Treating plantar warts at home

Plantar wart is a benign neoplasm that affects the soles of the feet. The cause of their occurrence is the virus of the papilloma, penetrated into the human body through cracks and wounds on the skin. The most common plantar warts do not cause any discomfort and are not harmful to health, therefore do not require special treatment. But it happens the other way around.

  • Removal of plantar warts
  • Cryotherapy (freezing) with liquid nitrogen
  • Preparations for the treatment of plantar warts
  • Surgical intervention
  • Laser
  • Treatment of plantar warts at home
  • Ointment for treatment of warts
  • Salicylic acid
  • Cold
  • Silver Adhesive Tape
  • Apple vinegar
  • Flour with vinegar
  • Infusion of thyme
  • Treatment with garlic
  • Propolis
  • Kalanchoe pinnate
  • Ash
  • Peel of banana
  • Infusion of lemon peel
  • Raw meat
  • Celandine
  • Copper sulfate
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  • Treatment and photo of warts on the legs
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  • the appearance of small fleshy outgrowths on the sole of the foot;
  • hard to the touch thickening on the skin, similar to callus (a sign of the germination of the wart inside);
  • dark spots on the skin (clots of blood vessels);
  • uneven skin on the sole of the foot;
  • pain, especially when walking.

Removal of plantar warts

Most of the medical methods used in controlling warts are painful and involve skin damage. Nevertheless, their use helps to eradicate this attack in a relatively short time. The photo of the plantar wart shows how much it can cause discomfort when walking.

Cryotherapy (freezing) with liquid nitrogen

It is conducted by a doctor-specialist. As a means for freezing, liquid nitrogen is used in the form of a spray or a cotton applicator. After the procedure, the wart dies off in about a week. During cryotherapy, the patient experiences severe pain, the blisters may appear on the skin, which later will pass by themselves.

Preparations for the treatment of plantar warts

The procedure involves the use of interferon or antigen. These drugs stimulate the patient's immune system, which in turn starts to reject warts. This vaccination in the first hours causes a morbid state of the body, something that resembles the disease with the flu.

Surgical intervention

To get rid of tumors on the skin, a so-called electric needle can be used. During the procedure, the wart is burned. Carrying out is connected with a strong pain, therefore painkillers are applied. A scar may form on the site of the wart.


The procedure consists in cauterization of small blood vessels, which as a result leads to the death of tissues, and the wart disappears. Conduction is also associated with severe pain and risk of scar formation.

Treatment of plantar warts at home

If you want, you can try to get rid of the misfortune on your own. For this, you can use both medicines and recipes of traditional medicine.

Ointment for treatment of warts

To quickly get rid of plantar warts it is recommended to use oxolinic or salicylic ointment. Apply it to the wart and put a bandage on top. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed, and in the morning to unwind the leg. Wipe the softened wart gently. Repeat until the build-up disappears completely.

Salicylic acid

Drugs containing salicylic acid can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. They are made in the form of a patch or liquid.

  1. The patch is applied to the affected area for 48 hours.
  2. The liquid must be applied as a compress 2 times a day.

The wart will break down gradually, in layers. Dead skin layers must be removed every day. It takes several weeks to completely get rid of the warts.


On sale you can find special creams and gels that have a freezing effect. True, this type of cryotherapy brings much less effect than the procedures with the use of liquid nitrogen. Consequently, the treatment will take much longer.

Silver Adhesive Tape

It is attached to the skin lesion. Dead fabrics are removed with pumice stone or sandpaper.

Apple vinegar

Cotton swab, previously moistened with vinegar, you need to attach to the wart and fix it with bandage or adhesive tape for about 20 minutes. Then remove the dead tissue with a piece of pumice stone.

Flour with vinegar

  • components should be mixed to a consistency resembling a thick dough;
  • a piece of the mixture must be applied to the wart and wait a few minutes for the dough to stick;
  • then put the toe on his leg and leave it in that shape for the night.

Those who tried the tool assure that no more than three similar procedures will be required to defeat warts.

Infusion of thyme

To make it, you need to pour 1 cup of dry thyme with 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Grass after that do not throw, it can be brewed then again. The obtained infusion is filtered and used before bed. The liquid must be heated and used for the preparation of foot baths. Unpack the legs should be about 1 hour. The course of treatment is 5-6 sessions, which should be done every other day.

Treatment with garlic

  1. First you need to prepare a slurry of 1-2 cloves of garlic.
  2. Spread the place affected by the wart, and then cut off its tip with a manicure scissors. Do not worry if the wart starts to bleed slightly - they say, so garlic will act even more efficiently.
  3. After this, apply the garlic mixture to the steamed place and fix it with adhesive tape for the night.

In the morning, replace the old mixture with a freshly prepared one and reinstall it again until evening. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.


The skin must first be steamed for 30 minutes and attached to the affected area a cake of propolis for 3-4 days.

Kalanchoe pinnate

Leave the plant on the wart and fix it. Keep for the night. Often, only 3-4 procedures are enough. To achieve the greatest effect, the plant can be pre-cut with a knife to the state of gruel.


A small amount of wood ash is mixed with water so that a thick black mass is obtained. The resulting composition should be applied to a sore spot and fixed with adhesive plaster. Repeat the procedure for several days.

Peel of banana

Do not rush to throw it away after you have eaten this fruit, but attach it to the wart and fix it for a while. It turns out that it contains substances capable of successfully combating neoplasms on the skin.

Infusion of lemon peel

  • finely chop the skin of two lemons and pour 0.5 cup of table vinegar;
  • The container must be tightly closed and kept for 8 days, shaking the contents daily;
  • strained liquid 3-4 times a day gently applied to the affected area.

To avoid burns, it is recommended to glue the surface of the skin next to the build-up with an adhesive plaster.

3 tbsp. Spoons of dry shredded plants must be filled with 1 glass of boiling water and 2 hours. Infusion strain and every day several times to wet them with the affected area of ​​the skin.

Raw meat

Affected area should be steamed in warm water, which adds soap and soda. After that, gently remove the superficial loose layer of the build-up and put a small piece of raw meat on this place. On top you need to put a piece of oilcloth and fix it all with a bandage. Do not remove the bandage for 3-4 days, making sure that the water does not get on the bandage. Then the foot again needs to be held in soapy hot water with soda. The wart should be easily detached from the sole.


In summer, 5-6 times a day, treat the affected skin with the juice of this plant. Neoplasms will disappear after about 2 weeks. In winter, you can buy the drug "Superchistotel" in the pharmacy and use it according to the attached instructions.

Note!The celandine contains chemically aggressive substances, so after its use it is possible to form a keloid scar!

Copper sulfate

Prepare a mixture of butter (1 tbsp. spoon) and copper sulfate. First, apply salicylic ointment on the selected skin area, and then the resulting mixture. The procedure should be performed once a day. The mixture should be kept in the affected area for 12 to 20 hours. Do not get scared if you feel a slight burning sensation at the site of application. This is normal. However, as compliance with all precautions, it is possible to glue the skin around the wart with an adhesive plaster, although experts say that copper sulfate healthy healthy skin does not harm.

Note!If any of the above tools helped your friend or neighbor - do not think that it will help you 100%. Remember that each organism has its own individual characteristics.

If home treatment does not help, and warts continue to multiply and bring painful feelings - it is best to consult a specialist doctor.