Accelerated metabolism: how to accelerate metabolism in the body and metabolism for weight loss at home

I believe that you can guess that people with fast metabolism do not have problems with being overweight. Each of us has at least one friend who successfully eats buns, sweets, can eat well at night, by the way, much later than six in the evening and does not recover.

Let's look at how to speed up the metabolism in the body and metabolism for losing weight at home, as far as possible and really do it yourself.


What is simple metabolism

Metabolism - represents a complex of chemical reactions that support life in the physical body. These reactions decompose the food and liquid that we get into nutrients. These substances become a building material for new cells. They participate in the renewal of tissues, affect growth, reproduction, health and aging of the body.

Under the metabolism is meant metabolism .

The process of metabolism is conventionally divided into two processes:

  1. destruction or catabolism - organic substances that get to us with food break down into simple ones;
  2. synthesis( anabolism ) - simple substances are converted into complex substances. Our body synthesizes nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

For example, bodybuilding, with intensive training, if you do not make up protein reserves, muscle catabolism occurs. Therefore, before and after training, athletes drink protein cocktails that trigger the process of anabolism - muscle growth. Similarly, from an excess of high-calorie food and a sedentary lifestyle, an anabolism of fat tissue is triggered in the body.

Why is it important to increase the metabolism for weight loss? Adipose tissue is an energy depot. If you increase the metabolic rate, energy costs will increase. This will inevitably lead to loss of fat mass.

What determines the metabolic rate - metabolism

The rate of metabolism is the body's ability to receive energy from nutrients. And also to spend it quickly. People with active metabolism practically do not accumulate extra pounds. Since all nutrients are consumed to generate energy. Conversely, people with a slow metabolism burn calories very tightly. As a result, they are overweight. This means that the rate of metabolic processes in each individual. And it depends on many factors.

Let's look at the factors that affect the rate of metabolic processes:

  1. Gender .So it is inherent in nature - in men metabolic processes are faster than in women. That's why they need to consume more calories. Burns accordingly, too, more.
  2. Heredity .Slow or fast metabolism can have a hereditary factor. A simple example: in one family, two full members of the family and two lean. Son and father are thin, and my mother and daughter are pampushechka. It is clear that the diet of all is the same, and the rhythm of life too. Daughter and son can visit the pool, spend a lot of time on the street, be mobile and so on. At the same time one child is overweight, the second has no such problem.
  3. Age of the .Unfortunately, it is scientifically proven that metabolism slows down at 30 years. After 40 years, the metabolism slows down by 5% -10%.And so in the future occurs every 10 years. Some researchers suggest that the reason for the decrease in muscle mass. Therefore, after 30 it is impossible to reduce physical activity. And if the metabolism is already slow, it needs to be increased. And after 50 years to swing the metabolism is even more difficult.
  4. Muscle mass .Constantly growing muscles take a lot of energy and resources from the body. To make up for them, metabolic processes are accelerating. If you take two people with the same weight, more people can burn calories by doing sports or hard physical work.
  5. Ration .No wonder all dieticians say that a day should drink at least 1.5 liters of water. After violations of water balance lead to a slowing of metabolism. Accordingly, those who consume enough fluids have a good metabolism. As for food, if protein predominates in the diet - the metabolism passes faster. Even in the evening you can eat tightly, but only with the knowledge of how to do it right.
  6. Thyroid function .All processes in our body are guided by hormones. Often, disruption of the thyroid leads to acceleration( hyperthyroidism) or slowing( hypothyroidism) of metabolism.

How to speed up the metabolism for losing weight at home

If you have recovered, although the diet and lifestyle has not changed - do not worry and do not lose hope. You can restore metabolism at home. To do this, do not necessarily go to a dietician. Although the advice of professionals has not harmed anyone yet. First, watch an interesting video.

It is highly recommended to swing your metabolism with the help of intensive energy inputs. They are associated with nutrition, physical activity, the effect of special drugs.

Before moving on to the main ways to speed up metabolism, Olga Sologub, the author of the http: // website gives some tips:

  1. Eat omega fatty acids. It is these substances that stimulate thermogenesis. This is the ability of the body to synthesize heat to accelerate metabolic processes. Such acids are in linseed oil, olive, fish, nuts and eggs, avocado.
  2. Physical activity is important. If you spend more calories than get from food - you will lose weight. Try to walk more. At lunch time, do not sit in the office, go to the store, take a walk in the park. Accustom yourself at least to daily exercise.

