Pillow orthopedic for cervical spine


  • 1Orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine: reviews
    • 1.1What is special about an orthopedic pillow?
    • 1.2Types of pillows
    • 1.3How to make a choice?
    • 1.4What are fillers?
    • 1.5Rollers for osteochondrosis
    • 1.6When is an orthopedic pillow necessary?
    • 1.7Do it yourself
    • 1.8Recommendations
  • 2Types of orthopedic pillows for osteochondrosis of the neck
    • 2.1What is an orthopedic pillow and what is its use in osteochondrosis?
    • 2.2Types of pillows for patients with osteochondrosis
    • 2.3Filling Options
    • 2.4How to make a choice?
    • 2.5What do patients tell?
  • 3Orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.1Why do we need orthopedic pillows?
    • 3.2What characteristics should a pillow have?
    • 3.3Advantages and disadvantages
    • 3.4Filler
    • 3.5What are the pillows?
    • 3.6According to the form
    • 3.7To size
    • 3.8Budget and economy solutions
    • 3.9How to sleep properly?
    • 3.10Prophylactic use
    • 3.11Conclusion
  • 4How to choose an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, reviews, photos, price
    • 4.1What should be a cushion for cervical osteochondrosis
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Types and material of manufacture
    • 4.3Main Selection Parameters
    • 4.4How to choose an orthopedic pillow
    • 4.5Which is better?
    • 4.6Price list
    • 4.7Reviews
  • 5Which orthopedic pillow to choose for cervical osteochondrosis

Orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine: reviews

As you know, a healthy sleep gives strength and energy for the whole day. An important role is played by the bed and pillow on which you sleep.

What should it be? For a good rest you need an orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine, which repeats your anatomical features.

Such a roller helps to avoid a headache caused by an incorrect pose in a dream, relaxes the muscles after a hard day's work.

What is special about an orthopedic pillow?

Doctors categorically do not recommend sleeping on high pillows or putting them one on top of another.

On such a bed, the neck takes a wrong position and creates a spasm of muscle mass, which leads to constant headaches.

Orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine unloads your muscles, gently fixes the vertebrae during sleep and allows you to fully relax.

The specialized roller (in the supine position on the side) holds the spine, not allowing inclinations to the sides, while ensuring an excellent circulation of blood in the vessels.

The pillow is filled with silicone balls, which fill it evenly. They do not cause allergic reactions, antibacterial and pass air well.

The cushion shell is made of cotton and is pleasant to the touch.

Pillow orthopedic for the cervical spine can be tubular, inflatable and combined.

The latter option implies the ability to change the position that a person chooses for his own convenience.

The combined version supports cervical vertebrae during sleep on the back and side, for convenience the center of the pillow is softer than its edges.

Types of pillows

Medical pillows are of two types: roller and rectangular.

To support the cervical spine, the orthopedic pillow is made in the form of a roller or, more precisely, in the shape of a crescent.

Inside the pillow, fillers can be different, depending on the manufacturer. Accordingly, they differ in quality.

Choosing a roller, it is worth paying attention to its ability to maintain shape. If, when pressed on the product, it does not recover, it indicates a poor-quality product.

The classic pillow of rectangular shape has a small groove under the head.

But look carefully, so that the head does not fall through the opening, since deformation will lead to a curvature of the vertebrae.

How to make a choice?

Which orthopedic pillow is best for the cervical spine? Medical rollers to date are full of variety.

Those who already use such pillows are advised to buy this item on their own, given the anatomical features.

But in any case, you will definitely appreciate the advantages of such products and will be satisfied.

And yet, which orthopedic pillow is best? The reviews they have are only positive, so making choices is not easy. It is necessary to take into account all the components of a quality pillow and make a choice.

What are fillers?

Rectangle filled with polyurethane foam, elastic and perfectly holding the head. Most models with such a filler have air circulation. Pillows, filled with latex, pass oxygen well, are more elastic than polyurethane foams.

There may be an orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine from buckwheat husks. Doctors note the high medical indices of this species.

This pillow without effort takes the shape of your head, and while you relax, there is a neck massage that will relieve you of pain and relax your muscles well.

There are pillows filled with foam, having a memory. The porous structure allows to support the head without experiencing back pressure. Those who already use such pillows, note the complete relaxation during the night rest.

Modern orthopedic pillows, made with the latest technology, are filled with bamboo. Such rollers are soft, comfortable and elastic. Those people who used them, consider them the best.

