What to do if a child or an adult is choking and choking, how to help

One can choke, accidentally or through carelessness, every person - a child or an adult, anything - a bone from a fish, a fruit bone, food, milk, plain water and even his own saliva! Foreign body, getting into the respiratory tract in a solid, liquid or mushy form, completely or partially overlaps the lumen in the bronchi, through which the possibility of breathing.

But not only this is the main thing, remember that you can choke and choke even because of a small droplet or crumb, because in response to getting a foreign object, the bronchi are spasmed and the person stops breathing altogether, while he has a lumen in the airways, which could compensate for the introduction and removal of the air necessary for life.

There is a well-known domestic case when a boy of ten years choked to death from a small drop of water that fell into his open mouth( he accidentally inhaled it) as a result of simple pampering( in his direction they simply splashed with a wet hand).Reflex spasm of the bronchi occurred, and the ability to breathe was completely blocked. The people around were trying to provide first aid, but in vain. .. The child died.

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If an adult is somehow not afraid to provide help, it is possible in a rude way, what to do if a small baby, a babe, or a newborn baby, chokes and chokes?

When a person suffers something, he must necessarily help to remove a foreign object from the respiratory tract - this is the salvation of life! This is the first aid for suppression.

The sequence of actions that need to be taken in order to help a suppressed person depends on the age of the victim, his condition and degree of overlapping of the airways. The main role is played by the degree of overlap of the airways, which may be complete or incomplete, and also - bronchospasm.

First and foremost, evaluate the occlusion of the respiratory tract by a foreign body - complete or incomplete. If the victim is conscious, can cough and breathe - blockage of the airway is incomplete. But when a person gasps for air, trying to pull him into himself convulsively, and without coughing, there is a complete blockage of the airways. This is a very dangerous condition.

Consider the sequence of actions with complete and incomplete obstruction of the airways, which must be done to help a suppressed adult or child over 3 to 4 years of age.

It also happens that choked himself, no one around, what to do then?


What if I choked, incomplete occlusion of the airways?

With incomplete obstruction of the respiratory tract, one should calm down the suppressed person, encouraging him with simple and understandable words that now everything will pass.

Sharp deep exhalations with a torso tilt forward

Then you need to ask him to do 4 to 5 sharp and deep exhalations while simultaneously tilting the trunk forward, slowly slowly and gently pulling air into the lungs.

Do not allow the victim to attempt to breathe deeply, as this can provoke foreign body slip even deeper into the respiratory tract, from which it will only be possible to obtain it surgically.

Strongly cough with an inclination of the body forward

If the foreign body can not be removed from the respiratory tract with the help of sudden exhalations, then ask the victim to cough intensively 4 to 5 times, while simultaneously tilting the body forward. For a cough, you also do not need to try to breathe deeply the air, as this can push the foreign body into the smaller and deeper bronchi. In addition, the foreign body released during coughing during intensive inspiration can get back into the bronchi.

For the best and quickest extraction of a foreign body from the respiratory tract, one can exhale and cough intensively, first pressing the upper abdomen in the back of a chair or sofa and dangling the head and chest down.

Knock with open palm between the blades

If neither coughing nor intense exhalations caused the removal of the foreign body from the respiratory tract, you should tilt the victim's body forward, catching his stomach with his hand to keep his head as low as possible.

You can stand on your feet to lean forward, or to hang from a sofa or chair. When the victim takes such an inclined position, you should gently knock open palm between the shoulder blades. In this case, it is necessary not just to pat the person on the back, but as if to make a sharp and short sliding motion with the palm of the shoulder blades in the direction of the neck, thus trying to give the necessary direction of movement to the foreign body.

Receiving Gameplay

If the tapping does not help, then it is necessary to apply the so-called Heimlich reception. Previously, it should not be used, because this technique can provoke complications.

