Orvi in ​​infants

SARS in infants

Often for adults, ARVI is just an excuse to take an antiviral drug, even on a sick-list they rarely go out with such a diagnosis. But, if the child is sick, the reaction is completely different. SARS in a baby often causes a panic in the parents. In fact, everything is not so scary.

SARS in infants

Immunity of a young child is not yet fully formed, so it is difficult to resist viruses. How to treat acute respiratory infections in infants is better to learn before the baby gets sick, so that parents can effectively resist the virus. The organism is able to fight viruses, the main task of parents is to help them in this.

To combat the disease, the baby should drink as much as possible, preferably warm boiled water or a favorite fruit compote. The most important medicine for a baby is Mom's breast milk. It contains immunoglobulins, which take an active part in the confrontation with the virus.

The main danger of ARVI is the possibility of complications. Therefore, treatment of acute respiratory infections in infants should be started on time. It is very important to monitor the humidity in the child's room, clean and air. Dry air contributes to the fact that mucus becomes thick, and ARVI can develop into a much more serious disease.

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It is equally important to wash the baby's nose with a special saline solution. If the temperature rises above 38, it must be knocked down with a suspension or rectal suppositories with paracetamol or ibuprofen, it is very important to observe dosage and application intervals. But the most important thing: only a doctor can treat a child and prescribe drugs to him.

Symptoms of SARS in infants

The kid can not "tell" what hurts him, so parents need to pay attention to all the changes in behavior of the crumbs. Capriciousness, anxiety, drowsiness, tearfulness, stool breaking - all this can be symptoms of ARVI. Of course, the temperature indicates the disease, but in the first months of life the temperature is up to 3, it is normal. Parents should remember: with any suspicions that the baby is sick, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician, he will help to determine if the child is sick and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Prevention of acute respiratory viral infection in infants

For babies, the best prevention is mother's milk, but even if the baby is breastfed, this does not guarantee,

that the child does not hurt at all. Basic rules for the health of the baby:
  • regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the room;
  • clothes for the season: if the mother is hot in a T-shirt, a warm jacket is not needed and the baby;
  • complete nutrition: breast milk or age-appropriate formula;
  • active way of life and frequent walks.

Symptoms and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in infants are different, therefore, only a doctor should prescribe medicines.


How to treat ARVI in infants

According to research, the urban child is on average ill with SARS 7 to 10 times a year. If the child is healthy, then in general, the SARS goes without a trace. The organism of the baby is imperfect. Therefore, not cured in time, the disease can lead to serious consequences. Children of this age should be better protected from infection. In particular, tempering from the diaper can reduce the incidence of the disease.

You will need

  1. Ventilate the room, moisten the air, boil raisins or rose hips, paracetamol or aspirin, change the diet of the baby.


  1. In case of illnessbabeARVIit is necessary to call a doctor at home. Because only he can accurately determine the nature of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.
  2. In the room of a sick baby, provide fresh air. In the summer, you can open the window wide open, and in the winter window. If the street is very cold and windy, then ventilate the room in the absence of the child (transfer it to another room). This is necessary in order to lower the temperature of the ambient air.
  3. Usually, in the cold season, the air in the room is dry because of the heaters. Therefore, it should be moistened. To do this several times a day, spend in the patient's room wet cleaning, you can put a container of water or use a humidifier.
  4. Ifbabethe temperature rose to 38 degrees, then it should be knocked down. Otherwise, convulsions may begin. To do this, leave a minimum of clothes on it. Since the body must be able to lose heat. In order not to dehydrate the body, it is necessary to give the child more to drink. The best drink for children of the first year of life is a decoction of raisins. If there is no it, it is possible to give to drink broth berries of a dogrose, a currant. The higher the temperature, the more often we drink.
  5. Change diapers more often, apply a cold compress to your forehead.
  6. If all the above described methods do not help, then at home you can give the baby two drugs - paracetamol (better in candles) and aspirin before the arrival of a doctor.
  7. The stomach of a sick kid also needs a sparing regimen. For example, a baby can increase the number of feedings to 10, reducing the volume of breast milk or mixture.
  8. If a child falls asleep, then do not wake him to measure temperature or give medicine. Except when it is vital. Sleep is one of the best treatments.


How to treat a 2 month old baby: flu and ARVI

Often after discharge from the hospital, children have weakened immunity and are prone to various diseases. Doctors say that the body of 2 month old child is defenseless before the pathogens of the acute respiratory infections and influenza. Breastfeed, as a rule, falls ill suddenly. However, the treatment started in time will facilitate the easier transfer of the disease and the rapid recovery of the baby.

