Gymnastics for correcting scoliosis

At the initial stages, scoliosis is not given much importance, although it is a harbinger of more serious health problems in the future. Because of frivolous attitude, the right moment is missed, the disease passes to the next stages, and the treatment requires more effort and time.

To the doctor it is necessary to address at the first signs of problems with a back. He will appoint physiotherapy, massage, corrective gymnastics, will give recommendations on wearing a corset.

To develop a daily set of exercises for scoliosis of the spine for training at home, should ask the instructor for physiotherapy and his doctor, who will prompt how to create an individual plan lessons.

It is such a competent approach that will most effectively help to cope with the beginning deformity of the spine or the already launched problem. Medical gymnastics is recommended for adults and children alike.


  • 1Efficacy of gymnastic exercises in scoliosis
  • 2Basic exercises for scoliosis of 1 degree
  • 3Basic exercises for scoliosis of 2 degrees
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Basic exercises for scoliosis of 3 degrees
  • 5Precautionary measures

Efficacy of gymnastic exercises in scoliosis

If scoliosis is not congenital, then most often it occurs in children who have a sedentary lifestyle at the computer or TV. Weak back muscles, not accustomed to physical exertion, can not support the spine, and gradually its deformation begins. In this casegymnastics corrects the begun infringement of a posture.

Exercises to correct scoliosis cause muscles to grow, a so-called "muscle corset" is created, internal organs are held in the right position, and nothing prevents the young body from developing.

These tasks can be solved with the help of a correct choice of therapeutic physical exercises, which should be suitable for the patient by age and to correspond to a degree of a scoliosis (at 1 and 2 degrees of exercise will be more intensive, than at 3 and 4 when it is very difficult for patients move).

Even with deep defeats of the spine, when the curved shoulders are already visible to the naked eye, scapula, lowered pelvic bones, you can correct the situation with daily physical exertion, recommended by a doctor.

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When the muscular corset in the chest and lumbar region grows, it helps keep the spine in the right position. In this disease, the muscles from the lateral flexion of the spine are strongly stretched, and from the other side there is always a strained muscular cushion - gymnastics to correct scoliosis will help fix this defect.

As a rule, the effect of training quickly becomes noticeable in children, and adults need to do much longer and more intensely, because the bones do not grow, and the joints are less flexible. But still the further development of scoliosis will be stopped, and health will begin to improve before our eyes.

Usually the standard set of exercises includes exercises to develop breathing, correct posture, and eliminate deformities of the spinal column.Strong loads are contraindicated, especially at the very beginning of work, as pulling and strongly straining your back can not be avoided in order to avoid injury.

Rapid pace is not needed here - it's not classes for losing weight, where it is the continuous physical activity that starts burning fat - it's important to just develop certain muscles.

Basic exercises for scoliosis of 1 degree

Medical gymnastics, even with a scoliosis of 1 degree, must enter the daily habit of a person if he does not want further development of problems.

At the initial stages of deformation of the spine the following set of dynamic and static exercises is recommended:

  1. Standing near the wall, you need to cuddle up to it as tightly as possible with the entire back, the back of the head, buttocks, calves and heels. To die in this position for 2-3 minutes, try to remember this posture and save it after you step away from the wall a step. Hold for another 2-3 minutes.
  2. Standing to raise your hands up, lead them by the head, bend back behind them and stay in that position for a few seconds. Repeat the movement 10 times.
  3. Standing to get your hands back and press the stick behind to the head and buttocks. Crouch with her, lean forward, to the right, to the left, making sure that the stick does not separate from the head and buttocks.
  4. Lying on his stomach, put his hands under his head, lean his chin on his wrists. Raise the upper half of the body, leaning on the hand, the hips do not come off the floor. To die for 5-6 seconds. Repeat several times.
All classes are conducted after consultation with the doctor. If he approves the exercises, then gymnastics in scoliosis can be performed at home.

Basic exercises for scoliosis of 2 degrees

All exercises performed at grade 1 are suitable for the second, only they must be performed more often and continuously, and more are added to them. Ideally, the training should last at least an hour.

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In the first minutes of work, tasks are performed to prepare and relax the muscles of the back:

  1. On an incline bench, lie down for about 30 seconds, then stand up. Repeat several times. The spine is stretched without any effort, without tension and increasing trauma danger. Exercise is especially important for back pain.
  2. Lie on the floor on your back, throw your arms behind your head and slowly reach for your hands up, then relax. Repeat several times.

To develop a muscular corset at a scoliosis of 2 degrees the gymnastics consisting of the following exercises will help:

  1. Lie down on the bench, spread his hands to the sides, strain the calves so that the socks look toward the head. Frozen in this position for a few seconds, repeat at least 10 times.
  2. Lying on the bench, put your hands behind your head, and then bend your chest up and froze in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Lying on the bench to spread his hands to the sides, they hold a small load (you can half-liter bottles of water), count to 10 and return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.
When performing exercises for scoliosis of the 2nd degree, one should not subject the spine to heavy loads - somersaults, jumps, sharp bends, running, intense squats.

Basic exercises for scoliosis of 3 degrees

At different degrees of damage, especially at the third, the following types of exercises for the treatment of scoliosis are useful:

  • swimming with breaststroke and crayfish;
  • walking;
  • running on skis.

Intensive and traumatic kinds of variety such as volleyball, football, basketball, tennis are prohibited.- all of them are associated with sharp movements and the danger of getting damaged.

At this stage of the exercise with scoliosis to strengthen the muscles of the back should be done carefully - the displaced vertebrae can be damaged even more.You can not squat deeply, run a lot, lift weights.

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All exercises to reduce the load on the spine are recommended to perform prone. Exercises can be used as those recommended above, and also add specific ones to eliminate curved arcs of the spine in the right or left side. These are the so-called exercises from asymmetric positions: it is taken into account, from which side the arc is arched, how many bends the spine has.

All exercises at grade 3 are strictly consistent with the observing physician, otherwise you can hurt yourself right up to disability. Sometimes patients are wondering whether it is possible to hang on a horizontal bar with scoliosis of the third degree. The answer in this case is negative, there is no use for a strong stretching of the spine, but will only aggravate the situation.

Precautionary measures

Probably, one should say again that all exercises for strengthening the back muscles in scoliosis, especially in cases of severe deformity, should be discussed with the doctor and the instructor on exercise therapy. Taking care of your health does not tolerate amateurism