Severe dry cough in a child than treated

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Dry cough in the baby

The child coughs when the surface of the throat is irritated. This happens during illness or when the body fights the infection, secreting a lot of phlegm. What if I have a dry cough in my baby? Young mothers often become confused and begin to panic, especially if there is no coughing up. How to help the baby calm down, get rid of this ailment, find out the causes and ways of treating the disease? Treat or rely on folk remedies?

What is dry cough?

Coughing in an adult and a child is one of the reflexes that helps to rid the body of excess mucus, germs and foreign bodies. When it becomes suffocating, the liquid does not clear up in the form of phlegm, then this process is called dry cough. Especially dangerous if it appears in the baby. This is a symptom of a viral infection, which can be of a long character, and can go away in a few days, with proper diet and adequate treatment.

When a dry cough in a baby or older child acquires a permanent character, this is a consequence of a serious illness. An inflamed larynx, trachea or tonsils lead to a severe attack, which becomes suffocating and brings the baby to vomiting. In such cases, you should not torture a child, you need to immediately contact the pediatrician, who will tell you what to take and how to soothe the baby.

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To stop the incessant dry cough in a child and to alleviate his condition, it is necessary to determine what triggered this process. Modern medicine has several dozen reasons, the occurrence of seizures in children, we list the most frequent of them:

  1. Acute bronchitis is a consequence of the inflammatory process in the bronchi, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 38 ° C, dry barking cough, and general weakness. Diagnosis is performed by listening to the bronchi with a stethoscope. Treatment of this disease is aimed at diluting the dried mucus in the bronchi. Dry cough caused by acute bronchitis, successfully treated with drugs and folk remedies for 5-7 days.
  2. Laryngitis and pharyngitis are diseases in which severe laryngeal edema occurs. Accompanied by a continuous swelling in the throat, a sonorous voice becomes hoarse. At the slightest exertion, dyspnea appears. Dry throat does not give the child peace.
  3. Whooping cough is an ailment that begins with a dry cough, at first it does not bother the child much. After a week, seizures become more intrusive. It is not possible to diagnose pertussis immediately. there is a similarity with the common cold. Often it is confused with an allergic cough. The disease is long, weakly treatable. Pertussis is ill once in a lifetime, then persistent immunity is produced.
  4. Diphtheria of the oropharynx (croup) is a deadly disease. It is accompanied by an elevated temperature up to 38 ° C, dry barking cough. Over time, it becomes paroxysmal. If you do not call the doctor in time, diphtheria becomes chronic. Often this ailment is complicated by pneumonia.
  5. Tuberculosis provokes a dry cough in the child. This disease is determined only by clinical analyzes.
  6. Allergic and cold cough. These two ailments are often similar in their symptoms. Many parents ask themselves: how to distinguish between an allergic cough and a cold? Do it not just without putting the relevant tests. Allergic cough occurs unexpectedly, has a paroxysmal character, colds, on the contrary, increase gradually, moving from a slight cough to deep spasms for a day or more.
  7. Bronchial asthma is a combination of three components: allergies, low immunity, disruption of the nervous system. During an asthmatic attack, the child, when inhaled and exhaled, hears whistling sounds in the bronchi, there comes a prolonged, dry cough.
  8. The presence of some species of living organisms (helminths) in the human body contributes to dry cough in the child. Ascarids live not only in the intestines, like the bulk of worms, but move through all the internal organs: getting into the lungs, they cause a dry cough.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies in children

Many parents during the illness of the child do not want to resort to the help of modern medicine. If you do not want to stuff your child with harmful syrups and tablets, load a small organism with a chemically advertised products, then you can take advantage of the experience of our grandmothers who knew how to treat and how to alleviate the difficult condition patient. Most types of cough in a child can be cured at home, using folk recipes.


