Allergic cough treatment in adults

Features of treatment of allergic cough in adults

Allergic coughing is a very unpleasant symptom, the result of which is the ingress of an allergen to a person's mucous membranes. Often, this form of allergy is taken for respiratory disease or other malfunctions of the lungs. Independently to understand the reason for the cough is very difficult, or rather, impossible. In this you will be able to help only an experienced specialist.

the child does not have a dry cough, what to do about it, you can learn from this article.


Although allergic cough is very similar to the symptoms of SARS and colds, there are differences between these pathologies. Signs of an allergic cough:

  1. With allergies, the cough is barking, the patient does not get to clear his throat and eliminate severe attacks. The reason for this condition in the powerful irritation of the bronchial mucosa, puffiness of the larynx prevents normal breathing and there is no spitting.
  2. When paroxysmal coughing in the patientthere is a shortage of air, he is visited by attacks of suffocation and panic attacks.
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  4. Allergy is a pathological process, which is characterized by the absence of the following symptoms: body temperature rise, fever, headache.
  5. In combination with a cough, rhinitis can develop, lacrimation, skin reactions.
  6. The intensification of cough occurs during the period of some specific conditions- the reception of food, the formation of a certain substance in the air. Quite often cough is worse when using perfume, contacting a pet or after resting on a feather pillow.
  7. Allergic cough can visit a patient in specific seasons- the flowering time of grasses (spring and autumn).
  8. All the symptoms of allergies, including cough, do not go away with the use of conventional medications, but quickly eliminated when taking antihistamines.

What to do when the runny nose and cough do not go away, is indicated in the article.

The video describes the treatment of allergic cough in adults:

Symptoms of an allergic cough are still divided into two types, taking into account the time factor: a cumulative and rapidly developing cough.

What to do when the child does not have a runny nose and cough, you can learn from this article.

Cumulative symptomatology is most often diagnosed in patients who experience a negative reaction to food or their work is associated with harmful production. For this symptomatology is characterized by a pronounced age principle. This suggests that the ailment makes itself felt either in young children, or in persons older than 30 years.

The most colorful example will be ordinary children's diathesis. In adults, the disease can occur against the background of frequent consumption of poor-quality foods or snacks in food. Very often, the accumulation allergy occurs against the background of the use of such products as peanuts, chips, carbonated drinks. Symptomatic pathology is accompanied by a rash on the skin, swelling of the larynx and dry cough.

How is cough and coryza treated in infants treated, you can learn from the article.

Symptoms of a rapidly developing cough affect people who have a negative reaction to flowering plants, dust, house mites.The first symptoms start after 10 minutes after the allergen struck the human body.Immediately get rid of an allergic cough will not work, even if you eliminate the allergen instantly, and put the patient in a sterile room. Visible symptoms will be felt for another 10-12 hours.

How does an allergic cough in adults look like in this article.


How to cure? To eliminate this unpleasant symptom of allergy, doctors can prescribe to their patients medication and traditional medicine. The maximum effect of treatment can be obtained on condition of their combined use.


Take syrups are only those that you will appoint a doctor in the preparation of a treatment regimen and determine the true cause of cough. To eliminate the symptoms of allergies, you must buy funds that are rich in polysaccharides, saponins, tannins, glycosides and organic acids.The positive influence of the presented components contributes to the dilution of sputum and the strengthening of weakened immunity.

Also worth paying attention to syrups, based on the plant components: thyme, primrose, plantain, seneg. The most effective are such medications:

  • Pectoral;
  • Prospan;
  • Herbion;
  • Bromhexine.

Use these funds is allowed to eliminate wet or dry cough that has arisen against the background of allergies. Before buying a syrup in a pharmacy, you need to check with your doctor which one is right for your case.

From this article, you can learn how to cure badger badger cough.


To treat allergies, doctors can prescribe the following tablets to their patients: antihistamines, enterosorbents, tablets for allergic cough.