To perform the Heimlich's reception, it is necessary: ​​

  1. Put the injured on his feet, and most stand behind him.
  2. Then the non-working hand( the left one for righties or the right one for left-handed people) is compressed into a fist and, embracing the person, put the thumb to the skin in the stomach area( the upper abdomen between the navel and the sternum).
  3. With the palm of the second hand, also embracing the person around the trunk, it is necessary to clasp the fist first, snug against the back of the victim, sit down( if necessary).
  4. Then, sharply, quickly and strongly push the fist in the direction at the same time deep into the abdomen and upwards towards the chest.

The push should be done by bending the arms in the elbows, which seem to press the stomach towards the spine and to the diaphragm. When making a push, you can not squeeze the chest from the sides.

It is necessary to perform several such shocks at minimal intervals and stop after the foreign object has flown out of the respiratory tract.

Receiving Gameplay is the most effective way of extracting foreign bodies from the lumen of the respiratory organs.

If the Heimlich's reception is performed to help a full person or a pregnant woman, then the fist should be placed not on the stomach, but on the middle part of the sternum, which is located at the level of the nipples of the chest. The jerks are performed in exactly the same way as when the arms are on the stomach.

If the person who choked is too heavy for the caregiver, then the Heimlich's reception can be performed lying down. To do this, it is necessary to lay the victim on his back on a firm and level surface and to tilt his head back, without turning on his side. Then you should sit on the victim's stomach and perform several shocks in the abdomen in the direction of the spine and up. The jolts are done with the palms of the hands and with their own weight, just as it would have been done standing.

Reception of Heimlich leads to a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which, in turn, literally throws the diaphragm and lungs, as a result of which a jet of air flies into the bronchi, flying with great speed and energy. Due to this air flow, the foreign body that is stuck in the respiratory tract is removed.

The effectiveness of receiving Heimlich is determined by the fact that no matter how deeply the person exhales, there is still some residual air in his lungs. And it is this air that is pushed out when performing the reception of Heimlich.

The reception of the Geimlich is a rather dangerous method of , because sharp jerks in the stomach can cause damage to the internal organs. Therefore, if a person who has choked, was assisted by the method of Geimlich, then it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Helping a choking person with a complete blockage of the respiratory tract

If a person suffers from a rather large foreign body, it can completely clog the airway lumen. This situation is very dangerous, because for the relief there is literally 3 - 5 minutes, during which the brain remains alive without oxygen. That is why it is very important to understand immediately that a person choked and had a complete blockage of the airways.

So, with a complete blockage of the bronchi or trachea, a person can not cough, he convulsively opens his mouth, grabs his neck, tries to breathe, but he does not succeed. After 30 - 120 seconds a person will begin to glow his lips and pale skin, and he will lose consciousness.

While a person gasps for air, it is necessary to approach him very quickly, raise him to his feet, then throw him over any improvised crossbar, for example, arm, knee, chair armrest, chair back so that the body is tilted downward as hard as possible. Then, with sharp guiding movements to the neck, tap it between the blades 4 to 5 times. If a person begins to cough, you should leave him in this position for a few more minutes so that he can cough up all the foreign body particles that could get stuck in his airway.

If the tapping on the back does not have an effect, the cough does not start, and the person is still conscious, then it should be quickly put on his feet and perform Heimlich's reception. Since the victim is very weak, one should put one of his legs between his feet, press his belly firmly against his back, clasp his arms with his hands and allow the upper part of the chest to bend forward slightly. Then put your fist on the stomach between the navel and the breastbone, turning it with your thumb to the skin of the victim, and cover it with the palm of the second hand. Then sharply and strongly push the fist into the victim's stomach, directing the motion both deep and up to the diaphragm.

If the injured person loses consciousness and the caregiver can not hold it in their hands, then put him on the floor on his back. The head should be thrown backwards and not to turn sideways. Under the shoulder blades and back, there is no need to put any rollers, as this can only exacerbate the situation. Then the assisting person should sit down on the victim's feet and rest his palms on both hands in the upper abdomen above the navel. Then you should start to make sharp jerks, as in the standing position, pressing on the stomach, not only with the strength of the hands, but also with the mass of your own body.

