5 exercises of the Bragg field for the spine

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  • 15 exercises Bragg Field for the restoration of the spine
  • 2Bragg Exercises for Spine Repair
    • 2.1Bragg Gymnastics
    • 2.2Paul Bragg - who is this?
    • 2.3Rules for performing gymnastics
    • 2.45 exercises to restore the spine Bregg
    • 2.5Exercise 1
    • 2.6Exercise 2
    • 2.7Exercise 3
    • 2.8Exercise 4
    • 2.9Exercise 5
    • 2.10P.S
    • 2.11Massager Kolchina - a modern tool for fighting pain
  • 35 Effective Exercises by Paul Bragg
    • 3.1The basic rules for doing exercises from Paul Bragg
    • 3.2Complex of exercises by Paul Bregg
    • 3.3Exercise for the cervical spine
    • 3.4Exercise for the thoracolumbar region of the spine
    • 3.5Exercise for the lumbar region of the spine
    • 3.6Exercise for femoral and gluteal muscles
    • 3.7Recommendations for performing a set of exercises from Paul Bragg
  • 45 amazing exercises by Paul Bragg from back pain
  • 5Paul Bregg: exercises for the spine, tips and tricks
    • 5.1What to Expect from Bregg Exercise
    • 5.2Exercising
    • 5.3The Basis of Exercises
    • 5.4Description of the complex
    • 5.5Exercise 1
    • 5.6Exercise 2
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.7Exercise 3
    • 5.8Exercise 4
    • 5.9Exercise 5
    • 5.10Posture control
    • 5.11. A set of exercises by Paul Bragg
    • 5.12Conclusion

5 exercises Bragg Field for the restoration of the spine

During daily activities under the influence of gravity the spine is somewhat shortened. This is easy to see by measuring the growth immediately after you get out of bed and in the evening when you come home from work.

Despite the fact that the spine has a huge margin of safety and withstands a wide variety of during the day, it is necessary to maintain his healthy state by performing special exercises for stretching. And in view of the fact that the state of the spine affects all life processes, these exercises can not only extend our spine, but also extend life itself, making it full and joyful.

If you look at pets, you can see how a cat or a dog occasionally stretches its back. A cat arches its back, and this stretches the vertebrae. The dog behaves differently.

She lowers the front of her body, pulling her front paws far forward. The pelvic part remains slightly elevated.

Accepting this position, it begins to stretch, gradually lifting the front part and lowering the pelvis.

As a result, both the cat and the dog get a kind of undulating movement, which stretches the spine. Their spine retains mobility and health until old age.

If a person becomes similar in caring for his spine, then in 70-80 years he will be healthy, energetic, will have a clear mind and a sober memory.


To do this, it is necessary to realize the importance of exercises for one's health and perform them daily, at least to the minimum.


Positive results appear in just a few weeks or even a few days of regular classes.

When starting exercises for the spine, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Do not apply sharp efforts to the lost parts of the spine;

  2. Do exercises, commensurate with your physical abilities, starting with a small one and gradually increasing it;

  3. Do not try to do exercises with the maximum amplitude of motion, start with small swinging vertebrae of movements, carefully and gradually increasing their amplitude.

These rules must be observed for the reason that you do not know the true state of your spine, the degree of salt deposition, the state of intervertebral discs and ligaments. Excessive load instead of use can cause harm.

Remember that by training and stretching the spinal column, we strengthen the muscles and ligaments that will keep the spine in stretched state.

This work will stimulate the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body.

The metabolism will increase, and the internal organs will get stronger, In general, this will have a beneficial effect on the health of the whole organism.

The success of any business depends on motivation. The stronger it is, the more a person can achieve.

When starting a set of exercises for the spine, create this motivation - convince yourself that these exercises are vital for you.

By this you decide more than half of the task. Now it is necessary to get involved in the training regime and gradually increase the load.

To do this, start with the smallest.During the first week, exercise slowly enough.

If you feel uncomfortable or tired, stop exercising for a while.

But gradually you will feel that from regular exercises the body becomes stronger, stamina increases, the spine becomes healthier.

As with any physical activity, after the exercises on the spine there will be pain in the muscles. It's quite normal. Soon they will pass.

