Homeopathic remedy for colds

Effective homeopathic remedy for a cold

Many specialists prescribe a homeopathic remedy for the common cold. Mainly distinguish acute and chronic course of rhinitis. Acute inflammatory process in the nose can begin as an independent illness or be a manifestation of infectious processes. If the cold does not heal, it will go to a chronic stage.

The problem of the common cold

There are many drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, but all of them can cause a number of complications. It often happens that these medicines can not be applied to a patient for any reason.

Since ancient times man has been looking for such a remedy that would heal from illnesses without harming the body. Homeopathy as a way to safely treat many ailments, including the common cold, has been known for a long time, but it was widely spread only now. However, to date, there are many skeptics who do not believe that homeopathic remedies are capable of at least something to cure. Most likely, this is due to the lack of experience in the use of these substances.

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In homeopathy with a cold there are supporters who believe in its effectiveness. Every day they see positive results from this method of treatment. Quite often, homeopathic remedy is acquired by parents for their children, as well as women during the period of carrying and feeding the baby. These substances have a much milder effect on the body than drugs.

Homeopathic drops in the nose can be purchased without a prescription.But still you need to consult a doctor first, since, although small, there are contraindications to their use.

The action that homeopathy has on a person

Scheme of rhinitisThe effect of treatment with homeopathic drugs is achieved by activating the metabolic processes in the nasopharynx, which leads to tissue repair.

Homeopathic remedies are used in very small dosages. This has a stimulating effect on the organ, in this case nasopharyngeal tissue, which leads to recovery. It is necessary to avoid an increase in the recommended dose, as this can, on the contrary, aggravate the process, lead to a more severe and protracted course of the disease.

Homeopathic remedies for the common cold affect the body in a variety of ways:

  • stimulate immunity;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • have a harmful effect on viruses;
  • remove the edema.

Due to this action, the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, recovery occurs, which does not yield vasoconstrictive drugs. Moreover, the preparations of homeopathy in the rhinitis have no irritating effect and do not cause dryness. After a while after starting the use of homeopathic remedies, mucus completely disappears, breathing through the nose becomes much easier.

The use and form of the release of homeopathic remedies for the common cold

Benefits of homeopathic drops in the coldHomeopathic remedies for the common cold should be applied immediately after the appearance of the first signs of the disease. The fact is that the drugs of this group do not act lightning fast, but gradually, much more slowly than medicines. They can be used for a fairly long period of time, which is a prerequisite for the treatment of chronic rhinitis.

Most often when treating the common cold with homeopathic remedies, you need to drip your nose at the beginning of the disease every 15 minutes. This scheme should be followed for two hours. Next, you need to apply the remedy as recommended in the instructions to it.

Homeopathy from the common cold is widely used in the treatment of children.

After all, these substances do not have such side effects and do not have as many contraindications as drug medications.

Homeopathic substances release:

Arsenicum Album for the treatment of a cold
  • in tableted form;
  • in the form of sprays;
  • in the form of drops.

Any homeopathic remedy for the common cold is prescribed individually for each person, all features of his body, age, sex, the causes of the onset of the disease, how it manifests, how neglected process.

Homeopathic remedies for the common cold are classified into four groups:

  • homeopathy for a systemic action that needs to be used inward, since only after getting into the digestive tract they will penetrate into the blood and will be carried along the body, most often these are tablets;
  • funds that act locally, mainly, they are drops, ointment and sprays;
  • substances of complex homeopathy from the common cold;
  • drugs used in allergic rhinitis.

What homeopathic remedies are used most often?

The treatment of the common cold with homeopathy is based on the fact that similar treatment is similar, that is, if a person experiences a cold with the same sensations that he had when cutting an onion, he will be given an Allium of a chain, made from Luke.

Consultation of a physician with a coldThe allium of the chain is effective in acute rhinitis, in which sneezing is expressed, and the discharge from the nasal passages is abundant and watery.

Arsenicum albumum is used when the discharge is liquid, sneezing does not bring relief and is accompanied by an abundant detachable, a person begins to feel worse.

Dulcamara is used for dry inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is characterized by congestion, and the discharge is dense, crusts are formed, sometimes bloody.

Gelsemium sempervirens is used when the stuffiness is felt in the root of the nose, the nasal fossae are dry, the bowels of the nose are swollen, there are pains in the head region, an increase in temperature, watery discharge character.