Magnetic cushion has not only useful qualities, but also therapeutic. Such a roller is able to relieve you of stress and favorably affect the treatment of certain diseases, such as colds, swelling. It increases the immunity and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Rollers for osteochondrosis

Orthopedic pillows are widely used in people suffering from osteochondrosis.

This disease causes severe pain, especially in the neck, so doctors often recommend sleeping to patients during treatment and later on such pillows.

But do not think that the roller will help you get rid of the ailment, it only contributes to a quick recovery.

Pillow orthopedic for the cervical spine reviews from people with osteochondrosis has only positive. Patients choose soft rollers for themselves, small in size.

Do not think that you can do without a pillow at all, because this bedding allows you to position your head and neck in a comfortable position and relax.

Those who already use an orthopedic pillow, advise it to buy everything.

When is an orthopedic pillow necessary?

When treating any diseases of the spine to people with poor blood supply and impaired oxygen supply to the brain, doctors recommend orthopedic pillows.

Rollers will be needed for scoliosis, spondylosis, with osteochondrosis, with increased fatigue, with headaches and pains in the spine.

People who have bought themselves such pillows, advise them all to prevent disease.

Do it yourself

Orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine with your hands is done quickly.

By sewing a roller automatically, you will create a product that perfectly fits the anatomy of your body.

Before you start to sew your pillow, go shopping and try on yourself already ready - this will help you determine the size.

Usually orthopedic pillows are bilateral - this will allow you to use it not only you, but also other family members, regardless of age and physique. On the one hand the roller is larger than the other.

For sewing, you need to buy a fabric. Of course, it is better to choose natural.

Also buy a snake or buttons for the future cover, choose the filler that suits you and get ready for tailoring (you will need threads, needles, scissors).

First, determine which style you want a pillow, determine its size. You can make patterns yourself or use ready-made ones.

Do not forget to leave some gaps on the seam cloth, then connect the material, leaving room for the filler.

For convenience, you can make a cover on the snake - this will allow at any time to unbutton the pillow and, for example, add a filler, or, on the contrary, remove the excess.


Those who already use pillows, note the improvement of the condition and recommend buying or making the night rollers themselves. It is worth remembering that you only need to sew a pillow from natural fabrics - it will help to avoid allergic reactions and will not harm your health.

Filling your pillow, do not forget that it should not be too high. Its main function is to help the neck to take the right position (the width should be oriented along the shoulders of the person).

Before using the roller, sew or buy replacement pillowcases for it - it will be beautiful, convenient and practical, at any time you can wash the cover, and your pillow will remain with you.

Having developed a fantasy, on an external part of an orthopedic pillow it is possible to make application or any other decor on your discretion.

People who have long enjoyed these pillows, note excellent health in the morning, no pain in the cervical region and the presence of a good mood.

Orthopedic pillow for the cervical department reviews is only positive. Therefore, whatever choice you make, your vacation will be comfortable and full.

A source: http://.ru/article/180832/podushka-ortopedicheskaya-dlya-sheynogo-otdela-pozvonochnika-otzyivyi

Types of orthopedic pillows for osteochondrosis of the neck

Orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is used as an effective remedy for eliminating pathology. Drug treatment without the correct position of the body therapeutic effect will be given only for a short time.

Since a person spends at least 7-8 hours in a dream, this period can be effectively used to fight the disease.

In order not to harm, but to improve one's condition, it is necessary to undergo a survey and ask the specialist how to choose the pillow for yourself.

What is an orthopedic pillow and what is its use in osteochondrosis?

Orthopedic is called a pillow that provides a functionally advantageous position of the spine during a day or night rest. The main indicators due to which the orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical department differs from the usual one:

  1. View. There are products with embossment, bulges or grooves, which, as the reviews indicate, are able to more successfully adapt to the correct position of the body.
  2. Material. It is fundamentally different. Not so soft, more functional than traditional options. In contrast to classical wool, feathers or down they use: latex, gel, foam polystyrene, bamboo fibers, etc. They are able to better fix the head and neck during rest and sleep, provide good blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm.

Sleeping with cervical osteochondrosis on orthopedic products, as experts say, is especially useful. Traditional traditional pillows do not have the main medical function - to prevent pathological mobility of the spine.

Therefore, the compression of the vessels, vertebrae, nerve endings occurs every night. Sleep becomes restless, and the morning begins with a feeling of fatigue and pain in the neck, back, shoulders.

To sleep without a pillow in that case too it is wrong, after all traumatization of vertebra or vertebrae amplifies.

Using orthopedic types of pillows, this can be avoided.

