Colds in the mouth

Than to treat sores in a mouth (most likely catarrhal ...)



Stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa, the manifestation of common diseases (gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, blood, infectious, allergic).
Symptoms: Acute stomatitis occurs with an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees, pain in the oral cavity when eating. On the mucous membrane appear small bubbles (aphthae), which, bursting, form sores, erosion. Mucous edematous, tongue is imposed.
With chronic stomatitis, there is a feeling of tension of the mucous membrane in that place, then a bubble appears, filled with a clear liquid. Sores hurt when eating.
Traditional methods of treatment: Treatment involves eliminating the cause of the disease. The oral cavity is treated with antiseptic agents.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) To reduce the soreness of the mucous membrane, rinse the oral cavity with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per cup of water).
2) Chew the leaves of aloe or rinse the mouth with fresh aloe juice.

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3) Rinse the mouth with fresh Kalanchoe juice.
4) Apply to the inflamed gums raw potatoes, triturated into gruel or sliced.
5) Rinse your mouth 3 times a day with freshly prepared carrot juice. The juice can be diluted with water in the ratio:.
6) Pour in 15-20gr. chamomile flowers pharmacy 1 glass of water, insist, in the infusion it is recommended to add 4gr. boric acid. To apply for rinses of an oral cavity.
7) Take 3 large cloves of garlic, grind and combine with 2 teaspoons of yogurt. Mixture slightly warmed and keep in your mouth, trying to spread your tongue across all affected areas. Ignoring the inevitable burning sensation, repeat the procedure several times. The course of treatment is 1 week.
8) Prepare fresh cabbage juice, dilute it with half boiled water. Rinse your mouth.
9) Pour 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers (sold in pharmacies) 1 cup boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, strain. Use as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerating agent for rinsing the mouth.
10) Pour 1 teaspoon of the crushed rhizome of a cinquefoil erect (sold in a pharmacy) 1 glass of water, insist 5 hours, boil. Rinse your mouth with stomatitis.

Natalia Belova

Rinse with sage.


rinse with vodka ...


Most likely it is a stomatitis, an infectious disease. Ask at the pharmacy, now a lot of funds for stomatitis.

Win Mod

if not cold - try vitamin A


And is there a cold? :)

Ekaterina Ivanova

There is a tincture called "Rotokan" sold in pharmacies costs about 20 rubles. This alcoholic tincture on three herbs has anti-inflammatory effect for the oral cavity and throat. It is diluted with warm boiled water and you need to rinse your mouth once 5-6 a day you can more. Och good thing.


acyclovir antiviral

Elena Stanislavovna

Immensely grateful to her mother in law,
that for many years she had been preparing a syrup from the petals of a rose.
Just chew these petals a couple of times and many infectious problems go away,
up to the angina.
Shop jam from the rose is also not bad.
And, if through the pharmacy, then vinyl.

Svetlana Dementieva

Rinse Calendula, Camomile and Sage

Elena Ustinova

If stomatitis, then rinse rotokanom, decoction of chamomile, oak bark, you can still dental gel Metrogil Dent grease the gum.


If it is cold, then it is most likely a herpetic infection. You can try the application with ointment "Kamistad she has analgesic and antiseptic effect. And still there is a good ointment "solkoseril-denta it stimulates the healing of sores.

Korshunova Lubov

Whether this will be cured by a cold, such sores are from sunflower seeds, consult a specialist doctor. while you can smear it
ointment streptatsitovoy or sentomecinovoy. or carotene rose hip ointment. but maybe it's stamotit.

Alena Verevkina

Stomatidin ask at the pharmacy.

Drion Leaving Earth

Personally, I with any inflammatory manifestations in the oral cavity helps IOKS (rinse and aerosol). Very effective and inexpensive means. It is sold in pharmacies.


solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin - treat the oral cavity (gauze on the finger, wet the solution and lubricate). after treatment, do not eat or drink, do 2-3 times a day


Sores in the mouth are not for colds, but for stomatitis! In this period I'm treating my child this trouble. It is necessary to rinse your mouth first with such a solution: half a cup of 1 tbsp. spoon of hydrogen peroxide, and then Stomatodine.

Colds in the mouth



For 100 ml water 3-5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. With this solution rinse your mouth, by lunch tomorrow everything will pass and forget about the sore in your mouth!
Good luck!