Restoring the metabolism proper nutrition

Probably, it's common to talk about it, but it's bad - to overeat and starve. The body starts to put fat in reserve. Slows down all processes in order to save energy for life. You will lose weight if you are hungry, but how to start eating fully and normally - greatly recover, because the metabolism has slowed.

How to eat, not to recover

We list the most important five positions:

  1. Normalization of power supply .Take a little food, but more often. The body spends much more energy than with fractional nutrition. It is more useful to eat 5-7 times than to eat the same amount of food for three meals. There is one more moment when the signal of hunger arrives, all processes are slowed down. If you expend energy in a hungry state, you will spend less. Than if you spent it, being full.
  2. Follow the calories of .If you exceed the daily amount of calories, and yes even there are 7 times a day, there will be a disaster! The number of calories you need depends on weight and age. And also your way of life.
  3. Do not skip breakfasts .Breakfast starts our metabolism. Most people peak in the first half of the day. Therefore, after breakfast, you will spend more energy than after lunch or dinner. There is another point, many do not have breakfast, but at lunch they eat a double portion. If you do this, you will not lose weight.
  4. Take your food at least 4 hours before sleep. This is important, if you go to bed at 23:00, then you can eat tightly at 19:00.The main thing for dinner is not to eat fast carbohydrates. Give preference to protein, vegetables and sour-milk products.
  5. Once a week, do a fasting day for .Such days allow to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Cleanse your body of all the hazards that accumulated over the week. It is best to do fasting days with fiber. It can be raw vegetables and fruits.

How to choose weight loss products

  1. If we talk about products, the metabolism is well accelerated by proteins .For their processing the body spends a lot of energy. What protein products contribute to weight loss.
  2. Take fiber as .It causes a feeling of saturation, and even as a sponge absorbs harmful substances. Since it is not digested, these harmful substances are withdrawn together with it.
  3. Be sure to include seafood in .They increase leptin in the blood, it stimulates the work of the intestines and speeds up the emptying. This leads to weight loss. Do not forget about spices .Many fat burning cocktails contain mustard, red pepper , and cinnamon .
  4. Eat beans , they are classified as slow carbohydrates, and also rich in protein. Do not go to fat, perfectly saturated. On their digestion the body spends a lot of energy.
  5. Do not forget about fruit and vegetables , they are the source of fiber .
  6. Plus, drink more liquid - a simple water .Do not forget about green or herbal teas .They will accelerate your metabolism by 5% if you consume them daily.

How to swing metabolism with

Now let's talk about tablets .To accelerate the metabolism used a number of pharmacological drugs. Olga Sologub writes that he is not a supporter of this method of losing weight. She believes that there should be medical indications for taking medications.

If you decide to drink tablets, since nothing helps - check thyroid .If you have hypothyroidism, you need iodine. It is best to do ultrasound and go to endocrinologist .Here I will describe only the main points.

  1. Anabolic steroids .These drugs are widely used by bodybuilders. The main action - the synthesis of protein, respectively, reduction of fat cells in favor of muscle. Since protein is the basic building material of muscle. The drug accelerates the metabolism, leads to intense fat burning.
  2. Stimulators of ( caffeine, guarana).These drugs stimulate motor activity. After their adoption, a second wind opens. It feels like a motor in one place. Do not feel tired, stamina increases. In addition, caffeine and guarana accelerate metabolism. Fat is burned more intensively, so weight loss occurs.
  3. Thyroxine .This drug is prescribed for hypothyroidism. It blocks appetite and increases stamina. Also, thyroxine accelerates metabolism and burns fat. Often it is used by bodybuilders during the drying period. Remember that this is a strong hormone, which is very harmful to a healthy thyroid gland! See the side effects and think 10 times.
  4. Dinitrophenol .To date, it is one of the most powerful fat burners. It can increase the metabolic rate to 50%.Affects the body at the cellular level, has serious side effects. The recommended dosage is not more than 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  5. Thermogenics .These are also powerful fat burners, refer to sports nutrition. The principle of action is the increase of body heat production, suppression of appetite, activation of CNS activity. Acquire the drug better from the famous brand. Olga Sologub advises to look for reviews on a particular remedy before buying.

