Surgery for knee replacement, rehabilitation after surgery


  • 1Endoprosthetics of the knee: how is the postoperative period
    • 1.1Beginning of rehabilitation
    • 1.2How is surgery performed?
    • 1.3Goals of postoperative rehabilitation
    • 1.4The first postoperative days
    • 1.5Periods of postoperative recovery
    • 1.6Rehabilitation in a medical institution
    • 1.7Food
    • 1.8Safety of the patient
  • 2How is rehabilitation after knee replacement?
    • 2.1Why is rehabilitation needed after the operation?
    • 2.2What are the periods in rehabilitation after the replacement of the knee joint?
    • 2.3Why does it hurt during rehabilitation in the field of artificial joint?
  • 3The procedure for rehabilitation after a knee replacement surgery
    • 3.1Recovery Objectives
    • 3.2The first time after the operation
    • 3.3Home Restoration
  • 4Endoprosthetics of the knee: the features of the procedure, the stages of rehabilitation after surgery
    • 4.1Features of endoprosthetics
    • 4.2Preparing for the procedure
    • 4.3Operation
    • 4.4After operation
    • 4.5Contraindications to surgery
    • 4.6Rehabilitation period
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.7Preparation for rehabilitation
    • 4.8The first two weeks after surgery
    • 4.9Further rehabilitation
    • 4.10After restoration
  • 5Endoprosthetics of the knee joint: postoperative rehabilitation
    • 5.1Rehabilitation at home
    • 5.2Rehabilitation in a hospital
    • 5.3Complications

Endoprosthetics of the knee: how is the postoperative period

From the correct conduct of the postoperative period, the entire rehabilitation process will depend.

Not so long ago, patients suffering from arthrosis, arthritis in the last stages, or who were seriously injured by joints, suffered from unbearable pain, and in the future were doomed to become disabled. Modern medicine has solved this problem.

Thanks to modern technology, patients with such serious diagnoses can undergo treatment, and again begin to live a full life. The operation to replace the knee joint is rather difficult and is called endoprosthetics of the knee joint.

The postoperative period in this case is very important for the subsequent full recovery of the patient.

The price of such treatment and rehabilitation can vary significantly between different patients - this depends on whether the entire joint or its part is subject to replacement, additional volume of surgical work (if necessary), individual characteristics of the organism, e.

Beginning of rehabilitation

Postoperative period after knee arthroplasty (especially the very first days pass especially hard for the patient). At this time, the limb is immobilized and bed rest is observed, there may be intense pain in the limbs, muscle spasms, etc.

Little by little you can move your foot at this stage after a couple of days, but you should do it without fanaticism - here the main thing is not to overdo it. In the following days, the patient is forbidden to try to get out of bed without the help of medical staff or relatives.

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How is surgery performed?

Before surgical intervention, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis:

  • the patient gives all the necessary tests;
  • a specialist who will operate, thoroughly studies the history of the patient's illnesses, and if necessary consults with profile doctors about somatic illnesses of the patient (probably, before surgical intervention, the patient should undergo treatment of chronic diseases);
  • X-rays of the lung are always taken to avoid complications;
  • the type of anesthesia is specified: spinal or general;
  • on the basis of the examination of the joint, the patient is selected one or another individual prosthesis.

Before the operation to replace the knee joint, the patient undergoes a series of examinations and necessary procedures.

Surgery for knee replacement is usually no more than 2 hours.

To accurately install the implant, and to avoid complications, computer navigation is used.

The surgeon necessarily has his own instruction - the sequence of surgical moments, on the basis of which he follows step by step.

All the actions of a specialist are divided into the following stages of the operation of knee replacement:

  1. The doctor cuts the soft tissues without touching the patella and ligaments.
  2. Exposes the joint.
  3. Affected areas are carefully sawed off (or almost all joints are eliminated).
  4. In their place are installed parts of the prosthesis or a single implant.
  5. Some fragments of bone are cleared and removed.
  6. The site is treated with a special antimicrobial agent.
  7. The drainage for drainage is established.
  8. If necessary, bind ligaments.
  9. Soft tissues are sewed.

Surgical intervention consists of certain stages.

Thanks to modern technology, the operation can take place with little blood loss. There is a possibility of complications, for example, the formation of a thrombus and infection of soft tissues.

