Restless legs syndrome: causes, treatment at home

Restless legs syndrome is a disorder of the human body, associated with nervousness, accumulation of internal anxiety, chronic irritation of the skin receptors and muscles of tired lower limbs. It occurs in adults and children. Appears when trying to fall asleep in the form of involuntary twitching of the legs, they seem to dance on their own, all the time you want to change their position comfortable, but you can not reach comfort. The result is insomnia. As a rule, the lower parts of both legs suffer, although hips and even hands may be involved in the process. Both sides of the body are affected symmetrically.

Today we will talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of restless legs syndrome at home with drugs and folk remedies, what to do when moving during sleep. The information in the article is based on reliable sources indicated at the end of the publication, as well as various forums.


Causes of leg restlessness: the source of the

syndrome Usually the restless legs syndrome appears at the age of 20 to 30 years and is exacerbated over the years. It is often inherited. Anxiety of the lower limbs can be observed in persons suffering from:

  1. uremia,
  2. kidney failure,
  3. rheumatoid arthritis,
  4. neurosis,
  5. of pregnant women.

Therefore, the success of treating the disturbing movements of the lower limbs, depends on how the

  1. patient with the help of a neurologist, therapist, gynecologist can establish the correct diagnosis - a causal disease;
  2. how correct treatment will be prescribed;
  3. as a patient will conscientiously perform the appointment of a doctor.

Symptoms of the foot trouble syndrome

People complain of unpleasant, sometimes vague feelings of discomfort, tingling, "crawling" in the legs, resulting in an irresistible desire to move them. Similar sensations are called by the dysesthesia .More often they appear in a quiet state, when a person is relaxed and resting, which prevents sleep.

Sometimes dysesthesia occurs on awakening. The inability to sleep and lack of sleep in the morning because of restless leg syndrome lead to insomnia. People walk, rub their legs, trying to remove the feeling of discomfort instead of sleeping at night.

Treating Foot Fever Syndrome at Home

Be considerate of yourself, visit a doctor if you experience symptoms for the first time.

Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome can alert you to serious medical problems.

For proper treatment, not to mention the tranquility of one's health, let the doctor determine the disease. It is important that the source of sleepless nights can be these conditions and, then the treatment of sleep disorders should take into account the presence of the syndrome described above and the causes that cause it.

Whatever the physiology of restless legs syndrome, here are a few steps that can be taken to alleviate this condition:

  1. Stand up and walk around the bedroom.
  2. Before going to bed, walk like a walk, take a walk. Walking changes the chemical balance in the brain, releasing endorphins, which promotes a more calm and deep sleep. In addition, when approaching unpleasant sensations in the legs, you need to move your foot forward and backward.
  3. Change the position of the body when falling asleep, find a comfortable one, in which the movements in the legs become smaller.
  4. Do not eat much at night.
  5. Warm or cool feet before going to bed. Find what you need for you, as some people have heat, while others have cold to reduce these conditions.
  6. Take multivitamins, as some studies have found that iron and folic acid deficiency are relevant to this syndrome.
  7. Take aspirin at night. Doctors can not say why aspirin helps, but in some people it reduces the syndrome.
  8. Get more rest and less stress, including practicing various relaxation techniques.
  9. Rub your legs before going to bed.
  10. Reduce caffeine consumption.
  11. Do not consume alcohol as a sedative.
  12. Quit smoking.
  13. Do not stay in the cold shortly before going to bed.
  14. Avoid sleeping pills.

What to do: advice on folk treatment of Dr. GNNyegov

  • Before going to bed, make a small pedestrian walk.
  • If you have an irresistible desire to "dance" in the middle of the night, fulfill this desire and resemble 5-10 minutes around the room.
  • During sleep, try to change the position of the body more often.
  • If you have a "restless leg syndrome," take the rule every night for an hour before sleep, keep your feet ankled in cold water for 10 minutes. Water should not be icy, otherwise you will earn a cold.
  • Do not gorge on before going to bed. Overeating will not allow you to fall asleep and can cause symptoms of "restless legs".
  • Wash your legs before going to bed for 5 to 10 minutes. Start rubbing off your toes and gradually rise higher.
  • Quit smoking and reduce the consumption of tea, coffee and all caffeinated foods.
  • Try not to use sleeping pills and not consume alcohol as a sedative.
  • Try not to wear stockings or socks made of synthetic fabrics. Go to the cotton products.
  • If you have "restless leg syndrome", be sure to consult a doctor, as this condition may be a harbinger of a developing Parkinson's disease, diabetes or kidney disease. The main thing is not to panic and react quickly to symptoms.

