Gorchiki with bronchitis

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Gorchiki with bronchitis

Bronchitis is the inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the so-called tracheobronchial tree. This disease belongs to the infectious group, with it there is a strong cough, as well as intoxication of the body. For the removal of these symptoms, there are various medical procedures, among which a time-proven method - mustard for bronchitis. They are considered one of the most effective methods, as they qualitatively warm up the sternum, eliminating cough.

Can I put mustard plasters in bronchitis? With bronchitis, you can put mustard plasters, the only thing is to observe the technique of their setting, and also to know if the patient has contraindications to this procedure.

In the process of treatment of bronchitis with mustard plasters, stagnant phenomena are eliminated in the lungs. This is due to the redirection of blood through the anastomoses - from the inflamed part of the lungs into the vessels under the skin. Also, mustard plasters accelerate the process of excretion from the bronchi sputum and strengthen the immune system.

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Preparation for the procedure is as follows: you need to take a blanket, a towel, actually the mustard plasters, and pour warm water into a bowl. Skin on the back and chest should be cleaned, and slightly moistened with water. There are mustard plasters when the patient is lying down - they are first placed on the chest, and then on the back.

Where to put mustard plasters in bronchitis?

The mustard for bronchitis is placed on the chest (below the clavicles 5-10 cm, it is important to try to have the area above the heart affected minimally), as well as back (mustard plasters are placed between the scapulae and below them - this increases the effectiveness of the effect).

Mustard must not be put on birthmarks, mammary glands, bone protrusions, kidneys, heart area. Also they need to be placed so that they do not touch each other.

Technique: how to put mustard plasters in bronchitis?

How correctly to put mustard plasters in bronchitis? The technique of application is quite simple:

  • First it is necessary for a few seconds to dip a yellow card into a bowl of water, and then put on the skin on the chest or back;
  • After all mustard plasters are delivered, it is necessary to get wet with a damp cloth or sponge;
  • Then cover the area with superimposed mustard plasters with a dry towel;
  • Then the patient needs to be covered with a blanket.

After the mustard will be removed, you need to carefully and carefully remove the remaining mustard from the skin to prevent the occurrence of excess skin irritation. Then the patient needs to be wrapped in a blanket again and allowed to lie down for a while.

Gorchiki for bronchitis in children

Gorchiki with bronchitis in children can be used, but you need to consider that the procedure should be shorter than in adults - only 4-6 minutes, no more.

With extreme caution, it is necessary to use mustard plasters if the child has obstructive bronchitis, since this form can cause the development of obstructive syndrome with the development of asphyxia. Since usually this disease is allergic in nature, the use of mustard plasters can only aggravate the situation. Sometimes their use leads to the transformation of bronchitis into bronchial asthma - this is due to the fact that the secreted essential oils usually can trigger the appearance of allergic symptoms.

Children are not allowed to put mustard plasters on both their backs and their breasts in one procedure, although there is no exact answer to which of these places would be more effective. Therefore, to achieve the result, it is recommended to alternate: one day put on the chest, and the second - on the back, and repeat it every other day.

You can also use a simple mustard powder as a substitute - make a mustard bath in which the child can get his feet stuck. You need 100 g of powder per 10 liters of water, and the water temperature should be within 38 ° C. At the same time, it is necessary to cover it with a warm blanket, and at the end of the procedure to put in bed and give a drink of hot tea.

Mustard plasters for bronchitis in adults

The action of mustard plasters begins 5-10 minutes later (in general, this usually depends on their quality, as well as the skin condition of the patient and his individual perception). Most mustards for bronchitis in adults are placed for a maximum of 15 minutes. After they are removed, the skin is wiped with a damp cloth, and then wiped dry. Then the patient is wrapped in a blanket and left to lie down for a while.

Gorchiki with acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis usually develops due to SARS and influenza. Risk factors are: hypothermia, inhalation of harmful vapors or gases, smoking. Often this disease is preceded by repeated, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (for example, tracheitis).

In acute bronchitis, mustard plasters are placed on the upper part of the chest, and also on the area between the shoulder blades.