Such products are most successfully adjusted to the shape of the head, but they do not allow the cervical department to flex more than necessary.

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In its essence, this is a universal option, which enables a person to occupy any position and at the same time not to harm his health.

Types of pillows for patients with osteochondrosis

Thinking about how to choose a pillow for the prevention of osteochondrosis, first of all it is worth paying attention to its shape. On sale today you can find the following:

  • Crescent. It is prescribed mainly for sleeping on the back. With its ends-horns the product fixes the neck, preventing its curvature. Good orthopedic pillows of this type should be distinguished by rigidity and the ability not to lose shape with the weight of a person's head.
  • Rectangular. The most popular option for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. In the middle of the product has a groove, and on the sides - two platens. During use, the rectangular cushion does not deform and does not lose its original form. It is more universal, because it allows a person to sleep in different positions. You need to choose it according to your size. Be sure to test the product before buying, because the depth of immersion can be different.
  • Oval. On both sides of these types of orthopedic pillows have relief performances that resemble an accordion. During sleep, the ribbing is combined from the shoulder upwards. As a result, you get the impression of stretching the cervical spine, restoring all the vertebrae. The middle under the weight of the head bends, forming a kind of roller for greater support of the neck.
  • Roller. Being small in size and differing in roundness, these species are not only able to be used to relieve tension from the cervical region, but also help with pain in the legs (put under the shin) or lower back. Successfully matched cushion-cushion will ensure the correct bending of the neck. A separate subspecies can be called acupuncture platens. They on their surface have special patches, which have micro-stimulation, perform neck massage.
  • Road. They look like crescents, but they are more voluminous and harder. Better than others provide reliable protection when traveling in transport.
  • Pillows with the function "memory". As a rule, they have the form of a square or a rectangle, they are made of a special material - polyurethane. Cells of the product resemble small springs, which are compressed by the weight of the human body.

Filling Options

Choosing an orthopedic pillow is necessary in view of its filling. Among the most popular materials are the following:

  1. Natural latex. It has good air permeability, which is especially useful in the summer. Maximum repeats the shape of the head and spine, does not exert pressure on the vertebrae and nerve endings.
  2. Artificial latex. Such filler is made from oil refining products. It often includes styrene rubber, butadiene, but no harmful adhesives. The material is considered safe, and therefore often it is used to perform sleep cushions and various devices to support the spine. Such products can have different degrees of rigidity.
  3. Buckwheat. 100% natural and safe product. Before use as a filler, buckwheat is peeled from the husks, as a result of which it takes the form of pyramids. To the unconditional advantages of such filling it is possible to carry: improvement of blood circulation due to micromassage, good support spine, ability to relieve muscle spasms, active heat exchange, air permeability, lack of electrification, rapid excretion excess moisture. The main drawback of buckwheat products is the impossibility of washing them.
  4. Polyester. Compared with the filling of natural origin is a more affordable option. In essence, these are small polyester balls, which are lubricated with silicone. At the output polyester cushions become elastic, capable of repeating the anatomical shape of the spine and head.
  5. Cooling gel. The orthopedic pillow with gel filling can be obtained as a result of a complex high-tech innovation process. This is the option that not only meets the anatomical structure of the human body as much as possible, but it can also remember the previous situation. Products from this type of gel are hypoallergenic, they make it possible to reduce pain syndrome after prolonged use (night sleep).
  6. Special foam. The memorial (the so-called filler) does not have back pressure, which allows the spine to relax as much as possible. Just like the cooling gel, the memorial is able to remember the position of the human body.
  7. Bamboo fiber. Another option of natural filling. Due to its deodorizing, antibacterial, antistatic properties it is recommended for use as a preventive measure of spine diseases.

How to make a choice?

Orthopedic products are quite expensive, so to vainly not to spend money, you need to carefully look at the pillow. The best product should meet the following criteria:

  • contain only safe and hypoallergenic components;
  • do not deform, instantly restore its pre-form after pressing (except items like "memories");
  • to be allocated with average rigidity - as doctors specify, such it is better to use at an osteochondrosis;
  • to approach a person by age.

The size must be selected according to individual needs. A classic option for a rectangular-type cushion is considered to be 50 to 70 cm. Specialists recommend taking into account the width of the shoulders. The product should be about the same or slightly larger.

For an adult, as the testimonials and advice of experts are made to understand, those pillows whose height is 5-9 cm are more suitable. Thus, the neck will be slightly lower than the head, and the shoulders will rise slightly.

The correct form of the product directly depends on the posture that most often occupies a person, the period of use of the product.

