Ointment for eyes from conjunctivitis - key varieties

Conjunctivitis - a very unpleasant disease, but, at the same time, quite frequent. And the mechanism of its impact on the human body may differ slightly depending on what kind of cause it provokes. Therefore, the approach to treatment may vary. But in most cases, specialized ointments are used. Consider the most popular variations of these, which can be used for therapeutic purposes.


  • 1Definition of conjunctivitis
  • 2Ointments
    • 2.1Anti-inflammatory
    • 2.2Antibiotics
    • 2.3Vasoconstrictive
    • 2.4Antiseptic
    • 2.5Antifungal
  • 3Application rules
  • 4Prevention
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Definition of conjunctivitis

But first, let's see what the main essence of conjunctivitis is. This is the inflammation of the connective membrane that covers the inner surface of the sclera and eyelids - conjunctiva, hence the name.

Depending on the causes of the disease is divided into three main types: viral, bacterial, allergic, although other approaches to division are possible.


Ointments are the most common therapeutic method of influencing a disease.

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But, just as conjunctivitis can relate to the variety of different variations, so ointments can be different, affecting different factors.Consider the most popular of them.

This is only an overview and far from exhaustive list of the most common ointments. You need to choose the funds in an individual way, best by resorting to the advice of a doctor.


Ointments of anti-inflammatory type allow, as the name suggests, to reduce the amount of inflammation, which, as a rule, is inherent in conjunctivitis in a sufficiently large degree.An example can be Eubetal, which is a highly effective combination drug with a pronounced anti-allergic, antibacterial and, of course, anti-inflammatory effect.

Also popular is the Tevodex, which is characterized by the fact that, thanks to the sparing effect, it can be used even for pregnant and very young children without any significant restrictions.


Soft lenses for the eyes

Soft long-wearing lenses are described in this article.

Color contact lenses without diopters http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/bez-dioptrij/cvetnye-kontaktnye-linzy-bez-dioptrij-osnovnye-kriterii-podbora.html



Ointment antibiotics are used in situations where the problem is caused by a bacterial effect (and this happens most often). There are several basic ointments that are antibiotics. these include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Erythromycin ointmentsuitable even for young children and pregnant or lactating mothers. Usually has no side effects, except in rare cases of individual intolerance. The period of use varies depending on the strength of the inflammatory process.
  • Tetracycline ointmentis not recommended for children under 8 years and for women during gestation and GW. Of the side effects the first time after the introduction of the drug may be reduced visual acuity and clarity. Usually, this ointment is tolerated by patients without problems, but in the case of their occurrence, its use should be stopped immediately. For greater effectiveness and speed of treatment, ointment should be used for the first symptoms of conjunctivitis in adults.
  • Tobrex- broad-spectrum antibiotic ointment, in other words, effective against many strains of bacteria. When used in the recommended dosages, the dosage does not cause side effects except for temporary deterioration of visual acuity. Accordingly, when using it, it is desirable to abandon the control of the car or work with complex and high-precision mechanisms. The use for small children is permissible, but only with the urgent need and under the close supervision of a doctor.
  • Colbiocin- ointment on the basis of tetracycline, recommended for use with different types of conjunctivitis, including. and purulent. An important plus of this drug is the lack of cross-resistance with other antibiotics. The course, depending on the severity of the inflammation, can last 1-2 weeks. Contraindications - individual intolerance of any components, age younger than 8 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Sometimes some types of antibiotics can be unsuitable for a particular type of bacteria - and then it is necessary to switch to another ophthalmic ointment from conjunctivitis.


With certain types of conjunctivitis, for example, when infectious-allergic, it is important to provide a narrowing of the vessels.But this is usually achieved not with ointments, which in this case are ineffective, but drops, for example, such as Tetrisolin and Octylia.


It is very important to decontaminate the affected area.In this case, such popular drugs as Pikloksidin and Vitabakt may be useful.


Fungus is another common cause of pathology. But antifungal drugs are most often made individually. They are based on substances such as amphotericin - an antimycotic agent, destroying membranes of fungi, as well as fluconazole - a synthetic substance that suppresses their vital functions.

Application rules

The rules of application may vary depending on the particular ointment, therefore it is necessary to carefully read the instructions. The following is an approximate principle of application, which works in the vast majority of cases.

Ointment should be applied with clean hands to clean eyes, of course, without make-up or contact lenses. It is convenient to lay ointments before bed, since some of them cause a temporary deterioration of vision. It can be done both independently and ask someone from relatives and friends living in the same apartment.


  1. Wash hands thoroughly.
  2. Unscrew the cap from the tube of ointment.
  3. Tilt head back(either sit back in the chair or at all take a supine position on the back).
  4. Choose, under what eyelid it is more convenient to place the ointment and gently pull it with your fingers, while looking towards the other century.
  5. Squeeze out a strip of ointment about a centimeter long under the eyelid.
  6. Close your eyes for a couple of minutes to allow the ointment to spread evenly over them.
  7. If too much was ingested, the excess should be gently wipe with a napkin or cotton swab.


No matter how effective are the various remedies for this disease, it is much better not to bring it to its origin in principle. Here are a few measures that will help to avoid this problem:

  • Use only your bedding and personal care items.
  • Increase immunity by any means that are available, for example, take vitamin-mineral complexes, go on healthier food, temper, play sports and so on.
  • Do not touch the eyes too often, especially if you have not washed your hands.
  • If conjunctivitis has already begun to develop, try not to be in public places for a while and not to swim in the pool to prevent infection on the mucosa.

Eye ointments from barley

Levomitsitinovye drops for the eyes for children - features of the drug are described here.

Why is night blindness so called http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/kurinaya-slepota/xarakteristika-i-lechenie-zabolevaniya.html




Ointments from conjunctivitis can be very effective in fighting this disease, but it's worth remembering that its nature can be fundamentally different. Therefore, it is so important not only to choose a good ointment, but to choose the ointment that will be relevant in each case. It is best not to make this choice on your own, but contact your doctor to find the solution that is right for you.

Also read about the use of anti-allergenic drops for the eyes, and about eye drops to improve vision.

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