Regular tremors in the stomach should be performed until the person begins to cough. Artificial respiration before the cough to do is meaningless, as long as the airway is obstructed, the air simply does not reach the lungs.

Admission Heymlich to the video

Anatoly Titov in this video will tell in detail and show how to help a person if he choked. The video shows an algorithm of actions in case you are near a person who choked. With all the visibility of the video, it is desirable to work out these actions on dummies after training in first aid courses.

What to do if choked, no one is around

Consider the situation, how to render first aid to a person who choked and is alone in the room.

If you have choked and are alone in the room, then if you have a cough, you should sharply and strongly tilt the body forward and perform 4 to 5 deep and rapid expiration, while not inhaling deeply the air. In principle, by effort of will, do not let yourself try to breathe deeply and deeply, as this can lead to the penetration of a foreign body further into the respiratory tract.

After exhalations or together with them it is necessary to perform 4 to 5 short, but strong coughing movements, also being in a position with a torso down and forward torso. For convenience, you can bend over the back of the chair, armrest sofa or armchairs.

If you remove the foreign body with the help of exhalations and cough did not work, then it is recommended to perform the reception of Heimlich. To do this, the fist of the working hand( left for left-handers and right-handed for right-handers) should be placed on the middle of the abdomen in the area between the navel and the sternum. With your other hand, clench your fist and sharply push it towards yourself and up. If your own strength for a good push in the stomach is not enough, you should lean your fist on a solid and stable object, for example, the armrest of an armchair or sofa, a table. Then it is necessary to press sharply all over the body with a fist, resting on a hard surface.

What to do if the child chokes

If you choke on a child who already walks and stands on legs, then the rules of first aid to him are exactly the same as for adults. However, because the child in a critical situation is almost impossible to explain the need not to try to take a deep breath, but, on the contrary, perform several sharp and deep exhalations, this suppression aid is simply dropped.

Regardless of whether the child is conscious or not, adult people in the vicinity should quickly tilt his torso down by swinging at the abdomen level through any object, for example, his own knee, arm, chair back, armrests of the armchair or sofa, the edge of the bathtubetc. Then a few times slap it on the back between the shoulder blades. In this case, the claps should be strong and directed towards the neck. It is the directionality of cotton that is key to the success of removing a foreign body from the respiratory tract.

Usually do not more than 4 - 5 of these claps. If they helped remove the foreign body from the respiratory tract, the child will begin to cough. This should stop the pat on and ask the child to hang up for a while, so that all the smallest pieces of foreign matter that could get stuck in the airways could get out. In this case, tell the child that he does not restrain the cough, but, on the contrary, makes intensive coughing movements, if such a reflex occurs.

If a pat on the back does not help remove the foreign body from the child's airways, then take it by the legs and lift it so it hangs upside down. In this position several times shake it vigorously( no more than 4-5 times) and put it on its feet.

Receiving Gameplay for children

If shaking in the upside position did not help to remove the foreign body from the child's airways, then you should take advantage of the simplified Heimlich technique.

To do this:

  1. Sit on your knees, put your child's back to him and press firmly against the stomach and chest.
  2. Then, put your arms under your arms and wrap your arms around his torso.
  3. Squeeze the fist of one hand into the fist and press it into the area directly under the sternum.
  4. Hand your fist with your other hand.
  5. Ask the child to tilt the body forward, as if to lie on your fist.
  6. Then, with a neat, but sharp movement, you must press the baby's belly towards yourself and upwards.
  7. It is necessary to make such tremors until the child begins to cough.

If the baby begins to lose consciousness and can not normally stand on his feet, you should put it on the floor or any hard, firm and level surface. The head of the child should be thrown back by the chin and, in any case, do not turn it to one side. Then, with the palm of the hand, gently press the sternum at the point located on the line connecting the nipples. It is necessary to perform tremors on the sternum until the child begins to cough. At the same time, every 30 shocks you need to breathe in his mouth air.