Cushion in the form of a crescent or roller can be used for short-term rest.

For many hours of night sleep, square, semi-circular, rectangular products are more suitable.

It is possible to point out individual criteria that make it possible to understand the incorrect choice of an orthopedic pillow. These include the following:

  1. you want to put your hand under your head - indicates that the product does not fit in height;
  2. frequent change of posture during sleep - indicates discomfort, unsuccessfully chosen size;
  3. headache of morning pain or a feeling of "wooden" shoulders - give a signal about too high a product.

What do patients tell?

Patients claim:

  • In the car I have to spend a long time, because I work as a cargo carrier. Without an orthopedic pillow, most likely, it would be necessary to refuse such work. For myself, I chose a road version of medium hardness, in the form of a horseshoe. Very satisfied. The car does not take up much space, but it is always at hand. I actively use it myself and recommend it to others too.
  • Several years ago, the spine failed. In parallel with active treatment, doctors recommended sleeping in a position on the back. It was difficult to get used to, but a special crescent shaped pillow helped. I can not say, from what exactly (medical treatment or the correct position of the body), but the pain really passed, there is no habitual fatigue. I feel much better.
  • For a whole year the headache was very bad. At the same time I felt such pain only at night and in the morning. The neurologist recommended changing the pillow. I changed it three times, and each time I bought an orthopedic. Finally, I stopped on the "memorial" version. I feel much better. The neck does not become numb, the head does not hurt. It is very important to choose a pillow for yourself, to test it.

Sleep without a pillow with cervical osteochondrosis - then, to bring to nothing the results of treatment.

In a dream, the head occupies different positions, the neck bends, and therefore the cervical vertebrae, the nerve endings can succumb to pressure, be injured.

Headache, poor health, dizziness become a frequent result of this.

However, when answering the question, is it useful to sleep on orthopedic products, is it worth replying in the affirmative, but only when the person himself is trying to find the necessary disease posture.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/osteohondroz/podushka-dlya-sna.html

Orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis isa dangerous disease, which, when in a long position, provokes the clamping of nerves and arteries in the affected department.

Doctors recommend such patients to use special orthopedic pillows. This will help relieve pain, eliminate migraines, improve blood supply. How to choose the right pillow? Which pill is better for cervical osteochondrosis and is it safe, comfortable for sleeping?

Why do we need orthopedic pillows?

Due to the unusual shape and filling pillow for cervical osteochondrosishas a positive effecton the body during sleep.

It promotes the correct position of the vertebrae, thanks to this the muscles of the neck and spine relax at night.

It has a preventive effect and can be used as an additional method of treating chondrosis.

To produce the product, only high-quality materials are taken, which reduces the secretion of sweat by the skin and improves the circulation of air around the head. The person on this pillow gets enough sleep, feels comfortable and burgundy throughout the day.

Materials are natural, and the pillow itself contributes to the ergonomic position of the neck.

In addition, it is important that a person sleeps in the right posture. What should it be?

  1. The patient is asleep in the fetal position.
  2. Shoulder should rest against the mattress.
  3. A pillow of small size is placed under the head.
  4. You can sleep with cervical osteochondrosis on your back, but your legs are bent.

If there are problems with the cervical spine, then do not sleep on your stomach.

In this position, the muscles of the neck do not relax, the vertebrae can shift.

What characteristics should a pillow have?

Doctors recommend onlytwo varieties of rollers under the neck. This is a crescent shape and a rectangle with convex edges. They are easy to find a comfortable position for sleep, which will not have a negative impact on health.

On crescents sleep on the back, they fix the position of the neck and relax the muscles. They even do not lose their original form even after prolonged use

But it is worth remembering that a person in a dream toggles and therefore the best choice will be the rectangular shape of the pillow, which is easy to turn.

How to understand what pillow is needed? Before buying, you should carefully inspect the pillow to see if it will deform from the weight of the head.

If the roller is high, you can damage your neck and accelerate the development of the disease.

Many people think that it is better to sleep without it, but it is not. In this case, the muscles do not relax,are constantly tense, which increases the compression of the artery.

It is better if the product is filled with a memory effect. It will quickly restore the form after use. For those who sleep on their backs, it is better to choose products with latex.

Good fillers are head fillers with latex springs. They do not cause allergies. An independent spring block also holds the spine well during sleep.

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In such a cushion, the springs recognize a point load.

Gel-based rollers also evenly distribute the load and make sleep comfortable, making micromassage and cooling the surface of the head and neck.

Sleep on orthopedic productsIt takes time for addiction.