Gorchiki with obstructive bronchitis

In obstructive bronchitis, it is not recommended to use mustard plasters, but if you still decide to use them, you must put them in a classic way: on the chest and back. A small child should be treated with the method of mustard wrapping - the towel is wetted in a water-mustard solution, and they wrap the patient.

How many days and how often can I put mustard plasters in bronchitis?

Mustards with bronchitis can be placed no more than 4-5 days in a row, while the procedure can not be performed more often 1 time / day. But it is better for children not to put mustard plums daily - for them it is recommended to perform the procedure every other day.


With the help of mustard plasters, bronchitis is often treated, but one must remember that there are some contraindications for their use. For example, it is impossible to perform such a procedure for tuberculosis, the presence of malignant tumors, and bleeding. Also, they can not be used as a treatment for children under 6, because their skin is too thin, and therefore prone to burns.

Consequences and complications

Mustards with bronchitis can have the following complications and consequences:

  • The onset of burns on the skin;
  • Skin irritation due to allergy to mustard;
  • If the mustard is placed on the same part of the skin, pigmentation may occur.


Is it possible to put mustard and cans for bronchitis and pneumonia

Gorchichniki and medical banks are non-pharmacological, auxiliary methods of therapy of bronchopulmonary system diseases, but not the main treatment. Gorchikniki act on the reflex level, and medical banks are comparable in action with autohemotherapy.

Some people consider these treatments to be excesses of the past, others still use them effectively. Like other methods of treatment, the use of mustard plasters and cans has its contraindications, indications, course of therapy.

The mechanism of action of cans and mustard plasters

Medical Banks

What is it: these are small glass vessels with a rounded bottom and thickened edges. The capacity of the cans is 30-70 ml. Reduction of pain, resorption of inflammatory processes.

Mechanism of action: Combustion of oxygen in the bank leads to the creation of negative pressure, i.e. vacuum, the skin and subcutaneous tissue is absorbed into the cavity of the can. There is a local rush of blood and lymph in the skin from the underlying tissues and organs. There is a rupture of the smallest vessels - multiple hemorrhages form in the thickness of the skin. Gradually, the blood decays, and the products of blood decay - biologically active substances - are absorbed into the blood. This has a simulating effect on a number of organs and tissues.

The result: reduction of pain, resorption of inflammatory processes.

The mustard

What is this: it is a remedy in the form of a sheet of thick paper with a layer of defatted mustard seed powder or a packet of mustard powder, consisting of porous cells (4 or 2).

Mechanism of action: essential oil of mustard irritates the skin, there is local hyperemia, which leads to vasodilation and activation of blood circulation in this place. In parallel, irritation of the skin receptors occurs, which leads to an increase in the excitability of the sympathetic division of the central nervous system. Adrenaline and sympathin accumulates in the blood, resulting in an increase in the phagocytic reaction of the immune system.

The result: a reduction in pain, an increase in trophism and tissue warming, an increase in the protective function of immune cells. Active passage of the mucous secretion of the bronchi.

Contraindications to their use

Both mustard plasters and cans are contraindicated in:

  • High body temperature and another day after its normalization
  • Diseases of the skin, especially pustular and traumatic
  • Signs of increased bleeding
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Oncological diseases
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs and spine
  • Mental excitement of patients
  • Convulsions

In addition, such procedures are contraindicated when:

Medical Banks

The mustard

  • Children under 3 years old
  • General depletion of the body
  • Diseases of the blood
  • CCC diseases: hypertension, IHD, heart defects, heart failure
  • Sclerosis and vascular thrombosis
  • Insomnia
  • Children up to 1 year. Up to 3 years, mustard plasters are allowed for use only by the inactive side to the skin or through a gasket (bandage, napkin)
  • Allergic diseases
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Psoriasis

When to wait for the effect?

Do yellowberries and cans help with inflammation of the respiratory system? Of course, one can not rely on these methods of treating such serious diseases as acute bronchitis and pneumonia, without recovery from antibiotic therapy it is impossible (cf. treatment of bronchitis in the home, treatment of pneumonia in the child).

Important in the treatment of pulmonary pathology is massage (especially in infants and bedridden patients) and respiratory gymnastics, respectively, they are taken very seriously and not ignored.

