Fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy, the rate of its development - height, weight, ultrasound, photo, mom's stomach and baby's stirring

32 weeks of gestation are approaching. The future mother is happy with maternity leave, when you can spend more time on yourself - to relax, when you want, to walk without fuss and attend the courses of the future mother. In general, it's time to thoroughly prepare for the emergence of a new little man to the light and gain strength and health for the upcoming birth.

The baby grows day by day, becomes more active and stronger.32 week of pregnancy - eight whole obstetric months( one obstetric month - 28 days).Mom feels more perturbations of the fetus, the baby's movements become strong, because he is in the womb closely. Meanwhile, in the last weeks of pregnancy, fetal activity is somewhat reduced.


32 week of pregnancy, weight and height of fetus

The weight of the baby on the thirty-second week of pregnancy is about 1800 grams( plus or minus 200 grams), and the height is 42 cm. Of course, these figures are average,they may be slightly different. For example, growth can reach 46 cm, and weight 1.6 - 1.7 kg.

The future mother is not just able to withstand this increasing load. Her stomach has significantly increased, the usual actions in everyday life are given with difficulty.

Mom should definitely watch your weight, do not eat for two. There is little time left until the birth, and in the last weeks of pregnancy many women quickly gain excess weight, due to changes in the hormonal background and a decrease in motor activity. In the diet of women in the position, you need to limit carbohydrates and foods that can become sources of allergens.

Fetus at 32 weeks gestation: developmental features of

Children born on this date are healthy and fully functional. By this week, all the major organs function fully, except for the lungs, which need a little more time to fully ripen. So, that deliveries at the 32nd week of pregnancy are no longer so dangerous.

The child improves the development of the brain, especially when talking to him, reading books to him and listening to pleasant, harmonyful music. He continues to strengthen the muscular system, the movements are coordinated better.

A child at the 32nd week of pregnancy has a proportional physique, his skin is not red and wrinkled, but pink and smooth, the nails grow to the fingertips. Most babies by this time already grow hairs on their heads. But the voluminous hair on the body begins to gradually fall out. Completely they drop out most often in the first weeks after childbirth, and may even before giving birth.

This time is an important period in the development of the immunity of the baby. Despite the fact that the vast majority of immunoglobulins receive from the body from the mother, their own antibodies are already produced. The first four months of life to protect the baby's body will be substances that are accumulated during the last stages of pregnancy.

Fetal presentation: pelvic and cephalic position at week 32

At this time, the fetus may still be in the breech prostate or turn the head down. See this video about what happens in the womb, what is the presentation of the fetus:

In the following video, you will learn how to determine the position of the fetus in the uterus yourself:

2 exercises with pelvic presentation of the fetus, how to turn the baby:

Please, do not self-medicate, you can use the proposed methods only after consulting a doctor obstetrician-gynecologist. Read carefully below.

If you look at photos and videos, it becomes clear that the baby becomes cramped in the uterus. Despite the rather high degree of its activity, places for intense movements, turns are not enough anymore.

On ultrasound in most cases, the fetus is already in the head presentation - turned head down. And moms often get punches in heels in the liver, stomach. These joyful sensations of the movements of your little miracle can be painful. To make them easier, you can sit on the couch, leaning against the back, you can put a small pillow under your waist. So the stomach protrudes slightly forward, the internal organs squeeze less.

Question : "Tell me, I have a pregnancy of 32 weeks. Pelvic presentation can still change? "

Answer :" Since 32 weeks it is unlikely that the baby will change position. The question of the need for any measures to change the presentation is decided individually in each case.

It is possible to carry out special techniques that help the child to turn over, but in some cases it can only do harm, calling at the 32nd week of pregnancy a cord with the umbilical cord.

All activities are performed only by a doctor, only after ultrasound examination, and only if there is no threat to the child.

Cord obtuse the cord of the neck of the fetus

An umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus at week 32 for most pregnant women sounds like a terrible sentence. In fact, everything is not so bad, most pregnancies end safely.

