Can I go to the bath with a cough

When you cough and runny nose should go to the bath?



and add the eucalyptus oil
but if the cough moist sauna is preferable

Galiya Toluenco

Watching what a bath, if its own and wooden, there is a birch broom, then you can and even need to go.


Yes!!! finally can a hundred pupnyak! bath treats!!! and especially when drop dead that the body burns as much!!! then you will be cured much faster!!! I just do it like that.. bath is generally a thing))))))


yes, of course, the sauna is good for catarrhal diseases

Natalya Bassenko

helped me, I doge with tempera. went, then as a cucumber

Victoria Skulskaya

worth... tk hot steam warms up the bronchi and lungs, the airways... .
on rus and treated for a cold and other ailments ...

Victor Saltykov

Bath with cough and cold is an excellent remedy, but there are two limitations: do not go to the bath at a high body temperature, and do not go there if the road from the bath to the house is long and cold.

old hedgehog

at the onset of a cold, when only a runny nose, yes, will help, during the height of the illness, cause yourself only harm, especially at a temperature.

instagram viewer


In the acute period is not recommended, because there is a chance to intensify the disease, simply spread the disease can be deeper. At a temperature also the load is huge on the heart and blood vessels.
And, of course, the risk of getting people healthy around.
Better to undergo treatment for three days, and then more or less with normal state of health (when you can control the cough), it is very useful to visit the steam room and the bathhouse. Only without extreme! :) Without jumping from the heat in the cold and without pouring ice water))

Bath during illness



Bath helps to get rid of colds
A bath for a Russian person is more than a hygienic procedure. Bath is an opportunity to have a good time, relax and strengthen health. Often a Russian person goes to a bath to cure a cold. Visiting a bath during its current is a kind of folk remedy. Since ancient times, before the advent of medications for the treatment of colds, a bath and its healing steam were used. It is believed that a bath is no worse than an inhaler that helps cure a sore throat and cough. Indeed, this assumption is not unfounded, high temperatures, steam and a birch broom help to cope with the common cold.

These components of the baths help to steam out the body, causing the person to sweat fairly, and then everything goes out through the skin that is not good for the body. In addition, the heat can increase blood circulation, and this is useful for all organs without exception. Circulating blood allows you to get organs more oxygen and nutrients. However, when visiting her, you need to remember the following rule - not to visit her if the cold is accompanied by a high fever, since in this case a visit to the bath can cause a relapse. And in other cases, visiting the bath will help cope with the ailment. Organize her visit can be with the appearance of a cold or after there are residual effects from it. In addition to steam and high temperatures, you can cope with any common cold of a birch, spruce broom or a broom from a juniper.

The curative effect of the bath is also increased if a few drops of infusions from medicinal plants are added to the water that pours on the stove, and which makes a sauna bath. It is good to get rid of cold helps infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort. Often, recently, essential oils are added to the water, which also contribute to the improvement of the body. In this case, the effect of the bath on the degree of impact on the respiratory system is similar to the effect that the ultrasound inhaler gives.

Well, after the bath you can drink a hot tea with lemon and honey, which will also help to ensure that the cold and cold leave the body. Thus, the sauna really helps to cope with a cold, and if you get sick, then ask for help from a Russian bath. It will not only help to cope with the common cold, but also will overcome depression, which often provokes various diseases.

I ********

you can even

Tanya Kirsanova

In the villages of the bath, a cold is treated.

Pashka Vartovskiy

All time I am flied or treated in a bath. I caught a cold - and bath, flu - in the bathhouse. Birch whisk a couple of times to steam, it's better than any acetyls and arbidols helps.

Marfa Makeeva

it is not desirable to cause temperatures

Can I go to the bath and bathe with a cold?

Bath is an excellent place for rest and health promotion. But is it possible to go to the bath with a cold? It's no secret that warm steam, essential oils and "massage" with a birch broom contribute to the strengthening of immunity. And when a person goes to the bath, being sick, he should consult a doctor before that.

