Strong cough in the baby at night

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Methods for removing a strong cough in a child at night

metodu sniatiia silnogo kawliaAttacks of night coughing disrupt the sleep of the child, do not rush to give antibacterial drugs, can only worsen the situation. It is important to find out the reason in time, only then to begin the necessary course of therapy. If at night the child is disturbed by a cough that can result in vomiting, the main thing is not to panic. Cough is a defense, it appears in the inflammatory process in the bronchial system, the upper respiratory tract. During the cough, the body is cleared of a large number of bacteria in the disease.

Causes of coughing at night

When a child sleeps, a lot of mucus begins to accumulate in the area of ​​the nasopharynx, it does not resolve, it can stagnate. When a large amount of mucus accumulates, it begins to overlap the area of ​​the nasopharynx, because of this cough is reflex.

This happens to the lungs, when a person lies, mucus and sputum may not resolve at all, because of this, blood circulation in the lungs area may be disturbed. Most often the disease appears in late autumn.

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Provokes a paroxysmal cough at night cold, overdried air. Because of it, the mucous membrane is strongly irritated in the larynx, so a strong cough appears.

It is important to treat the cough under the supervision of the therapist, because often, especially in young children, a strong cough at night can cause choking. It must be urgently treated.

Diseases that cause a violent cough at night

1. If a cough is provoked by a viral infection at night, it is accompanied by a strong cold.

2. Cough can appear due to chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.

3. If the cough is accompanied by tingling, perspiration, this indicates pharyngitis of a chronic nature.

4. When a coughing wheezing, it speaks of bronchial asthma. If the child has a mild form other than a cough at night, there are no other symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to immediately consult a therapist.

5. If the cough lasts a long time at night, while it is dry, it indicates a disease - whooping cough. The disease is easy to distinguish from others, seizures are repeated at the same time, can be aggravated at night. When a child coughs, his face becomes very red, tears appear, lead breath, may be accompanied by severe vomiting.

6. When a child is often troubled by heartburn, a cough at night can be a symptom of reflux.

7. Because of adenoiditis, when the mucus enters the laryngeal region, the child breathes in the air with air, begins to dry out the mucous membrane, a violent cough begins.

8. Care must be taken to the symptom, which is accompanied by high fever, deterioration of the child's condition, it can speak of a serious illness.

Ways of getting rid of a child from a night cough

1. How often can I give a baby at night? With the help of it you can get rid of a dry cough. It is best to prefer warm milk with the addition of Borjomi mineral water, honey, butter, as well as herbal tea based on chamomile, dog rose, linden. When a child does not breathe a nose, he makes it with his mouth. With abundant drinking, you can moisturize your throat, so get rid of a strong cough. If the child has six months, you need to give a decoction on the herbs with a spoon, no more than three times a day, under one teaspoon. If the child is an adult, you can give a decoction on the herbs on a tablespoon.

2. Pay attention to the air in the room, do not allow dry air, constantly ventilate room, especially when the room is heated, because of it respiratory organs begin to irritate system.

3. Often a cough can be triggered by an allergic reaction, this requires the child to give an antihistamine.

4. If the child has not yet reached the age of six months, in no case should antihistamines, rub off the breast, use steam inhalation.

5. Force the child to roll over, so the sputum will not have time to accumulate.

In cases where a cough after a course of treatment has not been taken for a long time, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, to pass blood tests, to undergo an x-ray, additionally it will be necessary bronchoscopy.

Remember that coughing always indicates that the body is actively fighting the disease, so It is not necessary to aggravate the focus on cough treatment, we need to get rid of the main reason that it has caused. Most often at night, an allergic cough worries, so pay attention to which pillow the child is sleeping on, maybe his the body does not perceive stuffing from sheepskin, feathers, poor-quality sofa padding, pajamas, on powders that wash away bed. If the cough has appeared abruptly, notice that you have a new one at home, often allergies are aggravated by red eyes, a problem with the skin, dermatitis, itching, redness in the face or body.

That the child was easier to clear his throat, the child's therapist can prescribe medications that will help to get out sputum faster and cough will become productive

If the child's cough is dry at night and it is difficult for him to clear his throat - the doctor can prescribe expectorant medications.

