The Ethical Code of Nurses in Russia 2017, the current version


Code of Medical Ethics Russian sisters: full current version 2017-2018 year

Taking into account the crucial role in today's society the most massivefrom medical professions - the profession of a nurse;given the traditionally high importance of ethical principles in medicine and health;guided by the medical ethics documents of the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization, the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Nurses of Russia" accepts this Ethical Code.

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Part I. General provisions of

Ethical basis of the professional activity of a nurse is humanity and charity. Accepting and sharing the universal and common ethical values, the professional corps of nurses declares the uniqueness of their profession and the special character of ethical relationships with colleagues and patients arising from it.

The most important tasks of the professional activity of a nurse are: comprehensive comprehensive care of patients and alleviation of their suffering;health preservation and rehabilitation;promoting health promotion and disease prevention.

Comprehensive comprehensive care in this Code is understood as a complex of medical and social interventions made by a nurse in the multidiscipinary brigade that helps the patient. Complex care is aimed at achieving the best results of medical care, including, the highest quality of life of the patient in a specific health situation and includes: the performance of medical appointments;interventions performed by the nurse within the framework of independent nursing care;activities carried out jointly with other participants in the multidisciplinary team.

The Code of Ethics provides clear moral guidelines for the professional activities of the nurse, is designed to promote consolidation, increase the prestige and authority of the nursing profession in society, and the development of nursing in Russia.

provisions of the Code apply to all nurses, regardless of the profile of activity, forms of health care facilities owned, affiliation and other factors, including practitioners( self-employed), nurses, administrators, nursing at all levels, teachers of nursing and nurses - researchers.

The provisions of this Code should be considered in conjunction with legal norms, standards of nursing practice, clinical recommendations and other normative acts regulating nursing activities. At the same time in matters of ethical regulation of the performance of professional duties, this Code has the highest priority.

The professional community of nurses is responsible for compliance with the provisions of this Code to patients, their families, social groups, society as a whole and their colleagues.

Part II.Nurse and patient

Article 1. Nurse and patient

The provisions of this Code apply to all types and forms of clinical relationships that arise between a nurse and a patient. Depending on the specific situation, a sick or healthy person, a family and the patient's environment, a social, professional or other group of people, the society as a whole can act as a patient.

Article 2. The nurse and the patient's right to quality medical care

The nurse must respect the inalienable rights of everyone to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, the best level of social adaptation and to receive adequate medical care.

The nurse must provide the patient with quality medical care that meets the principles of humanity, professional standards and modern concepts of medical science. In clinical practice, the basis of nursing is the principles of care based on evidence.

The activities of the nurse, carried out as part of a multidisciplinary team, should be aimed at achieving the highest overall result: for the benefit of the patient in all aspects of integrated care, not limited to purely medical aspects.

The nurse is morally responsible for his activities to the patient, colleagues and society. The ethical duty of the nurse to provide, as far as it is competent, immediate medical care to a person in need of it in any conditions, during the performance of official duties and at other times.

Article 3. Basic condition of nursing activity - professional competence

A nurse must always observe and maintain professional standards of activity determined by the federal health authority of the Russian Federation and professional medical associations. Continuous improvement of special competencies, raising their cultural level is the first professional duty of a nurse. The nurse must be competent in the moral and legal rights of the patient. Maintenance of the level of professional, legal and ethical competencies is a measure of the personal responsibility of each nurse. Achieving this goal is ensured by a constant increase in the level of knowledge.

If one of the colleagues shows signs of incompetence, the nurse must take all measures to protect the interests of his patient, including pointing out mistakes to the colleague, offering his help or, if the steps taken are ineffective, referring to the help of the nurses' leaders.

Article 4. Humane attitude to the patient, respect for his legal rights

The nurse must above all put compassion and respect for the life of the patient. The ethical system of values ​​of the patient, in its holistic understanding, is the basis of nursing assistance for independence from cultural, national, religious, philosophical or other characteristics of the patient. In the event of a contradiction between the patient's worldview and the ethical conception of the nurse, in the framework of nursing care, the world view and attitude of the patient is the unconditional priority.

A nurse must respect the patient's right to relieve suffering insofar as the existing level of medical science allows. No situation of suffering the patient's physical, moral or spiritual suffering where suffering could be facilitated by the application of all available techniques and technologies can not be recognized ethically. In cases where the nurse sees the patient's suffering, and her knowledge and competence is not enough to help the patient, her ethical duty to immediately seek help from a more competent colleague.