However, experts try not to admit their appearance, and hold special events during and after the operation. To have a more accurate view of all the stages, you can see the video of the operation of knee arthroplasty.

Goals of postoperative rehabilitation

The rehabilitation period begins immediately after surgery. The full length of the restoration can take about 3 months. During this time the patient should get used to the implant and return to a normal lifestyle.

Goals of the postoperative period:

  • significant increase in muscle strength;
  • increased activity of the knee;
  • maximum protection of the prosthesis;
  • return to the old full life.

The task of the stage after the operation is the proper functioning of the joint. A person should not experience constant discomfort in his life and at work.

The initial treatment and recovery period takes place in a hospital, and usually lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. Rehabilitation begins in the hospital department, and ends in the health centers.

The group of basic tasks also includes teaching the patient the ability to use crutches or walkers (and then a cane). In addition, he is explained how to move properly, so that the emphasis is on the healthy leg.

In the treatment period it is important to follow the heart, nervous system, do breathing exercises. Activities are carried out to strengthen all muscle groups and perform special exercises for the operated limb.

For the solution of these tasks, during the postoperative period the following:

  • electrostimulation of muscles;
  • massage of lower limbs;
  • therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles(for example, squats with a correct weight distribution, aside to the side, legs and legs, etc.)

To prevent complications from the heart muscle and the gastrointestinal tract and other organs prescribe medication if necessary, and also teach patients the right breathing, coughing, and so on.

In turn, the patient should take care of his health before the operation. It is necessary to try hard to strengthen immunity, cure all existing chronic ailments.

And all the details of surgical intervention and rehabilitation must be discussed with the doctor in advance, this will avoid unnecessary nervousness and get through the recovery period correctly.

The first postoperative days

Already in the early days, the specialist educates the patient on important exercises that will help maintain activity, and strengthen the muscles.

Physical load increases in stages, at first activity is minimal, as a rule, it is:

  • sitting on the edge of the cot;
  • just a few steps with the help of crutches or walkers (further canes);
  • sitting on a chair;
  • independently to lay down on a bed.

After 2 - 3 days, the load increases:

  • with the help of support devices you can go to the toilet;
  • You can move around the ward;
  • lifting on several levels is possible, in the presence of medical workers.

In the postoperative period, the patient should move with crutches with great care.

On the 4th - 5th day the patient feels a general improvement in the condition, one can try to bend and unbend his leg, try to go to the toilet and dress himself.

Periods of postoperative recovery

Postoperative period after knee replacement consists of 2 main stages, each of which is divided into 5 motor periods.

Stages of rehabilitation treatment The motor period Time after surgery Period Description
Early stage sparing from 1 to 7 days Acute inflammatory process
tonic from 5 to 15 days Surgery of the surgical suture
Late stage restorative from 2 to 8 weeks Resorption of destroyed bones
late restoring from 6 to 10 weeks Regeneration of bone tissue
adaptation up to 12 weeks Fabric modeling

Rehabilitation in a medical institution

For the purpose of rapid recovery in a medical institution, special simulators are used that help the patient learn how to bend and unbend the knee. To strengthen the muscles can be used mioelektrostimulyatsiya.

The patient is taught isometric gymnastics. Effectively engage with an elastic band - such passive exercises quickly train the knee.

At first you can get out of bed and imitate walking, try to walk, leaning on a cane.


The video in this article shows the most simple and effective exercises in the postoperative period.


At the initial stage of recovery after knee replacement, the patient performs a set of exercises using an elastic band.

Starting from the 5th day, you can try to keep the sick leg short by weight, slightly withdrawing it. On the sixth - eighth day it is allowed several times to turn from one side to the other.

Gradually, the patient begins to engage in various simulators, to learn walking and to practice therapeutic gymnastics.

An important role is played by the methods of physiotherapy - they help to speed up the process of recovery. Appoints them individually to each patient.

In the early days there may be severe pain, so the patient is given pain medications. Also, to prevent the occurrence of infection - prescribe antibiotics. If there is inflammation in the postoperative wound, the term of anti-inflammatory therapy is prolonged.

During this period, it is important to take care of the postoperative wound correctly, to ensure that it does not get liquid, so that there is no purulent detachable, remove staples in time, fastening the postoperative suture and non-sutured suture material - all this will be taken care of by an attentive medical staff. In the photo you can see what the patient's leg looks like after the operation with a well healed postoperative scar.