Hydrastis canadisis is prescribed, if the nose is dry and sticky, often blow your nose.

The problem of sneezing at a coldKalium bichromicum helps with a cold, when the nose is "dry and the secretions are thick, unpleasantly smelling, have a greenish-yellow color, the patient often sneezes, nasal breathing is difficult.

Pulsatilla - a drug that is used when the right nostril is laid, the patient does not smell, the nose pawns in the evening, and in the morning yellow mucus leaves, in the region of the nose crusts form.

Sabadilla helps with rhinitis accompanied by lacrimation, tenderness in the frontal lobes of the head, and discharge from the nose is watery and abundant.

Stimct pulmatsiya used for inflammation of the nasal mucosa, when the patient complains of dryness and the need to often blow his nose.

Features of the use of homeopathy from the common cold in children

The choice of homeopathic remedies for the common cold is extremely wide, but this method of treatment is most effective if it is universal, that is, it affects the entire body, strengthens it, increases its immunity.

Among other means for treating a common cold in children, preference is given to homeopathic remedies, they are prescribed to babies older than one year. But it is important to choose the right drug and dose.

Correctly to pick up a dose the person who does not have special knowledge, certainly, can not. A competent homeopath knows that not every illness should be treated, you just need to help the body with it. He will be able to determine how much of a substance a patient needs at this stage of the disease.


The immune system of a growing organism is much weaker and more vulnerable than an adult. Therefore, the choice of a drug to treat a child, you need to approach much more seriously. Children are prescribed homeopathic remedies based on onion, yellow jasmine, hepar sulfurum, pulsatilla.

Self-medication is an initially wrong way

The popularity of homeopathic remedies is related to the fact that even if this or that remedy can not cure a cold or other ailment, they will not do any harm to the body. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dosages. If the patient does not feel relief, he will just go again to the doctor, but will not suffer from inappropriate treatment.


Coryza - only at first glance seems to be a safe disease, if it is not treated or treated incorrectly, it may not only to pass into the chronic stage, but also lead to more serious complications, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, polyps and fronts. Rhinitis is caused by an allergy, then a completely different approach is needed to treat it. But to understand all these subtleties is capable only of a doctor, so without his advice, you should not use any drug, no matter how safe it may seem.


Homeopathy with a cold: homeopathic remedies for rhinitis

Homeopathy in the common cold is treated with drugs that contain the active ingredient in a minimal amount.

The main principle of such therapy is the use of a drug that can cause a symptom of a cold in the body, from which the patient is trying to cure.

A similar system of treatment was proposed in the late 18th century by the German doctor Hahnemann.

According to historical facts, Hahnemann's theory at one time was not accepted in the scientific community, even was published a special decree according to which the doctor did not have the right to distribute independently made medicines.

Meanwhile, the scientist continued his research, and homeopathy successfully reached the modern period. And today homeopathic treatment is used in the treatment of almost all diseases, including colds.

The attitude of scientific medicine to homeopathy

The attitude of scientific medicine to homeopathyUnfortunately, the debate about the effectiveness of homeopathy does not cease today. Official representatives of medicine often call homeopathy pseudoscience, believing that it conducts treatment by placebo.

According to some doctors, homeopathic remedies for the common cold do not work properly on the body, since the homeopathic principle is based on a misconception of the mechanisms of recovery rights.

However, homeopathy from the common cold and other colds continues to be very popular among patients who claim that the homeopathic medicine helps them. Indeed, there are many facts when homeopathy was able to improve health and get rid of the disease.

Also, the increased demand for such drugs is that any homeopathic medicine is manufactured exclusively from natural ingredients, including medicinal plants, natural substances and animal products origin.

Effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for colds

In the treatment of the common cold, various homeopathic remedies are widely used, including ointments, capsules, drops and sprays. They complexly affect the body, destroying viruses, stopping the inflammatory process, reducing puffiness, strengthening the immune system.

Homeopathic medicines are primarily popular due to the fact that:

  • These are safe medications that do not always help, but do not harm human health.
  • Homeopathic medications can be used alone if an accurate diagnosis of the disease is known.
  • Homeopathy is based on the use of natural components that have a positive effect on the body.

With a cold, the medicine is selected based on the laws of similarity. The drug for effects should be similar to the picture of the existing disease.

So, if the patient feels an increased tear, as when using onions, he is most often prescribed a drug Allium Chain based on onions.