Sometimes the patient thinks that he chose the product incorrectly, but eventually gets used and the dream becomes more comfortable.

What to look for when choosing?

  • The head lies so that the man relaxed muscles.
  • The spine takes the anatomical curves of the spine.
  • The height is calculated as follows: one centimeter is added to the width of the shoulder.
  • Classical shape is best for those who sleep on their backs.
  • For a person who often turns over in a dream, the product with rollers of different heights is better suited.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Sleep is more comfortable.
  2. Disappear migraine.
  3. Relaxes the muscles of the neck.
  4. The product remains fresh for a long time.
  5. The head sweats less.
  6. The person breathes easier because of the position of the body.


On the latex cushionpain can increase, neurologic pains occur.

An unguarded turn of the head can intensify the compression with the clamping of the vessels.


What should be a pillow for sleep?

With memory effect

The filler composition may vary depending on the manufacturer. Recognizes point load, quickly restores the shape.


The material quickly deforms when used, not very hygienic.


This material is made of foamed hevea juice, hypoallergenic and natural, well-shaped.

Buckwheat husk

At a dream, such a pillow well repeats the shape of the head, improves blood microcirculation in the affected department.

Bamboo fiber

It is a natural filler that breathes well and keeps dust. Products made from such material can be used as preventive measures. It is well suited to such a cushion under the neck with osteochondrosis for resting a child.

Cooling gel

This material holds the head perfectly. Needs addiction.

Independent mini springs

A block of pads springs recognizes a point load. It is convenient to sleep in any position.


  • Polyester fiber
  • Polystyrene.

What are the pillows?

Such productsdivided into 3 groups:

  1. Rigid. It is necessary for those patients who prefer to fall asleep on their side.
  2. Average stiffness is more suitable for sleeping on the back.
  3. A soft pillow provides better support for the sleeping posture on the abdomen.

According to the form

  • Rectangular with a groove. This is a laconic design of the product, which gives comfort in a dream. As you use, the pillow for sleeping does not lose shape and does not deform.
  • Roller in the form of a horseshoe (crescent).

This option is good for trips in the car, you can use at home. It fixes the neck well, does not deform. Such rollers with a soft degree of rigidity.

This type of product is best suited for patients who prefer to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis on their sides. She holds her head and neck well.

To size

To calculate the width, you need to measure the mattress. These two quantities must be the same. On the average, this parameter is 30-50 cm.

The standard length of the pillow varies from 40 to 80 centimeters.

The height of the product varies from 6 to 16 centimeters.

The optimum pillow is 10 to 14 cm high. If the patient has broad shoulders, it is recommended to select a rigid mattress.

The difference from 1 to 2 cm does not matter and does not affect the quality of sleep.

One of the most successful materials is the Tempur filler. He recognizes the point load, quite tough and comfortable for a long sleep.

Budget and economy solutions

Cost of a pillowstarts from a thousand rubles, but in this case it is worth considering how much quality material in the product.

If the osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is worth looking at more models with a cost of one and a half to two thousand rubles.

Usually they are filled with latex or other expensive materials. Covers are made of good fabric, can be impregnated with aloe juice.

The life of such models can be up to 3 years.

Pillows costing more than two and a half thousand are considered expensive. They are completely made up of latex.

The life of this pillow reaches 6 years.

How to sleep properly?

Often the clinical picture of manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis depends precisely on the position in which a person sleeps.

Recommended poses:

  • The patient lies on his back, legs bend. In this position, the spine relaxes. If the legs are straight, the muscles of the lumbar region are constantly strained.
  • A man lies down, leaning his shoulder against a hard mattress. The head is laid on the roller, the legs can be bent.
  • The patient lies in the embryo position, rounding the back and pulling the legs to the chest. If desired, a roller is placed under the knees. Muscles of the spine relax quickly, followed by an improvement in well-being.

Previously it was believed that you need to sleep on your stomach, because the spinal column is not pressed by the organs.

But doctorsdo not recommend sleeping in this position, because the muscles of the neck are tense, there is a compression of the arteries and blood vessels. A person suffering from cervical chondrosis may have a headache, fatigue and weakness develop. In rare cases, cerebral ischemia begins.

Prophylactic use

The use of such a roller is possible as a preventive measure.

Such a measurewill help to stop the painand stop the development of degenerative processes in the cervical spine.
Watch a useful video on this topic


Cervical osteochondrosisit is impossible to cure completely, and perhaps only stop for a while.

