How to regain sense of smell and taste in the cold

How to regain the sense of smell and taste for the common cold quickly: what to do in case of loss

The sense of smell gives you the opportunity to feel tastes and smells, it is the "protector" of a person in some situations, for example, with a gas leak or a fire.

If the sense of smell is partially lost or if there is a complete loss of it, one should seriously approach the correction of the situation.

To clearly know what to do with a cold, you should understand why it becomes weaker or the sense of smell is completely lost.

The only correct solution will be to see a doctor, he will diagnose, and then immediately begin the correct treatment.

Traditional therapy with weakening or loss of sense of smell

In most cases, the loss of smell occurs due to the swelling of the nasal mucosa. ENT, depending on the symptoms present, prescribes vasoconstrictive or antigistamine, anti-inflammatory sprays that return taste and smell. These can be aerosols or sprays.

However, do not immediately buy drugs in the nearest pharmacy, without consulting a doctor. It is well known that improper treatment in most cases leads to the appearance of edema and significantly complicates the course of the disease.

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To loss of smell and taste was not long, you can use soft and gentle folk remedies.


The most safe, but at the same time effective method of treatment are physical exercises, which can be performed even at work or in public transport.

To do this, you need to stretch the muscles of the nose, keeping the condition for about a minute, then relax the nose. To achieve the best effect, a day must be done from 10 to 15 approaches.

Warming up

You can also restore the sense of smell with a table lamp. You need to sit a quarter of a meter from the lamp, and direct the light so that it gets inside the nose.

During the procedure, wear sunglasses. Simple heating should be done for 15 minutes a day, so you can quickly and completely restore your taste buds.

It is interesting that when the loss of smell occurs, the warming up of the palms effectively helps to solve the problem.

To return the scent should be lowered for ten minutes hands in hot water and poured it as it cooled down.

Inhalation, rinsing and applying coins

The loss of smell is effectively eliminated by using traditional folk remedies. You can restore the scent by inhalation with potatoes or with soda dissolved in water.

If you feel cold when you feel that odors are not audible, you can apply various essential oils for inhalations. Quickly to restore sensations it is possible by means of procedure with butter or oil:

  1. eucalyptus,
  2. mint,
  3. fir,
  4. juniper.

It is necessary to add just a few drops into the water and breathe therapeutic couples. To achieve a better effect, it is important after the inhalation to wrap up in a warm blanket and go to bed.

If the nose is heavily stuffed, the procedure must be carried out daily or every other day. After a week, all sensations will return, and the person will again be able to smell.

After washing with a syringe or a syringe, the nose is cleared of accumulated mucus, and immediately you feel a decrease in mucosal edema. Sea salt is a useful and natural product that perfectly cleanses the nose, disinfecting it.

Saline solution for washing the nose can be done alone at home. To do this, in 500 ml of boiled water you need to dissolve half a small spoon of cooking or sea salt. You can also clarify how to rinse the nose with an aqualor, and apply washing.

Many people wonder why there is no expected effect. It's very simple: to improve, such procedures should be done several times a day.

If you feel that the sense of smell and taste has disappeared, you can perform treatment with metal coins. It is necessary to smear the copper or ordinary coin with honey, then apply for 30 minutes to the bridge of the nose.

The coin is fixed with a regular plaster. To fully restore the taste and smell, it is best to do these simple actions daily.

Powder of medicinal herbs and inhaling odors

Treatment with folk remedies can not do without the use of medicinal herbs. To improve the taste buds and return the sense of smell for a cold, it is necessary to mix the dried chamomile, mint, lily of the valley and caraway seeds in equal amounts.

  1. All ingredients are ground to a powder.
  2. After this, the mixture must be inhaled with both nostrils alternately.
  3. Such a mixture of herbs is suitable for steam inhalations in the runny nose, and helps to answer the question - how to return the sense of smell in the cold.

As you know, husks of onions and garlic, as well as dry wormwood, have a sharp odor. To treat the reduction of taste and smell, you can inhale this mixture 2 times a day for about 10 days.

For the procedure is also suitable coffee or Vishnevsky ointment, which help if the sense of smell is gone with a cold, and the taste has deteriorated.

Turundas, drops, sage broth

Turundas can be impregnated with various solutions to restore the ability to hear smells and return the taste. For example, take a small spoon of alcohol tincture of propolis, add two teaspoons of peppermint oil and mix.

If the previous solution did not fit, you can use one more recipe. Ingredients:

  • mixture of propolis,
  • vegetable oil,
  • butter.