Herbal treatment for many centuries has accumulated a lot of experience and does not cease to show a positive result in the fight against a dry cough in a child. Thanks to the healing properties of plants, many diseases are cured, and the preventive use of natural elements secures the result. Here are a few options for useful herbs:

  • Mother-and-stepmother takes the first place in the treatment of all kinds of dry cough. Tannins contained in the leaves of this plant have a diluting effect for thick, viscous sputum, helping it to quickly expectorate. Tea from mother-and-stepmother is drunk warm in the morning, and in combination with natural honey will taste even the most fastidious child. It is advisable to drink it in the evening, before going to bed. Providing anti-inflammatory effect, this plant quickly put on the feet of your baby.
  • Licorice root like the previous grass has an expectorant effect on sputum. With proper use, it will quickly cure of bronchitis, laryngitis. Will ease the condition with a debilitating dry cough during an asthmatic attack. Licorice has an anti-inflammatory effect, beneficently influencing the general well-being of the child. Grass is used to improve immunity and restore strength after ailments.
  • The root of the althea will help get rid of dry cough due to the large content of essential oils, mucus and ascorbic acid. This herb dilutes the withered phlegm, thanks to the enveloping property, contributing to its rapid excretion from the lungs and bronchi.
  • Collection of oregano, calendula, mint, licorice root and violet grass has an effective expectorant effect during a dry cough in a child.

The mustard

In medicine, mustard plasters are used as a warming agent due to the content of essential oil, which causes a rush of blood and leads to a deepening of breathing. Use them with caution. mustard causes increased production of sputum, which can cause spasm in the bronchi and the larynx, hence the complication - obstructive bronchitis. The vapor from the mustard plasters is caustic, and if inhaled, they can cause a mucous burn. The mustard is a distraction, the benefits of this drug have not been proven. Contraindications to use:

  • Allergy to mustard. If red spots appear on the back during the application of hot packets, then it is necessary to immediately abandon this procedure.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Diseases of the heart and pressure problems.


Children rarely like inhalation, if you manage to persuade your child to breathe over a warm steam, then a dry, prolonged dry cough can be cured quickly without harming your health. Applying this folk way, you will replace them with chemical preparations, syrups and tablets. Advantages of using inhalation for dry cough:

  • active moisturizing of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, promotes liquefaction of sputum;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • safety, provided that natural ingredients are used for inhalation;
  • adding one or two drops (not more) of lavender essential oil, rosemary or tea tree, you will get a double effect: relieve dry cough and relieve the child of a headache.

But with all the positive qualities that inhalation has, do not forget about contraindications:

  • body temperature above normal;
  • emphysema (lung disease);
  • heart problems;
  • presence of purulent sputum.


Do not underestimate the benefits of a simple, at first glance, popular way of cough treatment. During the application of compress on the chest area, deep warming of the tissues takes place. This action has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Compresses are of several types:

  1. Alcoholic.
  2. Oil.
  3. Dry.
  4. Wet.
  5. Hot.

Applying a compress, you need to make sure that the baby's temperature is normal, otherwise it will provoke an even greater increase. Carry out this procedure in the evening, so that after taking off the child immediately went to bed. With care, you need to use a honey compress. Often the child is allergic to this product. Doctors warn parents of alcohol bandages, because, absorbed through the skin, alcohol harms the small body.

Cough medicine

Sometimes folk remedies, with all their advantages, do not cope with a neglected disease. Then, to help parents come medication from a night dry cough. To quickly get rid of the disease, you need to seek help from a pediatrician who will tell you how to relieve a fit of cough and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Antitussive medications are taken at night, just before bedtime, and expectorants during the day.


