Non-running cold in the child

Why does the child not have a runny nose 2 weeks?

If a child does not have a runny nose for 2 weeks, what should I do? Such a question is often asked by concerned parents. This phenomenon is not uncommon, but it is not normal. An uncontrollable runny nose increases fatigue and irritability in both the baby and adults. Impaired breathing inevitably leads to sleep disturbances, loss of appetite.Moreover, if you do not start treatment, the disease will not pass and can serve as the beginning of respiratory organs diseases, up to chronic sinusitis and the appearance of polypous formations on the mucous membrane.Prolonged colds happen for several reasons.

The problem of a prolonged runny nose in children

Causes of a protracted cold

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the discharge from the nose. If they are transparent, it is possible that it is an allergic rhinitis. But more often the color of the discharge varies from yellow to green (then it is a viral infection). In both cases, the problem requires immediate resolution.

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Perhaps, before that, the child already suffered a cold disease, which was not completely cured. Sometimes the cause of rhinitis in a child is the weakening of immunity or frequent infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. In this case, acute rhinitis can go to chronic.

The formation of polyps, or sinusitis, can also cause a cold not to last a month or more. In this case, only surgical intervention can help. Curvature of the nasal septum is another possible option. This problem is also solved exclusively surgically.

Structure of ENT organsIn addition, you need to conduct tests for hidden infections (chlamydia).

The so-called medicated rhinitis may develop with prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Of course, in this case, traditional remedies for the common cold not only do not help, but can also harm the baby.

If a child goes to the pool, it is possible that in this way the body reacts to chlorinated water. You can temporarily stop visiting and observe the changes to confirm or exclude this reason.

Types of a protracted cold

For reasons of origin, several types of rhinitis are distinguished:

  1. During teething or general reorganization of the baby's body during growth. Such a protracted rhinitis doctors are referred to as the first type. It happens in children with reduced immunity.
  2. Normal. It is observed in children with a weak immune system or as a result of curvature of the nasal septum, inflammation of the adenoids, sinusitis, prolonged use of vasoconstrictors, and also because of foreign objects entering the nose.
  3. Allergic. Called because of the action of the allergen. This runny nose is not accompanied by catarrhal symptoms, but there may be accompanying phenomena (eg, itching, swelling).
  4. Infectious. As a rule, such a protracted runny nose is caused by complications after untreated acute rhinitis. You can recognize it by yellow or green discharge.

Rhinitis in babies

The problem of rhinitis in babiesA long runny nose of a physiological type is often observed in newly born children and does not need treatment. It can be observed in a child from 1 to 3 months. At the same time there are minor colorless discharge from the nose, sloshing during meals, without accompanying general deterioration of well-being. This is not a disease, but serves as a method of adapting the child's organism to new conditions of life. All that is required from parents, compliance with general hygiene rules, ensuring a comfortable temperature and clean air in the room of the newborn.

Treatment of long-term rhinitis

If the child does not have a runny nose for a long time, in no case should you make a diagnosis yourself, how it would seem obvious, but to pay a visit to a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment depends on the nature of the disease and its causes, but a general recommendation is regular washing of nasal passages to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and other foreign particles.

For washing you can use solutions of sea salt or herbal decoctions of sage, chamomile, calendula.

Allergic rhinitisIf the runny nose is infectious in nature, in its treatment, complex action preparations with essential oils are used: gum, pinosol, etc. They both alleviate the symptoms, and help to disinfect the affected areas of the mucosa. But vasoconstrictors are used no more than 5 days, because when they are abused they may be mucosal degeneration or the appearance of so-called medicamentous rhinitis. Good help with such a common cold inhalation with essential oils. But it is worth remembering that bactericidal preparations should be used only on the instructions of a doctor, because when used in children, all sorts of side effects, up to complications, are not uncommon.

In case of an allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the allergy, if it is already installed. It can be dust, down animals, plant pollen, feathers in the pillow, certain types of food. In any case, treatment should begin with a visit to an allergist doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs. To increase immunity, you can independently give your child complex vitamin preparations, perform hardening procedures and do not neglect outdoor walks.

Very often the cause of long-lasting cold is sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the maxillary maxillary sinuses). In children under 2 years of age is extremely rare. The main symptoms are purulent discharge, nasal congestion, and pressure inside the affected area. Flogging in this case does not bring relief, breathing is restored only after using special methods: sinus punctures, nose washing. Untreated genyantritis always turns into a chronic form, which will require prolonged treatment. Therefore, if suspicions of maxillary sinusitis should be started immediately. Often helps warm up the nose.