The umbilical cord consists of three large vessels that are covered from the outside with shells, connective tissue, and between the vessels is a jelly-like substance( varton jelly), which protects them from compression. According to the umbilical vein, the baby receives blood from the mother, rich in oxygen, and through the umbilical arteries, metabolic products leave the mother's body.

The unique structure of the umbilical cord allows it to withstand strong enough loads - twisting, stretching. The umbilical cord is considered to be normal from 55 to 70 cm, with a length of less than 55 umbilical cord is short, more than 70 cm - long.

The danger for the child is only an absolutely short cord, since its length is not enough for the birth of the baby. In this case, there can be a trauma to the umbilical cord, an abruption of the placenta, which will lead to acute hypoxia of the fetus and its death.

When an absolutely short umbilical cord is found on ultrasound, the woman is given birth only by caesarean section.

A child may get caught in a cord by one part of the body or at once several( around the legs and neck, trunk and neck).The umbilical cord can make one or more loops around the organ.

Causes of crocheting with umbilical cord

Growing up in the mother's tummy, the baby endlessly performs a lot of movements. And the smaller it is, the more complex movements it is able to carry out - enough space. As the mass recruits, the uterus increasingly restricts its movement and the risk of getting confused is minimal. A growing fetus is able to become entangled and unraveled, so concluding one ultrasound should not panic the future parents.

Is it dangerous to cord with a cord and how much?

If the state did not conceal a danger in itself, it is unlikely that we would discuss it. So, there is a danger. But it is also impossible to call an accursion by the umbilical cord an absolute catastrophe. Everything depends on a certain combination of factors.

A tight cord of the normal cord around the neck or leg does not endanger the toddler's life. While a tight hugging around the limb or wrapping an absolutely short umbilical cord can lead to intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. Often in response to a decrease in oxygen intake, the baby takes active action and is released from the loops himself.

If the accent is tight, but the baby does not manage to solve the problem himself, he gets less oxygen and can suffer - the situation requires urgent medical intervention. Can I suspect something is amiss?

From the moment when mother felt the first movements of the child, her main task is to listen. Attentive mothers are able to recognize the mood of the baby by force and intensity of movements. The child tells mom everything - that woke up, that he wants to eat, that it would be advisable to go for a walk. And if suddenly the kid becomes ill, he will tell about it to his mother, most importantly, that she heard him.

Most of the pregnant women adjust to the daily rhythm of the baby, they know when the baby is sleeping when awake. Know how he behaves in troubled situations, how he reacts to the voice of mom and dad, in general, guess the mood of the baby by his behavior. Mom will certainly feel any changes in the condition of the baby.

If chronic oxygen shortage occurs, fetal activity decreases, it becomes more sluggish, tries to adapt to changing conditions, economically spending the energy received.

Another thing is when hypoxia develops quickly. The child is literally outraged by changing conditions and very "loudly expressed."Violent behavior has two goals - to inform my mother that he has problems, and try to solve them on his own. If the attempts are unsuccessful, and the cry is not heard, the second phase begins - decompensation - there is no more active resistance, the movements slow down.

A sharp change of excessive movements to complete silence should alert the pregnant woman and be a signal to seek help.

The diagnosis of a "short umbilical cord" is made immediately after an ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman. This is the only way to see and measure the length of the umbilical cord.

To determine the condition of the baby, the doctor can prescribe additionally conducting dopplerometry - a method that allows you to measure and evaluate blood flow in the umbilical cord, in the placenta, as well as in the arteries of the fetal brain. The deviation from the norm of the Doppler indices indicates that the child needs help.

The most accessible and very informative method for assessing the fetus is CTG .With the help of sensors installed on the front abdominal wall of the mother, the movements and palpitation of the baby are recorded. In cases where the umbilical cord entrains the fetus, the findings are significantly different from the norm.

In acute hypoxia, palpitations are first marked, then significantly reduced. The informativeness of CTG is high, with the correct recording and observance of all criteria.

