​the joint is located within the tunnel. The rotation of the ring occurs around the body part being examined.

The procedure is followed by a doctor and a nurse, who are in the next room behind a glass that does not allow the passage of magnetic rays.

The study takes 15-20 minutes, the results are prepared quickly. Pictures are recorded on a disk or a flash card, the patient must transfer digital media to the treating doctor.

How do the diagnosis, you can see in the video to the article.

When scanning the equipment makes noise, so you can ask the employees of the clinic earplugs. To make the images look good, you will have to stay still during the procedure.

MRI does not cause any unpleasant sensations. The examination is characterized by simplicity, accuracy and high speed of the results, which is of great value for revealing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Features of MRI in pregnancy

Modern equipment does not have a negative impact on humans, and the advantages of a magnetic resonance apparatus allow to identify the disease at the initial stage of development.

In some cases, MR imaging has no alternative and shows results that are sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Doctors can recommend examination to pregnant women with a single caveat - not in the first trimester.


During this period the fetus is exposed to teratogenic factors of different etiology: viral, radiation, etc.


They are the basis for the appearance of birth defects in the baby.

For each factor there is a threshold level, after overcoming which they become dangerous. Is there any risk with MRI?

The power of the apparatus used is within 1 Tesla. According to the researchers, no cases were recorded when the procedure led to fetal pathologies.

MR-tomography does not use hard X-rays (in contrast to CT) and is no more dangerous research than ultrasound.

Relative contraindication to the procedure in the first trimester should be considered as reinsurance, but if the diagnosis is really necessary, you can not be afraid of the consequences. During the II and III trimester, the pregnant women undergo the procedure quite successfully.

How much does research cost?

A trauma doctor, an orthopedist or an oncologist may prescribe the examination. Indications can be different pathologies of the joint. How much is the diagnosis, and what does it include? Many clinics include in the price:

  • self examination;
  • decoding and conclusion of a radiologist on the basis of the images obtained.

The cost of MRI may vary depending on several factors:

  • the level of the medical institution;
  • the need for contrast;
  • conditions of carrying out of manipulations (at planned hospitalization or out-patient);
  • time of performance (at night is cheaper);
  • type of tomograph and its characteristics;
  • qualification of a specialist.

The disc with diagnostic results is usually paid separately. In Moscow, the cost of MRI starts from 3200-4000 rubles, for a couple of hip joints have to pay 5-7 thousand. The average price of the procedure varies between 2500-14000 rubles.

A source:

Mgr of the hip joint

Magnetic resonance examination of the hip joint is used to determine the cause of the onset of pain and impairment of function in this most massive joint of the human body.

There are many reasons for this, which is due to the peculiarity of the innervation of the joint, which comes from the sacrococcygeal plexus.

The pain impulse can irradiate (spread, reflect) in the joint from the waist, knee or lower legs, making it difficult to diagnose.

If the mobility of the hip joint is impaired, an MRI

MR-tomography, creating a three-dimensional image of the hip joint zone, helps to determine the true cause of the pathology, thus facilitating the choice of proper and effective treatment.

Hip Joint

The joint of the femoral and pelvic bones is a cup-shaped joint.

The head of the femur is immersed in the deep acetabulum of the external surface of the hip bone and is securely attached to it by means of powerful muscles, ligaments and an articular capsule. In the joint, rotational movements of a rather large amplitude in different planes are possible.

The acetabular cavity is lined with thick cartilage (thickness up to 3 mm) and fatty tissue encased in the shell. The cavity deepens due to the presence on the free edge of the fibrous-cartilaginous lip, which protects the joint from dislocation.

All these soft tissues are poorly captured by X-rays, which makes it difficult to read X-ray and CT images.

But the MRI of the hip joints, based on the creation of oscillations in the magnetic field of the hydrogen atom scanner (its content in soft tissues is always high), recreates a clear picture of all anatomical structures the joint.

Hip joints perform rotational movements

Diseases of the hip joint

The joint with the vertical position of the human body experiences a colossal load, which leads to the emergence of a large number of diseases that limit mobility and cause suffering.

Inflammatory processes

  1. Arthritis. Characterized by pronounced edema and soreness of the joint, even in the lying position of the patient without physical exertion.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis.

    It begins with small joints, in some cases spreading to the hip, causing its stiffness and formation of rheumatoid nodules. Characterized by morning stiffness.