All components in the proportions 3, are mixed to a homogeneous state. After that, the solution is impregnated with turundas and inserted into the nose no more than for half an hour.

The procedure should be done before going to bed for a week. Thus, the scent and full senses will return to the person.

Taste and smell are good at restoring folk remedies made at home. Here are some recipes with which treatment is particularly effective:

  • Drops can be prepared by mixing menthol and camphor oil in equal amounts.
  • The solution in the nose is digested 3 times a day for three drops, very quickly the taste and sense of smell come back. Any of these oils can be buried in the nose separately.
  • Helps and a decoction of sage, if you take it inside. 2 large spoons of raw material is poured with a liter of boiled hot water for at least 1 hour.
  • You need to use this tincture 3 times a day for half a glass.

If there is a loss of taste and smell with a cold or cold, then do not waste time and be treated yourself, it is better to see a doctor. This is detailed in the video in this article.

How to regain sense of smell with a cold and the main reasons for his absence

  • Traditional methods
  • Causes and Treatment

When one of the most common ailments of the upper respiratory tract develops - the common cold - in the basis is always acute inflammation of the mucous tissues of the nose and the neural-reflex mechanism inhalation-exhalation.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the acute rhinitis affects both halves of the septum simultaneously, which can lead to a complete or partial loss of smell.

To restore it in the shortest time, it is important to know the standard variations of this violation. Mainly, this will help to determine precisely the methods of treatment and substantially accelerate the healing process and will help to understand how to restore the sense of smell in the rhinitis faster.

Now the classification is based on two types of disorder:

  • hyposmia - decreased ability to smell aromas;
  • anosmia - the absolute loss of the olfactory function of the body during the runny nose.

The diseases described above cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, and in case you can not smell or perceive them in a distorted form, in turn, greatly affects the ability to perceive the world around them and worsen the quality of life. Moreover, the main reason for most patients is very simple - mucus edema.

In this situation, it is important to correctly determine the cause of puffiness, in order to eliminate the problem as soon as possible. As a result, the penetration of air particles to the receptors of smell is difficult due to accumulated snot.

Before deciding how to return the sense of smell with a cold, you should determine the cause:

  • Virus. Usually in the second phase, the common cold resembles a contamination, when the itch of the nostrils and constant sneezing are replaced by frequent liquid secretions of different color and stuffiness.
  • Sinusitis or rhinitis. In the case if the health deteriorated significantly after a week after a cold, the temperature jumped, lost the sense of smell and taste, there was a headache, then, most likely, the disease went into a complicated shape.
  • Abuse of nasal drugs. As is known, vasoconstrictive drugs (Collargol and Protargol) should not be used more than 5 hours between receptions and no more than 3-4 times per day. Also, avoid sharp irritants in terms of products - even such medicinal products as onions or garlic.
  • Allergic reaction. Due to the occurrence of swelling and copious discharge from the nose, an allergic runny nose can also lead to loss of smell. To solve the problem, it is necessary to isolate the allergen and take antihistamine medications.
  • Violation of the hormonal background. It is important not to panic when the sense of smell in the runny nose quickly disappeared in a delicate position (for example, during pregnancy, menstruation, after taking oral contraceptives) in this case, to return it is not problematic - this is a fully explainable reaction of the body to treatment. But hormonal changes will eventually return to normal and problems with the nose will also come to naught.
  • Anatomy. The next reason for the loss of the ability to distinguish smells are changes in the nasal cavity, accompanied by secretions, polyps or adenoids, significant curvature of the septum and tumor - these flaws should be corrected by operating by way of.
  • Poisons and chemicals. According to reviews at the forum, anosmia or absolute loss of smell can go inextricably with the common cold, and may not affect the patient's well-being at all. Even active and passive smokers complain that they have serious troubles and the risk of completely disabling receptors. Moreover, it is almost impossible to restore their initial functions in the usual situation.

Traditional methods of treatment, if after a cold the sense of smell was lost

Do not try to go straight to the pharmacy to buy suitable medications without consulting the doctor in advance about the personal course. It is worth remembering that mistakenly chosen prophylaxis threatens to provoke the appearance of edema, problems with the brain and aggravate the course of the disease. And that methods of restoring good health were more sparing, you can ask for support for the traditional options.

Exercises. The most simple, safe and very effective method of treating hyposmia and polyps is physical support of tonus. It can be used even in the workplace or in public transport and without special training: strain for 1-2 minutes the muscles of the nose, and then relax them. For the maximum effect, repeat this warm-up is about 10-12 times in a row at least 3 times a day.

