Temporomandibular joint dysfunction: symptoms, treatment


  • 1Dysfunction of the TMJ
    • 1.1Causes of TMJ dysfunction
    • 1.2Diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction
    • 1.3Prognosis and prevention of TMJ dysfunction
  • 2Temporomandibular joint dysfunction: symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1Features of the joint
    • 2.2What is TMJ dysfunction
    • 2.3The main causes of pathology
    • 2.4Noise and clicks
    • 2.5Headache
    • 2.6Locking, joint grip: blocking
    • 2.7Ear symptoms
    • 2.8Problems with teeth
    • 2.9Other signs
    • 2.10Initial stage of diagnostics
    • 2.11Dental examination
    • 2.12Who to contact
    • 2.13Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint: how to treat
    • 2.14How to provide first aid
    • 2.15How to relax the joint
    • 2.16Painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint: ICD-10
  • 3Temporomandibular joint: we treat dysfunction
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Who is exposed?
    • 3.3Prevention
    • 3.4Treatment
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6Tires for teeth
    • 3.7Jaw gymnastics
    • 3.8Operations
    • 3.9"Chest joint dysfunction"
  • 4Temporomandibular joint hurts: treatment of TMJ dysfunction
    • 4.1Symptoms
    • 4.2Clinical picture of TMJ dysfunction
    • 4.3First aid for violation of TMJ function
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment
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Dysfunction of the TMJ

Dysfunction of the TMJ- functional pathology of the temporomandibular joint caused by muscular, occlusal and spatial disorders.

Dysfunction of the TMJ is accompanied by pain syndrome (pain in the head, temples, neck), clicks in the joint, limitation of the amplitude of opening the mouth, noise and ringing in the ears, dysphagia, bruxism, snoring, etc.

The method of examination of patients with dysfunction of the TMJ includes the study of complaints, analysis of gypsum models jaws, orthopantomography, X-ray and tomography of the TMJ, electromyography, rheoarthrography, phonartrography, etc.

Treatment of dysfunction of the TMJ is carried out taking into account the causes and may consist of grinding the supercontacts of the teeth, correct prosthetics, correction of bite, wearing a kapa or articular bus, conducting a surgical treatment.

Dysfunction of the TMJ is a violation of the coordinated activity of the temporomandibular joint due to changes in occlusion, the location of the TMJ and muscle function. According to statistics, from 25 to 75% of dental patients have signs of dysfunction of the TMJ.

In the structure of the pathology of the jaw pathology, the TMJ dysfunction has a leading place - more than 80%. For the first time, the connection between the violation of the temporomandibular joint function and ear pains was noticed by the American otolaryngologist James Costen in the 30th.

the last century, why dysfunction of the TMJ is often called Kosten's syndrome.

Also in the medical literature dysfunction of the TMJ occurs under the names of musculo-articular dysfunction, pain dysfunction, myoarthropathy of the TMJ, dysfunction of the lower jaw, "snapping" jaw, etc.

Dysfunction of the TMJ is a multidisciplinary pathology, therefore its solution often requires joint efforts of specialists in the field of dentistry, neurology, psychology.

Causes of TMJ dysfunction

The main theories of the emergence of dysfunction of the TMJ are occlusal-articulatory, myogenic and psychogenic.

According to the occlusal-articulatory theory, the causes of dysfunction of the TMJ lie in the dental-jaw disorders, which can be caused by defects in the dentition, pathological tooth erosibility, jaw injuries, malocclusion, incorrect prosthetics, various anomalies of teeth and jaws, accompanied by a decrease in the height of the alveolar of the appendage.

In accordance with the myogenic theory, the development of dysfunction of the TMJ is promoted by violations from the jaw muscles: tonic spasm, mechanical overload of masticatory muscles, etc.


, caused by unilateral type of chewing, bruxism, bruxomania, professions, associated with a large speech load, which ultimately leads to chronic microtrauma of TMJ elements.


Psychogenic theory considers the etiopathogenesis of the TMJ dysfunction, based on the fact that the factors that initiate dysfunction of the TMJ are changes from the side of the CNS (neuropsychic and physical stress), causing violations of musculature function and violation of kinematics of the joint.

According to most researchers, the basis of dysfunction of the TMJ is a triad of factors: violation of occlusion, spatial relationships of the TMJ elements, changes in the tone of the masticatory muscles.

Factors predisposing to the emergence of dysfunction of the TMJ are the anatomical prerequisites for the structure of the joint, mainly the discrepancy between the shape and size of the joint head and the joint fossa.

