Flatness: symptoms and treatment in adults and children


  • 1Acquired flat feet in adults: symptoms, causes and treatment
    • 1.1What is a flatfoot?
  • 2Flattening in adults and children: causes, symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1Symptoms of flat feet
    • 2.2Causes of flatfoot development
    • 2.3Types of flatfoot
    • 2.4Treatment of flat feet
  • 3How to identify and treat flat feet?
    • 3.1Causes of ailment
    • 3.2Kinds
    • 3.3Symptoms
    • 3.4Home test for flat feet
    • 3.5Treatment in childhood
    • 3.6Exercises
    • 3.7Massage
    • 3.8Corrective Insoles
    • 3.9Treatment of flat feet in adulthood
    • 3.10Exercises
    • 3.11Massage
    • 3.12Hot baths
    • 3.13Swimming
    • 3.14Orthopedic tabs
    • 3.15The right selection of shoes
  • 4Treatment of flat feet in adults and children at home
  • 5Flattening in adults: signs of disease and treatment at home
    • 5.1Symptoms
    • 5.2General recommendations
    • 5.3How to treat folk remedies?
    • 5.4What is not recommended?

Acquired flat feet in adults: symptoms, causes and treatment

Most often a person does not suspect that he has such a problem, because in the main it is asymptomatic.

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But if the process is very neglected, the pain sensations are clearly pronounced.

What is a flatfoot?

Flattening is a pathological condition in which the arch of the foot drops and it becomes flat.There are congenital and acquired flat feet. Congenital is extremely rare, it is the result of trauma or improper development of the limbs.

Acquired flat feet in adults: symptoms can occur at any time in a person's life. It is divided into such subspecies:

  1. Traumatic. It occurs as a consequence of fractures of the foot bones, and also if the ligamentous apparatus has been damaged.
  2. Ricket. This species appears because of the child's rickets. In this case, the bone tissue softens and deforms. The foot under the influence of weight and loads becomes flat.
  3. Paralytic. It occurs as a result of a transferred polio or paralysis of the lower limbs.
  4. Static. The most common form of this pathology. They suffer about 80% of all people diagnosed with flat feet.

The reasons for the static type are:

  • overweight;
  • heredity;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • constant load on the legs (heels, work, requiring to be always on your feet).

The acquired flat feet differ in features. Its appearance depends on which particular arch of the foot is deformed. If it is a transverse arch, then it is called transverse.

With a pathological change in the longitudinal arch, longitudinal flatfoot arises.

If both arches are deformed, a combined flat foot appears, which is the most common type of this pathology.

In addition, this ailment is divided into degrees:

  1. I degree. Changes are minimal, unpleasant sensations occur with prolonged exercise.
  2. II degree. The print of the foot is slightly blurred, with the load worried about the pain in the foot and shin.
  3. III degree. Changes are expressed quite strongly, deformation of the thumbs occurs, joint diseases appear, and painful sensations are disturbed even under insignificant load.
  4. III degree of flatfoot is a serious pathology. With its presence, young people are not allowed to serve in the army. In addition, this phenomenon requires mandatory medical supervision and treatment.

Flat-footedness is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, the symptoms of which are:

  • shoes worn to one side;
  • legs very quickly get tired;
  • pain in the foot after a load;
  • swelling;
  • increase in foot size;
  • pain in the joints of the legs and lower back.

To diagnose such pathology is not difficult. This can be done on your own. You just need to step on a wet foot on any smooth surface.

In the presence of pathology, the trail will resemble an insole from shoes. With a normal foot on the outside, only a thin strip will be visible.

Doctors, orthopedists to diagnose this condition appoint an X-ray of the foot. It clearly shows the deformation.

Treatment is often conservative. It is focused on stopping the development of this pathological process. The medical measures, most commonly used in this disease, include:

  • wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • use of orthoses;
  • foot massage;
  • Special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments;
  • taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • acupuncture.

These methods are used mainly for flatfoot I and II degrees. With flatfoot III degree, only surgery can help.

Its essence is to establish a special implant between the bones of the foot, supporting its arch in the right position.

When the physiological bend is restored, the implant is removed.

This fully applies to flat feet. Observing simple and understandable recommendations, it is possible to prevent the development of this ailment:

  1. It is necessary to wear only high-quality comfortable shoes, which fits in size.
  2. In no case can not wear someone else's shoes. After all, it takes the form of a foot of the previous owner.
  3. Do not abuse the wearing of shoes with high heels. Experts recommend wearing it for no more than 2 hours a day.
  4. Exercising. Including for the feet. This will strengthen the muscular system, which keeps the arch of the foot in the correct position.
  5. Weight normalization. With excess body weight, there is more chance of earning this ailment.
  6. Walking barefoot. This is a great way to prevent flat feet.
  7. Restriction of the load on the legs. This applies to those people who are forced to stay on their feet for a long time.
  8. Periodically make foot baths and relaxing massage.