This set of exercises for the spine is designed by the famous naturopathic Paul Bragg. It includes five basic exercises.


They have different effects on this or that part of the spinal column. They need to be done all during one training session.


There is a rest between exercises.

Exercise 1

This exercise has an effect on the upper part of the spine, from which the nerves that control the work of the head, muscles of the eyes, stomach and intestines. The exercise of this exercise helps to eliminate such ailments as headache, eye strain, indigestion and poor digestion of food.

Initial position:lie on the floor face down. In the prone position, place the palms under the chest, and the legs should be placed at the width of the shoulders.

After this gradually take the following position: leaning only on the palms and toes, lift the trunk up and arched back arched. The pelvis should be located above the head.

The head is lowered, and the arms and legs are fully straightened.

After you have accepted this position, smoothly accept the following: lower the pelvis almost to the floor. In this case, the hands and feet should be straight. This position gives a special tension to the spine. Now lift your head and swing it back.

It is recommended to perform this exercise slowly and smoothly. Try to lower the pelvis as low as possible, and then raise it as high as possible, arching your back.

Exercise is that you lower and lift the pelvis - arching and bending the spine.

These movements contribute to its extension and placement of the vertebrae into place.

The number of repetitions at the beginning is 2-4. As the training increases to 8-12.

When the exercise is mastered and performed correctly, a feeling of relief arises and the spine relaxes.

Exercise 2

This exercise is intended mainly for the vertebral column, which contains the nerves that control the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

Exercise of this exercise brings relief in the case of their disorders and diseases.

As a result of this exercise, the weakened liver, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder will significantly improve their work.

Accept the starting position, as for exercise number 1.After you lifted the pelvis and arched your back, do the following: turn the pelvis as far as possible to the left, lowering the left side as low as possible, and then to the right.

Do not bend your arms and legs during the exercise. Move slowly, smoothly, imagining that the spine is stretched with every turn better and better.


The combination of spinal sprain with a certain twist contributes to the fact that the vertebrae are better "seated" in their seats.


At first the exercise will seem rather difficult and tedious. Limit 2-4 runs. Gradually, it will be easier to do in connection with the strengthening of not only the muscles, but also the spinal nerves.

As you train, increase the number of executions to 8-12 times.

This exercise is quite difficult and requires considerable skill and tension.

Exercise 3

The previous two exercises gave quite a serious load on the muscles and ligaments of the spinal column.

Exercise number 3 is designed to remove the residual stress and completely relax the spinal column. As a result of its implementation, each nerve center is stimulated.

Additionally, the pelvic region is facilitated.

One of the important features of this exercise is the ability to strengthen the muscles of the spine, which support it in an extended state and thereby contribute to the restoration of intervertebral disks.

Initial position:sit on the floor, rest on the arranged straight arms, located just behind, bend your legs.

Raise the pelvis so that your body rests only on the bent legs and straight arms. Exercise is recommended to perform at a fast pace, which helps to relax the spine.

Raise the body to the horizontal position of the spine, after which it is lowered to its original position.

Repeat the exercise several times - b-8 at the beginning and 12-18 at the end.

Exercise 4

This exercise is designed to give a special power to the part of the spine from which the nerves that control the stomach emerge.

In general, it is effective for the whole spine, contributing to its extension.

It is the stretching of the spine, releasing the restrained nerve roots of the spinal cord, which leads the whole organism into a normal, efficient, healthy state.


Starting position: lie on your back, legs are stretched out, hands in sides. Bend your knees, pull them to your chest and grasp them with your hands.


Do this as if you want to push your knees and hips away from your chest, but keep holding them with your hands.

At the same time, lift your head and try to touch the knees with your chin. Hold this trunk position for three to five seconds.

In this exercise, there is a sharp jerk that stretches the spine, thereby removing the blockage of small pinchings, jamming between the vertebrae.

In addition, this exercise allows you to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also deep muscles located in the ventral part of the spinal column.

Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Exercise 5.

Walking on all fours. This exercise Paul Bragg considers one of the most important for stretching the spine. Among other things, it uses the spine department, from which the nerves that control the operation of the large intestine leave.

The starting position as for exercise number 1. Stand on all fours: arms and legs are straightened, the back is arched, the pelvis is raised high, the head is lowered down. In this position it is recommended to go around the room, the room.