Homeopathic remedies for colds for internal admission

Any homeopathic remedy for the common cold in the form of tablets or granules is much more effective and effective impact on the body than nasal drops or sprays from sinusitis.

Such a medicine strengthens the body, contributing to its fight against a disease that caused a runny nose. Next we offer the most popular homeopathic remedies for internal use in the treatment of the common cold.

  1. Homeopathic medicine Cinnabsin has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect on the body. This drug is used most often with sinusitis, but it is no less effective in treating the initial form of the common cold. When the product is exposed, the edema of the nasal mucosa decreases, resulting in better breathing.
  2. Medication Corizalia eliminates the symptoms of acute respiratory disease and allergic rhinitis. The drug reduces the inflammatory process, relieves nasal congestion, eliminates the sensation of tickling in the nasopharynx, because of which a person often sneezes.
  3. The drug Allium Cepa treats colds at the initial stage, it also effectively relieves allergy symptoms. The medicine relieves nasal congestion, increased tear, coughing, sneezing, reduces mucous discharge and eliminates burning in the nasopharynx.
  4. Homeopathic medicine for rhinitis Aconite has a wide range of effects on the body. Treatment with this drug helps to fight the inflammatory process, relieves fever and pain. Such a drug is not recommended for thin and infirm people, as the therapeutic effect is likely not to be.
Arsenicum AlbumumSince Aconite has a depressant effect on the parasympathetic nervous system of a person, he has contraindications. Also, the drug can slow down the work of organs such as the lungs, bronchi, heart.

Homeopathic medicine in the form of drops Arsenicum Albumum is made on the basis of arsenic poison. It is used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Also, drops are treated with infectious diseases, they effectively relieve pain and allergic reaction. It is especially recommended for the treatment of people who are afraid of cold.

Homeopathic preparation Gelzemin is made from plant roots. This medicine is used to treat a large number of various diseases. The drug effectively alleviates the symptoms of acute form of rhinitis during the active release of mucus from the nasopharynx. Usually this drug treats infectious colds, which are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, headaches and severe weakness.

Mercurius Solubilis is made on the basis of soluble mercury. This drug is effective in the treatment of local inflammation. With the help of this remedy, acute and chronic rhinitis is treated. Especially this medicine is recommended for people who are weakened with a lean constitution.

Also from the common cold are widely popular drugs, the manufacturer of which is the company Heel. These include medicines such as:

  • Hydrel;
  • Lymphomyositis;
  • Euphorbium Compositum;
  • Flu-Heel;
  • Echinacea Compositum;
  • Coenzyme Compositum;
  • Galium-Heel.

These medicines quickly relieve the cold symptoms and restore the patient's health.

Homeopathic preparations for nasal use

Euphorbium CompositumAs experts note, homeopathic medicines in the form of drops for nasal administration do not have such an effect as preparations for internal use. The effect of such treatment is negligible, so the amount of such medicines is not very large.

The most famous drug is a medicine in the form of drops or spray Euphorbium Compositum, with the help of which the external treatment of the common cold is performed. The manufacturer of the drug is the well-known, well-proven company Heel. It is also available in ampoules for internal use.

The composition of the drug includes substances that can cure a runny nose of any severity and form. This remedy is effective in the treatment of sinusitis, otitis, chronic rhinitis, which is accompanied by dryness and atrophy of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Since the medicine is not a vasoconstrictor, it will not be possible to quickly relieve breathing using homeopathic treatment.

The drug Rinitol Edas-131 is widely used in the treatment of not only adults but also children. He successfully treats the symptoms of rhinitis, cleans mucous membranes, prevents the occurrence of relapses and complications. The therapeutic effect with this kind of therapy occurs only after a certain period of time.

The drug Aflubin-Nase in the form of a spray cures various kinds of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. It is produced on the basis of mercury and plant components. This drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and people with thyroid disease.

Homeopathic remedy Delufen effectively treats rhinorrhoids, relieves swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, stops the inflammatory process in the nasal canals, facilitates breathing. Including the drug facilitates the condition of the mucosa under the influence of allergic stimuli. They are treated even chronic form of rhinitis. how effective homeopathy will tell a specialist in the video in this article.