In the case of a prolonged impending rhinitis caused by polyposis, sinusitis or curvature of the septum, the surgeon's intervention is required. Do not start self-treatment with folk remedies: as a rule, they are powerless in this case, and the neglect of the disease can lead to tumor growth and concomitant complications.

Symptoms of sinusitis, except for the longest passable rhinitis, are fever, nasal, constant sensation raspiranija from within (up to painful effects at pressing on a nose or adjoining to it or him area), puffiness of the face. The condition can be aggravated in chronic sinusitis, complicated by polyposis lesions, curved septum, or inflamed adenoids. For adults, sinusitis itself is not a big danger, but it threatens the lives of babies. The course of nasal drugs, puncture of the sinuses and rinsing are prescribed.

The proliferation of adenoids is another cause of the common cold. Provoke their inflammation can frequent viral diseases. On them in the lymphoid tissue, from which the adenoids consist, the immune type reaction appears. Adenoids increase, begin to sag in the nasopharynx, which impedes breathing and provokes the spread of inflammation to the nasal mucosa and the nasal cavity. The child develops snoring, nasal, because of persistent discharge under the nose, reddening and swelling of the skin, the mouth is always ajar, so how to breathe a nose with time becomes impossible, the olfactory functions are broken, the upper teeth begin to protrude above the lower ones. Treatment at an early stage is carried out conservatively, but at a late exit from the situation is only an operation. Now there are modern means of struggle with adenoids: cryotherapy and laser coagulation.

If the cause of lingering rhinitis is any tumor formation, only surgical intervention is required.

Conclusion on the topic

Any chronic rhinitis passes through the acute stage, so parents at the onset of a runny nose need to be treated to avoid the possibility of such a transition. If the ailment does not go away for 2 weeks or more, you can not postpone visiting a doctor.

The child does not have a runny nose for more than two weeks ...


Personal Cabinet Removed

Treatment must prescribe, of course the doctor!
But there are means that will be useful always and in any case.
1) Folk, as described above
2) On herbs, for example VITAON [balm Karavaeva] (bury in the nose, heals all mucous and skin), SYNUPRET (drink, can even cure sinusitis).
3) And in most cases - it is desirable to instill something antimicrobial.
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Ira Manuzina

the doctor change is a genyantritis

Anna Protskaya

I wash my nose with chamomile and my feet should always be warm! consult a different doctor. but in general we have a runny nose that lasts 8-10 days! Get well!


Coryza - the same common phenomenon in children, as imprints of dirty children's little hand on the door. And when the children get together, the number of noses that drip out exceeds the number of healthy ones. This is because the cold is almost always accompanied by discharge from the nose, and according to experts, the average child has a cold about eight times a year. Add to this the fact that the cold spreads fastest with constantly moving hands, multiply it by the number times when children touch the same books and toys, and the result will be a huge number of noses, from which flows.
In addition, viruses are not the only culprits for nasal secretions. From the nose can flow due to cold air or allergens such as dust, wool and down animals, flower pollen.
Of course, the discharge from the nose has a positive side. It is a mechanism specially created by nature to cleanse the body. The nose from which it flows is of some use, because it helps to cleanse the body of bacteria, viruses, irritants and organic tissue residues associated with inflammatory processes.
But even a good one has some limits. If the nose is flowing too much or too often, it's annoying and causes anxiety for both you and your child. If this is the case, that's what the experts advise.
Convince the child to blow his nose in handkerchiefs. The most difficult thing in clearing the nose is to convince the child to blow his nose. One way to convince a child to blow his nose often is to give him a pack of his own paper handkerchiefs. Do so that they are on his favorite stickers depicting comic heroes, for example, Little Mermaid.
When should I see a doctor?
If you have a baby, you should consult a doctor if the discharge from your baby's nose is accompanied by high fever, or if these discharge interferes with eating or drinking.
As for older children, consult a doctor if discharge from the nose is accompanied by a temperature of 38.5 degrees or higher. If the discharge does not stop within two weeks or if they become yellowish and get a strong smell, also consult a doctor. Color, smell and cough - all this may indicate an infection that should be treated with antibiotics.
Teach him the habit of throwing them away. Used paper napkins should immediately be thrown away, otherwise your child can pass on his viral illness to other children. Make sure that there is a trash can near your child, and emphasize the need to throw handkerchiefs there.
Teach him to wash his hands after that. Studies show that infected hands spread viruses faster than sneezing. Remind your child that after blowing your nose you need to wash your hands, and after a while it will become a habit.


My wife is a doctor, and most often in such cases, uses folk remedies in the form of juice from onions through a pipette, or aloe juice, too, through a pipette


Can be allergic... It is necessary to hand over a blood on allergens, and as to consult at an ENT of the doctor.