Remember, while moving your legs and arms do not bend, but walk on straight limbs. During this movement, the load on the spine is minimal and some spinal curl occurs.


It is this position that contributes to a better stretching of the spine and putting its discs in their seats.


The described complex of exercises Paul Bragg advises to carry out taking into account individual features. At the beginning it is recommended to perform each exercise no more than two or three times. Within a day, the number of repetitions can be increased to five times or more.

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Literally after a few days the muscles of the trunk are filled with strength, and the spine and ligaments become more flexible. Normally developed people in a few days can easily perform each exercise up to 10-12 times.

As for the frequency of classes, Bragg initially recommends doing it on a daily basis. After the necessary improvements appeared in the spine, you can reduce the number of sessions to two times a week. This is enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched.

As stated earlier, a week of training is enough to make favorable changes in the spine. In 2-3 weeks they become permanent.

It should be noted that pathological changes in the spine have occurred for many years and it is impossible to make it healthy and young in just one day. Have enough patience and perseverance.

Permanent training of the spinal column will stimulate the restoration and growth of intervertebral discs, which will make the spine stretched, flexible and healthy. Published econet.


P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we change the world together! © econet

A source: https://econet.ru/articles/70351-5-uprazhneniy-polya-bregga-dlya-vosstanovleniya-pozvonochnika

Bragg Exercises for Spine Repair

Hello, dear readers of the blog.

If you are on this page, then you already have some problems with the back and spine, and Bragg exercises for the spine you need, as never before.

Therefore, read carefully until the end, see videos and illustrations for exercises, as well as see other materials on this topic.

Bragg Gymnastics

5 exercises for back and spine Fields Bragg for many years have been helping people recover the health of the spine.

From this article you will learn:

  • what kind of exercises and how they work,
  • how to properly perform Bregg exercises for the spine
  • take a look at the exercise video.

Paul Bragg - who is this?

Paul Bregg - one of the first valeologov (Valeology - the science of health).

All his life he devoted to the study of a healthy lifestyle and helped restore youth and health to so many.

His system of recovery, based not only on starvation, was tested by himself.

Here's what he says about this complex:


Exercises for the back, which I developed, will help to completely restore the functions of the spine, no matter how old you are ...


Doing the full complex will not take much time and will not tire you. No need to overcome fatigue and pain in the spine - as soon as you feel tired, tell yourself what is enough for today. With each passing day it will be easier and easier for you. "

Rules for performing gymnastics

  • Do Bragg Field exercises without haste and without overstrain. Do not lead to pain during movement.
  • Perform a set of exercises for the back from the beginning to the end. Pause between exercises for relaxation, but do not drop the gymnastics halfway. Start with two or three repetitions to get started. When it is quite easy, increase the number of repetitions.
  • Do not forget to do gymnastics every day. When your back is stably healthy, you can reduce the load and do it 2 times a week.
  • Exercise should be fun! Otherwise, any recovery is useless.

5 exercises to restore the spine Bregg

Exercise 1

This exercise has an effect on that part of the nervous system that serves the head and eye muscles, as well as a whole network of nerves that go to the stomach and intestines.

Thus, by performing only one exercise, we influence the sources of such ailments as headache, eye strain, indigestion and poor digestion of food.

Starting position: Lie down on the floor face down, then lift the pelvis and arched back arched.

The body rests only on the palms and toes. The pelvis should be located above the head, the head is lowered.

The legs are set shoulder width apart. Knees and elbows are straightened - this gives a special tension to the spine. Raise your head and swing it back.

Do this exercise slowly. Lower the pelvis as low as possible, and then lift it as high as possible, arching your back, lower it again, raise it and lower it.

If you do this exercise correctly, you will feel relief after a few exercises, as there is a relaxation of the spine.

We make several approaches. If you already have any serious problems with the neck or lower back, first do this exercise carefully, slowly and with a small amplitude. Watch your feelings.

Exercise 2

This exercise is intended primarily to stimulate the nerves that go to the liver and kidneys. It brings relief in the case of diseases of these organs that arise due to nervous disorders.

Sluggish liver and hardened kidneys, prematurely aged, as a result of doing this exercise will again begin to function well.