Modern pharmaceuticals consist of several hundred different syrups from cough, expensive and cheap. Made for the child, they have a pleasant sweet taste, the smell, thanks to the fruity additives and natural dyes. This medication is prescribed for children under three years of age. a child of this age is difficult to swallow a pill. Syrups from a dry cough in a child, depending on the cause of its occurrence, have a soft, enveloping effect. Before use, read the instructions carefully, exclude contraindications. There are several types:

  • syrup with antitussive effect, for example, "Sinekod". It is prescribed for an unproductive, painful, not ceasing cough. He treats such diseases as pertussis, croup;
  • syrup with mucolytic effect, such as "Ambrobe" is prescribed in order to soften the cough and dissolve thick sputum;
  • syrup with spasmolytic action, for example, "Pectolvan Ivy is taken to relieve a painful, barking dry cough.

Preparations for allergic cough

The most effective way to cure this kind of cough is to eliminate the source of allergy. This can be animal hair, dust, chemicals (washing powder, aerosols). In case this did not solve the problem, you need to use the drugstore drugs that suppress the allergic reaction. Only a doctor is entitled to prescribe a treatment. It is necessary to know that such medicines have an effect if you cleaned your house of the cause that caused the allergy. Otherwise, the action will be weak.

Dry medicine

To ease the obsessive cough in a child, the doctor often prescribes a dry potion. This drug before consumption is diluted with boiled water and taken internally. Advantages of dry medicine:

  • has a natural composition, which includes the root of licorice;
  • has a wide range of actions, it is used as an expectorant, relieves spasm, painkiller;
  • convenient dosage in the form of bags, used immediately after manufacture;
  • large expiration date.

Other drugs

With pneumonia, inflammation of the bronchi, trachea and laryngitis, the doctor, in addition to folk methods, prescribes soluble powders from a cough, such as "ATSTS". This medicine is taken for 7 days. Relief comes on the second day of treatment. Well dissolves the dried sputum and allows it to easily release bronchi and lungs. Due to the irritating and antioxidant effect it fights bacteria and infection, which is caused by ARVI.

What to do if a dry cough does not go away

The longer the child coughs, the faster the coughing habits in the brain are formed. The reason is gone, and the seizures remain for months. In most cases this is due to dehydration of the body, low level of humidity in the house. These reasons are easily eliminated by copious drinking (not carbonated, not sweet drinks), daily wet cleaning, or by the inclusion of an air humidifier (preferably).

Video: Komarovsky on a dry cough

All respected doctor Komarovsky as no one else will be able to talk about the causes of prolonged dry cough, how to help alleviate the condition of a sick kid and his parents, if the child he coughed all night. Available and with the humor inherent in this pediatrician, he will disclose information about the methods of treatment, about contraindications to these or other methods. Answer the most exciting questions of parents.

Feedback on treatment

Irina, 27 years old: "My son is 3 years old. A month ago I started to go to the kindergarten, less than a week passed and fell ill next morning. I returned home with fever. Dry cough only began at night. I did not know what helped in such cases and began to treat it with folk remedies: I made chamomile, mother-and-stepmother and rose hips. After applying herbs, a few days later the cough became wet, the runny nose disappeared. "

Olga, 25 years old: "After discharge from the hospital, my baby has a dry cough. I did not know how to properly treat in children up to a year this disease. The child was without temperature and there were no other signs of a cold. Accidentally I saw the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky, who talked about coughing in children. The reason was found in the soft toys and carpet that were in our room. "

Natalia, 32 years old: "When my child has an unproductive cough, I think it's from the dry air in the house and I know how to stop the illness: I conduct a wet cleaning in the room, I enter the drinking regime, in the form of clean water and warm tea with honey, I turn on the humidifier for a night from dry air, aired house. I do not close the window for sleep, even in winter. And that's all! I do not welcome any chemistry, and we do not go to the doctors, we do not drip anything into our nose. "

How can you cure a dry cough in a child?

Every parent begins to worry when there is a dry cough in the child, rather than treating it? What are the causes of this symptom? What drugs can you take off a strong attack of cough? Coughing is a natural function of the body, which is aimed at preventing foreign agents from entering the respiratory tract.