The classical symptom complex of dysfunction of the TMJ,

Kosten, characterized by blunt pain in the temporomandibular joint; a snap in the joint during a meal; dizziness and headache; pain in the cervical spine, occiput and ears; noise in the ears and hearing loss; burning in the nose and the throat. At present, the following groups of symptoms are considered diagnostic criteria for TMJ dysfunction:

1. Sound phenomena in the temporomandibular joint.The most common complaint of patients with dysfunction of the TMJ are clicks in the joint, arising when the mouth is opened, chewing, yawning.

Sometimes the clicking can be so loud that other people can hear it. However, pain in the joint is not always present.

Among other noise phenomena, there may be a crunch, crepitation, popping sounds, etc.

2. Blocking ("locking "jamming") of the temporomandibular joint.Characterized by uneven movement in the joint when opening the mouth.

That is, in order to open the mouth widely, the patient must first detect the optimal position of the lower jaw, move it from side to side, finding the point where the joint "unlocks".

3. Pain syndrome.With dysfunction of the TMJ, soreness in the trigger points is determined: chewing, temporal, sublingual, cervical, pterygoid, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius muscles.

Typical are prosopalgia (facial pain), headaches, pain in the ears, toothache, pressure and pain in the eyes.


Pain syndrome with dysfunction of the TMJ can mimic neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, cervical osteochondrosis, TMJ arthritis, otitis and other diseases.


4. Other symptoms.With dysfunction of the TMJ, there may be dizziness, sleep disturbance, depression, bruxism, dysphagia, noise or ringing in the ears, xerostomia, glossalgia, paresthesia, photophobia, snoring, sleep apnea, etc.

Diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction

The variety of clinical manifestations of TMJ dysfunction leads to difficulties in diagnosis, so patients can be examined for a long time from a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, a therapist, a rheumatologist and other specialists. Meanwhile, patients with dysfunction of the TMJ need a joint collaboration between a dentist and a neurologist.

During the initial examination of the patient, complaints, anamnesis of life and disease are clarified, palpation and auscultation of the joint area is performed, the degree of opening of the mouth and mobility of the lower jaw is estimated. In all cases, the impression is made for the subsequent manufacture of diagnostic models of the jaws, occludograms are performed.

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To assess the condition of the temporomandibular joint, orthopantomography, ultrasound, X-ray of the TMJ, computed tomography of the TMJ are performed. For the purpose of revealing lesions of the periarticular soft tissues, a MRI of the TMJ is shown.

Determination of arterial hemodynamics is performed by dopplerography or rheoarthrography.

Of the functional studies with dysfunction of the TMJ, the most important are electromyography, phonoartrography, gnathodynamometry.

Dysfunction of the TMJ should be distinguished from subluxations and dislocations of the lower jaw, arthritis and arthrosis of the TMJ, fracture of the articular process, synovitis, hemarthrosis, etc.

For the period of the main treatment, patients with dysfunction of the TMJ need to reduce the load on the temporomandibular joint (eating a soft consistency, limiting the speech load).

Depending on the causes and accompanying disorders, different dysfunctions of the TMJ may be involved in the treatment specialists: dentists (therapists, orthopedists, orthodontists), manual therapists, vertebrologists, osteopaths, neurologists, psychologists.

To eliminate the pain syndrome accompanying dysfunction of the TMJ, pharmacotherapy (NSAIDs, antidepressants, sedatives, botulinum therapy, blockade, intra-articular injections of glucocorticosteroids), dosed myogygmy, massage, physiotherapy (laser therapy, inductothermy, electrophoresis, ultrasound, etc.). Important elements of complex therapy may include psychotherapy and BOS-therapy, which allow achieving functional relaxation of the masticatory muscles.


Dental treatment of the TMJ dysfunction according to the indications may include measures aimed at recreating the correct Closing of teeth (selective polishing of teeth, elimination of overestimating fillings, competent prosthetics or re-prosthesis and so forth). To correct an incorrect occlusion, treatment with braces is performed. In some cases, orthopedic and orthodontic treatment of TMJ dysfunction with non-removable devices is preceded by wearing orthopedic tires or cap.


In the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, TMJ dysfunction may require surgical intervention: myotomy of the lateral pterygoid muscle, condylotomy of the mandible, arthroplasty and other

Prognosis and prevention of TMJ dysfunction

Treatment of dysfunction of the TMJ is mandatory.

Neglect of this problem can be fraught with the development of dystrophic changes (arthrosis) and immobilization of the temporomandibular joint (ankylosis).

Complex treatment of dysfunction of the TMJ taking into account the etiological factors guarantees a positive result.