What pills help with colds

green pill from the cold, fairly effective

Often the common cold is accompanied by a plentiful rhinitis, which is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Its causative agents are various pathogens, and its causes can be hypothermia and polluted environment. His viscous or liquid mucus blocks the intake of air through the nose and the person has to breathe through the nose, which is doubly dangerous if he has a progression of the airway disease. Rhinitis is often accompanied by headaches, and the patient can not think of anything else, except to get rid of it in the shortest possible time.

Necessary drugs

The usual means of rhinitis are sprays and drops in the nose, but more effective and quick-acting remain tablet forms of drugs.

pill from the cold

They come in several groups:

  • antiviral- able to eliminate various viruses with many colds;
  • antibiotics- destroying all bacteria in the nasopharynx;
  • homeopathic- Initiate protective - immune processes of the body and have a general strengthening effect;
  • anti-inflammatory- neutralize allergic reactions.

Tablets for nasal congestion

There are a lot of antiviral drugs in capsules, we will quote the most popular tablets from the common cold and nasal congestion, which deserve positive reviews:

  • Arbidol- most often used to treat rhinitis. Its effect on the body is not sufficiently studied, but the effectiveness is proved by rapid recovery. It can be used as the main remedy for any complex therapy, but can be used for prevention purposes. Its active ingredient is a component derived from ethyl ether, more precisely, its carboxylic acid. On sale can occur under the name Umifenovir. The drug is able to prevent the contact of the viral pathogen with healthy cells of the body, while stimulating the fight of the immune system with the disease. Contraindications include: children under two years of age and individual intolerance of its components. The tableted form in a package of 20 pieces costs 250 rubles. The reference describes the effective treatment of the common cold in children by other methods.tablets from the cold Arbidol
  • CobwebComplex preparation. It is based on two active components: phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate. The medicine has at once a triple action: vasoconstrictive, antiallergic and antipyretic. In combination with other drugs, it can significantly reduce the course of the disease. But with all its good sides, this drug can not be used: children under 12, pregnant women, women during lactation, patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease. Drugs from the common cold in pregnancy are listed under the link. Often used inhalation during pregnancy with a cold. When glaucoma, bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus, it should be drunk with extreme caution, after consulting a specialist. Buy the drug can be in pharmacies for 150 rubles.Colds from the cold

In addition to tablets, you can use other methods. It describes the treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies. Here the causes of the phenomenon are described, when lays ns without a cold.

From an allergic rhinitis

  • Rinoprint- a combined agent, in which there are just two active ingredients: carbinoxamine and phenylephrine. Thanks to the first substance, the drug acts as an antihistamine and antiallergic medicine, and the content of the second helps to narrow the vessels and remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa. Its action lasts from 10 to 12 hours, during this disappears rhinitis, burning in the eyes and a headache. Contraindications in its use are the following: high blood pressure, increased individual perception of the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation. 10 capsules of this medicine cost 260 rubles.Rhinoproton from the common cold
  • Cetrinconsists of the main active ingredient cetirizine dihydrochloride and auxiliary ingredients: corn starch, lactose, magnesium stearate and povidone. Thanks to them, the drug is able to prevent and eliminate allergic reactions. Relieve itching and soothe the mucous membranes of the nose. It can be given to one-year-old crumbs. They need to drink them on, mg 2 times a day. Children under six years of age the same dosage. Adults and children from the age of six If you have a small child, then by reference you can read how to treat a runny nose in a child for up to a year. Cetrin should be taken at 5 ml twice daily or 10 mg - once. It has almost no contraindications, but in some cases, there may be side effects in the form of drowsiness, headache, dry mouth, tachycardia, changes in taste and arterial hypertension. The cost of 20 tablets is 170 rubles.cetrine from the cold

Homeopathic remedies

They can consist of anything, the main thing is that this substance is derived from natural nature and used in the preparation in small doses. This is the basis for the effect of homeopathic medicines.