Childbirth with cord umbilical cord

In most cases, a woman is given birth through a natural birth canal, an operative delivery is resorted only in cases where the fetus suffers. With natural childbirth, as soon as the baby's head appears from the genital tract, the umbilical cord is removed from the neck and then the birth proceeds normally.

32 week of twin pregnancy

Twins usually appear on light two or three weeks earlier than babies in single-pregnancy. At 32 weeks, preterm labor in the case of multiple pregnancies occurs frequently. Therefore, such mothers need more rest, limit all kinds of workloads, and protect themselves.

This period is the period of active formation of the central nervous system. It is interesting that by this time the size of the brain in a child is already 60% of the size of the brain of an adult, while the proportions of the remaining organs are about 1/5.That's why newborns have this characteristic physique.

The senses of the baby are already developed quite well: it distinguishes the mother's voice from the first seconds, reacts quickly to sound, light stimuli. The baby hears Mom's heartbeat, the noise of the blood stream in her blood vessels, recognizes the voice of the pope, even distinguishes between the usual noises of household appliances. At this time with the child you need to talk a lot, sing songs to him, read poetry.

32 week of pregnancy: mother's belly

Pregnant in the third trimester becomes more difficult, because the uterus at the 32nd week of pregnancy becomes 8 to 10 centimeters above the navel, the stomach volumes are impressive. Often appear stretch marks on the abdomen, hips, chest. That is why the use of cosmetics that prevent the appearance of stretch marks becomes more urgent.

A future mother may have pain in the joints, lonnomu articulation. To facilitate these phenomena can be wearing a bandage, swimming.

The body is already gradually preparing for the process of childbirth. Some can even feel training fights. The stomach is already large, can pull, it is worth wearing a bandage. The movement and gait of the woman became awkward, it is slower in carrying out the usual tasks. Do not deny yourself the desire to sleep or buy a new thing, and you will have to forget about sweets and spicy dishes. It takes longer to choose a comfortable position, the jolts become more intense.

It is time to undergo 3 planned ultrasound, you can learn not only the size and formation of the fetus, but also clearly view it on the screen. Important information will be about the condition of amniotic fluid, uterus, maturity of the placenta.

2 video: Fetal ultrasound at 32 weeks 4D

Along with standard studies at 32-34 week of pregnancy, a routine ultrasound is performed. Ultrasound at 32 weeks of pregnancy allows you to assess the health of the baby, the functioning of the placenta, eliminate fetoplacental insufficiency, accurately determine the presentation, the position of the fetus. In addition, hypochlorism in pregnancy is excluded.32 week is the most suitable time for diagnosis of such pathology. Ultrasound examination at this time already makes it possible to predict the size of the fetus at the time of delivery, which is important for the tactics of their management, especially in the presence of a large fetus.

Question : "I want to take a photo of ultrasound 32 weeks gestation. Is it possible at this time? "

Answer :" Of course, especially since this is the most often scheduled scheduled ultrasound this week. Be sure to take a photo of the kid for memory, if you want! »

Fetal movements at week 32

Mom feels how strong the movements of the baby became. Usually the baby has already taken a permanent position, and the future mother feels the punches of small heels, cams in certain places.

It should be noted that some decrease in baby's activity at 32 weeks of pregnancy is the norm. The child is already cramped into his uterus, and completely reversing, as before, is inconvenient. To the kid it is already inconvenient, when mum takes an uncomfortable pose. He already has a formed regime of the day, sleeps longer, and sometimes mummies are frightened of long periods of calm. But if after them there is increased activity, most likely, the baby just slept.

Sensations of the mother

The most pleasant sensations of the baby's movements, which has grown sufficiently, became strong, and the feeling that before meeting with him there was not much left. Sometimes even painful strokes of the heel for a pregnant woman are the best that can happen. Mom clearly distinguishes how the baby reacts to sounds, light, changing of the situation, voices.

The last trimester of pregnancy is usually accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the back. Painful sensations in the lumbar region can be quite substantial, and this requires a more frequent rest from the mother.