One of such methods will be an orthopedic pillow, which, with the right choice of parameters, material, stiffness, will help relax the muscles during sleep and stop pain.

The correct pillow is chosen in height, it is important that its filling is natural, does not cause allergic reactions.

You can also use the roller for preventive purposes.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/bolezni/osteohondroz/shejnyj/kak-pravilno-spat/ortopedicheskie-podushki.html

How to choose an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, reviews, photos, price

Degenerative damage to the tissues of the cervical spine is a threat to the health of the entire body. In order not to worsen the situation, to create conditions for its normalization, one should pay attention to the night rest. In this topic, an important role is given to the thoughtful choice of a pillow.

It must be clarified that the correctly arranged bed for sleep does not treat osteochondrosis. If the disease is acute, you should consult a specialist and get treatment.

The pillow needs to be selected for the purpose of prevention and the intention to prevent the progression of the disorder.

What should be a cushion for cervical osteochondrosis

During the night rest, care should be taken so that the body can relax all the strains of the muscular corset. The cushion should be chosen so that the position of the head is comfortable.

Muscles support the spinal column during wakefulness and protect it from unintended migrations of its elements. During sleep, muscles relax, and the spine is deprived of the protection of the muscular corset.

If there is a tendency to osteochondrosis or the disease is present to some extent, then a person in a dream can experience inconvenience and pain. After awakening, he feels himself not rested, and with a headache.

Vertebrae not supported by muscles can move. Arteries that pass through the neck on both sides and nourish the brain, can be trapped. This situation leads to oxygen starvation of the brain in a dream and to undesirable consequences.

The task is to organize a bed so that in a dream:

  1. natural spinal bends were observed,
  2. head was at the level of the spine,
  3. vertebrae had a comfortable support,
  4. muscles could relax and rest.

Pay attention to the selection of the pillow is useful and healthy people, to warn the origin of the disease of the spine. Doctors determine that sleeping on an incorrectly chosen pillow can trigger the onset of osteochondrosis of the cervical region.

Types and material of manufacture

Pillows are:

Usual cushions are less suitable for people suffering from osteochondrosis. They are required to abandon the feather fillers. Studies have shown that in such a stuffing feel good ticks, they are allergenic.

If there is no possibility to use an orthopedic pillow, then when selecting the usual pillow, it should be taken into account that the pillow filling can be made of a material that:

  • Do not get lost,
  • restores the form,
  • not allergenic,
  • can be cleaned.

For these products, other quality fillers are used, which make it convenient for them to sleep:

  1. Bamboo fiberensures air circulation, has high hygienic qualities.
  2. Cooling gelhas the properties to properly distribute the load.
  3. Latex- an environmentally friendly material that meets the requirements of the filler for pillows used by people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis.
  4. Buckwheat husk- a very useful filler. Its application provides a person with not only convenience because under the weight of the head the pillow is easy repeats its contours, but also the effect of massage by particles occurs, which contributes to the improvement blood circulation.
  5. Independent mini springs- The product adapts well to the sleeping person, providing a comfortable sleep.

There is another kind of orthopedic pillows, which is made of a material with a memory effect. It takes the form of the body from its pressure and heat.

When the product is released from the load, it slowly assumes the original form. The cushion is very comfortable to use, but washing does not respond.

Main Selection Parameters

Specialists have determined that the selection of a pillow for sleeping has several criteria.

  1. Degree of rigidity.This indicator depends on what position the person likes to sleep.
    The most recommended position for sleep is for people suffering from osteochondrosis and those who watch their health - on their backs and on their sides.
    • For people who prefer to sleep on their back - the pillow is used medium hardness.
    • For those who like to sleep on their side - a pillow is selected rigid.
    • To sleep on the abdomen, the pillow is used softer than in previous cases.
  2. The form.
    • The roller can be ordinary and in the form of a crescent. The latter option is suitable only for sleeping on the back. A normal cushion is well used for the position on the back and on the side.
    • A rectangular pillow is recommended by specialists with observance of such rules: the neck and head are located, the shoulders should be lower. Under the head formed a dent, and under the neck - a roller.
  3. Dimensions.
    • The main parameter is the height of the pillow.
      • It is calculated individually. Measure the size from the base of the neck to the end of the shoulder. Add an amendment to the pushing of the mattress - about two centimeters. It turns out the size of the pillow in height. Depending on how much the used mattress can sink under the weight of the body, you can make even more precise for the size of the cushion in height. This value is used to select the product for sleep on the side.
      • For the position on the back (if this is the preferred position), the height of the pillow is taken equal to nine centimeters.
      • For sleep on the stomach, the product is selected with a height of less than nine centimeters.
    • The size of the width and height of the pillows. Convenient are products with a length of seventy centimeters, and width - fifty centimeters. There may be small variations in size.
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How to choose an orthopedic pillow

This kind of product necessarily has a roller:

  • a rectangular cushion is made with two rollers along the edges or with one,
  • crescent,
  • roller ordinary.