  • Sinupret- a cure for sinusitis, sinusitis and other complex diseases associated with the common cold. It is made on the basis of natural herbs: elder, leaves of sorrel, inflorescences of primrose, verbena and gentian root. The listed components are able to normalize the viscosity of the mucus to be released, to ensure its fastest withdrawal. They will remove the swelling of the nasal passages and bring immunity into action. The duration of treatment will be at least a week, and a maximum of two. Thanks to the herbal composition, this medicine has virtually no contraindications, and side effects rarely appear. 50 pieces of its green dragees can be purchased for 370 rubles.Sinupret from the cold
  • Corysalproduced in the French "Laboratory Boiron". This product contains the following ingredients: belladonna, chenocaulon, onion, sleep-grass, virgin jasmine, lumbago and potassium bichromicum. The drug reduces the body's manifestation of inflammatory processes, is involved in the elimination of allergic and viral colds. The tablet of this remedy can not be swallowed, for better absorption it should be rinsed. Corysis works effectively at the first signs of rhinitis. It can be given to children who have reached the age of two. For babies up to six years old, it is better to pre-dissolve the tablet in water. The course of treatment with this drug is designed for five days. Over a day, you can not use more than 12 tablets in case of acute manifestation of the disease. Its usual daily dose is 6 pieces. They should be drunk one hour before a meal. Contraindications include individual sensitivity. Pregnant women should take this medicine only with the permission of the doctor. The cost of 40 tablets Korizalia is 220 rubles.Coronasius from the cold
  • Cinnabsin- a potent drug, which is used for inflammation of the nasal passages. The main active ingredient is cinnabaris. Excipients are - Canadian yellow cherry, potassium dichromate, echinacea, lactose monohydrate, wheat starch and magnesium stearate.Thanks to such a strong composition, the drug can exert a depressing effect on the symptom of the disease, and also eliminate headache, tearing and stuffiness of the nose.It has a soft, but at the same time complex effects on the body and can effectively fight inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. Suitable for children from 6 years, it is given to them every hour, but for a day you can not drink more than eight times. As for young children, the remedy for a cold in the newborn is described by reference. Adults have the same application, only their daily limit is 12 times. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug and a disease called celiac disease, which causes intolerance of wheat products. The packaging of Cinnabsin contains 100 tablets, which can be purchased for 800 rubles.Cinnabsin for cold and discharge from the nose

The usual treatment of external signs of a cold with drops or sprays is not always able to eliminate the cause of their occurrence. Tablets, unlike them act in a complex way: they quickly eliminate rhinitis, and also stimulate the speedy recovery of the body by affecting its immune system. With them, the treatment is more effective also thanks to the clearly measured active ingredient contained in each individual capsule. With volatile drugs this will not work. Perhaps you also need information on how to treat the common cold at home. If the runny nose is lingering, then read about the symptoms and treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults. Here you will find information on how to cure a cold very quickly.


  • Tatiana, 32 years old: «For the first time, she began to give her homeopathic remedy "Corizalia" to her child in six months. They gave us an ENT. We were treated with an antibiotic, and he even strengthened the rhinitis. Therefore, together with him, this remedy was appointed. The first day we drank it every hour, and then in two hours another four days. I took one tablet and dissolved in warm water of a small amount. The child drank all at once. The effect from the application is visible already on the second day. Later, I even took these pills myself when I started rhinitis. Saw them, like a child. My nose did not leave a trace on the second day. I believe that this is an excellent remedy for the common cold. His package (40 pieces) is enough for one course of treatment. The medicine can be used separately, without other medicines. If this is done in the early stages, the effect will not take long to wait. "
  • Alexandra, 26 years old:"This year, my baby, I thought, fell, until I saw and earned a bump that increased in size right before my eyes. I went to the emergency room with complete horror, and it turned out that she did not fall, and this was bitten by a mosquito and an allergic reaction went. It never entered my head that there were such reactions to mosquito bites. The doctor prescribed "Tsetrin" for us, calculated the dose for her age, and we took it twice a day. But after the first reception the cone began to drop noticeably, and the itch stopped, the daughter did not comb it any more. The drug was 12 hours, then again gave the child to drink this remedy. Two days later, the lump fell asleep, and the forehead became the same. Therefore, I am delighted with this remedy. "
  • Alena, 38 years old:"I learned about Sinupret two years ago, and during this time our family was very used to it. No runny nose can not do without the treatment of this herbal medicine. For the first time the check of this remedy took place during the treatment of my daughter, who at that time was three years old. As a result of a protracted runny nose, her adenoids have greatly increased. The mucus ran down over them and did not go out through the nose. Lor ordered us Sinupret tablets. I was very surprised that the medicine for rhinitis is not being buryed, but taken orally. But then I did not know that the tablets are much stronger than the sprays. I gave my daughter one tablet of medicine and immediately asked her to wash her with a sweet warm raspberry tea. She drank it for a week. But the very next day after taking the medicine, the cold gotten smaller, because in the morning the mucus left itself directly from the nose. The medicine was very happy after that and now we drink it with the whole family for colds. "


Tablets from the common cold and sinusitis: sinupret and rinoprint (price and reviews)

Rhinitis can be both a separate disease, and the patient's condition, a symptom or complication of another pathology.

