Cough in the baby 6 months

Cough in the baby 6 months

A baby cough can be associated with various diseases, and only the doctor should make a diagnosis. Cough in an infant 6 months can be caused by the following reasons:

  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • allergic reactions from the upper respiratory tract;
  • foreign bodies in the upper respiratory tract;
  • pulmonary edema.

There are coughs dry (without sputum) and moist (with phlegm). Children of the first year of life are given a cough with temperature and without it. This is an important factor, since cough in a baby 6 months without a temperature can be treated at home, and cough with fever in children under one year is treated only permanently.

Treatment for cough in a baby 6 months

Treatment of a cough is, first of all, treatment of the underlying disease that causes it. If the cough is caused by inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, antibacterial drugs are prescribed only by the doctor and only when the bacterial infection is attached.

Drugs that suppress cough, babies usually do not prescribe, but always recommend desensitizing drugs to eliminate the allergic component of inflammation and prevent bronchospasm.

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Dry cough is transferred to the moist, for this, when the body temperature is normalized, compresses (from boiled potatoes or camphor oil), mustard wrapping, rubbing and draining chest massage (for example, with honey), inhalations with herbal decoctions, paraffin baths, warming up warm salt.

Mandatory with coughing are the regular airing of the room and wet cleaning. In the absence of fever, the doctor can also recommend physiotherapy for cough.

Mom, help please!!! a 6 month old cough. What to do?


Salaam Aleikum

Cough is not dangerous, but it is necessary to treat. Go to the pharmacy, ask what teas, potions and cough syrups are for this age, buy two different at once, for example, IOM and perthusin, and alternate - one may not work.

^^ Stimorol ^^

You will tell him the medicinal herbs. Chamomile or sage. This will calm the cough, naturally and for babies it's not real. Just calms the pain as a result of the growth of teeth.


Do not worry. All of you will be fine and the daughter will necessarily poprvitsya. Personally, I always lower the temperature with Efferalgan candles. They are much more effective than syrups and without any additives, which is very important. I did not fail the candles even once. As for the tooth, the throat usually does not turn red during growth. Not hearing that the teeth give a sore throat and cough. It is difficult to say what to do with a cough, because I do not know what kind of cough your little one has. BUT!!! If she coughs at night - then it's healthy. T. To. Only day time tussis it is bad. Try to warm the baby breast. And if the throat is really a little red then you do not need to treat it. Just watch the cough (again I do not know how she coughs)


To begin with, candles are not put at such a high temperature. The doctor said correctly to Nurofen's account. About the teeth: when the teeth are cut, the immunity of the child goes down and the cold can add to the teeth. At the temperature nothing warming from coughing can not be done. (I mean stewards and triturate "badger"). But as soon as the temperature drops you can do the warming up: the day of the stovemia, the day of grinding. And more, if the cough is wet, you can give syrup from the cough "Gedelix" and take pictures together syrup "Erespal dosage in anatomy. And the sick gums lubricate with "kalgel" .Reduce!


Doctor MOM syrup for babies.

Julia Borisovna

Coughing is a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to mechanical, chemical or inflammatory irritation. Cough is used by the body of the child, as a physiological function to clean the respiratory tract from what should not normally be there.
With some pathological conditions (asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.) ) a very large amount of, often, viscous sputum is formed in the respiratory tract. With the help of a cough, the baby's body cleanses the respiratory tract, so suppressing cough, especially in such situations, can lead to a marked deterioration in the child's condition.
Many respiratory tract infections are accompanied by a cough that does not require medical treatment and passes itself for a short enough time. The main way to treat this cough is to drink and moisturize the inhaled air.
Cough reflex in children is congenital, however, the ability to cough up phlegm develops with age and reaches an acceptable level by the age of 4-5 years.
In very young children, the nasopharynx is arranged so that most of the mucosal secretions in the cold flows down the back wall of the pharynx and falls on the vocal cords, irritating them and causing a reflex cough. The same thing happens when teeth are erupted, when salivation increases (to make it clearer - you yourself feel about the same feeling when you "swallow" with saliva).
Thus, prescribing to a small child refluxing and thinning medications is not only ineffective, but can also lead to unpleasant consequences.
The main feature of cough medicine is that there is still no real scientific research that determines the effectiveness and safety of most cough medicine. Doses given to children are in fact extrapolated from adult doses, that is, the exact dosages for children are unknown and unspecified. Side effects, up to the most severe, associated with taking medication "from a cough are repeatedly described in the specialist literature.
Cough in ARVI is a self-passing condition, which is treated with copious drinking and moistening of the air.
Is it necessary, dear parents, to give medicines to a child, exposing his health to risk where there is enough parental love, patience and abundant drink?

Galina Petrikova

add more aromatherapy: pour some water into the aromalampum and 3-4 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, cypress, spruce, mint, lemon, but not more than 3 components at a time. and the air will be moistened.

Alla Shulgina

Maria Panina! And what does it mean that candles are not put at high temperature?
After all, candles are-to reduce the temperature, at what temperature do they put it? Only at high! And really, it's better than candles than syrup!

Elena Pustovalova

give the baby mukaltin, it is inexpensive and on herbs, 1/4 tablets per teaspoon of water, will help 100%, it helped us!