When used, you can block histamine, which very often is the main cause of edema, itching and colic. In the case of increased activity, the person develops an allergy. This factor explains the reason why antihistamines are so important in the treatment of an allergic reaction. In addition, doctors actively use them to eliminate allergic cough. The most effective are:

  • Erius;
  • Fexofenadine;
  • Levocetirizine.

How to treat a cough in a child 3 years, you can learn from this article.


These drugs help to eliminate toxins that penetrate the body in various ways. The most familiar and effective enterosorbents are activated charcoal. But Polysorb and Enterosgel also have a positive influence.Use drugs can not only adults, but children, without fear of overdose.

Tablets from an allergic cough

The organism during the period of treatment is very overloaded with various medications. Use in therapy is only the most necessary drugs, one of which are pills for coughing. When buying, make sure that they contain codeine.

How does it look and how yellow green sputum is cured when coughing is indicated in the article.

To eliminate the wet cough caused by allergies, it is worth using mucolytic drugs. They contribute to the dilution of sputum and its release to the outside.

The most popular are such drugs:

  • ATSTS;
  • Mukobene;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrogen;
  • Ambrolan;
  • Mucosol;
  • Fluimucil.

It is equally important to take expectorant medications:

  • Amtersol;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Doctor IOM;
  • Travisil;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Sodium bicarbonate.

In the mornings, the child coughs out what can be learned from this article.

Even adults during the allergy can use homeopathic ointments and rubbing.Due to the fact that the components of such medicine penetrate deeply into the blood, they have a warming effect, stimulate the healing process.Apply ointments during a wet cough.

Folk ways

The methods of alternative medicine can help to eliminate an allergic cough. They include the use of available medicinal herbs and plants. Preparing such medicines is very simple, if you use the following recipes:

  1. Prepare 2 dessert spoons of flax seeds, pour over 250 ml of water. Install the container on a slow fire for 10 minutes. When the composition cools, then drain it and use it throughout the day. To eliminate the unpleasant taste of the prepared medicine, it is worth adding honey to it.
  2. Greens of sage, well dried and finely chopped put in a container, and then pour a glass of boiling water. Wait 30 minutes, strain and combine in equal proportions with milk. Take this remedy for 3-4 injections in the body form. Do not use the product is not suitable for nursing mothers and pregnant women.
  3. Carry out steam inhalations using onions or garlic. At the time of the allergy, cough with these vegetables is needed as often as possible.
  4. To eliminate wet cough, healing herbs can help. In the same proportion, send a lime blossom and birch buds to the tank, pour all the glass of water. Set on a plate and cook over a low heat for 5 minutes. Ready broth strain, cool and take everything throughout the day for 3-4 hours. Before you drink, add honey ½ spoon of aloe juice.
  5. Black radish is a time-tested folk remedy for an allergic cough. Vegetable peel, grind or cut into small slices. Put the product in a container, cover with honey. If honey is absent, you can use sugar. After a while you will notice how the radish began to start the juice. It should be consumed throughout the day on a teaspoonful. If you use a medium-sized root crop, the resulting juice will be enough for a daily intake.
  6. Tea with ginger- a unique means by which you not only get rid of a cough, but also strengthen your immunity. Brew a cup of tea and add a dessert spoon of ginger. To add sweetness to the prepared drink, add honey.
  7. If you have frozen berries in the house, you can prepare the fruit. Dried berries are great for making infusion.
  8. Unpleasant, but very effective is a medicine based on milk and garlic. You need to take 5 denticles and pour them a glass of boiled dairy product. Wait 30 minutes, strain and use medicine for 2-3 sessions.
  9. Very effective in coughing are compresses and rubbing. For these purposes it is necessary to use badger and goose fat. Before you go for a night of rest, it is worth treating the chest and back, putting on a flanged shirt and going to bed.

How to treat a cough with the discharge of green sputum, you can learn from the article.