The phenomenon is in any case unpleasant, a runny nose can seriously complicate life and cause serious consequences.

Why there is a cold

Runny nose develops with inflammation of the sinuses of the nose. Here is the protective barrier of the body, primarily taking on viruses and bacteria. But if they manage to break through it - there are symptoms of rhinitis. The cause of rhinitis can be a variety of viruses, but they are all very persistent and cause a lot of trouble - getting rid of them is completely difficult.

Why there is a coldViruses of rhinitis can be masked, which further complicates successful treatment. If the disease passes into a chronic form, the sinuses and mucous membranes are constantly inflamed. They become immune to drugs. Moreover, often there is a reverse reaction - the use of drugs of local action exacerbates such symptoms as nasal congestion, clear and purulent discharge, swelling, sneezing and discomfort.

Therefore, in the treatment of rhinitis and nasal congestion, topical preparations must be supplemented with tablets for internal administration. Rhinitis itself is a consequence of pathology, the cause of which can not be eliminated with ointments and drops, pills from the common cold are needed. For many patients, accustomed to the old way to treat the common cold with folk remedies, this is a discovery.

In fact, effective treatment of sinus inflammation is possible only with the use of special pills.

Influencing the body systemically, pills from the common cold or capsules quickly and reliably eliminate all the symptoms of the common cold and prevent it from moving into a chronic form.

What drugs are prescribed for a cold

Tablets from the common cold should most often be taken with other drugs and in parallel to carry out physiotherapy - washing, warming, inhalation. But there are such tablets from the common cold and capsules that are effective in monotherapy. What kind of medicine to choose from rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, nasal congestion caused by allergies?

example of tablets from the common coldIt can be determined only by a doctor after the diagnosis is made and the cause of the common cold is determined. Tablets in the common cold can be antimicrobial, antihistaminic, antiviral. Homeopathic tablets from the common cold strengthen the body's immunity, they can be used as a preventive medicine.

The price of tablets from the common cold can be very different, it is not difficult to select the optimal drugs in all respects. In many ways, the price depends on the manufacturer and the region of sale. But this does not mean that only expensive imported tablets will be effective at a cold.

The most difficult thing is to choose a medicine to treat a common cold of viral origin. Therefore, the preparations for such cases will be considered in more detail. It is believed that the runny nose in itself passes for 7 days. In practice, it is proved that this is not always the case.

Sometimes after seven days, the symptoms of sinusitis or sinusitis become blurred, are poorly expressed, but the virus does not go away anywhere, and the disease continues to develop in a latent form.

Tablets with a cold or capsule eliminate not only visible symptoms, but also the cause. Relief is felt after 1-2 days, and the virus can be completely neutralized within 4-5 days.

Homeopathic tablets with a cold

Homeopathic treatment has both its supporters and ardent opponents. Some believe that tablets with a runny nose on a plant basis can not help, especially in neglected forms of maxillary sinusitis or with severe nasal congestion caused by allergies.

But since 1995 homeopathic therapy in Russia has been officially recognized as a traditional method of treatment. The price of homeopathic capsules or tablets with a cold can be quite high.

This is explained by the use of only natural components, processed in such a way that they retain the maximum of their medicinal properties.

For the production of homeopathic medicinal products are used:

  • Plants and herbs;
  • Products of animal origin;
  • Inorganic substances.

Use them as the only method to treat nasal congestion or sinusitis is possible only if the disease is at an early stage. Acute inflammation of the sinuses of the nose is treated by applying an integrated approach. Homeopathic tablets with a cold have such advantages:

  1. They are safe - such drugs do not harm even with a long course of treatment.
  2. Can affect viruses by suppressing them.
  3. They increase the resistance of the organism to viruses of various types, reduce the risk of complications.

The most popular tablets with a cold on a homeopathic basis: Corizalia, Cinnabsin, Euphrasia, Gelsenium, Arsenicum, Aconitum, Allium Cepa. In this case, the sinupret from the common cold to homeopathic remedies does not apply, although it has a plant basis. Many patients are hypersensitive to the components of this drug.