Dry cough occurs in children for a number of different reasons:

  • influenza, ARVI, ARI;
  • getting into the respiratory tract of small objects that cause irritation of the mucosa and larynx;
  • inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dry air in the room;
  • cigarette smoke, gassed air on the street;
  • oncological diseases of the lungs;
  • congenital heart defects.

Given that cough can not only develop due to the presence of infectious or viral diseases, but also to signal more serious diagnoses, at the first manifestations you need to consult a doctor for consultation. Only a doctor should prescribe medications, since self-medication can have deplorable consequences.

Treatment of dry cough

With a dry cough in children, all medical interventions should be preliminarily agreed with the doctor, as the procedure of recovery itself passes with some peculiarities:
  1. Greater chance of side effects, allergic reactions and overdose. This question is especially relevant in children under 2 years old. Many drugs have age limits, so only consultation with a doctor and full compliance with all recommendations will avoid unpleasant moments.
  2. Most cough drugs cause drowsiness, dizziness, so children should be given them before bedtime so that the child can rest.
  3. Children under 2 years are not recommended to give expectorants, because at this age they have not yet learned to properly cough up phlegm.
  4. Any diseases release toxins into the body, so treatment should include a generous warm drink.

You should be ready to provide emergency help with a fit of dry cough.Almost always dry cough is accompanied by bouts, in which the child can not clear his throat and has a shortage of air.If the child does not receive the correct and timely help, then asphyxia can begin. In such cases, you must perform the following actions:

  • Unbutton buttons in the area of ​​the collar zone;
  • call an ambulance;
  • turn the child's back to him and slightly tilt down, then perform small pats between the shoulder blades;
  • if the cause of suffocation is an allergic reaction or bronchial asthma, it is necessary to give the baby an inhaler.


What medications to take, should tell only the attending physician, but the principle of treatment in almost all cases is standard.

First of all, with a dry cough, the child is prescribed medications that act on a specific center in the medulla oblongata.

It is this center that is responsible for coughing, so all drugs have the principle of peripheral and central impact. They are prescribed not for all types of dry cough, but only in case of severe attacks accompanied by vomiting or convulsions.

Particular attention should be paid to the instruction for all antitussive drugs. It is forbidden to take those drugs that contain a narcotic substance.

Children under 2 years of dry cough better to treat medicines on a plant basis, but here you need to be careful with possible allergic reactions.

At the slightest manifestations of allergy, you should immediately stop taking syrups from coughing.

In many cases, the scheme for treating dry cough is standard. The following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Antitussive with reflex action. They block the signal from the brain, which slows the process of sputum evasion.
  2. Mucolytics. They are necessary for the dilution of sputum and its release outside.
  3. Antitussive drugs for liquefaction of sputum. The main active ingredient of such drugs is soda, ammonium chloride.

Any treatment will be effective only if the child is properly cared for. Regular walks in the fresh air, wet cleaning of the room, airing will make the healing process quick.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended for any dry cough, except that caused by an allergy. Most often recommended dry heating, inhalation using herbal dues, baths with essential oils, aromatherapy.

But all these methods of treatment for coughing should be used with caution, so as not to provoke an allergic edema of the respiratory tract.

Excellent cough with warming compresses, mustard plasters. Ointments, compresses can be bought ready in the pharmacy or make them yourself. It is forbidden to do warming procedures in the heart area.