A nurse can not participate in torture, executions or other forms of cruel and inhuman treatment of people. No political, organizational, economic or other conditions can justify the actions of a nurse participating in ill-treatment of a person. Any intervention that causes a patient physical, moral or spiritual suffering that could be prevented, even if they are carried out with the patient's consent, are condemned and recognized as unethical.

A nurse can not contribute to the suicide of a patient. Any act or omission, including the provision or refusal to provide information directly or indirectly aimed at interrupting a patient's life, is considered unethical.

The nurse is responsible, within the limits of his / her competence, for ensuring the rights of the patient proclaimed by international legal acts and legally fixed in the Russian Federation.

Article 5. Respect for the human dignity of the patient

The nurse must be constantly ready to provide competent assistance to patients regardless of their age or gender, the nature of the disease, race, religion or political beliefs, social or material situation or other differences. Carrying out the care, the nurse must respect the patient's right to participate in planning and conducting the treatment. In this case, the patient's decision regarding the strategy of medical care remains a priority even in cases when the decision taken contradicts the opinion of medical workers.

The manifestation of arrogance, paternalism, disparagement or degrading treatment of the patient is unacceptable.

The nurse does not have the right to impose his moral, religious, political convictions on the patient. The patient's decision to provide medical assistance based on a personal system of ethical values ​​must be accepted by the nurse with respect, even if the decision taken contradicts her personal value system or the postulates of medical science.

The nurse must actively intervene in situations where the patient's personal dignity, in conjunction with medical or social systems, is humiliated.

A nurse must respect the confidentiality and modesty of patients, maintaining such standards of nursing practices that minimize intrusions into the patient's personal space.

In establishing the order of medical care for several patients, in all cases, including assistance in the conditions of military operations and work in a hotbed of emergencies, the nurse should be guided only by medical criteria, excluding any discrimination.

In cases requiring medical supervision of the patient's behavior, the nurse should limit his intervention to the privacy of the patient solely as a professional necessity.

Article 6. First of all - do no harm

A nurse does not have the right to violate the ancient ethical precept of medicine "First of all - do no harm!".

The nurse does not have the right to be indifferent to the actions of third parties who seek to inflict any harm on the patient. The ethical duty of the nurse to take all possible actions, including appealing to the administrative authorities to protect his patient.

Nurses nursing activities, any other medical interventions associated with pain and other temporary negative phenomena, are acceptable only in its interests."The medicine should not be bitterer than sickness!"( Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences VN Vinogradov, 1882-1964). . When making medical interventions that are fraught with the risk of complications, painful or other painful sensations, the nurse must in detail and honestly inform the patient about the possible risk, obtain his consent before initiating the intervention and provide for all possible safety measures, relief of life-threatening and patient health complications.

Article 7. Nurse and the right to information

A nurse must be truthful and honest. Unconditional sincerity in any matters relating to the patient's health condition is an indispensable condition for effective nursing care. The patient should be aware of his right to ask questions when providing medical assistance and receive exhaustive and honest answers to them.

The moral and professional duty of the nurse to inform the patient about his rights. Knowledge of the rights of patients of various groups declared by the law and assistance to the patient in their implementation is the ethical duty of the nurse. If the rights of the patient are violated by the actions of colleagues or third parties, it is ethical to raise the issue of protection of the patient's rights for collegial discussion, and if necessary, to the Ethical Committee of the health care institution. Protecting the interests of the patient above pseudo-collegiality and false corporate ethics.

The sister is obliged to respect the patient's right to receive information about his state of health, the possible risks and benefits of the proposed treatment methods, the diagnosis and prognosis, as well as his right to refuse information in general. The decision of the patient to refuse to receive information should not affect the volume and quality of the nursing care provided. Information should be provided in a language accessible to the patient, so that the patient fully and correctly understands it. If necessary, the patient should have the right to ask any number of clarifying questions that are necessary for him to understand the information provided.

Information on the state of health of a capable patient can be provided to his relatives and relatives only with the patient's consent.

The procedure for providing information on the patient's health status, treatment, survey results and other data, including the amount of information provided, is determined collectively by all members of the multidisciplinary team providing assistance.

Lying is always unethical. No conditions, circumstances and considerations can justify the deception of the patient. The nurse should not substitute his ideas about the welfare of the patient with his decision.

Article 8. Nurse and the patient's right to consent to or refuse medical intervention

The nurse must respect the right of the patient or his legal representative, when dealing with a child or patient, in accordance with the law recognized incompetent, to accept any medical interventionor to abandon it.

A nurse must be sure that consent or refusal is given by the patient voluntarily and consciously. The moral and professional duty of the nurse, to the extent of his qualification, is to provide the patient with honest and complete information about the treatment, including the significance of the procedure, its expected results, progress, possible complications and risks, the consequences of refusal of medical care.