Below are descriptions, indications and contraindications of the most popular homeopathic remedies recommended for nasal congestion, sneezing and runny nose.


These tablets in the common cold deserve numerous positive reviews of patients due to pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Cinnabsin can be used without fear to treat sinusitis in children - it is prescribed to infants from the year and older children.

The composition of the drug includes such components:

  • Cinnabar;
  • Yellow-root;
  • Echinacea;
  • Bichrom of potassium.
Homeopathic tablets with a coldThese tablets with a cold can take up to 10-12 per day for adults and 6-8 for children and adolescents. Very rarely the drug causes allergic reactions. Affordable price and convenient form of release - sweet pellets, - are additional benefits.

Corisal, this drug is an excellent alternative to cinnabsin if it does not fit. The main active ingredient of medicine is onion, because these tablets with cold also relieve other cold symptoms.

They can be used to treat sinusitis in children from 2 years old.

Phytotherapy and other medicines for the common cold

Homeopathic tablets in the common cold are not the only treatment method that is welcomed by both otolaryngologists and the patients themselves. It is quite widely used phytotherapy. What is it and what's the difference? Phytopreparations contain exclusively extracts of medicinal plants, the most striking example is Sinupret.

Sinupret is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, exerts an expectorant effect if the runny nose is accompanied by a cough and a sore throat. It can be administered to children from the age of three. The composition of the drug is an extract of verbena, primrose, elderberry and gentian. In pharmacies Sinupret can be purchased without a prescription.

If you need to cope with a cold and a cold quickly, real medications will help - they are more aggressive and toxic, have many contraindications, but they are much faster. These include Koldakt and Rinoprint. Rinoproton contains mezaton and carbinooxamine maleate.

RinoprintIt is enough to take Rinoprint 1-2 times a day to eliminate nasal congestion, discomfort, to remove swelling. Rinoprint helps prevent a disease like sinusitis. But you can not abuse it and increase the dosage - rinoproton is prescribed only by a doctor.

Most parents with prejudice refer to tablets from the common cold, even if they are made entirely on a plant basis. On the one hand, they can be understood, since medications often cause allergies in children and have a number of contraindications. But the common cold is not an innocent and safe disease.

Cure it with some herbal decoctions and drops in the nose of home cooking is probably not always. Symptoms go away, but the causative agent of the disease remains, and as a result, it passes into a chronic form. Constant rhinitis in children is a genyantritis in an adolescent adult. Therefore, if the first symptoms of a cold and cold are found, do not expect a miracle.

Having started treatment as soon as possible correctly selected tablets, and supplementing them with proven recipes of traditional medicine, you can cope with a cold in 3-4 days. Homeopathic and phytopreparations are not antibiotics, they are harmless, but they are effective enough.

And another big plus - they can take a long course, as a preventive tool for adults and children. Almost all modern preparations on a plant basis from the common cold and colds are made in a convenient form - sweet balls or powders in capsules will not refuse to swallow even capricious children. A large package is enough to treat the whole family.

About that else it is possible to accept at a rhinitis, in video in this article the doctor will tell.


Treatment of colds with homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy treatmentTreatment of many diseases by means of natural components is carried out for a long time, especially popular is the homeopathic remedy for the common cold. With its help, you can get rid of not only from rhinitis, but even from sinusitis or sinusitis, however, at the initial stages of their course.In addition to the common cold with the help of homeopathy, you can eliminate not only such a cold symptom as a runny nose, but all the rest - cough, general weakness of the body, sore throat, lower body temperature.

How does the medicine work?

How does the medicine work?Homeopathy is a good alternative to other medications that can cause some side effects. It is the harmlessness of homeopathic remedies for colds that is the main advantage of the drugs of this pharmacological group. Such preparations, made on the basis of natural components, are especially indicated for use by anyone who has a tendency to frequent colds.

Such treatment has a drawback - the duration of the use of homeopathic remedies. All homeopathic preparations for cold should be selected for each person individually, taking into account physiological and psychological characteristics of his body, as well as depending on the state of the immune system patient. Homeopathy fits well with any other medications, even with antibiotics, without worsening the condition of the patient.

Homeopathic preparations are better used as preventive agents, thus, it is possible to strengthen immunity and prevent the development of colds.