Folk methods of treatment of dry cough in children

  1. Relieve attacks of severe cough, reduce their manifestation will help infusion of pine sticks. To make it, you need to boil the milk and add 1 tablespoon. pine buds. Infused broth for an hour and warm is given to 50 ml every 2 hours. If the child does not like boiled milk, then instead of it you can take ordinary water. A more pleasant taste is given by young spruce shoots.
  2. Fat badger, goat, ram is excellent as a warming agent. Perform procedures with it is possible only in the absence of temperature in the baby. It is enough to melt the fat slightly and rub the chest and upper back, wrap it with a warm scarf. Such procedures can be performed several times a day.
  3. This fat can be ingested with warm milk or tea. If a child drinks bad drinks with fat, then the pharmacy sells special capsules with it.
  4. Radish. It acts as a mucolytic agent, helps to bring phlegm to the surface. You can prepare the drug in two ways. For example, cut a small groove in the radish and put 1 tsp there. honey. Formed juice drink 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day. You can cut the radish into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar, put in the oven and wait until the juice starts to stand out. It is also taken for 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.
  5. Onions can be used as syrups, compresses. Syrups from onions are cooked on the same principle as radish. Vegetables need to be ground and mixed with sugar. Take small portions 2 times a day. Such a drug not all children can drink without problems, since the taste will be quite unpleasant. For warming, the onion should be divided into parts, fried in a dry frying pan and applied to the trachea area.
  6. Onion, garlic is recommended to use as an aromatherapy. It is desirable to cut them into small pieces and put them on the head of the bed.
  7. Juice from the leaves of aloe helps not only to neutralize dry cough, but also to strengthen the immune system of the child. It is enough to take butter, honey in equal proportions, mix with several leaves of aloe, which previously lay in the refrigerator for at least 10 days. Ready mix to give 4-5 times a day before meals.
  8. Cakes from honey and mustard can be used instead of ordinary mustard plasters. For them, you need to take a spoonful of honey, add mustard powder, vodka and vegetable oil. All this mix and form a cake. In the first minutes it is necessary to control the reaction of the skin, since honey is considered to be the strongest allergen.

What else do they recommend?

  1. Boiled potatoes in a uniform well helps as compresses. It is necessary to boil a few potatoes in the peel, to powder, add 2 drops of vegetable oil. From a warm mass to form flat cakes and apply to the chest and back of the child. Such procedures are best performed at night.
  2. A strong cough helps calm the compress from honey and fat. In equal proportions, fat and honey are mixed, ready mixture is spread over the feet, chest, back.
  3. Camphor oil has an excellent warming effect. You can rub your chest and back for the night. If the child does not have a temperature, then it is recommended to use warm baths for the feet. For better effect, you can add mustard. After the procedure, wear socks with woolen socks.

All recipes of traditional medicine will be effective and useful only in case of full agreement with the attending physician.


Dry coughing is always painful for a child. To quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly follow all recommendations.

Dry cough in the baby

For most parents, any disease in a child becomes a real test, therefore, in order not to be afraid without reasons and be confident in their actions, it is necessary to know the causes and methods of treatment of the most common pathologies.

Dry coughing in a child is one of the most common problems that parents can not cope with. It can occur for no apparent reason, when there is no rise in body temperature and other symptoms of colds.

Cough occurs in response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it helps to clear the airways of accumulated mucus, pathogenic microorganisms or pus. But a dry cough is not accompanied by separation of phlegm and does not benefit the body. A strong paroxysmal cough causes pain and exhaustion of the patient, prevents him from sleeping normally, and causes respiratory failure.

Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology, for a favorable outcome of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a correct diagnosis and timely initiation of therapy, in most cases it is sufficient to use local treatment and syrup from cough.

The main causes of cough in children

1. The most common causes are colds caused by ingestion of a viral infection. At the onset of the disease, the child's body temperature rises, throat swelling, profuse nasal discharge and general malaise appear. Then, sore throat and dry cough. After 2-3 days the patient's condition stabilizes, the cough becomes wet and quickly stops.

Since the disease is caused by a viral infection, the treatment basically involves nursing and local ways of treating the throat. Sometimes a viral infection is complicated by the development of bronchitis, in this case, cough - strong, barking, paroxysmal and continues for 10-14 days, for treatment, as directed by a doctor, you need to start taking cough syrup or other expectorant facilities.

2. Influenza viruses and parainfluenza also often provoke attacks of dry cough in children. Unlike other viral infections, the condition of a sick child is much heavier with influenza, and cough may be paroxysmal, barking and frequent, characterized by an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.

