Tendonitis: what is it?


  • 1Tendonitis
    • 1.1The causes and mechanism of tendonitis
    • 1.2Lateral tendonitis
    • 1.3Tendonitis of patellar ligament
  • 2Causes, symptoms, forms of tendonitis and methods of treatment
    • 2.1Causes of the disease
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Four forms of tendinitis
    • 2.4Treatment of tendonitis: general conservative methods
    • 2.5Operative intervention
    • 2.6Prevention
  • 3All about tendinitis
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Classification
    • 3.3There are 2 forms of tendinitis:
    • 3.4Symptoms and development
    • 3.5Specialists distinguish the following symptoms:
    • 3.6Diagnostics
    • 3.7Treatment
    • 3.8Complications
    • 3.9Typical complications are:
    • 3.10Preventive maintenance and the prevention at playing sports
    • 3.11Forecast
  • 4Tendonitis: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 4.1Etiology
    • 4.2Pathogenesis
    • 4.3General symptoms
    • 4.4Type of localization
    • 4.5Tendonitis of the knee joint
    • 4.6Tendonitis of the shoulder joint
    • 4.7Achilles tendon tendonitis
    • 4.8Tendonitis of the elbow joint
    • 4.9Temporal tendonitis
    • 4.10Tendonitis of the biceps
    • 4.11Tendonitis of foot and wrist
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.12Tendonitis of the hip joint
    • 4.13Diagnostics methods
    • 4.14Treatment - ways
    • 4.15Prognosis and prevention


Tendonitis is a disease of the tendon. It is accompanied by inflammation, and in the subsequent - and degeneration of a part of tendon fibers and adjacent tissues.

Tendonitis can be acute or subacute, but is more often chronic. As a rule, tendonitis affects the tendons located next to the ulnar, humerus, knee and hip joints.

Tendons in the ankle and wrist joint can also be affected.

Tendonitis can develop in a person of any gender and age, but is usually observed in athletes and in people of monotonous physical labor.

The cause of tendonitis are too high loads on the tendon, leading to its microtraumatization. With age, due to loosening of the ligaments, the likelihood of tendonitis increases.

In this case, calcium salts are often deposited at the site of inflammation, that is, calcific tendonitis develops.

The causes and mechanism of tendonitis

The tendon is a dense and strong non-elastic cord, formed by bundles of collagen fibers, which can connect the muscle to the bone or one bone on the other. The purpose of tendons is the transfer of motion, ensuring its accurate trajectory, as well as maintaining the stability of the joint.

With repeated intense or too frequent movements, the processes of fatigue in the tendon prevail over the recovery processes. There is a so-called fatigue trauma.

Initially, the tendon tissue swells, collagen fibers begin to split. If the load persists, later in these places, islets of fatty degeneration, necrosis of tissues and deposits of calcium salts are formed.

And the resulting hard calcifications further injure surrounding tissues.

High level of motor activity and microtrauma occupy the first place among a number of causes of tendonitis. Some athletes fall into the risk group: tennis players, golfers, throwers and skiers, as well as people engaged in monotonous physical labor: gardeners, carpenters, painters, etc.

However, in some cases, tendonitis can occur for other reasons, for example, due to some rheumatic diseases and thyroid diseases.

Tendonitis can also result from a number of infections (eg, gonorrhea), develop as a result of the action drugs or due to anomalies in the structure of the skeleton (for example, for different lengths of the lower extremities).

Usually, tendonitis develops gradually.

First, the patient with tendinitis is concerned about short-term pains that occur only at the peak of physical exertion on the relevant area.

The rest of the time, there are no unpleasant sensations, the patient with tendinitis retains the usual level of physical activity for him.

Then the pain syndrome with tendinitis becomes more pronounced and appears even with relatively small loads. Subsequently, tendonitis pains acquire an intense paroxysmal character and begin to interfere with normal daily activities.

On examination, redness and local temperature increase are determined. Sometimes there is swelling, usually unsharp. Pain at active movements is detected, passive movements are painless.