Accelerating the metabolism of folk remedies

Let's talk about harmless and simple ways to improve metabolism.

  1. The sleep is the very first tool. Regular lack of sleep leads to a malfunction of metabolism. You can not sleep less than 7 hours a day. It has been scientifically proven that after a few days of not getting enough sleep, the metabolic rate decreases by 2.6%.
  2. Sauna or bath - still a proven method of losing weight. Heat leads to the breakdown of fats into simpler constituents. They are used by the body to replenish energy. If you do not have contraindications to thermal procedures, the sauna will help to accelerate the fat metabolism. Just do not forget to drink as much water as possible.
  3. Herbal baths - perfectly stimulate sweating and accelerate fat metabolism. In addition, they tighten the skin and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. You can make mono-decoctions, or complex mixtures of several herbs. For example, broths of mint, linden, St. John's wort.
  4. Massage is a very effective tool once or twice a week. You can make it with a stiff washcloth while taking a bath or shower. You can use a massager, and you can do a can of massage. Such procedures stimulate blood circulation, and thus accelerate the flow of useful substances into cells.
  5. Medicinal herbs - do not rush to run for pills to suppress appetite or weight loss in a pharmacy. Try to brew in equal proportions: peppermint + parsley + buckthorn bark + dandelion root + fennel. All components must be boiled in a water bath for about half an hour. Drink before breakfast for 15-20 minutes. Tea has the same property from the sequence. On the package, read how to brew it and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  6. Smoothies for weight loss - I recommend to include them in your diet instead of snacking pechenyuhami. If you drink this drink daily instead of one meal, you will lose weight. These drinks are low-calorie, and most importantly contain fiber.

How to speed up metabolism and lose weight at home: advice and recommendations

Every woman and girl wants to be beautiful and slim. But most of them do not even suspect that an important role in losing weight and maintaining the body in its tone is metabolism, it is also a person's metabolism.

And after all often the problem of excess weight is caused by the slowed down metabolism.

Consider the rules and ways how to speed up the metabolism for losing weight at home, without exerting special efforts.

How to eat to speed up the metabolism for weight loss?

There are often and in small portions of .A significant period of time between meals( more than three hours) is perceived by the body as a forced hunger strike, and it turns into a "saving mode" of energy, slowing the rate of metabolic processes to preserve that energy and prevent hunger.

Food should be taken every 2-3 hours and in small portions to constantly keep the metabolism "in a tonus."

You can not starve in order to regulate metabolism. Consumption of food, the total calorie content of which per day will be less than a thousand kilocalories, will signal to the body what you will find in the fasting regime, and it will again store the stored energy by reducing the metabolic rate.

According to studies, the intensity of the basic metabolism during the hunger strike is on average reduced by 25-30%.

And what about other side effects of such a radical restriction in nutrition? At this time, dizziness, general weakness, and hungry faints are possible. Intensive physical training during this period is practically excluded.

Do not skip breakfast .At night, all the systems of the human body continue to work, but as food does not flow at this time, the metabolism slows down.

And if after a long night the cells do not get the necessary amount of nutrients in the form of a full breakfast, the metabolic rate during the day will remain approximately at the same level as in the night.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, in any case, do not refuse breakfast. A full and nutritious breakfast will not only speed up your metabolism, but will also charge you with energy for the whole day.

In the morning meal must be present slow carbohydrates and proteins.

Discard the diets .For normal life of a person, he needs a certain amount of nutrients( proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

And during diets, especially mono-diets or diets, excluding certain groups of foods, the body does not receive the right amount of substances, and therefore, and receives less energy.

Therefore, it adjusts to its stock, reduces the metabolic rate and accumulates fat. After all, fat for the body is the best source of energy.

As you can see, diets in no way help to lose weight, but rather the opposite - gain weight as fatty deposits. On the improvement of metabolism, we also do not have to talk.

Alternate the calorie content of .To start metabolism for weight loss, you need to alternate calorie.

The human body is designed in such a way that it is able to adapt to any changes. That is, if for a long time you stick to the same daily caloric content( in particular, reduced), in pursuit of weight loss, your metabolic rate will decrease.