Positive effect of the bath with a cold

Since a long time people have treated such ailments as a cold and runny nose in Russian baths. It's no secret that the bath has undeniable advantages:

  • accelerates the metabolism;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body, which intensively go with sweat;
  • increases blood flow;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the excretion of accumulated mucus from the nose;
  • liquefies sputum in the upper and lower respiratory tract, improving expectoration if a runny nose is accompanied by a cough;
  • stimulates the production of interferon, a special substance that fights the virus.

Interferon is produced at elevated body temperature. That's why in ARVI, the body rises in temperature. And in the case of the sauna, protective proteins begin to be produced in the body under the external influence of high temperature. That is, in this case the body does not even need to make additional efforts.

In the male steam, the production of leukocytes is accelerated by 20%, which blocks any infection in the blood.

Sauna, in addition to treating the common cold, has medicinal properties for the skin, heart, vessels and even internal organs. This is due to the fact that under the influence of high temperatures the blood moves faster, saturating the organs with useful substances, why they begin to work productively.

The sauna promotes increased sweating, which leads to the removal of toxins and purification of the pores. Under the influence of high temperatures, fats are split, which leads to weight loss. Intensive sweating relieves kidney function.

If a person goes to a bath with a view to cure, then one should not take friends and relatives with him. With an intense release of mucus from the nose, the patient is more likely to infect other people. In the bath, moist air is an excellent medium for the reproduction of bacteria.

When you can not go to the bath?

Proceeding from the above, it can be concluded that the bath is a panacea. But is it? Can I go to the bath, being sick, and not to hurt my health? The answer to this question can be as follows: like every medicine, the bath also has its own contraindications.

The main reason for refusing to go to the bath is the increased body temperature.It should be recalled that the normal temperature is 3, º C.

You should not sweat in the first three days of a cold, when the body is at the peak of the fight against the virus. In this case, intense warming can produce the opposite effect: the acute respiratory viral infection will either intensify, or go into complications with other organs.

In acute rhinitis, hot air can provoke swelling of the nasal passages, as well as the multiplication of bacteria. The acute form of the cold is characterized by the presence of mucus yellow or green. With such a rhinitis, a trip to the bath is prohibited.

As for children with a runny nose, they are prohibited from going to the sauna until they are fully recovered. Children should be very cautious about this issue. Up to 3 years, children in the bath can not in any case. The child's organism is very susceptible to the appearance and spread of infections. Increased temperature can provoke complications in the presence of rhinitis.

So, the main contraindications to the hike in the bath:

  1. Heat.
  2. The initial stage of acute respiratory viral infection.
  3. Acute rhinitis with abundant discharge from the nose.
  4. Acute viral infections: herpes on the lips, chicken pox.
  5. Strong headache. Under the influence of temperature, the dilated vessels can provoke a stroke.
  6. Heart diseases.
  7. Other doctor's prescriptions.

The bath will bring maximum benefit to people recovering from a cold, who do not have other chronic diseases.

If a person has recently recovered or is prone to developing chronic diseases, then he must always consult a doctor before going to the steam room. Even with imaginary recovery, the bath can "awaken" chronic diseases.

How correctly to be soared?

So, if the crisis has passed and the person does not threaten the disease with its consequences, you can afford such a pleasant pleasure as going to the sauna.

Before starting the procedures, the bath should be well heated, and the stones - heated up to the required temperature. They splash water to form hot wet steam.

There are certain rules for conducting procedures in the sauna:

  1. Stay in the steam room should not more than 15 minutes, taking breaks. The recommended total number of visits to the therma is 3. The impact on the body begins when sweat comes out. To enhance this process, it is very good to walk around the body with a broom. This "massage" will increase blood flow and use all the receptors for the speedy recovery and rejuvenation of the body.
  2. After the steam room, it's good to jump into the cool pool. Contrasting procedures activate all body systems and give incredible pleasure and emotions.
  3. Supercooling should be avoided. After the pool, you need to rub your body well, and then wrap yourself in a towel. Incorrect execution of procedures can also provoke undesirable consequences.
  4. In the steam room you should wear a special felt cap, which will protect you from overheating and expansion of the vessels of the head, and also protects your hair from overdrying.
  5. To improve health after a common cold, bath procedures should be combined with herbal infusions and teas. Steam room, filled with aromatic essential oils, works wonders.

