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How to treat bronchitis


Vahit Shavaliyev

Bronchitis. Distinguish between acute and chronic bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. It is most common in young children and the elderly. It is usually associated with viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, but can be caused by bacteria as well as by allergic reactions. With acute bronchitis, the tissues along the walls of the passages swell and produce a large amount of mucus.
Symptoms: There is a dry, sharp cough that intensifies at night. Cough usually softens in a few days due to the release of mucus.
Traditional methods of treatment: showing bed rest, abundant warm drink, mustard. Appointed expectorant, bronchodilator drugs. Sometimes, antipyretic and analgesic agents are used.
In chronic bronchitis, mucus-producing cells that line the bronchial walls thicken and produce too much mucus. The mucous membrane of the bronchi swells. The occurrence of chronic bronchitis is associated with the exposure to the mucous membrane of the bronchi of harmful impurities contained in the air: tobacco smoke, automobile exhausts, etc.

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Symptoms: A persistent cough in which very much mucus is released. As the disease progresses, breathing difficulties increase, especially in connection with physical exertion. Sometimes swelling and puffiness of the whole body are observed. Destructive complications include congestive heart failure, acute respiratory arrest, emphysema.
Traditional methods of treatment: Assign expectorants, antibiotics. In severe cases, patients may be hospitalized.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Clean 3 garlic heads and together with 5 lemons with a peel, pass in a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater, pour them 1L. boiled water and soak in a closed pot for 5 days. Strain, squeeze the remainder. Take as a sucking agent for bronchitis 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
2) Take 5-6 large cloves of garlic, grind into a gruel, mix with 100 grams. A butter and a bunch of finely chopped dill. In the morning, afternoon and evening, spread the mixture on bread. This oil also helps with pneumonia.
3) An excellent prescription for the treatment of bronchitis: 1kg. ripe tomatoes, 50gr. garlic and 300 gr. root horseradish grind in a meat grinder. Mix and salt to taste. To eat: to children 1 teaspoon before meal 3 times a day, To adults - 1 table spoon 3 times a day.
4) Mix in the ratio by weight 2 grated on a fine grater onions, apples, honey. To treat bronchitis, accompanied by a cough, take at least 5-6 times a day.
5) Carrot juice, hot milk and honey in the ratio 1 to insist 4-5 hours and drink in a warm form on a glass 3-4 times a day.
6) Mix 300gr. honey and 1 sheet of finely chopped aloe, pour them, l. boiled water, put on fire, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 2 hours. Cool and mix. Store in a cool place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
7) To facilitate the separation of phlegm, drink cowberry juice with sugar syrup or honey. Take 1 tablespoon as often as possible.
8) Prepare fresh cabbage juice, add sugar (2 small spoons for 1 glass of juice). Take 2 times a day for 1 glass, as an expectorant.
9) With bronchitis with viscous sputum brew, l. boiling water 4 tablespoons chopped plantain leaf and insist 4 hours. Drink a glass 4 times a day.
10) To weld in, l. milk 2-3 sheets of mother-and-stepmother and add to the broth on the tip of the knife fresh lard. Drink before going to bed for 2 tablespoons.
11) Powdered althea root (sold in a pharmacy) diluted with warm boiled water, bringing to the consistency of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture is taken 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for chronic bronchitis.

Anna Semushina


Sanek SUN

Carefully and very carefully.

Daria Gorstkina

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What medications are needed against bronchitis?


Olya With an idiot argue ...

Drugs that dilate the bronchi are the most popular and effective remedies that help to cure chronic obstructive bronchitis. This group of medications for bronchitis is considered fundamental, basic in the treatment of bronchitis.

The way of getting into the body of these drugs can be different, but the most safe and popular is the inhalation method of introducing into the respiratory system drugs from bronchitis. For this purpose, various devices are used: metered aerosols (possibly using special nozzles), as well as powders in a dry state. However, some cases of bronchitis may require the introduction of drugs from bronchitis with the use of nebulizers.

Anticholinergic drugs from bronchitis

In the modern world for the treatment of bronchitis, anticholinergic medications are administered by inhalation. Perhaps the most popular remedy for bronchitis of this class is ipratropium bromide. The main method of administering a medicine for bronchitis is aerosols with a dosage. Quaternary anticholinergics from bronchitis have no side effects, therefore they are recommended for the basic treatment of bronchitis by the method of bronchial dilatation.

