Kromoglin: instructions for the use of eye drops

Not every person is able to understand the sea of ​​medicines offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry. We often turn to pharmacy vendors for advice, relying on their knowledge and experience. However, they can not always answer correctly, and rely on advertising is also dangerous. Then we expose ourselves to the risk of complicating the situation with a particular disease, buying not exactly what is required, but often quite the opposite.

Continuing the conversation about eye drops, this article will focus on Cromoglin.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
  • 4In pregnancy
  • 5To small children
  • 6Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Description of the preparation

Do not complicate the problem and buy medicines only on the advice of an experienced doctor, do not go on about advertising. This applies to eye medications, not the correct use of which, can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

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Cromoglin - a drop used for the eyes, a drug that helps against allergies.The place is used and serves for use in the ophthalmic field of medicine.

The main active ingredient is cromoglycic acid.In an amount of 1 ml of drops, there is 20 mg of acid. An additional place is reserved for:

  • Injection water.
  • Chloride of benzalkonium.
  • Sodium adetate.
  • Sodium hydroxide.

Drops are produced in the form of a sterile liquid without odor and color.The drug is available in 10 ml tubing-droppers, it can be in the form of a vial that has a nebulizer, but it is already used for nasal administration.The bottles are packed in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological action and group

Cromoglin refers to those substances that stabilize the membranes of mast cells, inhibit the withdrawal of active biological constituents from them, such as histamine, leukotriene.It allows you to prevent allergic reaction of any kind, fast and slow, which occurs when irritants are found during inspiration in the body.

Experts believe that this process is due to indirect blockade, in which calcium ions penetrate into cellular structures.

The level of activation of the drug depends on which method it was administered.The binding process with proteins predominates and has 65%. The substance is not subjected to matabolization, and its withdrawal is carried out in full unchanged form through urine and bile in equal shares.

In other words, if an accidental ingestion of a drug causes a part of it to enter the gastrointestinal tract, then the absorption of the active component will not occur by more than 1%.

The effectiveness of clinical changes, after using these drops for the eyes, may occur a few days or weeks, it depends on the susceptibility of the body and the degree of neglect disease.Penetration of sodium cromoglycate into the ocular membrane is a minimum dose of about 3%.

Indications and contraindications in use

The drug Kromoglin is a reliable preventive agent, it serves in the treatment of such ophthalmic diseases as:

  • Conjunctivitis of an allergic nature.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis.
  • Noninfectious acute and chronic forms of these diseases.

The effectiveness of the drug is manifested in the following cases:

  • With dryness or inadequate hydration of the ocular membranes.
  • Keratitis is allergic.
  • When there is a strong fatigue of the organs of vision.

Inflammatory processes of the mucosa under the influence of such external stimuli and allergens as:

  • Vegetable crops and pollen.
  • Wool from animals living at home.
  • Household chemicals, cosmetics.
  • Harmful production (welders, programmers and others).
  • Medications.
  • Some other surrounding chemical or natural factors.

Injecting Cromoglene should be carried out no more than 1-2 drops through a gap of 4-6 hours. Procedures are carried out daily.If there is a need, the doctor can increase the amount of use up to 8 times. The course of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the course and severity of the allergic disease.

The drug should be administered gently, without touching the eye, slightly stretching the lower eyelid with your fingers. For uniform spreading over the shell, you need to blink 4-5 times after the procedure.

The bottle should be kept closed until the next application.

Possible side effects in the form:

  • Itching or burning after instillation.
  • Light tingling.
  • It feels like there is an alien body in the eye.
  • Swelling and heat.
  • Barley.
  • Damage to the epithelium of the corneal membrane.

In pregnancy

Pregnant women should not use Kromoglin, right up until the very birth. With the successful breastfeeding of the child.Sometimes it is possible to use the remedy only in the first trimester.

After the birth of a child with breastfeeding with a strong need for use, only a doctor I decide what dose of medicine is permissible to use and how much it can be dangerous for the kid.

To small children

In childhood, eye drops can be prescribed only from the age of four. Dose drop by drop during the day 4 instillation.In the acute form of the disease, it is possible to increase the procedure up to 6 times, but this decision is made by the attending physician, and not independently.If the desired therapeutic effect is achieved, the intervals increase.

Keep the drug away from children, on the upper shelves in the zone of inaccessibility.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Strong or serious complications have not been identified, but if there is an individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the properties of the drug, it should immediately stop using it.

Do not use contact lenses during therapy, in those cases. When contact correction is extremely necessary, it is better to wear hard lenses.They can be established after the treatment procedure only after 15 minutes.

  • As for habituation, it is not revealed.
  • Overdose is also not noted.
  • No specific therapy is required, only careful monitoring of the course of treatment.
  • Compatibility with other medications is safe.

All about marginal keratitis

Drops for eyes from welding are described in this article.

Eye drops from allergies




With proper storage and use, Kromoglin has very positive feedback. It quickly removes symptoms, is available for use and is not expensive enough. It is considered one of the most effective eye care, against an allergic reaction.

Also read about such drugs as Vizin and Artificial Tear.

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