Prevention of dysfunction of the TMJ requires a reduction in stress levels and excessive stress on the joint, timely and high-quality prosthetics of teeth, correction of bite, correction of posture disorders, treatment of bruxism.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/zabolevanija_stomatology/TMJ-dysfunction

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction: symptoms and treatment

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint in medicine has several names: arthrosis of the VLF joint, arthritis, subluxation of the mandible of the chronic character, myofascial syndrome and so on. The first who examined this pathology was the American otolaryngologist Kosten.

It was he who revealed the connection between ear pains and impaired functions of the temporomandibular joint. As a result, the disease acquired another name: Kosten's syndrome.

It is worth noting that this pathology is considered the most painful and complicated, as it is difficult not only to diagnose it, but also to treat it.

Features of the joint

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located in front of the ear. He plays an important role. The joint consists of the bones of the lower jaw and the temporal bone.

At the same time, his muscles perform many functions: speech, swallowing, chewing and so on. In addition, they connect the skull with the lower jaw. Muscles and joints allow a person to open and close their mouths.

Also the device is responsible for the movement of the lower jaw to the right, left, forward, down and up.

What is TMJ dysfunction

The dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, whose treatment has its own peculiarities, manifests itself in the case of symmetry breaking. The device works correctly until both the right and left move the same.

If there is a failure in the operation of one joint, then symmetry breaking occurs, which leads to violations of the functions of the second joint.

Pathology begins to develop in those cases when the lower jaw is displaced when closing and opening the mouth, and then when moving in other directions.

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The main causes of pathology

The dysfunction syndrome of the temporomandibular joint is found in patients of different age groups. As statistics show, about 70% of the population suffers from such violations. The reasons for the development of pathology abound. Among them are:

  • stress;
  • malocclusion;
  • sudden overstrain of muscles during grinding of coarse and solid foods;
  • increased abrasion of dental tissues;
  • physical exercises and training, in which the tension of a certain group of muscles occurs;
  • errors dentists, surgeons, therapists, orthodontists, orthopedists: filling, denture;
  • injuries of the joints of the lower jaw.

When filling or prosthetics of teeth, a specialist can establish an overestimated crown or a seal. As a result, symmetry breaking occurs.

And this, as is known, leads to the development of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints.

In addition, with such an incorrect treatment, the load is only on one side of the teeth when chewing food, which leads not only to the dislocation of the discs, but also to painful sensations.

Noise and clicks

How is dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint manifested? Symptoms of this pathology are very diverse.

The most common sign of a similar pathology is the clicks that are heard in the area of ​​the joints of the lower jaw. Such sounds can be loud enough.

They can be heard by people who are with the patient nearby, when he just opens his mouth, yawns or chews food. In this case, pain may not occur.

As a rule, when the disks are shifted, muscle overstrain occurs when the patient hears a click. This happens usually when chewing food. At such moments, the patient can feel pain due to stress in the neck, head, face.


The syndrome of painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is often manifested by pain in different areas of the head. This is another common sign of pathology.

Usually, the headache in the development of dysfunction of the TMJ is localized in the occiput and temples. But often unpleasant sensations the patient can feel and in the area of ​​scapula.

The cause of the headache in this case may be a muscle pain that occurs when you grind your teeth and clench your jaw. Also, unpleasant sensations can disturb the patient due to the dislocation of the discs of the joint itself.

In this case, the pain senses radiates to the neck, forehead or whiskey. It is worth noting that such unpleasant phenomena can be quite strong.

In some cases, the doctor mistakenly diagnoses the pathology of the brain or migraine.

Locking, joint grip: blocking

Painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint often causes uneven movement of the lower jaw, caused by certain disorders. Blockage can be seen when the mouth is opened. There is a feeling that the patient is trying to "catch" something with the lower jaw.

In some cases, people with a blocked joint to open their mouths wider should move the device to the left and right. But there are other situations. Sometimes the patient is forced to open his mouth until a peculiar click is heard in the area of ​​the joint with impaired functions.

Ear symptoms

Since the TMJ is located very close to the auricles, certain ear symptoms may appear. Some of them are quite unpleasant. The signs of dysfunction in this case are:

  • painful sensations;
  • feeling of ear stiffness;
  • muffled in the ears, causing loss of hearing.

It is because of these signs that many patients who have dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint seek help from the district therapist or ENT doctor.

Problems with teeth

Violation of the joints of the lower jaw can lead to a change in the occlusion or dental occlusion. This happens often because of the disks' disks. The bones and their joints do not correspond to the norm, which leads to a change in the occlusion.

