Tumor and knee pain when flexing: how to treat?

The knee is the largest joint in the human body. Due to its mobility, a person has the ability to move normally. The appearance of any discomfort in this area disrupts normal life activity. Therefore, if the knee is swollen and hurts when bending, treatment should be started immediately. But first you need to identify the cause of these unpleasant sensations.

  • Possible causes of pain
  • Risk group
  • Treatment of the joint
  • Medication
  • Surgical intervention
  • Physiotherapy
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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Possible causes of pain

Why is my knee swollen and sore? There are many prerequisites for such discomfort. The most common prerequisites can be:

  1. Injuries of knee ligaments. Such damage leads to rupture or sprain of the ligaments. The knee begins to swell dynamically and there is a sharp pain. There is instability in the legs, it is impossible to strain the injured leg.
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  2. Inflammation of tendons or articular bags. In such situations, the knee swells without bruising and hurts. The irritation of these connective tissues leads to severe pain and severe swelling.
  3. Dislocation of the patella. It is difficult to walk, after flexing the leg straighten very problematic.
  4. Joint bruise. In addition to swelling and pain, there is a sharp redness of the skin.
  5. All kinds of arthritis. The chronic form of this ailment can lead to an inflammatory process in the knee joint. Painful sensations appear gradually, swelling arises more pronounced after sleep.

From the possible reasons it is clear that it is very difficult to determine the exact origin of swelling and pain in the knee. Therefore, when these symptoms appear, you need to contact a specialist. He will unmistakably determine the factor that contributes to the development of discomfort, and will prescribe an effective treatment in each individual case.

To which doctor should I seek help? To begin with, you should undergo an examination of the surgeon. If necessary, he will send a consultation to a traumatologist.

Risk group

Some people, because of their way of life, are prone to injury or other influences on their knees. They should more carefully and carefully treat this joint. The risk group includes:

  • people who are obese, the maximum load in such situations goes to the lower extremities, under the influence of gravity, the knees can be prone to destruction;
  • people whose work is associated with the burden of weight, such may be professional athletes or loaders;
  • a fixed lifestyle can lead a person to weaken the muscular system, such muscles do not hold the knee properly;
  • people with abnormal congenital anatomical features.

Those who are at risk should be more careful about their joints. Avoid excessive loads and heavy objects above 15 kg.

Treatment of the joint

Than to treat a sick knee? After the diagnosis, and, accordingly, the cause of the ailment, it is required to begin treatment immediately. Influence on the swollen knee can be in several ways: medication, surgical intervention and physiotherapy.


This therapy helps to stop the destructive process of cartilage and tissues in the knee. Drug medications can be treated after a bruise and arthritis. Includes the reception of such drugs:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Contribute to the fight against arthritis, relieves inflammation. The most common drugs: Almiral, Nimesulide, Revmoxicam, Olfen, Voltaren, Diclofenac and their analogues. Help to remove puffiness.
  2. Hormonal preparations. They are used as injections, which are injected directly into the diseased knee. The most effective are: Dispersan, Hydrocortisone.
  3. Chondroprotectors. They have a positive effect on the restoration of metabolism, as well as on the removal of unpleasant symptoms. Produced in the form of tablets, injections and ointments.
  4. Vitamin Complexes. Produced in the form of ointments or gels. Contribute to the strengthening of cartilaginous and bone tissues.

Important to remember!The most suitable medicine for pain in the knees and swelling can be selected only by a specialist!

Surgical intervention

This method of impact on the joint is suitable for severe form of bruise or arthritis. It is used for rupturing ligaments, tendons and other serious injuries. Endoprosthetics is used to restore the affected or deformed cartilage. Its essence lies in the removal of the damaged cartilage with subsequent replacement with a prosthesis. In some cases, the knee joint is completely replaced. Thanks to modern technologies, such an operation is successful. After rehabilitation, the patient feels well, the painful sensations do not bother.


Such procedures have a beneficial effect not only on the diseased knee, but also on the entire body as a whole. The most commonly used methods of physiotherapy:

  • laser treatment, due to the action of the light beam, inflammation is removed and the metabolism is normalized;
  • cryotherapy, the affected joint is restored by the action of liquid nitrogen on it;
  • magnetotherapy, thanks to the contactless effect helps to treat swollen knee with acute pain;
  • ultrasound, very effectively removes swelling, and also helps to reduce pain.

Important to remember!During the course of the procedure, you should regularly visit a doctor to assess the dynamics of recovery!

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers treatment of a diseased knee based on natural ingredients. There are many recipes that can help relieve swelling and pain.


To prepare the medicine, you need 0.5 liters of a pot, which should be filled up to half with fresh dandelion flowers, the rest half filled with medical alcohol or vodka. Infuse in a cool dark place for a month. At the end of the time, the infusion is filtered and used as a rubbing of the diseased knee.


It is necessary to take a sheet of horseradish, pripustit steep boiling water and attach to the affected area. Top with a piece of polyethylene and tightly secure with a woolen cloth. Do not hold more than 5 minutes to avoid burns.


With the help of a juicer or a meat grinder, extract the juice from the cabbage leaves. Soak a piece of tissue with this juice. Use as a compress for the affected knee, keep warm. The duration of the procedure should take about 1 hour.


Does burdock help with pain in the knees? Yes, it is an effective tool for removing swollen and painful sensations. It will take several pieces of plant leaves, rinse well. Put the leaves together slightly with a kitchen hammer until the juice appears. After that, put the whole stack on the sore spot, put polyethylene on top and wrap it with a woolen cloth. Keep until the pain subsides.

Such folk remedies can be used as first aid before referring to a doctor, and also as an auxiliary therapy for the treatment of a diseased knee. People who are prone to knee injuries can use such prescriptions for preventive purposes.

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