In cases where the patient is given a choice between several treatment alternatives, the nurse's duty to provide objective information about each opportunity, its characteristics and conditions of receipt. If the patient needs help in making a decision, it should be rendered in such a way as to exclude any influence on the final choice.

The nurse respects the patient's choice even if it contradicts her expectations and is potentially directed against the patient's interests. The patient should be provided with comprehensive information on the consequences and risks of his choice, after which if the current situation does not fall under the statutory exceptions, the decision of the patient determines the tactics of further nursing care. The patient should be informed about the possibility to change his decision at any stage of the treatment process.

In cases where the decision of the patient contradicts the opinion of relatives and friends, the nurse should help them respect the patient's decision.

A patient's refusal to take any intervention, as well as from treatment in general, should not influence his situation and negatively affect the attitude of the nurse and other medical personnel to him. A nurse may provide assistance without the consent of the patient( or the consent of the legal representative of an incompetent patient) only in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When providing medical care to incompetent patients, the nurse should, as far as the condition of such patients allows, involve them in the decision-making process.

Article 9. Obligation to keep professional secrecy

The nurse must keep confidential information from the third parties about the state of the patient's health, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis of his illness, as well as about the patient's personal life,even after the patient dies.

A nurse must strictly perform its functions to protect confidential patient information, in whatever form it is stored.

A nurse may disclose confidential patient information to a third party only with the patient's consent. The right to transfer information by the nurse to other specialists and medical workers who provide assistance to the patient, as well as officials whose right to receive information is established by law, presupposes the consent of the patient. In any case, information should be provided in such a way as to minimize potential harm to the patient.

The use of photo and video is possible only for scientific and educational purposes and only with the consent of the patient.

A nurse may transfer confidential information without the consent of the patient only in cases provided for by law. In this case, the patient should be informed about the inevitability of disclosure of confidential information. In all other cases, the nurse has personal moral and sometimes legal responsibility for disclosing professional secrets.

The ethical obligation of a nurse to actively intervene in a situation where someone other than medical professionals directly involved in the treatment receives, uses and disseminates confidential information regarding patients.

Article 10. Nurse and dying patient

A nurse must respect the right of the dying person to humane treatment and dignified death. No one should ever die alone, suffering without professional nursing support where this support could be provided.

The nurse must possess the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of palliative care, which gives the dying person the opportunity to complete life with dignity, as well as the maximum achievable physical, emotional and spiritual comfort. The first moral and professional duties of the nurse: the prevention and alleviation of suffering, usually associated with the process of dying;rendering psychological support to the dying person and his family.

The scope and nature of nursing care for a dying patient should be determined in the light of the cultural, national, religious, and other characteristics of the patient. In the event that the process of preparing for death requires assistance from the presence of a representative of a religious concession, the performance of religious rites or other non-medical conditions, such assistance must be unconditionally granted.

Euthanasia, that is, deliberate acts or omissions of the nurse to end the life of a dying patient, even at his request, is unethical and unacceptable.

A nurse must respect a deceased patient. When carrying out posthumous care for the body of a deceased patient, religious and cultural traditions should be taken into account. The nurse must respect the rights of citizens in the Russian Federation concerning pathoanatomical autopsies.

Article 11. Nursing in emergency situations

A nurse, regardless of position, must have the necessary competence to provide medical care in emergency situations. Maintaining the level of knowledge necessary for this, including knowledge of emergency care in life-threatening situations, is the professional and ethical duty of each nurse.

Emergency assistance should be provided as much as possible. Assistance to patients in conditions of limited resources should be allocated exclusively on the basis of medical indications;regardless of gender, nationality, political views or any other characteristics of the patient.

Article 12. Nurse as a participant in scientific research

A nurse should strive to participate in research activities, in the multiplication of knowledge in his profession. In research activities with human participation as an object of research, the nurse must strictly follow international documents on medical ethics( the Helsinki Declaration, etc.) and the legislation of the Russian Federation. The interests of the patient's personality for the nurse must always be above the interests of science and society. Participating in scientific research, the nurse must especially strictly protect those patients who are unable to take care of themselves( children, people with severe mental disorders).

Article 13. The nurse and the learning process

The ethical duty of the nurse is to preserve and multiply the traditions of the profession and the continuity of generations. Participation in the training of medical students, where provided for, is an integral part of nursing practice. The nurse must sincerely strive to transfer all the accumulated experience to future colleagues, giving an honest and objective assessment of the level of their preparation, encouraging the activity and practical activity of the students, but by keeping control over their actions and sharing responsibility for their mistakes. The sister's refusal to transfer experience is unethical.