Palpation along the tendon is painful.

A characteristic feature of tendinitis is crunching or crackling during movements, which can be either loud, freely audible at a distance, or determined only with the help of phonendoscope.

Lateral tendonitis

Lateral epicondylitis, a lateral tendinitis or an elbow of a tennis player - an inflammation of the tendons that are attached to the muscles of the extensors of the wrist: the short and long extensor of the wrist, and also the brachial muscle. Less often with lateral tendinitis affects the tendons of other muscles: the elbow extensor of the hand, the long radius of the extensor and the general extensor of the fingers.

Lateral tendonitis is one of the most common injuries in the elbow joint in athletes.

This form of tendinitis affects about 45% of professionals and about 20% of fans, on average, playing once a week.

The likelihood of tendonitis increases after 40 years.

A patient with tendinitis complains of pain along the outer surface of the elbow joint, often giving over the outer part of the forearm and shoulder.

The gradually growing weakness of the brush is noted.

Over time, the patient with tendinitis begins to experience difficulties even with simple everyday movements: handshakes, unscrewing the laundry, raising the cup, etc.

When palpation, a clearly localized, painful patch on the outer surface of the elbow and above the lateral part of the epicondyle is revealed. Pain increases when trying to unbend the bent middle finger with overcoming resistance.

Radiography in tendinitis is not informative, since changes affect not bones, but soft tissue structures. To clarify the localization and nature of tendinitis, magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

Treatment of tendonitis depends on the severity of the disease. In unsharp pain, the load on the elbow should be eliminated.

After the pain completely disappears, it is recommended to resume the load, at first - in the most gentle mode.

In the absence of unpleasant symptoms in the subsequent load is very smooth and gradually increase.

With tendinitis with severe pain, short-term immobilization is shown using light plastic or gypsum lone, local nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ointments and gels), reflexotherapy, physiotherapy (phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, electrophoresis with a solution of novocaine, etc.), and subsequently - physiotherapy.

With tendinitis, accompanied by a persistent pain syndrome, and the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, blockades with glucocorticosteroid preparations are recommended.

Indications for surgical treatment of tendonitis is the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy for one year with a reliable exclusion of other possible causes of pain syndrome.

There are 4 methods of surgical treatment of lateral tendonitis: Loimmann's loosening operation (partial excision of extensor tendons in the attachment area), excision of altered tendon tissues with its subsequent fixation to the external epicondyle, intra-articular removal of the annular ligament and synovial bag, and lengthening tendons.

In the postoperative period, short-term immobilization is recommended. Then, therapeutic gymnastics is prescribed to restore the volume of movement in the elbow joint and strengthen the muscles.

Medial epicondylitis, he same tendonitis of pronator and flexor muscles of the forearm or elbow of a golfer develops with inflammation of tendons of the long palmar muscle, ulnar and radial flexor of the wrist, and also round a pronator. Medial tendonitis is detected 7-10 times less often lateral.

This disease develops in those who are engaged in easy, but monotonous physical labor, during which you have to perform repetitive rotational movements by hand.

In addition to golf lovers, medial tendinitis often affects installers, typists and seamstresses.

Among the athletes tedninit also common among those in baseball, gymnastics, table tennis and conventional.

Symptoms resemble lateral tendonitis, however the painful area is on the inside of the elbow joint.

When bending the hand and pressure on the damaged area, there is pain on the inside of the epicondyle.

To confirm tendonitis and evaluate the nature of the process, magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

Conservative treatment - as in the lateral tendinitis.

If the conservative therapy is ineffective, a surgical operation is performed-excision of the altered sites of the tendon of the round pronator and the radial flexor of the wrist with their subsequent cross-linking. After the operation, short-term immobilization is appointed, and then - physical exercises.

Tendonitis of patellar ligament

Tendonitis of the patellar ligament or knee of the jumper is inflammation in the area of ​​the patellar ligament. Usually develops gradually and is primarily chronic. It is caused by short-term, but extremely intense, loads on the quadriceps muscle.