In addition to this problem, the patient can become very sensitive teeth. Most often this is due to the grinding of teeth and clenching jaws.


Often people with this pathology turn to dentists with complaints of pain in the teeth. Not always specialists can determine the main cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations.


Because of this, the patient can remove the tooth or carry out his depilation. And this does not save us from dysfunction of the TMJ.

Other signs

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint in certain situations is accompanied by inflammatory processes that occur as a result of synovitis or arthritis in the joint itself. In this case, a person can complain about the swelling of the tissues, pain. Often this leads to general malaise, weakness and a rise in temperature.

In addition to the above symptoms, the patient may be disturbed by:

  • pain in the back and shoulder area caused by muscle spasm;
  • impaired appetite and sleep;
  • dizziness;
  • Depression, which often develops because of feelings and misunderstanding of the problem that caused unpleasant sensations;
  • with pain sensations, which are chronic, there may be changes in the chemical structure of the brain.

Initial stage of diagnostics

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint has many symptoms. However, the diagnosis of such pathology is a multistage, long-term, complex and complex process.

It is not always possible to put a correct diagnosis, only based on the patient's complaints.

First of all, functional diagnostics are performed, which allows to determine the causes of pathology development.

At the same time a set of procedures is carried out:

  • collection of medical data;
  • identification of all complaints;
  • muscle and neck tissue research;
  • X-ray diagnostics: magnetic resonance and cone-ray tomography;
  • neurological examination, lateral teleradiography;
  • cephalometric analysis;
  • identification of parafunctions;
  • occlusion.

Dental examination

In some polyclinics, a small functional dental analysis is often performed to determine the diagnosis. This is also considered a primary diagnosis.

In this case, the patient removes the impression, and then the model is manufactured. Also for the diagnosis, special drops are used, which can reveal bruxism.

The dentist should evaluate the bite during the examination, as well as the quality of the interdental contacts and so on.

The most complex is considered a large functional analysis, not only in the implementation, but also in the interpretation of the data. In this case, the specialist must have special skills and knowledge. To carry out such a diagnosis, additional equipment is required.

All the above tests are necessary to diagnose and identify the causes of dysfunction of the TMJ.

The correctness of the studies carried out depends on the experience of specialists and equipment. After the diagnosis is made, the patient is given adequate therapy.

It, in turn, can be surgical, reconstructive or conservative.

Who to contact

This pathology is difficult to diagnose. Even experienced dentists rarely make such a diagnosis as painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Treatment in many cases is assigned incorrectly and does not give results.

In most cases, patients do not receive qualified assistance from dentists and start visiting others specialists: psychotherapist, neurologist, therapist, otolaryngologist, chiropractor, osteopath and so Further.

In fact, dentists should be engaged in the treatment of dysfunction.

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint: how to treat

To get a positive result, complex therapy should be carried out.

It includes orthopedic treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, which is aimed at correcting the occlusion.

In certain situations, surgical intervention, acupuncture, physiotherapeutic procedures, dental prosthetics or the removal and installation of a new seal are performed.

In addition to the above, a doctor can prescribe wearing a trainer at night. This is a kind of articular bus, which allows you to remove pain myofascial syndrome. It is also used for diagnosis, to prevent abrasion of dental tissues in bruxism.

Can dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint cause complications? Treatment of such a pathology must be carried out necessarily. In some cases, dysfunction leads to dislocation of the discs.

As a result, the surfaces of the joints can be reshaped - arthrosis. In the cavity begins to expand connective tissue, which itself is rough. As a result, the joint stops moving.

This pathology is called ankylosis.

How to provide first aid

If the patient is fully confident that he has dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, then if necessary, you can help the patient, reducing pain, and also improving the chewing function.

This requires warmth, but only a damp one. In this case, a compress can be applied to the sore spot: a bottle previously filled with hot water.

To avoid burns, it is recommended to wrap the container slightly moist, but not with a wet towel.


To reduce the intensity of pain, and to reduce inflammation, it is recommended to use ice. In this case, you can use a package or a bottle.


However, you should not apply such a compress directly to the skin. Pack or bottle it is necessary to wrap a towel. Do not use it longer than 15 minutes.

In this case, the break between the procedures should be at least 60 minutes. Relieve pain for a while with analgesics.

How to relax the joint

To the joint is often not strained, you should adhere to several rules. The food should be wiped or soft, and also mixed.

It is worth giving up chewing, rough, hard and hard foods. Nibble is in small pieces.

With such a violation, it is not recommended to open your mouth wide.