3. Dry cough can be a sign of an infectious disease like whooping cough. This bacterial infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and can cause a serious malfunction in the operation of the respiratory system. A characteristic symptom is a strong, paroxysmal, barking cough that causes an overstrain in the patient's body. He intensifies at night, the child can not clear his throat, his face turns red, all muscles stiffen, his eyes water, and his voice becomes hoarse and hoarse.

Treatment of pertussis should be carried out in a hospital, a child with suspected infection should be as soon as possible hospitalization, since the most effective means is the use of a special serum that allows you to quickly cope with the disease.

4. Allergy - if the child has a persistent paroxysmal cough, or a dry barking cough, especially on mornings, without increase in body temperature and other signs of catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to conduct allergens. Such a cough may increase or disappear for no apparent reason, but if it is not diagnosed in time and not treated, a child may develop allergic bronchitis (an allergic cough) or even a bronchial asthma.

5. Cough caused by contaminated air - in young children, coughing attacks can be triggered by the presence in the air various stimuli - cigarette smoke, odor paintwork, perfume or just because of too dry air. Such a cough can occur in the morning in a child whose room is heated at night and there are no moisturizers.

6. Gastroesophageal reflux - sometimes a cough occurs due to a disruption in the digestive system. In this case, acidic gastric juice and food, which has got into the stomach, rises back along the esophagus and burns the throat, irritating the mucous membrane and causing coughing attacks. Other indications of malaise in this case are not noted

7. Dry cough without fever - a cough without a rise in body temperature may occur due to ingression into the respiratory tract any foreign object - a piece of food, toy parts, a lump of dust or any other thing that the baby decided to taste. It occurs suddenly, without fever or other signs of infection and may be accompanied by symptoms of suffocation.

It is necessary as soon as possible to provide first aid to the child, for this - put the baby on the knee, so that the head was below the body, open his mouth and try to clean the mouth and throat, while producing sliding, as if "pushing" blows between the shoulder blades from top to bottom. Even if after that the baby seems completely healthy, you need to show it to a specialist to make sure that small pieces do not get into the bronchi and that the airways are not damaged.

8. Physiological cough - in children up to one year, the occurrence of a physiological cough in the morning is possible. Thus, his airways are cleared of accumulated mucus, and if there are no other symptoms disease, body temperature remains normal, the child is active and not cranky, then worry is not necessary.

Basics of treatment of dry cough

Treatment of dry cough in children depends on the cause of the disease, but you can treat at home only viral infections and Bronchitis, after consultation with a pediatrician, in all other cases, treatment should be prescribed specialist.

We also recommend watching the video below the post, which describes the simple five ways to combat coughing at home.

  1. Local treatment - to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, the patient is given a warm alkaline drink: milk with honey, tea, mineral water and so on. In addition, it is necessary to rinse the throat with solutions of antiseptics or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is useful dry heat in the form of a compress on the throat and the use of rubbing - special ointments - Travisil, Dr. Mom or melted fat.
  2. Inhalations - facilitate breathing and dilute sputum, this method of treatment is considered one of the most effective. They can be carried out only at normal body temperature, until sputum separation begins. In severe cases, inhalations are carried out regularly, 8-10 times a day, including at night, with broths of herbs or special medicines. For children up to one year, warm water is used and inhalation is carried out within 3-5 minutes, for older children the inhalation time can be increased to 10-15 minutes.
  3. Expectorants - if, despite the treatment, a few days after the onset of the disease, sputum is not started, it is necessary to start taking cough syrup. For the treatment of children use a syrup based on licorice root, althea and essential oils. The synthetic preparations are very popular: syrup Ambobene, ATSTS, syrup Bromheksin and mukoregulyatory: Bronkatar, Mukodin and others. As a supplementary therapy appointed a variety of lozenges and tablets for absorption: Travesil, Strepsils, Angisept, Dr. Mom and others.
  4. Antibiotics - if a child has a bacterial infection, a purulent process or "high" body temperature, then it is necessary to start antibiotic therapy. Drugs should be used only for the intended purpose and under the supervision of the pediatrician, for the treatment of children, antibiotics of the penicillin series - ampicillin, amoxicillin, cephalosporins - cefazolinum, ceftriaxone or macrolides - sumamed.
  5. Antitussive drugs - are prescribed in severe cases, when the child has a strong paroxysmal cough, which is not amenable to therapy by conventional methods. Children appoint Tusuprex, Glavent or Sinekod.