In the initial stages of tendonitis of the knee joint, soreness appears after physical exertion. Over time, the pain begins to appear not only after, but also during exercise, and then - even at rest.

When examining a patient suffering from tendinitis, pain is revealed with active extension of the tibia and with pressure on the area of ​​injury. In severe cases, local edema may occur.

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To confirm tendonitis, an MRI is assigned.

Conservative therapy in tendonitis includes the exclusion of loads, short-term immobilization, local anti-inflammatory drugs, cold and physiotherapy (ultrasound).

Blockades with this type of tendinitis are contraindicated, since the administration of glucocorticosteroids can cause a weakening of the patellar ligament with its subsequent rupture.

Indication for surgical treatment of tendonitis of the patellar ligament is the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy for a period of -3 months or mucosal degeneration of the tendon detected on MRI. During the operation, the damaged area is excised and the remaining part of the tendon is reconstructed.

The choice of the method of surgical intervention (open - through a common incision or arthroscopic - through a small puncture) depends on the prevalence and nature of pathological changes. When the ligament is infringed by a bone growth on the patella, an arthroscopic operation is possible. With extensive pathological changes in the tendon tissue a large incision is necessary.

After surgery, a patient with tendinitis is given a plastic or plaster lingette. In the future, prescribed restorative curative gymnastics.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/traumatology/tendinitis

Causes, symptoms, forms of tendonitis and methods of treatment


Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon. As a result of the defeat of blood vessels, nerves, surrounding tissues, the tendons tend to change their structure and collapse. Sometimes it is considered as the initial stage of a stronger destructive process - tendonosis.

The disease does not pose a mortal danger, but it creates great problems in everyday life.

Considering that tendonitis of tendons of the shoulder, knee, hip, wrist joints and Achilles tendon, there are difficulties with such simple actions as dressing, walking and other.

In addition, because of the similarity of symptoms, the disease is often masked for arthritis or inflammation of the ligaments. This complicates the diagnosis and delays the inflammatory process.

Tendonitis is successfully treated.Usually conservative methods are used. In the case of timely access to a doctor (therapist, traumatologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist, surgeon), the prognosis for health is favorable.

Further in the article you will find out why this disease develops, what symptoms it has and how to treat it.

Causes of the disease

Tendonitis occurs because of the effects of physical, chemical and infectious factors.

Possible reasons:

  • excessive load on the muscle;
  • injuries, bruises, rupture of the tendon;
  • immune diseases;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes, etc.);
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • infection;
  • inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints, etc.

Very often tendons suffer from sports loads, the performance of certain jobs.

With age, the risk of tendonitis increases, as the tissue loses its elasticity. In addition, metabolic products accumulate in the body, which alter the course of metabolism and lead to diabetes, obesity and other disorders.

Also tendonitis can arise due to joint diseases: arthritis of severe form, synovitis, infectious or reactive vaginitis and the like. Infections such as tuberculosis, syphilis, typhoid are also a trigger for the development of tendon diseases.


Characteristic symptoms: pain, redness of the skin, swelling of the tissues, swelling in the area of ​​attachment of the tendon. If the lesions are minor, the symptoms are weaker. Pain syndrome manifests itself more during movement, and stiffness in the joint may not develop.

Over time, with insufficient treatment or lack of it, the inflammatory processes in the tendon lead to the formation of scars, a contracture is formed (joint immobility). The joint assumes a stable forced position.

The symptoms of Achilles tendon tendonitis are well pronounced in Reiter's disease.

When diagnosing a doctor, in addition to examining, questioning, palpating and analyzing, an x-ray, ultrasound or MRI is prescribed, since tendinitis has symptoms similar to those of other diseases (often diagnosed with arthritis or inflammation ligaments).

Four forms of tendinitis

Tendonitis has four forms:

  1. aseptic,
  2. purulent,
  3. ossifying,
  4. fibrous.