  3. Acute septic arthritis.

    Develops as a result of sepsis (contamination of blood). MRT is performed with suspicion of arthritis of the hip joint

  4. Tendovaginitis (inflammation of tendons and their membranes). Pain in the leg appears when walking and squats.
  5. Bursitis (inflammation of connective tissue bag - cavity with synovial fluid to reduce friction of joint bones against each other). The main symptom is pain.

    Develops when:

  • prolonged monotonous load (riding a bicycle);
  • injuries;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • pathology of the lumbosacral spine;
  • operative interventions in the joint zone.

Magnetic resonance imaging is used to diagnose bursitis of the hip joint

  1. Bechterew's disease.

    It appears more often at a young age with inflammation of ligaments and tendons at the attachment points, and ends with ankylosis (complete immobility of the joint due to the adhesion between the cartilaginous surfaces. Accompanied by:

  • renal insufficiency;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • defeat of the eyeball.

Inflammation of the ligaments of the hip joint is called Bechterew's disease

Dystrophic diseases

  1. Coxarthrosis, an extremely serious disease with disastrous consequences, is the destruction of cartilage with the spread of the process to the terminal parts of the bones. It is accompanied by arthritis. Steadily progressing, causing atrophy of leg muscles and buttocks.

    Does not give in to conservative therapy, leads to disability. In the initial stages of the disease, it is possible to increase the mobility of the joint operatively by changing its biomechanics.

    In the late stages of the disease, the only way out is endoprosthetics - complete replacement of the joint with a titanium prosthesis.

  2. Osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylolisthesis (displacement of vertebrae in relation to each other) - these pathologies of the lumbar spine cause pain in the joint, which is given in the entire leg.

    Coxarthrosis is a serious disease that is treated only surgically

  3. Osteonecrosis of the head of the femur. Bone loss in case of circulatory failure due to:
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • reception of corticosteroids;
  • radiation exposure;
  • alcoholism;
  • smoking.

Osteonecrosis leads to complete bone destruction


  1. Injury. With it, the volume of motions and function are preserved.
  2. Dislocation of the hip. Occurs usually only as a result of falling from a high altitude or a car accident. Causes intolerable pain and impaired function.
  3. Fracture of the neck of the thigh. One of the most insidious injuries that causes thrombosis, infection and bone necrosis.

    Characteristic features are:

  • pain when trying to change the position of the foot;
  • numbness of limb in the upper third;
  • inability to raise the heel in a prone position;

MRI diagnoses hip fractures

  • the foot is turned outward;
  • the diseased limb seems shorter than the healthy one.

Pain syndrome

  1. Postoperative pain. Most often, it appears after the operation of endoprosthetics. With its growth and fever, a call to the surgeon is required.
  2. Pear-shaped muscle syndrome. Along this thigh muscle passes the sciatic nerve.

    With muscle spasm, infringement of the sensory nerve trunk occurs, causing burning or constant aching pain along the entire external surface of the leg, giving into the groin and buttock.

Next to the pear-shaped muscle is the sciatic nerve

Pathology of the hip joint in childhood and adolescence

Pelvic bone is formed only by the age of 16 by fusion of the iliac, pubic and ischium bones. This feature leads to the fact that in childhood and adolescence in the area of ​​the unformed acetabulum, pathological processes develop:

  1. Congenital dislocation of the hip and its dysplasia. The result of hypoplasia of the hip joint. It is usually found in infants up to 3 months, more often unilateral, in girls. Hidden dysplasia can manifest later - in adolescence, which only complicates treatment.
  2. Epiphysiolysis. It develops during adolescence, more often in boys with endocrine disorders. There is a deformation of the growth zone of the femur with the displacement of its head on the neck. This can cause movement limitation. An urgent surgical procedure is required to fix the head of the bone in the joint. MRI diagnoses congenital hip dislocation
  3. Osteochondropathy. Aseptic necrosis of the bone and cartilage of the thigh (Perthes disease), which is most common in boys 9-14 years due to circulatory disorders, and the right joint is more often affected. The pains first appear in the knee joint, only then go to the hip. Treatment should be started immediately after detection.

Irradiating joint pain

  1. Enthesopathy. Pain in the groin and the joint, coming from the attachment of ligaments and muscles.
  2. Paresthetic meralgia.

    Burning pain and numbness of the upper third of the thigh and joint.