People in advanced age and patients with obesity are most difficult to endoprosthetics of the knee joint. The postoperative period for them lasts much longer.

In fat people, the load on the joints is always much higher, so step on the foot, at first, much more painful.

A person in advanced age is more difficult to tolerate anesthesia, and to restore strength.

It is important for such patients to listen carefully to all the tips after the operation of "knee replacement".

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In the first days after surgery, most patients have no appetite, but there is still something worthwhile. It is best to do this often and in small portions. At this time, we must try our best to restore the body.

The diet should be balanced. It is necessary to eat right, eat more vegetables, fruits and protein foods. In addition, it is worth to drink a course of vitamins and minerals, special attention should be paid to preparations containing iron.

Nutrition patient in the postoperative period should be full, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Safety of the patient

It is important to provide the patient with proper conditions both in the hospital and then at home. He should be comfortable getting out of bed, moving around, visiting the toilet.

It is important that the floor surface is non-slip, level. Parquet or linoleum should fit snugly to the floor.

Otherwise, the patient may catch on the protrusion, get injured. In this case, a re-operation is required, and the process will need to start anew, only to pass it will be much more difficult.

Postoperative period after the installation of the prosthesis in all lasts differently. Everything depends on the quality of the operation performed, the care and attention of the patient, the necessary care of the medical staff and relatives.


If you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, eat well, strengthen immunity and correctly perform therapeutic exercises, you can very soon return to your normal full life!


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How is rehabilitation after knee replacement?

Hello, dear readers! Today I will tell you the stages of recovery after an operation to change the knee joint.

Endoprosthetics of the knee joint is a common operation in recent years.

To the operative treatment of problems with joints, humanity came about 70-80 years ago.

With the possibility of creating prostheses that maximally replace a healthy human joint, to endure pain, to deprive yourself of active life is no longer necessary.

Often, problems with the joint are in people with a lot of weight. These are not necessarily full people. In this case, the role is played by high growth, the presence of a large amount of musculature. In this case, the first symptoms of diseases that can subsequently lead to joint replacement are a large number:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Arthritis of infectious pathology.
  3. Deforming arthritis, arthrosis.

Above mentioned diseases literally for several years make a healthy and fully functioning joint into an inflamed, painful organ that requires immediate treatment.

In the initial stages, most patients rely on traditional conservative methods of treatment, methods of traditional medicine.

But with the development of the disease, they reconsider their attitude to surgical treatment and, in the end, are solved on it.


The operation is one of the easy steps in the replacement of the joint, because after it there is a big stage of recovery and fixing the results of the treatment.


Before the operation, you must scrupulously study the pros and cons.

Only after studying all the features and readiness for future difficulties can you agree to an arthroplasty of the knee joint.

Rehabilitation after surgery is considered the most important period, because it depends not only on the recommendations of the operating doctor, but also on the desire of the patient himself.

The main indication for the operative resolution of the pathology of the joint is:

  1. Deforming arthrosis, not amenable to conservative treatment.
  2. Acute arthritis, which does not respond to drug therapy, contributes to a rapid change in organ function, accompanied by severe pain.
  3. Tuberculosis of the osteoarticular system, which has resistance to most antibiotics.

In any case, such diseases rarely end in complete recovery and often lead to a chronic, sluggish current inflammatory process. It is he who leads to an irreversible change in the joint.

Why is rehabilitation needed after the operation?

Surgical intervention for endoprosthetics consists in the complete replacement of the biological organ with an artificial one, which is maximally similar in structure and function to the human body. Mechanically, the native joint is removed and an artificial organ is introduced into the musculoskeletal system.

During the replacement, nerve endings, muscle fibers, and bone structures are injured. And the rehabilitation period is necessary in order to restore all the lost functions of the lower limb.

What are the periods in rehabilitation after the replacement of the knee joint?

Rehabilitation after endoprosthetics has the same phases, which are approximately equal in time for prosthetics of the lower limbs.
Phase 1. After the replacement.

In the first 2 weeks after surgery, it is not recommended to do even a minimal load on the joint.

This careful attitude is due to the fact that during the operation the bone structures and the ligamentous apparatus are injured and it takes time to restore integrity.

