Symptoms of dust allergy

One of the most dangerous diseases of both the adult population and children is allergy. It can provoke various substances. Consider what is an allergy to dust, the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.

  • Causes that cause the disease
  • Allergens and their signs of manifestation
  • Paper dust
  • Home dust
  • Wood dust
  • Repair dust
  • Coal dust
  • Symptoms of the disease in children and adults
  • Treatment
  • Nettle in the treatment of allergies
  • The sequence in the treatment of allergies
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Its signs can often be confused with signs of a viral disease. This allergen is constantly present near each person. It does not affect the time of the year, nor the place of residence, nor the way of life. Particles of dust of microscopic size are present everywhere in a significant amount. A minor impact can lift it into the air. Some people may not even notice how they breathe in air with dust. And some may develop an allergy.

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Causes that cause the disease

Almost every inhabitant of the planet is in contact with dust, but not everyone has an allergic disease. What is the reason? Scientists have determined that the answer lies in the propensity of the human immune system to these pathologies. In the blood of a person prone to allergies, there is an increased amount of antibodies of a certain type - immunoglobulins E. This causes inflammation, provoked by its particles. Other causes of the disease have not been identified.

To determine the body's predilection for an allergic reaction, you can use two methods. In the first case - this is information from the next of kin about its availability. In the second case - the use of a laboratory method, which will identify the disease even before the onset of its manifestation.

Important!Dust is of household form (indoors) and industrial. Their composition is different, but the signs of allergy caused by them are almost identical.

Allergens and their signs of manifestation

There are several sources that contain an aggressive component of dust.

Paper dust

In the room (library), where there are many books, there may be an allergy to library dust, that is, to a book dust. There is often a development of mold. A lot of books cause an increased concentration of the allergen. In the composition of library dust, there are harmful substances and microorganisms that reproduce in the pages of books. Even using modern drugs, fighting with them is useless.

Allergic disease for paper dust is accompanied by a runny nose and also lacrimation (even with Quincke's edema) and a sore throat. A dangerous form is the manifestation of anaphylactic shock, which can cause death.

To prevent disease, employees should use protective equipment. Here, gloves and respiratory masks are provided. Books should be kept in order and completely clean, 2 times in 6 months they need to be vacuumed, and daily cleaning with a clean rag. Cabinets, where books are stored, should be closed, so they will collect less dust.

Home dust

Living in bed and in other household items, mites can cause an allergic reaction to house dust. Here they multiply, as well as their life activity. Particles of the epidermis of the skin that settle on bedding or on upholstered furniture are their main food.

They are not carriers of diseases, do not bite. But they can provoke a disease that will cause irreparable harm to the human body. On the skin of a person there is hives, severe itching, irritation and a severe form of dermatitis. In a child, this microorganism causes eczema.

The allergy to house dust mite is very dangerous. The main symptoms in adults can be seen in the photo.

Wood dust

In that part of the people that conducts the treatment of tree species, there may be an allergy to wood dust. They are carpenters, carvers, workers involved in the processing of wood. As a result, there are severe headaches, bronchial asthma, inflamed eyes and nose, irritations on the skin. Meeting with such trees can cause allergies:

  • chestnut;
  • red cedar;
  • silk tree;
  • ebony;
  • marsh cypress;
  • a serpentine tree;
  • some others.

Wood, affecting the body, acts as the initial stimulus and as the allergen itself. Once in the body as an irritant, dust can cause a cough. This will allow the body to deal with the problem.

The second option is more dangerous. There will be a difficult and painful breathing that resembles asthma. There may be heaviness in the chest, coughing, choking. The disease worsens in the evening, towards the end of the work. But after retiring from the source of the allergy, the symptoms go away quickly. When you return to the allergy environment, they are restored again. Symptoms at the onset of the disease usually disappear. But with prolonged contact, a severe illness can form.

It is worth noting!Allergies can not be caused by the material itself. It can provoke fungi that live there.

If, when working with a tree, a runny nose or other inflammation become a constant companion, it is worth consulting a specialist to avoid dangerous consequences.

Repair dust

Doing repairs at home, or working at a construction site, you should be careful. As a result of the sensitivity of the body, an allergy to repair dust may occur. If after the completion of all repair work, the symptoms (runny nose, cough, flow of tears) do not vanish, it means that the allergy to concrete or cement dust has developed.

To prevent injury to your health and the health of your loved ones, you should consider your actions before repairing. In order not to have allergic symptoms in children, especially in infants, they must be sent somewhere from home (to the grandmother, to the camp).

After finishing work, the house needs wet cleaning. This will prevent the development of an allergic disease on construction dust.

Coal dust

Being near fire sources, where coal is used as a fuel, an allergy to coal dust may appear. At the first signs of suffocation, the common cold should be kept away from the source of the allergy to prevent dangerous consequences.

Symptoms of the disease in children and adults

The human body reacts to dust more often when it is in the room for a long time, or has contact with it. Adults and children have almost identical signs. But in an adult human body has developed a natural defense against diseases, and they proceed in a lighter form. And the immunity of children is not yet sufficiently strengthened, which threatens with serious complications.

The main symptoms caused by the disease:

  • rhinitis;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • suffocation;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • sneezing;
  • deterioration of health.

Symptoms on the skin are manifested in the form of irritation, severe itching, dermatitis.

Allergies can cause the following types of diseases:

  • allergic rhinitis, accompanied by sneezing and liquid clearings;
  • conjunctivitis is accompanied by tearing, purulent discharge, burning, swelling and redness of the eye proteins;
  • asthmatic bronchitis is the most severe form of the disease, it is accompanied by a protracted heavy cough.


At the first signs of an allergy, immediately you need to take antihistamines, which will remove the first symptoms of the disease.

You can also treat folk remedies.

Nettle in the treatment of allergies

Take 100 g of plant leaves, pour 300 grams of boiled water. Insist 3 hours and drink 3 times. It takes a whole month to drink.

The sequence in the treatment of allergies

Take 1 packet of string and pour 200 g of water. Brew and drink like tea 3 months.

Dust allergies are a very dangerous disease. It is necessary to monitor your health, and at the first signs immediately go to the doctor.

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