Starting position: Same as for the exercise of the cervical section of the longest muscle. Lie down on the floor face down, lift the pelvis and arched back, the body rests on the palms and toes.


Hands and feet are straight. Turn the pelvis as far as possible to the right, lowering the left side as low as possible, and then left. Do not bend your arms and legs.


Move slowly and constantly think about stretching the spine.

Exercise 3

In this exercise, the vertebral column is relaxed from top to bottom. Each nerve center is stimulated. The pelvic region is relieved. Strengthened attached to the spine muscles, the most important for its support in the elongated state, stimulating the growth of intervertebral cartilage.

Starting position: Sit on the floor, rest on the arranged straight arms, located just behind the trunk, legs bent.

Pick up the basin. The body rests on the placed bent legs and straight arms.

This exercise should be done at a fast pace.

Raise the body to the horizontal position of the spine. Go back to the starting position.

Repeat the motion several times.

Exercise 4

Exercise gives a special power to that part of the spine, where the nerves that control the stomach are concentrated.

In addition, it is effective for the entire spine, stretches it, leads the body to a balanced state.

Starting position: Lie on the floor, on the back, legs stretched, hands in the sides.

Bend your knees, pull them to your chest and clasp your hands.

Push your knees and hips from your chest, not lowering your hands.

At the same time raise your head and try to touch your knees with your chin.

Hold 'this trunk position for five seconds.

Exercise 5

This exercise is one of the most important, stretching the spine. In addition, it brings relief to the large intestine, stimulating the nerves that control it.

Starting position: Same as for the exercise of the cervical section of the longest muscle.

Lie down on the floor, face down, lift the high pelvis, arched arched back, head down and leaning on straight arms and legs.

In this position, go around the room.


In addition to the complex of therapeutic gymnastics, go swimming.

To strengthen the back swim breaststroke. This style floats a newborn baby, if it is thrown into the water. This style swims the frog.

Do not know how to learn how to swim a breaststroke. With this style of swimming, the very muscles that are needed to support the spine develop.

In the water, in addition, the body is in a state of weightlessness. Completely removed all compressive intervertebral disc loads.

If you have problems with the spine, then perhaps you should pay attention to this course. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine.

Massager Kolchina - a modern tool for fighting pain


A source: http://anisima.ru/uprazhneniya-dlya-spiny-i-pozvonochnika-ot-polya-bregga/

5 Effective Exercises by Paul Bragg

Exercises of Paul Bragg are designed to strengthen and heal the spine.

Paul Bregg is one of the most famous valeologists who developed special exercises for the spine.

All his life he devoted to the study of a healthy lifestyle, and thanks to his system of healing helped many people get rid of various diseases and thereby prolong their youth.

Problems with the spine can occur at any age and there are plenty of reasons for this. But the treatment may differ depending on the pathological process in the spinal column.

But there is one technique that allows not only to eliminate diseases and vertebral changes that have occurred, but also to prevent the appearance of deformation of the spine.

The human spine performs several very important functions. First, it is the mobilization of the vertebrae, thanks to the structure of the spine, a person can lean, walk or turn.

And secondly - it protects the spine from mechanical damage in everyday life and prevents painful sensations with various movements of the body.

Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to your spine and, at the first manifestations of the disease, to turn to specialists.

The basic rules for doing exercises from Paul Bragg

Before starting any activities related to your health, you should consult your doctor.

Since self-medication threatens patients with serious complications and irretrievable consequences.

So, let's look at the basic rules of doing exercises for the spine:

  • Perform exercises should only after the removal of severe pain in the back;
  • Do not severely strain the damaged area of ​​the spine during training. At the first symptoms of fatigue and pain, it is necessary to stop the exercise.
  • You need to start classes with minimal effort for the spine, that is, the exercises do not should have the maximum possible amplitude of movements and only with time it can be gradually increase. After each exercise, a person should give the spine and the entire body a little rest.
  • Exercise should be complete and with all the instructions of a specialist. To do this, they must be done from start to finish.
  • Training should be conducted daily at the first stage of recovery, and after favorable changes in the body, you can perform a set of exercises several times a week.
  • Before starting a workout, a person should completely relax, and not take lessons such as something burdening him. It is best to try and have fun. In this case, the desired result will come much sooner.
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Only by following all the recommendations of the doctor, and adhering to the above rules for the treatment of the spine, you can achieve the desired results.

