Application in gynecology of herb

The world of plants is rich and beautiful and many of its inhabitants serve as natural "doctors" or "pharmacies", possessing qualities useful for the human body.

These plants include a wintergreen that can cure many ailments, including those related to gynecology in women.

  • Summary of the article:
    • Brief description
    • Chemical composition
    • Useful properties
    • Common diseases
      • In gynecology
    • Contraindications to use
    • Procurement, storage

    Short description

    Grushanka refers to perennial flowering plants of the heather family.

    grows in temperate and arctic climates, in the forest zone.

    There are 4 species of this plant in Russia, and all of them have similar medicinal and medicinal properties used in folk medicine.

    Most often, it is a chrysanthemum round-leaved.

    The leaves are oval or round in shape, they are kept on small petioles. The plant is evergreen, up to 30-40 cm tall.

    Fruit is formed in the form of a box with seeds. Flowers resemble garden pears, for which the plant was named.

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    Chemical Composition

    The active ingredients present in the leaves are:

    • rhodotoxin;
    • flavonoids;
    • vitamin C;
    • tanning agents;
    • quinone;
    • And what do you know about the benefit and harm of carrots? What diseases it helps to recover is written in the current article.

      The therapeutic properties of hazelnut are written on this page.

    • essential oils( about the useful properties of sea-buckthorn is written here);
    • arbutin;
    • phenols;
    • organic acids;
    • resins;
    • minerals;
    • microelements.

    Useful properties

    The chemical composition determines the therapeutic properties of plant-based products:

    • analgesic;
    • antiseptic;
    • antiallergic;
    • choleretic( how to do the tjubazh read in this article);
    • is bactericidal;
    • hemostatic;
    • is a diuretic;
    • cleansing( laxative tablets of quick action);
    • soothing( use and harm of green Oolong tea for women);
    • antihistaminic;
    • normalization of substance metabolism;
    • is a natural antioxidant( prevents cell mutation).

    Common Diseases

    The spectrum of application is based primarily on the bactericidal and antiseptic abilities of the plant, which helps with the following ailments:

    • of kidney inflammation( review for treatment with millet here) and organs of the genitourinary system;
    • liver disease( how to get rid of parasites written in this article);
    • Reproductive system in men( how to take sage for conception read on this page);
    • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
    • diarrhea;
    • edema( how to take leaves of cranberries during pregnancy you will find here);
    • diabetes mellitus( medicinal properties and contraindications of flax seeds);
    • rheumatism;
    • epilepsy( about treatment with a medicinal drone is written here);
    • migraine;
    • fever, etc.

    And what do you know about the beneficial properties and application of almond oil? Read the recommendations of traditional medicine in a useful article.

    On the application of leaf lyubostok in the treatment of alcoholism is written here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / hren.html learn about the useful properties of horseradish for women.

    However, this plant is most valuable for women in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    In gynecology

    Grushanka is popular with the female in the treatment of infertility, since the substances contained directly affect the genitals, which is used in folk medicine.

    Drugs based on wintergreen will be useful when:

    • violation of patency of the fallopian tubes;
    • omission of the uterus;
    • inflammation of the uterine appendages( useful properties of wintergreen);
    • inflammatory processes of the genital organs( vaginitis, etc.);
    • bleeding after delivery;
    • abundant blood flow during the monthly cycle;
    • infertility;
    • gonorrhea;
    • atony of the walls of the uterus.

    The plant is called "female grass" and is actively used in non-traditional medicine in the female sphere.

    First of all, there is a positive effect in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.

    Drugs based on wintergreen qualitatively stop various bleeding in the uterus during delivery and menstruation( the root of elecampane, the challenge of menstruation), thanks to the ability to increase blood coagulability and destroy harmful microorganisms.

    Moreover, the herb enhances reproductive functions in women and men associated with chronic inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.

    Cases of infertility treatment in women and prostatitis in men have been observed.