The treatment of each particular form is different from the rest.

The mechanism of development and treatment of various forms of the disease is described in the table:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

Treatment of tendonitis: general conservative methods

Tendinitis is treated according to its form, the nature of the course, the severity of the symptoms. Treatment also depends on the site of localization and the nature of the damaging factor (trauma, infection, metabolic disorders).

In the case of a long-term absence of drug treatment, the inflammatory process extends to the tendon sheath and synovial joint bags. This inflammation leads to the development of tendovaginitis and synovitis, respectively.

Tendovaginitis is one of the complications of tendonitis

Conservative methods of treatment are based on analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), if necessary - antibiotics. The first day is prescribed ice, a tight bandage. Further, warming alcohol compresses are possible.

Also, a physician can prescribe physiotherapy: ultraphoonophoresis, electrophoresis with anesthetics, diadynamic therapy, paraffin therapy.

Massaging a sore spot is not recommended. A complete rest is necessary throughout the treatment of the injured limb.

Below is a table of the most common NSAIDs:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

Operative intervention

If treatment with medicaments has not produced results, and the disease often has relapses, an operation is performed. The tendon can be sewn, lengthened or attached to another place.

Depending on the degree of damage to tendon fibers, open intervention or arthroscopy is used (in which only two punctures are done). The purulent contents are removed, the necrotic and affected areas are excised, the operating field is treated with antiseptics.

The complexity of the operation depends on the length of the rehabilitation period (usually up to 4 months).

The first 5-7 days of the joint are completely immobilized, gradually the plaster bandage is removed and the patient begins to perform simple movements.

In parallel, prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs), vitamins, physiotherapy (see. higher).

Recovery depends on the quality of the treatment and the responsible attitude of the patient.


Tendonitis responds well to treatment. It is very important not to overload this joint in the future and to prevent the others from doing so.

If your work or hobby is associated with the constant overstrain of a muscle, do it periodically relaxing massage (stroking, rubbing or kneading), use creams and gels relaxing muscle.

In case of appearance of unusual symptoms, you must go to a doctor (orthopedist, surgeon, therapist).

In surgical forums, patients often tell that for several months they have been diagnosed with arthritis or another disease, but nottendonitis. To prevent this from happening, one should not rely only on a doctor.

Increase the level of knowledge, be interested in the characteristics of your body, listen to it.And be healthy!

A source: http://SustavZdorov.ru/raznoe/tendinit-263.html

All about tendinitis

The human body in many aspects is a renewable system. Thanks to the regeneration process, after a heavy load during the rest period, the tissues are able to recover.

With continuous heavy joint work, these mechanisms do not have time to work out in full, and the muscles do not can adapt to constant physical activity, and inflammation develops in the lesion site processes.

Tendonitis most oftenaffects the knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, the base of the thumbs and the calcaneal tendon.

With chronic exercise, first there is swelling, collagen cleavage, surrounding the mucosa Modifies, and in severe tendonitis, the central part of the tendon degenerates into a jelly-like the cloth. The synovial membrane of the inflamed tendon begins to secrete fluid, which acts as a catalyst in the development of the disease.


Inflammatory processes in the tendon can occur in any person, but the experience of doctors indicates that they are particularly predisposed to tendinitispeople engaged in heavy physical labor, and athletes. In a number of causes that cause tendinitis, increased stress on the tendon tissue and subsequent microtraumas have a leading position, but there are othersetiological factors:

  • single and multiple injuries;
  • infectious diseases of bacterial nature;
  • degenerative processes (gout, arthritis and others) in the joints;
  • congenital or acquired dysplasia;
  • allergic reactions to some medications;
  • features of the structure of the body (shortening one of the legs can promote the development of inflammation in the knee joint);
  • violation of posture, curvature of the spine;
  • neuropathies that cause muscle disorders;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • Thyroid gland diseases.

Inflammation in tendonitis is an adequate response of the body to constant irritation.