The attitude of the nurse to the students should be respectful, extremely honest and friendly - regardless of the age difference and the level of preparation. The learning process and professional relationships should be based on the ethical principles of this Code.

Involvement of the patient to participate in the educational process is permissible only with the observance of his rights, guaranteeing maximum safety and only with the voluntary consent of the patient or his legal representatives. The patient should be advised that a medical worker who has not completed the training process will work with him and has the right to refuse the assistance of such an employee.

Part III.Nurse and her profession

Article 14. Respect for her profession

A nurse must maintain the authority and reputation of her profession. Preppyness and compliance with personal hygiene rules are essential qualities of professional nurse behavior.

Respect for the profession is supported by the behavior of the sisters in any situation, both during work and outside of it, by a culture of behavior and relationships with colleagues, patients and other citizens. The behavior of a nurse should not be an example of a negative attitude towards health.

The nurse has personal moral responsibility for maintaining, implementing and improving the standards of nursing. The use of outdated methods and technologies of care wherever more sophisticated technologies could be used is unethical. Insufficient knowledge can not serve as a mitigating factor in providing poor quality nursing care.

A nurse should not claim the degree of competence that he does not possess. In cases where the implementation of an outreach plan requires knowledge or skills that the nurse does not have, it is fair to acknowledge the lack of competence and seek the help of more qualified specialists.

The right and duty of the nurse to defend moral, economic and professional independence in person or through participation in professional associations and associations. Active activity in professional associations serves the development of the profession and is ethically approved.

A nurse must refuse gifts and flattering suggestions from the patient, if based on his desire to achieve a privileged position. The nurse has the right to accept gratitude from the patient if it is expressed in a form that does not contradict justice and decency and does not violate legal norms.

An intimate relationship with a patient is condemned by medical ethics.

Article 15. Nurse and colleagues

A nurse must pay tribute to her teachers. In relations with colleagues, a nurse must be honest, fair and decent, recognize and respect their knowledge and experience, their contribution to the healing process. The nurse must, as far as her knowledge and experience is concerned, help colleagues in the profession, counting on the same assistance on their part, and also to assist other participants in the medical process and the care process, including voluntary assistants.

The nurse is obliged to respect the long tradition of her profession - to provide medical assistance to a colleague free of charge.

Attempts, to gain self-confidence by discrediting colleagues, are unethical. However, in cases when the patient is given knowingly unreasonable recommendations in the field of nursing care, it is permissible tactfully and collegially to point out the inaccuracy.

The moral and professional duty of the nurse to help the patient perform the treatment program prescribed by the doctor, as well as to implement the components of nursing care, appointed by a doctor, specialized sisters and consultants.

The nurse must accurately and professionally perform the prescribed medical and specialized nursing procedures.

High professionalism of the nurse is the most important moral factor of the friendly, collegial relations of the nurse, on the one hand, and the doctor, other sisters, patients, their relatives and other participants in the nursing process, on the other.

Familiarity, unofficial nature of the relationship between a doctor and a nurse in the performance of their professional duties are condemned by medical ethics. Also violations of professional etiquette in relations with other sisters and patients are unacceptable.

If the nurse doubts the advisability of the medical advice of a doctor or a nurse-consultant, she should tactfully discuss this situation first with the doctor herself, and with continued doubt and afterwards with the senior management. In cases where an appointment that is questionable is given as part of emergency care, it must be performed and only after the relief has been discussed.

Article 16. Ethical Responsibility of

Nursing Directors Nurses, nurses' leaders, bear personal responsibility for the quality of nursing assistance provided by their subordinates, the level of their preparation, as well as the level of welfare and the degree of social protection of their subordinate sister communities.

Working in partnership with the heads of medical institutions, specialists of other departments, regional branches of the professional association, leaders and representatives of higher authorities, nurses - managers must ensure the highest level of training and social protection of subordinates. Neglect of the interests of subordinate collectives is unethical and condemned.

Article 17. Nurse and questionable medical practice

A nurse faced with illegal, unethical or incompetent medical practice should be in the interests of the patient and society. Situations requiring active intervention of a nurse may include attempts at medical appointments for mercenary purposes, deception of the patient, the use of questionable, non-evidence-based means and methods, substitution of treatment with alternative care, and other situations that contradict the canons of medical science and medical ethics.

The nurse must know the legal rules governing nursing, the organization of the health system in general, and the application of traditional medicine( healing) methods, in particular. The nurse must remain professionally cautious about any alternative treatment methods, using and recommending only those of them whose effectiveness and safety are proven in properly organized scientific research.