At night, advise to use a pack of potatoes, for this you need to boil it first, cool a little, fold, mash in a mash and attach to the back of the baby, first lay down the diaper, then just compress to not burn the skin child. On top put on something warm, so that the respiratory organs get warm well. After cooling, the compress is removed.

Thus, cough at night is a symptom of many diseases, do not immediately begin to stuff the child with different medicinal chemical preparations, if he has an allergy and you start giving antibiotics, the situation is only more aggravated. The main thing is to monitor the air in the room, give the child plenty of drink and provide him with peace of mind, often in children a strong cough at night can be a consequence of severe stress, nervous strains.

Dry cough in the baby at night

Dry cough in the baby at nightThe appearance of a cough in a child at night indicates that in this way the children's organism is protected from foreign pathogens, microorganisms, mucus. A strong dry cough in a child's sleep helps to clear his throat, trachea and bronchi. Do not worry for a long time about the fact that the child coughs at night - it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of what is happening.

Causes of dry cough at night in a child

Not necessarily the reason for a dry cough in a child at night can be covered in colds or SARS. Its occurrence can be caused by various diseases of the cardiovascular system, parasites, gastrointestinal diseases, allergies or asthma. All these conditions can cause a child to have a dry cough that does not go away for a very long time. A normal condition is fifteen coughs throughout the day. In the event that attacks of a night dry cough are repeated more often, it is necessary to address for the help to the doctor.

There is a situation where a dry cough with snoring is observed in a child at night, and during the day, such symptoms are absent. The thing is that the mucus accumulated in the respiratory system during the day resolves itself and independently there is its removal, while at night the plugs of mucus clog a significant part of the space of the nasopharynx, irritating at the same time receptors. In such a situation, cough is a kind of reflex, arising as a way of cleaning the space of the nasopharynx. Similar processes occur in the lungs. The situation is complicated by the presence in the child's room of dry air, therefore, in order to facilitate air humidifiers should be used to prevent the appearance of dry night cough in child.

Also, a night cough in a child can be triggered by gastro-food reflux - a disease that is caused by throwing into the esophagus the contents of the stomach. It also happens that the child coughs at night until vomiting, in the event that undigested food enters the oral cavity. Possible occurrence of vomiting as a result of the consequences of the child's disease with whooping cough. In this case, even for several months, the appearance of dry cough as an echo of the transferred disease.

Dry cough in a child at night, how to calm?

All parents who have small children should know how to calm a dry cough at night with their babies. Recommendations on this issue are fairly simple and easy to assimilate.

Often, a dry cough occurs as a result of being in a room with dry air, a consequence which is the defeat of the microorganisms of the mucosa, as a result of which the dry cough. It is quite often difficult to calm down such attacks. To prevent the occurrence of this kind of cough, you should hang wet towels around the perimeter of the room. The result of this hanging is the evaporation of moisture and, consequently, the moistening of respiratory organs and systems. The humidifiers of air, which have long and successfully proved their effectiveness in solving this issue, are of great help in this matter.

Means for calming cough at night in a child

A good remedy for calming a dry night cough in a child is a hot tea with the addition of honey. A glass of tea is enough to dilute with two teaspoons of honey and drink in small sips. After a while, a dry cough will weaken its effect and the baby will feel better. If he does not want to drink tea, you can simply dissolve honey, this method is also very effective and effective.

Good cough alleviates through the use of mineral alkaline water, which helps to soften the pharynx. Before drinking this water the child should get rid of the gases, before going to bed one should drink one glass. If a dry cough is repeated even during the day, in order to calm it, you should drink mineral water throughout the whole period of the disease in small doses. In order for a dry cough to turn to wet, you should drink about three or four liters of water per day.

In order to calm the dry cough, a recipe is recommended that combines milk and soda and is characterized by a specific, not quite pleasant aftertaste. For its preparation, a glass of milk is taken, heated and some soda is added to it. When heating it should be ensured that the soda is not extinguished as a result of overheating of the milk, since in this case the effectiveness of this product will significantly decrease. It is recommended to drink milk and soda several times a day. This makes it possible to calm a dry cough in the child and soon completely get rid of it.