The photo shows an orthopedic pillow - a crescent moon designed for cervical osteochondrosis

To find the product for yourself:

  • It is necessary to decide whether there are established habits in the position of the body for night sleep. For example, for a position on the back, you can consider a roller crescent.
  • The height of the cushion for the orthopedic pillow is determined according to the method already described.
  • For a pillow, one should take into account personal preference. Before you buy a product it is desirable to lie on it, to feel how comfortable and pleasant it is.
  • Pillow should be bought in a specialized store.
  • Before making a choice, it is advisable to find out the advice of a sales consultant.

Which is better?

  1. If a person woke up the next morning in the same position in which he lay down from the evening and at the same time feels rested, it means that the pillow for sleeping is correctly chosen, and it is the best for this person.
  2. A cushion of insufficient height will force a person to put a hand under his head. Discomfort in the shoulders and neck will tell you that the pillow is too high.
  3. You should choose a product with a cover made of natural textiles.
  4. For people with cervical osteochondrosis, an orthopedic pillow with a high-quality filler, for example, latex, bamboo or buckwheat husks, should be preferred.
  5. Form and parameters are chosen according to their habits, given the degree of rigidity of the mattress and its size.

Price list

Kind of pillow Cost, rub.
With two rollers of different heights, filler - polyurethane, cotton cover 2500
With memory effect 3350
From latex 3100
In the form of a crescent moon 900 ÷ 1100


Many positive responses from people suffering from osteochondrosis and having acquired an orthopedic pillow. Some people got used to it for a long time, and now they are happy with a full-fledged sleep.

Users of such pillows say that they do not agree to sleep on ordinary products. There is an opinion that it is better to find an opportunity and choose a pillow of better quality, giving up cheap analogues.

In this video the doctor orthopedist-traumatologist Morozov Vladimir Viktorovich tells how to choose the right orthopedic pillow, as well as their features and therapeutic properties:

A source: http://OsteoHondroza.net/metody-lecheniya/podushka-pri-shejnom-osteohondroze.html

Which orthopedic pillow to choose for cervical osteochondrosis

Every person's body requires a healthy rest to function properly. Scientists have found that the quality of sleep depends on the position of the body.

Today, for the correct position of the trunk and relaxation of muscles, special devices have been developed, in particular, orthopedic pillows.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical department, it is recommended to buy a pillow for everyone, because such a disease causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms. To avoid them, the head and neck should be in a natural position during sleep.

The orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is extremely important because in a dream we all spend an essential part of our life.

At this time, our entire body should rest, muscles relax, the spine and head are in a level position.

And although the purchase of an orthopedic product will not help to solve absolutely all problems concerning the spine,full rest in the right posture will prevent the progression of the disease.

Important! If there are painful sensations in the back and neck area, as well as other signs of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

With such a disease, a doctor can recommend an orthopedic pillow as a prophylaxis of deformity of the spinal column.

And for treatment special corsets are used against cervical osteochondrosis.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the orthopedic pillow will contribute to:

  • normalization of muscle tone in the neck and back
  • elimination of discomfort;
  • improving the quality of sleep;
  • prevention of exacerbations and relapses of an already developed disease;
  • prevention of deformations of the vertebrae in the cervical spine;
  • improvement of blood flow in the neck and, as a consequence, nutrition of the brain;
  • elimination of pathological symptoms such as dizziness and headache;
  • Rapid recovery after traumatic injuries or surgical interventions.

All the above-described tasks make it possible to achieve a special anatomical shape of the products.

Typically, these pillows have one or two beads supporting the cervical vertebrae.

It is worth noting thattheir use is recommended and fully healthy peoplewho would like to fully relax and adjust the sleep regime.

You can buy orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis of various types. First, such products differ from each other in shape, secondly in terms of the material of manufacture and filler.

Attention! The correct pillow with orthopedic properties has a roll-like thickening, or several such thickenings with a recess for the neck. During sleep, the head is in the recess, shoulders - on the mattress. The product must not change its shape.

When the cervical spine is affected by osteochondrosis, crescent shaped crescents are best suited for sleeping in a posture on the back. They have moderate softness. If you are not used to sleeping on your back, it is better to choose a universal rectangular pillow of the appropriate thickness.