Although cough is not the most unpleasant symptom of allergy, but its presence is a lot of inconvenience to a person. As a result, he can not sleep at night, attacks of suffocating coughing can disturb him at any time of the day. Take advantage of the advice provided and after 4-5 days you will see a positive result.

Allergic cough - symptoms and treatment in adults

A dry allergic cough in an adult is a reaction of the body to external stimuli. To get rid of painful spasms, it is necessary to eliminate negative factors.

Signs of an allergic cough in adults

Most often, the symptoms of an allergic cough in adults are unexpected. The provoking factor is contact with the allergen. Distinguish allergic cough from ARVI can, if you consider several symptoms:

  • cough is paroxysmal and most often disturbs at night;
  • at the beginning of an attack cough dry. But at the end there is a small amount of sputum. Sputum for allergic cough is always vitreous;
  • At the same time as a person coughing, a person feels a sensation in the larynx, many patients compare this sensation with tickling;
  • often allergies are accompanied by a runny nose, clear mucus is secreted;
  • if the cough is allergic - the body temperature does not rise;
  • general weakness can be noted, but without nausea and loss of appetite;
  • with a severe coughing, breathing is difficult:
  • often allergies are accompanied by hives.

As you can see, it is not difficult to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold. In addition, if you do not allow the patient to contact the allergen, the cough immediately stops.

There is a cough for a simple reason - the allergen enters the body through the respiratory tract. Therefore, they are the ones that are irritated first.

How to treat an allergic cough in adults?

The best way to cure an allergic cough in an adult is to reveal an allergen. But a person often has no idea what leads to an inadequate reaction of the body. It should be noted right away that the definition of an allergen takes quite a long time, it may take months to find out the cause.

In this case, adults are prescribed medications for allergic cough, as well as physiotherapy:

  1. Suprastin and Diazolin are short-acting antihistamines. Allow to quickly cough up a coughing fit. If necessary, a lasting effect is recommended by Erius.
  2. Between meals is shown to take the sorbent. You can use activated or white coal, Atoxil.
  3. If coughing attacks occur with a pronounced difficulty in breathing, the reception of Eufillin or Berodual is indicated.
  4. When a severe reaction of the body, an acute attack is removed with Prednisolone injections.

Knowing how adults develop an allergic cough, and why such a reaction develops, you can significantly reduce the risk. To do this, it is necessary to train yourself to wash the nasal passages with physiological saline every day. If for any reason you can not wash your nose, you can do inhalation.

Preventive measures will help to reduce the risk of an acute attack:

  1. If the cause of cough is food, you need to carefully monitor your diet.
  2. Often, the allergy is caused by contact with the coat, therefore, you can not wear clothes made from such a fabric.
  3. You need to spend more time in the room wet cleaning, eliminating dust.
  4. Unfortunately, joint living with animals can lead to an allergic cough. Therefore, do not start pets, if the allergen is wool or feathers.
  5. It is necessary to minimize contact with cosmetics, as well as household chemicals.

If the symptom is like an allergic cough, an adult will need competent treatment. You can independently determine the type of allergen and do preventive care, but with acute course it is necessary to resort to the help of a professional allergist.

Allergic cough: how is the treatment?

If an allergic cough occurs, treatment should be performed by a specialist. Quite often during an allergy there is a cough. In contrast to cold cough during an allergy, there is no increase in body temperature and the occurrence of sudden prolonged seizures. This ailment can cause both products and household things.


It is very important to start the treatment of an allergic cough in time, because otherwise there is a high risk of developing chronic bronchitis, and later of bronchial asthma. The doctor firstly detects the allergen that caused the onset of symptoms. Immediately after this, the patient should be completely shielded from the main cause of the allergic cough. It should be noted that the therapy of this cough often lasts a fairly long time (from several months to several years).