Dry cough in the baby at night, what to do?

If a child continues to dry for a long time, he should be shown to the doctor. In case of suspicion he had any serious illness, whether it be whooping cough or asthmatic bronchitis, The examination should be more thorough, in order that a more accurate diagnosis. If the cause of cough, according to the doctor, is ARVI, parents can help their child by themselves.

Actions for a dry night cough in a child

When a dry cough occurs, the child is recommended to parents:

- Ventilate the child's room before going to bed, it is more often to make a wet cleaning in it;

- to carry out additional moistening of the baby's room or with the help of special devices that moisturize the air, if there is no such device, you can use wet towels, putting them on batteries;

- During the day should give the child more drinking. Well suited broths of rose hips, tea, vitaminized mors;

- shortly before going to bed should be flushing the nasal cavity of the baby with a weak and warm solution of salts;

- in no case should we forget that we should not treat dry night cough in a child with antibiotics and antihistamines. If a child has a dry cough, the following medicinal products may be prescribed by the doctor:

- anti-cough drugs of non-narcotic effect - Glaucine (glavent), Butamirate (Sinekod), Pentoxeverin (Sedotussin), Levropropizin (Levoprint).

- Means against cough of general, mixed action. It can be Stopoutsin, Bronholitin, Tussin plus.

Causes of dry cough at night in a child

Expectorants for children's night cough

In the event that a night cough occurs against a background of sputum (this is possible in the case bronchitis or pneumonia), doctors recommend the use of the following expectorants preparations:

- Alcoholic syrup;

- elixir of broncholitin;

- glycyram;

- solutan;

- Pectusin;

- Tarmopsis;

- tussine;

- terpinhydrate.

Of course, the health of the child should not be risked. In order to establish the exact cause of the cough and properly appoint and conduct treatment should consult a doctor.

Dry cough at night, in a child, than cure?

With a dry night cough, the child is recommended to give him a lot of fluids. Water helps to liquefy mucus. It is also useful to take measures to moisten the air in the children's room. In the event that the appropriate appliance is not available, you can hang a wet towel in the baby cot. You should not take responsibility for independent decision-making on the question of drugs of the medicinal type, which must be taken to the baby. Appoint them - the prerogative of a doctor. Dry cough requires its own, special approach to treatment, different from the approach to treating a wet cough. Sometimes cough should be stimulated, sometimes muffled.

If the child is not yet six months old, do not grate his breast with ointments for heating purposes. This provokes active sputum liquefaction, which can cause suffocation, because the child is too small to know how to fully expectorate it. Approximately a similar effect has steam inhalation. In addition, thanks to a couple, the infection can penetrate even further along the respiratory tract.

The minimum that needs to be done to make it easier for a child to have a dry night cough is to put it in a different position in a dream. The best position for sleeping a child is the position on his side. It is worth to lower the temperature in the child's room a little - about a couple of degrees. Discomfort this baby does not deliver, but his breathing will be greatly facilitated.

Approximately at the age of five the child already understands that the attack of a cough is not dangerous and will soon pass. To children of younger age at approach of attacks of tussis sometimes becomes simply terrible. Therefore, parents should reassure the baby by picking him up. In this case, parents themselves should be calm, because their condition is transmitted to the child very quickly.

Before you send your child to bed, you should rinse his nose with a weak saline solution. In no case should the child be given antibiotics or antihistamines for the treatment of cough, drugs of this type are contraindicated to him.

If the child is already older than six months, inhalations should be given to treat dry night cough. For children younger than the specified age threshold, these methods are contraindicated for the reason indicated above.

What to do if the child coughs at night, and in the daytime there is no

the child coughs hard at night

Coughing a child is a sign of a certain disease. To eliminate it you need to treat the underlying ailment that caused it. Improve the child's condition can be with the help of syrups, pills and other means, but you can cure the disease only with the help of well-chosen treatment. Very often a child attends a strong cough at night. Let's try to figure out what contributes to this development of events, and how it can be prevented.