Do not despair and panic when you hear the diagnosis of "flat feet".

If you follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, then this process will be suspended at an early stage.

Well, if the disease is started, then it is necessary to decide on surgical treatment to once and for all get rid of unpleasant sensations.

A source: http://ZdorovyeStopy.ru/deformaciya/ploskostopie/ploskostopie-priobretennoe-u-vzroslyx-prichiny.html

Flattening in adults and children: causes, symptoms and treatment

To the problem of flat feet include the violation of the shape of the human foot, which manifests itself in the omission of the longitudinal and transverse arches. Moreover, in the flat-foot, both longitudinal and transverse displacement are possible, as well as a combination of these two forms.

If we talk about the degrees of distribution of forms of flatfoot, then we note the following statistics:

  • The transverse flatfoot, together with other problems of foot deformity, occurs in 55% of patients.
  • Longitudinal in 29%.

Symptoms of flat feet

The main manifestations of flatfoot include the following symptoms, many of which are specific:

  • Pain syndrome, which is localized not only in the feet, but also spreads to the knees, hips, back.
  • Appearance of unnatural gait and posture.
  • Difficulties with the adoption of a certain position of the body, especially this refers to squatting.
  • There is a heavy gait.
  • There is a clubfoot.
  • Deformation process begins in the foot. Curvature of fingers, their stretching, the appearance of "bones" on the big toe.
  • Deformation of the knee joint.
  • Disproportionate development of muscles on the leg and shin.

Causes of flatfoot development

Just note that most often flat feet is an acquired problem. However, there are also congenital cases. The latter variant develops due to the lack of connective tissue. It is this kind of foot often denoted by the term "aristocratic".

An unfavorable factor, which can always lead to the development of flat feet, is an improperly made footwear. First of all, we are talking about a high heel and a narrow toe. With this shoe style, the leg does not rest on the entire foot, but only on the heads of the metatarsal bones.

The next reason for the development of flat feet is the absence of a relief surface on which the foot would step.

In other words, a constant presence on an even surface, which includes all modern types floors, as well as a thick and elastic coating, the type of carpet, adversely affects the functioning feet.

Constant walking only on such a surface does not allow the muscles and ligaments of the foot to work normally, and causes the foot to atrophy.

In children, flat feet are also associated with a complete lack of normal tension on the muscles of the foot.

In modern schools and kindergartens all floors are flat and solid, like houses.

Walking with the child is most often carried out on asphalt paths, that is, the child simply does not have the ability to keep the muscles of the foot in a tone.

Another reason for the development of flat feet is the child's wear of shoes, for example, for the elder brother or sister. Trying to save on buying new shoes leads to flat feet. The fact is that the old shoes are already mixed and incorrectly distributes the load on the foot.

At once we will notice, that for children's footwear there are the requirements:

  • Shoes should have a small heel.
  • Firm, hard back.
  • The brachial arch support.

It is this instep that plays the role of stones and stones for the foot, massaging its muscles and forcing them to work.

The cause of flat feet in an adult is always associated with excessive loads on the foot. And often the fault of this load becomes overweight.

In addition, people are prone to flat feet, for whom long standing on their feet on an even and smooth surface is a professional duty, for example, hairdressers or sellers.

Types of flatfoot

The problem can be divided into several types:

  • Transversal. In this case, the damage affects the transverse arch of the foot.
  • Longitudinal. The longitudinal arch is affected.
  • Congenital. This type of problem is established not earlier than the child's 5 years of age.
  • Traumatic. Here the cause is a fracture of some bones in the leg.
  • Ricket. It is caused by a constant load of body weight on a weak foot.
  • Static.

The most commonly encountered static flat feet, which is associated with the weakness of the muscles of the lower leg and foot.

Treatment of flat feet

The treatment of flat feet can be divided into several types, but they will all be part of a set of measures to correct the problem

First and foremost, you need gymnastics, which is hi to strengthen the muscles of the foot. In addition, it is important for a child to swim as much as possible and walk barefoot, the arch of the foot should constantly receive stimulation and loads.

In combination with physical exercises there is also a foot massage. Massage treatment not only removes fatigue of the foot, but also speeds up the metabolism and improves the whole process of circulation. And manipulations with the foot can be done independently, using simple rubbing and simple massage.

And the third direction of treatment is the right footwear. Yes, it's shoes. In combination with gymnastics and massage, the footwear fixes the improvement and does not allow the muscles of the foot to atrophy again. And here the best choice - shoes with soft soles and low heels.