Marina K

there is such a cool thing, called a shower for the nose!
find in the pharmacy! I experienced on myself and on children! for two days no rhinitis! and with drops you can burn the mucous membrane and it will be even worse!


it's bad that drops: (
It is necessary to estimate, what is it a rhinitis. if there is a mucus constantly, it's a sinusitis. if your nose is just hammered, then, most likely, a chronic cold. you need to take a snapshot of the sinuses. it is quite possible that you will have to moxibust (this is a fearless and virtually no-pain operation)


Do not worry, it will pass! As my grandmother says: the groomsmen or girlfriends will grow up (depending on the sex of the child) everything is drained :) !!


oh, just do not think to take advantage of advice or council "gladiolus" and to drop a reeku in a nose juice from an onions - sorzhoti nafig all mucous. A renite can be and allergic. Find a good ENT.


It most likely rhinitis. Here, looking at what stage: Dry, then you can try , 5% oksalinovayu ointment, but not vkoem case can not with menthol, as it can cause spasm of the glottis; if serous discharge, then you can try antiseptics and vasoconstrictor; if purulent, then the Kalanchoe juice. But it is necessary nevertheless to be checked up at the doctor that there was no complication-gajmorita.

The outsider

Up to three years there was a terrible problem Even a snoring was Then I asked for an attack from Laura for surgery - removed adenoids No more sniffles of this kind of snoring (Operation unpleasant, but we said that everyone is given radio-controlled cars and the roar was up to the ward, then all who operated with us played half a day before discharge) Now seven years old Vo sleep breathing nose and runny nose is not so often and not the same as it was (only the hardware was treated by Laura) Another problem with a runny nose from the septum is often
This is not a call to action, but information for consideration

Why does the child not pass a runny nose for a long time

Runny nose is a common phenomenon that occurs in children of any age. On average, rhinitis lasts 10 days, in some babies the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx can take longer, in others less. However, it also happens that the child does not have a runny nose for a long time, despite his treatment. Find out what can be caused by lingering rhinitis and what to do in this case.

The main reasons why a child does not have a runny nose

The reasons why a child does not have a runny nose for a long time, can be many. To solve the problem, it is important to accurately establish the factors that caused it. Among the main reasons experts include:

  • Sinusitis.This is the most common cause of prolonged rhinitis, which I call otolaryngologists. Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses, which is caused by the long presence of pathogens in them. Recognize sinusitis at once is not always possible, because its symptoms are not much different from ARI.
  • Sinusitis.The child does not go through a runny nose for a very long time, often due to the development of sinusitis. This disease of the nasopharynx in children usually occurs against the background of a protracted or neglected rhinitis, or as a complication of the flu.
  • Chronic rhinitis.When a child's rhinitis is treated for a long time incorrectly or the disease is allowed to drift, there is a possibility of the transition of the acute form to a chronic one. In this case, parents notice that their crumbs periodically renew inflammatory process in the nasal passages, which is hard to treat.

Why does the cold pass for a long time?

Parents should know that not always rhinitis in children can be infectious - viral or bacterial. Often it arises as an allergic reaction of the body to certain irritants. Sometimes adults do not understand why antiviral or antibacterial drugs do not give the expected effect.

If the infant does not have a runny nose for a long time, since it is allergic, it is important to identify and eliminate the allergen. To alleviate the condition of the baby, he needs to give antihistamines.

Prolonged discharge of mucus from the nose can be caused by the injury of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Mechanical, chemical and thermal effects damage the mucous membrane, resulting in a large amount of mucus in the nasopharynx.

The baby does not have a runny nose

the baby does not have a runny nose

Whoever did not come across a child's runny nose is just lucky. Usually it is possible to cope with children's snot in a week. But what to do if the cold in a child takes a protracted character, how to cure it?

Causes of a protracted cold in the child

Before you start fighting with nasal secretions, you need to establish the cause of their appearance. The common cold has a lot of them: from viral infections, to enlarged adenoids. For a protracted runny nose, there are only two reasons:

  • bacterial infection;
  • allergy.
Bacterial colds

The most common cause of constantly ongoing snot in a child is improper treatment of a common cold. Do not listen to everyone when treating your child: it's not a fact that what helped others will help you. And the moment when you could manage for one week will be missed.

To treat the common cold at its initial stages, you can use interferon, which very well helps the body to fight the disease.

But vasoconstrictor drugs should not be carried away, because they are addictive. Use them is recommended only in very extreme cases and not more than 3-5 days.

If you could not cope with the usual runny nose alone and the child had protracted green snot, then it's time to turn to specialists who will prescribe antibacterial drugs and help pick up drops.