The reasons for this phenomenon

the child coughs at night and the day is gone

Strengthening of cough at night occurs as a result of the fact that in the horizontal position the distribution of fluid in the body is carried out evenly, and not as usual, rushes to the legs.As a result, sputum accumulation occurs and coughing is aggravated.

Provoke a cough can be a variety of diseases. For example, gastroesophageal reflux can cause a night cough in a child. You can recognize the ailment earlier in children at an older age, since they can explain the heartburn caused by them.

In infants, nocturnal cough causes the cutting teeth. The child is simply choked with saliva, which at this point is released in large numbers, and begins to cough.In this period, put the baby to sleep on his side, and put a small mattress under his head.

A night cough can also indicate the presence of dry air in the room where the baby sleeps. Eliminating this problem is very simple, just to ventilate the room. Still it is possible to use improvised means, for example, on a battery to lay a damp towel.

than differs allergic rhinitis from colds

Do you know how the allergic rhinitis differs from the common cold?

Learn how to treat perspiration in the throat and cough.

The causes of persistent sore throat:

If accompanied by the creaking of teeth

If, when a child goes to bed, during a night cough the child still creaks his teeth, then these are obvious signs of a common cold, inflammation of the pharynx and trachea. In addition, a night squeaking in combination with a cough can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Clay invasion.
  3. Foreign body in the bronchi.

If accompanied by a discharge of a snot

Often coughing at night is accompanied by a common cold. At the same time, there is no temperature rise in the child. The causes of such symptoms are infectious or allergic reactions.


why does the child cough when he sleepsCough and severe rhinitis with normal temperature indicators speak of colds of a viral origin.If bacterial diseases occur, then a rise in temperature is observed.If untimely therapy, the following consequences may occur:
  • sinusitis (by reference you can read how to treat chronic sinusitis in the home);
  • sinusitis (here the symptoms of sinusitis in children are described);
  • laryngitis (read how you can take a cough syrup with laryngitis in children);
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis (here you can see which antibiotic can be used for tonsillitis and pharyngitis);
  • bronchitis.

Colds of a viral nature greatly weaken the immunity, which contributes to the attachment of a bacterial infection. Against the background of common cold, chronic ailments can awaken and pathogenic microorganisms come into action.


Symptoms such as cough and snot at night, often serve as a manifestation of an allergic reaction. As in the previous case, there is no rise in body temperature. With allergies, the following symptoms occur:

  • dry cough;
  • strong discharge from the nose;
  • swelling in the nose;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • erythema and rash on the skin.the child coughs when he goes to bed

There may be an allergy for the following reasons:

  • prolonged exposure in a smoky environment;
  • heavily dusty room;
  • smoking people are near the child;
  • period of flowering of trees and plants;
  • use of cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • dry air in the baby's room.

The manifestations of an allergic reaction are very similar to those of a common cold. If you notice a cough and runny nose at night in your child, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor for examination and to determine the exact diagnosis. When you know for sure that the cause of a cold and cough is an allergy, you must immediately determine the type of allergen. For this child it is necessary to show the doctor-allergist. This ailment requires specific therapy, during which it is necessary to eliminate contact with the component that causes an allergic reaction. If at the time of not proceeding to treatment, then a dry cough provokes such a pathology as chronic bronchitis. Here you can read more about how to recognize an allergic cough in a child.

In the video - the reasons why the child coughs hard:

If you recently got sick

Quite often cough occurs at night after a long illness. Most often, these are manifestations of inflammatory and allergic bronchitis, which take a chronic form. Thus, the baby will attend a cough at the stage of exacerbation. In addition to coughing, a small patient can visit a strong OTT of bronchial mucosa. As a result, breathing becomes worse and an intense cough occurs.