Improvement after cans and mustard plasters, together with the main treatment should be observed after 2-3 procedures, in the absence of positive dynamics of expediency in this treatment there.

Banks for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia

These two, without exaggeration, serious illnesses last for a long time and in some cases with complications. The danger of using medical cans for pneumonia is the possible rupture of nearby layers of lung tissue, so this method of additional treatment should be agreed with the doctor!

Is it possible to put cans in bronchitis? With pneumonia and bronchitis, the use of medical cans is justified only at the stage of recovery in the absence signs of respiratory failure, intoxication and fever for at least several days.

How to put cans on the back

Banks put on the back, depending on the localization of the focus of inflammation. Where to put: under the shoulder blades and between the shoulder blades, under the collarbone, at the waist. Choose places with a thick muscular and fatty layer, avoiding bone protrusions and not affecting the area of ​​the projection of the heart. For each site put 5-6 cans. For the procedure, you will need:

  • a set of clean and dry jars
  • clamp or tweezers
  • cotton wool, alcohol
  • petrolatum and matches

The patient lies on his stomach, his back is rubbed with alcohol and smeared with a small amount of petroleum jelly. On the clamp or tweezers wind cotton wool and dunk it in alcohol, lightly squeezed and ignited. The can is held with the right hand, quickly inserted into its cavity a clamp with cotton for 1-2 seconds and immediately put the jar to the skin.

With correctly placed banks, the following occurs:

  • skin and subcutaneous tissue are absorbed into the cavity of the can and can be seen in the form of a towering roundness;
  • the color of the skin varies from bright pink to crimson;
  • The patient feels the tension of the tissues and the heat, but not the pain.

When all the banks are delivered, the patient is covered with a blanket and waiting for the necessary time. The first procedure lasts 1-5 minutes, then the time is increased to 15-20 minutes with a repetition in 1-2 days, but already in other parts of the skin.

After the time has elapsed, the jar is slightly tilted to the side and pressed against the skin next to the edge of the jar so that air gets into it and the vacuum disappears. The skin is wiped and the patient is left to rest for 1 hour. After the cans on the skin are red or purple, purple-purple spots, which gradually resolve.

Gorchiki for bronchitis and pneumonia

Like banks, it is possible to use mustard plasters during bronchitis already at the stage of recovery and without signs of intoxication and hyperthermia and with the permission of the doctor (especially children). Very good mustard has proven itself in the fight against a strong and painful dry cough - a constant companion pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and bronchitis, which for a very long time worries the patient even after recovery. Gorcini contribute to the elimination of stagnant phenomena in the lungs by pulling blood from the anastomoses from the affected area of ​​the lung into the subcutaneous vessels. They help mustard plasters and promptly remove sputum from the bronchi, and also strengthen immunity.

  • With bronchitis, you can put mustard plaster a day after normalizing the temperature.
  • To put mustard plasters in pneumonia can be after 2 days of normal temperature, as it is possible imaginary improvement, and mustard plasters only aggravate the disease.

How to put mustard plasters

Gorchiki with bronchitis and pneumonia can be placed on the upper part of the sternum, on one or two sides of the chest, between and under the shoulder blades, as well as on the calves and heels. You can not put mustard plasters on the bony projections, birthmarks, you should avoid the area of ​​the heart, kidneys and mammary glands. Mustards must not touch one another.

For the procedure, you will need:

  • bowl with water 40-45 degrees
  • mustard plasters (preferably packages)
  • towel
  • napkin

The patient conveniently fits on the stomach or back (depending on the location of the mustard plaster).

The mustard plaster is completely immersed in water and pressed against the skin, gently smoothed around the perimeter. After staging all the mustard plasters, the body surface is covered with a towel and the person calmly lies for 5-15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure up to 4 consecutive days.

In children under 5 years old and patients with sensitive skin between the mustard plaster and the skin, it is recommended to lay a strip of several layers of bandage or tissue napkin in order to avoid skin burns. On sale there are special children's mustards, less aggressive than usual.

With correctly placed mustard plasters:

  • a person feels heat after 2 minutes after applying a mustard leaf;
  • a person can feel a burning sensation, but the absence of such is not a sign that the mustard plasters are bad or do not work;
  • there should be no pain, no burning.