Full body relaxation also helps reduce pain. To do this, any relaxation technique is suitable.

Painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint: ICD-10

According to the international classification of diseases, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is indicated by code K07.6. In this case, violations can manifest themselves in different ways. This includes: a complex of either Kosten's syndrome, dilatation of the TMJ, "clicking jaw the syndrome of the partial dysfunction of the TMJ.

Exceptions are stretching and dislocation of the jaw.

A source: http://.ru/article/298240/disfunktsiya-visochno-nijnechelyustnogo-sustava-simptomyi-i-lechenie

Temporomandibular joint: we treat dysfunction

page »Diseases» Temporomandibular joint: we treat dysfunction

The dysfunction of the temporally mandibular cartilage can have a large and varied number of manifestations.Discomfort affects not only the joint itself.

It passes into the ear, occipital, facial area. Teeth begin to suffer. Nerves in the cartilage layers themselves, no, so they do not hurt by themselves.

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However, painful sensations extend far beyond this joint.

The syndrome of jaw dysfunction with the following symptoms:

  1. The joints of the jaw click, while not always painful. Sound is heard not only in the head of the patient, it is sometimes heard by other people. With such clicks, there is already an internal displacement of the joint. So, there are also spasmodic contractions of the musculature. They are transmitted to the facial and cervical spine.
  2. Blocked mandibular joint. The jaw moves unevenly because of the changes that happened inside. The patient understands that the jaw is uneven. In order to fully extend the jaw, you need to develop a little lower, moving it in different directions. Often the joint begins to function normally only at the moment when an unpleasant snapping is heard.
  3. The joint is close to the organs of hearing. And if with the cartilaginous surfaces of the problem, the ear begins to ache. He pawns, there are problems with hearing, ringing, noises in the ears.
  4. Headache. Heavy pressure on the whiskey, the occipital region. Sometimes there is a feeling that a pressure load was placed on the shoulder girdle. Doctors can confuse these symptoms with migraine or with high blood pressure.
  5. A man begins to grind his teeth. This is the phenomenon of so-called bruxism. As a result, the muscles and head begin to ache even more. Harms bruxism, among other things, and teeth.
  6. The sensitivity of the enamel is shown, sometimes because of this the teeth are even removed, without finding the real cause.
  7. Because of all these symptoms, insomnia comes. But in the daytime the person does not start to feel good. Sometimes there are mental problems: depressive states, anxiety.


Another reason is arthritis, that is, the inflammation of the joint. It can occur against the background of weak immunity.

Infectious pathogen enters the body and affects the jaw joint.

Cartilage tissues are destroyed due to the inflammatory process, their normal working capacity decreases.

Also dysfunction of the jaw joint can develop as a result of mechanical damage. Especially if the first medical aid and subsequent treatment were not properly done, it is not fast enough.

Negative symptoms in this area can cause:

  • neuralgic disorders of facial nerves;
  • inflammatory processes and hematomas, for example, after surgical operations;
  • appearance and subsequent growth of wisdom teeth;
  • inflammatory process of the salivary glands;
  • muscle and intervertebral disc disease of the neck;
  • malocclusion.

Who is exposed?

The following population groups suffer from dysfunction of the maxillofacial connection:

  1. Children. Concentrate several risk factors. They often fall, their teeth grow. Modern children experience a strong psychological strain. Because of the pressure on the studies, sections, expectations of parents, the child may begin to suffer from bruxism.
  2. Boxers and athletes in other areas of martial arts. In the ring the athlete receives a lot of blows every day, including face and jaw. Over time, these disruptions can lead to negative consequences, the articular surfaces will be violated.
  3. Experiencing constant stress. This includes businessmen, people of strenuous intellectual work, students in the session. Continuous tension leads to the fact that a man grasps and rubs his teeth against each other.
  4. Working in poor conditions, at low temperatures. Cold can adversely affect the joints, weakening the immune system. As a result, an infection enters the cartilaginous tissues, arthritis begins. Its consequence is unpleasant clicks of the jaw joint.


Preventive measures include:

  • treatment of malocclusion;
  • timely and well-made dentures;
  • timely performed, adequate care for facial trauma;
  • treatment of depression, negative psychological conditions;
  • timely exclusion of stressors and situations.

A separate place in the prevention of the mandibular syndrome is the treatment of bruxism:

  • hot bath before night rest;
  • periodic use of compresses from a tissue soaked in warm water to the lower jaw;
  • minimum of stressful and negative from the emotional point of view of states;
  • strong-willed control over your jaws while you are awake and asleep, do not close them;
  • Before going to bed, calm down, read something, listen to light melodies;
  • The last meal of this day should consist of strong fruits, for example, apples, which will make the jaws tired;
  • Exclusion of tea, coffee and hot food in the afternoon.