Inflammation can develop on any limb, but there are areas where tendonitis is more common. Certain localization of tendonitis has its own peculiarities of symptomatology and treatment. Depending on the location of the inflammatory focus, the followingtypes of tendinitis:

  • Lateral- affects the wrist muscles-extensors. The disease is common among athletes. First, a feeling of weakness appears in the hand, later the performance of simple functions becomes problematic. Inflammation develops from the outside of the elbow, the pain gives to the shoulder and forearm.
  • Medial- affects flexor muscles in the forearm. Painful sensations appear from the inside of the elbow fold. This form of tendinitis also affects athletes.
  • Inflammation of the posterior tibial muscleand the Achilles tendon. The latter often amazes track and field athletes and long jumpers, as well as women who in everyday life prefer to wear high-heeled shoes. Tendonitis of the tibia is very common, it can cause the development of flat feet.
  • Tendonitis of the tendon of the shoulderappears due to trauma or under the influence of the movement of the humerus and is characterized by damage to the integrity of the muscle capsule. This condition requires urgent medical attention.
  • Tendonitis of the tendon of the wristmostly found among pianists and people who work a lot at the computer. Diagnosis is simple: when you connect the little finger, thumb and index finger, the patient experiences pain in the wrist.
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There are 2 forms of tendinitis:

  • chronic (fibrous, ossifying);
  • acute (aseptic, purulent).

In general, tendonitis is characterized by a chronic course, with degenerative processes progressing gradually in the tendon.

Symptoms and development

As a rule, tendonitis develops slowly. First, short pains begin to disturb at the peak of the load. In a state of rest, unpleasant sensations are completely absent, so a person leads a habitual way of life and remains active.

Over time, the pain syndrome of tendonitis becomes pronounced, evenwith minor loads, there are symptoms of the disease. Painful sensations acquire a paroxysmal character, and a person has to reconsider his way of life.

Specialists distinguish the following symptoms:

  • violation of the mobility of the joint, it is possible ankylosis (complete immobility);
  • pain during movement of the joint and palpation of the affected area;
  • hyperemia and inflammation in nearby tissues;
  • increase in the temperature of the skin in the place of redness;
  • sometimes inconspicuous puffiness of surrounding tissues;
  • pain in the joint during active movements, at rest it is absent;
  • crunching and crackling (crepitation) while moving (can be heard at a distance or using a phonendoscope).

Certain local forms of tendinitis have their own characteristics and inherent features.


In the diagnosis of tendonitis, the ability to distinguish it from arthritis and other diseases is of prime importance. A specific sign of arthritis is the constant pain in the entire joint.

With tendinitis, the pain is concentrated in a certain area and appears only with physical activity.

Nevertheless, the inflammation of the tendon does not have any specific signs, by which it can be distinguished from other joint diseases and surrounding tissues.

With the help of hardware examination techniques, only some of the signs of inflammation can be detected, soTo establish a diagnosis, differential diagnosis is sometimes required:

  • Medical examination. An experienced specialist will detect asymmetry and edema in the tendon area, determine the border of the affected tissues, the nature and localization of pain and limitations in the movement of the joint.
  • Laboratory research. The results of the analyzes will be informative only if the presence of infectious processes of a bacterial nature or rheumatic diseases is detected in the body.
  • Radiography. If the above signs are found in the examination of the patient, then an x-ray is prescribed. This method helps to eliminate fracture, to detect salt deposits with calcifying neglected tendonitis. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon leads to the formation of calcaneal spurs, as well as necrotizing aseptic character in inflammation of the patellar ligament.
  • MRI and computed tomographyare used to exclude the fact of a rupture of the tendon and areas of degenerative changes. Such conditions require surgical care.
  • UltrasoundThe study is used as an auxiliary diagnostic method. With tendonitis, ultrasound can detect abnormalities in the tendon structure and its ability to normal contraction.
  • Orthopedic tests. A number of tests are quite informative for a certain exposure of the joint. To confirm the inflammation of the shoulder joint, it is possible by means of the introduction of an anesthetic of short action into the focus of inflammation. Diagnosis is the cessation of pain.