Beta-2-agonists in the treatment of bronchitis

When prescribing medications for this class of elderly people from bronchitis, one must be very careful when the patient has heart disease.

Most commonly used are the following medications for bronchitis in this class: berotek, salbutamol, berodual (in the form of an aerosol with a dosage).

Methylxanthines in the treatment of bronchitis

Medications for bronchitis of this species are intended mainly for those with bronchitis who do not have the opportunity to use the inhaler when they inject the drug into the body. Theophyllines are quite popular, which have a prolonged effect - they must be taken once or twice a day. To such medicines from a bronchitis concerns, for example, teopek.

Mucoregulatory funds from bronchitis

Medications for bronchitis of this class are best used for those patients who are malfunctioning mucus. The most effective medications for bronchitis in this group are acetylcysteine ​​and lazolvan.

In earlier times, enzymes that dissolve proteins were also considered medicines-mukoregulators, now such an option for the use of drugs for bronchitis is forbidden.

Therapy of bronchitis with glucocorticosteroids (GCS)

This type of treatment of bronchitis is relevant in those cases when the methods of basic bronchitis therapy (bronchial dilatation) do not help even in the largest dosages of preparations from bronchitis. Also an indication to this method of treatment of bronchitis is a successful and effective course of corticosteroids (in the form of tablets prednisolone, the duration of the course - from crescent to month, dosage - 0.4-0.6 mg of medication from bronchitis per kilogram weight). If this method of treatment of bronchitis yields positive results, then it should be used on a par with basic therapy in such patients with bronchitis.

The most important rule is ALWAYS first to try the method of treating the patient with SCS in the form of inhalations, and only then, when If the effectiveness of aerosol treatment is poor, it is possible to treat bronchitis in this patient with corticosteroids in the form of tablets.

Another dangerous moment in the use of this type of medicine against bronchitis is the presence of dangerous side effects - for example, stomach ulcers, diabetes, myopathy, osteoporosis and other unpleasant diseases. Therefore, when using medications for this type of bronchitis, one must constantly prevent the occurrence of side effects, and always try to gradually reduce the minimum dosage of medications taken from bronchitis, which allows the patient to maintain bronchitis in a normal condition.

Antibacterial therapy in the treatment of bronchitis

Antibiotics for bronchitis should be used in those cases when symptoms of intoxication of the body are visible, and also, if sputum, which is released during cough, has become purulent.

Donnie Choli

looking that for a bronchitis it only to the doctor.

Vasily Ushakov


Daria Gorstkina

I also suffered from bronchitis, I do not want to remember. Since I could not recover for a long time, I was looking for a lot of articles on this topic, I really found a good site http://бронхит-лечение. pf /. I certainly helped very well, I learned a lot of interesting things for myself.

How quickly to restore strength after bronchitis?



Bronchitis can be chronic and acute. The acute form can occur with chronic infection in the respiratory tract, alcohol, smoking and hypothermia. Acute bronchitis usually begins with a dry cough, weakness and a feeling of weakness. Over time, cough becomes even stronger, there is sputum and shortness of breath. With a strong cough, it can hurt in the upper abdomen and chest. But chronic bronchitis is a long and progressive inflammation in the bronchi. It can appear as a consequence to the end, not cured acute bronchitis, but sometimes it is formed when exposed to bronchial substances of domestic and industrial nature.

With this form affects the walls of the bronchi, and even the surrounding tissue. The disease in a chronic form is characterized by a certain periodicity. The period of remission after a certain time can change for a period of exacerbation. Rehabilitation after bronchitis can be in the form of curative gymnastics, which, incidentally, is sometimes prescribed during the period of the disease, but not during a period of exacerbation. Physical rehabilitation with bronchitis is aimed at increasing the local and general resistance of the entire bronchial tree, and also the resistance of the whole organism to infectious and catarrhal diseases that occur in the upper respiratory ways.

Rehabilitation for chronic bronchitis is presented in the form of postural drainage and drainage exercises. Postural drainage is performed regularly, at least twice a week. Such types of rehabilitation are performed in order to completely withdraw all sputum, which accumulated in the bronchi. If the disease has an obstructive form, then use breathing exercises together with sound gymnastics.

Rehabilitation after viral infections, bronchitis, pneumonia

world-wide Russian

Methods of breathing - on the Internet ...



Valeriya Yakovleva

To the website http://бронхит-лечение. rf address, there you will answer the doctor on all questions of interest. And then we are here not specialists, you never know what to advise. It is better to apply to specialists.