The nurse has the right to apply for support to public health authorities, law enforcement agencies, the Association of Nurses, taking measures to protect patients' rights from questionable medical practice.

Article 18. Nurse and Ethical Conflict

In cases where the performance of professional duties contradicts the moral values ​​of a nurse, it must take measures to resolve the ethical conflict as soon as possible and minimize its consequences for the provision of medical care. Ethical conflict occurs when the nurse can not independently conduct an ethical assessment of the situation;can not make a choice between two or more alternative solutions or on the conditions of professional activity is compelled to perform actions that are contrary to her moral values.

Ethical constancy - consistent adherence to ethical beliefs even in the face of emerging difficulties or threats is encouraged by this Code.

Article 19. Medical right to refuse to participate in procedures that are contrary to its moral principles.

When applying for a job, including when concluding a contract for the provision of nursing assistance in private medical practice, the nurse must make sure that the job responsibilities stipulated in the employment contract do not conflict with her moral values. In the case of an ethical conflict, it is necessary to abstain from concluding an employment contract.

In cases where the expansion of the nurse's duties, due to the introduction of new forms of nursing care, the forms and methods of treatment and other situations that require the sisters to perform actions contrary to her ethical principles, the sister should be informed as soon as possible of the possible ethical conflict of her supervisorand take measures to ensure an adequate replacement for another specialist. Prior to the provision of a substitute specialist, the sisters should be assisted in full by the standards of treatment and care and these appointments.

Part IV.Nurses and Society

Article 20. Responsibility to society

The moral duty of a nurse as a member of a medical society is to ensure accessibility and high quality of nursing assistance to the public.

The nurse must actively participate in information and health education of the population, helping patients make the right choice in their relationship with state, municipal and private health care systems and social support. The nurse, in the best of her competence, should participate in the development and implementation of collective measures aimed at improving methods of fighting diseases, preventing patients, authorities and society from environmental hazards, and contributing to the organization of rescue services.

All-Russian public organization "Association of Nurses of Russia" and the medical community as a whole should help to attract nurses to the regions of the country where medical care is least developed, providing incentives for working in such areas.

Article 21. Maintaining the autonomy and integrity of nursing

The moral duty of a nurse is to promote the development of nursing in Russia. A nurse must support, develop autonomy, independence and integrity of nursing. The duty of the nurse to draw the attention of society and the media to the needs, achievements and shortcomings of nursing. A nurse must protect society from misinformation or a distorted interpretation of the modern paradigm of nursing.

Self-promotion is incompatible with medical ethics.

Article 22. Participation of nurses in strike

Partial or complete refusal of work is permissible, as the highest measure of self-defense of the professional community, in compliance with the rules for conducting strikes and the volumes of compulsory medical care provided for by federal legislation.

If a nurse participates in an organized collective rejection of work, she is not exempt from the obligation to provide emergency care, as well as from ethical obligations towards patients currently undergoing treatment

. Article 23. Guarantees and protection of the legal rights of a nurse

Humane rolethe nurse in the society creates the basis for the requirements of legal protection of the personal dignity of the nurse, physical integrity and the right to help in the performance of professional dutyboth in peacetime and in wartime.

The standard of living of a nurse must correspond to the status of her profession. The size of the fee, determined by a private practitioner in each case, should be commensurate with the volume of medical care provided, the degree of its competence, and other special circumstances. Help for poor patients is ethically approved.

Neither health professionals in general, nor any of the nurses in particular, can not be forced to work on conditions unacceptable to them. Ensuring the conditions of professional activity of nurses must meet the requirements of labor protection.

The nurse has the right to expect that the All-Russian public organization "Association of Nurses of Russia" will render her full-fledged assistance:

  1. To protect honor and dignity( if its good name is unreasonably defamed by anyone).
  2. Legal and information support, maintenance of due skill level.
  3. Timely reception of the qualified category according to the reached level of vocational training.
  4. Creation and application of professional error insurance procedures, not related to negligent or careless execution of professional duties.
  5. Professional retraining if you can not perform professional duties for health reasons.
  6. Timely receipt of benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for medical personnel.

Part V. The effect of the ethical code of the nurse of Russia, responsibility for its violations and the procedure for its revision

Article 24. The Effect of the Code of Ethics

The requirements of this Code are mandatory for all Russian nurses.

Doctors and nurses, who teach in nursing departments and faculties, in medical colleges and colleges, should familiarize students with the Code of Ethics of the nurse of Russia and promote the dissemination of its provisions in the professional community.