When the procedure time has expired, the mustard plasters are removed and the skin is wiped clean with a damp cloth until all traces of mustard have been eliminated. You can lubricate the skin with neutral baby oil, but alcohol rubs after mustard plasters are forbidden. The skin remains reddened to several days, but not bright red - this is evidence of the individual intolerance of the procedure.

When should I stop using cans and mustard plasters?

In addition to direct contraindications, these auxiliary treatment methods should be canceled in the presence of severe discomfort during the procedure, both physical and psychological, the appearance of pain and severe burning during and after the procedure.


Gorcicnik is the right remedy for bronchitis and not only

Everyone knows that in the fight against colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, mustards are successfully used. This old, kind method of treatment deserves special attention, since the help from it is quite effective! Gorchichniki with bronchitis can be easily put in the home, it is enough only to get acquainted with the technique of setting mustard plasters, to know the indications and contraindications to their use.

Mustard plasters in packages

With the help of mustard plasters, a local irritating, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved. Nerve endings of the skin are irritated by the release of the essential oils that make up the mustard powder when they interact with heat. This is caused by skin hyperemia, obtained by the action of a mustard plaster.

With increasing blood circulation, the production of biologically active substances capable of resisting the organism for infections occurs. At the same time, there is no reliable statement about the effect and benefits of mustard plasters relative to internal organs.

When can I use mustard plasters?

Mustard plasters are used for:

  • catarrhal manifestations of the upper respiratory tract;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • myositis;
  • radiculitis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • when cupping an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • with hypertensive crisis (neck area).


  • tuberculosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • temperature above 37 degrees;
  • bleeding.

* Mustard must not be placed on bony projections, moles and birthmarks.

* It is impossible - on the area of ​​the heart, kidneys, mammary glands!

* The use of mustard plasters is also not recommended for young children under 6 years of age, because babies have too soft and thin skin, on which it is easy to leave a burn! Only the pediatrician should prescribe this procedure!

The technique of setting mustard plasters with bronchitis

You need to take a bowl of water, the temperature of which is 40-45 degrees, mustard, towel, napkin. It is necessary to prepare the patient, convenient to lay him.

The patient is placed on the stomach, frees the back area from the clothing. The mustard is wetted in the water with a whole mustard surface, tightly pressed against the patient's skin, gently smoothed.

Place them along the spine so that the mustard plasters do not touch each other closely. After the mustard plasters are set, the back of the patient is covered with a towel, on top - a warm blanket. Leave the patient in this position for 15-20 minutes.

The technique of setting mustard plasters

If everything goes well, then the heat in the back area is felt. After the specified time, the mustard plasters are removed and the skin is wiped with a clean cloth to remove traces of mustard. The skin after removal of mustard plasters should be moderately reddened. But the intensity of hyperemia should not be bright red, have blisters, etc., otherwise you can talk about a burn or an individual intolerance.

Be sure to monitor the condition and well-being of the patient! If after a while he starts complaining about a burning sensation or an uncomfortable feeling of discomfort, then the mustard should immediately be removed!

Gorcini "homemade"!

If there is no pharmacy nearby, or there is no possibility to buy ready-made mustard plasters for any reason, they can be prepared independently. To do this, you only need:

  • flour (two teaspoons);
  • mustard (about two tablespoons);
  • warm water.

Take a small container, pour mustard into it, add warm water, stir until a uniform mash-like mass is covered with a lid. Leave to stand for 2 hours. Prepare sheets of paper or small pieces of natural, breathable tissue. After two hours, flour is added, again thoroughly mixed, then the resulting mass is spread over paper or fabric, from above covering it with the same piece of paper or fabric. That's all!

You should pay attention to the expiration date and the condition of the mustard plasters at the time of purchase. They should be dry, do not crumble and smell like mustard.

Gorchiki in bronchitis have a good warming and physiotherapeutic effect! This increases blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, improves gas exchange in the lungs, stagnant phenomena disappear. Delivery of oxygen to tissues is faster, decay products are deduced.

In the bronchi, sputum is also accelerated, which makes breathing easier. You can also use foot baths with mustard for catarrhal diseases. This is very effective for laryngitis, pharyngitis, runny nose.