We offer the following treatment methods for dysfunction of the jaws:

  1. Eliminate muscular spasm by applying warm moist compresses.
  2. Visit the dentist to begin treatment of the bite. Two years with braces will have to hold, but the effects will affect well not only on the exterior, but also on health.
  3. Visit a psychologist to understand the causes of his psychological stress. A competent psychologist will be able to teach you methods for relaxation.

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To remove unpleasant symptoms, the following medicines will be needed:

  1. Painkillers. Suitable for migraines, pain in the face.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Used to relieve the inflammatory processes inside the jaw joints. Also help to stop pain and partly spasms. But these drugs negatively affect the digestive system, and you need to choose the minimum dosage for yourself.
  3. Muscle relaxants. These drugs are effective for the removal of muscle spasms (for example, Sirdalud). However, they can be used only if there is no exacerbation of the inflammatory process. You only need to drink muscle relaxants in courses, otherwise there will be no positive effect. With dosage also need to be careful, one of the likely side effects is confusion and disorientation.
  4. Vascular preparations. Help if, as a result of a combination of cervical osteochondrosis and joint dysfunction, cerebral circulation has worsened.


The patient needs the following diagnostic procedures:

  • collecting anamnesis, studying what the patient is complaining about;
  • the study of the function of the cephalic and cervical muscles;
  • examination with a neurologist;
  • X-ray of the lower part of the skull;
  • cephalometry;
  • occlusion.

A whole block of diagnostics is occupied by dental examinations:

  • removal of dental impressions;
  • creating a model for diagnosis;
  • specific kappas for checking for bruxism;
  • evaluation of bite functionality;
  • the state of contact between the teeth.

All these levels of research are needed to correctly approve the diagnosis. It is necessary for adequate treatment of dysfunction of the temporomandibular junction.

Tires for teeth

The tire, worn on the teeth, effectively relaxes the jaw joint. She does not allow him to make unnecessary movements, is the best prevention of night bouts of bruxism.

A soft tire is usually made from silicone materials individually under the form of the patient's bite. The musculature relaxes, muscle spasms disappear.

Initially, there may be a slight discomfort, but a maximum of a week get used to all patients.


Such orthopedic products are comfortably worn and require minimal maintenance.


Sometimes soft tires are supplemented by a rigid frame for fixation. Effective, but less comfortable to wear.

Jaw gymnastics

The best treatment for joints is therapeutic gymnastics:

  1. Place your thumb at the bottom of your chin. Open your mouth, overcoming the pressure of your finger.
  2. Place your thumbs at the bottom of the jaw, point to the chin. Closing the jaw, press all fingers.
  3. Put your tongue in the sky. Smoothly move the jaw up and down.
  4. Squeeze the pencil cutters. Move the jaw bone to the left and to the right.
  5. Do not remove the pencil from the mouth, move the jaw forward relative to the upper incisors. Return to the normal position and then back again.


In advanced cases of jaw damage, the following operations may be required:

  1. Minimally invasive surgery. The surgeon anesthetizes the patient and cleans the jaw joint. Small scars disappear, the inflammatory process is stopped. The joint is cleared of microscopic pieces of the destroyed cartilaginous tissue. It is better to develop articular fluid, which provides elasticity of cartilage.
  2. Arthroscopy. If the joint is blocked, you need to remove the joint cartilage adhesions with a small scalpel. To do this, use tiny, almost inconspicuous cuts.
  3. Open surgical intervention. Applies only if no other methods work. The incisions are quite large, they replace the deformed tissues. For this purpose, the patient's healthy cartilage tissues are usually used.

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A source: https://prospinu.com/bolezni/disfunkcija-visochno-nizhnecheljustnogo-sustava.html

Temporomandibular joint hurts: treatment of TMJ dysfunction

Diseases of the temporomandibular joint have a lot of different names among the people.

But in medical circles, pathology also has a considerable number of names: arthritis of the jaw joint, syndrome myo-formal type, temporomandibular tendon arthrosis, TMJ, subluxation of the lower jaw, chronic trauma and other.

The most common name of the disease was, after his discovery, the famous otolaryngologist from the US Kosten. So there was the name of Kosten's disease.

It was this doctor in the 21st century who studied the predisposition to the occurrence of this disease in a group of patients. He also discovered his relationship with pain in the ears.