A source: http://skoliozu.net/drugie-zabolevaniya/ploskostopie-u-vzroslyh-i-detej-prichiny-simptomy-i-lechenie/

How to identify and treat flat feet?

The human foot is a complex structure: it consists of 28 bones, 30 joints, 128 ligaments, 22 tendons and 49 muscles.

During walking these muscles, bones and tendons alternately strain, relax, become firm or elastic, depending on our movements.

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Normally, the foot should not touch the ground with its entire surface, contact occurs only at three points: the heel, the first metatarsal and the fifth metatarsal bones.

What is a flatfoot? This is a condition in which the foot is almost completely attached to the surface. This occurs as a result of changes in the shape of the foot (omission of the longitudinal or transverse arch). Pathology occurs in about 25% of the population.

It should be noted that flat feet in children under 5 years is a normal condition. The fact that babies are born with a fat fat pad of fat in the medial area of ​​the foot, but this the layer decreases with age and disappears completely (or does not disappear, but transforms into disease).

Today we list all types of flatfoot, and also tell you how to clean the problem yourself. With the help of massages, gymnastics and simple folk remedies, we can correct the shape of the foot and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Causes of ailment

The cause of flat feet is the inability of the muscles to maintain a normal arch. Their weakness and stretching occurs as a result of the action of such factors:

  • walking in early childhood on a flat hard surface, which does not force the muscles responsible for the arch of the foot;
  • excessive, prolonged load on the feet (standing or walking work);
  • contracture of the triceps muscle, which supports the heel;
  • muscular disorders (most often - against the background of congenital diseases of the spinal cord);
  • wearing incorrectly selected shoes (too tight);
  • frequent walking on high heels;
  • overweight (it increases the load on the foot);
  • family trend (the specific structure of the foot can be inherited genetically);
  • violation of the structure of the lower extremities (different length of legs, valgus curvature of knees, etc.);
  • prolonged immobility of the foot (after fracture of the leg or other trauma).

As you can see, there are many reasons for the development of this disease, but you can eliminate some of the risk factors yourself (for example, watch the weight, do not wear high heels, etc.).


There are two basic types of flatfoot:

  • longitudinal flatfoot (medial or lateral) - the arch is flattened longitudinally, changes are observed in the joints of the ankle and heel-talo-navicular joint, valgus curvature of the heel:
  • transverse flatfoot - a flattening of the transverse arch of the foot, a decrease in the length of the foot due to the divergence of the mold bones, valgus deformation of the first and fifth fingers.

Often, a man combines both forms of flatfoot (longitudinal-transverse).

Also distinguish several types of disease, depending on the degree of severity: flat feet of the first, second and third degree.

They are determined by the angle of the arch of the foot, either by the angle of the deviation of the first finger, or by the angle of deformation between the first and second metatarsal bones.

Other types of flatfoot:

  • traumatic (consequence of fractures and other injuries);
  • rachitic (occurs when the bone structure is weakened as a result of vitamin D deficiency, osteoporosis and other pathologies);
  • paralytic (due to paralysis of the muscles of the foot and / or tibia);
  • statistical (result of weakness of the leg and foot muscles).

To establish, what kind of a flatfoot developed in the patient, it is possible only after analyzes and anamnesis collection.


We list the symptoms of flat feet:

  • pain in the legs - pain in the anterior, lateral or posterior part of the foot (longitudinally or transversely), preventing normal walking or standing;
  • cornification of the plantar part of the foot;
  • sweating of feet, burning, often recurring fungal infections, calluses;
  • circulatory problems in the feet;
  • degenerative changes leading to deformation of the foot (valgus deformities);
  • pain in the lower extremities (region of the shins or knees);
  • reduced resistance to physical stress;
  • gait disorders and difficulty walking ("bear walk when a person leans on the inner edges of the feet);
  • chronic inflammation of the soft tissues of the feet;
  • swelling of the feet.

Over time, these symptoms will increase if the patient does not begin treatment.

Home test for flat feet

And now tell you how to determine flat feet at home (including how to determine the flat feet of a child).

So, let's start with the "adult" diagnosis. Take a clean paper sheet and spread it on the floor. Lubricate the foot with any fat and become it on this sheet, completely transferring the weight of the body to the tested leg.

Then take a look at the fatty print that remained after these manipulations. A normal foot has a deep notch on the inside (it occupies more than half the space).

With flatfoot, this notch is narrowed or absent altogether.

How to determine the flat feet of a child? If he is more than 4-5 years old, then the method described above will do. In younger children, it does not work, since in infancy the foot is filled with a fatty layer. Therefore, in this case, it only remains to observe the child's gait.

If the baby "clumps or, conversely, relies on the inner sides of the feet, it makes sense to suspect flat feet and get treatment.