If the cause of the allergy is medicine, then in the first place you need to take Suprastin, and then go to the doctor. With this diagnosis, usually prescribed antihistamines, which prevent the release of histamine. Very popular are Zetrin, Zirtek and Zodak, which are more modern types of such medicines. It should be noted that after the use of such remedies, the symptoms of allergies take place after 20 minutes, and the risk of side effects is almost zero.

It should be noted that some antihistamines can cause drowsiness, heaviness in the head and rapid fatigue. These include Suprastin. When using it, avoid work that requires a quick reaction, as well as driving the car.

To help the body clear of allergens that have already got into it, the patient is assigned intestinal sorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel). Especially effective are such drugs in the development of food allergies.

In severe form of this disease in adults, glucocorticosteroids are often prescribed, which contribute to the rapid elimination of signs of the disease. Children should not be given hormones. In those cases where the concentration of the allergen in the baby's body is too high, doctors perform blood cleansing with intravenous infusion of saline or glucose.

With the development of an allergic cough, doctors also prescribe bronchodilators to the patient.Such drugs cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi. They contribute to the elimination of bronchospasm. Such bronchodilators as Salbutamol and Beclomethasone are very popular. These medications should only be used after a doctor's appointment.

Also, with such a disease, it is necessary to take expectorants. The thing is that one of the reasons for the appearance of a cough with allergies is very dense sputum, which appears in the bronchi. Such drugs can be prescribed in the form of both inhalations and tablets. Expectorants such as Bromgexin and Ambroxol are considered very effective.

Rules to be followed

In the treatment of an allergic cough, several important rules should be adhered to:
  1. It is very important to strengthen immunity. To do this, you need to eat as much fruit, vegetables and take courses of vitamin supplements. It should be noted that it is necessary to enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables only if all kinds of these products are not the cause of the allergy.
  2. Do not be lazy to wash your nose and rinse your larynx. Experts recommend rinsing the larynx with a 9% solution of sodium chloride.
  3. It is very important to create good living conditions for an allergic person. In a room where the patient spends most of the time, there must be fresh, well-moistened air. To do this, you must constantly do the cleaning, use a variety of air humidifiers and ventilate the room.
  4. If an allergic cough has appeared as a negative reaction of the body to dust, then you should get rid of all the "dust collectors" in the room (carpets, books, soft toys).
  5. Allergy sufferers should use only hypoallergenic hygiene items.
  6. It is better to give up duvets and pillows. They need to be replaced with artificial ones.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of an allergic cough with folk remedies is very popular. For the preparation of such products, only high-quality and fresh ingredients should be used.

Very effective is the following mixture: 1 medium-sized lemon must be very finely chopped and mixed with 4 tablespoons of clean water and 2 tablespoons of honey. The resulting consistency should be cooked until a homogeneous mass is formed. As soon as the product cools down, it must be taken 1 time by a spoon 5 times a day.

Not less popular is the infusion of medicinal collection: 2 spoons of leaves of mother-and-stepmother it is necessary to mix with 1 spoon of herb oregano and 2 teaspoons of ground althea root medicinal. 1 spoon of this collection should be filled with 250 ml of boiling water. The formed liquid should be insisted for 60 minutes. After this, the product should be filtered and taken inside every 2 hours for 3 tablespoons.

Allergic cough can be treated with warm water.

3-4 times a day you need to gargle with warm water. This procedure must be carried out immediately after returning home.

Well-proven inhalation with potatoes. Potato peel should be boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes. After that, in the resulting mixture, you need to add a little leaves of thyme and eucalyptus. The resulting consistency should be kept on the stove for several minutes. In the finished mixture, add 1 drop of fir oil, stand over the pan, cover your head with a towel and breathe in steam for about 15 minutes.


During an attack of cough, you can rub your chest with camphor oil. Immediately after this, the mustard must be placed on the breast, previously moistened in water. After 20 minutes, the mustard plasters can be removed.