Therefore, sometimes( about once a week) it is worth giving the body some rest, eating more calorie foods or meals to exceed your normal calorie rate.

What is there to speed up the process of metabolism and lose weight?

Eating with high-protein in foods such as meat, fish and eggs will help start metabolism. The reason for this is that the protein has a high thermal effect, that is, the body spends a lot of energy to get it, transport and assimilate it.

According to the American dieticians, the process of protein digestion activates the energy expenditure of the body( that is, the burning of calories) by almost 2 times.

It is also important that the protein is the main designer of the human muscles, which play a huge role in enhancing metabolism.

Include more protein food in your daily diet to restore metabolism in the body.

Increase the fiber intake of .To assimilate the body of foods that contain fiber in large quantities( fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans), takes quite a long time, and therefore the level of insulin in the blood is kept at the same level for several hours. And with a stable and normal level of insulin( a hormone that is responsible for the deposition of fat on a "rainy day"), the metabolism is accelerated to 10%.

In addition, the consumption of fiber gives a lasting sense of satiety, thus appeasing the appetite, which is very important in the process of losing weight.

Citrus fruit .Such fruits as mandarins, oranges, grapefruits and lemons, can not only positively affect the speed of metabolic processes. Their use in food stimulates the work of the digestive tract, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, removes harmful substances and excess water from the body.

Special attention should be paid to grapefruit, because this citrus fruit, in addition to all of the above, has a wonderful property to satisfy the feeling of the head for a long time.

In addition, grapefruit refers to products with a negative caloric value, that is, for its assimilation the body needs more energy than it was received from.

Ginger contains a special enzyme that helps in the digestive process, allowing the body to absorb and transport nutrients more efficiently.

In addition, eating ginger also contributes to better oxygen absorption in muscle tissues, which allows the body to burn calories at a higher rate.

In the diet, ginger can be included in fresh, dry and even pickled species, because it loses its magical properties that affect the acceleration of metabolism for weight loss.

Cinnamon .This fragrant spice can reduce blood glucose levels, which in turn causes an increase in the rate of metabolic processes and stimulates the body to break down fat reserves in order to obtain the necessary energy.

With prolonged use of cinnamon, you can observe the shift of the arrows of the scales to the left, that is, to a smaller side.

Red pepper .Using the red pepper in the diet, you can speed up the process of losing weight. Pepper contains capsaicin, which affects the heart rate and increases body temperature.

A portion of spicy food can quickly accelerate the metabolism at home by 25%, and for 3 hours. A light snack, flavored with hot pepper, will help burn more than 300 calories a day.

When the body is dehydrated, body temperature decreases. And to raise or maintain the necessary temperature, the metabolism slows down, and the body begins to accumulate fat.

Therefore, do not allow dehydration, make sure that you drink enough pure water to avoid this metabolic trap. The norm of water per day is the value that is calculated by multiplying the number of your current weight by 30.

By the way, when a person drinks cold water, it also speeds up the process of metabolism. After all, the body has to spend its energy to "warm up" the temperature of the water.

Coffee .One cup of coffee on the average contains 200 mg of caffeine, which is a stimulant of the central nervous system. Consumption of 2 to 3 cups of coffee during the day, according to researchers, will help increase metabolism for burning fat by as much as 5%, even in a state of complete rest.

In addition, caffeine can increase the endurance of the cardiovascular system, which allows you to more effectively conduct training, both cardio and power.

If you are not used to drinking so much coffee, start with one cup a day, otherwise unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and unreasonable anxiety, can occur.

Green tea .In its composition, it contains caffeine and catechins, both of which contribute to an increase in the level of thermogenesis, which increases the energy costs of the body, which means it burns more calories even when the body is at rest.

Daily intake of three cups of green tea throughout the day can improve metabolism by 4.8%.Also, the consumption of green tea by 16% increases the amount of fat reserves a, which the body uses as a source of energy.

Group B vitamins .Taking a complex of B vitamins, you can quickly disperse the metabolism for weight loss. According to British researchers, vitamins such as thiamine( vitamin B1) and niacin( vitamin B3) are of great importance for many body processes, including metabolism.

Deficiency of one or more of these vitamins can cause fatigue, impairment of the nervous system and a decrease in muscle function.

And since metabolism is largely supported by muscle function, which takes energy in the form of glucose and turns it into fuel, then with a deficiency of B group vitamins, metabolism can slow down.

