Psychologist: position about activity and job description

Clinical and medical psychologist health facilities and other organizations and enterprises in practice rely on a number of regulatory legal documents to properly organize their work and its orderliness.

In this article we will consider some of them - the fundamental ones, in the next publication, I will disclose to you directly what you really need when you work with the client.


Regulatory legal framework

Absolutely all documents considered here you can download to your computer and remake them for the needs of your organization, because they are exemplary. The fact is that at the time when I started working as a psychologist in one of the medical institutions, I faced a serious problem - the complete absence of a legal and practical documentary basis: neither the provisions on the activity of a medical / clinical psychologist, job description, journals, diaries or other.

instagram viewer

Everything that you learn here, I developed independently, I snatched and fragments of the Internet in fragments, after all, a whole system of normative base appeared.


In its activity, the medical psychologist and clinician rely on:

  1. Law of the Russian Federation of 02.07.1992 N 3185-1( as amended on December 28, 2013, as amended on 04.06.2014) "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in itsrendering ".
  2. Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006( as amended on 04.06.2014) "On Personal Data"

Find them in the database of the Consultant Plus and download, I think, for you it will not be very difficult, besides they are for usall the time updated.

Methodical recommendations

But I also found a really precious document that helped me a lot:

Methodical recommendations "About the work of a medical psychologist in health care institutions".Authors from the St. Petersburg Psychological Society( Saint-Petersburg psychological association).Address: 199034, St. Petersburg, nab. Makarova, 6, room.209a. Phone / fax( 812) 305-06-42, e-mail.[email protected]

Methodological recommendations contain the main provisions of the activity of a medical psychologist in health care institutions and are addressed to the administration of health care institutions to guide and supervise the work of psychologists and psychologists as methodological instructions in practical work.

In preparation of these recommendations participated:

Falaleeva OI, chief psychiatrist of the health department of the Vologda region;

Gindin GI, chief medical psychologist of the health department of the Vologda region;

Prakhov V. Ye., Chief Physician of the State Educational Establishment "VopB", Candidate of Medical Sciences Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Author-compiler: Denisova TN, medical psychologist of the highest category, candidate of psychological sciences.

You can familiarize yourself with these Guidelines by clicking on the following link: http: // psy-info / info_5_2.php # top

Clinical / medical psychologist:

activity clause Appendix 1 to the order of the Chief Medical Officer of GASR "CRB Name" dated February 17, 2017№ 128-А

Regulations on the activity of the clinical / medical psychologist of the State Health Care Institution "The name of the Central District Hospital"

  1. General provisions of

1.1.A clinical( medical) psychologist is a specialist with a higher psychological education in the specialty "psychology" and has received additional training at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education in Medical Psychology, possessing various methods of psycho-prophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychological counseling, provided by the training program in accordance with the qualification requirements.

1.2.In its work is guided by: orders, orders of the ministry, normative documents;rules of the internal labor regulations of the institution;these Regulations.

1.3.Must know the legal acts, regulations, instructions, methodological recommendations, orders of the Ministry, other documents relating to the performance of their duties;medical psychology, personality psychology, general and differential psychology, age psychology, psychotherapy, psycho-hygiene, psychodiagnostics, psycho prophylaxis, psychological counseling;methods of active learning, social-psychological communication training;methods of correcting normal and abnormal personality development;rules of internal labor regulations;rules and norms of labor protection.

1.4.Obeys the head of the institution or his deputy.

1.5.Appointed and dismissed in accordance with applicable law and the terms of the contract.

  1. Obligations of the

2.1.Carries out the work directed on restoration of mental health and correction of deviations in development of the personality of patients.

2.2.Identifies conditions that impede the harmonious development of the patient's personality or make it difficult.

2.3.Carries out measures for psycho-prevention, psycho-correction, psychological counseling, whereby it assists patients, their relatives and medical personnel in solving personal, professional and domestic psychological problems.

2.4.Carries out psychodiagnostic examinations and long-term diagnostic observations of patients, paying special attention to people who have risk factors for mental disorders, which are based on pathopsychological mechanisms and pathogenic behavioral stereotypes.

2.5.Together with the doctor he develops developmental and psycho-corrective programs taking into account individual, sexual and age factors.

2.6.Together with the doctor, he carries out work on the career guidance of patients, taking into account their values, abilities, situational opportunities and actual plans.

2.7.Carries out work on training of medical personnel in the field of medical, social psychology and deontology.

2.8.Assesses the effectiveness of psychological, medical and preventive measures for the patient's health status.

2.9.Introduces into practice modern methods of psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychological counseling.