Students, as they are included in professional medical activities, are required to assimilate and comply with the principles and norms contained in the Code. Doctors and nurses leading the teaching should guide their behavior by showing students how to observe ethical principles.

Article 25. Responsibility for violation of the Code of Ethics

The responsibility for violation of the Ethical Code of the nurse of Russia is determined by the Charter of the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Nurses of Russia".For violation of the norms of the Code, the following penalties can be applied to the members of the Association: 1) remark;2) a warning of incomplete professional compliance;3) suspension of membership in the Association for a period of up to one year;4) expulsion from the members of the Association with the obligatory notification of the relevant certification( license) commission.

Article 26. Revision and interpretation of the Code of Ethics

Dynamic changes in a society that entail social, economic and other transformations may require the amendment of certain provisions of this Code or its revision. The All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Nurses of Russia" acts as a guarantor that any amendments to the Code will be aimed at improving nursing care, protecting the interests of nurses and patients.

The right to revise the Code of Ethics of the nurse of Russia and the interpretation of its individual provisions belongs to the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Nurses of Russia" Recommendations and proposals for amending or improving certain articles of the Code are accepted for consideration by the Board of the named Association and become valid after its discussion and approval by the Association's Board.

Code of Ethics for the International Council of Nurses

The International Code of Ethics for Nurses was first adopted by the International Council( IMS) in 1953.Since that moment the document has been repeatedly revised and re-approved;The last revision of the Code was carried out in 2005.


The nurse has four main responsibilities: to maintain health, prevent disease, restore health and alleviate suffering. The need for nursing care is universal.

Nursing involves respect for human rights, including the right to life and choice, dignity and respect. Nursing assistance has no restrictions on such characteristics as age, color, religion, cultural affiliation, disability or disease, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, race or social status.

Nurses provide assistance to individuals, families and the community and coordinate their activities with the work of other groups.

Code of the MSM

Code of Ethics for the MSM nurse constitute 4 fundamental elements that determine the standards of ethical practice.

Sections of the

Code 1.Masters and patients

The primary responsibility of a nurse is to those who need her help.

By assisting, the nurse tries to create an atmosphere of respect for human rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of patients, their loved ones and the community.

The nurse guarantees that the patient receives information sufficient for informed consent to receive nursing care and treatment.

The nurse keeps the confidential personal information received and is guided by legal norms when necessary to disclose this information.

Together with the company, a nurse is responsible for initiating and supporting actions aimed at meeting the medical and social needs of society, especially with regard to its least protected layers.

The nurse also has joint responsibility for the preservation and protection of the environment from exhaustion, destruction and destruction.

2. Practitioners and Practitioners

The nurse is personally responsible for providing nursing assistance and maintaining his level of competence through continuous training.

A nurse maintains her own health at the proper level, so as not to jeopardize her ability to provide nursing assistance.

A nurse makes informed decisions about her own competence, taking on and delegating assignments.

In the performance of professional duties, the nurse behaves in a way that reflects her behavior favorably on the profession and strengthens her trust in the profession.

By providing assistance, the nurse guarantees the compliance of the applied technologies and scientific achievements with the principles of safety, dignity and human rights.


A nurse plays a major role in identifying and implementing acceptable standards of clinical nursing practice, management, research and education.

The nurse takes an active part in the development of scientifically sound professional knowledge.

Through active work in a professional organization, the nurse participates in the creation and maintenance of safe and fair social and economic working conditions.

4.Medisters and colleagues

The nurse maintains relations of cooperation with fellow sisters and other staff of the institution.

The nurse takes necessary actions to protect patients, members of their families and communities, if their health is threatened by the actions of colleagues or other persons.

Proposals for the application of the MSM Code of Ethics for Nurses

The Code of Ethics for MSM is a guide to action based on public values ​​and needs. The code will acquire the meaning and meaning of a vital document only if it is applied in nursing practice and health care in a changing society.

To achieve the goals set by the Code, it is necessary to understand its content, to imbue it and use it in all aspects of nursing activity. The Code should be available to students and nurses throughout their entire education and work life.