Already in those days, Kosten noticed that this pathology is very difficult, so its treatment is quite complicated. Unfortunately, little has changed since that time.

Even if you treat the syndrome of the myofocial type correctly, do not forget about prevention and its other specifics, then all the same on the way to recovery, many difficulties can arise.

But this does not mean that you can ignore the presence of arthrosis temporomandibular sinew.


Determine the causes of the disease is not so simple. In fact at it or her it is a little characteristic displays which testify to presence of disease Kostena. All the symptoms may indicate the involvement of another pathology, which is similar to the TMJ.

But still there are obvious signs of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. These include a disorder in the throat and pain syndrome affecting the teeth, jaw and face.

It should be noted that the joints do not have nerve endings. It is for these reasons, if a person does not feel pain, this does not mean that he is healthy.


Diagnosis of disorders is also possible by feeling uncomfortable when teeth are clapped, pressure is applied to the neck and tension of other parts of the body on which there are nerve endings.


One of the main manifestations of the myophysial type syndrome is the noise in the ears that occurs during the opening of the mouth. And with the separation of the jaws there is an unpleasant crunch, which can be heard even by others.

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If the patient tries to move the jaw to the left and right, then most likely he will hear the characteristic clicks that many do not even notice. The causes of such sounds lie in the displacement of the disk and overexertion of the muscular system.

Such symptoms can occur during eating, and sometimes even during a conversation. These unpleasant phenomena are accompanied by painful sensations in the area of ​​teeth and face.

Locking the facial jaw joint is a kind of protest of the body for dysfunction occurring in the jaw.

Factors that provoke the appearance of such a violation, cause incorrect movement of the joints.

In this case, the tendons touch each other during movement, which causes a characteristic click.

To eliminate the wrong opening of the jaw, the patient needs to move it in different directions, trying to get rid of the feeling of stiffness. These movements should be performed until the moment when a sound appears, meaning that for a certain time the joint has freed itself from gravity.

Due to the fact that the disease is localized near the auricles, the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is manifested by acute pain in the ear.

It is likely that in the process of therapy a person will temporarily lose the hearing.

To promote such a phenomenon can be a treatment in which aspirin is taken to cope with headaches caused by Kosten's disease.

Migraine is one of the primary signs of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. As a rule, the pain is localized in the temporal and occipital part of the head, and sometimes unpleasant sensations arise in the shoulder blades.


Another symptom of the pathology is gnashing of teeth and clenching of the jaw. These phenomena contribute to the development of muscle spasms of various kinds.


Due to the fact that the displaced disc of the temporomandibular joint is often masked under a strong pain syndrome in the head, at times it is very difficult to notice other symptoms indicative of the syndrome Kosten. Therefore, the doctor often confuses the disease with migraine.

Probably, that the reason of a morbid condition the doctor will name a pathology of a brain. But in fact an erroneous diagnosis can lead to unpleasant consequences, because the treatment in this case will be incorrect, and therefore - ineffective.

Such phenomenon as bruxism (characteristic for the disease gnashing teeth) often contributes to the fact that the teeth become painful and sensitive. As a result, they begin to collapse.

Unfortunately, the dentist can not independently determine the cause of the excessive sensitivity of nerve endings, so he will have nothing left to do to depulp them.

Much less common with dysfunction of the TMJ, symptoms such as:

  1. twitching and pain in the eye muscles;
  2. discomfort in the back, arising from overstrain of the muscular system;
  3. a significant decrease in vision;
  4. dizziness;
  5. sometimes a person reacts painfully to bright light (photophobia);
  6. disorientation;
  7. permanent depressive conditions, resulting in insomnia;
  8. confusion and absent-mindedness;
  9. lump in the throat.

Clinical picture of TMJ dysfunction

the reason for which there is a syndrome of the myofocial type is problems with the joints located near the ear.

The parts from which it consists are the lower jaw and the temporal bone.

In this case, the lower jaw is attached to the skull with the help of muscles responsible for the movement of the mouth during conversation and chewing food.

It is this apparatus that is responsible for the ability of the jaw to move in opposite directions. It allows you to close and open your mouth and push your jaw forward.

When the device is working normally, then the movement of the jaw to the left and right will be uniform.

However, if there is any damage from either side, for example, a violation in the movement of the left side of the jaw.


If a person feels a displacement of the latter, then almost certainly one can say that he suffers from dysfunction of the temporomandibular sinew.


This disease occurs quite often in people of different ages. During the research it was found out that the pathology of the TMJ develops in 70% of people. But each person Kosten's disease can manifest itself in different ways.