HomeopathyThe drug is used for patients of all age categories, with only the dosage of the drug being different. Recently among pharmacological preparations homeopathy against cold of complex action is popular, such funds are intended for over-the-counter vacation. They solve all the problems in the body's activity, associated with the development of the cold, affecting it in a complex way. If you take them as prevention, you can significantly improve the performance of the respiratory system and the whole body as a whole.After a while after regular use of the medicine, the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, tonsils and adenoids is removed, their size decreases, and blood circulation also improves.

If you take medicine of this pharmacological group in the acute period of the cold, you can strengthen the process of cleansing the body of pathogenic microorganisms, which are the causative agents of the disease, as well as the possibility to prevent the development of dangerous complications.

Effective drugs

Effective drugs for coldsThe action of homeopathic remedies is nonspecific, the thing is that they only affect the body, increasing its reactivity, while not killing the pathogen. Proceeding from this, treatment of cold homeopathy has its drawbacks - the drugs do not exert a destructive effect on the virus itself, but only increase the protective power of the organism of the sick person. However, if you take these drugs for prevention, you can significantly reduce the intensity manifestations of the common cold, and also to exclude the development of dangerous complications, especially in cases of small children. With colds and flu, the following types of drugs belonging to the group of homeopaths are very often prescribed:


Increased body temperatureThis homeopathic anti-catarrhal agent is prescribed with a pronounced symptom of cold and flu.The drug has a pronounced complex action - antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic. This drug in the treatment of colds is suitable only for people of a large constitution - sanguine. Appointed Aconite in the common cold, flu, fever, angina, pneumonia, bronchitis.

The drug should be consumed 20-30 minutes before meals. In febrile conditions, patients should take a medicine on 8 granules 5 times a day, after elimination of this symptom, the frequency of reception is reduced to 3 times a day. This scheme of therapy should be observed for 2 weeks, further 3-4 weeks take 8 granules of Aconite per day.

Among the side effects in the first days of admission may be allergic reactions, sometimes occurs exacerbation of the manifestation of symptoms, then it is necessary to cancel the use of a homeopathic remedy, changing it others. Aconite is categorically contraindicated in such conditions of the body and diseases as typhus, hypotension, hot flashes. In pregnancy, this homeopathic drug can be used only for the purpose of a gynecologist.

Allium Chain

Runny noseThe drug Allium Chain is especially effective at the initial stages of the development of colds. A homeopathic remedy for colds in children is used, when a runny nose appears and irritation arises around the nose. As a rule, prescribe a medicine on 1 granule 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to take this medicine also for allergic rhinitis. From the application of the Allium of the chain is categorically denied in the presence of such diseases as obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma.


Increased immunityAs preventive or curative purposes, Aflubin should be systematically taken for a certain period.The main action of this homeopath is stimulation of the immune system, thanks to which the body begins to actively fight with the pathogens of the flu, ARI or ARVI.With the systematic use of the drug, observing the regimen prescribed by the doctor, local immunity increases and the body's resistance to influenza, acute respiratory disease, and acute respiratory infections increases. It is taken half an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal. Babies Aflubin are given either in pure form, or diluted in warm water or in breast milk.


Homeopathy with a coldIn the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza, Ocylococcinum is actively used, due to the action of the drug, the disease proceeds much faster and with mild symptoms. The drug is a white dragee, resembling the usual sugar, so the treatment of children with this drug is quite easy. The composition of this homeopath includes the extract of the liver of musk duck, sugar and lactose. One dose of the drug should be placed under the tongue 15 minutes before meals. Oscillococcinum is used at all stages of the course of colds or viral diseases. In the case when there are pronounced symptoms of influenza or acute respiratory disease, the application of one dose in the morning and evening is indicated. The duration of such intensive treatment is 1-3 days. When treating children, you need to dissolve one dose of the medicine in 500 ml of purified water and drink from a spoon. You can apply this homeopathic remedy for preventive purposes, for this one dose of the drug is shown in 7-8 days. Adhering to such a scheme during the epidemic of colds and infectious diseases, it is possible to significantly reduce the possibility of infection. The most effective treatment with this drug will be immediately after the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease.

In addition to these drugs in the treatment of colds can also be appointed and such homeopaths:

  • Baptistry;
  • Belladonna;
  • Bryony;
  • Camphor;
  • Dulcamara;
  • Gelzimmimum.

The funds of this pharmacological group can be produced in the form of drops, granules or homeopathic tablets for colds. For children, drops are generally prescribed, as they are much easier to give the baby.


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