Warming up. It's no secret that if after a cold the sense of smell is gone, it will come back at the expense of a table lamp. To experience this approach personally, sit at a distance of 20-25 cm from the light source and direct the stream of light so that it gets inside the nose. And take care of eye protection yourself - wear sunglasses. Do this for 15 minutes a day and see positive changes in a week.

Inhalation. Known means, such as inhalation of potatoes or dissolved in boiling water soda, are almost in parallel with various essential oils (mint, eucalyptus, orange, fir or juniper) or powders for solutions. Just a few drops in the water and you will get the perfect healing couples - they are contraindicated for pregnant women. If after a cold the sense of smell is gone, it will not be superfluous to wrap yourself in a warm blanket after a home procedure and not go out for at least an hour.

Attaching coins. Apply a small coin (copper) a little honey and attach your improvised plaster for 30 minutes to the bridge of the nose, fix it. To fix the result of olfactory treatment, repeat this approach every day.

But the people's recipes do not lag behind in favor and support. If the classical versions of the treatment did not help, and the known means do not give a noticeable result, you can speed up the process at the expense of grandmother's methods.

For example, one of the most popular items on how to eliminate nasal congestion can be noted:

  • Instillations of horseradish juice.

As a start, fresh root horseradish is cleaned and finely rubbed grater. Then in the proportions: 0 mixed with water, and the broth is digested 2-3 times a day for a couple of drops. Take care that there is no burning sensation on the mucosa and then after 5 days, positive changes will be visible.

  • Rinse the nose with salt with iodine.

Prepare a solution based on sea salt: mix 100 ml of warm water, 10 g of salt and 4 drops of iodine. The obtained assortment is thoroughly shaken up to complete dissolution of all the ingredients. Rinse the nostrils 2 times a day, using a 2 ml disposable syringe and guaranteeing your body a warm atmosphere for at least 1.5 hours after cleansing.

  • Balm "Asterisk".

For restoration, there will be enough modest smears in the septum area, near the wings of the nose, near the maxillary and frontal sinuses. The home course is recommended to continue until 5 days: when after the cold the sense of smell is gone you need to act instantly. No less useful is a duplicate of ointment - a special pencil.

Why does the nose run off with a taste: causes and treatment

When the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, the endings of the trigeminal nerve are subjected to a heavy load, the impulses pass with difficulty and information flows to the brain come with a considerable delay.

As a result, the innervation of the taste receptors of the tongue and signals for food intake is recognized with distortion.

Therefore, realizing why the taste is lost with a cold, it will be easier to choose the appropriate course of treatment.

Most often, such manifestations pass quickly enough, however, it is not worthwhile to start the disease, the chronic phase carries the danger of a complete loss of sensitivity.

Not wishing to bring the situation to extremes, one should immediately go to a consultation with a doctor and use the following methods:

  • add spices to the diet, special attention should be paid to mustard, lemon juice and bitter pepper;
  • regularly dissolve sugar candies, this will help to normalize the level of humidity;
  • When the taste disappears with a cold, rinse with salt solution (1 tbsp. l. salt on a glass of water) in order to reduce inflammation;
  • quit smoking, since smoking primarily affects the taste buds and blocks them, also causing inflammation (the longer the smoking experience, the worse the receptors work);
  • to develop a diet of food taking into account the characteristics of the body (with a deficiency of vitamins A, B12, zinc, iron, folic acid and other minerals).

If you suddenly lost the sense of smell, you should immediately go to the doctor, because with the help of this Symptoms the body can signal the damaged nerve or problems with the sensory center of the head the brain.

Fortunately, such cases are rare, and the taste of insensitivity often accompanies a runny nose during a cold. To get rid of a malaise in just a few days is real only when properly treated and monitored by a specialist.


Because of the common cold, the sense of smell was gone, tell me, please, how to get it back?



Simple prophylaxis - frequent airing of the apartment, the use of multivitamins, beekeeping products (honey, propolis, pergah, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons for food, reception BADs, frequent walks in the open air, general hardening - and you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - checked on my family and all my relatives and close.
With pain in the throat - just gargle with a solution - on a glass of warm boiled water - 1 teaspoon of salt and soda, and 1 teaspoon of tincture of propolis or calendula (that is at home). Rinse often - 5-8 times a day.
With a cold - Balsam "Revival" - anoint them with nasal passages, dilute the juice of red beets: with warm boiled water and drip them for 3-5 drops in each nostril, you can make garlic oil - crush 2-3 cloves of garlic, pour them with unrefined sunflower oil and let stand in a closed bowl for at least 15-20 minutes, then drain this oil and dig in the nose - 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-4 times in day. There are a lot of such recipes - but here they have resulted most effective and tested both on themselves and on their loved ones.