Additional recommendations

Treatment of folk remedies for an allergic cough involves the use of a decoction of 1 spoonful of chamomile, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped lemon and the same amount of black tea. The resulting consistency should be placed in a thermos and pour boiling water. The product must be infused before it cools down completely. Drink such a liquid should be throughout the day in small sips. As practice shows, positive results will not take long.

Very popular is garlic syrup. Several cloves of garlic must be crushed and mixed with 1 spoon of honey. The remedy should be postponed for 14 days. Take this slurry every morning for 1 spoonful.

In addition, 1 spoon of honey should be mixed with a pinch of soda, a spoon of crushed laurel leaves and pour 1 cup of boiling water. It should be a uniform consistency, which must be insisted for 2 hours and take inside 100 ml with a strong cough.

An excellent home remedy for the above described disease is the onion broth. Preparing such a tool is very easy, and positive results after it appear fairly quickly. In 1 liter of boiling water, add 1 cup sugar and 2 uncleaned bulbs. The resulting consistency should be kept on medium heat for about 1 hour. Ready liquid should be taken 1/2 cup 5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.


Before starting treatment of an allergic cough by household means, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This will help to avoid many complications.

Causes, signs and methods of treatment of an allergic cough

Very often cough is not a cold or an infectious disease, but one of the main manifestations of allergy. At the same time, the complexity of the treatment lies in the fact that in most cases it is very difficult to distinguish between an allergic cough and a cold.That is why many people face such situations, that when they are treated they do not notice any improvement, but on the contrary, The condition only worsens, as the allergic reaction can be amplified by application of some medicinal preparations.

Allergic cough is the most common symptom of an allergic reaction of the body to certain irritants. Combined with the common cold, it can cause serious changes in the respiratory system.

Symptoms and causes of allergies

Cough caused by a certain allergen is not considered a disease, as it is just a reaction of the body. There are attacks of cough as a result of the causative agent on the upper respiratory tract of a person. This process is inevitably associated with the inflammation of such organs of the respiratory system as bronchi and trachea, and the mucous membrane of the throat also inflames.

Allergic cough is paroxysmal - it occurs suddenly and leads to a strong cough.Such a person's condition can last up to 3 weeks, while it is never accompanied by a temperature, but a runny nose occurs almost always.Attacks occur mainly at night, and throughout the day they can never disturb a person. As a rule, the cough is dry, but even if sputum is separated, it will always be transparent, without the admixture of pus. Also the main manifestations of an allergic cough are itching, burning in the nose and throat, sneezing.

There is an allergy mainly in the autumn-spring period, when plants and trees bloom in the streets. In addition to pollen, dust, pet hair, and medicines can become an allergen.

Features of treatment

To begin to treat an allergic cough follows immediately after the first manifestations of this condition.

Very often people expect that the allergy will pass by itself and do not take the necessary measures. But this inaction threatens with the fact that soon the allergy will become chronic, accompanying a person all his life. In addition, such coughing attacks, neglected, can cause the development of chronic bronchitis and even bronchial asthma.

Treatment of an allergic cough is always a fairly long and time-consuming procedure, which can last up to several months or up to a year. This procedure should be carried out in close cooperation between two specialists - an allergist and a nutritionist. Often, during diagnostics, such studies as ECG become necessary, which will help to eliminate any disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as fluorography. It is worth to visit and an otolaryngologist in order to exclude the presence of ENT diseases.

In the process of treatment of an allergic cough, the following actions should be performed:

  • detection of allergen;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • general restorative therapy;
  • use of drugs that separate sputum;
  • washing of the mouth and nose.

As medical practice shows, the occurrence of a cough of allergic origin, especially people who suffer from diathesis in childhood are affected, as well as those whose relatives are prone to allergic manifestations. That is why before giving tests for the kind of allergen, an allergist conducts a patient interview. After the specialist has determined which allergen triggered an allergic cough, the patient should avoid contact with it.