Another disease that can leave a trace in the form of a night cough is called a respiratory syncytial virus.It affects children during the first 2 years. This disease most often occurs when a child visits a kindergarten. Typical symptoms of the disease are edematous bronchial mucosa, poor airflow and obstruction of the lower respiratory tract. After some time, the baby may have shortness of breath, prolonged exhalation and convulsions. The overwhelming cough strikes him at night.

the child coughs at night

What to do

How to stop a coughing fit in a child at night? In order to alleviate a little the condition of the baby, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before you go to bed, fill the child's room with fresh air.airing children before bedtime
  2. Perform a wet cleaning 2 times a day.
  3. Use additional methods of humidifying the air indoors.
  4. The child must consume a large amount of liquid during the day.The best option will be fruit drinks, warm broths of dogrose, tea.
  5. Keep your baby's nose breathing throughout the day. If the baby does not learn to blow his nose, it is worth to wash his nose with a saline solution.
  6. To facilitate dry cough, inhalation should be used. But it is not necessary to perform such treatment for patients younger than 6 months.
  7. The child's code suffers from a dry suffocating cough, then it is worth giving him an antitussive drug.

Do not give the baby cough for antibiotics. With a wet cough, you should not give antitussive drugs, and in case of dry cough, expectorants. With special care, it is necessary to rub small patients. Do not use antihistamines without the approval of a doctor. If you want to ease the sleep of a child during an attack of a cough, it is just to change its position of the body.

If coughing attacks do not leave the machine for a long time and all the above recommendations do not give the desired effect, then it is necessary to immediately go to the clinic. There, the doctor will be able to determine the causes of night cough and prescribe an effective treatment for its elimination.

The advice of Komarovsky

Dr. Komarosky recommends, for ease of night coughing attacks, to be with a child in the open air more often. This is the best prevention of mucus drying. Particular attention requires a runny nose. You can not let the child's nose not breathe. Otherwise, he will inhale the air through his mouth, and this will help the desolation of mucus.

If a child has a fever other than a cough, then it also mucus discharge. Komarovsky advises to give in this case to the child antipyretic drugs. They are released in the form of syrup, candles. But before using them, consult a specialist.

The video tells what to do if the child coughs at night, when he sleeps, and in the daytime there is no:

The danger of bronchitis is that thick mucus clogs the lumen in the bronchi. As a result, natural ventilation of the lungs is disrupted. Here bacteria will settle down, which will provoke pneumonia. This ailment is considered more dangerous and requires prolonged therapy.

To ease the attacks of night cough Komarovsky advises to apply massage. But it is allowed only if the child has a normal body temperature. Kid to the knees so that the head was below the fifth point. To the back attach 2 fingers in the lungs. Perform light and smooth tapping with the fingers of the other hand.Such activities will help to sputum natural way. As a result, the ailment begins to leave the body of the child.

Komarovsky does not recommend the use of drugs that inhibit cough reflex or thinning mucus with the help of chemical components, without the permission of the doctor is unreasonable. Such treatment will only forget about the symptoms, but will not eliminate the disease itself.

Cough itself is a very unpleasant symptom, and especially if it arose at night. And it does not matter what nature it is - viral or allergic - it must be treated. If you do not start therapy in time, the disease can take a chronic form, and it will be virtually impossible to cure it.

Strong cough at night

Strong cough at nightOften catarrhal diseases lead to what disturbs a strong cough at night. Why it starts at night, the average person can not answer. But, he delivers a lot of trouble, does not give a normal rest, it gives discomfort. It can occur for many reasons. And they need to be eliminated. And for this purpose it is expedient to apply the correct methods of fighting this disease.

Strong cough in the baby at night

When a child is sick, each family member experiences his ailment very severely. The kid needs help. How to do it correctly can not be reliably said even by a pediatrician. Dozens of prescribed medicines do not have the proper effect and only aggravate the situation. A strong cough in a child disturbs him uneasily at night. He is nervous, crying, calling his parents. The child is sure that loving mom and dad will really help him. A few days later a similar condition, with proper treatment, will pass. But before, it is necessary to understand for what reason there was a strong cough in the child at night? The prerequisites for this can be several:

  • a catarrhal disease leading to excessive mucus formation and poor separation at night due to small infantile activity of the child;
  • sinusitis, pharyngitis or rhinitis in the course of which there is irritation of the mucous membrane by perspiration resulting in coughing;
  • inflammation of adenoids;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • whooping cough, a strong cough in a child at night ends not only with increased sputum separation, but also with vomit;
  • asthma.

