Barley on the eye: where does it come from and what to do

Barley is a purulent inflammation of the hair bulb of the eyelashes. Its formation is accompanied by redness, pain, puffiness. Causes the appearance of barley, contrary to popular belief, not hypothermia, but an infection. It's just that people with weakened immunity, pretty freezing or just sitting in a draft, will see a purulent formation in the morning for themselves on the eye more likely than completely healthy. About what methods you can treat it, you will learn from this review. The main options are medical, surgical and folk remedies.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgery
    • 5.3Folk remedies
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Barley - a disease of the eyelids, accompanied by a purulent inflammation of the hair bulb of the eyelashes, and the sebaceous gland or the proportion of the meibomian gland (this is inner barley), which are located next to her.The main symptoms are swelling, soreness and redness of the eyelid. Causes disease in 90% of Staphylococcus aureus, and periods of exacerbation are usually associated with a weakening of immunity, beriberi, hypothermia, the appearance of concomitant pathologies (mainly from the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system). Is infectious barley? No, he is not contagious.

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Barley causes not cold, but Staphylococcus aureus. But the cold can become a provocative factor.


The causes of barley are only two -bacterial infection(more often)and skin mite(less often). Chronic diseases of the digestive tract, decreased immunity, hypovitaminosis, eyelid disease are not causes, but risk factors that increase the likelihood of the formation of purulent inflammation of the eyelids.


Barley on the eye proceeds in an acute form - immediately appears swelling at the edge of the eyelid, the skin swells, painful sensations arise.The formation itself is dense, the skin over it becomes inflamed. In rare cases, symptoms of body intoxication may appear - headaches, weakness, fever.

Barley practical is always accompanied by chemosis - redness and swelling of the conjunctiva.

In the normal course of the inflammatory process a few days after the appearance of barley, the purulent formation is arbitrarily opened with the release of particles of necrotic tissues and pus.In some cases, the purulent sac is not opened, but absorbed.

Possible complications

In no case do not open the purulent formation and do not try to squeeze it out - this promotes the spread of the infection and causes inflammation of the orbit.Another dangerous complication is meningitis (up to a lethal outcome).

Extrude the contents of the purulent sac in no case impossible.

The effect of heat on the swollen area is contraindicated - this is fraught with the spread of inflammation and the development of complications. Therefore no warming compresses.


Treatment of barley on the eye is medicated and using folk remedies. Patients use the surgeon's help in exceptional cases.


As soon as you feel itching, gently lubricate the area of ​​swelling with calendula, iodine, alcohol or zelenka. The procedure is recommended to be repeated several times during the day.Also, barley is treated with eye drops of antibacterial action - it's Tobrex, Tsipromed, Levomycetin.Before bed, the eyelid can be lubricated with ointment (for example, tetracycline).

Barley is treated with a medicamentous method and with the use of folk remedies

What other drugs are used to treat barley on the eye - see here.

If the body temperature is not increased, go through the UHF course - this will speed up the process of maturation of the abscess.


If barley does not pass within a week, consult a doctor - and he will choose an effective treatment.In some cases, inflammation is pierced in the hospital.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes cost cheap and help a lot in treatment. Consider the main:

  • Grind two sheets of aloe, pour water and insist for 10 hours.The resulting solution strain and make with it compresses lasting 15 minutes before the complete stagnation of inflammation.
  • With internal barley, freshly diluted aloe juice is instilled in the eye.
  • Good results giveeyewash with infusions of calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile.
  • Boil the egg, wrap it in a kerchief and apply to the eyelid until it cools.The egg should be warm (not hot)

Traditional medicine knows exactly how to get rid of barley and gives excellent results in treatment.


Although the main cause of barley formation is infectious, exacerbations most often occur as a result of violation of personal hygiene rules.Therefore, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, do not use other people's towels and cosmetics.It is not superfluous to treat chronic diseases and strengthen immunity.


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Barley causes Staphylococcus aureus (more often) or demodecosis (less often). Provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases, reduced immunity, hypothermia. Also, the cause may be damage to neighboring organs (conjunctivitis, keratitis). The main methods of treatment are medication and folk remedies. If the inflammation does not go away, it can be pierced in a surgical hospital. Independently to open contents of a bag in no event it is impossible.

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