Thanks to the complex of exercises, patients strengthen their back muscles, restore normal blood circulation and recover the whole organism.

Paul Bregg developed five basic exercises for the spine, which prevent various diseases and become effective in the treatment of many diseases.

Complex of exercises by Paul Bregg

A special complex is designed not only to strengthen the spine but also to restore internal organs.

Paul Bregg developed a special set of exercises that helps to restore not only the spine of a person, but also the work of many internal organs.

The main thing, the valeologist asserted, was that all exercises should be performed in high spirits and at the first symptoms of fatigue stop training. Because straining his spine and overcoming the pain in his back, it is impossible to achieve positive results.


All the exercises that are described in this article Paul Bregg tried on himself and only after that he presented a ready complex for the spine.


Each of them allows to strengthen certain muscles of the back and restore the work of many internal organs by stretching the spinal column. Let's take a closer look at each of these five exercises.

Exercise for the cervical spine

When doing the exercise, it is important to do everything correctly and consistently to work on the entire spine.

In the position lying on the floor face down, place the legs along the width of the shoulders, and place your arms under the chest. Then, slowly, leaning on the hands and toes, try to raise yourself and bend your back.

It is very important that in performing this exercise the legs are fully straightened and the head is lowered. After this, gradually lower the pelvis down and lift your head up, throwing it back.

Such an exercise will maximize the impact on the entire spine, since during these actions, the spine is flexed and bent alternately.

Carrying out the exercise for the first time, it should be repeated twice, but with the time of training, the number of repetitions can be increased up to 10-12 times.

Thanks to systematic training, the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened, blood circulation improves, the nervous system calms down and the work of internal organs is established. With this exercise, you can eliminate problems such as severe migraines, digestive system disorders or relieve tension from the eye muscles.

This exercise of Paul Bragg is designed to effectively stretch the spine.


Exercise is performed to calm and improve the human nervous system, thereby restoring normal operation of many internal organs in the thoracic spine (liver, gall bladder and other).


Lie down on the floor face down, as in the previous exercise, bend your back so that the pelvis is above your head. Then slowly tilt and turn the hips first into one, and then to the other side.

Do not forget that hands and feet at runtime should be smooth. Thus, you stretch your spine and restore all its segments (vertebrae) to its proper place.

To begin with, you can perform two turns in different directions, and then gradually increase the number of movements to 10-12 times.

For people who perform these exercises for the first time it will seem difficult enough, but eventually they will be able to feel relief and health-enhancing effect not only in the spine, but in the whole body.

Exercise for the thoracolumbar region of the spine

Exercise of Bragg Field is intended to stimulate the nervous system and strengthen the pelvic area.

With the help of this exercise, the longest muscle of the back is strengthened. To do this, you need to sit on the floor, place your hands behind your back, resting your palms on the floor.

Then quickly, but with this very carefully lift the pelvis up to the horizontal position of the spinal column, and then go down to the starting position.


Thanks to this exercise, the muscles of the back are fully strengthened, each nerve center is stimulated and the condition in the pelvic region is facilitated.


Such exercises will help normalize blood circulation and restore the correct position of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Exercise for the thoracolumbar region is not so severe, so the first time it can be repeated about 6 times, and then increase gradually, increase their number.

Exercise for the lumbar region of the spine

This exercise of Paul Bregg not only strengthens the spine but also has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

In the supine position on the back, spread your arms to the side, and straighten your legs. Then, press your knees to your chest and grab them with your hands, and then try to touch your knees with your chin, holding this position for a few seconds.

As a result, there is a push that stretches the spine, releasing the strangulated nerves and increasing the intervertebral spaces.

Thanks to this exercise, a person can work not only in the lumbar spine, but also in an internal organ such as the stomach.

After all, it is in the lumbar region that the nerves responsible for the proper functioning of this organ are concentrated. But this is not the only beneficial effect of exercise.

It is very important to adhere to all the rules and recommendations of a specialist, only in such a case such training will lead to a balanced state in the entire spine. This exercise should be done two to four times.