It should be remembered that flat feet in children can pass by itself with age, so do not despair, and begin a set of measures to normalize the function of the foot.

Treatment in childhood

While the bone system is not yet formed, the flatfoot can be completely removed (and any species, both longitudinal and transverse). To do this, these methods are used.


The treatment of flat feet in adolescents is carried out with the help of exercises that strengthen the muscles of the arch of the foot and legs.

And, it is not necessary to force a toddler to perform boring gymnastics - you can use natural situations for this.

Good results are given by walking barefoot on a soft surface - grass, sand, thick and fluffy carpet (at the same time remember that walking on a hard surface, on the contrary, contributes to the development flatfoot!).

Another great exercise for the feet is walking on pebbles or shells. The child instinctively will rise on toes, as a result of which his muscles will work and strengthen.

If your child is riding a bicycle, mount the saddle in a high position so that he would drag his fingers to the pedals and stretch the muscles of the feet.

For 6- to 7-year-olds, it is preferable to buy wooden clogs, and ask him to walk into them so that no knock is heard.

Then the kid will have to support his fingers with his shoes, and thus train the legs.

We also give special exercises that help to remove flat feet (for example, longitudinal-transverse and other varieties).

Control that the child does them 2-3 times a day.

This is very important, because only systematic and frequent training will bring the desired results. Here are the exercises:

  • walking on the toes, heels and outer edges of the legs;
  • tying with the fingers of the legs of a cloth spread out on the floor;
  • movement on the floor by the "walk of the caterpillar" (a child dressed in socks, twists and straightens his fingers, imitating the movements of the caterpillar);
  • grasping the fingers of small toys (ask not just to grab the object, but also put it in a box or throw it into the air).

By the way, exercises can be performed and healthy children (this is an excellent prevention of flat feet for the future). If unpleasant symptoms (pain in the leg, cramps, tingling) occur during exercise, stop exercising for a while. Over time, the leg "developed and the discomfort will go away.


Good massage helps with flat feet in children. It improves blood circulation in tissues, relieves pain symptoms, develops muscles, ligaments and bones.

If the child has a longitudinal flat foot, pay special attention to the heels, with the transverse variety massaged metatarsal bones (the so-called "pillow" under the fingers).

Before the procedure, the feet are lubricated with any oil. You can add a few drops of essential oil of rosemary or ylang-ylang to the base oil to further stimulate blood circulation in the treated area.

Remember that the massage with flat feet should be quite intense - you can rub the baby's legs with knuckles, if it does not hurt. You can also connect the back of the hand, or even use a special mechanical massager.

At the end of the procedure, perform a tingle of the skin, and then - stroking.

Massage from flat feet should be done for children 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Massage, like exercise, is a good prevention of foot problems.

Corrective Insoles

If your child complains of leg pain and other anxiety symptoms, the orthopedist may recommend special inserts (insole) for shoes. They are done individually for each child to help correct the defect and reduce pain symptoms.

So, now you know how to cure flat feet in a baby. It remains only not to be lazy, and follow all the instructions.

Treatment of flat feet in adulthood

Is it possible to treat flat feet in adults at home? You should understand that if the bone system of a person has already been formed, you can not change it. But you can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, strengthen the muscles and slightly adjust the position of the feet.


They are suitable for longitudinally transverse, and for other types of flatfoot.

Exercises are aimed at strengthening the weakened muscles responsible for the arch of the foot, restoring full range of movements of the ankle and stretching of atrophied muscles in the back shanks. This is a full-fledged complex for every day.

  1. Lying on your back, try to "applaud" your feet as loudly as possible.
  2. Lying on your back, put on the pouches of bags with peas and perform the exercise "bike".
  3. Sitting on the floor leaning back against the wall, imagine that the soles of your feet are mirrors: turn them to your face to "look in the mirror and stay in this position for a few seconds.
  4. Take off your socks without the help of hands (feet).
  5. Standing, rise on the toes of your fingers, and then go down.
  6. Roll around the floor with a tennis ball, bottle or rolling pin.

Repeat such gymnastics at least 2 times a day to achieve the optimal result.
If you do not have flat feet, but you often go on heels, or feel pain in your legs or feet, also carry out the proposed complex. This is an excellent prevention of orthopedic diseases.


Massage with flat feet in adults is no different from a child's massage. You can do it yourself.

On sale are special massagers (they are similar to wooden scores, which in Soviet times used by sellers), only have not round, but a dentate shape.

Moving feet on these rotating denticles, you will well razumnet muscles. This technique is especially shown to people who have flat feet walking longitudinally.

Massage with flat feet can be done manually. For 30 minutes, knead the affected areas with knuckles. Repeat the procedure every day. If your goal is not treatment, but prevention, massage can be reduced to 15 minutes.