    Especially effective is the plant oil, which can be found in pharmacies.

    The drug has a high degree of penetration into the depth of the skin and tissues, providing the necessary effect in hard-to-reach places, which helps get rid of a large number of diseases.

    The use during pregnancy and feeding is not recommended because of the unknown reaction of the child's body to the composition of the plant, however, it has been experimentally proven that in the case of a normal reaction lactation is improved, without harm to the mother and the baby.

    It's worth trying or not to decide for yourself.

    There is a risk of harm and there is an opportunity to benefit.

    In this case, be careful and careful. Do not interfere with the recommendation of a doctor.

    A positive effect was observed in the treatment and prevention of cancer related to tumors in the pelvic area and mammary glands in women.

    For the prevention of malignant tumors, it is sufficient to periodically use preparations based on wintergreen in small quantities.

    However, in cases with an attempt to cure already existing pathologies, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand in order to establish the permissible dose and check the reaction of the body.

    The composition of the plant is very active chemically and biologically and in large quantities there is a risk of harming yourself and your body.

    Only a doctor can give an objective assessment of the condition and prescribe the right treatment.

    Contraindications to the use of

    A number of substances in the plant can be harmful to the body, therefore before using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with possible risks:

    • hypertension;
    • varicose veins;
    • vascular thrombosis;
    • high blood hemoglobin level;
    • increased blood clotting;
    • individual intolerance to plant components.

    It is also not recommended to use drugs from this plant for pregnant and lactating women.

    If side effects occur, it is recommended that you consult a doctor to determine the cause.

    When an overdose is observed, the appearance of blood during urination. In this case, it is necessary to stop using the plant.

    Procurement, storage

    For the preparation of decoctions and infusions the upper ground part of the plant is used. The billet is carried out during flowering in the summer.

    Dry in a ventilated dry room without access to direct sun rays.

    Store in plastic bags. Shelf life of the dried plant is 1 year. The finished product is purchased in the pharmacy as an oil, a dry product or a tincture.

    Inflammation of the pelvis( for women) : 2 teaspoons of dried leaves are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 5 hours.

    Then filter the broth through gauze and perform the douching procedure inside, treating the drug with the genitals. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.

    Infertility( in women) :
    1) Broth : 1 tbsp. A spoonful( 20 g) of dried leaves is poured into half a glass of boiled water and placed in an enameled plantation, which is closed and put in a pan, where 40 minutes are held in a water bath.

    After this, add boiled water to the volume of 1 glass in the resulting broth and strain through gauze. Eat 100 ml daily before meals.2)

    Tincture :
    for cooking you need half a glass of green grass and 1 cup of alcohol( 70%) or vodka. The ingredients are put in a container and insist in a darkened place for 21 days.

    After that, strain and take 20 ml( 1 tbsp.) Before meals 3 times a day. It is possible to prepare from dried leaves.

    Antiseptic infusion :
    40-50 g( 2 tablespoons) of dried leaves pour 500 ml of boiled water and insist 30-40 minutes.

    Before use, strain through gauze.

    Take for half an hour before meals 100 ml three times a day for internal bleeding, inflammatory processes of the genitals( men and women), increased blood discharge during the menstrual cycle and hemorrhages in the pelvic area.

    Suitable for disinfection, anesthesia, cleansing of external wounds. Destroys pathogens, removes swelling and stops bleeding.

    It is useful to rinse with angina, inflammation of the mouth and other infections.

    oil purchased in a pharmacy is diluted in water or alcohol and used as a finished product.

    It has the same properties as the other drugs described above. Additionally, a soothing fragrance and the ability to enhance mental abilities are distinguished. Oil eliminates negative emotions and relieves stress.

    Grushanka has a number of useful qualities and medicinal properties, but it should be used with caution, as the components of the plant are able to harm if misused.

    It is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist beforehand to minimize possible risks.

    Look in the video about medicinal properties and application of wintergreen.

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