Derbanosova Svetlana

It's not a cold, it's a stomatitis, I guess. It is necessary to anoint with greenery


passes for a long time up to 2-3 weeks, slightly relieves sea buckthorn oil, stomatitis letica with hydrogen peroxide, greens do not smear with grease)


will pass earlier, a week, maybe less. According to medicine - stomatitis, according to the people's note - someone strongly lied


Manifestation of stomatitis - small car in the mouth - apply rinsing hexoral for 5 days in the morning and in the evening after brushing your teeth, painful areas can be treated with holisal gel 3-4 times a day or solcoseryl dental adhesive ( in tech. 7 days), it takes about 5-7 days. Good luck.
ps-zelenka can burn the mucous and increase soreness. (it is better not to use)


I had such a thing last summer. Within 3 days rinse your mouth with a solution of "Furacilin" (buy these tabletochki-small, yellow-rastolki one for a cup of warm boiled water and a solution is ready). It helps 100 percent!

Than to treat herpes on lips and in a mouth ???


Sergey Gushchin

it is incurable. and so with ointment, everyone knows at the pharmacy


in the mouth smear greens (every half hour), on the lips-ointment acic and drink anti-virus can-grosprinovazin

Kutaev Evgeniy Mikhailovich

Passions which: (Well in the corners of the lips it is clear with ointment... zaveraks for example, and in general herpes is a virus, that is, and treatment with antiviral drugs;)


Acyclovir or Zovirax, the site is helped by mildening of Corvalolum or propolis tincture


Herpes can not be cured. You can only "heal" the blisters and wounds with the next exacerbation. This is best done by Acyclovir (analogous to Zovirax). But to begin with it is better to be convinced, that at you herpes, and that it is possible "to recover" up to a handle... Do not be ill!


in the mouth of the bark of oak, rinse, on the outside with ordinary oxolin, or boron plus

Adrian Aristarkhov

People received a Nobel Prize for a drug that selectively acts on the herpes virus. It is called Zovirax (made in England). Not to be confused with acyclovir, _ it's all sickly generics. But if you have herpes in your mouth, it's worse. He will certainly pass.., but this is an occasion to think about your immunity ..


From herpes on the lips, I always helped herpevir


How to cure herpes on the lips

Unfortunately, it is possible to prevent the development of herpes on the lips only by prevention and at the first stage of the disease, when the painful vesicle has not yet appeared. At the first signs (itching, tingling) use the anti-herpes remedy, which can be selected in the pharmacy. If the ointment does not help or if the first stage is missed, then you can only contribute quick healing and reduce unpleasant pain, but not prevent the appearance jazvochek.

Currently, there are many gels, ointments against herpes, about which one you can choose to consult at a pharmacy or a doctor. Each person is individual, and the medicine that will help one will be completely ineffective for another, so it is possible that choosing a good remedy will have to be through trial and error.

A source

How to get rid of herpes?

Of course, rashes on the lips do not practically affect the state of the body, but cause a lot of difficulties:
- Herpes is transmitted to others;
- causes disgust;
- does not look aesthetically pleasing.
Therefore, a person who has a rash, you must adhere to some rules:
- Do not let others touch the lip;
- do not touch the eyes after touching the rashes;
- Wash your hands with warm water and soap after touching;
- use separate dishes, towels and other accessories;
- Do not rip off the bubbles and crust;
- Refrain from kissing and oral sex.

Especial danger of repeated manifestations of herpes are for people with cancer, HIV, patients in serious condition.
With weakened immunity, herpes affects the internal organs and can cause the development of keratitis (eye damage).

For the treatment of herpes, at the moment there are many different creams - Gerpevir, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Liniment of Cycloferon. Also used antiviral tablets Zovirax, Cycloferon, Groprinosin.

Among the folk remedies is:
- Compresses from chamomile tea, field horsetail, willow bark;
- zinc solutions (4 g of zinc sulfate dissolved in 100 ml of water);
- alcohol solution of melissa leaves (10 g per 100 g of alcohol, insist for several days);
- Ice compresses (a piece of ice wrap the napkin and apply, but not to hypothermia) - with the initial stage, itching.

How to prevent the appearance of herpes?