When supercooling, getting into the rain in damp and cold weather, with any signs of a beginning cold, and also for its prevention, you can stew your feet in hot water with mustard, put on warm socks, take shelter with a warm blanket and drink a cup of hot tea with honey, raspberries, lemon. Then the cold simply will not have any chance!

Gorciniks during pregnancy

Yellow card in pregnancyYou should be especially careful when dealing with the appointment of mustard plasters during pregnancy! Since the action of mustard plasters is aimed at warming the body and improving blood circulation, it is necessary to know that the warming physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can provoke self-abortion or premature birth!

Also, mustard itself has an abortive effect, which should be borne in mind when appointing mustard plasters. Especially dangerous in this case is self-medication! Pregnant women should strictly according to the doctor's prescription take any medicines and physiotherapy in the treatment of bronchitis and other colds.

When setting the mustard plots, a local reaction is observed in the form of blood flow to the irritant (mustard) and the area where the mustard is delivered. At the same time, from the uterus, on the contrary, there is an outflow of blood, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus, albeit short-term.

Always be careful about your health, try not to let the body become hypothermic, and in period of the height of the epidemics of acute respiratory infections and colds, try to avoid visiting particularly crowded places.


Gorchiki in bronchitis: how and where to put?

Bronchitis is quite an unpleasant disease, in which the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree becomes inflamed. Infectious disease is accompanied by intoxication of the body and a strong cough. There are many excellent ways to suppress these symptoms. One of them has been used for a long time in home treatment. An excellent healing effect is caused by mustard plasters in bronchitis. They allow by means of a good heating of the sternum to relieve the patient of an unpleasant cough.

mustard plasters for bronchitis

Characteristics of the tool

Since ancient times used homemade mustard plasters. For this purpose, a special mixture was made, which was applied to a dense fabric or paper. The heating effect was provided by the composition of flour, mustard and water.

Today, this product is easily purchased in pharmacies. On a special paper, apply a thin layer of the necessary powder. For the production of the latter, the seeds are used with gray or black mustard.

Is it allowed to use mustard plasters for bronchitis?

Very often such a question torments patients. Doctors say that it is possible to put mustard plasters in bronchitis. Because they do not bring harm to the body. But before applying, you must carefully study the technique of setting. In addition, it is important to know under what conditions this procedure is categorically contraindicated.

The positive effect of the remedy on internal organs is not proven in medicine. It is known that mustard plasters with bronchitis have anti-inflammatory and irritating effects. They form heat, releasing essential oils. Such a process stimulates metabolism, improves blood flow. This includes restorative processes. And, consequently, the body begins to fight infection.

where to put mustard plasters in bronchitis

Basic Contraindications

Before considering how to put mustard for bronchitis, you should talk about who this procedure is strictly contraindicated.

Such treatment is impossible with:

  • injuries or skin diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • malignant formations;
  • high temperature (more than 37.5 degrees);
  • age to 7 years.

The quality of the mustard plots plays an important role, since unsuitable tools will not only not produce a favorable effect, but can also provoke unpleasant consequences.

mustard for children with bronchitis

Thus, it is very important to use exclusively quality mustard plasters. It is not difficult to verify this. Inspect the surface carefully. Mustard must not be scattered from it. Do not use those that have expired. They will not give a therapeutic effect. The smell is very important. Rather, his absence. Remember, dry mustard must not have a smell.

Technique of production

The rules of procedure are quite simple. It is very important to adhere to them so as not to harm themselves or the child.

So, let's consider how to put mustard plasters in bronchitis.

  1. The water for the procedure should be about 45 degrees. Do not use too hot liquid. In such water, the mustard will lose its properties.
  2. Sachets should be soaked in warm liquid for half a minute. Then they are applied to the patient's skin. Mustard must be carefully smoothened. From above it is recommended to cover with a towel.
  3. In this procedure it is very important to understand where to put mustard plasters in bronchitis. Since the disease is characterized by inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree, this region should be warmed up. Consequently, the mustard is placed on the upper region of the chest. At the same time carefully avoid the area of ​​mammary glands and heart. In addition, produce the setting on the back. Here, select the area between the blades and below them. In no case do not put mustard plasters on the spine.
  4. The thermal effect can be felt after two or three minutes. However, it is advisable to hold the compress for up to 10 minutes. At the same time, we should not forget that the duration of the procedure is a purely individual moment for each patient. You should closely monitor the covers. This is especially true for patients with sensitive skin. It is expedient for such people to put mustard plasters through gauze. The therapeutic effect will be achieved as soon as the skin becomes a little red. Now they can be removed. To tighten the process is not necessary, otherwise effective treatment will turn into a burn.
  5. After the procedure, the skin surface should be wiped with a towel soaked in warm water. This will remove the remains of mustard.
how to put mustard plasters in bronchitis