With suspicion of inflammation of ligaments, it is necessary to consult a therapist and an orthopedist.


The initial stages of tendonitis are usually treated with conservative methods: cold, joint rest, therapeutic procedures (ultrasound, electrophoresis with lidase, ultraviolet, applications, massage, magnetic or laser physiotherapy), systemic enzyme therapy, the use of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory means. Auxiliary devices for tendinitis can be: a tire, tight bandaging, bandage, crutches, walking stick and orthopedic shoes. Sometimes it may be necessary to prescribe a course of antibiotics.

In advanced cases tendonitis are possibleinjections of corticosteroidsdirectly into the joint or surrounding tissue, as well as intramuscularly. With tendonitis it is forbidden to use any anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs without consulting a doctor.

In the acute stage of tendonitis, rest is recommended, but it is necessary to start therapeutic exercise as soon as possible after the transition to remission.

Such a set of exercises is aimed atstrengthening and stretching of muscles.

When treating tendonitis in athletes, pay special attention to the specificity of the sport, it is possible to use simulators to reduce the load on the damaged tendons.

Often with chronic tendinitis, there are degenerative changes in the tendon tissues. When tenderness on the need for surgery indicates the narrowing of blood vessels (or stenosing tenodinitis).

The pathological site of hypertrophied tissue is excised, then restorative therapy is carried out as with ligament rupture.

Surgical intervention in tendonitis is also recommended in the case if the physiotherapy procedures and conservative therapy did not give a positive result.

The recovery period after the operation is quite long, usually it lasts at least 3 months. To full loads on the joint the patient will be able to return no earlier than 4-6 months.


In general, severe complications of tendonitis occur rarely. The degenerative state leads to changes in the structure of the tendon and significantly increases the risk of rupturing its tissues.

Typical complications are:

  • pain syndrome with tendon palpation;
  • pain with muscle tension;
  • pain during movement, arising from muscle strain associated with the tendon;
  • joining purulent infection;
  • Tenosynovitis, which causes chronic fibrosis;
  • metiosensitivity (pain occurs when changing weather conditions, rains, fogs and changes in atmospheric pressure).

Warn the emergence of complications can a timely visit to the doctor with the first symptoms of tendonitis.

Preventive maintenance and the prevention at playing sports

Prevention of the development of inflammation in the tissues of the tendon consists in observing the following simple measures:

  • Athletes before the training should be warm-up and a set of warm-up exercises.
  • The rate of physical labor should increase gradually. You can not work for a long time at the limit of the possibilities of the body.
  • Restriction of monotonous actions with one joint for a long time.
  • Regular change of rest and exercise.
  • At occurrence of the slightest pains in a joint temporary rest or change of a kind of activity is necessary.

Such measures are of a general nature, a specific approach is required for the prevention of certain types of tendinitis.


With mild forms of inflammationthe forecast is favorable.Conservative treatment is quite effective, and tendonitis is cured within 10-12 days. After eliminating the cause of the disease, relapse is unlikely.

With more severe forms of tendonitis, the prognosis is cautious. After surgery, a long recovery period is required. As a rule, athletes can return to active training not earlier than six months after the operation.

A source: http://pillsman.org/21820-tendinit.html

Tendonitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Tendonitis is an acute inflammatory lesion of the tendon or muscle structures. The pathological process can hit any tendon or muscle.

But most often the disease is diagnosed in the area of ​​large joints. According to statistics, the diseases are more susceptible to men. Most often, the ailment is a consequence of regular excessive physical exertion or sports trauma. There are no restrictions on age.

Tendonitis can provoke other, more complex ailments.


The disease can be both independent and the consequence of another background disease. Most often this process can provoke physical stress. Especially it is likely if excessive physical impact is on untrained muscles and ligaments.