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Hot baths

Patients who have flat feet walking longitudinally are often concerned about pain in the arch of the foot. Moreover, the muscles in this zone can become inflamed. To help relieve the inflammation and reduce unpleasant symptoms, do before going to bed hot foot baths.

In the water, you can add sea salt, essential oils (lavender, lemon, mandarin), or decoctions of plants (root of the saber, bark sedge, birch leaves). By the way, baths with decoction of the bark of oak - it's also an excellent prevention of excessive sweating of feet.


Swimming is one of the most pleasant ways to treat flat feet. It trains the muscles of the legs, but it does not give excessive load to the bones and joints (unlike other sports, for example, running or aerobics).

Orthopedic tabs

Individually selected orthopedic tabs relieve pressure from the bones and slightly raise the arch of the foot. It is important that they were made to order, from a professional orthopedist.

The right selection of shoes

Pay attention to the shoes that you wear. It should have a loose wide sock, a firm arch support. It is desirable that the shoes were 1 cm longer than the foot. Heels fall under a complete ban!

A source: http://nmed.org/kak-opredelit-i-lechit-ploskostopie.html

Treatment of flat feet in adults and children at home

Flattening is the deformation of the foot, which causes its flattening. In a normal state, the ligaments support the foot. When walking, they serve as shock absorbers and reduce the vertical load on it.

With the weakening of the muscles and ligaments, subsidence occurs and the flattening of the foot follows. The deformation can be longitudinal or transverse.

Depending on this, treatment and methods of therapy for both adults and children are selected.

This violation is divided into three degrees:

  • I-th degree. External changes are imperceptible, the limb looks normal. There is rapid fatigue with prolonged loads. There are painful sensations and swelling of the toes.
  • II degree. Noticeable change in gait. It hurts a man to step on his feet, puffiness spreads from socks to the heel of heels.
  • III degree. Excruciate constant pain, disrupted gait and posture, it is difficult to walk. Osteochondrosis and other complications may start to develop. Because of the disrupted distribution of the load on the muscles and ligaments, normal blood flow and reduction of the vein walls are disrupted, which leads to the development of varicose veins.

The structure of the foot of a child under the age of 6 is very different from that of an adult. A newborn baby has a flat foot, but this has nothing to do with flat feet.

The bottom line is that the skeleton of the baby will undergo a number of changes during adulthood and its foot, having passed these changes, will become a full-fledged functional element of the musculoskeletal system.

From the moment of birth, the arches of the baby's feet are filled with a soft fat layer that gradually disappears from the moment the baby starts walking. This is the cause of the flat foot of the baby. By the age of three, the limb already looks like an adult.

Muscles and ligaments are strengthened and the baby can move more actively and continuously. By the age of five, the change in the shape of the feet becomes more noticeable. They get a curved shape, as expected.

It is at this stage that the formation of an incorrect foot setting and the weakening of the muscular apparatus take place.

In children, the main reason for the occurrence of such a violation is genetic predisposition. Perhaps one of the parents was sick with this ailment.

According to the Ministry of Health, almost 70% of the cases of flatfoot formation in children are associated with a genetic predisposition.

As the motor activity of the child increases, the load on the ligaments increases. The natural and proper arrangement of the feet is their position parallel to each other.

When their elasticity is impaired, the child has a clubfoot, i.e., turning the socks of the feet outward or inward. Often, these are the main signs of valgus platypodia.

In this case, the ailment of normal development of the ankle muscles does not occur, as a result of which the legs are too weak to withstand a vertical load. Therefore, the child turns out feet. The development of this disorder falls on the first five years of the baby's life.

If the baby, while walking, tends to step more on the inside of the foot, this is a clear symptom of longitudinal flat feet. Its main cause is weak ligaments, which can not hold the correct position of the joints.

Early diagnosis of flat feet in the baby gives a high chance of recovery. Identify this disease for sure you can only after reaching a child of 6 years of age.

Until this time it is outwardly impossible to determine whether the foot is deformed, since the skeleton of the child has not yet formed and is a cartilaginous structure. In this regard, planography - the method of printing the sole of the foot on a piece of paper, is not reliable.

If there is a suspicion of flat feet, you need to contact a pediatric orthopedic specialist for the necessary diagnostic procedures.

This ailment in children and adolescents is successfully treated without surgery, taking into account timely treatment.

To do this, use special bandages and langets that support the limbs, forming the right setting and reducing the load on the muscular apparatus.

With a certain period of time, physiotherapy, physiotherapy and massage are performed. Physiotherapeutic procedures include and treatment by folk remedies.

These are warm baths with a tincture of chamomile, sage or sea salt, mud applications. Massage improves muscle tone and improves blood circulation.