To avoid relapse of the appearance of unpleasant vesicles on the lips, you should:
1. Do not expose your lips to intense sunlight, protect them with sunblock.
2. In strong wind or frost, lips should also be lubricated with petroleum jelly or protective lipstick.
3. Treat colds and other illnesses, do not "sit out" them at work.
4. Avoid stressful situations, learn to relax.
5. Keep hygiene, brush your teeth twice a day, wash your toothbrush with soap and change it every three months.
6. Strengthen immunity by regular physical exercise.
7. Strengthen immunity with the intake of vitamins, tinctures of echinacea, full nutrition.

A source

How to treat? During the cold in the mouth formed white sores, tell me how and what to treat?



I'm not a doctor, but if it's a stomatitis, which is completely impossible... rinse your mouth with broths of chamomile... Sage... calendula... (all these plants are in the pharmacy and the way of preparation is indicated on the package) and lubricate after rinse inside the mouth with honey and try not to eat after that to make your honey act... rinse and lubricate with honey as often as possible (herbs are all individually... alternate them or you can take some one) Recover... consult a doctor.


try rinse with chlorhexidine for no more than 5 days, then ointment of Mentrogil-Denta.. and contact your dentist

ekaterina *******

The most correct way to rinse with miramistin and lubricate with lyugol all will pass

The taste of bitterness in the mouth

Bitterness or other unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth is not always a sign that something is wrong with the body. This phenomenon can occur, for example, after drinking alcohol or very fatty or spicy foods. And it can happen, both after a meal, and in the mornings, when the stomach is empty. However, if the taste of bitterness in the mouth has appeared and does not go away for several days, or worries too often and for no apparent reason, then in this case it is worth to consult a doctor.

Causes of bitterness in the mouth

Causes of constant taste of bitterness in the mouth can be various diseases and disorders of the functions of individual organs:

  • disease of the oral mucosa or gums;
  • hepatitis;
  • discord in the operation of the gallbladder;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • diseases of the duodenum;
  • poor intestinal motility;
  • dysbiosis, impaired intestinal microflora;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • steatosis of the liver;
  • other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In diseases of the liver and bile ducts, bile enters the esophagus and even into the oral cavity, and therefore the taste of bile in the mouth is very bright. And if the disease is affected by the gallbladder, then in addition there may be a yellowish-white coating on the tongue. These signs already clearly indicate that you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Another common cause of the appearance of bite in the mouth is the intake of certain medications. There are drugs that adversely affect the condition of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder. These are, first of all, antibiotics and antihistamines.

Treatment for a bitter taste in the mouth

When you learned why there was a taste of bitterness in your mouth, it's time to take care of it. And first of all it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. Usually, the unpleasant aftertaste disappears by itself.

In order to neutralize the unpleasant aftertaste, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a copious amount of warm water. Due to the fact that the taste of bitterness in the mouth can have different causes, treatment in each specific situation will also differ. However, first of all, it is necessary to observe a very strict diet, the features of which are as follows:

It is forbidden:

  • fatty;
  • sharp;
  • spices, condiments;
  • meat;
  • rich soups and broths;
  • Fresh bread and other dough products;
  • sweet;
  • sharp plants (garlic, horseradish, radish, radish, etc.);
  • very acidic fruits (for example, citrus fruits) and fruit (for example, grapes) is too sweet;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • black tea, coffee;
  • alcohol.


  • replace strong drinks with green tea;
  • drink tea from rose hips, mint, elderberry, currant and other choleretic and diuretic herbs and berries;
  • to use sour-milk products;
  • include in the diet more cereals, such as oatmeal.

In case of problems with the digestive organs, it is recommended to use folk remedies:

  • flax seeds;
  • calendula;
  • oil of air;
  • peppermint oil;
  • corn silk;
  • flowers immortelle;
  • oregano;
  • flowers of cornflower blue;
  • Birch buds;
  • chamomile and others.

Diet and these tools often allow you to completely get rid of the problem. However, if the cause of bitterness in the mouth is not a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is worth using other means.

For intensive withdrawal of extra bile from the body, special medical preparations are intended, including artificial origin. For example:

  • Hepatophyte;
  • Allochol;
  • Levasil;
  • Glutargin;
  • Nicodin;
  • Darcil et al.

A separate point is the case when the taste of bitterness in the mouth appears in pregnant women. As a rule, this is quite a normal situation, which is an increase in the amount of hormones in the early stages and the pressure of the fetus in the late months of pregnancy.

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