Exercise for femoral and gluteal muscles

One of Paul Bragg's most effective exercises for stretching the spine.

In a standing position on all fours, then bend your back so that your arms and legs straighten. Having lowered your head down, try to pass in this position to the end of the room.

It is very important that the legs and hands do not straighten out while walking. Such an exercise is the most effective way of stretching the spine, and due to its twisting, the load is removed from the back.


After some time of training a person can notice the strengthened muscles, flexibility of the spinal column, and also real improvement of one's health.


Performing this exercise in addition to stretching the spine also positively affects the work of the large intestine.

Recommendations for performing a set of exercises from Paul Bragg

It is very important to follow the instructions strictly according to the doctor's instructions.

As it was said before, it is necessary to perform gymnastic exercises to improve one's health only after the recommendation of a doctor or specialist in this field.

Paul Bregg claims that to perform his health training should be based on the individual indicators of each person.

It is very important not to strain all the back muscles and the spine at once with strong loads.All exercises must be performed, gradually increasing their number.

Also, rest during training is important. Here, we can say about the need for respite after each exercise for a specific department of the spine.

Many, having felt a significant improvement in their health, do not think that in such a short time they completely got rid of the disease or other pathology of the spine. After all, all the processes in the spinal column do not occur in one year, so its restoration requires constant and systematic training.

Also, an excellent effect is observed if gymnastic exercises are combined with swimming. This will help strengthen the back muscles, especially if you swim with a breaststroke or in the style of a frog.

Immersed in the water body is in some weightlessness and does not feel physical activity, which allows you to completely relax your back muscles and relieve the load on the intervertebral discs.

A source: http://SpinHeal.ru/lfk-i-massazh/uprazhneniya-dlya-pozvonochnika-polja-bregga.html

5 amazing exercises by Paul Bragg from back pain

The only condition that must be strictly observed is the performance of a complex of exercises in the complex.

If a person becomes similar in caring for his spine, then in 70-80 years he will be healthy, energetic, will have a clear mind and a sober memory.


To do this, it is necessary to realize the importance of exercises for one's health and perform them daily, at least to the minimum.


Positive results appear in just a few weeks or even a few days of regular classes.

When starting exercises for the spine, the following rules should be followed:

  • Do not apply sharp efforts to the lost parts of the spine;
  • Do exercises, commensurate with your physical abilities, starting with a small one and gradually increasing it;
  • Do not try to do exercises with the maximum amplitude of motion, start with small swinging vertebrae of movements, carefully and gradually increasing their amplitude.

These rules must be observed for the reason that you do not know the true state of your spine, the degree of salt deposition, the state of intervertebral discs and ligaments.Excessive load instead of use can cause harm.

Remember that by training and stretching the spinal column, we strengthen the muscles and ligaments that will keep the spine in stretched state.

This work will stimulate the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body. The metabolism will increase, and the internal organs will get stronger.

In general, this will have a beneficial effect on the health of the whole organism.


The success of any business depends on motivation. The stronger it is, the more a person can achieve. When starting a set of exercises for the spine, create this motivation - convince yourself that these exercises are vital for you.


By this you decide more than half of the task. Now it is necessary to get involved in the training regime and gradually increase the load. To do this, start with the smallest.

During the first week, exercise slowly enough. If you feel uncomfortable or tired, stop exercising for a while. But gradually you will feel that from regular exercises the body becomes stronger, stamina increases, the spine becomes healthier.

As with any physical activity, after the exercises on the spine there will be pain in the muscles. It's quite normal. Soon they will pass.

There is a rest between exercises.

The first exercise effectively affects part of the nervous system, which is responsible for the work of the head, eye muscles and nerves, which are binding to the stomach and intestines. When performing the first exercise, we work on the headache, eye strain and indigestion. The muscles of the cervical spine are significantly trained.

Lie down on the floor face down, then you should lift the pelvis and arched back arched. The pelvis is above the level of the lowered head.

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The body should have a support solely on the toes and palms of the hands. Legs shoulder width apart.

Knees and elbows are straightened, creating the necessary tension for the spine.

Lowering the pelvis almost to the floor, raise your head, then throw it back sharply.

Exercise should be done slowly.