Inhalation is an effective method of treating bronchitis

Bronchitis is a serious and dangerous disease, which can be eliminated only through a comprehensive and systematic treatment. In addition to medicamental therapy, specialists often prescribe inhalation for bronchitis.Such procedures for the acute and chronic form of inflammation in the bronchi, liquefaction of sputum, its separation and removal to the surface of the respiratory tract.Carrying out inhalations with bronchitis significantly improves breathing and speeds up the healing process.

Procedure for bronchial tubes

Inhalations from bronchitis can be carried out not only in the hospital, but also at home with the use of prescribed medications. True, for the implementation of home treatment you need to have a special device - a steam inhaler or a nebulizer. In the process of inhalation with bronchitis at home, you can use infusions and decoctions of herbs, aromatic oils, medicines.

Inhalation bronchitis can be cured much faster and more efficiently than when using drugs inside. They help to get rid of obstructive, chronic and acute form of the disease.The therapeutic effect of the procedure is achieved by direct exposure to the inflammation focus.

In the treatment of bronchitis by inhalation, this effect on the bronchi is noted:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • mucolytic;
  • bronchodilator.

The active substances of medicinal solutions for inhalation with bronchitis reduce the inflammatory process in the bronchi, which removes the swelling and spasm of the bronchial tree. In case of obstructive form of the disease, therapy should be performed 4 times a day, treatment course not less than 5 days. The duration of therapy usually depends on the severity of the disease and the drugs used, so the treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. For children, the procedure should not last more than 5 minutes, for adult patients - 10 minutes.

Variation of the procedure

In the treatment of the disease, several procedures can be used, they differ among themselves not only with the use of various medications for inhalation with bronchitis, but also with the method of their conduct. Doctors can prescribe such procedures:

  1. Steam. The therapeutic effect on the inflamed bronchi renders a couple of medicines, infusions or essential oils. As a rule, steam inhalation is performed with bronchitis by a nebulizer, but in the absence of a special apparatus can use the ancient folk method, breathing in therapeutic couples emanating from a container with a hot water. For the treatment in the water usually add a medicinal product - medicine, oil or herbs. The ingress of steam into the bronchi reduces the inflammatory process, improves blood circulation in the bronchi and causes the sputum to depart.
  2. Warm-up. This is one of the common types of inhalations for chronic bronchitis, in addition, the procedure helps to get rid of obstructive and acute form of the disease.In this treatment, the effect on the bronchial mucosa is exerted by a high temperature and steam containing the medicinal components. After the procedure, dryness and irritation of the bronchial mucosa are eliminated, sputum discharge improves, blood circulation and metabolism increase.With this method of therapy used solutions of medicinal plants, mineral salts, antibacterial drugs, mucolytics, hormones.
  3. Wet. Applied in the case where it is impossible to use steam and heat and moisture methods for certain indications. With the help of this method bronchial, hormonal, antibacterial and anesthetic preparations are introduced into the bronchi.
  4. Oily.They are used much less often, their main purpose is to create a protective film on the bronchial mucosa in order to avoid mechanical and chemical damage.

Treatment of the disease in children

Inhalation of therapeutic vapors is one of the safest and most effective procedures for the treatment of inflammation in children, although only if the therapy is carried out correctly. In children, inhalation with bronchitis can be carried out from the first days of their life, medications and the procedure itself can be prescribed only by a pediatrician. It is also safer for the baby to be, if inhalation with obstructive bronchitis, as well as in acute and chronic forms, will be conducted under the supervision of a specialist.

Pediatricians recommend that children be treated using a nebulizer. In the process of prvodzhdeniya therapy can use these tools:

  1. Soda solution. For carrying out of soda inhalations at a bronchitis it is possible to use mineral water "Borjomi "Essentuki". You can also prepare such a solution: take, tsp. soda for a glass of warm water.
  2. Saline.
  3. Essential oils. Therapeutic properties aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process are coniferous oils, citrus, eucalyptus, tea tree oil. For treatment, add a few drops to a glass of water.
  4. Medicinal herbs. When the disease of children is useful to use the grass of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, marigold, oregano, mother-and-stepmother.

Experts recommend that in tracheobronchitis, inhalations should be carried out using herbal remedies - mother-and-stepmother, nettle, peppermint, elderberry blossom, plantain leaf. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can prepare an infusion or a decoction of several herbs. Having chosen such a method of treatment of bronchitis, it is not necessary to be limited only by these actions, after all therapy should be complex and systematic.

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