Omega-3 fatty acids .Omega-3 fatty acids regulate the level of leptin in the body, in particular, reducing it. This substance is responsible for the metabolic rate and for the solution - to burn fat or store it.

These acids are found in large quantities in fatty fish - trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel and in plant products - walnut, beans, Chinese cabbage, flaxseed.

Folic acid .This acid in its composition contains: leafy vegetables;carrot;eggs;liver;beans;oranges;yeast;wheat bran.

If you include these products that accelerate metabolism in your diet, you can cleanse the body of harmful substances, as well as strengthen the immune system.

Chrome .This microelement plays an important role in burning fats and carbohydrates in the body, and also helps insulin reduce blood sugar.

The human body can not produce chrome by itself, so it is necessary to replenish its reserves from mineral food.

Sources of chromium are:

  1. vegetables - cabbage, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, corn;
  2. cereals - buckwheat, wheat, rye, oats;Beans - peas.

Iodine .Iodine activates the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolic processes in the human body.

The most rich in iodine are the seafood, namely:

  1. sea kale( kelp);
  2. fish - tuna, salmon, halibut, cod, herring, flounder, sea bass;
  3. marine delicacies - oysters, scallops, squid, shrimp, mussels, crabs.

Calcium .In addition to the fact that calcium is the main component in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth, it also takes part in the processes of digesting food, transporting nutrients to tissue cells, and also helps in the removal of excess fat.

Calcium rate for an adult is 800-1200 mg per day, and it can be obtained from: sesame seeds, almonds;poppy;beans;dairy products;watercress;rose hips.

How to accelerate the metabolism of sports?

One of the best ways to speed up the metabolism in the body for weight loss, is to increase the amount of muscle mass of the body.

1 kg of muscle tissue burns about 100 kcal per day. Fatty stocks do not actually participate in the process of burning calories. This happens only when you expose your body to intense training, and the work of muscles requires more energy than at rest and the body starts using its own fat.

Anaerobic( power) training can be limited to working with your own weight - squats, push-ups, abdominal exercises - or add a complex with dumbbells. This is an option for those who do not have the opportunity to attend gyms and fitness clubs. After all, you can do fitness at home.

And if you regularly perform weight training and strengthen muscle mass, you will accelerate the metabolism and will actively spend calories even lying on the couch.

Those who systematically engage in sports, using intense aerobic exercise, can disperse the metabolism. After cardio exercises increase the heart rate, and, consequently, accelerate the metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, within 12 hours after the most aerobic exercise, the body burns more calories for its recovery.

To aerobic loads that improve metabolism and promote weight loss, include:

  1. running;
  2. swimming;
  3. jumping rope;
  4. classes on the stationary bike and the orbitrek;
  5. roller skating and skating.

Sauna, sauna .Steam, enveloping and warming up the body, opens the pores, removes excess water and toxins from them, increases the circulation of blood in the cells and thereby accelerates the metabolism.

Also, regular sauna visits increase fat metabolism, as heat accelerates the process of fat decomposition into smaller components that will be used by cells as energy sources.

During a steam bath a person loses a lot of water, so after the procedure it is necessary to fill her stock to prevent dehydration.

Contrast shower .To accelerate the metabolism and maintain the elasticity of the skin of the body, a contrast shower( alternating cold and hot water) will come in handy. Also, this shower is very invigorating in the morning and will help tune in to the work day.

Alternation of water temperatures should be done several times for 20-30 seconds. To finish the water procedure is cold water, and then you need to thoroughly wipe yourself with a towel.

Hot bath .Taking hot baths for 10 minutes alternately with a contrast shower( every other day), it is possible to significantly disperse the metabolism for weight loss. There are several effective bath recipes to improve metabolism and lose weight:

Herbal bath with seaweed .20 g of fennel, 10 g of lavender, 30 g of rosemary, 50 g of seaweed. Pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist for 3 hours and pour into a bath with hot water. Mustard bath .A glass of dry mustard diluted in warm water and poured into a hot bath.

Lime bath .Strain the lime collection with boiling water and pour into a hot bath.

Bath with ethers .In a glass container, pour 2 tablespoons of salt, add to the salt 2 drops of essential oils of juniper, orange and cypress. Stir the salt and pour into a bath filled with hot water.