Treat flat feet at home and you can and should. Such therapy will help to correctly distribute the load, strengthen muscles and ligaments, restore effective innervation in the lower spine, it is where the innervation of the feet begins.

The complex of activities for the child includes the following exercises:

1. Walking:

  • On your toes. Hands are raised upwards for balancing, vaults of heels are directed outwards. It creates a load on the toes and the calf muscle.
  • On the heels. Hands on the belt, the pelvis is pushed back, the toe of the foot is raised. The muscles of the lumbar region and the elasticity of the Achilles tendon are developed.
  • On the outside of the foot. The joint joints of the ankle are included in the work.
  • With a tennis ball. The ball is held by the toes, the child goes in this position forwards and backwards.

2. Exercises standing:

  • Turn of the trunk. The child is standing on the outside of the foot holding his hands on the waist, slowly turning the body to the left and right with an amplitude of 180 degrees.
  • Rolling from heel to toe. Hands on the trunk or pointing up, the exercise is carried out smoothly.
  • On the stick. Walking on a small diameter stick with the setting of feet both along and across the stick. The exercise perfectly develops coordination and involves the ligament of the feet.
  • Squats with a stick. The legs are firmly on the floor, the pelvis is pulled back, and the hands with the stick are stretched forward creating a counterweight.

3. Exercises sitting:

  • On the chair. Legs are stretched forward, the toes bend and unbend, developing fine motor skills of the joints. In the next exercise, knees bend, and the heels come together, legs stretch and the socks stretch towards themselves, then from themselves.
  • On the floor. The child lies down on the floor, a pencil lies down at the feet and he should take it with his toes. In this exercise, the work includes not only the major muscles of the thigh and lower leg, but also a set of ligaments of the foot and ankle, which is very important for loads. A similar type and in exercise with the ball, when the kid needs to roll a tennis ball from toe to heel.

Exercises of medical gymnastics are huge. their task is to give a proper load on the feet, strengthen them and the entire musculoskeletal system.

All the exercises must be repeated several times a day for a period of -2 years, only in this case it will be possible to completely correct the defects of flatfoot.

The cause of this disease in adults is very often external factors. This is an excessive daily burden on the feet, associated with professional or other activities.

Often in women, this disease manifests itself on the background of hormonal complications or pregnancy, when the center of gravity shifts, and the daily workload increases.

In addition, the formation of the skeleton of an infant during pregnancy, detrimental to the bones of the woman herself.

Incorrectly selected shoes can also be one of the reasons for the appearance of flat feet. This is a tight, closed shoes, which causes discomfort when walking. Negative influence on the health of the feet high heels.

This factor is the most common among women.

Wearing shoes with a heel above four centimeters causes a violation of the normal gait, negatively affects the spine and overstrains the muscles of the feet, causing the latter to lose their elasticity.

People with excess weight suffer from flat feet due to excessive stress on their legs, lack of physical activity makes the situation even worse. Such people lead a sedentary lifestyle, so the load on the foot is inadequate and incorrect.

The main indicators of the disease, which a person can notice himself:

  • The leg is no longer wearing into the usual shoes;
  • a bone of the big toe has come out, corns have appeared;
  • feet to the end of the day swell and hurt;
  • It is impossible to sit down without losing balance;
  • gait and posture change;
  • with the inside of the shoes wear out faster.

In the treatment of flat feet in adults, two methods are used:

1. Conservative.

2. Surgical.

Surgical intervention is performed only in severe cases, when conservative treatment does not have an effect, and painful sensations do not allow to move and live normally.

In this case, several types of operations are possible:

  • Osteotomy - dissection of ligaments, in order to correct the deformity.
  • Excision of an incorrectly formed bone.
  • Synovectomy, or removal of the joint membrane.
  • An arthrodesis is a fixation of ligaments and muscles on the bones.

Any of the above operations is carried out one-time.When entering the hospital, the patient must take tests, make an X-ray. After that, he is examined by a therapist and anesthesiologist.

Before the operation, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for several days for bandaging and observation. The day after the operation, the patient can already move with a stick, he is discharged on the third day after the operation and by the decision of the attending physician. After this, it is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes.

Physical exercise is only possible after 3-4 months after surgery.

Conservative therapy involves the use of a large set of procedures and exercises, with the aim of correcting the incorrect setting of the feet, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the ankle and back.

These measures only stop the deformation of the lower limbs, completely get rid of flat feet in adulthood will not work.

These measures are most effective at an early stage of the disease, especially in the treatment of transverse flatfoot.

This type of disease is characterized by the divergence of the foot bones and the displacement of the inner part of the thumb, which causes the formation of a painful cone. Conservative treatment, started with a delay, will be ineffective in this disease and surgical intervention will be required.