To facilitate a strong cough in a child at night, it is necessary not only to properly treat it under the supervision of a specialist, but also to carry out appropriate preventive measures. The air in the children's room must be clean, moistened. A kid during the day is required to receive a sufficient or even increased amount of liquid. Before going to sleep, his nasal cavity should be properly treated with saline and prescribed nasal drops. Slime from the nasopharynx should not flow over the back wall of the larynx. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the nasal cavity. Then bury the nose with appropriate drops. Only proper cleansing of the nose will avoid getting excessive amounts of mucus in the nasopharynx.
In some cases, a strong cough in a child at night can be caused by the same antitussive syrups. Conceived, parents use them unnecessarily. As a result, prolonged and useless treatment is harmful to the health of the baby.

Strong cough at night in an adult

Wake up at night from severe attacks of cough is unpleasant. Many diseases are accompanied by the fact that there is a strong cough at night in an adult. And it is necessary to fight it with the same methods as treating the underlying disease that caused the cough. Often, night cough can occur as a result of the following diseases:

AsthmaAlong with a severe seizure and a large sputum, severe pain can occur in the chest and upper abdomen. Attacks lasting. Can last more than an hour.

Viral infectionIn the lying position, mucus is poorly excreted. Her stasis leads to a violation of breathing and is accompanied by a cough that contributes to her better separation.

BronchitisA strong cough at night in an adult is dry and frequent. Within a few days it becomes productive, but worries until the end of the disease.

Whooping coughCoughing attacks are more like barking. They are frequent and productive. Often during a fit of coughing, vomiting occurs. In complicated forms, convulsions may occur.

Diseases, for the reason there is a strong cough in the night at the adult set. They must be properly treated with the first symptoms. The sooner the treatment is started, the sooner it will be possible to get rid of severe attacks of cough.

Strong cough at night, what to do

Strong cough at night without fever

If a severe cough is disturbed at night without temperature, then most people do not pay attention to it for a while. And only when he becomes chronic, begin to sound the alarm. The condition does not improve and the problem can be solved without the intervention of a specialist already.

A strong cough at night without fever may result from:

  • Allergic reaction to the stimulus. Often it appears through the fault of feather mites or chemical powders, which were used during washing.
  • Smoking. Sputum is not excreted properly and accumulates in the lungs. As a result, a strong cough at night without fever.
  • Heart failure. May be accompanied by light numbness of limbs and shortness of breath.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • Tuberculosis.

Often, for many diseases, just such a symptom is the first sign that signals the need for a survey.

At night, a severe dry cough

To leave unattended at night a strong dry cough is not necessary, especially if it has a permanent character. Despite the fact that he can have absolutely safe nature it is better to visit a doctor, take tests and determine for what reason this ailment appeared. In any case, it must be eliminated by the right methods and appropriate treatment.

A strong cough at night, what should I do?

The answer to this question is logical: "Do not delay". If this malaise has become a constant companion, it can indicate various diseases. A strong cough at night does not arise without cause and this cause needs to be eliminated.

No matter how much we would like to say that a strong cough at night arises by itself, unfortunately this is far from the truth. It is necessary to diagnose its nature and eliminate the causes of its appearance. In any case, excessive care of their health has not harmed anyone, but on the contrary helped to prevent negative consequences or to establish themselves in their absolute health.

Strong cough in a child: treatment and reasons | How to cure a severe cough in children by folk methods

A strong cough appears when the receptors of the tracheobronchial tree are stimulated. It can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum discharge. Coughing in a child often increases during the night, when due to a long horizontal position, the mucus drips down the larynx and irritates it.

Causes of a strong child cough

Coughing in a child occurs with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, that is, the pharynx, larynx, trachea. If the inflammatory process affects the larynx, then the cough is coarse and muffled, with trachea inflammation (laryngitis) coughing "barking", there is hoarseness of the voice.

If the child has a cold, then it can be coughing in the morning, because after a long stay in the horizontal position, mucus from the nose drains into the respiratory tract.