An excellent adjuvant treatment is massage and physiotherapy.

Antitussive, expectorant for dry cough

Coughing is a protective, reflex reaction of the body, which removes the pathological altered bronchial secretion from the respiratory tract. Sometimes it occurs when there are foreign substances in the trachea or bronchi.

Coughing is not a disease, it is a symptom, therefore it should be treated as a manifestation of the underlying disease. The choice of medications that affect cough, depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the type and clinical manifestations of the disease.

The effectiveness of the basic treatment of any disease accompanied by a cough, significantly increases with the rational use of antitussive, mucolytic and expectorants. We will consider the causes of dry cough and drugs used to soften it and transfer it into productive, into humid.

What is the best medicine for dry cough?

The choice of medication depends primarily on the nature of the cough and must be agreed with the physician:

  • Cough is dry, painful, painful, unproductive, frequent, leading to a loss of appetite and sleep, choice -antitussives or combination drugs.
  • A productive cough, but with a hard to separate, thick, viscous sputum, a choice -mucolytic drugs.
  • The cough is productive, with phlegm, and it is not viscous, and not thick - the choice of expectorating cough medicines.
  • Mucolytic agents can not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs.

Dry cough - causes:

Most often, dry cough occurs at the onset of a cold, flu, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as inhaling various substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In the case of a severe attack of dry cough, inspiration is accompanied by a wheezing noise between coughing jerks. This is due to the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, larynx or trachea and leads to shortness of breath. Before the attack of dry cough can feel pain with a deep breath.

Causes of dry cough:

Read also on the topic:
  • Dry cough without fever in adults-causes
  • Barking cough in a child - treatment
  • Chest Cough - Instruction
  • Treatment of dry cough in children and adults
  • Why dry cough does not go away, causes of dry cough
  • Herbion from dry and wet cough - instruction
  • Sinecode - instructions for use
  • Causes of dry cough without fever
  • Inhalation with bronchitis and laryngitis
  • Allergic cough - symptoms
  • Antibiotics for bronchitis
  • Laryngitis in a child - treatment
  • Viral, infectious diseases - ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  • Allergy-allergic rhinitis, allergy to dust, chemicals, may be the initial sign of asthma.
  • Bronchospasm - spasm in the bronchial tubes
  • Medicines that reduce high blood pressure - enalapril maleate, caproptil, lisinopril.
  • Reflex response to smoke, cold air, sharp odor

Strong dry cough - what to treat?

The better to cure a dry cough? The use of antitussives is considered advisable only at conditions when the cough is strong and often dry (exhausting) and only as prescribed by the doctor.

If the cough is dry, unproductive, it should first be transferred to the moist one, and then use mucolytic or expectorant drugs. And also with an unproductive cough, combined drugs that have both antitussive and expectorant effect are effective:


Sinekod - instructions for use

Dosage Form: Tablets for children in syrup and in drops for oral administration.

Pharmacological action: Sinekod - antitussive drug, has a direct effect on the cough center. Has an expectorant property, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilating effect, improves spirometry. It is indicated for acute dry cough of various origin.
Contraindications: Do not use in pregnant and lactating women. Children under 2 months are contraindicated, children under 3 years can not use syrup, only drops, tablets are contraindicated for children under 12 years.
Side effects: Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, allergic reactions.
Price: syrup 220 rubles, a drop of 320 rubles. AnalogOmnitussyrup 150 rubles, tab. 190 rubles.