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Conservative therapy measures include:

  • Wearing orthopedic shoes, complete rejection of tight, stiff shoes with high heels. The use of instep supports is a special insoles, which are modeled on the contour of the foot. They reduce the load on the heels and have a beneficial effect on the legs.
  • Moderate exercise, eliminating fatigue and the body as a whole.
  • Drug treatment. Taking medications that relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. These can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents with a wide range of active ingredient ibuprofen. It is permissible to use corticosteroids for severe pain in the joints.
  • LFK, massage and physiotherapy. These methods will ensure the elimination of the main cause of flatfoot, help to avoid the development of osteochondrosis, normalize weight, improve motor activity.

Many experts agree on the fact that gymnastics is the most significant component of flatfoot treatment.

Classes at home are reduced to performing simple exercises that do not require outside help, only the desires of the patient himself. Walking barefoot on the ground is good.

This walk is not only pleasant, but also strengthens the sole of the foot, improves blood circulation and stimulates nerve receptors.

This procedure is applicable at the very beginning of therapy, in the future it is desirable to move to more uneven surfaces: pebbles, stone, logs, etc. All this involves the muscles of the feet and shins, involves the work of small joints and ligaments, which had not been used before in the work.

Swimming is one of the most effective ways to normalize motor activity. It stimulates the work of the muscles and the circulation of the legs.

The beneficial effect of water allows the legs to work and rest simultaneously, which is difficult to achieve in other exercises. We recommend swimming with a crawl.

This style is more than the rest includes the work of the necessary muscles.

The use of physiotherapeutic procedures is possible not only in the hospital, but also at home. Good help in removing the swelling and fatigue bath with sea salt.

It is necessary to lower the feet in warm water with a solution of sea salt, you can add there manganese or eucalyptus, massage your feet from the socks to the knees. At night it is better to apply paraffin.

Its use in the evening will relieve pain and swelling, improve blood circulation.

A new effective method of alternative medicine is considered acupuncture.

Although such therapy is not recognized as part of the medical community, it is still necessary to hire a specialist with a medical qualification for such a procedure.

The essence of the method is the effect of needles on the nerve points of the feet, which stimulates them to an active response, increasing the excitability and returning sensitivity.

Treatment of flat feet in adults involves dieting:

  • Eat porridge with the addition of dried fruits for breakfast, meat, vegetables and fish for lunch and chicken broth for dinner.
  • To eat enough vegetables, fruits and sour berries.
  • Eat foods high in protein, dairy products and vitamin D3 to strengthen bones. This vitamin is essential for better absorption of calcium by bones and muscles.
  • Remove from the diet of sweet, flour and fat.

All methods of conservative treatment are effective only with regular and prolonged use.

Timely treatment of flat feet in children gives a very good effect and allows completely cure this disease, while meeting all the necessary obligations.

This is due to the unformed skeleton of the child, which can be easily corrected. What can not be said about adult people for whom treatment and rehabilitation represent great difficulties and require enormous efforts.

It is necessary to conduct daily necessary medical procedures, gymnastics, which requires perseverance and patience. This is the stage when many patients abandon rehabilitation and start the disease on their own.

It should be remembered that exercise therapy with flatfoot is the main and mandatory method of treatment, requiring a long and regular application.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/ploskostopie-lechenie/

Flattening in adults: signs of disease and treatment at home

Flat feet are accompanied by deformation of the arch of the foot, a decrease in depreciation properties, complications and unpleasant consequences. Normally, the foot has 2 arches longitudinal and transverse. This structure allows you to evenly distribute the load on the foot and create shock absorption when walking.

Flattening can be congenital (as a result of an abnormality of the skeleton) and acquired (under the influence of diseases or the influence of external factors). There are several types of acquired flat feet:

  • static(occurs often in women, as a result of increased stress on the feet);
  • rachic(softening of the bones occurs as a result of the rickets suffered, the foot deforms under the action of the load);
  • paralytic(caused by paralysis of the leg and foot muscles);
  • traumatic(as a result of fractures of bones, damage to ligaments and muscles).

Static flat feet arise as a result of:

  • hereditary predisposition (in 3% of cases at birth in children the symptoms of flat feet);
  • lifting heavy loads, carrying them;
  • decrease in the elasticity of ligaments and muscles due to age-related changes;
  • lack of movement as a result of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes (tight, with a heel above 4 cm, with a narrow toe);
  • being in the standing position on the legs for a long time;
  • pregnancy, obesity.


The manifestation of flat feet depends on the degree of development:longitudinal is less common, characterized by a gradual change in the shape of the foot, barely visible to the patient:

  • at the 1 st degree there is a mild fatigue of the legs, discomfort, slight puffiness at the end of the day;
  • at the 2nd degree, pains of varying intensity become permanent, cover the ankles and shins, the gait becomes heavier;
  • at the third degree, intense pain in the foot and lower leg (sometimes appear in the lower back), severe deformation of the foot, edematous joints of the foot, it is difficult to walk in ordinary shoes.