Applying Elements of the MSM Code of Ethics

Four sections of the MSM Code of Ethics: nurses and patients, nurses and practitioners, nurses and the profession and nurses and colleagues set the framework for standards of professional conduct. The purpose of this chapter is to help nurses translate the standards into the language of concrete actions. Thus, nurses and students will be able to:

  1. Study the standards in accordance with each section of the code.
  2. Determine the meaning of each standard for yourself. Think about how to apply ethics in your work, whether it's practice, education, research or management.
  3. Discuss the code with colleagues and other people.
  4. Use good practice examples to identify ethical dilemmas and behavioral standards that are consistent with the principles of the Code. Determine how they would solve such dilemmas.
  5. Work in groups to clarify decisions on ethical issues and reach consensus on standards of ethical behavior.
  6. Interact with its national sister association, colleagues and others on the application of ethical standards in nursing practice, education, management and research.
Nurse Practitioners and Managers Teachers and Researchers National Association of Nurses
Assist with respect for human rights and respect for the values, customs and beliefs of everyone. To include in educational programs the study of human rights, equality, justice, solidarity as the basis for the provision of medical care. Develop official statements and guidelines in support of human rights and ethical standards.
Continuously learn about ethics. Provide training on ethical issues and ethical decision-making. To advocate the involvement of nurses in the work of ethical committees.
Provide information sufficient for informed consent and the exercise of the right to choose or refuse treatment. Provide training on informed consent. Provide guidance, formal statements and ongoing training on informed consent.
Use an information recording and management system that guarantees confidentiality. Include in the curriculum the study of the concepts of personal business and confidentiality. Enable the protection of confidentiality principles and private matters in the national code of ethics for nurses.
Create and monitor compliance with environmental standards in the workplace. Explain to students the importance of community-based problem-solving activities. Protect a safe and healthy environment.
Nurse Practitioners and Managers Teachers and Researchers National Association of Nurses
Establish standards for nursing care and a medical institution that guarantee the safety and quality of care. Conduct training that is consistent with the principle of gaining lifelong learning and increasing competence for practice. Ensure the availability of continuous learning through the issuance of journals, conferences, development and implementation of distance programs, etc.
Establish a system for the exchange of professional information, continuous training and systematic renewal of the license( authorization) for the right to provide assistance. Conduct and disseminate research demonstrating the relationship between lifelong learning and competence in practice. Defend the guaranteed possibility of continuing education and quality standards of nursing care.
Monitor and maintain employee health in relation to their practice area. Promote the importance of the personal health of nurses and illustrate its relationship to other values. Promote a healthy lifestyle among nursing staff. Protect the job security guarantees and the technologies used for the health of nurses.
Nurse Practitioners and Managers Teachers and Researchers National Association of Nurses
Set standards for nursing practice, research, education and management. Provide training on standards for nursing practice, research, education and management. Collaborate with various partners to create standards for nursing education, practice, research and management.
Promote an atmosphere of support for professional behavior in the workplace, disseminate and use research related to nursing and health. Implement, disseminate and use research to develop a nursing profession. Develop official statements, guidelines and standards related to nursing research.
Promote participation in the activities of national sister associations to create favorable socio-economic conditions for nurses. Explain to students the importance of professional nursing associations. Defend fair social and economic working conditions for develop official statements and guidelines on problems arising in the workplace.
Practicing nurses and supervisors Teachers and researchers National Association of Nurses
To recognize the existence of both unique and general functions among employees and the potential of interdisciplinary conflicts. Understand the role of other health professionals. Promote collaboration with representatives of other professions related to the profession of a nurse.
Develop a system of labor organization in support of common professional ethical values ​​and behavior. Transfer knowledge about sister ethics to representatives of other professions. To promote awareness of ethical issues arising in the practice of other professionals.
To develop mechanisms for protecting patients, their relatives and community members in situations where health care workers are threatened by receiving medical care. Encourage students to understand the need to protect patients, their loved ones and the community in situations where receiving their medical care is threatened by health professionals. Provide guidance, formal statements and promote discussions on the protection of people whose treatment is threatened by health workers.

Dissemination of the MSM Code of Ethics

The effectiveness of the MSM Code of Ethics is determined by how familiar it is to nurses. We encourage you to disseminate the Code in medical schools, among practicing nurses, through periodicals and other media. With the Code it is necessary to introduce representatives of other specialties, public groups, consumers, politicians, organizations for the protection of human rights and employers of nurses.

Glossary of the terms of the MSM Code of Ethics for Nurses

Colleagues .Other nurses, medical and non-medical workers and specialists.

Relationships of cooperation .Professional relations based on collegial and reciprocal actions, behavior aimed at achieving the set goals.

Family of the patient .A social cell consisting of members associated with blood, related, emotional, or legal relationships.

Nurse in association with .A nurse as a medical worker and a citizen initiates and supports the necessary actions in response to the medical and social needs of society.

Personal Health .Mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being of a nurse.

Personal information .Information obtained in the course of professional communication that is private to the patient or members of his family, the disclosure of which may violate the right to privacy, cause inconvenience, embarrassment or cause other harm to the patient or members of his family.