Herbion - plantain syrup

Dosage form: syrup

Pharmacological action: Herbion - a combined medicine of plant origin, has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. In the composition extracts of flowers mallow and grass plantain lanceolate. The drug softens and relieves dry cough.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to herbal preparations, intolerance to fructose. Take precautions with diabetes.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Price: the average price for pharmacies is 220 rubles.

Kodelak Phyto

Dosage form: elixir, syrup
Pharmacological properties: Kodelak Phyto-combined antitussive. Contains codeine and extracts of thermopsis, thyme and licorice. Has an expectorant effect.
Contraindications: bronchial asthma, children under 2years old, pregnant and lactating women, with respiratory failure and hypersensitivity to plant components preparation.
Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, constipation. With prolonged use, drug dependence develops to codeine.
Price: 130-140 rub.


Dosage form: tablets, drops for internal administration

Pharmacological action: Stopoutsin - combined antitussive and secretolitic action. The composition includes butamirate citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive action, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its departure. Effective with dry cough in children and adults.
Contraindications: Children under 1 year of age and pregnancy during 1 trimester should not be used.
Side effects: Allergic reactions, rarely - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache.
Price: drops 70-80 rubles., Tablets 130-140 rubles.


Dosage form: syrup, elixir, lozenges

Pharmacological action: Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effect. The syrup and tablets contain the extract of thyme herb, and the elixir also contains the root extract of the primrose. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry cough and damp. At the stage of the disease, when a dry cough Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, transferring a dry cough to wet. Then, with a damp cough, he facilitates expectoration of the sputum, contributing to its excretion from the lungs.
Contraindications: Syrup is contraindicated for children under 6 months, and children under 6 years of age should not take troches, patients with significant violations of liver and kidney function, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and feeding the chest.
Side effects: irritation of the gastric mucosa, allergic reactions.
Price: 270 rubles.


Dosage form: syrup

Pharmacological action: Broncholitin is a combined preparation of antitussive, bronchodilating and bronchoseptic action. The composition includes Glaucina hydrobromide, which has a depressing effect on the cough center, a mild anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Basil oil has a minor sedative, antimicrobial, antispasmodic property. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictive effect, thereby eliminating the edema of the bronchial mucosa.
Contraindications: heart failure, children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should not be used.
Side effects: tachycardia, tremor, insomnia, drowsiness, visual impairment, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, rash, increased sweating.

Price: 60 rubles.


Dosage form: tablets

Pharmacological action: Libexin is an antitussive remedy of peripheral action. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator effect, its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause dependence, does not affect the central nervous system. With chronic bronchitis has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: diseases, with the release of abundant bronchial secretion, with caution used in childhood, in pregnancy is not recommended.
Side effects: dry mouth, temporary numbness in the oral mucosa, mild sedative effect, skin rash.
Price: 260-280 rub.


When the cough is not so dry, you can use this herbal preparation.

Dosage form: Brown syrup, the composition includes extracts of 10 medicinal plants - flowers of althaea, onmsma, hyssop, violet, alpinia, fruits of pepper, licorice root, leaves adhatodes and others.
Pharmacological action: Linkas - a combined preparation of plant origin, reduces intensity of cough, increases its productivity, has mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: Children under 6 months of use is not recommended, with hypersensitivity to herbal remedies, use with caution in diabetes mellitus.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Price: 130-140 rub.

To prescribe and determine the duration of administration of the listed medicinal, expectorant drugs with a dry cough should be the attending physician. There are cases when, with a painful, debilitating, non-productive cough, medications do not help, and simple methods of traditional medicine, such as mustard, cans, steam inhalations, warming ointments and creams bring significant relief and quickly transfer dry cough to wet.

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