Phase 2. The beginning of the load. During the first 3 months after the establishment of the prosthesis, it is necessary to carry out the load on the aching leg not more than 10% of the body weight.

Such an attitude is necessary for the gradual restoration of the function of both the bone and the muscular apparatus of the foot.

It is very important to understand that the nerve endings and small blood vessels damaged during surgery are restored for a long period of time.
Phase 3. Strengthening the load.

After 3 months after the operation, an X-ray confirmation of the correct condition of the artificial joint is necessary. With a positive result, the patient is allowed to load the leg 40 to 50% of the body weight.
Phase 4. Full load recovery.

6 months after the replacement of the body, it is also necessary to make an X-ray examination joint for the final formation of bone callus, solvability of the joint and ligamentous apparatus. After this, it is possible to give a full axial load on the leg, but with subsequent similar examinations at 9 and 12 months.

For half a year after the operation, you need to take aspirin at a dosage of 100 mg daily after dinner. This drug will perform the function of preventing thrombosis with a sedentary lifestyle.

Why does it hurt during rehabilitation in the field of artificial joint?

The pain that accompanies the rehabilitation period is always associated with nerve endings, blood vessels and a number of lying living tissues that are traumatized during the operation.

If you feel pain in the area of ​​the prosthesis, you should seek medical help. After all, it can be a sign of infection, incorrect joint formation, divergence of sutures, etc. For differential diagnosis of the cause of the pain symptom, it is necessary to answer several issues:

  • Does it hurt at rest? If at rest in the area of ​​the prosthesis there is no pain, then, most likely, hurt the injured muscles. And there is no cause for concern.
  • Is the skin hot in the seam area? If the skin is hot, then there is an inflammatory process, so it is urgent to go to the hospital.
  • Is the leg below the prosthetic pain and is there edema? If the leg is very sore, it changed its color, there was edema, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, immobilize the patient and give him an anesthetic.

The above symptoms indicate a pathology of the vascular system.

If the rules of rehabilitation and recommendations of the treating physician are observed, there are practically no complications in the postoperative period.

Is it possible to visit the pool or sauna during the rehabilitation period? - It is possible, after 6 months of rehabilitation period, when the maximum number of tissue structures is restored and a person can fully move independently.

If you have a testimony for installing an artificial prosthesis, decide on it. You will give yourself many more years of happy and active life.


The very endoprosthetics of the knee joint, rehabilitation after surgery is only a small step that a person must undergo in order to get rid of the disease.


A year after the surgical intervention, I felt like a living person, a real man who could afford almost any active rest.

Dear readers, I wish you health and good luck, because this is the guarantee of a happy life.
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: 5 of 5 (3 votes)

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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The procedure for rehabilitation after a knee replacement surgery

Rehabilitation of the patient after an operation to replace the knee joint is a long and rather complicated process.

During the operation, the surgeon puts a special prosthesis, due to which the working capacity of the leg is gradually restored.

In the future, the person will have to comply with all the rules and recommendations that the doctor will give.

Recovery Objectives

In total, the rehabilitation period takes approximately 3 months. This time a person is quite enough to have time to get used to the new knee joint and make full use of it in your life.

Restoration sets itself specific tasks that are aimed at ensuring that the prosthetic knee bends and rotates in much the same way as before, and with the aim:

  • improve the overall strength of the muscular leg;
  • full protection of the prosthesis;
  • that the endoprosthesis of the knee joint was not useless and the funds were not wasted.

The most important goal is a return to the old active way of life.

The first time after the operation

The operation to replace the knee joint is not complete without rehabilitative measures from the first day after its completion. Exercises are needed for the gradual development of the knee.

The doctor on the first day will show and teach the patient how to properly perform certain exercises aimed at strengthening the hip muscles and improving the functioning of the knee itself.

A person does exercises focused on extension and flexion, learns to stand on crutches, lie down alone on the bed.

To cope with this helps physiotherapy, and besides for such purposes there is a special apparatus.

It assists the new part of the body in performing all the necessary movements.

Rehabilitation after knee arthroplasty is impossible without massage and exercise therapy. Mandatory are physiotherapy procedures, which include sessions:

  • therapy - microwave and laser;
  • electrophoresis;
  • cryotherapy;
  • light therapy.

Without these measures, endoprosthetics of the knee joint will not give the desired effect.