Traditional medicine advises

  1. Rinse feet with lemon rind 2-3 times a day;
  2. Take foot contrast baths one hour before bedtime;
  3. Perform exercises for the feet. Jump in place 2-3 times a day 50-100 times. Physical activity will help you maintain your body in tone.

Limbs movements in a dream periodic

Insomnia due to periodic limb movements in the dream occurs because the hands, and more often the legs involuntarily twitch or shudder every 20 to 40 seconds. Movement usually lasts from 0, 5 to 5 seconds. They often appear in the thumb, ankle, knee, rarely in the thigh.

These conditions cause awakening, lack of sleep and drowsiness during the day.

Periodic limb movements in a dream can be associated with diabetes, anemia, uremia, chronic kidney disease, leukemia, arthritis. In this case, diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease help to get rid of involuntary movements, improve sleep and well-being during wakefulness.

Among people with insomnia, the prevalence of this condition is not higher than in people who do not have it. But people with periodic limb movements in a dream sleep at night for an hour less. The patients develop drowsiness during the day, it is difficult for them to fall asleep at night, because as soon as they relax to fall asleep, the legs begin to move, disturbing sleep. Such people complain of very cold feet and restless sleep.

The cause of periodic limb movements in sleep is not known. There is an assumption that they are related either to the peculiarities of the work of the brain, or to a violation of the blood circulation of the spinal cord. These conditions are cured with the help of various drugs, which are selected individually by a doctor.

Sometimes it is necessary to try different types of treatment to choose the one that best suits. These are some types of painkillers, hypnotics, or drugs used in Parkinson's disease. All these medicines act on the central nervous system and therefore have serious side effects.

The signs of periodic movements of the limbs in the sleep are as follows:

  1. Twitching the legs every 20 to 40 seconds.
  2. Their duration is 0, 5 - 5 seconds.

Complaints made by patients:

  1. insomnia;
  2. drowsiness during the day;
  3. restless leg condition;
  4. cold or very warm feet;
  5. discomfort in the legs.

Periodic limb movements in a dream are observed in 5% of the adult population from 30 to 50 years and 29% - over 50 years. If such conditions disturb sleep and cause poor health during the day, they require diagnosis, proper evaluation and treatment. Syndrome of restless legs: what to do?

Neurologist M.M.Sperling from Novosibirsk tells of a strange painful illness - restless legs syndrome. What to do if your legs hurt in this way. We listen to practical recommendations of the doctor.

Elena Malysheva: restless legs syndrome - causes and treatment of

On the video channel "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva you will learn how to recognize and cope with this problem.

Causes of insomnia in restless legs syndrome

Roman Buzunov provides information on what is restless legs syndrome.

This is an extremely serious disorder that can dramatically worsen the quality of life.

Patients with Restless Leg Syndrome complain of extremely uncomfortable feet at rest in the evening before bedtime. In this case, there is an irresistible need to move your legs. Sensations can be very diverse - from itching and goose bumps under the skin to sensations of electric current, drawing pain, burning sensation in the legs.

Restless legs syndrome is often the cause of insomnia, so it must be diagnosed in a timely manner. Currently, there are effective drugs for the treatment of this disease. They can be called an "elixir of life" for patients, selected in minimal doses, they give a full-fledged sleep of this category of patients.

How to get rid of foot restlessness at home

Lilia Romanova on the video channel provides information on how to treat foot trouble at home.

Treatment of Restless Leg Syndrome: Clinic and Diagnosis

This video presents a brief information about the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of restless legs syndrome from the European clinic "Siena-Med".

Features of sleep during pregnancy

  1. Features of sleep in every trimester of pregnancy. Insomnia during pregnancy: ways of fighting.
  2. Restless legs syndrome during pregnancy. Seizures in the legs during pregnancy.
  3. Snoring in pregnant women.

Why legs twist at night: what to do

In medicine there is the term "restless legs syndrome", and in the people it is called "twisting your legs."In this video, I tell why the "feet" are most often "at night" and what to do in order to get rid of this problem. Video channel "Raw food and health improvement".

Exercise for the prevention of restless legs syndrome

Video channel of Vladimir Yachmennikov You can familiarize yourself with a simple and effective exercise for the prevention of restless legs syndrome.


  1. Berezhkova Lyudmila Vasilyevna. How to get rid of insomnia.
  2. Illegov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.