How to get rid of allergies in the eyes

The physiological structure of the human eye does not at all contribute to its protection from allergens, a large number of which are in the air. This allows them to freely contact the mucous membranes of the nose or eye. In fact, an allergic reaction is a malfunction in the functioning of the immune system, when the latter perceives certain substances as foreign bodies hostile to the body. As a result, special compounds are produced that enter the bloodstream and cause a reaction, from which tissues and organs suffer. In different countries of the world, this disease affects 4-32% of the population, in Russia - about 1%.


  • 1Causes of allergy
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Possible complications
  • 4Methods of treatment
    • 4.1Medication
    • 4.2Traditional methods of treatment
  • 5Some recipes of folk medicine
  • 6Preventive measures
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Causes of allergy

Specialists identify several factors that contribute to the onset of the disease:

  • pollen: these are the smallest particles of some plants that are activated in the summer (most often in June-July). Pollen literally "floats" in the air and with the help of wind is carried to considerable distances. Among the most allergenic plants, one can note ragweed;
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  • dust: in room air there are often spores of fungi, particles of saliva of domestic animals, the products of mites;
  • low temperature and ultraviolet irradiation(allergy usually occurs in winter);
  • medicines (eg, antibiotics);
  • cosmetics: allergies cause substandard eye shadow, carcass, hairspray, as well as various creams and deodorants;
  • surgery on the eyes:here the cause of irritation can be the material used for suturing. It causes burning and itching, accompanied by redness;
  • infectious diseases:for example, it can be bronchial asthma or rhinitis;
  • strong wind:severe lacrimation and the appearance of discharge from the nose;
  • constant combing of the eyes, associated with the ingress of various bacteria from their hands (characteristic of young children).

An allergic reaction can exacerbate such negative aspects as drying out the mucous membrane of the eye and predisposition in the genetic plan.


They can be divided into two categories: chronic and acute. In the first case, the symptoms are not very painful and occur infrequently. The second option involves a sudden deterioration in health. The main signs of the allergic reaction:

  • sensation of "sand" in the eyes, accompanied by burning and cutting;
  • the appearance of a tumor on the eyelids;
  • redness of the skin around the eyes;
  • deterioration of vision and appearance of fear of bright light;
  • constant release of mucus and tears from the eyes.

The above symptoms usually occur in the beginning and in the middle of summer (the flowering period of plant-allergens), but in a number of cases, allergy symptoms can be alarming all year round.

Possible complications

With late referral to a doctor or an incorrect definition of the source of an allergic reaction, the following complications are possible:

  • conjunctival eye injury due to scratching;
  • the transition of inflammation to the cornea, which threatens the emergence of keratoconjunctivitis, leading to impaired vision;
  • atrophy of the eye mucosa;
  • the development of infection, resulting in the formation of bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • loss of vision (in rare cases).

If such complications arise in the nursing mother, then, depending on the complexity of the reaction of the body, it will be necessary to stop breastfeeding.

Methods of treatment

Allergic symptoms can be completely confused with the onset of the development of an infectious disease. Therefore, self-medication can lead to negative results - complications.

Consult an ophthalmologist: if he suspects an allergy to his eyes, he will prescribe the surrender of necessary tests that will help to make an accurate diagnosis.


First of all you need to minimize the contacts of the patient with allergens. Medication affects the use of several drugs in the complex:

  • hormonal ointments designed to eliminate edema, as well as inflammation of the eyelids;
  • drugs that cause vasoconstriction and eliminate itching: Vizin and Naphthysine;
  • antihistamines, eliminating tearing and a feeling of sand in the eyes:Erius, Amertil - preparations of the third generation;
  • drops for the eyes that remove redness: Allergodyl, Levocabastine (0, 05%), Cromoglycate (2%) and Okumil.

To treat the child will need non-hormonal drugs: for example, D-panthenol, or Bepanteyn.In this case, concomitant administration of immunostimulating agents is necessary. It can be fish oil or vitamins.

Traditional methods of treatment

First of all, you need to make sure the internal organs function properly.It is possible that your liver just does not have time to decompose the attacking toxins, or there is dysbiosis.

From the diet should be excluded from the salty, sharp and fried (smoked) products.

Some recipes of folk medicine

Initially, it is worth considering that some patients have an allergic reaction to a number of herbs. Therefore, use them carefully.

  1. Sowing oats.Pour a full glass, fill it with boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Then ½ of the mixture is removed, and what remains is cooked over low heat until a mixture of acidic consistency is obtained. The resulting solution drink in the morning on an empty stomach for three to four weeks. This product helps to remove toxins from the body and reduces itching.
  2. Birch juice.Particularly useful during the flowering of plants that produce pollen. Inside, take a couple of times a day for ½ cup for three weeks. The juice can be dripped directly into the eyes: three times every day, one drop for the same 25 days.
  3. Pharmacy chamomile.This medicinal plant can "boast" the presence of the strongest anti-inflammatory and antiallergic substance azulene. To use the plant, cook 1 hour. l. dried, place in a container 250 g and pour boiling water. The infusion time is half an hour. Then the solution is filtered through a pair of layers of gauze. In the eyes you need to dig in a couple of drops three times a day.

This solution can not only treat allergy to the eyes, but also wipe them after a long load on the organs of vision - for example, night duty or work.

Preventive measures

Keep a clean room and ventilate it in time to avoid dust. It is well collected heavy curtains and such large objects, as, for example, paintings in the frames. To prevent the appearance of dust from outside, place special filters in the windows.Try to use a blanket and pillows made of synthetic materials. Also it is necessary to limit contacts with domestic (and not only) animals.During the flowering season and the appearance of pollen, avoid hiking in nature. It is still undesirable to dry clothes on the street, since in this case allergic particles may settle on it. And the last thing: when windy and dry weather is not recommended to go out from 11 am to 6 pm.


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In conclusion, it should be added: in spite of the fact that millions of people are subject to the described eye disease, the percentage of deaths from this type of allergy is negligible. While the treatment does not present any difficulties and high costs in the financial plan. Here the main thing is to call the ophthalmologist on time and strictly observe his requirements.

Also read about diseases such as bacterial conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis in newborns.