Now let's talk about the orthopedic filler, the main property of which is the rapid restoration of the form. As a filler, usually use:

  1. latex is an excellent option for lovers of high pillows, as well as people who prefer sleeping on their backs. These models have good elasticity and a high level of comfort. One of the varieties of latex filler are springs supporting the spinal column in a convenient and natural position;
  2. independent mini-springs - these models are perfectly able to restore their shape after pressing, they also provide the necessary support to the spine;
  3. Special cooling gel - an innovative technology that allows you to distribute the load evenly, providing a massage effect and cooling for unsurpassed comfort during night rest. As practice shows, such products require some time to get used to;
  4. buckwheat husk - perfectly repeats the contours of the sleeper, provides micromassage of the cervical region;
  5. bamboo fiber - another type of filler, to the advantages of which is ease of care. Such a pillow will not accumulate dust and provide a good prevention of diseases of the spine.

Now you know what orthopedic pillows exist for cervical osteochondrosis. The price for them varies depending on the material of manufacture and the manufacturer, in other matters as well as the cost of any orthopedic pillows.

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing is the shape and dimensions of the product. The cushion should be small in size and of optimum thickness. The standard height of the platen is 8 or 14 centimeters.

The height of the pillow itself can be calculated by measuring the distance from the neck to the edge of the shoulder and adding another two centimeters to the result.

Be sure to check the ability of the product to restore the shape after pressing.

Note! Some people with diseases of the spine prefer to sleep without a pillow, however, doctors strongly do not recommend this. In this position, the muscles are not able to relax, in addition, there is a disturbance of blood circulation, which further aggravates the course of the disease.

There are several important nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing the right model. One of the key points is the posture in which you usually sleep:

  • on the back - we recommend to stop the choice on a fairly rigid rectangular model with a height of about 9 centimeters;
  • on the abdomen - choose a soft product with a low height;
  • on the side - pay attention to the model with the rollers.

Understand that the pillow is not suitable for you on several grounds. If during sleep you constantly want to put your hand under the pillow, you should replace it with a higher one.

Also, the heaviness and pain in the neck will be a true indication of the wrong choice. During the rest you should feel that the body is absolutely relaxed, and the head and cervical spine are reliably restrained by an orthopedic product.

In this case, the head and body should be at the same level.

That the purchased orthopedic pillow has brought the maximum benefit, we advise to take care and about purchase of a mattress with elastic, but not excessively rigid basis.

Despite the relatively high cost, orthopedic products will be a profitable investment, because they will significantly improve the well-being and quality of life.

Alexey, a doctor-vertebroneurologist

I, as an expert, can say for sure thatone of the main triggers of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine of the factors is the incorrect posture during sleep.

Buying the right orthopedic product is a good prevention of the disease, and also a remedy, which will avoid relapse and significantly improve the well-being of already developed violations.

In my practice there were cases that after a while after the change of the pillow the symptoms of the disease disappeared completely.


Problems with the neck in the compartment with scoliosis appeared in my student days, when I spent the night sitting around the table in an uncomfortable position.

I turned to the doctor only after a few years, when the pains became simply excruciating.

At the reception I heard a rather interesting and unexpected thing for myself - the pain in the neck can be the result of using the "wrong" pillow.

Having listened to a specialist and studied the reviews on the Internet, she bought an orthopedic pillow with bamboo fiber. Immediately noticed that it was better to get enough sleep at night, and just after ten days the symptoms of osteochondrosis together with a headache began to come to naught.


Because of the busy schedule, he began to sleep badly, often woke up at night, and in the morning he felt completely unrepaired and broken. Then there were pains in the neck and back.

I registered for a consultation with a doctor, but instead of a prescription for medicines, he recommended changing the pillow and the mattress. I got a rectangular orthopedic pillow and slept much better the first night.

I sleep on it for two months, I get a good night's sleep, and almost do not bother the pain.


How many I remember myself, I slept on pillows of feathers, by the age of forty I had osteochondrosis of the cervical department. My colleague advised me to buy an orthopedic pillow.

Long studied the information on the Internet and chose a product with buckwheat husk.

At first it was unusual, but in general the result satisfied me: I stopped feeling uncomfortable in the neck, went through headaches, and I feel cheerful in the morning. I recommend everyone for prevention.

A source: https://2orto.ru/ortopedicheskie-podushki/kakuyu-ortopedicheskuyu-podushku-vybrat-pri-sheynom-osteohondroze