That's when the cold will pass, and the sense of smell will return itself. Really with you such for the first time?! At me at each cold


do inhalation with onions, it helped me


Urgently to the doctor!!! Forgot about the flu?


This is a temporary phenomenon. Restore immunity and everything will pass.


you will be treated) and all will return) at many so

Maria Level

it will pass from me so it was... even the smell of acetone did not feel... so it turns out to be fun, but it's strange)) but everything came back afterwards

Lyudmila Falco

wash your nose!

Help! From a strong stuffy nose and a long cold, the sense of smell was gone, what to do, what to treat?


Natalia Kravchenko

Aloe and honey very well helps, if there is no allergy, there are drops of this content, but they are sold in the company NNPTSTO. I can tell you.


It itself must recover after a while.


there is a remedy, Nafttizin helps very much "I constantly use it, but the only thing-it will prolong the runny nose for a few days, but it's what it takes;)

xxxxx xxxxx

drink more


And you still if you sing... then you do not feel the taste. Everything will pass and everything will be restored, but not immediately, so do not worry. At me so was after I have made inhalation with an asterisk (Vietnamese balm) and sense of smell was gone, then in 2 months it was restored. And even after a prolonged runny nose it is quite possible that you have sinusitis (this is not fatal), the piercing will be done by the ENT doctor.


Well, if you cured a runny nose and the stuffiness of the nose is gone, then you need to wait, the sense of smell will be restored. If the congestion persists, then consult an ENT doctor, it is likely that it is a sinusitis. The latter is treated either promptly with the help of a puncture and subsequent rinsing, or conservatively with a daily intake of antibiotics, as a rule, appoint augmentin. After recovery, the exposure is restored.


With a common cold, it's okay that you've lost your nose))))) Do not be afraid.. The snot will pass - the scent will come back !!!))))) Yes, by the way, naphthyzine is better not to be treated.. To him get used mucous - you will longly and persistently then be treated and, besides naftizine, as other drops will cease to help.. Such a vicious circle... Buy pinosol or sanorin - and go ahead)))) Good luck and do not sniff the nose))))))


ointment "thuja". awesome thing! I did not cure her cold, and the genyantritis


You asked me why I smell. I since childhood with a cold and even even shit do not know how stinks. And I recently learned to wash my nose with salt and water, a cold in three days passes and now just a frenzied sense of smell. Maybe from this? Try it. Breathe in your nose, the water itself should go through the mouth. Salt water is not felt, as there is nothing, until it recovers.

How to regain your sense of smell with a cold?

How can I regain my sense of smell with a cold? This question is asked by many people who have experienced acute respiratory-viral diseases. This condition was experienced, probably, by every person throughout life. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different. It should be noted that there are two forms of loss of smell: congenital, almost not curable, and acquired - the consequence of injuries, tumors, which can be got rid of, but it will take a long treatment. The third form is short-term. It just arises because of infection in the body and is manifested by the reaction of the nasal mucosa - a copious secretion of secretion. Therefore, the receptors become less susceptible, the sense of smell becomes dull.

You can restore your sense of smell in many ways: doctors recommend the use of medicines, healers - recipes of traditional medicine. But in either case, one should always consult a doctor, as some components of medications and "home remedies" can cause severe allergies. Therefore, in order not to cause more damage to the body, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Medication for loss of smell

If the sense of smell has disappeared after the flu, ARVI, then certain medications will be needed for treatment. If the cause of malaise has become more serious problems, then self-medication in any case impossible. It is better to visit the hospital and ask the doctor to prescribe medications and dosage for the therapy.

To restore the sense of smell, which was lost temporarily, you can apply the following drugs:
  • "Naphthyzine
  • "Nafazoline
  • "Reserpine
  • "Aqua Maris
  • "Euforbium
  • "Furacilin."

The first three are vasoconstrictive, which allows you to reduce the secretion of secretion, thereby the runny nose will quickly pass, and the sense of smell will recover. But these drugs develop rapid addiction, so after 5 days of their use should be discontinued.

The rest of the medications are more sparing, but they are much more expensive. But the effect of them is really very good. The runny nose disappears in a matter of days and the sense of smell is immediately restored.

The main task of drugs - to remove swelling in the nasal cavity and reduce secretion, then the sense of smell will quickly recover.