Gradually every day the patient will be recommended to increase physical activity.


The person is allowed to walk independently with the help of crutches in the ward, it is allowed to go to the toilet, climb and go down several steps.


In most cases, 4-6 days after the operation to replace the knee joint is performed in the absence of complications, the patient is discharged home. At the time of discharge, a person is able on his own:

  • fully unbend and bend the leg;
  • move with an ordinary cane, even on several steps.
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There are specialized clinics in which further rehabilitation is carried out under the continuous supervision of doctors. The efficiency of the process is explained by the availability of professional simulators.

Exercises performed on them, very help in restoring normal work. Rehabilitation measures are developed specially by the attending physician.

Their phased implementation will save you from trouble and contribute to an increase in the life of the prosthesis.

At the end of the 4th week after the replacement of the knee joint, a person can try for a short time without crutches.

The task of specialists during this period is to observe the gait during self-walking.

They correct, if the motion is observed uneven distribution of body weight.

Little by little the use of crutches goes into the background. With a successful operation after two months, a person can easily lead an ordinary life.

You can walk independently without outside support in 3 months. But only the attending physician with accuracy will tell, when it will be possible to say goodbye forever with crutches.

In order for the knee arthroplasty to be effective, a number of requirements for rehabilitation must be met. So, you can move the first 14 days, just relying on crutches. For independent walking, you need to gradually move. The surgeon must control the load.

It is forbidden:

  • stand and kneel;
  • transfer to the knee the center of gravity;
  • do sharp movements and jerk the leg with an artificial joint.

In the future, rehabilitation should be carried out at home, following all the instructions and prescriptions of physicians.

Home Restoration

To return to the former normal life at a faster time will help the performance of regular exercise. For their appointment, the physician-physiotherapist answers.

From the careful implementation of prescribed exercises depends on the speed of the onset of full recovery. In the event that during the training there are pains or some discomfort, it is necessary to inform the doctor.

He will make changes, and if necessary, prescribe an anesthetic drug.

Replacement of the knee joint is only part of the process. Rehabilitation is very important for normal functioning.


Such a period will be of considerable benefit if the person sets himself the goal of daily fulfillment of specific tasks. At the beginning of the journey, they should not be large.


Before every increase in physical activity, whether it is walking distance or the addition of several steps, it is necessary to consult a physician.

Absolutely all the physical exercises that the doctor appointed, it is necessary to perform only in the recommended amount. Increasing the load without the permission of a doctor can lead not to the development, but to a fracture.

Regular exercise determines the subsequent activity and normal functioning of this part of the body.

All exercises should be done without adverse effects on the body.

It is necessary to observe what the condition of the lungs is, because they have a function of blood flow to the knee. They also affect the restoration of tissues.

After the operation, the appearance of swelling in this area is common.

This circumstance contributes to the occurrence of pain, and this in the end does not allow to work normally.

To prevent this from happening, doctors advise to sit with slightly raised legs with the cold applied to the sick joint.

The main thing that a patient should not forget is that a full recovery is impossible without rest and rest. The replacement operation has many pluses.


First of all, a person can again move around freely, his pain and limp will disappear. However, endoprosthetics of the knee joint can have negative consequences.


Although according to statistical data, the occurrence of such a negative outcome, as the development of infection, is minimal.

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Endoprosthetics of the knee: the features of the procedure, the stages of rehabilitation after surgery

Prostheses are artificial devices for replacing the functions of damaged organs. When the prosthesis is placed inside the body, it is called the endoprosthesis.

Endoprosthetics in medical practice are called surgical interventions, the purpose of which is the reconstruction of damaged joint elements using artificial implants.

Features of endoprosthetics

Such operations are widespread in the leading countries, they become an integral part of the treatment of knee ailments (gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis), which accompany pain, destruction of tissues, deformation of the joints, which leads not only to the violation of the functions of the joints, but also makes the movement of a person problematic. Conservative methods of treatment of such diseases do not give the desired effect, therefore, endoprosthetics is the only wayeliminate unpleasant symptoms and save movement. In recent decades, such operations are increasingly carried out in our country.

Endoprostheses are made of modern high-strength materials, which easily take root in the body.The average lifetime is about 20 years.