Admission Heymlich for a child on video

Anatoly Titov will tell you what to do if, while eating, or playing with a small toy the child choked? The technique of rendering assistance is described. This file is not a tutorial. If you looked at this video course, it does not mean that you learned how to help children with ODUIT.Mandatory testing of manipulations with the dummy under the guidance of the instructor.

Newborn baby choked: how to help

A newborn baby has very weak muscles, can not stand and sit, and so if he chokes, he should not be helped in the same way as children over 1 year old and adults.

If you suspect that a newborn baby has choked, it does not matter how much its airway is blocked, because it can not be asked to cough or make a few intense exhalations.

Therefore, the technique of assisting a choked newborn baby is the same regardless of how severe the obstruction of the airways.

First, the common reception of , used by many parents when suppressing the baby, which consists of in turning it upside down and vigorously shaking, can not be used with .The fact is that the head in children is very large and heavy compared to the total body weight, and they can not keep it in a stable position, since the muscles are still too weak. Therefore, when the child is shaken in the upside down position, he can not absorb the tremors and is likely to suffer an injury to the cervical spine.

Therefore, to provide the correct help to the newborn, the suppressed child uses the following safe algorithm:

  1. Bend your non-working arm in the elbow( right-handed left and left-handed, respectively, right) and put the child back on it.
  2. Place the second hand on the child's stomach so that the fingers grab his lower jaw.
  3. Then turn your hands over so that the baby is in the position on the abdomen on the forearm. In this case, the legs of the child should loosen freely on the sides of your hand, and your head should stick with your fingers.
  4. Give your hand a little lower, so that the child's head is lower than the priests, and the trunk assumes an oblique position.
  5. Then, with the palm of the second hand, pat the child on the back between the blades with guiding movements. That is, do not just slap the child on your back, but make a move toward your neck and head.
  6. Take 4 - 5 claps on the back. If a child begins to cough or breathe before 4-5 claps, stop manipulation, open the child's mouth and remove the foreign body from it.

If after a few claps on the back of the foreign body did not leave the respiratory tract, then the following method of care should be used:

  1. Put the child on the forearm of his hand, holding his head with his fingers slightly tucked back.
  2. Slightly tilt your arm down so that the child is in the upside down position.
  3. With fingers of the second free hand, press the sternum several times strongly on the line between the nipples. To do this you need stretched straight fingers, using only the power of the hand and not applying your own weight.
  4. The pressure should lead to a chest squeezing by 1.5 - 2.5 cm.
  5. Similar jerks are performed until the foreign body exits the respiratory tract and the child begins to cough, cry, scream.

If a child has lost consciousness, then it is necessary to begin resuscitation. To do this, breathe in the child's air in your mouth and 30 times press on his sternum. Then open the child's mouth and see if the foreign body has come out.

If it is in the mouth, remove it, and bring the victim to life by patting his cheeks, spraying with cold water or ammonia.

Such inhalation of the mouth in the mouth and pressing the sternum should be done until the foreign body leaves the respiratory tract.

The above rules of care are the same when suppressed by various objects, for example, pieces of toys, food, saliva, water, bone. That is, regardless of what exactly a man choked, help is exactly the same.

On the video the first help to a small child if he choked on

What to do if the child choked, emergency help for children - Dr. Komarovsky

Video channel "Child's Health".Emergency care for children if the child chokes or chokes. Every parent should know this.

If the child choked, for emergency care, you need to do the following:

  1. put on hand;
  2. the base of the palm to strike between the blades five times;
  3. turn the child over;
  4. with your fingers press the sternum five times;

Remember, if the baby chokes, but is able to cough, breathe and talk, then you do not need to knock.

Source: the editorial of the author's article Nasedkina AK, specialist in conducting research of biomedical problems from the site http: //www.tiensmed.ru/news/ podavilsea-ab1.html