Elina Pinchukova

I give gedelix, we are well helped (gave in 7 months), I in your place called again an ambulance, they come across a lot smarter physicians, medical assistants, let them listen once more-this is their job, do not hesitate to call again, as two opinions say well, and three more better


Cough in the background of teeth is common. The first baby is still not known, scary.
- how is your appetite? Behavior? Mode? Runny nose there?
Do inhalations, they can be from birth. A useful thing with an infant nebulizer.

How to treat a cough in a 6-month-old baby

Young children often catch cold or fall ill with infectious diseases accompanied by coughing. If a six-month-old kid suffers a cough, then in no case should one do self-medication. Only a doctor can prescribe a drug and determine its dosage.


  1. The treatment of a cough in a six-month-old child should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, rather than at alleviating the symptom. To ease the condition of a small patient, you can use several techniques.
  2. If the cough is caused by bronchitis, then take the baby more often in your arms and pat it on the back, this will help clear the bronchi. Often, drink the baby, the liquid removes toxins from the body and liquefies phlegm. With bronchitis, children are usually prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines and expectorant medicines.
  3. If a cough appeared in a six-month-old child against a background of acute respiratory diseases, use as an expectorant means broth mother-and-stepmother, plantain juice, fruit extract anise. Do not forget that all new products (including curative decoctions) should be given to the child, starting with small trial doses, to make sure that there is no allergy. But these funds serve only as auxiliary, and restrict treatment only to folk recipes should not be. The action of decoctions of medicinal herbs has a short period of action, and an increase in the number of receptions will be to cause the appearance of excessive sputum, with which the organism of a small child can not cope yourself.
  4. As the main means for cough treatment in ARI and ARVI children are usually prescribed "Acetylcysteine" or "Ambraxol". These drugs have the property of diluting sputum, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. What exactly the drug should be taken in your particular case and at what dosages your doctor will determine.
  5. For the complex treatment of cough in six-month-old children is recommended to use at home and a light massage of the chest area. This action will help improve sputum discharge.
  6. Massage with light movements, stroking clockwise combine with tapping and patting movements. Conduct and massage the reflex zones (for example, the feet). The effectiveness of the massage can be increased by applying the herbal balm "Bronchicum" or "Doctor MOM".

How to cure a cough in a 6-month-old baby?



Try to give lime tea. (Lime in bags of chemist's - 1 pack for 200 grams, brew - give in a warm form. And it is better to address to the doctor


ocilococcinum - the best option
this extract from the liver ducks barberry, helps

Iveta Belevtsova

A very good thing is IRS-19, but in general look for a homeopath.


Before you give anything to determine the cause, my son coughed because of the simple fluff in the pillow. And with a cold, it is good to rub out with goose fat, to make inhalation with mineral water (if there is a special inhaler)

Gift I)

This year's cough is some bad. I can not cure myself for a month.
When my children were small, the medicine with the extract from the plantain helped very well, but I do not know if it's possible for such a malepusik. Very good for inhalation with eucalyptus (small jars are sold at the pharmacy.


Necessarily to the doctor - to check up lungs! The cough itself is not dangerous, but it is necessary to look for the cause, you can have a small nozzle - rinse the spout every 2 hours with salted water (there are special sprays in pharmacies). If the lungs are clean - something expectorant (we were prescribed Mukolit). If a long time does not pass, ask for a direction for fluorography, so you will be told exactly the condition of the lungs and bronchi.


Yes, of course to the doctor, there is an old way for them to be treated, take a black radish, wash well cut off the tip, hollow inside the dimple and put a spoon there honey, there is some time for about 2 hours somewhere, and the juice is formed, which helps a lot to squeeze, drink it and then go back to the spoon of honey... and so it is possible for a day 2-3. Helps, but probably older children... Licorice is still good at coughing helps at the pharmacy is on sale.


I cured a cough from my daughter for 2 Neili medication - Ambrobene (syrup).


Little children are well helped by rubbing at night. Buy on the market pork interior fat, you need quite a bit of gram100 is quite enough, cut finely, fold in a jar and rastpite on a water bath (a jar of lard put in a pan with boiling water. Precipitated, 3-4 tbsp. Spoon the liquid fat with 1 h. l. honey, let cool to a warm state and rub the baby around the sternum and on the back. Wear cotton underwear and on top of something warm, after a while the child sweats, be sure to change clothes, 2-3 times rubbing charez a day is enough that bronchitis prshel.

Lilia Khairova

Cabbage leaf is smeared with honey and put like a mustard plaster. I believe that every other day. Iodine mesh is also. Aflubin. Do not combine homeopathy with essential oils - it stops helping.
PS: My 6 months in the middle of summer: drafts, heat, terribly ill. Just the same lungs cough. I realized that the doctors would just heal to death. I cried, of course. Night. Cough, dry and terrible. At 6 am I picked it up and jerked it to the nearest church. At 7 was already there. Service - at the ninth hour. And I slept and ate (I went to the christening house), and sweated heavily, and it was cold in the temple (it was raining outside in the morning), a draft. Communicated and I still gave a service warrant, with the Virgin. In general, by the evening we were healthy. And then and then I perceived this miracle, as a matter of course. Well, it could not be otherwise for some reason. And only now I realize how God is All-Good.

ира хахаева

and there is also a hippy tea from coughing you can also serve it

nadezda novikova

Rastirat skipidarnoi masiju na no4.O4en pomogaet!

Prue Holliwell

I gave my child a cumin from the second time helped.


We bought Gedelix, a very good remedy, three days later (we are 10 months old.) Recover!

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