Preparing for the procedure

Before the operation, the patient needs to undergo a series of clinical studies, consult with an orthopedist, to be convinced of absence of accompanying illnesses, to sanitize the centers of infections having chronic nature. Skin integument must be complete. Sore teeth must be cured. After removing the tooth, you must wait 14 days for the wound to heal completely.

If there are problems with overweight, the doctor will most likely recommend taking measures to reduce it, because so You can reduce the risks of complications, achieve better results and extend the life endoprosthesis. 30 days before the proposed date of the operation, it is necessary to completely abandon tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.

Also, take care to make the house as comfortable as possible after endoprosthetics:

  • objects that you use most often, place them so that they reach out with their outstretched hand;
  • strengthen the carpets to avoid stumbling over them, as well as the wires lying on the floor;
  • hide the sharp furniture corners under soft nozzles;
  • secure the bathroom - you should occupy a comfortable position in it;
  • The floors on which you will move should not be slippery.

In the evening before the operation, take a bath.After midnight, you can not drink and eat. The next morning you need to get rid of false teeth, remove hair clips, jewelry, contact lenses.


The operation is performed by orthopedists-traumatologists.

After assessing the patient's condition, a decision is made on the option of interventions: should one use a tourniquet for complete exsanguination of the limbs, is it possible to do without it, or will it require a partial bleeding. The duration of the operation, as a rule, does not exceed two hours.

After operation

The postoperative period is made up of intensive therapy, anesthesia, dressings. Preventive measures are taken to prevent the development of infections - antibacterial drugs are introduced.

Rehabilitation period is also important. In a few days, under the supervision of a doctor, you can begin to gradually move the leg, on which the joint was operated.

If you feel well, you will be allowed to get up the next day after the intervention. The rehabilitation program is made up of exercises to improve the movements and workouts to develop the right walking stereotype.

The patient will also have to perform a set of exercises to strengthen the muscle tone.

Normal physical activity will be restored about six months after endoprosthetics. Rehabilitation after the operation of arthroplasty is a long process that requires the patient's efforts.

Contraindications to surgery

Absolute contraindications are:

  • sick cardiovascular system, bronchi, lungs;
  • presence of foci of purulent infections (tonsillitis, dental caries, chronic sinusitis or otitis);
  • the presence of mental abnormalities or neuromuscular disorders;
  • immature skeleton;
  • development of active or latent infections of joints, the prescription of which does not exceed three months;
  • presence of polyallergic reactions;
  • there is no bone marrow channel of the hip bone;
  • thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type.

Relative contraindications include the presence of:

  • oncology;
  • somatic diseases of a chronic nature;
  • hepatic insufficiency;
  • hormonal osteopathy;
  • obesity in the last stages.

The final decision regardingthe operation or refusal of it can only be taken by a specialist.

The price depends on the degree of damage to the joints and the type of prosthesis to be installed, as well as on the qualification of your orthopedic trauma specialist. The patients' comments on the procedure are positive, people of different ages have regained their motor activity.

Rehabilitation period

Patients for various reasons go to the home recovery mode as early as the third week after the operation.

It should be remembered: in order to safely return to active life, one prosthesis is not enough. It is from competent rehabilitation that success depends on 80%.

Joints by themselves will not be restored, personal irresponsibility can lead to deplorable consequences.

Preparation for rehabilitation

Recovery is not always easy in all cases.Especially this applies to middle-aged peoplewith concomitant diseases.

Therefore, it is important even before the procedure to have an effect on the problem muscles, to which there is insufficient blood flow. To this end, prescribe exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy and reflexology.

Thus, the risk of developing contractures, atrophy, thromboembolism and thrombosis of veins is significantly reduced.


It is necessary to begin preoperative development of the knee joint, then the recovery will be easier and much faster.


In addition, the patient will be much easier in the first weeks after discharge from the hospital, if he is previously taught how to walk on crutches, do basic exercises exercise, respiratory gymnastics, will prompt how to behave properly in everyday life without negative consequences, will have a psychological support. Such events take an average of a week to two. Exercises increase muscle tone, improve overall physical condition, without overloading the affected bone-cartilage organ.


  • free swimming in swimming pools;
  • Scandinavian walking with sticks;
  • an exercise bike;
  • exercises that allow you to coordinate movements;
  • walking in the water;
  • strengthening aquagymnastics.