The drug "Aqua Maris" is known to almost everyone. It can be used regardless of age. It well rinses the sinuses, contributes to the destruction of viruses and bacteria that have fallen on the nasal mucosa and caused irritation. Also, this remedy can be used as a prophylactic during the "quarantine period that is, in the autumn and in the spring. It is enough 2 times a day to spray with a spray in the nose and not worry about the appearance of a cold and the sense of smell will disappear.

How to regain sense of smell after a cold with the help of folk remedies?

All national recipes, of course, are effective, but to double the effect, it is better to apply them in parallel with drug treatment. Then the sense of smell will return much faster.

The healers say that from the simplest improvised tools you can make excellent drops that will help restore the sense of smell to a person who has had an infectious disease.

Camphoric and menthol essential oil in equal quantities. The mixture should be instilled in each nostril 2 drops 4 times a day. Essential oils can be used tea tree, sea buckthorn.

Chamomile is the most famous antioxidant in the plant world. Chamomile broth in combination with mint and sage gives a good result. The rhinitis quickly disappears, the sense of smell returns after the lapse of 12 hours of applying drops. The composition is buried in the nostrils 7-8 times a day.

When the sense of smell is gone, salted water is a good help - an analog of the drug "Aqua Maris". Only such a solution prepared at home will be much cheaper. This will require 150 ml of water at room temperature and 1 hour. l. salt, better if it is with iodine. The agent does not need to be digested, the salt water must be inhaled so that it reaches the larynx. The procedure should be carried out very carefully, without haste, so as not to choke with the composition. Perform manipulation 5-6 times a day. You can not make too salty solution, it can burn the mucous and then the sense of smell will have to be restored by more radical methods.

One of the plants that is practically in every house, aloe. This is truly a storehouse of vitamins. You can restore the sense of smell with the help of aloe juice. For this, leaves of three years old and older need to be cut off, put for 5 hours in a cold place (freezer), after grinding and squeezing juice. Bury the agent in the nose 4 times a day for 3 days. On the second day the result will be seen.

In equal amounts, the juices of lemon and cyclamen are mixed. The composition is drawn into the nostrils.

Everyone known for his miraculous properties propolis will also help quickly get rid of the common cold and return the sense of smell. It must be mixed with vegetable and butter in the ratio 3. All components are thoroughly mixed, the composition is applied to cotton swabs, which are inserted into the nostrils for 30 minutes in the morning and in the evening.


Decoction of beet leaves with the addition of honey will help to remove swelling, reduce the secretion and restore the sense of smell in the rhinitis. Casting (150 g) should be washed, pour 300 ml of water, boil over low heat for 3 minutes. After the solution has cooled, add 1 tbsp. l. honey. In no case can you add honey to hot mixtures, while it begins to secrete poison. The composition needs to dig in a nose 5-6 times a day on a drop in each nostril.

According to healers, it helps a lot in the cold and is a great way to restore the sense of smell of celandine juice. But in this case, you should be very careful, because if you get on the mucous membrane, concentrated juice can cause a burn. Therefore, use it only diluted with distilled water in the ratio of 1 drop of juice for 1 hour. l. water. Drip this compound should not more than 3 times a day.

Cabbage juice possesses an anti-inflammatory and restoring property.

Many people use onion juice. But here too, it is necessary to take precautions. It is the wrong dosage that often leads to burns. Onion juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 drop per 1 tbsp. l. water.

The easiest way to deal with the state when the sense of smell was gone is the boiled egg. They need to warm up the nasal sinuses through the scarf for 7 minutes 5-7 times a day.

Reducing the sense of smell in the cold will help aromatherapy

Essential oils restore the work of receptors, so applying them in combination with an aroma lamp also gives a good result both in treating the common cold and in restoring the sense of smell. Due to the rapid evaporation and the inhalation of fumes, the sense of smell appears already on the second day.

For the aromalamp, eucalyptus, menthol oil can be used. But it is possible to carry out such procedures only if the person does not have an allergic reaction to the components of the oils. Therefore, before using these tools, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

What other means can I use to restore my sense of smell?

As mentioned above, the main task of any procedure is to reduce edema and secretion secretion. In this case, the heating with a table lamp very well. If there is ultraviolet, then the effect is achieved twice as fast. To perform the procedure, you need to sit at a distance of 25 cm from the lamp, send light to the nose area, the eyes should be closed. The procedure should be at least 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. After a three-day application of manipulation, the sense of smell will return.

A good tool is not only to restore the sense of smell in the cold, but also to get rid of a cold - inhalation. For them, you can use a decoction of potatoes, sage, chamomile.


Loss of smell in the common cold is a fairly common phenomenon, which can be got rid of in a matter of days. The main thing is the regularity of the procedures and obligatory consultation with a specialist.

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