In general, we can distinguish such main causes of the development of the disease:

  • local inflammatory processes;
  • previously suffered joint injuries.

In addition, tendonitis can develop due to such etiological factors:

  • impaired metabolism;
  • infectious diseases;
  • viral diseases;
  • disorders in the immune system;
  • rheumatic ailments.

As for infectious diseases, most often the inflammatory process provokes such ailments:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • some subtypes of streptococci.

However, it should be noted that such etiological factors are possible only if a person's immune system is too weak.


The mechanism of the development of the inflammatory process in the muscle or ligament area is very complex and has not been fully studied. But, as medical research shows in this area, the basis is an autoimmune process.

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If you do not treat diseases that are an etiological factor, the development of antibodies begins in the body. Antibodies begin to affect the tissues in the body, including ligaments and muscles.

Thus, the inflammatory process develops.

General symptoms

In most cases, at the initial stage of the disease, there are practically no symptoms.As the disease develops in the muscles or tendons, you can observe such symptoms:

  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​the damaged ligament;
  • pain;
  • impaired motor function;
  • nodular formations under the skin.

It is worth noting that the general clinical picture can be supplemented with other symptoms, if the cause of tendonitis is another disease.

If the cause of tendonitis is rheumatic diseases, then to the general list of symptoms can be added such signs:

  • severe pain in the joints;
  • deformation of the fingers on the lower limbs;
  • dyspnea;
  • blue fingertips.

Pain most often disturbs the patient in the morning. By the evening painful sensations become less pronounced. In a state of rest, the pain syndrome in the ligaments or muscles is practically not observed.

Type of localization

The disease can be formed in almost any joint. However, most often localized in such places:

  • Achilles tendon;
  • the hip joint;
  • in the region of the shoulder joint;
  • inflammation of the patella (knee joint);
  • elbow joint.

A little less often, but still occurs, the pathological process in the wrist and stop area.

Tendonitis of the knee joint

Tendonitis of the knee joint or patellar ligament is an inflammatory process in the region of the tibia and knee cap.

Tendonitis of the knee joint is most often diagnosed in professional athletes.

In folk medicine, this syndrome is called "knee jumper because of the localization of the disease.

Inflammation of the patella develops in three stages:

  • light (no pain syndrome is observed);
  • moderate (pain is palpable only during a period of strong physical activity);
  • severe (discomfort and pain in the patellar ligament accompany the patient always, even in a period of complete rest).

Symptoms of a patellar ligament injury:

  • pain, swelling of the knee;
  • increased pain with a bent leg;
  • limitations in motor function.

Treatment of the patellar ligament can be conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment of patellar ligament includes the following:

  • taking local and oral anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • complete rest of the patellar ligament;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the tendonitis of the knee is diagnosed already in the advanced stage or the disease was preceded by another, more severe disease, then surgical intervention is possible.

But at an early stage of the inflammatory process in the patellar ligament, operative intervention is almost never used, conservative treatment is sufficient.

Tendonitis of the knee joint

Tendonitis of the shoulder joint

Tendonitis of the shoulder joint is the development of the inflammatory process in the supraspinatus muscle. In the main risk group, people aged 40-60 years.

But in people who are often prone to severe physical exertion, or professional athletes, the disease can be diagnosed at an earlier age.

The development of the inflammatory process begins with a supraspinous muscle. As the tendonitis of the shoulder joint develops, the peripheral tissues are also involved in the pathological process.

Symptoms of inflammation of the supraspinous muscle do not practically differ from the general clinical picture of the disease. The difference is only in the localization of pain. Especially the pain syndrome increases with motor activity. In some cases, pain can be given to the elbow joint.

If the tendinitis of the shoulder does not begin to heal in a timely manner, then there is a risk of developing serious complications. Most often tendinitis of the shoulder in a neglected form passes into the contracture of the shoulder.