Many mothers recommend with back pain to lie on their side and lead slightly legs, so the distance between vertebrae increases, the load decreases, the pain syndrome decreases. A good effect is also provided by swimming. It is swimming that doctors recommend to all future mothers in the normal course of pregnancy. Regular exercises help to keep muscles in good shape without heavy loads, which is extremely important in the process of birth and recovery after them. In addition, the water load on the spine is much less, and this makes it possible to prevent the onset of pain. Water procedures have a relaxing effect, it is a pleasant and at the same time an active holiday.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is already desirable to finally determine which maternity hospital you will give birth, who will take delivery. If you choose with a choice, find out if this maternity hospital is closed for a sink. It's time to start collecting things in the maternity hospital on the list. Ask the maternity home if you need to bring any medication with you. If you are planning a joint birth, find out if you need any examinations of the Pope. Most often you need to undergo a fluorography.

Be sure to attend the school of future parents, and together with the pope! You will be taught not only to take care of your newborn properly, but also explain in detail how the childbirth is going on, teach breathing techniques, and show how to carry out anesthetic massage during fights and between breaks.

Pay enough attention to your health. Constantly control the posture, this will ease the burden on the spinal column, and the pain will occur less often. Watch for edema. At the last stages of pregnancy, puffiness is a very frequent phenomenon. Avoid tight clothes, if you are hampered by rings, they should be removed for some time. Ask your spouse to give you a lymph drainage foot massage - it will not only relieve fatigue, but also significantly improve blood flow, reduce the burden on the veins, and remove puffiness.

Question : "I have 32 weeks of pregnancy, pulling my stomach periodically. Is this the norm? "

Answer : "At this time of pregnancy, the uterus is prepared for childbirth, there is a contraction of Braxton-Gicks, or training fights. Most women describe them this way - pulling the belly. However, if the sensations are more intense, and at the 32nd week of pregnancy the stomach hurts, consult your doctor. "

Pain at 32 weeks gestation, what to do

Painful sensations very often accompany the last stages of pregnancy. They are associated with an increase in the abdomen, displacement of the center of gravity, a significant increase in the load on the spine. To reduce pain in the back, legs, you need to monitor the weight( weight at 32 weeks of pregnancy should be controlled strictly), do gymnastic exercises, massages, often rest. To relieve fatigue from the feet it is useful to just lie down, placing your feet on a platen or cushion. The kid usually already occupies a position upside down, and the impacts of small legs can cause epigastric pain.

Abdominal pain may also occur. The uterus is prepared for childbirth, and the woman feels training fights. These are periodic contractions of the uterus, which do not cause the necks to open. Usually women feel them as a strain of the stomach. If the pain is strong, it requires increased attention. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

32 week of pregnancy: advice to future mothers

See video recommendations of obstetrician-gynecologist Jokhadze Lela Sergeevna:

If you are worried about sleeping problems, change your evening schedule. Be sure to take a walk before going to bed, listen to relaxing music. If you are not allowed to sleep comfortably in an enlarged abdomen, try using a special pillow for pregnant women - many moms say that it helps to take a pose that is comfortable for the mother and baby, and the sleep becomes stronger.

You can already safely purchase a dowry for a child, equipping his room or a corner in your bedroom. If you decide not to buy anything in advance, you can simply choose which stroller, crib, mobile you like more, and the daddy himself can buy them for your arrival from the hospital. But some of the necessary clothes baby still need to buy.

Remember that strong swelling, which can manifest as a large weight gain, may indicate gestosis. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Allocations at 32 weeks of gestation require mandatory monitoring. Allow uninvolved selection of a uniform consistency. Any changes have a definite reason. If blood veins appear, and especially if there is a copious discharge of blood, you should immediately go to the doctor. If the discharge became watery, their number increased markedly, this may be a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid, which also requires specialist advice.

Source of publication: editorial of the site http: //www.doctorfm.ru/ beremennost-po-nedelyam / 32-nedelya-beremennosti and http: //www.mapapama.ru/pregnancy/calendar/week32/ obvitie-pupovinoj-na-32-nedele-beremennosti