Longitudinal flatfoot is characterized by:

  • puffiness of the feet in the evenings;
  • rapid fatigue of the feet;
  • painful sensations when pressing in the middle part of the foot;
  • pain in the legs and ankles;
  • difficulty in selecting shoes;
  • the appearance of pain in the lumbar region;
  • smoothing of the longitudinal arch;
  • the inability to wear ordinary shoes.

The transverse flatfoot is accompanied by an expansion of the forefoot, characterized by:

  • painful sensations in the feet, walking stronger;
  • fast fatigue;
  • swelling of the feet;
  • the appearance of corns on the base of the fingers, characteristic abrasions.

Because of the decrease in the height of the transverse arch, the length of the foot in the longitudinal direction decreases and increases in the transverse. The load on the foot is not distributed correctly (mainly on the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bone).

As a result of changes in the shape of the foot, the load on other parts of the musculoskeletal system (ankle and knee joint, shin, lumbosacral spine) increases.

General recommendations

Treatment is aimed at getting rid of clinical manifestations of flatfoot and preventing further progression of the disease. Conservative treatment includes:

  • exercise therapy;
  • massage;
  • orthopedic adaptations;
  • folk methods.

Physiotherapyconsists in alternate walking on heels and toes, on the inside and outside of the feet, lifting the toes of objects (pencils), flexing-extension of the fingers. This helps strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the feet.

Massage and self-massagecan be carried out at home. It is recommended to use orthopedic insoles permanently. Made of polymer material, they have thickening in the problem areas.

It is important to carefully choose the shoes to fit, it is better to wear a special orthopedic with insoles. Qualitative insteps are made individually for the impression made by the orthopedist traumatologist.

When treating flat feet, it is recommended to abandon fatty, floury, sweet dishes. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, in the daily menu the protein content should not exceed 50 g. The intake of vitamin D3 is needed to strengthen the bone tissue.

With a significant deformation of the feet, which hinder walking, surgical treatment is used.Operations on the foot are classified as difficult, but it is not always possible to restore the anatomical height of the arch of the foot and its function. Most commonly used are:

  • Corrective osteotomy (in case of transverse flatfoot I-II degree);
  • Correcting wedge resection (with transverse flat feet);
  • fixation of bones in a fixed state to muscles and ligaments (with transverse flat feet);
  • tendon-muscle plastic of the transverse arch (with transverse flat feet);
  • reconstructive tendon plastic (in case of transverse flatfoot).

How to treat folk remedies?

Traditional methods of treating flat feet include physical exercises, special foot baths.

Components Mode of application
Oak bark 1 kg of bark brew 5 liters of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, add to the water for foot baths.
Iodine solution 3% Lemon juice

Aspirin in tablets

Mix the lemon juice with iodine (:), add aspirin (2 tablets). The resulting gruel is applied to the legs, covering the top with a film and something warm. Repeat the procedure for 3 days, then - break for a week.
Leaves of Artemisia Rinse the leaves, apply to the feet, wrap them warmly.
Cooking salt


Mix the salt (200 g), mustard powder (100 g), a little kerosene to a gruel-like condition. To rub in stops for the night.
Dry grass of sage, yarrow, St. John's wort (in the ratio: 2) Grate the grass, mix with internal pork fat or petroleum jelly. Apply on feet daily, carefully wrapping.
Sage, peppermint 100 g of grass pour boiling water (2 liters), soak for half an hour. For foot baths.
Peppermint, linden 100 g of herbal mixture boil with boiling water, insist for half an hour, apply for foot baths.

The effect is achieved by the use of foot massage, hydromassage. As a result of active stimulation, the blood supply increases, the muscle tone of the shin and feet increases.

What is not recommended?

When flat feet are contraindicated:

  • overwork(causes tension of ligaments and muscles, narrowing of blood vessels);
  • massage of the upper part of the foot(can not be performed when flattening the foot);
  • with diabetes requires constant monitoring of blood(formed blood clots lead to a violation of the circulation of the foot, which contributes to the progression of the disease).

To prevent flatfoot development, it is recommended:

  • barefoot walk on the ground, pebbles;
  • follow the body weight;
  • choose shoes with a flexible sole and a heel not exceeding 4 cm;
  • Do not wear tight shoes;
  • do a massage after a day's work;
  • during pregnancy use orthopedic insoles.

The use of folk remedies for the treatment of flat feet helps to delay the development of the disease, to get rid of the pain and discomfort caused by the disease.

A source: http://netlekarstvam.com/narodnye-sredstva/raznoe/ploskostopie.html