Lowering the pelvis, as low as possible, then slowly raise it as high as possible, with the back arched and repeated again.

With proper performance of the exercise, there is some relief, due to relaxation of the spine.

The second exercise trains and strengthens the muscles of the thoracic spine.Stimulated nerves that go to the liver and kidneys.

During the exercise, there is relief from liver and kidney disease caused by a nervous breakdown. Normal functioning of the kidneys is being established.

Lie down on the floor face down, lifting the pelvis and arched back.

The body rests only on the toes and palms of the hand. Hands and feet are straight.

Turn the pelvis as far as possible to the right, while lowering the side as low as possible.

All repeat with a turn in the other direction.

Exercise should be done slowly.

The following exercise trains the muscle of the lumbar spine, in the area of ​​its transition from the thoracic to the pelvis.

During the exercise, the spinal column is in a state of complete relaxation, each nerve center is stimulated. There is relief of the pelvic region.

The recovery process of intervertebral discs is stimulated.

Sit on the floor, rest on the arranged straight arms, which are located slightly behind, legs are bent.

Raise the pelvis, the body should be supported by the straight arms and the bent legs.

Movement should be done rhythmically.


After lifting the body, the spine should be in a horizontal position, and lower.


The fourth exercise is designed to train muscle ligaments in the lumbar region.

The part of the spine is strengthened, where the nerves responsible for the operation of the stomach are located. The balance of the body is restored and the spine is stretched.

Lie on the floor, on your back. The legs should be stretched out, the arms are spread out to the sides.

Bending their knees, it is necessary to pull them to the chest, clasping their hands.

Then push your knees and hips away from your chest, but do not let go of your hands. Make a semblance of "rocking".

At the same time, lifting your head, try to touch the chin of your knees.

Try to hold this position for five seconds.

The fifth, enclosing exercise is the most important for stretching, strengthening and training the ligaments of the buttock muscles.

It is necessary to lie on the floor, face down. Raise as high as possible the pelvis, while arched back arched.

The support should be on straight legs and arms, the head is lowered.

In this position, on all fours, you should walk 5-7 minutes.

The number of exercises should be started from two to three times, gradually increasing to 10 times each.

Alternative replacement, or an effective addition to the above set of activities, you can add swimming style breasts.

The described complex of exercises Paul Bragg advises to carry out taking into account individual features. At the beginning it is recommended to perform each exercise no more than two or three times. Within a day, the number of repetitions can be increased to five times or more.

Literally after a few days the muscles of the trunk are filled with strength, and the spine and ligaments become more flexible. Normally developed people in a few days can easily perform each exercise up to 10-12 times.

As for the frequency of classes, Bragg initially recommends doing it on a daily basis.After the necessary improvements appeared in the spine, you can reduce the number of sessions to two times a week. This is enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched.

As stated earlier, a week of training is enough to make favorable changes in the spine. In 2-3 weeks they become permanent.

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A source: https://fitnessi.ru/5-potryasayushhih-uprazhnenij-polya-bregga-ot-bolej-v-spine/

Paul Bregg: exercises for the spine, tips and tricks

World fame Paul Bregg received, thanks to his work in the field of health starvation. Not only did Paul Bregg deal with this.

Exercises for the spine according to his technique are also well known to patients from different countries.

All his ideas are set forth in the book "The spine is the key to health".

Paul Bregg strongly recommends exercising his body.

What to Expect from Bregg Exercise

Thanks to Bregg's wellness exercises, patients note the following improvements:

  • muscle tone increases;
  • muscles become stronger;
  • improves posture;
  • In the spine appears elasticity and strength;
  • pain goes away;
  • internal organs fall into place;
  • deep breathing appears;
  • there is youthful mobility.


Paul Bregg strongly recommends exercising his body.

It contains 640 muscles, which necessarily require systematic physical activity. If they do not strain, they simply atrophy.

Therefore, one should not forget about the muscles of the press, arms and legs, performing exercises for the spine.

Paul Bregg recommends starting 2-3 repetitions of each exercise, gradually increasing to 10. More than 30 minutes to give to the implementation of the complex is not worth it. Expect improvement of the body after 2-3 weeks of regular exercise.