How to treat ARVI in a 2 month old child?

This disease at such an early age has its own characteristics of treatment. The main rule is not to panic. Panic can provoke errors. Some begin to give the child strong drugs that only ruin his health. Others begin to tightly swaddle - this causes sweating and fever, tk. at children in 2 months thermoregulation mechanisms have not yet been formed to the end. Wrapping a child can have consequences in the form of a sudden rise in temperature.

At home in ARVI, the child can:

1. Prepare a medicinal herb (decoction of linden flowers). It is necessary to put a pipette in the mouth. Brew tea in a bag (1 packet for a mug of boiling water). Effective remedy for the disease broth chamomile or marigold. It can also be dripped in the mouth, and also used to rinse the nose, if the babe has a runny nose. Rinse your nose effectively with a special rubber pear.

2. Acquire in the pharmacy network antipyretics Viferon or Kipferon. Do not hurry to give the baby antipyretics until the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C. However, it is important to be extremely cautious if a 2-month-old child has had convulsions for fever. If there are convulsions, it is necessary to give antipyretics at a temperature of 37.5 ° C.

3. To wash the nose, some doctors recommend using ready-made products (Aquamaris, Fiziomir Marimer or Aqualor). After the rinse is complete, remove the remaining mucus with a cotton disc or stick.

Do not try to treat ARVI in a 2 month old child with antibiotics before the appointment of a doctor. Their use is allowed only in severe cases.

How to treat influenza in a 2 month old child?

When a child appears in the house, along with great happiness, parents are also greatly alarmed for the health of their child. When you have flu, you need to be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. This disease can cause very serious complications in 2 month old children. But to know how to treat at home with influenza in the baby, every parent is required.

1. If your baby gets sick, do not stop feeding it with breast milk, because for children this is the best medicine. Let the child drink a lot (decoctions of herbs or mors), breastfeed, mother's milk strengthens the immunity of the child.

2. The temperature of a 2-month-old baby should be knocked down, so as not to cause metabolic disorders and seizures. First try to physically cool the baby. It is necessary to undress the baby and remove the diaper. Wipe his hands with a tissue moistened in cool water (about +18 - + 20 ° C). If these methods do not help, use a rectal candle with Paracetamol, make an enema, and then give an antipyretic.

3. Since 2 monthly children have a fast metabolism, they can not be without food for a long time. But the stuffed nose interferes with normal feeding, so you need to express milk and feed the baby from the pipette.

4. Also, with the flu, the child is required to drink lime blossom and broth of wild rose.

5. Frequent cleaning of the spout, instillation with a solution of sea salt is necessary.

6. With a strong cough, you can treat a 2 month old child using a steam bath, but not at elevated temperature.

7. With this disease you need frequent walks in the fresh air, hygiene and ventilation of premises with wet cleaning.

8. A necessary part of the drug treatment of influenza in children are vitamins. Increased intake of vitamins can reduce the risk of complications and reduce the period of the disease. With the flu, you can take vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B2.

Consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Influenza in children can cause many complications of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. The most common complication of the disease is otitis media of the middle ear, which can lead to complete hearing loss. Before the doctor arrived, in no case do not give your 2-month-old child any chemical medications. A common antipyretic, which seems normal to you, can cause an allergy in a baby


Treatment of Orvi in ​​newborns



In order to be sure that the child is an ARVI, it is necessary to visit the doctor (call home). If it is exact ORVI, then: no medicine. The main thing is not to interfere with the body's ability to cope with the virus. To do this, maintain in the room the optimum temperature and humidity regime: the temp. 18grad., Rel. humidity 60-70% (in the apartments is uniquely drier, so buy an air humidifier). Especially it is important during the sleep of the child! When the body temperature of the baby rises above 3, give antipyretic (paracetamol, ibuprofen - in corresponding to the weight of the child doses), more often to drink (warm not sweet drinks, already familiar to the child or just boiling. water).
"In the overwhelming majority of cases, the body of a normal child, who is normally (naturally) is quite capable of coping with an acute respiratory viral infection without any outside assistance infection ".
The average duration of acute respiratory viral infection is 5-7 days.
Good health!

Irina Kobzar

do not play with fire. in newborns for a few hours, ARVI can give pneumonia.

Boris Aizikovich

To determine and make a diagnosis it is worth following the instructions of the previous defendant that it is necessary to see the diagnosis of the child. etc. for what would be advised to understand what is happening with the child, but for this it is necessary that we look at it

Inviolatta Vostrikova

produced by pediatrician appointments

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