Allergies can occur on anything. For a long time, not passing snot in a child can be associated with the following pathogens of allergy:

  1. Microscopic tick. Lives in many things, having a fabric covering: carpets, mattresses, pillows, toys. Propagates where there is high humidity. In food uses particles of exfoliated skin and human dandruff.
  2. Wool of animals, feathers and feathers of birds. It is hardly worth talking about these pathogens of allergies. Most likely, we will have to move the animal to another place, and replace the pillows from the fluff.
  3. Mold. It is difficult to struggle with it, therefore it is necessary to be constantly on the alert.

How to deal with allergies?

First of all, it is necessary to isolate the child from the apartment, in order to spend the spring cleaning there, to remove all carpets and large curtains, change the bedding, which are made of wool, fluff and cotton wool. Old soft toys are worth throwing away, and new ones make sense to clean.

Every day, it is necessary to ventilate the room and, if possible, carry out a wet cleaning. And of course, it is worth to visit an allergist.

Prolonged cold in the infant

In the youngest, several types of rhinitis are distinguished, characteristic only for them.

  1. Khripy, resembling "pohryukivanie" somewhere in the region between the nozzle and the neck. Give your baby breasts. If the "grunting" sounds have disappeared, then do not worry. This phenomenon occurs when a small part of what the child has bitten falls into the back nasal passages, and, strangely enough, continues to be digested there. Sometimes in the discharge from the nose you can see this mass. Do not worry - it's not dangerous. This is observed at 2-3 months of age.
  2. "Tooth snot", appearing at the time of teething and passing immediately after the appearance of the tooth.protracted rhinitis
  3. False cold. It is observed at a time when the baby is learning to release bubbles from the saliva and snot, as the salivary glands are at the peak of their activity and therefore there is enough "material" for the blisters.

On all these types of leakage from the spout can almost be ignored, just notice them and monitor them. But if the child began to throw a breast, allocation prevents him from sucking and there was a cough, not similar to how they are choked with saliva, then you should definitely go to the polyclinic. After a protracted runny nose can give a serious complication to the ears of the baby, as well as lead to chronic sinusitis. Therefore, without fail take the direction to Laura.

The child has not had a runny nose for a month already, which only did not help, does not help!



go to the doctor

Elena kudryashova

And to LORu to address tried or tasted?

*** SKARLETT ***

to the pediatrician did not try to descend or go? ..


to the allergist iditol - at you obviously not catarrhal. let them make samples

George Avramov

you need to take the juice of garlic, mix with vegetable oil (just a little bit of garlic just a little for five oils) and dip into the nose.


to the pediatric


And what does the ENT say? or you are not lucky with the lor at the place of residence? Then look for another. The reasons can be set, and it is necessary to search for them, only then it will be possible to cure the consequence - a rhinitis.


I have 9 months of the year, and it happens all year round.


can after the birth has not yet cleaned channels.
sea ​​water clean the spout.
and try to maintain the humidity in the air at home. they are dry Pts. quickly react, it is the stuffed spout. itself was excruciated with the.. .
towel hang on batteries, or buy a moisturizer, they are not expensive. and the bacteria are killed.


Runny nose can be allergic. Give the child a tablet of DYAZOLINE. And look, if the runny nose has passed, then it means that the child has an allergy.

The Maiden of the Sun

Maybe a vasomotor rhinitis? Mucous overdried (dry air, constant use of drops of vasoconstrictors) and cracked, it constantly settles microbes and runny nose becomes chronic. Try to lubricate your child with a nose twice a day with Viferon ointment or rinse with Aquamaris. Of course, this should be done after you have dripped vasoconstrictive drops (if you drip them). They say that beet juice mixed with honey - 1: 1 helps to drip into the nose. But (also they say, I did not try it myself) - very shchipet.


It depends on what age.
-Chimelin for children.
-Wear your feet with mustard. (not breastfed naturally).
- Overnight dry mustard in socks.
- Balm asterisk -perion.
- Snort finely chopped onions. At night put in a saucer near the bed.
- There is a onion.


A month is not much. Runny nose is a long-lasting affair. The nose is cleaned. Be like physiotherapy.


Remove the bread from the baby's food and flour products, replace them with porridges (except rice) and warm boiled vegetables. The result will surprise you! Health to your child. About a rhinitis of an allergic acute. Signs - red eyes. sneezing, runny nose is clear-mucous, light. So you will see for yourself.


shodite k allergologu.a eshe poprobuyte sok luka i med, tolko budet shipat`


Flower pollen (Vitamin excellence) propolis, www.

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