Suprastin - prevents development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions

Even before the detection of the allergen that provoked the cough, you need to take antihistamines to alleviate your condition - Suprastin, Tavegil, Anaferon, Ascoril. Such drugs reduce the sensitivity of the bronchi to various irritants, so they are recommended to have in the home medicine chest.

In the treatment of allergic manifestations, the use of immunostimulatory therapy becomes necessary. For this, nutritionists recommend that patients eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and often prescribe complex vitamin supplements.

Proceeding from the fact that cough for allergy is mostly dry, it is necessary to take drugs that separate phlegm - Bromhexine, Ambroxol.It is important to know that it is strictly forbidden to take expectorant, mucolytic and antitussives, because in combination they can lead to the obstruction of the bronchi and become cause of suffocation.

With an allergic cough, the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose also suffer, so they must be rinsed regularly with saline.


Having chosen the methods of traditional medicine, it is important to remember that they only help to reduce the main symptoms, but more radical measures need to be taken for treatment. Good inflammation of the bronchi, trachea and throat, as well as prevent coughing attacks, herbal infusions. Known such an effective recipe: take 2 parts of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, anise of common, grass of oregano, spoon of mixture pour a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour. Drink a few spoons 6 times a day.

Used in people and a lemon with honey. To prepare a medicine, you need to pass through a meat grinder with a peel one lemon, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 4 tablespoons of water. Put on the fire and cook until smooth, take a spoon several times a day.

Precautionary measures

As you know, it is easier to avoid the occurrence of allergies than to treat it later. To exclude the appearance of an allergic cough, it is important to perform such preventive actions:

  1. More often, wet cleaning and airing the room, especially during the flowering period.
  2. Use in everyday life as little chemicals as possible.
  3. Adhere to proper nutrition, there are more natural products.

Allergic cough will not bring serious health problems only in case of a timely appeal to a specialist and strict adherence to all of his recommendations.

Treatment of an allergic cough with folk and medicamentous remedies

Now an allergic cough is one of the most common diseases. In developed countries, it is present in almost every third person over 30 years of age. The reason for this is the high gas content of cities, the consumption of low-quality products, the weakening of immunity. In addition, many people have a genetic predisposition to the development of the disease, which makes the probability of occurrence of an allergic cough by 30-40 years equal to 50%.

When a reflex act is triggered by the influence of active components for the first time, most often a person believes that he has caught a cold. The medications that are taken to treat the consequences of this illness have a negative effect on the body, oppress the work of the immune system, but the effect is not brought, because it does not affect the causes of allergic cough, but on symptom. The problem is that the initial sign: cough - in both cases is present. But for effective healing it is necessary to know the cause of its development.

To the peculiarities of the manifestation of allergy, one can attribute similar symptoms to colds and many other diseases. That is, with an attack, the temperature may rise, obstructive bronchitis may begin. Unfortunately, there are no medications that instantly remove all the symptoms of an allergic cough. Scientists of many countries are struggling to create new, better quality drugs.

Allergic cough: principles of treatment

It is necessary to allocate the following complex of measures, which should be present in the treatment of an allergic cough:

  • Elimination of cause-significant substances. This is the first stage of therapy. It involves the removal of certain active compounds and proteins, not only from the human body, but also from the environment surrounding it, the food intake, etc. Elimination in the treatment of an allergic cough is a necessity that can accompany a person all his life.
  • Pharmacotherapy. It applies not only medicines, but also folk medicine, such as herbs. With the timely commencement of admission, there is the opportunity to provide a long period of remission, but complete recovery.
  • Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). This is the only method of treatment that aims to eliminate the very cause of the disease, not its consequences, such as rhinitis, etc. With it, you can significantly reduce the number of medications taken. In some cases, even completely get rid of an allergic cough.