Cough can also be caused by too much overheated and dry air in the room, while you can either ventilate the room, or put on the night a basin of water in the middle of the nursery, lay out on the batteries wet towels or buy a humidifier air, all these funds will help the child to sleep better at night without attacks cough.

A child with a strong dry cough should be given to drink as much warm liquid, milk or tea. To soften the throat, you can let him suck propolis, or sometimes give a spoonful of honey.

Various diseases as a cause of severe childhood cough

Such a cough in a child can develop for a number of reasons:

1. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by strong attacks of cough in the child, most often at night. Given that the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly straining, the patient may experience pain in the chest and in the abdomen. Cough can subside in half an hour-hour, then expectorated viscous sputum.

2. However, a child's coughing may not be infectious, and cough is a consequence of ingress of foreign bodies, such as particles of dust or crumbs, into the respiratory tract. It ends when the dirt is removed from the lungs.

3. Pertussis is accompanied in children by a strong, convulsive cough. First it manifests itself in the form of an ordinary cold, but it can not be treated with the usual means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and is strengthened over time. Most often attacks come at night, can be accompanied by vomiting.

4. Sometimes severe attacks of dry cough in children can be observed with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx. Diseases are accompanied by a dry barking cough. If the disease is properly treated, then cough recedes after 3 days, in the absence of treatment, complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia may appear.

5. Acute bronchitis in a child is accompanied by strong and frequent attacks of dry cough. The disease occurs as a result of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, other symptoms, such as a runny nose, a sore throat, hoarseness, an increase in temperature, may also appear. First a dry cough develops, severe attacks are more often observed at night, after a few days passes into a wet cough.

6. When laryngitis in children cough appears first dry, then turns into wet, which is accompanied by the release of phlegm. Especially dangerous is laryngitis for young children, swelling of the mucous membrane can block the access of air to the larynx.

Features of treatment of children's strong cough

If a child has suddenly started an attack of dry cough, it is necessary to check that a foreign body has not got into his respiratory tract. At the same time there is wheezing, cyanosis of the skin. The actions of the parents must be rapid, otherwise the child may suffocate. A toddler with a strong dry cough should take the legs to put this way on the stomach, so that the head was lower than the trunk, and a little knock on the back. Foreign body should jump out with a cough.

Traditional medicine recommends giving the child with a strong cold cough medications that suppress the cough reflex and make the mucous surface of the throat less sensitive to the irritant.

How to cure a severe cough in children at home?

1. Start the humidifier in the cool mist mode in your child's room. Steam and moist air moisturizes the nasal mucosa, prevents pain in the throat and.

2. Give your child a cough of juice, water or other liquids to keep the mucous and prevent the accumulation of mucus. Fluids are easier to break down mucus and reduce cough. Remove excess mucus from the nose with a cotton swab.

3. Make sure that your child gets many opportunities for sleep and rest. Press and calm the baby when the cough violates his condition.

4. Remove potential allergens from the room, such as plants, animals and dust, to help relieve cough symptoms caused by allergies. Wipe dust regularly and install air filters in your home to minimize allergens for your newborn.

5. Talk to your pediatrician about prescription cough medicine if your child has a severe cough that does not go away with other types of treatment. Never give your child cough medicine without the doctor's consent.

Traditional methods of treatment of severe dry and wet cough

This article presents several effective recipes specifically for the treatment of childhood cough.

1. Carrot juice with honey. Cure a child can juice carrots with honey. It should be noted that it will be better if the carrot juice is freshly squeezed. Drink a tablespoon several times a day.

2. Lemon with honey. 1 lemon should be boiled in a saucepan until softened. This is necessary in order to squeeze out as much juice as possible from the lemon. Then the lemon is cut into 2 halves and then the juice should be squeezed out (speed and efficiency will be promoted by the juicer). Next, you need to pour the juice into a glass, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin, and, stirring thoroughly, add a glass of honey to make a glass filled to the top. With a weak or rare cough, the resulting syrup should be shaken before use and take 1 teaspoon 4-5 times during the day.