  1. Rights to

3.1.Obtain information necessary for the qualitative performance of functional duties.

3.2.Make proposals to the leadership on improving the quality of medical and psychological assistance to the population, improving the organization of work.

3.3.To participate in meetings when discussing issues related to the performance of their functional duties.

3.4.He gets acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the institution concerning their activities.

3.5.To improve their qualifications at workplaces, courses of improvement in the established order.

  1. Responsibility of

4.1.Carries administrative and legal responsibility for the consequences of his conclusions, actions and statements regarding patients and their relatives in accordance with applicable law.

4.2.For not preserving official and medical secrets.

4.3.For committed in the course of its activities, offenses - in accordance with the current labor laws of.

This Regulation on the activities of a psychologist you can download here: the position-of-activity-medical-clinical-psychologist-2017.

Job Description of the Medical / Clinical Psychologist


Chief Medical Officer

HAPS "Name Central Regional Hospital"

( name of health facility)

__________ _________________________

( surname, initials)

"___" _______________ 201__

  1. General

1.1.The medical( clinical) psychologist belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2.A person who has a higher psychological education in the specialty "psychology" is appointed to the position of a medical( clinical) psychologist and has received additional training at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education in Medical Psychology, possessing various methods of psycho prophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychological counseling.

1.3.Appointment to the post of medical( clinical) psychologist and release from it is performed by the order of the head physician of the institution.

1.4.The medical( clinical) psychologist reports directly to the head of the institution or his deputy.

1.5.The medical( clinical) psychologist in his work is guided by:

- orders, orders of the ministry, normative documents;

- the charter of the institution, the regulations on the activities of the medical( clinical) psychologist of the institution;

- internal labor regulations;

- this job description.

1.6.The medical( clinical) psychologist should know:

- regulations, regulations, instructions, methodological recommendations, ministry orders, other documents relating to the performance of their duties;

- medical psychology( neuropsychology, pathopsychology), personality psychology, general and differential psychology, age psychology, psychotherapy, psychohygiene, psychodiagnostics, psycho prophylaxis, psychological counseling;

- methods of active learning, socio-psychological communication training;

- methods of diagnosis and correction of normal and abnormal personality development;

- internal labor regulations;

- rules and regulations for occupational safety and health

  1. Job responsibilities

2.1.Carries out the work directed on restoration of mental health and correction of deviations in development of the personality of patients.

2.2.Identifies conditions that impede the harmonious development of the patient's personality or make it difficult.

2.3.Carries out measures for psycho-prevention, psycho-correction, psychological counseling, whereby it assists patients, their relatives and medical personnel in solving personal, professional and domestic psychological problems.

2.4.Carries out psychodiagnostic examinations and long-term diagnostic observations of patients, paying special attention to people who have risk factors for mental disorders, which are based on pathopsychological mechanisms and pathogenic behavioral stereotypes.

2.5.Together with the doctor he develops developmental and psycho-corrective programs taking into account individual, sexual and age factors.

2.6.Together with the doctor, he carries out work on the career guidance of patients, taking into account their values, abilities, situational opportunities and actual plans.

2.7.Carries out work on training of medical personnel in the field of medical, social psychology and deontology.

2.8.Assesses the effectiveness of psychological, medical and preventive measures for the patient's health status.

  1. Rights

The medical( clinical) psychologist has the right:

3.1.Obtain information necessary for the qualitative performance of functional duties.

3.2.Make proposals to the leadership on improving the quality of medical and psychological assistance to the population, improving the organization of work.

3.3.To participate in meetings when discussing issues related to the performance of their functional duties.

3.4.He gets acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the institution concerning their activities.

3.5.To improve their qualifications at workplaces, courses of improvement in the established order.

  1. Liability

The medical( clinical) psychologist is responsible:

4.1.For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description within the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2.For not preserving official and medical secrets.

4.3.For committed in the course of its activities, offenses - in accordance with the current labor laws of.

I was acquainted with the job description:

"____" _____________ 201_

( signature)

You can download this job description of the clinical / medical psychologist here: the job description-instruction-clinical-medical-psychologist-2017.

On this page you can get acquainted with the job description of the psychologist of the organization of social services of the population: Job instructions on professional standards-2016

Video on the subject

Who is clinical psychologist

Medical psychologist

On the next page we will consider the order "On approval of the Regulations on the activity of clinical /the psychologist of the Leningrad Regional State Unitary Enterprise "Name of the Central Regional Hospital" and maintenance of accounting and reporting forms of documentation ".It will be accompanied by all documents in the doc format.