Such complexes can be performed even after the operation, in a few months, to accelerate recovery after endoprosthetics of the knee joints.

The first two weeks after surgery

Remember: from compliance with the rules of rehabilitation after surgery for knee replacement, the outcome of all treatment is dependent.Tune in to hard work in the comingmonths. Do not give up and achieve the result that you dreamed about!

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In the early post-surgical period, early activation of the patient's movements in a sparing mode is carried out. In order to prevent complications and accelerate the regeneration appoint:

  1. Respiratory diaphragmatic and thoracic gymnastics.
  2. Placement of the operated limb on a hill.
  3. The location of the special roller between the legs is to prevent any crossbreeding of the limbs.
  4. Physioprocedures, helping to get rid of pain and swelling, stimulating blood circulation.
  5. Antibiotics and vitamin-mineral complexes.
  6. Carrying out antiseptic treatments, regular dressings, draining the wound.
  7. Applying cold compresses to the area around the knee.

You can get up no earlier than a day, using an elbow crutches or a walker. Completely rely on the foot after endoprosthetics can not be! The first steps must be done only under the supervision of the doctor. Approximately in 10-15 days it will be possible to walk for half an hour three times a day.

Therapeutic physical culture after endoprosthetics is carried out in a light and gentle mode, the pace is only slow. You can not make sudden movements and overexert. After four or six weeks, you can train on an exercise bike and swim in the pool.

Further rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after prosthetic knee joint, three weeks after surgery, involves a gradual increase the number of exercises and their complexity, because in order to fully develop the joint, simple low-activity movements is not enough.Rehabilitation after knee arthroplastyand at home also becomes more intense, aimed at total improvement in the patient's quality of life. As a rule, pain and discomfort at this stage does not bother.

Time and number of walks need to be increased. Walk for an hour four times a day. In two months you can fully step on the foot after arthroplasty. Recommended hand massages of the legs and moderate exercises using the exercise bike.

After restoration

Regular and moderate exercise should become a habit. It depends on your efforts depends on how smoothly, long and smoothly the new joint will work.

With controlled physical activity, the endoprosthesis life is at least 20 years.

To avoid premature wear, a number of recommendations should be followed, in particular:

  1. Do not lift or carry objects weighing more than 15 kg.
  2. Do not try to squat or kneel, do not cross your legs.
  3. Protect yourself from traumatic situations.
  4. In the event of any infection, immediately contact the specialist.
  5. Wear only comfortable shoes on a low soles.
  6. Physical stress should be moderate.
  7. Constantly to supervise weight of a body, after all superfluous kgs will reduce term of service of a prosthesis.
  8. Do not do sharp shock and strength exercises (jerks, flies, jumps, blows on the ball).
  9. Team sports are prohibited.
  10. Also you will have to forget about fast running, skiing, skating or roller.
  11. You can do tennis, golf, rowing, cycling, swimming, Nordic walking, walking.

Be reasonable: if you find even minor edema and bruise, the presence of painful sensations, reduced motor abilities, consult a specialist.

The sooner they provide quality medical care, the more likely they are to avoid unpleasant consequences. Moreover, even if there are no complications, do not give up the control diagnosis.

It is carried out in the first 3, 6 and 12 months.

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Endoprosthetics of the knee joint: postoperative rehabilitation

Replacement of the destroyed knee joint by an artificial one is an excellent alternative for those people who are disability due to diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis, as well as severe injuries extremities.

But a successfully performed operation (endoprosthetics) is only half the success, an important aspect is the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Carrying out all the necessary recommendations given by the attending physician, the patient can expect to return to a full life.

Rehabilitation after endoprosthetics of the knee joint is allowed not only in a hospital, but also at home.

Rehabilitation at home

After performing a surgery to replace the knee joint to an artificial one, the patient is under continuous supervision of a specialist in the first days:

  1. To get out of bed the patient is allowed not earlier than 2 days after surgery.
  2. It is impossible to completely rest on the limb, only cautious lowering of the legs from the bed is allowed.
  3. Even such movement of the patient should be performed only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
  4. A little later the patient is allowed to use auxiliary means for movements (crutches, walkers), the patient is discharged only after his motor activity is renewed.

At home, the convalescent person should develop a knee joint daily, perform all the doctor's recommendations.