3. Milk with mineral water. Cure can be cured with plain milk. It is necessary to use warm milk with mineral water in proportion: (it is recommended to plant half a glass of milk and a half glass of mineral water). Instead of mineral water, honey (1 teaspoon of honey for a glass of hot milk) will do. If you do not have honey or mineral water on hand, you can add figs.

4. Honey with anise. For this recipe, you will mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of anise seeds, and then add a pinch of salt. All this pour 250 ml of water and bring to a boil, then drain. Adults take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours. The child is taken every 2 hours for one tablespoon.

5. Honey with butter. For this recipe, you need to mix 100 grams of flower honey, 100 grams of fresh butter, and vanillin powder in the proportion:. All should be well stirred. Take this mixture you need one teaspoon three times a day.

6. Figs also help when coughing a child. The fig must be boiled in milk with a consistency: 3 fetuses per glass of milk. The broth should be slightly warmed for the night before going to bed. Such a recipe is useful for asthma, both in children and adults. Also, with bronchial asthma in children, the infusion of fig leaves is good. It should be noted that the figs used for the first time with cough, whooping cough and colds in children.

7. A warm bath can help newborns. Adding eucalyptus, thyme or sage oil to a bath of water can create vapors that will make it easier to breathe and clear the airways. This remedy can also help the child feel more loving, more relaxed and sleepy.

8. Before going to bed, eucalyptus oil dissolve in water and gently rub into the baby's breast, this will help the baby breathe easier. Eucalyptus is also used to clean the nasal passages, reduce sputum and increase blood flow to the muscles.

9. Mix 1 tablespoon of butter, honey and 1 yolk of dietary egg. Blend well and give 1 teaspoon throughout the day.

10. If the cough is excruciating mainly in the mornings, a decoction of garlic and sugar syrup (or honey) helps with the addition of starch. This mixture should be given to the child immediately after sleep, repeatedly, but in small doses.

11. With a persistent debilitating cough, we recommend using the following recipe: in a raw radish, cut the indentation, fill it with honey and cover it with a piece of radish, 4 hours. Formed in the deepening mixture of honey and radish juice give 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day.

12. As an expectorant, you can use a decoction of the berries of the viburnum with honey. 1 cup of berries pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, filter, add 3 tablespoons of honey and drink on a glass 3-4 times a day.

13. Finally, a fairly effective tool that is used for severe cough, bronchitis and even whooping cough:, kg of crushed onion, 5 tablespoons of honey and 2 cups of granulated sugar cook for 3 hours in 1 liter water. After cooling, take 4-6 tablespoons.

Foreign and local folk recipes for cough treatment in children

There are quite good and effective folk remedies for the treatment of a severe cough. Let's consider some of them:

1. The eastern way to cure cough.

In the East they have long known how to cure a strong cough. In one glass of milk, not more than five pieces of fig are steamed. Triturate the resulting mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take in warm form four times a half glass a day.

2. Brazilian way.

It is necessary to pass through a sieve a ripe banana. Then put in a small saucepan and add the soured hot water, boil, drink hot.

3. Ukrainian way to cure a strong cough.

With a strong chest cough, the breast is wiped with dry cloth. After that, rub until completely absorbed melted butter or pork interior fat, mixed with pine oil.

4. Sumerian way.

In this method, hot breast compresses based on water and decoction of dry licorice root are relevant. Our contemporaries have added to the recipe for a strong cough in the child yet ingredients. 20 grams of licorice root is mixed with twenty grams of chamomile color, add five grams of melissa, mint and herbs of gold-bearing. A teaspoon of the resulting mixture is poured with 150 g of boiling water. Cook the mixture for about 5 minutes. After cooling, filter through a sieve. Broth, drink warm one cup after eating.

How to cure a strong cough in a Russian way in a child?

1. The first way. The best way to treat a cough in the spring is with maple juice along with milk or birch sap. Such juices are best to drink not too cold, at room temperature.

2. The second way to treat a strong cough in a child. For a good expectoration, it is advised to take one tablespoon of a mixture of lingonberry syrup and honey every two hours. During this treatment, instead of tea, drink a decoction of strawberries.

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