  3. Acute calcification of the buttock muscles.

MRI is performed with pulling pains inside the hip joint

Infectious diseases

  1. Tuberculosis arthritis or coxitis.
  2. Syphilitic lesion.


  1. Benign. Cause symptoms similar to radiculitis.
  2. Malignant. Characterized by rapid growth, excruciating "gnawing" pain.

Magnetic resonance imaging reveals the degree of hip joint infection

When sent to the Mt of the hip joint

A long list of joint diseases proves the need for a thorough examination. The doctor advises the patient to make Mt of the hip joint in the presence of complaints on:

  • pain in the leg, lower back and joint;
  • stiffness of the joint;
  • lameness;
  • "Shortening" of a sick leg.

The monotony of the symptoms makes it difficult to diagnose without additional research methods. The most informative is the MR-diagnostics. MRI is also performed before the operation and to monitor its results.

The doctor recommends to undergo an MRI with the appearance of pain in the hip joint

Advantages of MRI

MR-tomography is preferable, because it:

  1. Absolutely painless.
  2. It is not related to irradiation, therefore it can be performed repeatedly without damage to health.
  3. Gives the minimum percentage of error.
  4. It is able to identify oncological processes at the initial stage of development, giving the exact coordinates of tumor localization.
  5. Visualizes all nerve trunks and the vasculature.
  6. Reflects the condition of soft tissues: cartilage, capsule and bags, muscles, tendons, ligaments. When the MRI is performed, the patient is not irradiated
  7. Indicates the amount of synovial fluid in the joint.
  8. Gives a three-dimensional image of the joint on which individual structures are easily differentiated.

Preparation for the survey

On the appointed day, you must come to the office of MRI-diagnostics, having a passport, referral from a doctor and the results of other tests related to this disease.

MRI is performed in a special examination room equipped with a tomograph

The patient's body should not have metal objects and electronic devices.

Therefore, the phone, watches, jewelry, as well as clothes with metal elements should be left in a separate room in front of the room where the study is being conducted.


Contraindication to MRI is the presence in the patient's body:

  • pacemaker;
  • cardioverter;
  • vascular clip;
  • an insulin pump;
  • endoprosthesis of the middle ear;

Patients with built-in middle ear implants are not assigned an MRI

  • spokes or staples in fractures;
  • metal non-removable dentures and orthodontic devices;
  • piercing;
  • tattoos using dyes on a metal base.

In addition, contraindications are:

  1. Claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces - camera apparatus).
  2. The first three months of pregnancy. MRI of joints is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy
  3. The patient weighs over 120 kg (difficulties arise with the placement in the capsule of the device, but some models of scanners allow a weight of up to 200 kg).

How do Mgr of the hip joint

The patient is placed on the pull-out table, it is fixed with straps to prevent involuntary movements during a sufficiently long procedure - it takes 30-40 minutes.

The condition of complete immobility is difficult for children, but without this, the images will turn out to be fuzzy. The table is pushed into the capsule of the device, the scanner rotates, producing a series of images in different projections and planes.

The camera is equipped with ventilation, intercom and lighting.

How MRI is done with contrasting

For a clear visualization of the structures of the joint resort to contrasting. Immediately before the procedure, the patient is intravenously administered a drug based on gadolinium. Before applying contrast, the patient does not need to take food and water for 6 hours. There are contraindications:

  1. Breastfeeding (giving the baby a breast is allowed only 48 hours after the procedure). During breastfeeding, it is contraindicated to carry out MRI with contrast
  2. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  3. Renal failure.

What is shown by Mgr of the hip joint

At the end of the procedure, the doctor examines the findings. The decryption lasts about two hours. In the pictures the specialist reveals:

  1. Fractures and even the smallest cracks in the joint.
  2. Shift of joint elements.
  3. Osteoporosis.
  4. Osteoarthritis.
  5. Swelling of soft tissues.
  6. Accumulation of articular fluid or blood. Based on the pictures, the doctor diagnoses
  7. Rupture of tendons and ligaments.
  8. Tumors with the definition of their boundaries.
  9. Degenerative phenomena in cartilage or bones.
  10. Infringement or damage to nerve fibers.
  11. The branching of the vessels, the thickness of their walls, the size of the lumen.
  12. Endoprosthesis engraftment.

The conclusion of the doctor with detailed description and pictures is given to the patient on hands or is sent by e-mail.

More information about the benefits of MRI for the diagnosis of joint diseases you will learn from the video:

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