Nursing-related groups .Other nurses, health professionals or other professionals who provide assistance to patients, members of their families or the community and who are acting to achieve the desired goal.

Historical background

For the first time the Ethical Code of the nurse of Russia was developed at the suggestion of the Interregional Association of Nurses of Russia with the support of the United States Agency for International Development( USAID) and World Vision International.

The first edition of the Code of Ethics was adopted in the first reading by the III All-Russian Conference on Nursing in June 1996, reviewed by the Ethics Committee of Russia and approved by the Problem Commission on Nursing of the Department of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in April 1997.

Development of nursing practices,medical science and technology, changing public values ​​and views on the role and place of the patient in the process of medical care caused the need for revision andenrichment of certain provisions of the Code of Ethics.

A new version of the document was developed at the suggestion of the Association of Nurses of Russia. The ethical code was submitted for discussion and review, approved by the All-Russian Conference of the Association of Nurses of Russia in September 2010 and adopted by the Board of the Association.

The Association of Nurses of Russia expresses its deep gratitude to Alexander Yakovlevich Ivanyushkin, the compiler of the first edition of the Code of Ethics, Galina Mikhailovna Perfilieva, Tamara Petrovna Titovtseva and Vladimir Alekseevich Tikhonenko, whose valuable comments enriched the content of the Code, as well as Tigran Albertovich Epoyan, the program manager of World Vision,whose support the first edition of the Code was published in the shortest possible time.

The Association of Nurses of Russia expresses its deep gratitude to the author of the new edition of the Code of Ethics, Valery Valerievich Samoylenko, as well as to Margarita Ivanovna Poskotina, who made valuable amendments and additions.

Valentina Sarkisova, President of the Association of Nurses of Russia.

Compiled by: Ivanyushkin A.Ya., Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Medical Sciences Samoylenko VV, Deputy Director of FSEI SPO St. Petersburg Medical and Technical College of FMBA of Russia

Reviewers: Perfilieva GM, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor TikhonenkoVA, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Titovtseva T. P( Leningrad region), Poskotina M.I( Novosibirsk).

St. Petersburg, 2010 year.

Explanatory note to the "Ethical code of the nurse of Russia"

Dear colleagues,

It has been more than 10 years since our Ethical Code of the nurse of Russia entered our life. Over the years, the Nursing affair has firmly consolidated its positions as a practical and scientific discipline, like science and art, as the basis of the clinical practice of more than a million of the nation's nurses.

The concepts of "nursing care" and "nursing intervention" have already become familiar, thousands of sisters who have received higher education and higher education are already measured by thousands, there are tens and hundreds of specialists with a degree already close to us.

And all these years, the Ethical Code was an integral part of the nursing profession. His positions served as a support in solving complex professional conflicts, the analysis of his articles became the basis of dissertations, his text was studied by college students and experienced coryphaeans of nursing practice.

The past years have significantly changed the ethical-legal and economic relations in medicine: the formation of a new strategy for the development of public health, the improvement of the legal framework, the active development of market relations, the commercialization of relations in healthcare, have identified a new generation of ethical problems in the field of nursing. Along with traditional for bioethics problems, new, more precise formulations were demanded by attitudes in the professional corps of medical workers, ethical conflicts within the professional community were more clearly shaped than ever.

In December 2008, at the All-Russian Congress of Secondary Medical Workers in St. Petersburg, the ethics section was the first to formulate a thesis on the need to revise the current version of the Code. On the transition from general issues to private ones, on supplementing the basic values ​​of the nursing profession with an ethical assessment of specific situations.

It took more than a year to prepare the edition of the basic document that you, dear colleagues, now hold in your hands - more than a year of disputes and search for language, discussions at round tables, seminars and conferences, virtual discussion of the project presented on the website of the RAMS.

As before the Code of Ethics for Nurses of Russia does not establish strict legal norms, it determines and formulates the basic ethical values ​​of the Russian sister community. Its provisions are supplemented by a moral assessment of the most acute ethical conflicts of the day. As before, the highest value of nursing work indicates service to people, fidelity to the principles of charity and the highest priority of the patient's interests.

I express sincere gratitude to all not indifferent sisters of different directions, heads of nursing services and nursing teachers who took part in the discussion and editing of the document - to people without whom the Code could not have taken place. We hope that the new edition of the Code will become an important step in improving the nursing profession.

With sincere respect for the professionals of nursing, the deputy director of the FSEU SPO "St. Petersburg Medical and Technical College of the FMBA of Russia" V. V. Samoilenko.

Source: http: // ethics_code_rna_icn.pdf