Do not be afraid of pain after the first day of classes. This is normal. Muscles come to life. At the slightest discomfort at run-time, stop, take a short pause.

All exercises are designed for those people who do not actively engage in sports.

The Basis of Exercises

At the heart of Paul Bragg's complex is just five exercises. The author recommends performing them regularly. They must become a system.

It is important to correctly calculate your strength, so as not to exceed the allowable for a particular person's workload.

Many make the mistake of stopping the exercises after the onset of relief of the painful condition and improvement of well-being.

Description of the complex

Exercise 1

Exercise is aimed at the prevention and treatment of tense eyes, to improve digestion.

Starting position: the support is lying down, legs are located on the width of the shoulders. It is necessary to raise the pelvis upwards, so that it is higher than the head. In this case, it is necessary to arch the back with an arch.

The body has an emphasis on the palms, knees and straight elbows. After the pelvis goes down to the floor. Hands and feet do not bend.

You need to maximally raise and lower the pelvis up and down.

It can not be performed by people with problems in the lumbar and cervical spine.

Exercise 2

It is aimed at stretching the spine, regulates the activity of the liver and kidneys, kneads ligaments.

Starting position: remains the same as in the first. It is necessary to raise the pelvis on the right hands and feet. The back with this pelvis bends to the left side, the left side drops as low as possible. Similarly, perform the exercise on the right side.

Exercise requires smoothness, you need to feel the spine stretching. Do not overexert. Contraindications these movements do not have.

Exercise 3

It is aimed at strengthening the muscles that hold the spine in a stretched state. Also beneficial for the nerve center and pelvis, favorably affects the development of cartilage in the spine.

Starting position: sitting on the rug lean on straight hands, located slightly behind the body. The legs are bent at the same time.

It is required to raise the legs and the pelvis up to the position in which the spine will be in a horizontal state. The legs remain bent and slightly apart.


Then return to the sitting position.


This exercise for the spine needs to be performed with acceleration upon accumulation of experience. There are no contraindications.

Exercise 4

Excellent stretches the spine and normalizes the stomach. In general, the whole body works more organically and smoothly.

Starting position: lying on the back, arms are divorced to the sides, legs are even. You need to bend your knees, pull them to yourself, clasp your hands. Holding your hands in place, you need to push your legs away from your chest. Together with this, it is necessary to pull the collections to the knees, and raise the head slightly upwards.

For people with such problems, you can perform it in a simplified form. Do not push away from the chest, but just stay in that position. Gradually you can complicate the implementation.

Exercise 5

Promotes lengthening of the spine, favorably affects the functioning of the intestine.

Starting position: same as in 1. It is necessary to arched back in the form of an arch, the pelvis is raised upwards. Support - it's straight arms and legs. Feet should not be widely spaced. The head should be lowered and, slightly bending the knees, move around the room forward, back.

Contraindications are those diseases in which the supply of blood to the head is dangerous. Exercise promotes an increased flow of blood to the head.

Posture control

Paul Bregg also spoke about the importance of controlling the posture for the health of the spine and the body as a whole.

To stand, sit and walk is necessary with the right position of the back.

Therefore, he advises not only to systematically perform the exercises, but also constantly monitor the position of his spine.

To find out which position of the body is correct, it is necessary to approach the back to the wall. Become in such a way that the shoulders, the back of the head, the lower leg and the feet touch the wall. The loin can deviate from the wall for a maximum of one finger.

The stomach is drawn in, the neck extends upward, the shoulders are straightened. This position should be fixed for 1 minute, then walk around the room, slightly bending your knees. It is necessary to step, a spring.

This way the body will remember the correct posture.

. A set of exercises by Paul Bragg


Paul Bregg's advice should be paid attention. His exercises are known in the world for nothing. As this man managed to live in good health till 95 years. He died not from old age, but from an accident that occurred to him during surfing.

He always led a healthy lifestyle, advised not to use the elevator, and climb only on the stairs without the help of hands. Chest and head should always be raised, and it's worthwhile to get to work on foot and at a fast pace.

Such simple recommendations will help to stay young and healthy.

A source: http://etospina.ru/vosstanovlenie/imennye-metodiki/uprazhneniya-dlya-pozvonochnika-polya-bregga.html