Sometimes the doctor recommends that the patient wear a special bandage, which prevents the clothing from irritating the seam and relieves the load on the diseased knee. For a more comfortable and safe everyday life of the patient, his relatives should take care of the following:

  • Remove all wires from the floor so that the recovering person does not accidentally stumble and injure the knee;
  • in order to avoid hitting the sick limb, all interior items interfering freely move around the house, you need to move to other places in the apartment;
  • slippery tile floors with rubber mats;
  • Ensure the patient's safety when taking a shower and hygienic procedures. To do this, a sturdy, wide bench should be placed in the shower stall or bathtub to facilitate recovery to these places.

For the gradual restoration of the function of the knee joint, the convalescent person must perform special exercises:

  1. In the first days after the operation, the patient is allowed to rise from the bed and lower his legs down, then gradually get up off the bed, sit down on a chair, make several steps near the bed.
  2. In a week you can go to the bathroom yourself and back, if there is no serious soreness, then you can gently go down and climb the stairs. All exercises are performed strictly under the supervision of medical personnel or relatives and with the use of support.
  3. After, - 2 months after the operation, the patient already moves without assistance, but still uses improvised devices, for example, a cane. At this time, you can take a short walk down the street. A recovering person must necessarily learn how to flex the operated knee at an angle of 90 °.

The patient is allowed to:

  • standing in one place, slowly raise one's knees in turn;
  • walk in one place;
  • lying on his back and lifting his legs upwards in turn to bend and unbend his knees;
  • to carry out the bar with support on the shoulder blades and feet;
  • lying on his back put bent knees on the gym ball and gently roll it from side to side.

During rehabilitation, in addition to special exercises, nutrition and the use of medicines, appointed by the doctor, the recovering must necessarily enroll in a course of massage and physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic treatment is conducted in the nearest clinic, massage can be performed independently, but it is better to trust a competent specialist.

Rehabilitation in a hospital

Not all patients who underwent knee replacement surgery conscientiously implement the recommendations given by the doctor.

That is why the most effective rehabilitation is considered to be stay in a hospital.

Experienced medical personnel from morning to night will take care of the convalescent, carry out with him special therapeutic exercises, carefully adjust the diet.

In addition, in stationary conditions, methods are available such as:

  • mud treatment;
  • therapeutic swimming and aqua aerobics;
  • exercise LFK individually or in a group;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • classes on special simulators.

Rehabilitation in a hospital is much more effective than at home.

The patient will not be able to skip and stray any procedure, in addition to restoring the function of the knee joint in the hospital, only specialists are engaged.

The cost of treatment in hospital is quite high, but the result will necessarily justify itself.


In most cases, the rehabilitation period proceeds without any complications if the patient strictly complies with all the recommendations of the attending physician.

But sometimes, with insufficient qualification of the surgeon or in the presence of concomitant diseases, the patient experiences complications after knee replacement:

  • The formation of thrombi in the lower extremities.Avoiding a dangerous complication will help the use of coagulants (blood thinning drugs) and wearing special compression underwear (stockings or pantyhose).
  • The onset of the inflammatory process.After the operation, the patient is prescribed a course of antimicrobial drugs, regular sanitization of the wound.
  • Instability of the operated joint.If this complication arises, the doctor decides whether to perform another surgery for knee endoprosthetics.
  • Displacement of the prosthesis (implant).This problem can arise with the atrophy of muscles and knee ligaments, as well as under heavy loads on the diseased limb (active sport, excess weight of the patient). The complication is eliminated only surgically.
  • Cracks and fractures of bone.Occur when a bone prosthesis is injured. After fusion fracture in the patient there is a violation of motor activity. This problem is also solved by surgical intervention.
  • Injury of the prosthesis.It is observed mainly in case of falling sick person or with strong knee bumps. To prevent this complication, the patient is recommended to use handrails, walk with a support, wear comfortable and non-slip shoes.

Endoprosthetics of the knee joint is a complex operation, followed by a long recovery period.

Fulfillment of all the recommendations of a specialist, as well as the use of additional therapies (fizioprotsedury, massage, exercise therapy) will help a person to quickly return to the previous image life.

Also you can watch a video, where you will be told about the preparation for this difficult operation, and also how it will be properly prepared.

We fix knee arthroplasty: rehabilitation after surgery. Link to the main publication

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