This pathology has a number of main factors of development. The most common cause is an incorrect bite, which can occur due to the illiterate intervention of an unqualified dentist.

Another reason that provokes dysfunction of the TMJ is the excessive tension of the chewing muscles. Therefore, you need to carefully chew solid food.

Even overexertion of the muscular system is promoted by excessive sports loads. Therefore, physical work and training should also be treated with caution.

Probable factors of arthritis of the jaw joint can be quite a lot, but, unfortunately, the main reasons for the appearance of the disease are dentists' mistakes. After all, even treatment of caries can result in a fatal error from the surgeon, orthodontist, therapist and dentist-orthopedist.

For example, an inexperienced dentist may incorrectly install a seal on the tooth.

Many of them make a common mistake - they put the seal too high, which can disrupt the symmetry of the jaw.

After intervention of this kind, the load will become uneven, that is, it will be distributed only to one of the parties.


Naturally, this does not mean that all causes of pathology lie in the unprofessionalism of dentists. Since with complaints about dysfunction of the TMJ to the dentists are treated infrequently.


Therefore, if the treatment at the dentist has led to the fact that after the patient it is inconvenient to close the jaw and he has such a symptom as a lump in the throat, then this should be reported immediately to the doctor.

First aid for violation of TMJ function

If a person is sure that a lump in the throat, clicks when chewing and other adverse symptoms are caused by dysfunction, then he can offer some methods of first aid. For example, a hot or warm substance should be applied to the affected area.

Warm and moist compress will restore the chewing function, eliminate the lump in the throat and help relieve the pain. Such a compress can be a plastic bottle with hot water. However, to avoid the occurrence of burns, the bottle should be wrapped with a cloth.

There is also an opposite treatment for arthritis of the jaw joint - it's ice wrapped in tissue, that is, any cold compress should be applied to the affected area. However, care must be taken to avoid frostbite of the skin.

Treatment of Kosten's disease should be limited in time. Therefore, it is forbidden to keep the cold pack for more than 15 minutes. In this case, after the ice-cold procedure, at least an hour must pass before any medical measures are taken.

Do not forget about drug therapy, for example, taking analgesics and other painkillers, eliminating unpleasant symptoms (pain, lump in the throat, stiffness of the jaw).

To alleviate painful manifestations, in particular to eliminate a lump in the throat, one should use liquefied or soft food.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to abandon solid food, for example, whole nuts, raw carrots and other grills.


In this case, the patient should remember, the wider he opens his mouth, the greater the pain.


It is also useful to learn different relaxation techniques. After all, such events as jaw massage and meditation will help to relax and even eliminate unpleasant symptoms of dysfunction of the TMJ - lump in the throat, pain, clicks.

Despite the fact that the treatment of temporo-mandibular arthrosis brings good results to diagnose pathologies of this kind is quite difficult.


The manifestations of Kosten's disease are often masked, imitating the signs of other diseases. So, a lump in the throat may indicate the presence of a cold or vegetovascular dystonia.

As a result, the pathologist needs to be diagnosed as a traumatologist and a dentist. The disease itself manifests itself at a late phase of development. In this case, treatment is a long and complex process.

Today, to diagnose a chronic trauma or subluxation of the lower jaw, the following technologies are used:

  • arthroscopy, which is very important in determining the TMJ dysfunction;
  • all types of X-ray examination, for example, orthopantomogram;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan;
  • electromyography.

A true diagnosis can be established only by specialists from various dental areas after a general meeting.


Dysfunction of the TMJ is a common pathology, but many of its owners do not even suspect the presence of such a disease. Consequently, doctors are also not very aware of the methods of influencing the disease.

This approach prevents timely assistance, and then, when the causes of the disease not found, a person is forced to ask for help from neuropathologists, psychologists, otolaryngologists and homeopaths. However, these problems should be solved only by a dentist.

Treatment of myopathy type syndrome includes:

  1. acupuncture;
  2. Correction of damaged bite;
  3. Exercises and procedures controlled by physiotherapists;
  4. orthodontic treatment of the jaw;
  5. renewal of chewing function of damaged teeth;
  6. surgical recovery of injured joints.

Sometimes a doctor prescribes wearing a special jawbone, the main purpose of which is to eliminate painful sensations.

But also this device reduces the load on the damaged tendon and eliminates such a symptom as a lump in the throat.

Also wearing a tire protects its wearer from the effect of bruxism, which contributes to the premature erasure and destruction of teeth, which causes severe pain.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/drugie/disfunkciya-visochno-nizhnechelyustnogo-sustava.html