Special essential oils are added to the stove-heater. When you inhale, the nasal mucosa will get healing substances that will speed recovery.

Herbal infusions from the common cold for the steam room

Colds and rhinitis will pass much faster if the thermal procedures in the bath combine with the reception of special herbal decoctions.

Such infusions can be prepared on their own or bought in a pharmacy. Basically for bath inhalations use such herbs as:

  • sage;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • thyme;
  • fir;
  • menthol.

To prepare a healing mixture, add 15-20 drops of oil in 1 liter of water.

To get rid of a cold you can make this infusion:

  1. Take a teaspoon of dry mustard and pour it with a glass of boiled water.
  2. Spray this liquid on the hot stones of the oven.
  3. Inhale the healing steam.

You can use rye bread or wheat bread, which is put on hot stones. This will also give a pleasant smell.

Infusion of Ledum also effectively cures rhinitis. To do this, take 100 g of chopped dry grass and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil or sunflower oil. The mixture should be insisted for a month in a dark place, constantly shaking. For rapid preparation of the drug, this mixture is heated in an oven.

Then the infusion should be filtered and diluted in 3 liters of water. The prepared liquid is gradually poured onto the stones during bath inhalations.

The same infusion can be dripped into the nose 2-3 drops in each nostril.

If the runny nose is accompanied by a cough, then there is an excellent recipe that relieves the upper and lower respiratory tract. We are talking about the infusion of elecampane, althea and licorice.


To do this, take a teaspoon of chopped dry roots of each of these herbs and pour the mixture with steep boiling water. Water is taken in the amount of 400 ml. The infusion should last at least 24 hours. Then it should be filtered and diluted with 2 liters of water.

The mixture is heated with hot stones. To the therapeutic effect of herbs was not only outside, but also from the inside, you should take this healing infusion inside.

Healing teas have a greater effect in the bath. To get rid of the common cold, you can prepare such a decoction:

  1. Take 5 grams of dried leaves of mother-and-stepmother, raspberries, tagolga, lime-colored.
  2. Dry mixture is poured with boiling water in the proportion: 0. This means that 40 g of water is taken per gram of the mixture.
  3. Infusion stand in a dark place 1 tea.
  4. Herbal tea is cooled, filtered and drunk.

Bath - an excellent tool in the fight against cold and colds. If there are no contraindications and temperature, go to the bath.

Whether to lead a child to the bath when he has a cough or snot?


minzilja aminova

Yes, it will definitely help. Another twigs broom legs, back. chest. Only after a bath you do not have to walk even at room temperature. It is better to drink tea with herbs, honey, raspberry jam and in dry clothes immediately to sleep. Get well!


Yes. Pts helps with colds. Only at temperature it is impossible


vesti to mojno vot tolko posle bani ne prostydite rebenka a to eshe hyje byder

Galina Ermolina

How old is the child? if there is no temperature, then it is possible, even it is necessary and even on stones it is necessary to sprinkle mints and eucalyptus

*Elena *

The most important thing is that there is no temperature. Teach the child to breathe properly, and the bath will drive out the sickness.


Yes, of course, if there is a possibility not to chill on the way back. Whisk, honey mash, as they were going. And about the decoction of the advice is good, you can add to the list - chamomile, Ledum, Calendula. Do not overdo it with a therma. Be healthy.


If the temperature - it really can not. In all other cases, the main point - after the bath would not chill. T. e. in the public bath at the other end of the city, where you are coming from in public transport - disappears unequivocally

Tatyana Vorobyeva

The bath can and should be for everyone who can crawl there, the main thing is that there is no temperature.

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