Massage will increase the metabolism for weight loss .Energetic massage improves blood circulation, and therefore stimulates human metabolism. You can visit a professional masseur or do home self-massage, including anti-cellulite.

In the pharmacy you can buy special vacuum jars, learn the technique of anti-cellulite massage by banks and proceed with the procedure. Such vacuum massage improves microcirculation of blood, and also promotes the removal of excess fluid and toxins. For the best effect during the procedure, it is recommended to use special massage oils or warming creams.

At home, you can yourself hold a honey massage, which is a pat on the parts of the body on which honey is applied.

Thus, systematic massage sessions will help accelerate metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat deposits and get rid of cellulite.

Essential oils .The use of essential oils in the recipes of wraps, in scrubs, creams and massage oils will also positively affect the rate of metabolic processes.

Ethers improve blood circulation, accelerate lymph flow, normalize water and fat balance of the body, eliminate puffiness.

It is worth paying special attention to essential oils: orange;grapefruit;cypress;juniper;rosemary;geranium;cinnamon.

Healthy sleep will help to speed up the metabolism for weight loss. A deep eight-hour sleep promotes the development of a growth hormone in the body of self -otropin, which directly affects metabolism.

A lack of sleep disturbs the biological rhythms of a person and his hormonal background, which leads to increased appetite and a decrease in the metabolic rate.

Walking in the open air .Regular walks especially on sunny days will not only be a pleasant exercise, but will also saturate the body with oxygen, which also plays a very important role in metabolic processes. Only you do not have to walk along the city's dusty streets, but in the park areas.

In addition, fresh air and sun always give a powerful positive charge, and the entire human body comes into tonus.

Therefore, do not always sit in a cage of four walls. Walk more often, give active loads to your body, and you will be healthy and cheerful!

Extreme entertainment. An interesting fact - adrenaline helps to lose weight. Standing out at moments of excitement, this hormone accelerates metabolism and promotes the splitting of fat.

So the practice of extreme sports or regular trips to the amusement park will not only become a wonderful entertainment and will raise the mood, but also help get rid of excess kilograms.

Intimate relationship with the opposite sex. Strangely enough, it helps to speed up the exchange processes.

In addition to the fact that during an amusing entertainment the body spends a lot of energy, and during their logical completion( orgasm), the oxygen saturation of the blood is increased, and the cells of tissues receive more nutrients.

What can I get rid of to speed up metabolism at home?

Bad habits of .Even a child knows that alcohol and tobacco have a negative impact on human health. In addition, these substances contain poisons, which gradually poison all the systems of the body, which affects the rate of metabolic processes.

Alcohol reduces growth hormone, and nicotine leads to dehydration of the body due to the fact that the body intensively removes toxins with the help of liquid.

If you are determined to accelerate metabolism and lose weight, reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages to a minimum, limiting yourself to only one glass of dry wine per week, and better, and completely refuse it.

For smokers, the only way out is to get rid of this pernicious habit!

Laziness .Even if you come up with a thousand and one excuses not to go to the gym or do fitness at home( and it's all a matter of laziness), then make sure that even if you are engaged in ordinary household chores or at work, you are more often in motion.

For example:

  1. If your office is 2-3 stops away from your home, walk this distance.
  2. Forget the lifts. Even if you live on the 10th floor, walk this path on foot.
  3. Switch channels of the TV not by means of the panel, but manually.
  4. Find any convenient moment to show physical activity and finally forget about laziness!

Stresses of .Stress releases fatty acids that are redistributed through the circulatory system and stored in fat. Speed ​​up metabolism and lose weight in such cases will not succeed, so avoid stress.

And the following techniques will help you:

  1. Sit on a chair or a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax.
  2. Focus on a pleasant thought. Deeply and slowly inhale and relax all the muscles, from the head to the toes.
  3. Do this exercise several times.

Make self neck massage .Place your thumbs under your ears, and the rest along the back of your head. Make small circular movements with all your fingers for 10 seconds.

Now you know all the secrets how to speed up the metabolism for losing weight at home.

If you began to recover, do not despair. Begin with nutrition and physical activity.


  1. Editorial by Olga Sologub from http: // kak-uskorit-metabolizm-dlya-pohudeniya / .
  2. .

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