Achilles tendon tendonitis

Tendonitis of the Achilles tendon is the development of the pathological process in the Achilles tendon area. As in most cases, the inflammatory process is a consequence of trauma in athletes or excessive physical activity.

Tendonitis of the Achilles tendon at an early stage is manifested only by mild pain in the area of ​​the affected tendon. In some cases, the clinical picture is accompanied by an increase in skin temperature in the affected area.

In most cases, the ailment of this form is treated conservatively, without hospitalization.

Achilles tendon tendonitis

Tendonitis of the elbow joint

Tendonitis of the elbow joint is a consequence of prolonged overstrain of the joint.

It is noteworthy that the inflammatory process in this area can not give signs for a long time (up to several years) or develop rapidly (in just a couple of weeks).

Elbow tendonitis is treated without surgery. Medical therapy, physiotherapy procedures give good results.

Temporal tendonitis

The temporal tendonitis differs somewhat in etiology and symptomatology. The cause of the development of the ailment of this subform can be a wrong bite, a habit of cracking too hard food (sweets, nuts). Because of the symptoms, quite often people turn to the dentist or neurologist.


  • headache and toothache;
  • pain in the field of gums, which is strengthened by talking, eating.

Sometimes pain can be given to the temporal region and neck.

Temporal tendonitis is well treated by conservative therapy and physiotherapy procedures. With timely and adequate treatment of complications does not cause.

Tendonitis of the biceps

Tendonitis of the biceps is an acute inflammation of the biceps muscle. Most often, the etiological factor is a chronic load on the tendon.

It is noteworthy that the pathological process can occur suddenly, and have a pronounced symptomatology, and may not apply at all for several years.

Inflammation of the biceps is manifested as pain in the shoulder region. During the uplift of the hand, the pain may increase. After physical activity, there may be a feeling of stiff joint stiffness, which indicates a severe damage to the biceps and adjacent tendons.

In most cases, pathology responds well to a conservative treatment with physiotherapy procedures.

Tendonitis of the biceps

Tendonitis of foot and wrist

Tendonitis of the foot, as well as tendonitis of the wrist, is rare. The clinical picture in this case is this:

  • swelling and redness in the area of ​​the damaged joint;
  • contracture of fingers;
  • painful sensations even with insignificant activity;
  • a crunch in the joints.

With the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a surgeon or rheumatologist. The development of the inflammatory process can lead to the development of more complex diseases.

Tendonitis of the hip joint

The main etiological factors for inflammation of the hip joint are the following:

  • systematic excessive stress on the hip joint;
  • infectious pathologies that affect the connective tissue;
  • injuries;
  • lack of calcium.

Symptomatology with hip joint lesion corresponds to the general clinical picture. In some cases, the temperature of the skin can be increased in the area of ​​inflammation.

Operative intervention with inflammation of the hip joint is extremely rare. The main treatment program consists of medical therapy and physiotherapy procedures. The lack of correct treatment can lead to the development of hip joint contracture.

Diagnostics methods

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are used. Also taken into account is his own and family history of the patient.

The laboratory research program includes the following:

Instrumental diagnostics includes such methods:

  • MRI;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound.

Based on the tests, the competent specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Treatment - ways

Fixing strap on the knee

In most cases, the treatment of tendonitis does not require surgical intervention. The standard program includes the following:

  • fixation of the limb;
  • use of anti-inflammatory drugs (including topical application);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Surgical intervention in the treatment of tendonitis is used only in extreme cases - when the inflammatory process has passed into the purulent stage. After the operation, the patient should undergo a course of rehabilitation, with exercise therapy.

Prognosis and prevention

With timely access to medical care and correct treatment, the disease does not cause any complications.

Prevention of this disease as such is not present. But you can significantly reduce the risk of inflammation.

To do this, in practice, apply a few simple rules:

  • training should only take place in special equipment;
  • shoes should be comfortable - not tight and non-slip;
  • Infectious and viral diseases should be treated timely and to the end.

A source: http://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/sustavy-kosti/1079-tendinit-simptomy