Allergic cough: treatment with antihistamines

The first medicines of this group were invented 100 years ago. Histamine itself was synthesized directly in 1907, and H1, H2, H3 and H4 blockers to it in 1937, 1972, 1983 and 2000. respectively. It is from the latter that the final result depends on the intake of tablets from allergies. Scientists who discovered blockers H1 and H2, were awarded the Nobel Prize. The first generation of antihistamines include medicines such as diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil. However, in addition to dealing with allergies, they still have a pronounced sedative and anticholinergic effect. That is, after their admission, the person strongly tended to sleep, and the efficiency of the brain was significantly reduced. These points should be taken into account when choosing medicines, with which to treat an allergic cough.

Now doctors have developed the following criteria for choosing antihistamines:

  • Age of the person.
  • The form of the disease - rhinitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic cough, etc.
  • Efficiency of medicines. Here it is meant that the same means taken by different people may not have the same result.
  • Security. It is necessary to choose a medicine in such a way that it has a minimum of side effects or their presence was not of significant significance.
  • Ease of use. There are pills that need to be drunk only once a day and those that require more frequent admission.
  • The quality of life. This includes nutrition, environmental situation in the place of residence, the presence of frequent stressful situations, conditions in the workplace.
How to recognize which medicine will be most effective in controlling an allergic cough? First you need to decide what reagent it causes. If this is an asthmatic attack, then the aerosol (spray), for example, is best used here. But, in order to stop the manifestation of reflex action at night, it is necessary to use not only an inhaler, but also other means. The best choice will be a nebulizer. This device will deliver the medicine directly to the lungs, soak them with oxygen. Against the background of a conventional inhaler, its effect is several times more effective.

Now antihistamines of the first generation for treatment of an allergic cough doctors try not to appoint. Such medicines include tavegil, suprastin, fenkarol, dimedrol, pipolfen, diazolin. The reason for rejecting them is a significant number of side effects:

  • Dryness in the mouth.
  • Irritation of housing and communal services.
  • Bronchospasm.
  • Nausea.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Difficulty with urination.

However, first-generation drugs, despite all the disadvantages, have a significant advantage over newer means - they can be prescribed to children from 1 to 2 months from birth. At the same time, the child can take medicines of the second generation only from 6 months. These drugs include: cetirizine, desloratadine, loratadine, levocetirizine, ebastin, fexofenadine.

The advantage of the second generation is that only dry mouth is present from side effects. Very rarely after taking a headache or nervousness. Sedation is noted only when taking cetirizine and fexofenadine. If you drink this group, this will not affect your ability to work.

Allergic cough: treatment with folk remedies

Than to remove an allergic cough if at hand there are no medicines or simply there is no opportunity to get them? A vivid example of such a situation is a dry reflex act at night, which can end with attacks of suffocation. For the first time hay fever was recorded as a separate disease in the XVIII century. We know it as allergic rhinitis, that is, acute reaction to dust, pollen of plants, six domestic animals (cats, dogs, etc.).

Of course, in addition to the expensive means of traditional medicine, there are also those that our ancestors took - the broths of herbal remedies. It is necessary to allocate the following medicinal plants, the drink of which will help cure an allergic cough:

  • Chamomile.
  • Licorice is bare.
  • The sequence.
  • Yarrow.
  • Peppermint.
  • Nettles is deaf.
  • Young shoots of red viburnum.
  • Powder from duckweed is small.

There are other plants that are often used in the treatment of an allergic cough. It should be noted that their use has a large number of contraindications. For example, a powder made from peel root peel cultural. Yes, it will help to get rid of allergic rhinitis, cough. However, do not forget that he himself can cause a strong allergic reaction in the form of itching and redness, swelling.

Despite the huge variety of drugs, you need to choose the means that will help get rid of the manifestations of al

The cough is very cautious. Ideal option is of course, if a person suffering from this ailment, go to the doctor and undergo a complete examination and allergy medications will be prescribed by a specialist.

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