Features of setting for children

If there was a need for treatment of the baby mustard plasters, then you should consider some additional requirements.

  1. To very small children this procedure is forbidden.
  2. Mustard for bronchitis in children is recommended to apply through gauze, which is impregnated with sunflower oil. You can use thick paper. This will prevent burns on tender baby skin. An unequivocal answer to the question of where to put mustard plasters in bronchitis (on the back part or chest) is not. You can periodically rotate such places. Because the heating effect will be received.
  3. Kids can use a mustard wrap. For this, the fabric is impregnated in a special solution. To make the last one you need: mustard powder (1 tablespoon) and warm water (0.5 liters). The tissue must be soaked in solution and wrung out. The prepared compress is superimposed on the necessary parts of the body. Such a mustard wrap is recommended to wrap up with a warm towel or scarf.
  4. If the kid flatly refuses the mustard plasters, you can replace this procedure with another, no less effective. Д C Cши Cши д C д C Cши C Cши Cши д C C д C C C C C C C C C C C C C д C C C C C C C C C To do this, dilute mustard in warm water (about 38 degrees). The proportions should be as follows: 10 liters of liquid - 100 grams of powder. When the child drops his legs into the pelvis, cover them with a blanket. For the baby, the duration of the procedure can be 5-10 minutes. An older child can increase the bath time by five minutes.
д C Cши Cши + Cши C + Cши Cши д C Cши Cши д C Cши C + C C д C C C C Cши C Cши C + + C C

Obstructive bronchitis

Ши Cши Cши дши Cши Cши дши Cши д Cши Cши Cши дши Cши C C C C C Cши д C C C C C C C C C C Especially if obstructive bronchitis in children. After all, the source of the disease can be an allergic reaction. In this case, mustards with bronchitis can exacerbate obstruction. In some cases, they even lead to bronchial asthma.

Such an unpleasant effect is caused by the essential oils that are released during the formulation. Ши C C C C C C C C C C C Cши Cшиши C C C C C C C C д C C C C C C C C C C C C Cши C C C C


As can be seen from all of the above, mustard for bronchitis is easy to put. One should only carefully consider the individual characteristics of each patient. Consider the possibility of hypersensitivity. To do this, carefully observe the skin of the skin. If necessary, immediately remove the mustard.


Where is better to put mustard plasters with bronchitis


Charismatic Charm

A long-standing but still relevant remedy for lung diseases and various inflammations in the chest area - mustard plasters facilitate the condition of an unhealthy person before the doctor comes. Help mustard plasters for bronchitis and pneumonia, pleurisy and myositis. Even intercostal neuralgia slightly calms this simple remedy.

But the rules are important and with the simplest medical means. It is necessary to know precisely, in what place and at what disease the mustard plaster is put. If the upper respiratory tract are treated, then the place of the mustard plaster is the sternum and the calf muscles. With neuralgia, the most painful place will be the best point for a mustard plaster.

To put mustard plasters with bronchitis should be strictly above the chest and between the shoulder blades. You can also remove a headache by placing a yellow card below the nape.

Do not put mustard plasters on diseased or damaged skin, at a temperature above normal, with malignant neoplasms.

Marie Luo

On the shoulder blades. Only not in front of the heart.

Irina Chernyshova

To the lungs from the sides of the back.

Elena ))))))))))

just above the chest. where the esophagus. and on the back above the scapula in the center.

Passion dance


Olga Malykhina

on the back above the scapula, and above the chest on the bronchus, on either side of the esophagus


On the sternum and on the back.

clay solid

Thank you, I did so.

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